tv Morning Joe MSNBC July 22, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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administration will be to liberate our citizens from the crime and terrorism and lawlessness that threatens our communities. in this race for the white house, i am the law and order candidate. nobody knows the system better than me. which is why i alone can fix it. >> and good morning. it's friday, july 22nd. we have a little bit of a debate here at frlannery's, mike barnicle. >> new york. >> you're getting jeered at. >> she knows -- >> we're once more live from cleveland, which cleary is on my
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side, as the republican national convention came to an end last night, along with joe, willie, and me, we have mike barnicle. managing editor of bloomberg politics and co-host of with all due respect, mark halperin. and msnbc political analyst and former chairman of the republican national committee, michael steele joins us. >> you know, willie, going through these conventions, it's so nice that the chants have changed a little bit. you know, we have "where's the truck." four years ago when mike spoke, they were saying what the -- what the heck, what the heck. so to go from that to what the heck is very positive. >> stop. >> let's talk about the speech last night. and mark halperin, i may be standing alone here. i think donald trump did what donald trump was supposed to do.
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i don't know if they expected sunshine and flowers. a dark speech. we have been saying for two months now with everybody's low approval ratings that you're not going to win the presidency. you're going to disqualify the other candidate. we have been saying it for months now. everybody acting so shocked that conventions are sometimes negative. remember, poor george? he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. they are always personal. >> it was a center right indictment of the current conditions in the country, an insistence he's the one who can change things. that's his winning message. it was a matter of sort of craftsmanship. it was a decently written speech. he delivered it well. he showed a range of knowing when to pause. >> facial expressions. >> he handled a heckler in a way he's never done before. i thought both in the room and on television, he executed what he wanted to do. again, an indictment of the status quo. i expected there to be more
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humor in it and a little more personality. he showed one little bit there where he made that face. i think overall, he may have executed the wrong thing, but he executed what he and his campaign wanted to execute. >> he certainly executed the wrong thing for the media elites that were watching last night, and everybody said, oh, a dark speech. listen. it's not the speech i would have given. it's not the speech any of us would have given. it just may be the speech that millions and millions of people in middle america have been waiting to hear for a very long time. mike barnicle, you have been talking about how people are scared, for years. they're scared because their 401(k) is disappearing. they're scared because they can't get their kids in school. they're scared because they're not doing as well as their parents did. you have been talking about this week how he's delivered a message for an america that is not that scared. i don't think we're scared because economically, we're okay. but you know a lot of people in middle america are scared. doesn't that message play to
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them? >> well, he played to type last night. there are really no surprises in what he said, nor where there any surprises really in how he said it. that's how he has won thus far. clearly, that's his plan to win in the fall. the fear thing, i think, is tough to handle. it's tough to read. there's a lot of anxiety in the country. people feel they have lost a lot. they have lost 401(k)s here in cleveland. they were decimated in 2008 and 2009. the foreclosure crisis, no doubt about that. you want to feel a little hope for your children. that's where the fear thing comes into play. i can't read it. i mean, fear -- you can't cover the country in a blanket of fear. we all woke up today and came here. a lot of people in the country wake up today and they'll go to work. do they go to work filled with fear? i don't think so. >> i will tell you this. you look at the polls and ari
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fleischer, we just showed a tweet of him. 7 of 10 americans think we're on the wrong track. >> donald trump painted the picture of an almost dystopian mad max america. where there's shootouts in the streets, terrorism in the stores, where the schools have all gone to hell. i'm not sure everyone in the country recognizes that america exactly, but i also don't think anyone should be surprised by donald trump's speech last night. these are the things he has been saying now for almost a year and a half out on the campaign trail. anyone who thought he was going to give a reagan esque sitting on a hill speech, that would be more surprising than what we saw last night. >> i think a lot of people feel that way. certainly, the conversations we had on this show over the past two years have been talking about the decline of america, the decline of our infrastructure. so you know, i think he was actually going there on a number of levels. >> you talk about where the truly disadvantaged live.
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that is their reality every day. >> there's a real lack of optimism. >> that's the important piece right there. for me, in reading the speech, it reads dystopian and dark, and i had to look that word up, by the way. >> a really good word. >> yeah. but the way he delivered it was almost as if he took that darkness and he attached feeling to it. there was emotiegtion to it. that's why what you're saying, there's going to be this connection. yeah, people are going to get up, and many will go to work. but people know people who aren't going to go to work. or they went to work with a full-time job and now it's a part-time job. this speech in many respects tried to get the emotion out there, the 69% who feel this is not in the right place. they feel this is not on the right track. >> donald trump pledged to reposition america's standing in the world, fighting for what he dubbed the forgotten men and women of our country. >> americans watching this
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address tonight have seen the recent images of violence in our streets and the chaos in our communities. many have witnessed this violence personally. some have even been its victims. i have a message for all of you that crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon, and i mean very soon, come to an end. beginning on january 20th of 2017, safety will be restored. it is finally time for a straightforward assessment of the state of our nation. i will present the facts plainly and honestly. we cannot afford to be so politically correct anymore.
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americanism, not globalism, will be our credo as long as we are led by politicians who will not put america first, then we can be assured that other nations will not treat america with respect, the respect that we deserve. the irresponsible rhetoric of our president, who has used the pulpit of the presidency to divide us by race and color, has made america a more dangerous environment than frankly i have ever seen and anybody in this room has ever watched or seen. every day, i wake up determined
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to deliver a better life for the people all across this nation that have been ignored, neglected, and abandoned. i have visited the laid off factory workers and the communities crushed by our horrible and unfair trade deals. these are the forgotten men and women of our country. and they are forgotten, but they're not going to be forgotten long. these are people who work hard but no longer have a voice. i am your voice. >> a strong, strong portion of the speech. again, a strong portion of the speech that elites in the media, that elites in washington, d.c., and elites in think tanks aren't going to line up with. you know what. you never hear that type of
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speech, especially on trade, unless it's a union leader speaking the second afternoon on a democratic convention stage. you don't hear that from nominees these days. you had a republican nominee last night going after nafta. you had a republican nominee talking about horrible trade deals, how it's gutting working-class americans. i don't know if it wins in the end, when al gore went populist, that hurt him, supposedly, in 2000. i'm going to say, in 2016, i think that connects, and with a lot of voters in ohio, in pennsylvania, and in other states. >> i don't think that speech on its own revolutionizes the race, but it sets a template down for the way he can talk. my guess is, no clinton person said this to me, but they look at a lot of the lines and they're put on the defensive, if he keeps the message up. he's saying things that put her in a position where she's going to have to respond to him rather
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than go after him. they need to come up with a template for him saying going forward, this is my message. i'm going to change things. i'm with you, she is not. that is the original reason he ran. >> yeah, another speech last night, willie, ivanka trump. by all accounts, she just hit it out of the park. >> yeah, i think it's fair to say the trump kids were 4 for 4. she was fantastic. and she went places and talked about things, again, that we're not used to hearing about at a republican convention. the speech she made about equal pay, about women's rights, about maternity leave, all those things, are speeches you probably could have heard next week at the democratic convention last night. these kids reflect well on donald trump. they told some humanizing stories over the course of the week that probably will help him. and i thought she was excellent. >> she made it clear she was going to be by his side on the issues pertaining to women and pay, and that got a huge applause. i thought she was -- she said she was extremely nervous,
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terrified, but did quite well. she always rises to the occasion. >> she did great. let's listen to a clip. >> my father values talent. he recognizes real knowledge and skill when he finds it. he is color blind and gender neutral. he hieres the best person for te job, period. words and promises, no matter how visionary they sound, will only get you so far. at my father's company, there are more female than male executives. women are paid equally for the work that we do, and when a woman becomes a mother, she is supported, not shut out. as president, my father will change the labor laws that were put in place at a time when women were not a significant portion of the workforce, and he will focus on making quality
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child care affordable and accessible for all. >> another point that got big applause is when she was talking about the different work sites of different buildings that donald trump has built and how they're melting pots really, and all different types of people working together, and how they always sort of commit themselves to excellence, and when it's not there, it's very clear the project goes downhill. it's not the way trump does business is the way she put it out there. they loved it. >> again, willie, a message that we said you wouldn't expect at a republican convention. >> yeah, and no question about it. i think something else she said and then donald trump echoed later that helps his populist credentials was talking ability how he's more comfortable hanging out with the electricians and the plumbers and the guys on the site. he doesn't hang out in the hamptons with the fancy people. he came from queens. he had a chip on his shoulder since he got to manhattan. having his daughter say that
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helped his populist credentials. >> that part of it for me, the family, the kids in particular. really sort of set that tone, that was the piece that has been missing up until now. the other side of donald trump. we know the guy who says pretty much whatever he wants. >> the you're fired guy. >> putting context to his life was very well done, especially by donald jr. and ivanka. very clear. >> absolutely. >> also another -- there was also another very interesting part of the night when donald trump brought on, i guess, the first openly gay speaker in primetime since 2000, i guess it was. >> ceo of paypal. >> mika, you commented. you thought that was very moving, very interesting moment. >> the platform is the platform, but that moment was really quite remarkable. >> and by the way, if anybody thinks that donald trump is going to be looking at the platform when he goes into day
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one of governor if he gets elected, they not only don't know donald trump. they don't know any presidential candidate. >> this is the ceo of paypal, and just look at this moment. >> we are told that the great debate is about who gets to use which bathroom. this is a distraction from our real problems. who cares? of course, every american has a unique identity. i am proud to be gay. i am proud to be a republican. but most of all, i am proud to be an american. >> so he goes on to say, let's not let the sort of fringe social issues get in the way of our message. but when he said that, the camera panned to the room. and the room was with him. really good to see. >> you don't want to overstate anything, but i think culturally, i think that was a
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significant landmark for this country, culturally, and the party that has been seen as the most reactionary. to the right of many, many americans and many different groups, responded that way to peter's declaration. >> in the history of the republican party and gay rights, last night was one of the biggest days ever. not just what peter thiel said, but donald trump twice made reference to the lgbt community. thanked the audience for cheering when he talked about it. this is a party that has seen a huge sea change behind the country at large, but a huge sea change with a lot of prominent republican strategists, some office holders, including rob port nn, the senator from this state, saying we need to move to a more open view on gay rights. >> might have just moved it. >> i was impressed. i was don on the floor at that moment.
