tv Morning Joe MSNBC July 29, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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let's re-elect our great president, barack obama! >> the inimitable jennifer granholm. that's going to do it for me and "way t way too early. morning joe starts right now. donald trump, you ask americans to trust you with their future. let me ask you, have you even read the united states constitution? i will gladly lend you my copy. in this document look for the
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words -- look for the words "liberty" and "equal protection of law." good morning. it is friday, july 29th. what an incredible moment. >> it was an incredible moment watching it last night. i got chills. i know you and everybody else did. it was -- it was one of the most moving moments of any convention that i've ever been to, anything i've ever seen, and it was the most quiet dignified response to the madness and the sound and the fury signifying nothing that we've been hearing for the past year about muslims, about mexicans, about, quote, the others. the father of a soldier killed for fighting for the united states of america. say no more. say no more.
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>> mike and willie, what a moment that was. >> when mr. kahn looked into the camera and said about the united states of america to donald trump, you have sacrificed nothing and no one, i began to cry actually. i had tears in my eyes in reflection thinking about. i've read about it and heard about it. it was joseph welch in the 1950s when he said to senator joseph mccarthy, at long last, sir, do you have no sense of dignity and he took the bully down then. and i don't know if there's anything you can do if you're donald trump. you can't tweet this one away. >> no. he took the bully down quietly and elegantly and in a way that made everybody think twice, i think, about everything that's been going on. let's just back up a little bit
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here. as jennifer granholm would say, let's put it in reverse. we're live at mcguillens in philadelphia. we're topping off the democratic national convention. we've got the managing editor of bloomberg politics and co-host and with all due respect, mark halperin, senior politicalk coluko columnist ron cormier. last night hillary clinton walked out to a sea of flags embracing her daughter in a moment in history. >> so, my friends, it's with confidence and america's promise they accept your nomination for president of the united states!
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tonight, tonight we've reached a milestone in our nation's march toward a more perfect union, the first time that a major party has nominated a woman for preside president. i'm happy for grandmothers and little girls, and everyone in between. i'm happy for boys and men because when any barrier falls in america, it clears the way for everyone. after all, when there are no ceilings, the sky's the limit. don't lehtonen tell you that our country is weak. we're not. don't lehtonen tell you we don't have what it takes. we do. and most of all, don't believe
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anyone who says i alone can fix it. he's forgetting every last one of us. americans don't say i alone can fix it. we say we'll fix it together! now donald trump says and this is a quote, i know more about isis than the generals do. no, donald, you don't. he thinks -- he thinks he knows more than our military because he claimed our armed forces are a disaster. so just ask yourself do you really think donald trump has the temperament to become
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commander in chief? donald trump can't even handle the rough and tumble of a presidential campaign. imagine him in the oval office facing a real crisis, a man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. >> wow. >> i think that could have been the moment of the night for hillary's speech. but, willie, you know, we had played a portion of what had happened before hillary clinton's speech. the remarkable thing about last night, david axelrod and so many others on the right and the left said it was the most conceived and executed conventions we have ever seen. i just tweeted, oh, my god, by the time the general was going out and quoting john kennedy and
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the inauguration, let friends and foe alike know we are here, you had one democrat after another democrat after another democrat saying something that democrats have been uncomfortable about saying for the past 40 years that we are the indispensable nation, that there is something unique and great about this country and without the united states of america being that city on the hill shining brightly for all the world to see, that it is a dark, dark world. there was a complete role reversal last night of parties. it was the democratic party that just ripped the mantle of reagan's optimism and sprid it all over prime time. and then last week it was the negative a-bomb of negativism. i couldn't believe what i saw last night. >> the moment when general allen
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giving his fire are speech, the crowds chanting "usa," flags everywhere, police officers, military veterans, it felt like a george w. bush convention. and donald trump's slogan, make america great began gave the democrats again a week to say, no, here's why america is great. i think criss matthews made a good point this week, that it took donald trump and the democratic party to come together to show this side of itself that we haven't seen. >> the democratic party has finally recovered from the 1984 convention in san francisco. they finally recovered from the scars of vietnam. this democratic party last night was not ashamed to say i'm proud
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to be an american where at least i know i'm free. the chants of "usa," the signs that were there, it was triangulation on american soil. >> first, goldberg had a great line. he said this was a great convention. he said the democrats talking loving their country. republicans talk about loving trump. he refined american exceptionism. he said it's about realizing your country has to get better wchl very to take that ten steps forward like the army private did who killed himself. he weaponized it by saying that trump isn't just saying i'm bad, you're bad, he's saying you're
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not capable to make this country better. he turned the american public against donald trump last night. >> there you go. >> that was unbelievable. >> we were talking about what that party looked like and what the convention did for the entire hillary clinton message and came together in a huge way. you saw members of law enforcement, you saw parents, muslims, you saw them echoing the message of the country, the constitution, and the cops who protect and serve. >> we put on our badge every day to serve and protect, not to hate and discriminate. >> our son in my own head dreams, too, of being a military lawyer, but he put those dreams aside the day he sacrificed his
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life to save the lives of his fellow soldiers. >> soldiers spend years training for one moment. when hillary clinton comes, she will be ready. ready to serve, ready to lead. >> with her as our commander in chief our international relations will not be reduced to a business transaction. our armed forces will not become an instrument of torture. and they will not be engaged in murder. >> i knew ronald reagan. i worked for ronald reagan. donald trump, you are no ronald reagan. president reagan famously said "tear down this wall." trump says build a wall because that will make america great
