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tv   AM Joy  MSNBC  July 23, 2016 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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did any of you watch that convention in cleveland? i mean, something has gone terribly wrong when one speaker says vote your conscience and gets boo'd. i mean, i never thought i would say these words, but ted cruz was right. >> if you were betting on a last second shock from hillary clinton last night, then i'm sorry, but you lost some money. good morning, welcome to "a.m. joy," coming to you live from independence hall in philadelphia were the democratic national convention is about to kick off, where the party will officially nominate hillary clinton for president and as we found out last night, virginia senator tim kaine for veep. kaine has been in national politics for two decades and the two are expected to appear as running mates in a short time in
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miami. we'll bring that live to you when it happens. clinton campaign senior spokesperson karen finney and "the washington post"'s jonathan capehart. the campaign decided not to surprise us. this is what we've been expecting for months. >> we've been driving each other crazy trying to surprise each other. >> i would maybe the buzz we've heard about tim kaine over the last several months could have been a deflection and maybe there would be a surprise, a tom perez, an elizabeth warren. why in the end did secretary clinton pick tim kaine? >> a couple of things. number one, it was really a governing decision. she wanted somebody she felt like on day one could step right into the job. obviously tim kaine is a lifelong progressive, a civil rights lawyer. one of his first cases that he actually worked on was housing discrimination, won $100 million lawsuit against nationwide. if you look at the values, one of the things i thought was interesting about tim kaine and
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hillary, when she first got out of law school at yale, went to work working for children, and tim kaine went to honduras for a year rather than going to a big fancy firm. they have values they share. he has a strong record as governor, and is the only person who will come to the job having been a mayor, a governor, a senator. he understands the needs of our cities, which is critical in this election. a lot of things to like about tim kaine. >> we'll have the big biographical launch. it's interesting, jonathan, how she opened it out, it's a governing decision. i've discussed it, rachel maddow has talk about it. there are two ways to choose a vp. you can choose as a campaign tactic, they're going to win you a state or a demographic, or a governing pick, i want this person down the hall from me as i govern from the white house,
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and it seems to be the latter. here's what "5:38" said, they said he's a wash, he's not especially liberal but no blue dog democrat, he's a white guy although he does speak spanish. he's a generic democrat. at least according to anecdotal evidence out there, especially among progressives, he doesn't move the ball forward for hillary clinton. >> if all you're thinking about is winning the election, you look at the holes, who do i get to shore me up so i win in november and nun we'then we'll about the governing thing later. the key phrase that keeps coming to mind about the hillary selection of tim kaine, when she said something like i've been blessed or cursed with the responsibility gene, here is a person who is running for
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president, who is thinking, okay, if i win, i've got to be able to work, and i need to be able to work with summon womeon knows what the hell they're doing. with tim kaine, as karen said, he was a mayor, he was a governor, he's in the senate. he's one with governing experience, legislating experience, and someone who she thinks if anything were to unfortunately happen to her, could step into the role. we're talking about someone running for president of the united states. after looking at what we -- >> not a big deal. >> yeah. >> what we went through in cleveland and the republican nominee where everything is a reality tv show, to look at a ticket where you can look and feel confident that they could walk into the white house -- >> one other point about tim kaine, he was a very popular governor when he was governor of virginia. and you may remember, when he ran for governor, people said, no way a democrat who is pro-gun-safety and anti-death penalty can win in a red state,
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no way, no way. and he won virginia, he was very popular. i actually think there will be additional benefits. i think he will be very helpful in virginia. also when he was mayor of richmond, he was seen as somebody who really bridged the racial divide and did a lot of really powerful things in that community to bridge those divides. i actually think he's being given -- a lot of people don't know about him, and the more people learn about him they're going to like him and they'll realize it was a great decision in terms of a governing pick. >> winning virginia is no small thing, it's very upon. but let me argue the other side a little bit. essentially the kind of response i think from a lot of progressives was somewhere between meh and being actually upset, feeling that they were essentially set aside by the hillary clinton campaign, they're being taken for granted. let me show you a poll from monmouth university that came out before the pick. it asked which pick would make you more likely to support hillary clinton. at the top, bernie sanders, that was never going to happen,
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clearly he was never being vetted. elizabeth warren, 24%. here is somebody that would have excited progressives. cory booker at 13, al franken. there's tim kaine way down at the bottom. he was never going to excite progressives. have progressives haven't taken for granted with this pick? >> have progressives been taken for granted? i think the answer is no. >> but -- >> but then you said with this pick. i keep going back to, one, the platform, her candidacy, her stances have moved as a result of progressives in the party, shifted leftward a bit. but also, again, she's looking to win the white house and then to govern.
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if what you have is a progressive agenda, you are going to get it if you have a president hillary clinton, you ain't gonna get it if it's a president trump. >> polls were taken before people started to learn about him. >> that's true. >> everybody is focusing on a couple of things here and there in his record rather than 100% pro-choice voting record, "f" rating from the nra. remember, hillary has made gun safety measures a centerpiece of this campaign. criminal justice reform, reinstating voting rights for felons. that's something he used his executive order as governor to do. the more people learn about him, i think -- >> i get it. >> just sayin'. >> i have to get this in in the last minute. on an important issue to democrats, one of the issues that trump is attempting to poach democrats on is this issue of the big banks where elizabeth warren is very strong. tim kaine, while in the running for vp, called for deregulation
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of the banks. >> it was actually not the big banks. the letter he signed on to was for community banks and credit unions. community banks, i think of industrial bank in my neighborhood in washington, d.c., has been serving the black community for a hundred years. banks like that, the issue they were raising, that bank can never compete with wells fargo or bank of america. these are the banks that are lending to florists, black-owned businesses in my neighborhood. let's not just put, you know, the talking points out there. let's make sure we know the facts when we're talking about deregulating the big banks. remember, he was also a very strong defender of the cfpb. >> i think that the issue just generally, and then we'll have to leave on this, but i'll give you one more shot at this, you guys are doing a great job, the thing that has most animated
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this election on the democratic side has been the sense of a rigged system, the sense that wall street got away with murder essentially with what they did to the economy in 2008, and the revolutionary fervor in the party has been on the left. by picking somebody who is a centrist, he doesn't get you young voters, he doesn't get women. >> we don't know that yet, come on, it's been a day. >> he doesn't get the people upset at wall street. >> there are a lot of things that animated the party. if we're going to go down this route, i mean -- actually i'm not going to go down that route. it's water under the bridge. i was going to talk about the nra and a certain other candidate running who is more cozy with the nra. look, i think karen is right. senator kaine is one who people are going to get to know. and i know senator kaine, i've
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talked to senator kaine. there's things i read about him in his profiles in "the washington post" and "the new york times" that i didn't know, that i think for the base they're going to like. i did my own little twitter poll -- >> we vote by twitter polls. >> 58% of my votes so far are so excited about tim kaine. i've bottom 34% who are meh. the key, only 8% are saying i'm not feeling it. >> all right. and my competing twitter poll, 189 votes excited, 39% okay with it, 44% disappointed. i'm going to take host privilege and leave on that note. thank you, karen finney and jonathan capehart. you'll be back in the show. thank you, guys. coming up, it's back, the political white whale, pennsylvania. (vo) stank face. a universal expression of disgust, often caused by inadequate cat litter.