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when mr. theil went there -- >> he went there. >> the room in the past, mark and i were talking about this before. the last convent in '12, that party would have been "say what?" kind of moment. >> and some booing. >> last night, this room carried peter thiel. >> he looked a little like, okay. >> and when donald trump came back and sort of doubled down on the point, not once but twice, and that moment for me was very important, was when he looked at the cameras and said thank you for applauding that. >> wasn't there some definition of irony in his appearance last night on a day when the nba took the all-star game from charlotte because of the republican governor's approach to this issue in charlotte and because of the past history of fighting culture wars in political campaigns. largely by the republican party. >> like mark said, a significant turning point that you have a nominee who not only goes to the stage and makes the remarks he
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did, but more importantly, brings forward and puts before the nation a gay republican and says in primetime, i'm with him. and the room went, okay, us too. i think that was important. >> you know, it really speaks actually to donald trump's world view that he hasn't really shown during the primary campaign. social conservatives -- >> doesn't care. doesn't bother him. >> he just doesn't care about it. and knowing for over a decade, social conservatives, if trump is elected, duck because he's not on your side on these issues. it's not like this is the first time we have been saying that. he does not care. he has a more open view that certainly is more in line at least with millennial voters, and with an awful lot of voters. so that wasn't a real surprise to any of us that know donald. it may be a surprise, though, to jerry falwell jr.'s that go out
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and say there was a certain disconnect between his speech and other speeches and what we heard the later we got into the evening. >> we have so much ground to cover. still ahead on "morning joe," how trump reacted to the audience chanting lock her up about hillary clinton and how the clinton camp responded to the speech as a whole. we'll bring in political director chuck todd, katy tur covering the trump campaign, republican strategist mike murphy who led jeb bush's mission to stop trump. last night was a reality. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. >> i will do everything in my power to protect our lgbtq citizens from the violence and oppression of the hateful foreign ideology. believe me.
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>> and i have to say, as a republican, it is so nice to hear you cheering for what i just said. thank you. ♪ i'm going to make this as simple as possible for you. you can go ahead and stick with that complicated credit card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. or... you can get the quicksilver card from capital one. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on ev-e-ry purchase, ev-e-ry-where. i shouldn't have to ask. what's in your wallet?
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let's defeat her in november. >> all right. donald trump devoted much of his speech to attacking hillary clinton and her foreign policy record as secretary of state. >> but i thought that was interesting. there were two moments where donald trump went off script. people were concerned when he went off script it might actually -- >> turn up something bad. >> turn up something. that was one time when the chant that obviously you were uncomfortable with. >> very disturbed by it. >> he came out and basically said, no, hey, let's just beat her in november. >> i was hoping he would do that. good opportunity. >> also, i think the way he handled the protester, also. >> mm-hmm. absolutely. clinton campaign chairman john podesta responded, saying in part, donald trump painted a dark picture in a america in decline. in his answer, more division, more fear, more anger, more
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hate, was yet another remind er he is temperamentally unfit and totally unqualified to be president of the united states. >> can i stop there? that's what they have to do, mike barnicle, is prove that donald trump is temperamentally unfit to be president of the united states. obviously, there are many americans, especially people in the media, who aren't going to like donald trump's speech, but temperamentally last night, for the millions of americans who tuned in for the first time to this political campaign, did donald trump come across as temperamentally fit or unfit? >> no, i think he came across as, you know, a strong -- he played the part that he's been playing all spring. he weaponized it a little. he was, you know, much angrier, and much more consistently angrier, but podesta's statement, they can't do that and win. >> no. >> the question is, are we as a
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country, as people, going to be able to live through this campaign, 90 days of back and forth, without some sense of hope about what this country is? i get donald trump's speech last night. i fully get it, but there's a part of that speech and a tone of that speech, he wasn't talking about the country that i live in. he just wasn't. i don't know a lot of people who wake up every day so afraid, so afraid of everything that, you know, oh, should we go outdoors today? because there's crime all around, and we are weaklings in the world, in the global picture. we are not weaklings in the world. we just are not. >> but i think -- i think that the clinton campaign needs to be very careful, and i think they made this mistake once before and then gut checked it months and months and months ago where they gloss over america's problems. we do have a declining
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infrastructure. we do have stagnant wages. we do have a middle class that feels like it's been left behind. we do have the very people that bernie sanders and elizabeth warren appeal to to the point where 10,000 people show up that hillary clinton couldn't get. they have got to address that. >> that's right. donald trump has to address it, hillary clinton has to address it. anybody here with children, anybody here with grandchildren. where are we going? where do you want to take us? >> i think that most people here with children and grandchildren are concerned. 70% of americans think we're going in the wrong direction. congress has an extraordinarily low approval rating. most institutions have an extraordinarily low approval rating. and when it comes to foreign policy, there are a lot of americans who believe that not only the eight years of barack obama but the eight years of george w. bush before that were disastrous, that we have suffered through 16 years of disastrous foreign policy that has put america on the run
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across the globe. >> look, he talked about the economy, but he didn't say he would be the jobs president. he said he would be the law and order president. i think you're right, mike, when he is talking about jobs. maybe people aren't sort of as daily filled with anxiety, but just in the last few months, the killings we have seen, people, beheadings by isis, people shooting people in the united states, police being shot, i think that sense of a world out of control is not something -- people with kids and grandkids feel that and feel that in an urgent way he was trying to address. >> michael steele, somebody last night mocked reporters that were -- and it was actually, i think it was a mainstream reporter. certainly wasn't anybody from a conservative outlet, who said you're shocked that donald trump is presenting a dark vision of america? when it's really practically ripped straight from the headlines that we have been g e
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giving to the american people for the past year, whether it's paris, whether it's brussels, whether it's san bernardino, whether it's orlando, whether it's dallas, whether it's baton rouge, i could go on and on and on. there is almost -- i was going to say a weekly, but this past week or two, there's been a daily act of violence that has shocked america. >> absolutely. the question is where is that utopian headline. where is that utopian outlook. where is the sense in the face of everything joe just said from our media and from our politicians that, yeah, okay, this is a tough spot we're in, but we're about to move forward? no one is talking like that. donald trump has really kind of put it and synthesized it emotionally, politically, and societally. i get what you're saying, maybe at the end of the speech or near the end, he does get the utopian
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picture, speak to the future, but americans aren't feeling that. >> i have to underline that again, mike. again, that speech is not for us. that is not the speech that any of us would have delivered. because that is not the life that any of us know. but get out of our small circles and that is the life that millions of americans struggle with every day. >> i get all of that, but i'm telling you, my instinct is that these things, not the beheadings, but crime, people getting killed. it's been going on for decades. right in front of us. but we have never had twitter. we have never had instagram. we have never had things popping up in a second. and we have never had a country where the majority of people walking around, staring at their phones instead of looking at the country around them. >> mike, you have just explained the reality that donald trump was talking to. >> i get it. >> he's tapping into. >> when walter cronkite, when
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you had three anchors talking, and you had to cover news all across the globe, you might not cover a police shooting in baton rouge or a beheading in syria. these days, it's the viral video from north miami of the social worker holding his hand up and getting shot through the leg that everybody is looking at, that's become our reality. marshall mclewin talking about the global village we live in. we never really lived in the global village as instantaneous as this, and that is stoking fear. donald trump does not create that perception among americans. he rides that wave. >> you're right. and that's why we are without doubt involved in the first political campaign for the presidency where anger might be the prevalent motivation rather than optimism. >> and you know who that speech was for last night? the people who watch his shows, the people who know donald
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trump. that's millions and millions of people. he's tapped into them. he knows what they like. he knows what they want. he knows how they feel. that's why he is where he is right now. >> the people who watch shows like the apprentice, not people like us who watch shows like "mad men" "the americans" and "game of thrones." >> anyway, you know what i'm saying. >> yes. >> it's a different -- it is where most americans are. >> that's not luck on his part. >> i just have to say, ronald reagan did the same thing. he got elected because for six, seven years, he was on ge theater, over 22 million americans would watch him every week. and by the time ronald reagan ran for governor of california, he wasn't a reality tv show star, but he was a tv show star, and that's where americans knew him. >> it's a personality campaign for donald trump. you saw it again last night. people who said where are the
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solutions? first of all, show me a nominating speech where they give deep, detailed policy analysis, but his solution, the hope you're talking about, is himself. i am your voice. i will tiake care of you. >> we're going to dig into some of today's must-read opinion pages. "morning joe" live from cleveland is coming right back. mary buys a little lamb. one of millions of orders on this company's servers. accessible by thousands of suppliers and employees globally. but with cyber threats on the rise, mary's data could be under attack. with the help of at&t, and security that senses and mitigates cyber threats, their critical data is safer than ever. giving them the agility to be open & secure. because no one knows & like at&t.