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again? >> donald trump, you're asking americans to trust you with their future. let me ask you have you even read the u staets constitutinit constitution. i will -- i will gladly lend you my copy. >> to my fellow republicans, if you believe like i do, you believe loyalty to our country is more important than loyalty to party, if you want a president with good judgment, i ask you to join me in voting for hillary clinton as president of the united states. thank you. mark halperin and michael steele called this the greatest republican convention he's ever been to, and i think what was most telling is for a lot of
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younger people and actually unfortunately a lot of people just younger than me, i'll put it that way, they forget there was a time when evangelicals comfortably voted for democrats. that changed in 1980, and democrats started fearing even talking about their faith publicly, especially at conventions. last night you had evangelical preachers, you had choirs singing. at donald trump's convention he didn't even mention god, he didn't mention faith. not much of a surprise. but, again, the contrast is just really telling. >> as liberal as hillary clinton has been on domestic policy in trying to keep up with bernie sanders, people lose sight of the fact she's fundamentally conservative on a variety of issues. foreign policy, she's very
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hawkishish, talking about faith, she's comfortable talking about that and on issues, she's conservative. the very essence of donald trump on foreign policy, she took a lot of ground. >> it went back to what mika said. the other night, he said, donald trump were saying things that weren't even republican. they sure as heck weren't conservative and he actually was speaking to republicans. we have erick erickson thanking barack obama for being optimist optimistic? it's a pretty foreign turn. >> also they recommended all the problems that this country is facing, the hope, the optimism,
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the principles it's based upon for sure, but also it had cops, it had mothers of young men who had been killed by cops, it was able to bridge that divide of problems that plague our country. it had people struggling with low wages, struggling to make ends meet. it recognized what we need do as well as gender some hope and optimism going forward. think about the convention at this time last week, shall we, door we not want to? because i remember saying this convention would absolutely rip to shred as what happened in cleveland. it did more than that. i don't even remember cleveland. i don't. and i don't want to. >> you know, just like i had said, you're talking about the '84 convention. for the democrats, it was negative in a transformational
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sense. this is going to be transformational like 1980 was for republicans. >> what you had here this week in philadelphia is contrasted to last week in cleveland. please, put away your tweet machines. this convention this week was much more a reflection of america, the america we all live in than was last week in cleveland. we all know, everyone here knows there's a wide channel of anxiety, frustration, sometimes anger about what's going on in the country and the direction of the country, but no one here in this room, no one that i know is at the point where they're saying i've got to get out of here and get to sweden. people love this country. that's why we're here. it's the only country in the world that lets you be a fool on tv or do whatever you'd like to do. >> thank god. >> you're talking about yourself. >> i am. i am. in this convention democrats
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came back to who they are. they came back to this wide tapestry of people under the umbrella of the democratic party. they came back to mentioning faith and god. they came back to mentioning sacrifice of men and women lost in the war in these 15 years. and hillary clinton -- and production values are extraordinarily important today too. the production values of this country were so far superior than we saw last week put on by a reality tv host. it was captured last evening with hillary clinton, who no matter what you think of the speech, she did it. >> for all the superstars, michelle obama's fantastic speech, the president, the vice president, it is mr. kahn. he wasn't a politician who had been working on a speech for months and months. he stepped up and talked about
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his son serving in iraq in 2004 and i thought laid waist to donald trump's entire theory of the case which he said basically this country doesn't belong to a few of us. it belongs to all of us. >> just a cautionary, people still desperately want change. despite how much change they want, if it was a conventional year, donald trump would be toast. but it's not a conventional year. but do people still have faith? that we can change optimistically? take ten steps forward? it's still not over. >> mark? >> you take the slogan. this was about a constellation of not just democratic superstars but a lot of people representing what hillary clinton wants to be about. in the end i think after the bounce of this convention settles down, hillary clinton will be anywhere from the key stays to plus eight and minus
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three and that's a big range. but this convex was as well executed as any i've covered but it comes down to this fund menial change and continuity and her ability to beat an unconventional candidate. >> i dornlt know if america still thinks that. >> donald trump gave this convention and this party, a democratic party a gift when he said "i alone can fix it." >> that was a gift. >> he also gave the democrats the most extraordinary gift anybody has given and that is just a wide, wide runway to land a plane with everybody waving american flags when they're getting off and hugging cops and kissing returning soldiers and telling how much they love this country. and it was extraordinary last night watching the sheriff from
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dallas come out and deliver a "blue lives matter" speech. it was extraordinary watching a general come out last night saying to friends we are going to defend you, to foes we are going to obliterate you. and when a few "no more war" chants went out, the entire democratic convention erupted in chants of "usa, usa." i don't know how this translate bus you have to go back to jfk in 1960 to see this democratic party. >> you would think the response from donald trump -- there would be some sort of eloquent response to try and match this. he says he wants to hit people. i will have that for you. >> willie, specifically who did he want to punch in the face? >> some of the speakers up there.
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>> and the little guy. >> the little guy. >> in fairness, he said hit like say something mean about them. this was a great week for the democrats, but it was a week in time. hillary clinton has to go out and do it now. she doesn't have all the people this week on the trail with her. she's still deeply disliked by a lot of people, her favorability numbers are not good. >> what did she say about what she's going to do with the economy? can anyone think of anything? >> no. >> but what conventions are about are the introductions of candidates on a big stage to a lot of americans who have never tuned in before, and if they tuned in for the first time last week and this week, i think you're going to see a change in the polls.