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i am going to bring back our jobs to ohio and pennsylvania. my opponent, on the other hand, wants to put the great miners and the great steel workers of our country out of work and out of business. that will never happen with donald j. trump as president. our steel workers and our miners are going back to work again. >> as you can see, donald trump was making big, yuge promises to pennsylvania and ohio voters. the gop nominee has a daunting task ahead of him. pennsylvania has not gone to a republican presidential candidate since 1988. it is, as you know, the white whale of electoral politics.
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we love that whale. democratic voters outnumber republican voters by 900,000 in the keystone state. because of big blue urban centers like philly. can trump really make pennsylvania red again? joining me is philadelphia mayor kinny. every cycle, republicans say they'll take pennsylvania. we've pulled up my favorite thing, the maps. it is deep, deep blue. a large municipality, one of the largest in the states. is philadelphia large enough, the dark green means it's a huge population center. philadelphia county, allegheny county, are high population. >> we have lehigh valley, scranton, all democratic strongholds. they may lean more conservative but they're democrats.
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it's not just philadelphia only. and i think that when people listen to and try to digest what trump says on a regular basis, i don't know how you take him seriously. >> will they be blue this time? because if you look at the philadelphia suburbs, that is plum hunting ground for donald trump. if you look at places like pittsburgh obviously even more so because of issues like trade. the latest polling, nbc did a policy that showed hillary clinton up over donald trump by a comfortable margin july 5th through 10th, 45 to 36%. quinnipiac did a poll that showed donald trump a little bit over hillary clinton. people did question the way they composed the sample on that poll. but could it be that deposition are missing how angry a lot of suburban white voters are about things like trade? >> but you also have suburban white female voters who are not going to put up with any of the
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nonsense that he's talking about and any of the conservative leaning that they want to go to. if you look at that one commercial that clinton is doing with him, donald trump's own words, with children looking at the television, to me that's very, very forceful and very important, that people understand, this is what this man actually says. it's not like just a campaign where we're saying he says this. he's actually saying it. if you look at those clips, i mean, they're atrocious. and i think that suburban republican women especially have no time for that. >> and so you think the sort of safe spot for democrats in terms of your city, in terms of philadelphia, is those philadelphia suburbs, white suburban women, you think they'll go with hillary. >> i'm hoping that they will. first of all, it's history-making, the first woman president of the united states, there's so value there, obviously, with women. i also think women, whether they're republicans or democrats, generally want to be fair, don't like angry, mean,
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nasty people and don't want those folks representing their children. i think they'll go forward and vote their conscience. i think hillary will be great. >> does tim kaine help in a place like philadelphia? >> i love him. i'm jesuit-createducated, jesuit-trained, he's of the jesuit people. we feel our lives aren't successful unless we're actually helping someone else. his philosophical bent will be wonderful for us. >> you're a mayor of a very diverse city. philadelphia has a large african-american population. when you go into those centers and campaign, what are the things that you hear back that votes in those parts of the city tell you? >> i will go with my experience with children in pre-k, first grade, second grade, mostly african-american students are in there. they say, who are you voting for for president, i say hillary clinton, they all cheer.
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i assume what they're hearing at home is hillary clinton and not donald trump. >> what issues matter the most for voters in philadelphia? >> the whole concept of taking america back. from whom and for whom? donald trump and his supporters want to go back to the old days where you couldn't sit at the lunch counter or ride on the bus. this is a brushback on barack obama. they never thought a black man would be elected president of the united states, and he was, and he's done a fantastic job, bringing this country back from the brink of financial ruin and other things too. they don't want that to happen again. i think race is the underlying issue in all this stuff when it comes to immigration. if these were white european immigrants, he wouldn't be yelling. but they're brown people. >> if they were white european immigrants, there wouldn't be his wife. the population density, you've
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got the whole center of the state of pennsylvania that is incredibly rural, very conservative. and that is a large physical mass in the state. >> but it's not a lot of people. there's more deer in some counties in pennsylvania than there are folks. i think the population centers will win the day and hillary clinton will be the next president of the united states. >> you think that the part that's red is not the growing part of the state? >> not at all. you look at philadelphia, we have growing millennials, growing immigrants. that's what the future of this country is, and thankfully. >> philadelphia mayor jim kenney, thank you so much, it's been a pleasure. coming up next, i ask philadelphia voters what they think it means to make america great again. stay with us. i approve this message. donald trump: i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go f--- themselves!
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i spoke to philadelphia voters. >> when donald trump says "make america great," jack, in your view, when is it that he's talking about? >> i believe him when he says make america great for everyone. >> but when do you think he's talking about that america was great? >> i don't think there's a specific time. i think he's talking about the concept of greatness. we talked about this earlier, we talked about the 25 greatest moments in history, was that all history, recent? >> last hundred years. >> so in the last hundred years, because he says make america great again. >> when america came together to solve big problems. he talked about -- we talked about world war ii. we talked about the civil rights movement, absolutely. times when america put these divisions and this us versus them mentality aside. >> the civil rights movement may not have been so unifying. >> democrat lyndon johnson
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vetoed that bill three times while the republicans passed it. >> no, he actually pushed the bill through. but okay. no, lyndon johnson signed it. >> personal attacks against me, and i'm not even running. >> what i hear is -- >> hold on. >> what i think when i hear him say, you know, we want to take our country back or we want to make america great again, there were times when i wasn't allowed to sit here. women were not allowed to speak. so when i hear that, that's for me, that's what i think. i think taking it back from who, who are we taking it back from? why isn't it great now? because we have a black president? we're about to have a female president, so it's not going to be great because we represent the world now? to me, we represent the world now. other countries look -- the people that are in charge look
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like everybody in this room. >> let's go to raheem. >> i would just caution everyone, and because this is something that i've been pushing that is very important. whoever is elected, half the people are going to want them and half the people don't want them. >> that's always. >> that's always, but you've got to understand, you're going to have to govern for everyone. and at the end of the day, you know, it might sound corny, but we are all americans. we don't have to necessarily agree on everything. but we have to agree on the future of america. something that's missing in this conversation, it's missing in the conversation when you take these hard lines and you demonize everybody on the other side, as if barack obama never done anything right, or as if donald trump never done anything right. it's just ridiculous. i think it's really childish. and i think we've got to grow up our conscience about politics so we can have a better america, because at the end of the day, we're going to have children who
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are going to come here after us. what are they going to inherit? it's just ridiculous. >> can i comment on make america great again? i think every ascribes to that comment whatever it is they think about this candidate. as you heard, i am really undecided as to where i'm going to be voting. i think i share that sentiment that america has lost its footing in the world stage, that our president, president obama, talked about leading from behind, and i think we've succeeded at that. and i think the world wants us to lead from in front, whether it is on the economy, whether on large world decisions, whether it is on the military. and so what i think he says make america great again, what he is harkening back to is the sense that we were world leaders that were appreciated for the stance that we took in the world and wanting to take us back to that place where we had that kind of moral authority and military authority that people want. >> well, thanks to all of the great panelists who spoke to us.