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i'm glad you're praying for ted cruz. i'm not. i have got to be honest with you. i'm praying for the people in texas who have to put up with that guy. we irish guys carry brgrudges. >> wow. still to come, the ted cruz story. that was incredible. >> walking around the floor yesterday, talking to members -- >> careful. >> talking to delegates, talking to people, members of the texas delegation, talking to members of the texas house delegation, i was stunned. a unanimous hatred for ted cruz yesterday. you can say, hey, very courageous thing for you to do. i guess you could also say it's courageous to walk off a cliff
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without a parachute. that appears to be -- i mean -- >> a uniter, not a divider. he's united the republican party -- against him. >> still to come, we'll talk more about this. we have some sound bites to show you that we missed part of this. it got very personal with him. >> at the texas telligation. >> yes. >> also, hallie jackson, who went one-on-one with the second-place finisher, tracking him down at the cleveland airport. now he's -- how he's framing his nonendorsement of the republican nominee. we'll be back with much more "morning joe." i'm not a discover customer but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. (to dog)give it to me. give it. oh, sure! we give it to everyone for free. oh, well that's nice. (to dog) go get it! you can go get it yourself online and see your fico credit score right there. great! (to dog) that's a good boy. thanks? oh, and you can even see how your current card compares to others out there. wow. convenient.
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i have an orc-o-gram we for an "owen."e. that's me. ♪ you should hire stacy drew. ♪ ♪ she wants to change the world with you. ♪ ♪ she can program jet engines to talk and such. ♪ ♪ her biggest weakness is she cares too much. ♪ thank you. my friend really wants a job at ge. mine too. ♪ i'm a wise elf from a far off shire. ♪ and sanjay patel is who you should hire. ♪ thank you. seriously though, stacy went to a great school and she's really loyal. you should give her a shot. sanjay's a team player and uh... i'm not going to get into criticizing or attacking donald trump. i'm not in the habit of supporting people who attack my
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wife and attack my father. and that pledge was not a blanket commitment that if you go and slander and attack heidi, that i'm going to nonetheless come like a servile puppy dog and say thank you very much for maligning my wife and maligning my father. >> okay, then. that was senator ted cruz yesterday, fielding some tough questions from the texas delegation, which all played out on live television. joining us here in cleveland, nbc news kraunlt hallie jackson. no love lost between cruz and boehner, by the way. none at all. yesterday, a spokesman tweeted the former house speaker's quote was, lucifer is back. >> he had nothing to add, any follow-up. no, that's it.
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>> what is he doing? what is he doing? >> i was saying before, i was really -- i expected a few cruz holdouts on the convention floor last night. there were none. he had no defenders anywhere there. people in the texas delegation, members of congress from texas, they were embittered by his showboating and coming to the convention and not endorsing. >> one of the things about the breakfast yesterday that i found really remarkable, even the people who did support senator cruz, who supported him in the primaries, who still like him as a politician, understood, a lot of them, that they were now backing donald trump, he was the nominee. you had that sense. even from those who stood up and defended cruz, because you have this vocal minority who is pushing him hard. who are you going to vote for? basically, the message is get over it. yes, it's personal. we're watching the sound bite about his family. i think it's really still raw for ted cruz that donald trump went after his wife, went after the father with that conspiracy
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theory. i haven't seen him that angry since indiana's primary. it's still really emotional for him. we heard from a bunch of delegates, this isn't personal. this is politics. you have to get behind the nominee. we wanted to follow up with senator cruz about this. we headed to the airport on his way out. here's a little bit of that exchange. some of your own party are blaming you and that speech last night for sewing more division in the gop. is it your fault with that speech? >> discussing what we should stand for, we should stand for freedom and defend the constitution, is a message of unity, and as i said last night very explicitly, the way to unify the party is not to scream and yell and hurl insults. the way to unify the party is to stand behind shared principles and shared values. >> so he's saying he did give this message of unity. he'll point out he did congratulate donald trump. he didn't actually say anything negative about donald trump. there's still question marks
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about is this his first campaign speech of 2020. >> does he get that he was booed off the stage? >> i said, did you expect that reaction? did you think that was going to happen? what went through your mind when you were booed? he sort of redirected the question, as some of these folks want to do. >> i picked up some of the same reaction you did on the floor last night. people up said with ted cruz. people said he stood on principle, good for him, but the majority of them were upset with him. what they said was i get that you would not want to endorse donald trump. i understand the personal thing that came back yesterday about his wife and his father. but just don't show up at the convention and make a speech on the night the vice president is making his speech. that's their point. >> if you're that offended by what donald trump said about your wife and your father, and everybody would understand that, don't come to donald trump's coronation. if you don't like the queen, don't go to the queen's coronation. it's just -- it's -- it's --
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>> one of the things i found interesting was at the breakfast, it was almost a throw-away line, and by the way, nobody from the campaign or donald trump has ever apologized for the remarks. if they do apologize, is that going to get you a step closer to the endorsement? >> see, it doesn't matter. if he's saying it's all about defending the constitution, which he told you, and is the self-righteous stand he takes, then it's not personal. it's about the constitution. >> the problem for him in terms of his political future is political elites in the republican party all feel the same way, which we have described. you can't do that. it's going to hurt him. that's the thing real people get. you don't go to someone else's party and do something like that. it's just rude. >> right now, let's make no mistake. >> it's the punch bowl thing. >> it is the punch bowl thing. >> that's especially rude. >> if you could, stay away from the punch bowl, ted. you know, michael, there are obviously, though, there are people that have been praising him. obviously, the national review,
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who has really been the intellectual driving force along with bill kristol behind the never trump faction of the republican party. they certainly are praising him. other people are praising him. but when you have a republican party that was, what, 85% united behind donald trump, it will probably be 90% united behind donald trump after this week and next week. he's microtargeting in a way that does not allow him to win a republican nomination four years from now. he's offended the overwhelming majority, and whatever editorials he gets in the "national review" or the weekly standard or from bill or rich, doesn't help him in 2020. >> it doesn't, and they don't translate with the base of the party. the reality for ted cruz in that moment for me was summed up by a ted cruz supporter that i talked to afterwards who said, guess now i understand why they don't like him in washington. and that says a lot, because in
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that moment, when you could be the bigger man after the first part of that speech that he gave, which was a clarion call to 2020, for sure, yeah, he's probably anticipating a loss this fall, so he needs to lay down the marker. you then don't even make the pivot to put yourself saying, i'm with this guy, even though he's going to lose. people would have gotten that in many respects. to so boldly and in donald trump's face push back the way he did, that's the kind of reaction -- >> what i heard over and over was a lot like that, from members of congress who said, well, now everybody else knows why we hate him so much. >> yikes. >> it was very harsh language. >> you talk to a lot of people yesterday. >> talked to a lot of members of congress who -- who basically said the world got to see what we have been dealing with for three years. >> right, the night of the
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speech. >> go ahead. what's that? >> can i retell washington's favorite cruz joke. why did members of congress take an instant dislike of ted cruz? >> why? >> in order to save time. >> coming up on "morning joe" -- >> at this moment, i would like to thank the evangelical and religious community because i'll tell you what. the support that they have given me, and i'm not sure i totally deserve it. has been so amazing. and has such a big reason for me being here tonight. pwe're going to talk to david brody from the christian broadcast network. what he makes of donald trump's admission he didn't completely deserve the vote of the religious right. we'll be right back with much more "morning joe."
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>> i don't get angry often. but you mess with my wife, you mess with my kids. that will do it every time. donald, you're a sniveling coward. leave heidi alone. >> will you support him as the nominee? >> i'm going to beat him for the nomination. he's not -- i'm answering the question. before taking his team to state for the first time... gilman: go get it, marcus. go get it. gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. at places like the batting cages. ♪ [ crowd cheers ] 2% back at grocery stores and now at wholesale clubs. and 3% back on gas. which helped him give his players something extra. the cash rewards credit card from bank of america. more cash back for the things you buy most. the cash rewards credit card from bank of america. hello welcome to holiday inn. running our own business, we've been traveling a lot. a hotel looking to help small businesses succeed
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mike pence officially became the republican nominee for vice president. trump decided to greet him with a kiss to celebrate. >> donald trump coming out on the stage. this, his third appearance. >> i think the kiss between trump and pence only appeared a little off because it wasn't set to the right music. we fixed it up a little bit. i think it would have worked a lot better if it went like this. ♪ now i had the time of my life ♪ ♪ and i owe it all to you ♪ i had the time of my life >> so funny. >> you know, the funniest part of that, mike pence. >> i love it. and how comfortable donald trump was. >> just having fun. >> he would rather do that than
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actually have contact. coming up at the top of the hour, much more on donald trump's big speech last night, accepting the republican nomination for president. where is the truck? the longest convention speech of a presidential nominee since at least 1972. the "washington post" robert costa, former adviser to george wme w. bush, mark mckinnon, and sham stein, plus more of ivanka trump's showstopping speech. more of "morning joe." >> when my father says that he will build a tower, keep an eye on the skyline, floor by floor, a soaring structure will appear, usually record-setting in its hietd and iconic in its design, real people are hired to do real work. vision becomes reality. when my father says that he will make america great again, he will deliver.