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mika, i brought this up yesterday. i'll bring it up again because "the new york times" is tweeteding it out again today, and that is the election electr map. if you put virginia in the democrats' column, donald trump still has a really good chance of being electioned president of the united states if the election were held today. we move on then. joining usz former secretary madeleine albright and also donald trump said he wouldn't go after anybody in the democratic convention. you heard that, right? we'll play more when we come back. you're watching "mornin g joing"
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>> nobody knows the system better than me. which is why i alone can fix it. >> really? "i alone can fix it?" isn't he forgetting troops on the front lines, police officers and firefighters who run toward danger? doctors and nurses who cared for us? teachers who change lives? entrepreneurs who see possibilities in every problem? mothers who lost children to violence and are building a movement to keep other kids safe? he's forgetting every last one of us. americans don't say "i alone can fix it."
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we say "we'll fix it together!" we left on our honeymoon in january 2012. it actually evolved into a business. from our blog to video editing... our technology has to hang tough with us. when you're going to a place without electricity, you need a long battery life. the touch, combined with the screen resolution... a mac doesn't have that. we wanted to help more people get out there and see the world. once you take that leap, that's where the magic happens. is because covering heals faster.
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tonight i'll go home, i guess, and watch, i guess. are we going to watch tonight? i don't know. i think we'll stay together all night because i don't really want go home and watch that crap, okay? >> donald trump rallied in iowa last night, a swing state where he's pulled slightly ahead of clinton in polls. top republican officials spoke in support of him including senators. there were not so veiled swipes at some of the speakers. >> what was said about me. i mean should i go through some of the names? should i? no. you know what, i wanted to.
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i wanted to hit a couple of those speakers so hard. i was all set. and thin i got a call from a highly respected governor, how's it going, donald? well, it's going good but they're saying so many bad things about me. i was going to hit them. i was going to hit one guy so hard, particularly a little guy, wi us going to hit him so hard his head would spin and he wouldn't know what happened. he came out of nowhere. would you help me with this, help me make the deal, solve the problem. i was going hit a number of those speakers so hard their heads would spin, they'd never recover. i said i'm going to hit this one, i'm going to hit that one. he said, friend, donald, don't bother. nobody cares. you only have one person you
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want to go after and that's crooked hillary clinton. and i said to him, but, yeah, they said things that were terrible and i don't like it achlt and they have an audience, and i don't like it. and they lied. they told so many different lies. i said, look, i want to, i have to. he said, you beat crooked hillary clinton. don't punch down. he used the expression "don't punch down." i don't know that he's right but i promised i wouldn't say de blasio is the worst governor in the country. >> ron cormier, how are you? it's breathtaking. >> it's so petty. you can't turn around and start a fist fight with everyone. if you put out a vision of wrl he wants to be ahead, you
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wouldn'tance every little thing it's always about him. it's not about the people in iowa who want to know how they're going to be able to afford to send their kids to school or the young people going out to try to find a job so they can start to pay some of the college debt that's going to be stacked on them for 15 years. it's not about the entrepreneurs trying to figure out how to pay them every two weeks. it's all about the little fights. >> this is a nonconvention here but we've never nominated a president like that. hillary said can we trust a man who baits with a tweet. what does he do after the speech? he starts tweeting lied a madman. >> he can't seem to get out of his way. there are so many chances.
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this is a changed year, a golden opportunity for donald trump. but time and again he can't get out of his way. the vladimir putin lovefest from earlier this week, i this i tnk that's going to stay with him. >> i'm glad you brought that up. that's incredibly serious with all the little slings and arrows being shot from his mouth, but i think the bigger question is for the republican leadership at this point. >> yeah. >> this guy is not going to change. this is what you've got. are you going to go down with this ship? because that's the question for a number of people we have great respect for, who we had a lot of hope in for the future of the republican party. donald trump's not going to change, but what about these guys that end women, that we were hoping would build a national conversation and build
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a party and the friction an conversation that makes us better. >> it's not like we didn't warn them from the first day, mike barnicle, that they went out and endorsed donald trump without asking for anything in return. we said it's only going to get worse and now here we are a month later. >> it's actually much worse. >> he's saying extraordinarily positive things and extraordinarily frightening things about his relationship with vladimir putin and what he wants russia to do. >> that gets to the art of president obama's speech the other night in which he basically laid out a case against donald trump, not against republicans or conservatives but against donald trump, and everyone here in this room, everyone in this country should know, and they ought to know and they do know russia's not in this for us. i mean russia's in this to fragment western europe, to create chaos and havoc
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politically and internationally. and last night in iowa you saw the candidate, the presidency of the united states, the republican candidate basically saying "i" about 1,600 times and indicating that he wanted to hit mike bloomberg. that's who he was referring to when he said the little guy because he said some disparaging things about him. people ought to be thinking if the president of iranian says something about the future donald trump, does he hit our children again and extend the war for 30, 40 years? >> that's why conservatives have to think about it, mika. conservatives hated the deal with iranian, with barack obama, didn he didn't stand up to assad. you're talking about donald trump who props up iranian and assad. >> it's mind-numbing, it really
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is. i don't know where to begin with it. you know what he should have done? he talks about deals that should have been made? it's gone to the wayside and he's blurting very negative destructive things as we have a democratic party rallying behind the most qualified candidate for president. >> and he spend this week talking about his relationship with president putin. >> if you were a senate leader would you have your candidates running away from him? >> yes, i would. i would say, you've got go back to your people and you have to explain. i've always said this. never underestimate your voters. tell them the truth. you can see -- you know, the center cannot hold when you have the speaker of the house calling the republican nominee a racist but saying he's still endorsing the republican nominee. it is so bizarre on its face