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you'll hear more from them a little later. thank you to pipeline philly who hosted us, a high design workspace, very cool, used by a wide variety of entr trtreprene and small business teams. thanks, guys, we appreciate it. coming up, what would the gipper think about trump's rnc speech of doom? that's next. ♪ and these are the lungs. (boy) sorry. (dad) don't worry about it. (vo) at our house, we need things that are built to last. that's why we got a subaru. (avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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ourselves, that we did protect and pass on lovingly that shining city on a hill. >> that optimistic can-do speech by president ronald reagan who won reelection in landslide in 1988 is kind of -- '84 -- really -- is kind of politics 101 for our successful politicians generally run. contrast that with the dark vision offered at the republican national convention by donald trump, one that "time" magazine and others dubbed "midnight in america." >> nearly 180,000 illegal immigrants with criminal records ordered deported from our country are tonight roaming free to threaten peaceful citizens.
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[ audience booing ] one such border crosser was released and made his way to nebras nebraska. there he ended the life of an innocent young girl named sarah root. >> let's bring back jonathan capehart, and joining me, white house aide david watkins and david corn, washington bureau chief from "mother jones." panel of doom, because that was one dark street. to illustrate the point, to show what words were used the most often in the speech, if you can see it, we'll put it up on the small screen here, country, lots of country, lots of america. but look at violence. look how big violence was. this was a speech that was about what i call the brown phantom menace. how does that help the republican party? >> i think donald trump wants to win the election in november, that's his challenge now. the way he feels he can best win
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it is by -- >> scaring the bejesus out of everyone? >> it's true, i remember "jaws" came out, about people getting eaten by a shark, people flock to those films. >> but it didn't get "jaws" elected president. if you look at eisenhower, the can-do spirit of the country, "i like ike," positive, you look at ronald reagan, both of his two runs, a we can do it kind of message. i have never quite frankly seen a successful candidate for president run on doom and gloom except richard nixon. >> george w. bush won as a compassionate conservative. his dad wanted to be kinder and gentler. even when nixon ran for president, he was kind of an angry fellow but wasn't
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capitalizing on the anger the way donald trump is. we've never had a president who has been pessimistic but has exploited fear and loathing as much as trump is trying to do. the speech leaked a few hours before he gave it. i ran into a republican speechwriter who was walking with his head down saying, i can't believe this. and there's no mention of god or religion in this speech. >> or the men and women serving in the military. >> yes. it was almost mandatory for any republican speech. it was all about violence and trump and "i will protect you." >> it did feel like a speech that spoke to the fears of a very particular part of the country, white men, and women but mostly men, who feel there is this menace everywhere and that the country is deep and dark and horrible. >> this conversation is reminding me of something you said at the top of the show when we were having that discussion about senator tim kaine and how this is a base selection.
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if you believe that this is a base election, then that speech plays right into that. if it's all about turning out your base and your base is frightened, they're scared about where this country is going, then that's the speech for them. >> that's how you excite them. >> and being in the hall that night, i have to say, i agree with michael steele when he said, it read -- trump's speech read -- i was horrified when i read that speech, i was agape, i cannot believe i'm reading this. in that hall, it didn't come off nearly as scary as it read. >> because he read it so slowly. >> and so long, my god. but the people in that hall ate it up. there are a lot more people out in the country who agree with that unbelievably dark and pessimistic view of this country than we care to admit. >> there's a reason why he won the nomination over 16 other
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guys. >> let me give you, to that very point, president obama reacted to the speech, and i think he reacted the way a lot of the other america, because we really are sort of two countries if the way that we view the state of our nation. president obama reacted to the speech this way. let's take a listen. this was a news conference with the mexican president. >> this idea that america is somehow on the verge of collapse, this vision of violence and chaos everywhere, doesn't recall gibe with the experience of most people. i mean, i hope people, the next morning, walked outside and the birds were chirping and the sun was out. >> and always on the same page, david plouffe, the guy who helped run the '08 campaign for president obama, he tweeted, was surprised to see the sun and hear the birds this morning, thought death and destruction
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were imminent. you really thought if you opened the door, you would see a violent melee outside the door. do we really have two different countries in terms of our experience? >> there is a lot of justifiable anxiety throughout the country about the future. globalization, economic issues. even though unemployment has gone down and things aren't as bad as they were at the end of the bush/cheney years, there's a lot of reasons for people to worry about their economic futures, economic security, getting good jobs for their kids and being able to maintain the middle class or upper middle class. those are legitimate fears and worries. trump speaks to them a little bit, but he really goes for the emotional, passionate, you're about to be killed tomorrow type of fear. and so he is merging two things here. and it did play in the audience. some people who are worried can listen to that and pick out
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different aspects that may resonate with them. but at the same time, he offers really very little planning or proposal what to do. his line that when i'm elected, january 20th, 2017, you will be safe, is he the police chief of every city in this country? i mean, it's basically kind of a latin american strong man approach to "i will protect you." and some people might, you know, go for that. others might say, where's the beef? >> and people have described it as putin-esque, sort of an authoritarian approach that you are doomed unless you elect me. >> thank god he didn't take off his shirt. >> i just want to step back a moment. violence being such a big and prominent word in the speech, the reality is, as much anxiety as that speech was stoking about, you know, unlawful migrants supposedly being violent, the actual crime rate
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is down. actual crime is down. even violence against police officers is down. so the facts that he was representing are not even true, joe. >> i understand that. i understand what david corn is saying as well in terms of offering real solutions and saying what you're going to do. what donald trump does well is he understands ratings. >> but his ratings were lower than john mccain's in 2008. >> tv ratings. >> the tv ratings were down from the 2008 address from john mccain. >> he knows how to keep the attention of an audience. this speech i think kept the attention of the audience. >> but a smaller audience that john mccain got. >> here's the point. last week, over the last two weeks, we've seen two different visions of america. last week, the republican convention, gloom, doom, harm, murder, mayhem. the week before that, we had louisiana, minnesota, dallas. the country really did feel like it was being torn asunder.