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people with the truth and nothing else. >> welcome back to "morning joe." it's the morning after the final day of the republican convention, and with us on set here in cleveland, senior political editor and white house correspondent for the "huffington post," sam stein. >> why did we do that? >> what are you doing here, sam? >> you invited me. just told to show up. >> we didn't really mean it. >> oh. >> that was like one of those -- >> alex, what you doing? former adviser to former president george w. bush and executive producer of the circus on showtime. >> we meant for him to be here. >> mark mckinnon is supposed to be here. political reporter for the "washington post" and msnbc analyst robert costa joins us as well. good to have you all, including sam. >> so, the speech last noiltigh. >> yeah, the speech last night was not for everybody in the media. >> not for us. >> a dark vision of america.
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it was a dark and stormy night in donald trump's america. it really was -- >> for the people who actually are having a hard time in the country. >> for the people who are struggling, who are trying to vote for somebody that actually is going to make a difference in their life. and for the americans who turn on their tvs and look at their iphones every day and see more horrid images. mike barnicle was trying to talk about the difference between what people saw on their iphones and what was really happening out there, that they see all of these random acts of violence and hatred, and that's not the reality. well, he sounds like richard nixon during vietnam saying, wait a second, but the tet offensive, we won it militarily. what did henry kissinger say. perception is reality. perception is reality. >> i saw research coming in from people who watched the speech.
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75% of the people who watched the speech thought it was a positive speech. they thought he was tapping into a reality and providing a solution. >> it is a reality to an extent for certain. >> i want to underline this for people who are at home watching this, and we certainly have a lot of people who run washington and run the media watching this show. we have said this in the last hour. this isn't the speech i would have given. this isn't the speech you would have wanted to give or any of us would have wanted to give. it just may, though, robert costa, be the speech that america wanted to hear right now. and that is at the end of the day the genius of donald trump. >> think you nailed it just there. as a former congressman, someone who worked for a u.s. president, you at some point have been part of the political class. what was so striking about this speech it was a pure outsider espousing populism, outside of the political class, almost non-idealogical in the way it
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confronted things that are happening in this country. that strikes some republicans strange to happen at a republican convention. this wasn't making a gop argument, but it was making an argument for change. >> it was pat buchanan's 1992 speech, willie geist, without jesus. somebody commented on that yesterday. it was the '92 speech, without jesus. >> funny you say that. i went back last night and watched a little bit of that culture war speech, and forget the content, it was delivered so well in that room on pat buchanan's part. whether you agree with what donald trump was saying, whether you liked it last night, you can't be surprised. all the people who are waking up and saying oh, my gosh, i can't believe all the dark things donald trump said. this has been the thrust of his campaign for over a year now. which is america is going to hell in a hand basket, and i personally, which he said again last night, can stop that from happening. i can reverse the downward trend in our country. there are people who don't think there's a downward trend.
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violent crime has gone down to historic lows in the last 20 years. trump paints a picture of what he believes america looks like and says i'm the solution to that problem. >> if you want to know how people in middle america, conservatives in middle america, republicans in middle america feel, go back to the 1992 speech. the pat buchanan speech. i remember watching it at home. >> yeah. >> and we had a couple guests who were actually from london. and they were sitting there horrified, going, oh, my god. i'm sitting on the couch laughing. not that i agree with everything that buchanan is saying, but it's sort of a stick it to 'em, pat. stick it to 'em. that was two years before i got into congress. i was just glad, not that i agreed with everything that pat said, but that somebody was going out there and raising hell. >> so sam stein, the speech last night was not for you. >> what does that mean? >> definitely not written for you. >> clearly not. >> narrow shoulders, millennial
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with four fantasy football -- no, it's a joke. >> still lives at home. just kidding. sam, i guess my bigger point -- >> tell your mom i was just joking. i'm scared of her. >> geez. she's tough. >> it's for millions of americans who know exactly who they think donald trump is. they think trump's success, they have watched him on tv. they have heard about him, read about him over time. they wear t-shirts, they wear hats. they love him. and they think "the apprentice" they don't think that's a joke. they don't look at him as a joke. >> i mean, like willie said, you must not have watched trump before if you were surprised by this speech. it was a lot of his old campaign speeches, at least as i saw it, put together in a theme of, i am alone in my abilities to fix this. but we can't ignore certain
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realities here. right? i mean, crime statistics show that everything he said is just not true. we're at historic lows. it's worth pointing that out. also -- >> you know, willie already has, but if that -- go ahead. >> while it might be valid to say buchanan '92, we have to look at the context. we're a very different country now than then. demographically, the hispanic population alone is vastly larger. i couldn't help but know in this convention, two of the most, you know, memorable images, one, the most prominent hispanic speaker of the entire convention was booed, and two, during a primetime speech, there was a chant of "build that wall." and i don't know if i'm a national republican leader at the juncture, whether those are the two images i want. >> you also said you thought it was a cultural landmark when peter thiel stood up, said he was a gay republican, and they all stood up. >> and one of the things --
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whether it's -- i don't know how significant this would be over time, but when donald trump put in a line about lgbtq members in the context of protecting them from isis, not granting them marriage right, and then told the crowd thank you for cheering that, that was really moving, and important. and i think the line that i really like the best in the speech is when he was talking about the evangelical community. he said to them, you know, i probably or maybe i didn't deserve your support. it was a little bit of humility. >> that was the most humility i think we have ever seen. >> an incredible line from trump. >> let's take a look. i know. it was very revealing because everyone wants to see a little vulnerability from him. let's take a look at donald trump last night accepting the republican nomination. >> it is finally time for a straightforward assessment of the state of our nation. i will present the facts plainly
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and honestly. we cannot afford to be so politically correct anymore. the first task for our new administration will be to liberate our citizens from the crime and terrorism and lawlessness that threatens our communities. i have a message to every last person threatening the peace on our streets. and the safety of our police. when i take the oath of office next year, i will restore law and order to our country. believe me. believe me. big business, elite media, and major donors are lining up behind the campaign of my
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opponent because they know she will keep our rigged system in place. they are throwing money at her because they have total control over every single thing she does. she is their puppet, and they pull the strings. that is why hillary clinton's message is that things will never change. never ever. my message is that things have to change, and they have to change right now. i have joined the political arena so that the powerful can no longer beat up on people who cannot defend themselves.
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nobody knows the system better than me. i am your voice. so to every parent who dreams for their child and every child who dreams for their future, i say these words to you tonight. i am with you. i will fight for you. and i will win for you. >> so that's donald trump last night. and i'll tell you where i think we are, whether it's the media or -- and i'm going to tell a long story. >> no, please don't. >> that's going to make you uncomfortable. >> please don't. >> i'll shorten it up. >> oh, god. it never happens.
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>> it's like a small boat. sometimes i take it out in pensacola bay. one day, i got out in the middle of the bay, beautiful day. and this massive just cloud, fog cloud came in. and i found myself in this really small boat, where barges went through, and i'm in the boat and i couldn't see like two feet in front of me. it was very frightening. that's where we really are. as media types, political types. we have -- and i have never felt this way my entire life. we knew trump was going to win the primary, we just did. but right now, there's a huge cloud bank. nobody can predict what's going to happen because hillary has such high negatives, trump has such high negatives. and you take that speech last night. >> people liked it. >> i'm sitting there and thinking, okay, this does sound a lot more negative than anything i would say, but it speaks to certain fears. and for the first time in my life, i'm like, how are people going to respond to this?
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and you just gave me the results of a cnn poll, it's pretty extraordinary. >> vast majority, 50% feel strongly it was a puzati ativpo speech. you add that to people who thought it was somewhat favorably, and that's 75%. >> 75% of americans polled by cnn who watched the speech had a positive reaction to this speech. >> and thought it was positive. >> only 24% had a negative reaction. bob costa, one of these days, one of these bright, sunny, sunshine days, media elites, political elites, all of us will stop waking up thinking that we know better than the american people on how to respond to donald trump. we get it wrong most of the time. >> i don't think it's really elites versus grass roots. we're almost in this fog of convention, that for the next few months, we're going to be having the same conversation almost every day, that by every
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conventional metric donald trump is on pace to lose the election. he's not spending enough money on traditional advertising. he doesn't have the organization with the party. he isn't having a coherent message, but if this election is really about change and wholesale change in washington, and people seem to be willing to forgive his sometimes vulgarity and all the different mistakes he makes because they want the total change, then maybe he has a chance. if it's a conventional election, he's doing everything wrong. >> that's what i read about yesterday in the "washington post," sam stein, that anybody who thinks the chaos of the first three days of the convention is going to hurt donald trump hasn't been following donald trump's campaign. that may be what people like is this guy operating on the sort of political chaos theory. churns things up, keeps it interesting and keeps their eyes glues to the tv. >> chaos might be the objective
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here. trump said all press is good press. he loves having his name in the spotlight. they revel in the idea that if they're the ones being the topic of discussion, that's a good thing in the long run. i thought the whole melania plagiarism thing was worth discussing, but it wasn't what we're going to leave the convention saying that's what it was about. but i will go back to the point i made earlier, which is you do try to expand the coalition. even if you're running as sort of -- i don't want to say nativist, but a protectionist, a populist, and i struggle to find a way trump last night or the four days expanded the coalition. >> peter thiel and ivanka did. >> peter thiel, maybe. ivanka, definitely. if you're a hispanic american, what did you get out of last night's speech, out of the last four days? i honestly don't know. >> willie, that's the question, and that's what i was asking myself.