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that people are chuckling in the background. but when you have the speak of the house, the most powerful republican saying what he said is racist. when you have the most powerful person in government t speaker of the house for condemning donald trump for his laudatory remarks, continued laudatory remarks about president bputin who kills journalists. >> and what did he say? >> he said we kel kill people in america. >> thank you, mr. president. >> that's what they do in washington, d.c. that's why you can't endorse him. >> cut him loose. >> cut him loose. >> i asked of paul ryan why he endorsed. i know he has a more difficult complicated thee of facts. he's the speaker of the house. but what would be the cost at
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this point of paul ryan and others coming out and saying,'ve if they endorsed them, i've been watching him for the past two months, i cannot support him, a, b, or c. what would it cost them? >> i don't know what it would cost them but it would save the party of lincoln. if they don't do that, this party is going to break apart. the reagan coalition already broke apart. the coalition that ran politics in the 180s has been blown to piece. donald trump is a big government democrat. a pessimistic zbbig government democrat. he's been a pessimistic big government democrat for 60 years. that's part of the record. it's not in dispute. so these republicans are going to throw away their careers,
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their party, who over a guy who's been a lifelong democrat who doesn't think america's great? >> i don't get it. i don't get it. coming up, can president obama real invent the convention for hillary clinton. we'll have more when "morning joe" comes right back. if you really like donald trump, that's good. but if you don't, you have to vote for me anyway. you know why? supreme court judges. supreme court judges. you have no choice. you have no choice. sorry, sorry. we got another one. i have an orc-o-gram for an "owen." that's me. ♪ you should hire stacy drew. ♪ ♪ she wants to change the world with you. ♪ ♪ she can program jet engines to talk and such. ♪ ♪ her biggest weakness is she cares too much. ♪ thank you. my friend really wants a job at ge. mine too. ♪ i'm a wise elf from a far off shire. ♪ and sanjay patel is who you should hire. ♪
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a big bounce of this? >> they've been telling people they don't expect a huge bounce. it was technically proficient really well run campaign. the question is are there new voters who are going to say they're going to go for her, undecid undecided. >> yesterday's poll showed her up nine points ahead. >> i believe she's up, but not by that much. coming up, the general election is now officially under way. we're joined next live from mcgillin's. at the beginning of the 21st century, the earth needed to find a new way to keep up with the data from over 30 billion connected devices. just 30 billion? a bold group of researchers and computer scientists in silicon valley, had a breakthrough they called... the machine.
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joe." we're still at the pub. we've been at the pub all week kchl you believe we've been at the crowded pub? joining us now right here in the great city of philadelphia, nbc senior white house correspondent chris jansing. i'm going to read from your piece. obama homes to reframe the democratic national election for hillary clinton. the former secretary of state is the emblem of status quo and trump is living disruption. she represents a political system that most americans don't trust, that fail to protect their livelihoods and the shift from industrialism to globalism, that made promises it didn't keep, that puts more value in the results of the next election than the needs of the next generation. she could lose that fight, but if the election becomes a battle
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over whose vision best represents true american greatness, trump might not look so good. >> having the generals come out, the father, the most moving moment of the night, a muslim's son who gave his life in defense of our country coming out, if you didn't know it was a democratic convention, you might think honestly that it was a republican convention. all of the old sort of cliches are gone in this race. i think there was a real outreach there last night for republicans who are uncomfortable with donald trump who don't know where to go, for her to say, i'm here for you. >> and they have republicans for hillary on stage last night, right? >> they did. and it was about as well put
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together as they could have possibly staged it. but ron fornier, you're basically saying if this remains a changed election through november, this was not more than a beautiful political patch. >> yes. they were saying, he's insulting you. we are better together. that's where that phrase really resona resonates. >> what do they do now? they had everybody all week supporting hillary clinton. dwl dwlou take that show out on the road? >> let's talk about what they achieved. it was a running theme the first day and a half to get the bernie sanders supporters to be supportive. they did as good a job as they could. >> by the way, what were the sanders people hearing last night after hearing for a year
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this party's becoming more progressive to see it at the peak of their convention looking more conservative than at any convention since 1960? >> well, conservative on national security and some issues. >> cops? >> conservative on it. but the issues they care about, look, hillary clinton has gone a long way on trade, college, health care, taxes, they got a lot of what they wanted, but for the groups in the hall that were unhappy, wit as relatively small group. they united for the most part the sanders folks. rebranded sanders in some ways, not others. they got the democratic party against trump. the challenge first and foremost as ron suggested, can she by a changed agent. that's what clinton tried. they did a really good job of trying to put in play some republican voters. the question, though, again is
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does trump's standing for change trump everything they accomplished this week? of course, we talked earlier this week about the arc of the day with bernie sanders being booed by his own supporters booing everything he said about clinton and then michelle obama coming on stage. this is preaching to the choir. these are your people. she's got to go out and win new people. >> you want to build, you want to start well and build strong. dhad that. they had speakers who were tremendous who really gave a cohesive vision, something donald trump isn't able to do. he can't stay on message. he goes off on so many tangents. having said that, what the republicans are going to go out and talk about, they're going to say this vision of america doesn't exist, this vision of everything is sunny and all is well with the world is not what you're living and we're addressing what you are living.
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i think long term what the outcome of in convention is going to be both from bernie sanders and hillary clinton is going to be a big influx of women and young people who are considering going into public service. there's a long term that this is going to have an impact. short term it's given the republicans something to hit on. >> you know, the battle and you look at the numbers, it really is now college educated republicans. and the one area leaning in for the first time any democratic candidate is white college educated voters. mitt romney won it three or four years ago. hillary clinton up four now. she'd like to see that going fordouble digits. >> chris, thank you. thank you for hosting ""way too early."" who will get the bigger bump and more importantly which one will
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last? we'll be right back with more on "morning joe." ♪ if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache.