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but here's the thing. president obama, president bush, hillary clinton, senator tim scott, republican of south carolina, individually gave speeches on race, politics, and leadership that spoke to the america i know, the america that's hopeful, that wants to push forward. it's an incredible two weeks. >> i have to get to this, we're running out of time. david duke. he came out with a huge endorsement of the speech, he said great trump speech, america first, stop wars, defeat the corrupt elites, he basically endorsed the speech and then announced that he was going to be running for president. i'm sorry, for senate. let's listen to david dukes' announcement. >> i'm overjoyed to see donald trump and most americans brave most of the issues that i've championed for years. >> i mean, joe watkins, your party has to be horrified that
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he's glommed on. >> i am. i don't know any republican worth his or her salt who likes david duke. >> it's because of donald trump. >> for some people, law and order, that's what george wallace said in 1968 when he was running for the presidency, or maybe it was '72. in any case -- >> nixon said it too. >> it means different things to different people. >> we're out of time, unfortunately. we're going to have to get more thoughts, because joe, jonathan, and david will be back later in the show, save those thoughts, you guys will be back. coming up, more from philly voters on what matters to them. stay with us.
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she's been a first lady, a senator from new york, and secretary of state. what one word would you use to describe hillary clinton? i asked that very question to voters here in philadelphia. i am going to tell you the name of a politician and you tell me the first word that comes to mind. we're going to start with you, we'll come right to you, daphne. hillary clinton. >> privileged. >> dan? >> dependable. >> michelle? >> professional politician. >> raheem? >> privileged. >> jack? >> establishment. >> qualified. >> ready. >> establishment. resilie resilient. >> experienced. >> i will round this out the way we started. let's go with donald trump. daphne? >> brilliant. >> dan? >> phony.
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>> unique. confident. >> america. >> liar. >> bully. >> working class billionaire. >> bigot. >> insightful. and not the good insightful. >> back with me, republican strategist joe watkins and joining me is a democratic strategist and senior adviser to the donald trump answers were very polarized. the hillary clinton answers, really mostly hovered around "establishment" but also "experience" and conceding that she was presidential. what do you guys see as strategists? >> this is what we see, the country is pretty polarized right now. i think the candidates certainly on the republican side, donald trump has to do a better job of reaching out to people that look like me, you know? i'm a republican. i work for a republican president, i'm an african-american man, a black
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man. when i go on the street, if i get stopped by a police officer, they don't say, oh, republican. no, they see a black guy. so america has to be about people who look like me too. and he's got to address that in a better way. and it's got to be a way that doesn't polarize, doesn't divide people. >> that's been tough so far. for hillary clinton, this is her week, she has to come out and reintroduce herself, she's been around for so long. what do those responses tell you about what she needs to do in order to win over the reluctant part of the electorate. >> i think it's pretty easy after that republican national convention. that was insane. i would love to see what these voters think, that was pre. i think if she could show the contrast of how negative and just polarizing the republican convention was. they basically just spoke to their base. >> she needed to almost make an affirmative case for herself. hillary clinton, and i'll be honest and say that i think
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partly the media's fixation on her in a negative way, we've shown she's gotten the most negative coverage than anyone else, but it has produced sort of a feedback loop, she's untrustworthy, something is sellnsell seminefarious and then doesn't turn out to be anything. doesn't she need to fix that rather than saying donald trump is horrible? >> absolutely. the e-mail situation over the past two weeks was horrible. she needs to focus. she's going to have president obama, michelle obama, vice president joe biden. she'll have leaders of the democratic party out there speaking for her and putting themselves out there and saying, we can trust her, right? so that's going to be very, very important, which we didn't see on the republican side. but yes, she has to kind of almost reintroduce herself, right? two things that need to happen you have to a convention, the first thing is unifying a party, and also talking beyond your
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base. if she can do that, that will be important. that's what tim kaine brings as well, right, he brings that to the ticket. >> that's an interesting point about talking past your base. joe, one of the reasons in my opinion tim kaine was picked is this opportunity that the clinton campaign sees to talk to people like you. i think of you as more of a bush republican, reagan republican, the throwback republican party that we remember, that wanted to expand itself. >> bigger tent. >> absolutely, the jack kemps of the world, the george herbert walker bushes, even george w. bush. does hillary clinton with tim kaine have any opportunity at all to get republicans in that vein to take a look at her? >> i think tim kaine was a very good pick for secretary clinton, a very smart pick. some may grumble, progressives, but ultimately they'll support her strongly because of bernie sanders and senator warren. i think she knows that latinos
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are already behind her in a large way. >> how deep is the antipathy to hillary clinton really? >> for both parties it's about enthusiasm as well. it's not just a matter of what the polling data says, it's a matter of who shows up on election day. if you poll people they'll say, i vote for the democrat, i vote for the republican. but on election day, if it's snowing, are you going to get out of your house to vote? in philadelphia there were precincts where there was 100% turnout for president obama. enthusiasm matters. >> but you didn't answer my question. is there an opening for republicans to take a look at hillary clinton? >> i think there is. for some republicans, they'll look very carefully. they may not like hillary clinton, they may not be a fan of hillary clinton's, but they'll look and make a decision based on who they think is the best to lead the country going
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forward. same true on the democratic side, donald trump has a chance to reach out and grab democrats who feel disaffected, and independents. >> how would she exploit that opportunity, to pull republicans without losing her progressive base? >> just looking at pennsylvania, you were talking about philly and 100% people came out, especially in 2008 and probably in 2012. but you also have the philly suburbs, montgomery and delaware counties which are called the swing counties. and so here's the thing. they keep talking about how pennsylvania is turning much more republican gradually, like about .4%, because of the western part of pennsylvania. and the thing about that is, every disaffected blue collar manufacturer type union member voter that donald trump gets, he loses about two women, right? just -- i took a long way to get to your answer, but your answer is he's going to lose women.