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certainly, hispanic parents want the same thing that black parents and white parents andationen-american parents want. they want their children to be safe. they want to grow up in a safe country. they want good schools, improving schools. and the question is, how much of this message applies? i mean, you know, it's one thing, mitt romney saying it. mitt romney, a guy who hispanic americans never really knew before he got involved in national politics. donald trump, is he different? is it a completely different situation where this guy that's millions and millions of americans have been watching on tv for all these years. i mean, it's the same question that was asked of ronald reagan. >> if you believe the polling, they don't believe he's their friend. that's as of right now. the nbc polling of last week had them only at 14% of support of latino voters. he did put some nuggets, some outreach in the speech last night. he talked a lot about african
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americans poverty, african-american unemployment. his numbers with african-americans are even worse than with latinos. we'll see. i think he can't win if those numbers don't come up among latinos. as you know, mark, george w. bush did as well with latinos as anybody has in a generation, and it fell off the cliff with mitt romney. >> we had to have 40%, and we didn't win with 40%, and right now, trimp has 17%. >> robert costa, thank you very much. >> still ahead on "morning joe," donald trump's daughter had a powerful performance last night with a strong message why women should support her father. but did his own campaign chair throw a wrench into the message with comments earlier in the day? >> the many women in this country feel they can't afford their lives. their husbands can't afford paying for the family bills. hillary clinton is guilty of being a part of the establishment that created that problem. we're going to hear the message. as they hear the message, that's how we'll appeal to them. >> you know what you just said,
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howard? >> women are concerned about their husband's incomes? >> i can speak personally to that. >> 21st century talking? that's the big concern, how their husband is doing at work? >> because they can't afford their lives anymore. that's the point. >> yeah. all right. we're going to check with nbc's political director chuck todd, and katy tur, who has covered donald trump from the very beginning, to his acceptance speech last night. how are you doing over there? >> i'm a female. >> you are. you are. we'll be right back. she spent summer binge-watching.
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candidate. the day i take the oath of office, the laws of the united states are enforced. i can be your champion in the white house. and i will be your champion. i am your voice. i am with you. i will fight for you. and i will win for you. >> there was an "y" in the world of president. donald trump spoke as the vessel of the american people yesterday. >> willie also tells us i'm the vessel of the american media. >> i am your voice, joe. >> he is, exactly. >> i thought it worked. >> by the way, katy tur is here. did you hear what she said about my kicks here? >> they're big in france. >> like jerry lewis. >> that's nice. that town got some notice, including from senator bernie sanders, who tweeted i alone can fix this.
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is this guy running for president or dictator? okay. twitter says that post got the most response of the night with over 22,000 retweets by this morning. joining us now, nbc news correspondent katy tur who is covering the trump campaign. also with us from new york, political director, moderator of "meet the press," and host of mtp dady, chuck todd. >> what are you doing in new york? >> no. >> hey! >> yeah. what's going on? >> there's no commercial flights in the middle of the night. >> no. >> got to be in his studio. >> big shot. >> drove the whole way. >> all right. >> so let's talk about the speech. you know, chuck, we have been talking for the first couple hours about, now obviously, the
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media, the political class, everybody is talking about the dark, brooding speech of donald trump. there's a cnn poll out this morning that mark mckinnon brought up. 75% of americans thought it was positive. 24% thought it was negative. once again, it seems donald trump has, i don't know that they have outwitted the media and political class, but certainly, he seemed to know how to direct his message last night. >> look, it was about, don't forget, i think he had room to grow just with republicans. so one thing i would just say on a lot of those who watched the speech, remember, you're going to have a skew in who's watching. the viewership is going to -- for a republican convention is more republican and obviously vice versa for democrats. keep that in mind. but i actually expect trump to get a bump here because he was underperforming among republicans coming into this convention. so if he just, you know, wins over about half of undecided republicans on him, he should get a three to five-point bump
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out of this over the next few days. whether it holds, that's another story. that wouldn't surprise me. i think -- i do think that's going to be a polarizing speech. i think you're going to have some people who sit there and say, that's not my community. that's not where i'm living. but then you're going to have some people who have looked at the last five weeks on television and say, yeah, that's what i feel like i have been living. >> yeah, i don't know about completely polarizing because again, you have to look at the person who's delivering the speech. if ted cruz delivered that speech, that would have been the darkest, most polarizing speech every. you have to understand this is donald trump with a glint in his eye, with a little bit of a smile on his face as times, even humility when he was talking about the evangelical community. and to an extent, this was trump talking in the language that he speaks to the american people. i think we sometimes, katy tur, forget that. >> yeah, i think that his speech was as we have seen, a lot of me, me, me, me. without a lot of solutions. and i think that's worked for
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him up until now. >> a convention speech. >> but we still haven't heard much on how he would do anything. this past 13 months, it's going to be great, i'm going to make it perfect. trust me, believe me. he ad-libbed about ten different believe mes last night. he did. >> his biggest is in the debates, when he's asked. >> in the debate, though, what he's going to be very good at is turning around and going on the offensive against hillary clinton with a one-liner that will get played on the news cycle over and over again. my question is, at what point do the american people look at their television screens and say how are you going to do this? this sounds wonderful, but can you give me a plan on how this is going to get done? how are you going to work with congress. how do you believe you can balance the budget in the way you say you will do? when you're talking about your tax plan, how are you going to reconcile that with the analysts who say you're going to create incredible debt from it.
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>> when you ask people who vote for trump that question -- >> they don't care. >> they say he's going to figure it out. >> with all due respect, mika, you and immediate members of your family didn't care four years ago or eight years ago when you all were running around screaming hope and change. hope and change. what does that mean? and barack obama, remember? he said when i get elected, people will look back on this as the moment when the oceans began to recede. the earth began -- what? what? so donald trump's talking about making streets safer. barack obama is saying he's going to do a moses thing. and you got democrats saying, okay, moses thing is cool, but can he really clean up the streets? so that's what i kept hearing -- >> i wasn't saying it critically. >> i'm just talking about democrats eight years ago were like, oh, he's going to make the oceans recede. >> stop. >> he's going to --
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>> we were not saying that. >> he said that. he literally said that. people will look back on this as the time when the oceans began to recede. it was like moses. and he held his hands up in front of a fake greek columns, and everybody said all hail moses. hope and change. and they sold it like a diet coke. and people bought it. no explanation about how he was going to be jesus. >> that's a lit bit of an overstatement. >> that's not an overstatement. is that an overstatement? >> it has been said and so it will be written. >> such a democratic crowd. but i love cleveland anyway. >> he should be more specific. it's in the public's interest. we should hold him accountable. i don't think in a convention speech, i have been anyone be particularly specific in their acceptance speech, and he did
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highlight a laundry list of things that he's different than hillary clinton that he said he'll focus on. i don't know that we'll get more than that. >> to katy's point, and that was directed at mika, not you, i used to love mark mckinnon watching republican conventions and seeing people, and i'm going to sound really boring. this is when i was a younger man. seeing gene kirkpatrick go out and explain how ronald reagan's foreign policy was going to be different than jimmy carter's foreign policy. i loved seeing al hague go out and talk about our defense structure was going to be different than the other side's defense structure. i loved seeing economists come out, and i would sit there and go, okay, that's why i'm a republican. this has been about personality. this has not been about policy. >> no, that's right. i have three sort of big takeaways from the speech. one is --
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>> talking about the whole convention. not the speech. >> but from a practectioner, guy who used to be on a campaign side. the most important thing of the convention speech is people come away with one clear idea. they have. there's no question or misunderstanding about what the speech was about last night. that's 100%, a-plus, they got it, nailed it. from a speech craft point of view, this was not a peggy noonan speech. it was not a crafted narrative, story arc, but it was a clear and focused heartfelt message. to katy's point, i agree with mark this is not a time for policy. i agree with you on that. however, if you're going to make your whole focus law and order, i would like to see one big commitment to say we're going to take a billion dollars and put 100,000 more cops on the streets, just to back up your primary point. >> here's the problem. he talks about building a wall, he talks about illegal immigration. we have said it on the show for months now. illegal immigration coming into the united states is down. he talks about crime.