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running mate tim kaine. a lot of people online were saying he was a pretty attractive guy when he was younger. here's tim kaine now. here he is when he was younger. he's not the only politician who was different when they were younger. here's joe biden now. here he is when he was young. here's hillary now. here when she was younger. bright young lady. finally check out donald trump now. and here he is when he was younger. see, i wanted you to see it. >> come on, come on. so you just had shown me an incredible part of the story from "the new york times" where donald trump is basically now distancing himself from the republican convention saying, i had nothing to do with that. >> wait. i thought he said he was going to make it the greatest convention ever. >> he said the difference between them, he said, i didn't produce the show, i showed up for the final speech on thursday. >> i guess that's convenient.
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>> ron fornier, what's with that? >> next thing he'll say i didn't say i'd make america great. >> coming up, casey was on the floor for yesterday's historic events. and later, what would rfk do? we'll talk to the author of a new book about robert kennedy and the powerhouse between the upheaval the 1960s and the challenges of today. "morning joe" is coming right back.
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we put on our badge to protect. not to discrimination. >> my son dreams too of being a military lawyer, but he put those dreams aside tl day he sacrificed his life to save the lives of his fellow soldiers. >> soldiers spend years training for one moment. when hillary's moment comes, she will be ready. ready to serve, ready to lead. >> with her as our commander in chief, our international relation as will not be reduced
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to a business transaction. our arms forces will not become an instrument of torture. and they will not be engaged in murder. >> i knew ronald reagan. i worked for ronald reagan. donald trump, you are no ronald reagan. president reagan famously said "tear down this wall." trump says build a wall because that will make america great again? >> donald trump, you're asking americans to trust you with their future. let me ask you, have you even read the united states constitution. i will -- i will gladly lend you
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my copy. >> my fellow republicans, if you believe like i do, that loyalty is more important than loyalty to party i ask that you join me in voting for hillary clinton as president of the united states. thank you. >> boy, i'll tell you what. michael steele had it right. that is the best republican convention i've ever seen. it's moving. there were so many hat tips to ronald reagan, law enforcement was praised. >> i swear i heard"shining city on a hill." >> you actually did. >> withing back to the morning after. you're watching "morning joe."
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with us at mcgillin's old ale house, managing editor of bloomberg politics and co-host of, with all due respect, mark halperin joins us. analyst steve rattner and nbc political correspondent casey hunt who works around the clock. >> mika, we've been here for a week. we were obviously in cleveland. just an incredible city as well for a week. compare to two conventions. >> you can't. >> why not? >> you just can't. because this one was everything cleveland was not and everything cleveland could have been but it was not possible. >> not the city. you're talking about the actual conventions themselves. >> i am. and, look. it all does come down to the kaenl and what that candidate represents and what they were able to do last night and all this week was truly create a message that finally came together and also responded to
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one of the most divisive candidates i've ever seen in my lifetime. >> and willie, republicans tweeting over the last two nights, myself included, thanki thanking democrats for getting up in front of america and the world saying, no, no, no, we're not a declining power. we still are that great city shining brightly on the hill that ronald reagan talked about all those years ago, erick erickson thanking the president for being optimistic, so many others stepping up. john pe dord stepping up saying if you close your eyes t president sounded a lot like reagan. craig shirley telling me yesterday morning we may be seeing a fundamental shift of the two parties, one becoming extraordinarily abrasive praising totalitarian view and leaders and another party
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embracing the very values that made ronald reagan's coalition last for 30 years. >> when you had the president of the united states two nights ago citing that. that's pretty remarkable when you look at the president speaking of president obama. you saw the flags waving, the chants of usa, that's the kind of thing in 2004, 2008, 2012 democrats might mock republicans for being too over the top with that show of patriotism. >> as a matter of fact, republicans were mocked. we were constantly made fun of. >> that's different. >> we were mocked for being jingle istic saying "usa, usa."
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they were not afraid to say we love god, we love country, we love police officers, we understand there are problems, there's a long way to go. we may not be a perfect union, but, again, quoting jfk, we never had to put up walls to keep people in. >> going second was a big advantage to the democrats. they got to look at everything the republicans did. they didn't change their plan dramatic by but they did tweak it to go that space of optimism, american exceptionalism, foreign policy consistency. donald trump's performance in cleveland gave them an opening to go hard on the issues andlast night you saw not just in the imagery and the words of the speakers but the choice was real significant. >> viewers have had vertigo over the past several days because it really was steve rattner democrats who embraced american exceptionalism while you had a republican nominee looking
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inward and being every bit as pessimistic and they were in 1984. >> and donald trump left that opening for them. it's like the football play where everything is sidly on the wrong side and they went right through it. when i was growing up, i voted for the first time in 1972. democrats have come a long way and in a good way. >> they basically said how nice that my party can wave flags without being ironic or chant u usa. waving and not burning flags. not saying democrats did that. but what a big change. >> i think a lot of us -- a lot of us feel that way and a lot of us, to be perfectly honest, are a little bit embarrassed about the mill tai. and i think we feel great it's been able to come out now. the only thing i can say it's
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also interesting that hillary clinton made a decision that she can run on the obama record and as a moving forward from obama as opposed to running away from obama, that the economy has gotten better enough that there's enough good things to be said. his approval rating is good. >> we want to hear what it was like on the floor, casey, but first let's hear from hillary clinton herself, the first woman in the united states to win a major party nomination. she savored the moment, recounting the humble roots of her family and accomplishments as senator and as secretary of state, framing her vision for a united country and sharply contrasting her message with that of donald trump. >> tonight we've reached a milestone in our nation's march toward a more perfect union. the first time that major party has nominated a woman for
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president. i'm happy for grandmothers and little girls and evan in between. i'm happy for boys and men because when any barrier falls in america, it clears the way for everyone. after all, when there are no ceilings, the sky's the limit. well, we heard donald trump's answer last week at his convention. he wants to divide us from the rest of the world and from each other. he's taken the republican party a long way from morning in america to midnight in america. >> casey hunt, you were there. how was it received? i mean you could really see that
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this crowd was just eating it up. >> well, it was a big moment. >> i know it was a big moment. >> it was huge. i will say that i thought one of the peak emotional points is when she came out and embraced chelsea, and you can see her on stage. they shared that mother/daughter look. i think what surprised me after that is you saw her basically go straight into what was in many ways a mechanical stump speech. you have to remember, of course, for many people, this is the first time they're really tuning in and they get a chance. i listen to her stump speech everyday, so i can hear where it's woevgen through. you didn't hear her get historic until midway through her speech and it soared in an emotional way. >> emotion, you can see emotion all across. mark halperin, you saw so many
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people wipe away the tears from their eyes when you hear the parents of officers who were slain in the line of duty, when you heard from the father and mother who lost their son at war. there were so many emotional highs during this convention, i don't remember seeing quite as many on one night especially as i saw last night where people were weeping, openly weeping and wiping tears from their eyes. >> the convention planners were really smart about finding the emotional chords that would find them at home and on television. i've talked to a lot of people who have been with the clintons and the issue of how to talk about her being the first female nominee, i think they handled that really well. and a lot of people said, of course, we knew that intellectu intellectually. it hit a lot of people and i suspect around the country. it's one thing to say, first female nominee. it's another to actually see it up there.