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he's not getting african-americans. he's not getting latinos. so it's going to be tough for him. >> thank you very much, joe watkins will be back in the hour. thank you to karine jean-pierre. thank you very much. coming up, doom, doom, doom on you. what would america look like under a president trump? and the democrats' new ticket, clinton/kaine. we'll bring that to you live on "a.m. joy" when we come back. i'm so frustrated. i just want to find a used car without getting ripped off. you could start your search at the all-new that might help. show me the carfax. now the car you want and the history you need are easy to find. show me used trucks with one owner. pretty cool. [laughs] ah... ahem... show me the carfax. start your used car search and get free carfax reports
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get your free credit scorecard at even if you're not a customer. well, you know, it was kind of perversely flattering. it's hard to believe they spent so much time talking about me and no time talking about jobs or education or health care! >> good morning, everyone, i'm
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joy reid, bringing you "a.m. joy" live from very, very hot independence hall, the site of the democratic national convention in philadelphia. we're minutes away from the official introduction of tim kaine at a miami rally. we're looking forward to a week featuring every democratic star we could probably think of. let's look back to the highlights and low lights of the republican national convention of 2016. >> this convention will come to order. >> the eayes have it and the resolution is agreed to. >> point of order! point of order! you are ignoring delegates who have been elected to this convention! >> i don't know what their thinking is. >> want chair has found insufficient support for the request for a record vote. >> this is not a meeting of the republican national committee. this is a meeting of
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brownshirts. >> islamic extremeist terrorism! ♪ we are the champions >> you work hard for what you want in life. >> you work hard for what you want in life. >> that your word is your bond and you do what you say. >> that your word is your bond, that you do what you say you're going to do. >> that you treat people with respect. >> that you treat people with dignity and respect. >> let us commence the call of the roll of the states. >> the great state of alabama. >> the great state of california. >> the great state of florida. >> the great state of indiana. >> the great state of new hampshire. >> new york, the empire state. >> it is my honor to be able to throw donald trump over the top in the delegate count tonight. congratulations, dad, we love
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you! >> the chair announces that donald j. trump has been selected as the republican party nominee for president of the united states. >> i'm going to present the case now against hillary rodham clinton. in libya and nigeria, guilty. in china and syria -- >> guilty! >> for risking america's secrets to keep her own and lying to cover it all up. >> guilty! lock her up! lock her up! >> lucifer. think about that. >> our party has a nominee. [ audience booing ] >> that was pretty well orchestrated. >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to cleveland the next president of the united states, mr. donald j. trump. >> we need a president who is politically incorrect and will tell it like it is. >> why?
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because america deserves better. >> the time for fighting is over. >> vote for conscience. vote for candidates who you trust to be faithful to the constitution. god bless each and every one of you and god bless the united states of america. >> if you want to protect the constitution of the united states, the only possible candidate this fall is the trum trump/pence republican ticket. >> you have nominated a man for president who never quits, who never backs down. a fighter, a winner. >> mr. trump is america's blue collar billionaire. >> donald trump will build a wall. >> he will focus on making quality childcare affordable and accessible for all. he will fight for equal pay for equal work. my father and our next
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president, donald j. trump. ♪ >> i humbly and gratefully accept your nomination. americans watching this address tonight have seen the recent images of violence in our streets. not only have our citizens endured domestic disaster, but they've lived through one interment humiliation after another. this is the legacy of hillary clinton. death, destruction, terrorism, and weakness. i alone can fix it. we will make america great again. god bless you and good night. >> the 2016 republican national
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convention does adjourn. and joining me now for their takes, republican strategist joe watkins, "the post"'s jonathan capehart, and "mother jones"'s david corn. david corn, give us your review of the republican national convention and do you think it will produce a bounce for donald trump? >> to me it was a parade of fear and loathing. i've never seen a modern convention where the most popular chant called for imprisoning, imprisoning your opponent. again and again and again we saw displays of hatred, more than any support for donald trump. it was focused like a laser beam on hillary clinton and demonizing her, literally deamon demonizing her when ben carson talked about her connection to lucifer. to me, one of the most bizarre
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moments of the convention, it's a little down in the weeds, but a guy named alex jones, the number one conspiracy here thee orrist in the country, a 9/11 truther. he believes the last republican president, george bush, was in on 9/11, killed 3,000 americans so he could invade iraq. he was given a special guest credential to this election because he supports donald trump and trump likes him. and george bush wasn't there. so this was a lot of bizarros and haters who gathered together to support tonight, who has been called a conman and a racist by leaders of his own party. i can't think of anything morey convention. that's kind of how i feel. >> i think you need to stop being so shy and retiring. reverend joe watkins, because you are a pastor. >> i am.
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>> invoking lucifer to shade your opponent is a bit low. >> none of us are perfect, we're all sinners, we all fall short of god's glory. nobody should be calling somebody a child of lucifer. the convention i think was successful, i mean, in that it accomplished for donald trump what he needed to accomplish. there was a lot of disunity going into the convention. i've been to a lot of these conventions over the last 20 years and seen a lot of stuff. there was a lot less unanimity than we've seen in past conventions. donald trump ended up getting the best of all of it, at the end of it he gave a speech that gave the reasons why he's running for the presidency, and he shared a vision of america that not everybody may agree with but that i think is meant to energize people to come out and support him in the polls. the other person i think that
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made a huge dent was ted cruz. and some people say maybe he killed his career, others say maybe not. i don't think he killed his career. there have been people who have been booed in the past and four years later they were the party's nominee. bill clinton was booed in the 1998 nomination and years later was the nominee. i give ted cruz credit for saying his say and saying what the republican party is supposed to be about, the party of lincoln, the party that freed the slaves, the party that stood up for black people and made sure the civil rights legislation was passed, voting rights, housing. these were all people that mattered to people of color and mattered to all americans, i think. ted cruz said that. i told heard him say that before, but he said it. >> i don't think he ever said it before. >> the thing about ted cruz's speech, there's a reason why that sort of civil rights history of the republican party stops, and he stopped at '64,
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because after that there's nothing there to talk about or claim since then. >> that's why i joined the republican party, because of the civil rights work. i'm older. that's what made me join the republican party. >> that's the thing, people forget that by and large, african-americans were republican voters because of the party of lincoln, because of what president lincoln did, and they switched when president johnson and president kennedy, you go into black homes in the south, kennedy came in christ, that's on the walls. my view of the republican party that we all witnessed is this. if democrats are not enthusiastic about hillary clinton and the hillary/kaine ticket, then they just need to go back and look at that montage that you just showed. that's the america that is going to come if donald trump is elected president. it's dark, it's aggressive, it's
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not accepting or tolerant of "the other," how it's defined by trump and his supporters. and so if that's not -- if that is not enough to motivate you to get to the polls, to save america. our editorial page, "the washington post" editorial page, we're not playing around, that editorial is not the first time we've written this. we decided early on that this was one of the moments in american history where we want to be on the record early and often to remind people. everyone likes to say this election is the most important of our lifetime. no, this one really is, because what we saw last week and what we're going to see this week are two completely different views of america. >> i'll give you last word, david corn, go ahead. >> i think there's one point that has not gotten enough attention for all the talking we've done this week. there was a real strong theme throughout the republican convention that if hillary clinton should win, it's only
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because there's a corrupt system, she should be in jail was the message, and it's a rigged system, and outside the convention hall and talking to delegates and even from the stage, you got the message that if she wins it will be because of voter fraud and corruption. so they're setting up a foundation for saying she's illegitimate as a president. this is birtherism run amok but wider and deeper. >> we are here in philadelphia were the democrats will get a chance to respond. how in your view, david corn, should the democrats respond to what they saw? what should be different this week? >> well, i think they can say, we are the party of hope and moving forward and working together, not the party of anger and hatred, and that we respect our opponents and that we want to have real policy debates and not just engage in name calling. i think just sticking to that and creating a comparison in temperament and approach and
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attitude will really resonate with maybe those 27 voters who are still undecided. >> and jonathan, same question. >> i think democrats need to make it clear, the republicans just built a wall around themselves, keeping the country out, the rest of us out. we're a party that is saying, come in, because you are a part of the american story. we all are a part of the american story. and there are challenges that we have always faced as a country, but we're only going to solve them and move forward together, not by pushing people away and making broad threats. >> because you are our philadelphia homeboy here, what would surprise you most to hear out of the democratic convention? >> i don't know that i would be surprised by anything, because i've heard so much over the course of had i time. i wouldn't be surprised by anything. >> what would pleasantly surprise you? >> it would be great just to see a great convention. it's easy to demonize one side
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or the other. you people aren't usually as bad or as good as they say you are. it would be great to get a glimpse of who the nominee is. we have snapshots of her time as secretary of state and u.s. senator. but it would be great to see her as a candidate, to see who she is and learn more about her. >> thank you for welcoming to your city. our guests will be back later in the hour, because they're great. up next, hillary clinton is getting ready for her first valley with her veep pick, tim kaine. we'll have a preview of that thrilling prospect after the break. ♪ using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the fruit... veggies... and herbs needed to create a pop-up pick-your-own juice bar in the middle of the city, so now everyone knows... we have some of the freshest juice in town.