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he talks about streets out of control. fbi statistics that paul manafort says ignore, shows crime is down. so what sort of policy are you going to put in there? >> i don't know, but the other part of this, joe, and i was curious what you thought given how you got to congress, which was on a, you know, that '94, folks who wanted to be fiscal conservatives. >> a lot of cash. handing money out. >> i hear you, but he didn't roll out a small government agenda. that was a strong government, arguably big government speech last night. he was talking about all sorts of ways where the federal government would be stronger and he himself would be the guy to obviously do it on some of these things. but he also was making some proposals that are very expensive. and there was no, there wasn't even a hint to mark mckinnon's
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point, pretend, and we'll pay for it by doing x, taxing wall street or something. he didn't even throw that out there. i have no idea how he's going to pay for his promises. >> katy tur, that's the biggest difference. the biggest divide between donald trump and the reality of the republican convention. he was speaking to, he's a big government, i don't know whether it's a republican or democrat or exactly what he is at heart, and then you have mike pence, and everybody else complaining about a $19 trillion dent. he's already said i'm not touching entitlements. i'm not going after the biggest driver of debt over the next generation. there is a divide between donald trump and small government republicans. >> absolutely. if you look at ivanka's speech that was right beforehand. she seemed to extend that that they need to spend more money on families, more government policies to make sure there's paid leave for families, make sure there's child care for mothers who need to go back to
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work. that is an extension of this idea that you need more government to help, and it also sounded very much like hillary clinton's proposals. >> just in response to your little production there -- >> by the way, did they send this to you? >> i got obama's nomination speech. >> you just happen to have it. >> yeah. >> she carries it around in her pocket. >> he wasn't talking about parting the seas. he was talking about policy. if i could just clarify your little production. >> was this the one with the greek columns or without the greek columns? >> if we're willing to work for it and fight for it, and please, please, nobody copy this in speeches now, and believe in it, then i'm absolutely certain that generations from now will be able to look back and tell our children this was the moment we began to provide care for the sick, good jobs for the jobless, this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal. >> amen. >> this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our
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nation and restored our image as the last best hope on earth. >> thank you. thank you. >> talking about -- >> thank you. if you could do us a favor as we go to break, if you could play aquarius by fifth dimension, that would be awesome. ♪ this is the dawning of the age of aquarius snsz. >> you know you're wrong. >> no. i know that -- >> you're wrong. >> that everybody that goes up there -- >> here's the speech. >> i know, that's the speech. they go up there and give these grandiose speeches. the bigger challenge, though, really is going to come as we move forward for donald trump to start putting policy statements out there. and i have to say, for me again, and i have said it from the very beginning. i'm not voting for anybody that bans muslims from america. i'm not going to vote for
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anybody that has a religious test -- that has a religious test for who can come into this country, this land of liberty and not. donald trump seems to be moving on that. >> i don't think he means it. >> i need to see a policy paper, willie, and i need to see a commitment to that policy. >> katy tur, thank you. >> i don't think we have seen that yet. >> chuck todd, thank you. >> even the narrowed muslim ban is still problematic. only with the countries with terrorism, that's france, brussels, all kinds of place.
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and still ahead, the democratic national convention starts monday, which means it's crunch time for hillary clinton to choose a running mate. >> he said we never responded to his e-mail. we wanted to do that event. >> i knew it. could that decision come today? we're back in a moment. when it comes to healthcare, seconds can mean the difference between life and death.
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is there any chance that i could announce on the show tonight that you are hillary clinton's vp pick? because that would be huge thing for me to announce on the show. >> stephen, i think if it were me, i would know it by now, so probably not, but look, she has lots of good choices. and i'm excited to see who she's going to pick. good fair enough. i had to ask. have a great show. i'll see you out there. bye. >> hillary clinton's search for a vice president is entering the final stretch. nbc news reports her vp announcement will come another today or tomorrow during a campaign swing through florida. the "new york times" speculates that senator tim kaine of virginia will be her pick. are you hearing anything on the timing sph. >> we heard friday, and then we
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started to hear it might bleed into saturday. florida seems to be the likely spot for it. >> florida? >> yeah. >> and tim kaine? >> that's the conventional wisdom. tom vilsack has gotten a lot of buzz lately. you know, i think either of those choices present some issues with the base. this is a party that's, you know, increasingly diverse in terms of its composition, and you will have two white people on the top of the ticket. that might not sit well for some. tim kaine has some issues with his abortion policy, and vilsack is not the most exciting choice of all time. >> i have heard about an abortion issue. >> he says he's personally troubled by abortion, like many americans are, but as a politician, he won't legislate against abortion. it was something that crept up when he was announced as dnc chair. if he's chosen, i'm sure it will be used against him. >> somebody saying they're personally troubled by abortion is a negative in the democratic party? >> well, if the belief is that
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they will not be supportive of abortion rights because of their personal beliefs. >> but he has been, right? >> he has been. >> that's what catholic democrats have long said. i'm personally opposed to abortion. as far as policy goes, i'm pro-choice. >> joining us now, republican strategist and former council to the national committee, ben ginsberg, along with mark mckinnon. >> ben, rate the convention. rate the week. >> it got better and better as the week went on. a couple stumbles the first two days. but donald trump's speech is going to be the major takeaway from the convention. >> what was your takeaway? mark and i said it's not the speech we would have delivered. it's not the speech we would have written. was it written for us? not for republicans like us. what about you, though? >> i thought it was donald trump's speech. it was not the way i would have done it. mark and i got to deal with
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great speechwriters in the bush years. i've dealt with some in the romney years. >> you think it's going to connect? >> yes, i do think it's going to connect. it certainly connected in the hall last night. donald trump has shown an amazing ability to connect with his voters through the contentious primary season. i think that's what he was zeroed in on last night. it's different from what the traditional republican party or candidates, how they would have -- >> ben, you said his voters. i thought that was interesting. do you think he connected with voters outside of his traditional base at this point? >> look, his whole goal is to be able to expand his base. he's not going for traditional republican voters. that was pretty clear from what he said in the policy statements that he made. so the answer is yes, he got a bigger audience last night than he's probably ever gotten before. he's going to expand that audience once the debates and the general election comes along. he's running his campaign. it's not the traditional republican campaign. >> so joe writes in the
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"washington post" a piece entitled will a mistake-filled convention doom trump. don't count on it. the national media has stared at the entire spectacle with mouths agape, but nbc news legend tom brokaw had a different take. the veteran newsman warned the grim forecast concerning trump sounded like tired conventional wisdom from journalists reporting from a convention unlike any other in a generation. polls taken this week seem to suggest that what americans want in a presidential campaign is not competence and consistency but rather a reality show spectacle that keeps them glued to their tvs. perhaps the political professionals have it all wrong once again. just maybe the best made-for-tv convention is the one where viewers are left wondering how the hell it's all going to end. and i will say, donald trump voters don't know how it's going to end. they don't care, though. they think he'll figure it out. >> mark mckinnon, ben ginsberg,
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let's take what i think is going to end up being the defining moment of the week, that historians will look back on and say, that's when the party moved closer together for donald trump. it was when donald trump and his team did something that no bush, no reagan team would ever do. they turned the microphone over to a hostile political enemy. who went onstage and broke every single rule of politics. you are turning primetime over to your political enemy. >> could you imagine hillary clinton doing that. >> nobody would ever do it. donald trump did it. and everything changed at that moment. ted cruz booed offstage. he didn't have to call him lying ted. everybody in the crowd already was. cruz booed offstage, booed by his own texas delegation the next morning. the man actually brought that
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convention hall together for the first time all week. >> hue gamble by cruz, and huge gamble by trump. that was two high stakes gamblers taking it all on red, man. >> and it looks like trump won that bet, right? >> absolutely two vignettes about that. number one, my buddies on the whip team -- >> explain that. >> they're the people for the campaign in the rnc -- >> in the audience. >> they're on the floor. they're in the bright caps and white caps were the big guys. and their instructions were polite applause when cruz was done. so i'm not sure that they even knew what the reaction was going to be. but second, did you notice that donald trump timed his arrival into the hall that night for precisely when ted cruz was ending? so that there was some thought about how are we going to step on this guy's speech. the trump arrival was that. >> willie, you said it was just like professional wrestling.
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>> totally. >> one guy getting dragged off the stage, and ric flair coming down from above. >> comes in just at the right time. the light hits him as he walks out of the back. it's amazing. you know, there was a version of the same tweet that was going around media circles. which means he'll go up in the polls and be the next president of the united states. which was your point, which is everyone had gotten him so wrong. let's pause a beat. >> the great irony is for 30, 40 years, we have been criticizing conventions because they have been boring and made for tv. we actually got it backwards. they haven't been made for tv. they kept viewers away. this convention, where you didn't know what was going to happen next, that's made for tv. there's conflict there. >> oh, yeah.
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for the column, where you said, great drama. you don't know the end. we don't know. that's what keeps you -- >> this has been made for tv. >> everyone is waiting waiting f these things were dramatic. it was an incredible gamble. let me just say it's not just the media making these assumptions that trump is going to lose. by going out there and making the speech that he did ted cruz is the one that will inherent the party. there are people in the republican party calculating that as well. >> thank you. >> thank you. and the note, we will be taking the show to philadelphia for the democratic national convention. it kicks off monday. >> philadelphia is okay but it's not cleveland. >> exactly.
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>> wedding bell blues probably has to be it. marlin mccoo. i will sing the whole thing next hour. the first to announce the gop convention that he is gay. >> my opponent asks their supporters to resite a three-word loyalty. it reads i'm with her. i choose to recite a different pledge, i'm with you, the american people. >> that's a good one. >> donald trump's message to the country. can you believe this? where is the drop? we'll be back. "morning joe" returns in just a moment.
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administration will be to liberate our citizens from the crime and terrorism that threatens our communities. in this race for the white house i am the law and order candidate. no body knows the system better than me. which is why i alone can fix it. good morning. it's july 22nd. we have a little bit of a debate. >> where is mike barnacle? there he is. >> we are once more live from cleveland. the republican live convention.