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and that taps into an emotional vein that speaks to change, a historic first the way barack obama did. people are counting on that to be part of her edge. >> willie, how did it play? >> i think the buildup to hillary clinton was so masterful over the course of the weeknd including last night. we should go back. we played a sound bite in the open of mr. khizr kahn pulling out the constitution and saying have you read this, saying me and my son, this country, we're wu what this country is about. the challenges, how do you reintroduce hillary clinton to the country, someone we've known for 25 years, someone who tried eight years ago and failed at it. how do they rebrand her and relaunch her, someone who's so
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set in someone's mind? >> i think it's what you said. it's the buildup, the validation of her by her husband, by joe biden. president obama's speech, i thought, was unbelievably great. and i think she gave exactly the speech she needed to give. she gave a speech that showed she was strong, she was confident, she was experienced, she was ready to leave. and i think that contrasts to donald trump. sure, they're going to come back at her about the e-mails and this and that, but she's leaving with about as good of a field position as you can have. >> there's one thing they stayed away from, the trust issue. a lot of people said it was interesting they didn't go there. right now trust is the biggest challenge for hillary clinton. americans just don't trust her because of the e-mail scandal, the fbi report, 25, 30 years of disem bling and not always tell the truth that. had to be a conscious decision they couldn't get around it, they had to work through it.
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>> i think the speakers raised important questions about donald trump. i think it's actually a question as to whether north he's read the constitution and really truly understands the principles on which this country is run. >> he hasn't. he calls them chapters instead of articles and he got the number wrong when he said how many were in it. >> i think it's the first time people are wondering does he understand the foundation that this country is built upon. i think he's proven along the way he may not at all and they really capitalized on that very well. donald trump is responding to hillary clinton's speech last night by tweeting. here's one. quote, our way of life is under threat by radical islam, and hillary clinton cannot even bring herself to say the words. he added, in her speech she did not say islam but in her speech
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she said they would fight radic radicalism. trump continues his tweet spree saying hillary's vision is a borderless world where working people have no power, no jobs, no safety. hillary will never reform wall street. she is owned by wall street. he concluded by saying no one has worse judgment than hillary clinton. corruption and devastation follows her wherever she goes. >> i think the borderless tweet is completely undercut by the chants of "usa, usa, usa," the waving of the american flag and exceptionalism. we do talk about trust. i think the other issue of all those tweets, the one word he said that republicans will hammer her on is judgment. and they're going use her record as secretary of state to just dive in and say she doesn't have the judgment to be president. >> you know, the best number they have is the wrong track
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number. people don't think things are on the right track. it's clear. they embraced barack obama. if not for a third term, certainly for continuity. >> how do they, kasie, because you've been following her. how do they approach the issues of trust? americans don't trust her in high numbers. but also her record at the state department. >> i think you saw how they want to approach it over the course of this week, right? hillary clinton didn't get up on stage and say, hey, i know you guys don't trust me, although she came close to it. she had testament after testament after testament. it was almost like joe biden, president obama and michelle obama were like saying i know hillary clinton and this is what i believe about her. i think they've really let all of these other people speak for her. i'm anxious to see if it makes a
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difference this week. >> mika, let me ask you. >> yep. >> we're not always blunt about the politicians we see but how we vote. you've been extremely critical of hillary clinton over the year, more critical -- >> -- than most democrats. >> not only democrats but most people in news. a lot of it has to do with the fact you would say she just needs to tell the truth. and you hammered on the trustworthiness. did she start to get past that late night or how does she get past it for a voter look you or does it matter at this point? >> no, e'll be very blunt. it doesn't matter at this point. i mean she's got my vote on a number of levels. i do worry that some of these things will come back to haunt her and i hope they don't at this point. she's experienced. you know where her heart is. and you look at her life story. she's got love of country and
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commitment to service that really, quite frankly" is unparalleled. yeah. i've asked a lot of questions along the way. i think the e-mail story is a big one and it's a worrisome one and it's a big mistake, but bottom line is when you put these candidates noekt each other and you look at this party and the convention they put on last night and the messages of unity that they put out there, that's where we want to go. that's where we want to go. >> it's interesting to hear you say that. people look at her experience as two different lenses. you see it as an asset. she's served as secretary of state, senator. there are people who support donald trump and maybe some who are undecided who look at her experience and look at her as an entrenched washington experience, just the kind that this country doesn't need anymore. dhienlt want someone who's spent a life in the establishment of politics. we've got two very different views for the same set of k