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go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california. senator, you mentioned secretary clinton. do you want to be her running
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mate? >> i've said all along what i'm going to say now, which is i'm a happy senator and i'm not looking for another job. >> that's senator tim kaine, doubling down that he was not seeking a promotion as early as thursday. but a new job came calling anyway. hillary clinton tweeted last night with much-awaited details on the newly-formed ticket. she will formally introduce senator kaine at her running mate in a few minutes at a rally in miami. nbc's kristen welker joins us from miami with the latest. kristen, what's the mood like inside the campaign and what do we expect to hear from the candidates today? >> reporter: they're feeling optimistic, they're very confident about this pick of tim kaine. they're hoping this first joint appearance with secretary clinton and senator kaine will
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give them a winning ticket headed into next week's convention. she will try to paint her vision for how to move the country forward. we got a little bit of a glimpse last night when she held an event in tampa and criticized donald trump for painting a very dark picture of the country. she said, yes, some things need to be changed and improved, but she made it very clear she's going to paint a much rosier picture of where things stand in the u.s. i also think this event will be a chance to introduce democrats to tim kaine. he's 58-year-old father of three who campaign officials say really checks all the boxes. what does that mean? he's a senator, he's a former governor of virginia. he also has foreign policy experience. he's a former dnc chair. they feel as though she's someone who can help to bring in a critical swing state, virginia, but also help to rally some of the voters who she has a deficit with, like men, like working class voters, and like independent voters who are going
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to be so critical to winning this election, joy. he also speaks spanish, that's part of why they are having this first event here in florida. i anticipate we're going to hear him speak some spanish today. that's going to be critical for energizing latino voters, also a critical voting bloc. i think you'll see a very energized crowd here, joy. it's really the kickoff to next week's dnc. joy? >> and kristen, i'm wondering if the campaign was surprised by the intensity of the blowback, quite frankly, from progressives on the kaine pick. surely they had been hearing for months that progressives would not be excited about a kaine pick, that's something that shouldn't have been unknown to them. do you think they were surprised by how intense it's been? >> reporter: i asked that very question, joy, a little bit earlier today. a campaign official said they weren't surprised, they were prepared for this. and what you are going to see over the next several days is a very firm pushback on progressives who say he's not progressive enough.
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they're going to point to key moments in his record, and they will argue that he is a progressive. they're going to point to his record as a governor, when he fought for stiffer gun laws. they're going to point to his very high rating with a number of progressive organizations like the brady campaign and other groups. so i think that's going to be part of the pushback. then one of the key issues here has been trade, joy. as you know, joy, you've talked a lot about this, the fact that he voted to approve fast track authority for tpp, that big trade deal that progressives just hate. i was told that he is going to come out against the actual trade deal. he's going to say that that fast track authority was a procedural vote and now that he's had the chance to actually review the details, he is opposed to tpp. so that could be significant. but there's no doubt they have a lot of work to do in that regard, because progressives, a key part of secretary clinton's base, she has an endorsement from senator elizabeth warren and of course bernie sanders who are going to help energize that part of the party.
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but it's going to be critical that senator tim kaine helps to win them over as well, joy. >> yeah, absolutely. at the end of the day, progressive voters, young voters, and voters of color, are so key to the democratic party. let's see how they make that sale. nbc's kristen welker in miami, thank you. frederica wilson, we saw her up on the dais, doing their thing. up next, what a trump presidency would look like from somebody who would know, believe me. stay with us. if you have a typical airline credit card, you only earn double miles when you buy stuff from that airline. this where you typically shop? you should be getting double miles on every purchase! the capital one venture card. with venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, everywhere, every day. not just ...(dismissively) airline purchases. seriously... double miles... everywhere.
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there is no heart. there is no soul. if you google the word "sociopath," you'll get the first list will be the ten key qualities of a sociopath. that is a perfect description of donald trump. we have the craziest man who has ever run for president in the history of the united states.