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we have mike barnacle. we are managing editor, mar mark halprin and political analyst and foreman chairman of the republican national committee, michael steele joins us. going through the conventions it's so nice the chance of change a little bit. four years ago when mike spoke they were saying what the heck? what the heck? how did he go from that -- >> stop. >> and mark halprin, i may be standing alone here but i think trump did what trump is supposed to do.
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we have been saying with everybody's low approval ratings that you were not going to win the presidency. you were going to disqualify the other candidates. everybody acting so shocked that conventions are some times negative. remember poor george? he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. they are always personal. >> it was an indictment of the current conditions in the country and insistence that he can change things. it was a decently written speech. he showed a range of knowing when to pause. >> facial expressions. >> he handled a heckler in a way he has never done before. he executed what he wanted to do, an indictment of the status quo. i expected it to be more personality. he showed one little bit where he made that face.
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i think overall he may have executed the wrong thing -- >> it wasn't for us. >> he certainly executed the wrong thing for the media leaks it's not the speech any of us would have given, it just may be the speech that millions and millions of people have been waiting to hear for a very long time. you have been talking about how people are scared for years. they are scared because their 401 k is disappearing. they are scared because they are not doing as well as their parents did. you have been talking about how he delivered a message for an america that is not that scared. i don't think we are scared because economically we are okay. you know a lot of people in middle america are scared. doesn't that message play to them? >> well, he played to type last night. there are really no surprises in
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what he said for are there surprises in how he said it. that's how he has won thus far. clearly that's his plan to win in the fall. the clear think, i think, is tough to handle. it's tough to read. there is a lot of anxiety in the country. they have lost 401k's here. you want to feel a little hope for your children. that's where the fear thing comes into play. you can't cover the country in a blanket of fear. we all woke up today and came here. a lot of people in the country wake up and they will go to work. did they go to work filled with fear? i don't think so. >> you look at the polls. we just showed a tweet. seven out of ten americans show we are on the wrong track.
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>> donald trump painted a picture of a mad max america where there are shoot outs in our streets, terrorism arriving in our stores, bridges and roads are crumbling. i'm not sure everybody recognized that america exactly but i don't think anyone should be surprised by trump's speech last night. these are the things he was going to say. anyone who thought he was going to give a city on a hill kind of speech, that would have been more surprising to me. >> i think a lot of people feel that way and certainly the conversations we have had over the past two years have been talking about the decline of america, the decline of our infrastructure. i think he was going there on a number of levels. >> and you talk about where the truly disadvantaged lived. that is their reality every day. >> and there's a lack of optimism. >> that's the important piece
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right there. for me in reading the speech it reads distop yan and dark. it was almost as if he took that feeling. there was emotion to it. i had to look that word up, by the way. but people know people who went to work with a full time job and now it's a part-time job. this speech in many respects tried to get the emotion that's out there, the 69% that feel it's not on the right track. >> let's take a look. donald trump repositioned, fighting for the forgotten men and women of our country. >> americans watching this tonight have seen recent images of violence in our streets and
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the chaos in our communities. many have witnessed this violence personally, some have even been its victims. i have a message for all of you, the crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon and very soon come to an end. safety will be restored. it is finally time for a straightforward assessment of the state of our nation. i will present the facts plainly and honestly. we can in the afford to be politically correct anymore.
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it will be our credo as long as we are lead by politicians who will not put america first then we can be assured that other nations will not treat america will respect, the respect that we deserve. he has used the pulpit of the presidency to divide us by race and color has made america a more dangerous environment than frankly i have ever seen and anybody in this room has ever watched or seen. every day i wake up determined to deliver a better life for the people all across this nation that have been ignored,
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negligented a neglected and effected. i have visited the laid off factory workers and communities crushed by our horrible and unfair trade deals. these are the forgotten men and women of our country. they are forgotten but they are not going to be forgotten long. these are people who work hard but no longer have a voice. i am your voice. >> a strong portion of the speech. again, a strong portion of the speech that elites aren't going to line up with. you never hear that type of speech especially on trade unless it's a union leader speaking the second afternoon on
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a democratic convention stage. you don't hear that from nominees these days. you had a republican nominee and republican nominee talking about how it is gutting working class americans. i don't know if it wins in the end. i'm just going to say, in 2016 i think it connects him with a lot of voters in ohio, pennsylvania and in other states. >> i don't think the speech on its own revolutionizes the race. it does set a template for the way he can talk. no person said this to me but my guess is they look at lot of those lines and they are put on the defensive. if he keeps this up he is saying things that butts her in a position where he will have to respond to him. i think that's what they need to come out with. they need to say going forward this is my message. i'm going to change things.
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i'm with you. she is not. that is the original reason he ran. >> yeah, another speech last night. ivanka trump just hit it out of the park. >> yeah, the trump kids were four for four. >> absolutely. >> she went places and talked about things we are not use to hearing about at a republican convention, about equal pay, womens rights, maternity leave are speeches you probably could have heard at the democratic convention. these kids reflect well on donald trump. they told humanizing stories that will probably help him. >> she made it clear she will be by his side and that got a huge applause. i thought she was very -- she said she was extremely nervous, terrified, but did quite well. she always rises to the
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occasion. >> she did great. let's listen to a clip. >> my father values talent. he recognizes real knowledge and skill when he finds it. he is color blind and gender neutral. he hires the best person for the job, period. words and promises, no how visionary they sound will only get your so far. at my father's company there are more female than male executives. women are paid equally for the work that we do and when a woman becomes a mother she is supported, not shut out. as president my father will change the labor laws that were put in place at a time when women were not a significant portion of the work force. he will focus on making qualify child care affordable and
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accessible for all. >> another point that got big applaud, multiing pot -- melting pot and how they commit themtss to excellence. when they are not there it is clear the project goes down him. it's not the way trump does business is the way she put it out there. >> and it's a message you wouldn't expect at a republican convention. >> yeah, and i think something else she said that trump echoed later was talking about how he is more comfortable hanging out with the electricians and plumbers and guys at the wo work site. i think having his daughter say that helped it a little bit. >> that is true. >> that part of it for me, you know, the family, kids in
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particular really sort of set that tone. that is the piece missing up to now, the other side of donald trump. we know the wild guy who says pretty much everything he wants. >> the you're fired guy. >> yes. i thought it was very well done especially by donald jr. an and ivanka. >> absolutely. mike murphy will join us. the will it work come november? kelly kelly has lived on the convention floor all week long. your "morning joe" will be right back live from cleveland. she spent summer binge-watching.
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two moments where trump went off script. he actually came out and said let's beat her in november. >> i was hoping he would do that. >> it's a good opportunity. >> and i think the way he handled the protester was positive. >> clinton campaign chairman responded saying donald trump painted a dark picture of america in decline. his answer more fear, more division, more anger, more hate was another reminder he is unqualified to be president of the united states.
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trump also -- >> can i stop there? that's what they have to do, mike, is prove that donald trump is teunfit to be president of t united states. people won't like donald trump's speech but last night for the million of americans who tuned in for the first time of this political campaign, did donald trump come across as temper mentally fit or unfit? >> no. he played the part that he has been playing all spring. he weaponized it a little. he was much angrier and must have more consistently angrier. but they can't do that and win. >> no. >> right. >> the question is are we, as a country, as people, going to be able to live through this
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campaign, 90 days of back and forth without some sense of hope about what this country is? i get trump's speech last night. i fully get it. there was a part of that speech he wasn't talking about the country that i live in. he just wasn't. i don't know a lot of people who wake up every day so afraid -- so afraid of everything, oh, should we go outdoors today because there is crime all around and we are weaklings in the world? we are not weaklings in the world. we just are not. >> but i think -- i think that the clinton campaign needs to be very careful and i think they made this mistake once before and then gut checked it months and months and months ago where they gloss over america's problems. d we do have stagnant wages, we do have a middle class that feels
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like it has been left behind. they feel the point that 10,000 people show up that clinton coulden g couldn't get. they have to address it. >> that's right. anybody here with children and grandchildren? where do you want to take us? >> that's right. >> i think most people here are concerned. 70% of americans think we are going in the wrong direction. congress has a low approval rating. most institutions have a low approval rating. when it comes to foreign policy there are a lot of americans who believe that not only the eight years of barack obama but the eight years of george w. bush were disasterous. we have suffered through 16 years of disasterous foreign policy. >> he didn't say he would be the
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jobs president. maybe people aren't as sort of daily filled with anxiety but when it comes to in the last few months the killings we have seen, beheadings, by isis, shooting part-time pooshoot shooting people in the united states, it sends people out of control. people feel it in an urgent way he was trying to address. coming up, donald trump, the billionaire individuvigilantee. the republican -- >> no. >> you know my dad one time. >> yeah, my grandmother loved him. >> mc giver.
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as a supervisor at pg&e, it's my job to protect public safety, keeping the power lines clear, while also protecting the environment. the natural world is a beautiful thing, the work that we do helps us protect it. public education is definitely a big part of our job, to teach our customers about the best type of trees to plant around the power lines. we want to keep the power on for our customers. we want to keep our community safe. this is our community, this is where we live. we need to make sure that we have a beautiful place for our children to live. together, we're building a better california.