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credentials with history. >> i've been nice about barack obama and others. we got a guy who was a glorified state senator, we got a guy who went around talking about hope and change. he was going to blow up the system and start all over again. we tried that eight years ago. and there are a lot of people, certainly republicans and independents who don't think that worked if you look at the number. i know the president's approval ratings are very high. but we tried that. why don't we try -- it seems to me -- i noenlt hillary clinton can't say that but some supporter, why don't we try hiring a brain surgeon who's been operating on brains instead of chopping down trees for the
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past 30 years? it's not a bad idea to get somebody who knows washington and how it works. >> that would be hillary clinton. >> you know, it's the argument of who's going to actually get washington to work better for the country? someone who knows how washington works or an outsider like donald trump. is clinton going to make nato work better or break gridlock? maybe not as likely as donald trump. he could shake thing up more, but they prefer avoiding the risks that trump could bring. i think she did as good a job in her own speech and the atmosphere of the convention, the fact that she gets that people want fundamental change. >> the past is prolonged, mika. if you look at republicans who worked with her while she was in the senate, if you talk to -- i remember talking to trent lot privately and talking the a lot of other very conservatives privately who had nothing but positive things to say about
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senator hillary clinton saying she worked with them, sat down with them, tried to figure out how to negotiate, come to compromise. the famous quote from general petraeus who was asked who works harder and knows more about what's happening on the battlefield in the united states field. he said, you mean other than hillary clinton, right? she was not a so-called what politicians call show horses. she worked hard. >> she has successes but also failures along the way. i don't know about you guys, but my failures is what helped me sitting here. >> we all have failures. >> they make you better. >> they make you better. >> remember on the other side we have a candidate with zero experience. in 44 presidents we never had a
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president who did not have some element of public service. >> maybe had some interest in it. >> some interest in it. >> curiosity, hope, love of country. >> now, wait a second. you come on -- he loves his country. we give him love of country. >> i think when you line those two things up, whatever hesitation you have about hillary clinton's being too much of government and of washington, compare the alternative of what you're getting. >> yeah. that's the bottom line. steve and kasie, stay with us. "the new york times" reporting starting next week hillary clinton and donald trump will start getting intelligence briefings. later this morning we're going to talk to another woman who was a major first. secretary of state madeleine albright as all the world waits. next we're going to be getting chuck todd's takeaway
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from two very big weeks in presidential politics. my friends you're watching "morning joe" in a race for president that could not be any tighter. we'll be right back. sometimes the people at this podium are new to the national stage. as you know, i'm not one of those people. the truth is through all these years of public service, the service part has always come easier to me than the public part. i get it, that some people just don't know what to make of me. the family i'm from, while no one had their name on big buildings, my family were builders of a different kind. i'm anne howard and i'm michael howard. we left on our honeymoon in january 2012.
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it actually evolved into a business. from our blog to video editing... our technology has to hang tough with us. when you're going to a place without electricity, you need a long battery life. the touch, combined with the screen resolution... a mac doesn't have that. we wanted to help more people get out there and see the world. once you take that leap, that's where the magic happens. announcer: todd's a great guy. i mean, look at him. what. a. sweetheart. attaboy. wait, todd, what are you doing? how totally selfish and un-toddlike of you. come on, todd, come on, man.
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what are you doing in new york. >> hey, hey. let's go. >> so chuck todd is not in cleveland. he's not in philly either. what is that all aboutsome. >> tell us how you really feel. >> don't boo. vote. >> they're not saying "chuck." >> in philly they're always booing. they're booing if it's philly. >> they're booing you. by the way, this is the first time any philadelphia fans have ever booed anyone ever. other than maybe at a time they booed santa claus. >> from new york, nbc news
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political director, moderator of "meet the press" -- >> it happens. >> -- of mtp daily," chuck todd. >> you got one clap. she's from scranton. that's the only reason she was clapping for you. let me ask you about last night. it was political vertigo for people. all you needed was lee greenwood singing "proud to be an american." it looks like a reagan convention from 1984. >> it's funny how both conventions are em plea mattic of the two candidacies. hillary clinton is really a product of the democratic establishment and leadership and when an entire party is working in unison, that's what you get. it was about as well put together of a convention, really other than not realizing the problems that debbie wasserman schultz had going in.