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>> that was tony schwartz, donald trump's ghost writer for "the art of the deal," the memoir that trump brags is second only to the bible. schwartz gave us rare insight into the man he followed around for 18 months while writing the bestselling book. schwartz listed many concerns about trump, including compulsive self aggrandizemeagg. he said, "it's impossible to imagine him paying attention over a long period of time." another author said trump is driven by spite. this week he wrote, "i had landed on a long and esteemed list of haters and losers, spanning decades, from wharton
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to wall street to the oval office, who have reconcilidicul sneered at him, and now propelled him to the republican nomination." joining me now from washington, d.c. is "the new yorker" staff writer who interviewed tony schwartz, jane mayer. thanks for being here. tony schwartz is now being sued by donald trump over his revelations to you. what was your key takeaway about what he things is driving donald trump to want to be president? >> honestly, he painted the most alarming inside picture of donald trump. you know, i came away thinking that he felt -- he describes even in a diary he kept at the time that he was writing "the art of the deal," which was back in 1986, that trump was what he called a human black hole, with
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just an insatiable need for attention, money, and just kind of a claim. he could never, ever get enough, according to tony schwartz, as he worked with him, truly he's one of the only people who's worked with trump who has been able to tell the inside story, because he worked with him before trump started signing people up in nondisclosure agreements. and so he's one of the only people who is able to describe it without actually violating a contract. >> and jane, you know, i was on that realtime episode with tony, he described donald trump as a sociopath. we've had editorials, "the washington post" called him dangerous, it's been called vladimir putin-esque. how would you characterize what donald trump is, at least in tony schwartz's view? >> i asked tony schwartz, if you
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were writing the book today, what would you call it? he said, i would call it is in the soc se soci sciopath. what he meant was someone who could never get enough. the reason he agreed to speak to me finally was, he felt, as he put it, terrified that this man would be president because, among other things, he has an incredibly short attention span. i mean, schwartz, in order to write the book, had to get enough material from trump to write some 300 pages. and what he -- and trump wanted him to do this, this was a cooperative agreement, they were splitting the fees for the book and wanted it to be a success. schwartz could not get trump to concentrate more than a few minutes at a time. and so he worries that if there were, for instance, some kind of
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complicated national security situation and emergency, that trump would not be able to sit still and take in the information. he says he doesn't believe that trump has ever read a book in his adult life. trump, when he was interviewed on the subject, actually admitted that he doesn't actually read books. he says he doesn't have time. other presidents, most recently george w. bush and president obama, read plenty of books. trump's got this really short attention span, according to schwartz, which he sees as a huge liability for someone who might be president, because you can't absorb information that's complicated, it gives him a superficial understanding of things and makes it hard for him to focus on what's at hand. >> even the speech he gave on thursday, our understanding is he didn't rehearse it or do a run through. you could see how slowly he was reading it through, as if it was the first time he was reading
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the words. chris hayes interviewed mckay hopkins who spent some time following trump around. let's take a listen to what mckay had to say. >> i was one taunting insider who got under trump's skin. this has been his entire life. he was always an outsider, even when he was a kid, born to a rich family but born in queens, longing to be accepted by the wealthy elite in manhattan but never quite made it. >> jane, did you get a sense from tony why donald trump wanted and needed to have "the art of the deal" written? what was the goal of having that book published? >> this was his way of bursting on the scene and creating a myth about himself. the problem for tony schwartz was he was supposed to be writing a nonfiction book that was accurate. again and again he describes the problem with interviewing trump
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was that he describes him as a chronic, almost pathological liar, who when schwartz tried to check the facts, they wouldn't square with what other people's accounts were. and so he was aggrandizing himself in a way that was out of touch with reality, according to schwartz, which is, again, a disturbing trait, you know, because you don't want a president constantly lying to the american public about what reality is. so these were all qualities that made schwartz finally come forward and agree to an interview. it's his first interview in almost 30 years on this subject. and, you know, he didn't -- it's not -- i think something that's important for people to understand is he's not disagreeing, it's not about trump's ideology, though schwartz does have different views than trump. what made him come forward was his absolute deep concern about trump's character. >> it's an important read, i
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think, for anybody who, if you're still undecided and you want to know a little bit more about him or even if you're not but want insights on donald trump from somebody who would know. jane mayer, thank you so much for bringing us that interview and for being here today. >> thank you for having me. up next, celeb versus celeb. quite a turn. can the democrats top chachi and that dude from "duck dynasty"? and we're standing by for the first joint appearance by hillary clinton and her running mate tim kaine in miami. stay with us. i approve this message.
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donald trump: i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go f--- themselves! you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever... you gotta see this guy. ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh. "i don't remember." he's going like "i don't remember!"
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it takes a lot of work... but i really love it.s. i'm on the move all day long... and sometimes, i just don't eat the way i should. so i drink boost® to get the nutrition that i'm missing. boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a great taste. i don't plan on slowing down any time soon. stay strong. stay active with boost®. . if you're an average american who feels like you've been forgotten, neglected by far away leaders, that the deck is stagg stacked against you and you just can't win, donald trump will have your back.
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>> barack obama and hillary clinton promote division. don't be fooled. donald trump is for unity. >> america is an easy place to get to. but for you first time voters, it's important for you to know what it means to be an american. it doesn't mean getting free stuff. >> if you, like "the washington post," keep a celebrity lineup at the republican national convention, you might find more familiar faces at the democratic national convention, where the wattage promises to shine a bit brighter. included among the selection are lena dunham, kareem abdul jamar, demi lovato, and america ferrera. there was the "duck dynasty"
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dude, there was antonio sabato jr. i think he was on a soap. and then there was chachi, scott bio. why did donald trump have such trouble pulling celebs? donald trump is a celebrity. even mike tyson was like, uh, no. >> dennis rodman. >> he said no. they all said no. why is that? >> well, you know, right now the campaign has not as i said earlier, done the job to reach out to african-americans. >> even tim tebow said no. >> tim tebow isn't african-american. >> i mean, in terms of celebrities, it wasn't just black celebrities. >> everybody said no. antonio sabato jr., scott baio, what is this? it was like a really sad river
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cruise entertainment show. like, hey, antonio sabato jr., scott baio, get the shuffleboard. >> we laugh and we joke, but there is, joe, there has been for quite a while a cultural divide between republicans and democrats, which actually feeds the sort of paranoia and anger among some of the right who fear that the culture dismisses and d disses them. most of the popular musicians don't even want their songs played at the republican national convention, cease and desist orders were going out even as the convention was going on, it was like, don't play my songs. when you have people who are isolated culturally, is that part of what feeds the divide, because people on the right feel, hollywood despises us, the music industry despises us, we're sort of isolated, other than country music. >> maybe it does. i think it gives credence to my argument which is that the
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republican party, if this is going to be a credible, strong party going forward, it's got to be a much bigger tent than it currently is. it's got to be a party that says to lots of people and everybody, certainly all americans, i love you, i want you to be a part of me. >> jackie robinson and james brown, what happened? >> right, we used to. >> you know what, though, there are singers and actors and hollywood types who are republicans. >> right. kelsey grammer. >> who are conservative. but they even chose not to be in cleveland. so it's not that entertainment and hollywood is liberal. it's that this guy is someone who is so antithetical to what they feel or believe a republican or a conservative should be, that they didn't even want to come out. so if scott baio sees this as his way to ride back into fame or antonio sabato jr., who i had forgotten about, quite frankly, see it as a way to ride back into a bit of the limelight,
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that says more about them than it does about -- really, about the republican party, which is in deep, deep straits. sorry. >> we want to bring it back to next week's convention. does celebrity, and the fact that yes, hillary clinton will have a lot more celebrities, a lot more stars, does that actually translate into votes? >> in the social media age that we're in, it might not translate into votes. but it certainly translates into eyeballs. all you're trying to do -- the vote is the final sale. but in order for you to get someone to give you a look-see, you need someone to say, hey, i vouch for this person, this is someone you should pay attention to. i guarantee you, if kim kardashian or someone with a huge following, beyonce, were to say, you know what, that hillary clinton is great, or that donald trump said something interesting, eyeballs immediately. and it makes people say, maybe i should give that person a look-see, give them a second chance, or reject them
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completely. >> on the other hand, speaking of celebrity, i have to get this in with you, joe, one of the knocks on barack obama from republicans in 2008 was they downed him as a celebrity. they said he was narcissistic, they said he was all about image. now they've nominated a reality tv star with no experience -- they also said he had no experience. they have now nominated someone who has never been elected to anything and is all the things they claimed barack obama was. why is there no sense of irony among those folks? >> beauty is always in the eye of the beholder, people love to look at the other party and say things that aren't terribly nice about the other party and the other party's candidates. at the end of the day, barack obama was a great candidate and certainly made history as the first african-american elected as president of the united states, and will go down in history as somebody who made a difference for america. he's one of the really strong presidents that we've had.