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>> oh, it's nice cotten. >> so how is this resistance handling -- how -- >> we are quickly moving the podcast to a safe location. no. we are having fun. he committed. he locked into trumpism in that speech. she still the guy in the primary. so i think if you like trump you like him more now. if you don't like trump i don't think the needle moved. it is about the darkest speech that i have ever heard. >> and when it comes to hispanics historically low and when it comes to black americans. are there enough white voters in america to elect donald trump with that message?
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>> i don't think so. you know republican primary is a lot different than a general election. i have done a lot of campaigns and there is kind of this image that everybody is blue collar. everybody is pissed off. >> and we have been reminded it is not cleveland of 1975. are there enough voters that can relate to that message from last night to get donald trump elected in the fall? >> i think there are enough voters to get them close. i think you heard in that speech a couple of places where he began to shift. the sound you had coming in regarding technically muslims but broadening it out to say if you're one of the bad guys we
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will fix the system so you can't get in which is very different than he had before. you'll see him make that a little more to capture the very voters that currently aren't with him. >> and i wonder how we'll feel this time next week. >> tired. >> very tired. >> it seem too conventional to us or totally crush the convention this week? >> i think the move will be very different. >> and the density of political stars as well as entertainment stars. when i was struck spending the nights roaming the floor there wez movement who were uneasy about trump coming in. we found a number of them through the course of the four days got more and more comfortable. it doesn't take us to voters who are beyond that, of course.
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within kind of the ted cruz moment there was a bit of rallying around. last night to a degree some of the delegates we spoke to felt good in the sense of this strength. everybody else is commenting on the darkness of it and the bleakness of it. i think there was a sense of him projecting a command and leadership vibe. >> i'm looking at this picture last night. trump standing on stage and balloons falling. let's be honest. most people didn't think this was possible including yourself. you're one of the smartest guys i know on politics. what can you say now about what you and a lot of people got wrong? >> i'm officially a smart guy. i didn't think trump could do it. i thought it would be ted cruz.
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it was trump's agreements and a celebrity, you know, it's a huge advantage. i thought the history of being a democrat -- >> outsider. >> and strength. trump is like a hammer to blow things up. it is a changed election. the new experiment we are trying to dark change rather than uplifting hopeful change. >> right. >> trump hit a cord in that primary. he hit it in a multi-way field. >> i think it wasn't that election about policy. i was reading 18 point plans about anything. >> yeah, you know, it is interesting. i think a lot of folks like you, mike, and many others who really study this said he was a reality store. he could never make it. kim kardashian is a reality star
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and she would not make it. >> i don't know. >> she is heading to new hampshire along with mark cuban who says he will run four years from now. >> you think of kim and kanye, you think of trump and his brand is what was misunderstood. his reality star brand was success. >> and two new polls show him pulling wechb hillary clinton in new hampshire. it was conducted by unh shows clinton falling 11 points since april. it is looked up at 37% for trump and 39% at clinton. in a four-way race they tied in
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new hampshire with 10% going to gary johnson and jill stein with 4%. and here in ohio it shows the race locked up dead even. clinton up 44%, trump 44%. in a poll that was conducted during the first chaotic. those polls surprise me. those polls surprise a lot of political observers who say there is so much chaos the first three days. certainly trump is going to lose points. >> we live on every different knew answ
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-- other than gender it would be a very difficult case for clinton to make. we'll see how they do it. her argument is her best weapon against him. i think this idea of being an outsider, the number of delegates who mentioned his family and if his family is as solid and as pleasant and approachable as they appear to be that that was a reflection of him. there were a lot of ways people were willing to give trump a break. how does it carry into the ba battleground. >> and the last month was spent reminding the american people including the fbi saying she was reckless and everything else. >> trump has been in politics for one year. how does that play out? >> 13 months. >> well, i think the battle will be, we'll have the democratic convention and they have both
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taken their shot. but he will try to run on change. it she will try to say change is good but how about change that scares you. she will drop $100 billion of risk on top of trump. trump seems to play into that trap a little bit. that is where trump will have to up his game. >> yes. kelly, mike, thank you very much. up next, an update on a story we told you about, a man gets shot by an officer laying on the ground with his hands up. this morning the police union is offering an explanation. that is next. ♪ using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the framework... wire... and plants needed to give my shop... a face...
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police received a call. officers found caregiver and his autistic patient who had a toy truck and not a gun. here is kenzie trying to explain the situation to police as he lays on the ground. telling officers who he is and that it's a toy truck. the union president said the officers did not hear his plea and actually thought he was being threatened by his patient who they didn't know was autistic. the officer tried to hit the patient but hit kenzie in the leg. >> it is not a case of police abuse. it was a case where a police officer was trying to save mr.
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kenzie's life and unfortunately he shot one astray. >> there is no explanation. there is no reason. there is no rational. i come from a family of law enforcement officers. there is no reason to shoot a man complying with your orders and your demands but even goes one step further and he is trying to help an autistic adult comply with you also. they shot someone trying to get another individual to comply with them. that is unacceptable. >> kenzie has been released from the hospital. the officer who has not been identified is on leave and released a statement that reads quote i took this job to save lives and help people. i did what i have to do in a split second to accomplish that and hate to hear others paint me as something i am not.
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for people that didn't know the beginning of this story. the caregiver went and found him. the autistic patient sat on the ground with a toy truck. police did get a call and surrounding them saying they were aiming for the -- >> how could they not tell it was a toy truck? >> i don't know. >> saying we tried to shoot the autistic kid with the toy truck. >> how long were they there? we don't know this from the report. i don't want to prejudge anybody doing it but shooting the autistic person, saying you missed, we don't know enough about it. up next, evangelicals
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consider it to be the unmerited favor of god but now it is donald trump thanking evangelicals for the grace they are showing him. "morning joe" is back in a moment. >> at this moment i would like to thank the evangelical and religious community. i'll tell you what, the support that they have given me, and i'm not sure i totally deserve it, has been so amazing and has had such big reason for me being here tonight.
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we have david brodie. great to have you! great to be here. >> you said that donald delivered possibly the speech-his lifspeech of his life. >> the fanct that he got throug the whole speech, that's a good night for donald trump. a lot of people we have been talking about this morning, this angry speech, look, it's all about relating to the voters. a lot of time they don't vote with their brains. they vote with their hearts. >> they have known we have had ide ide ie ideal logical tasks. >> they trust him. >> yeah, they trust him.
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and yesterday dr. james date of birth son came out and endorsed trump. so here we go. look, you put the anti hillary part of it in there for evangelicals, the fact that he was relating to evangelicals, that will probably get you there in the general election. >> we looked at exit polls, state after state that showed someone like donald trump winning evangelicals over someone like ted cruz. how do you explain the appeal? >> i think we see him as a fighter. it is a big deal. it will be a big selling point to pastors. here is the appeal, donald trump
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operates in a world of no nonsense, evangelicals live in a world of biblical absolutes. jesus is the only way. they see it the same way. >> so within the community, how much of a bump did mike pence give him? >> i think the polls will show that in the next week or two depending what the missteps could potentially. he is not just a conservative but a proven evangelical. >> with respect to that next one between donald trump and the magic that seems to occur there, the social component of that, is that still a part of narrative or is it focused that with respect to your first amendment rights that i will be the
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president who will stand there and get something done to protect your right to worship as you see? >> absolutely. i think it is clearly important. they see a guy that will fight for the christians, as he says. and they believe him. why do they believe him? he went into this race as the successful $10 billion guy who could get things done. they see the proven track record. >> all right. thank you very much. we'll have a final look at this action-packed week in cleveland. you both have a perfect driving record. perfect. no tickets, no accidents... that is until one of you clips a food truck ruining your perfect record. yeah. now you would think your insurance company would cut you some slack, right? no, your insurance rates go through the roof. your perfect record doesn't get you anything.
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trump decided to greet him with a kiss to celebrate. okay. some people are saying it was a little awkward. you tell me. >> donald trump coming out on the stage. this is his third appearance. >> and al gore no longer that has most awkward convention kiss of all times. okay. it is a tie. >> all right. >> you both win. >> i thought we would never see that again.
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>> that's not right. use your microphone. yes. >> that was awful. what did i learn today? >> oh, yeah. where's the trump? [ chanting ] >> all right. you know how great this city is? i have a friend. my friend emily's dad came all the way to get open heart surgery at the cleveland clinic. he is doing great. thank you cleveland clinic. thank you so much. the security and police here in cleveland -- >> you know, as we came here a lot of our family members actually were concerned because we had heard so much about how dangerous cleveland was going to be just because of all of the threats and the police
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department has done such an extraordinary job. they have not only -- they have not only shown a tremendous presence and a strong presence, they have shown a sensitivity to protesters protecting citizens and first amendment rights. they have done it better than anybody we have seen. willie? >> think of all of the concerns that were happening in this world as we came here. none of that showed up here. also want to thank this place for hosting us once again. we have had a great weekend. >> all right. what did you learn? >> that the biggest danger in cleveland is that the indians and tito pose to the rest of the american league. >> the rnc really pulled it together and had a great stage and was a great for the gop.
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he under estimated him. >> you do under estimate him at all times. >> we'll all see you monday morning at 6:00 a.m. >> one other thing really quickly, donald has the truck. >> no. no. you the truck. >> and i want to say something who respected ohio, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, steve. we love you. stephanie is picking up the coverage right now. >> it is hot out here. good morning. i'm stephanie live from philadelphia where the democratic convention was set to start. over the weekend it was the republican grand finale. >> i
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