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and whether you like him or don't like him, he's going to go down in history. it's not unusual for people to say mean things about the other party and the other party's nominee. >> but donald trump is sui generis. this is not a typical republican candidate. >> he certainly is not typical. this is also not a typical run can year, this has been a very different cycle. this is a cycle when the party elected as its nominee an outsider, somebody who had no political experience, somebody who has been successful in business, who has been on tv. >> successful-ish in business, there's a difference. very quickly, jonathan, who would you say people are going to be most excited about in terms of the stars we expect to see next week at the dnc? >> who's coming? >> demi lovato? >> all the star wattage will be
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at the democratic national convention. it's matter of how fast can your neck whip from one side to the other to get a look at the star you like. >> and the other side will be even angrier. much more ahead as we await the appearance by hillary clinton and her running mate, virginia senator tim kaine. we'll be right back. ♪ using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the framework... wire... and plants needed to give my shop... a face... no one will forget. see what the power of points can do for your business. learn more at
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voting rights advocates scored a big win this week. a federal appeals court ruled that texas' onerous voter i.d. law violates the voting rights act by making it harder for black and latino residents to cast their ballots. more than 600,000 texans, disproportionately people of color, don't have the right i.d. the court did not strike down the law but ordered the state to make sure that people who have
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trouble getting the right documents can still get their votes counted. meanwhile, in virginia, the state's high court struck down an order that had restored voting rights to ex-felons who had served their sentences. terry mcauliffe, the governor, said he will sign 200,000 orders to make sure they can vote. up next, who won the week. when i crave a smoke that's all i crave. that's where this comes in. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste.
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we are standing by for the first joist campaign appearance by her new running mate, senator tim kaine. it's been quite a week as we watch the pictures there. the preamble is under way. once the speakers come out, we will certainly go back to it. time for who won the week. who was the big winner? who won the week? >> you know, joy, i always hate to be obvious when you ask me these questions, but it's hard
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to say that it wasn't hillary clinton. the republican convention was, as i said, a parade of hate. i don't think it expanded donald trump's reach beyond the people who are already with him. plus there was a train wreck with so many problems during the week. her selection of tim kaine is night and day, opposite to what happened at the republican convention. i don't think trump gets much of a bounce. she has a chance to try to get her own bounce. right now she's looking pretty strong. >> yeah. i've got to say, the actual convention not outrating the 2008 convention with john mccain, is telling. because you did have this record turnout in the primaries, i think 13 million votes for donald trump. but he wasn't able to match the enthusiasm in the end that mccain did. >> i'm not sure there's any great ratings for the dnc convention either. so come the end of the week, donald trump boasting that maybe his ratings were higher than hers.
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ultimately, i don't think these conventions matter as much as they used to. but still, she looks like a pro. she looks reasonable. and that's not the way he came out this week. >> bill clinton's unlikely to pick some lines out of some other person's speech. unlikely. but it could happen. joe, who won the week? >> i think that at least from the standpoint of effectiveness, this was an effective week for donald trump. i thought that the convention wasn't smooth. there was a lot of drama for the first time in many years. but i think he accomplished everything he needed to accomplish, as far as exciting his base and getting people who may not have supported him early on to say that, you know, i'll give him a look. >> did the convention add any supporters to him? >> i don't think so. the hard part, maybe new support, maybe some independents and some democrats. but from an ethics standpoint, i don't think it ethnically. we still have a problem with
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ethnic balance in our party. not enough black people u and not enough brown people. that needs to change. as far as reaching some independents and democrats, i think donald trump did that this week. >> would won the week? >> i think the trump kids won the week. this is their first time on a global stage. everyone was watching what they had to say, how they would present themselves. i thought donald trump jr., conservative to his core, you could sense it in the way he spoke. it came through the screen. one state senator from kansas said to me, he liked donald trump jr. because conservativism came naturally to him. i thought eric trump did very well. i thiought ivanka trump did wel as well. she's the star of the family, the star of the trump kids. but i thought donald trump jr. did a better job. i think we're going to be
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talking politically a lot about him, donald trump jr., in the future. >> like donald trump himself, you forgot tiffany. >> i'm so sorry. i was in the hall for her speech. and she did well. >> yes, she did. but i have to say, i am not in the -- >> don't forget, ivanka sold a few dresses. >> i don't know, i'm a bit not in the pulpit of the kids. they said they love their dad. that's what they're supposed to do. i think i'm with bill maher on that. but you know what, everybody had their opinions. i had a few different sort of nominees for who won the week. i thought jared hill, the unemployed journalist free lance young guy out of california who caught that plagiarism. good for him. i hope that he gets a really good journalism job out of it. because he snooped that out and caught that. so i thought he won the week.
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in a sense, though, i thought ted cruz won the week. i know this is going to see a bit ironic. what ted cruz actually did, unlike many members of the republican party who said out of their mouths that donald trump is unfit to be president. but then who have lined up behind him anyway. i think there's something to the fact that if you believe that this person is unfilth to be president, that you don't line up, even after they called your dad a murderer, and basically impugned your wife's looks and insulted her. i don't agree in anything ted cruz believes in, but i think he stood on principle. the big loser of north carolina, you ain't all getting the nba all-star game. joe watkins, jonathan and david, thank you all for being with us. that is our show for today. up next, i will switch into the guest chair and join my kol lying and pal, alex witt as we get ready for the new
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9:00 am
legalzoom. legal help is here. hey there, everyone. i'm alex witt here live in philadelphia at the independence mall visitor center. just two days before the democratic national convention kicks off just a short distance from here. but the big story this hour in miami, we're just moments away from the first joint appearance of hillary rodham clinton and her vice presidential pick, virginia senator tim kaine. bringing you a live picture from florida international university, where the new running mates are going to be taking the stage very soon. we at nbc have kristen welker in miami, and andrea mitchell. and by my side here in philadelphia, joy reed, host of "am joy." and former naacp head,


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