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you take that away and it was almost a perfectly executed convention, on message, just systematic, timing. i mean even little things. they made sure -- you watched them. they made sure katy perry started singing "roar" right at the moment so it would be on the chorus when all of the 10:00 hour hit and the shows came in so you heard that in the background. it was with amazing precision what they did. the republican convention is what you do when you have an outsider take over the party. it was a little hodgepodgy but it worked for him. >> he said he had nothing to do with it. >> donald trump now telling the "new york times" and bill o'reilly he's distancing himself from the convention in part i think because the ratings were lower than they were even for john mccain's convention but also obviously it's not fairing well by comparison. now he's saying i didn't have
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anything to do with the convention. i just showed up and spoke. >> well then we know how successful the democrats really were. >> all right. so indiana governor mike pence made his first solo appearance since being nominated for vice president. pence held rallies in michigan and wisconsin yesterday and displayed his self-described rush limbaugh on decaf style to the hundreds who turned out. >> i was flying with him on that airplane of his. that was really cool. i'm not kidding. he actually got me an airplane to fly around in. i flew in it here today. it's actually -- karen and i were talking about it. it's a pretty big airplane except when it's parked next to his. men and women of michigan, we
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have a choice to make and it couldn't be more clear. it is a choice between change in the status quo. say those signs in a few clips from philadelphia that said "change maker." that might be referring to what you have left after paying all the taxes. >> chuck, compare mike peps with his running mate donald trump on the campaign trail? >> i feel as if mike pence is showing how to do this, how to campaign, 000 do it with a smile on your face. there is -- he is sort of making lemonade out of lemons, and he, you know, doesn't want to get into specifics, so he makes it the change argument versus the status quo, which is the best comparative they have. you have to say mike pence is proving why a lot of people thought some day he could be a good presidential candidate. he ee showing he can be good on
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the stump. i don't know that it matters. it's just the second guy on the ticket is not being paid attention to. >> hey, chuck, this is willie. it was a good week for democrats. when you are immersed in it, you see how significant it is. now that the convention is over, hillary clinton moves out on the road on a bus tour and has about 100 days to election day. does what happened this week change anything or does she still have the problems she has or are the numbers still where they are? >> i think they're hoping this starts the change of something. you know, i assume she's going to get a bump. the question is it sustained? it's two different types of bumps, right? there's the head-to-head, but more importantly does she improve her rating? do we see her -- she's probably going to be upside down, a little more favorable than unfavorable but do we see two
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lines in the grass? that's how you know this was a sustained improved convention. but to me to find out where this race stands and judging success or failures of this convention, i want to sigh where states of michigan and wisconsin are at the end of august because ultimately if donald trump is going to be competitive electorally, he's got to put those two states in play in addition to ohio and pennsylvania and if they're in play, then we've got a race by the end of august. but i think it's done. there's no path. >> chuck, really quickly, i saw the poll showing donald trump losing by nine points, hillary 50% to 41%. >> i thit was a little too diverse of an electorate. it should be closer to five to
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seven. i haven't seen a poll that ties him. all the others have had a little wider lead. but still i think they know they're vulnerable in pennsylvania, the democrats there. it's all about to me is can trump make michigan and wisconsin as competitive as ohio and pennsylvania. if he can, he has a chance. if not, i don't think he has a chance. >> chuck todd, thank you very much. coming up, former michigan governor jennifer granholm takes the dnc stage to roast donald trump. we'll see if she was able to outdo the previous. please let's show highlights of that. back in a moment. before taking his team to state for the first time... gilman: go get it, marcus. go get it. gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time.
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was down, who jump started our new jersey. barack obama. and when america needed it most, who got us rolling again on the road to recovery? america, we need to refb up our engines in your car and on your ballot. the "d" is if drive forward. the "r" is for reverse. in this election we're driving forward, not back. let's re-elect the great president barack obama. >> in realtime i said i'll have what she's having. >> i don't think you want any part of whatever substance she has. >> that was former michigan governor jennifer granholm.
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>> it'll get you lock up in jail. >> she took the stage and mocked donald trump channeling singer carly simon. >> last week we heard about trump's hopeless vision of our country, and then he said i alone can fix it. so imagine donald trump's version of the constitution. i the person in order to form a more perfect union or centuries later -- ♪ i shall overcome or ask not what i can do for my country. ask what my country can do for me. donald, donald, you're so vain. you probably think this speech is about you.
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don't you now. >> yes, yes, yes. that was so good. i loved it. i loved it. >> you're as giddy as she was. >> she just lets it rip. it was amazing. it was awesome. >> it's too bad "snl" is out of season because kate mckinnon would do such a good job. >> she puts it out there. she's be okay. >> if she hadn't been born in canada, she'd be somebody's vice president. >> i can't stop watching. >> there you go. >> chelsea handler was asked if she would help report from the
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convention floor. >> hay, jacob, you might think you might know better. i work at netflix and make ten times more. so, no, i don't want to work from the floor or report from the floor so go [ bleep ] yourself. >> jacob, it looks like you are on your own. live from philadelphia. we'll be back. real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there's only one place where real and amazing live. book a seaworld vacation package and eat free.
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soborof who's been reporting from both floors of the convention. >> you were on the floor of both floors. compare the two. >> the republican convention, that's the only one i've ever been to on the floor and i was screamed at to get out of the way and all kinds of very nice things. that didn't really happen here. the only crying i saw at the republican convention was about donald trump becoming the preside president, and here it was about -- >> you heard about the bus group. >> it was a pretty small group. kasie and i were watching it last night. there were about 100 people there wearing t-shirts, anti-war t-shirts. mika, you've got to hang out with us. anti-war t-shirts. you know, listen. to their credit, they moved hillary clinton on a lot of
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issues. >> absolutely. >> and they want to stand up still for anti-ttp and anti-fracking. >> mike, in small part, at the end of the day, a small group in main hall. >> yeah, but an admirable group. >> they were respected along the way. i mean was there a tension that you saw? >> i would extinguidistinguish the recipient of the medal of honor, chant "no more war" at him. there were 1,900 bernie sanders delegates in the hall. making comments as leon panetta was speaking, that was a very, very small group. the broader movement has moved toward hillary clinton. >> go ahead, willie. >> go ahead.
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>> we've been talking all week how the platform is more progressive than ever, but the democratic party that hillary clinton showed america was more conservative than it's been in 25, 30 years. >> well, there's the platform and then there's reality and the way she governed. it's a piece of paper, not necessary will i that she's going to governor that way and the bernie sanders followers are suspicious. remember, at the beginning of the week there was great concern over the chaos that could erupt in that hall and were the sanders supporters going to create a problem. bernie sanders did a lot of the work. he came out and said it's okay to vote for hillary clinton. that was obviously a critical moment. even last night there were reports that there were going to be chants against her, there were some that were shouted down by "usa" chants. >> you know, willie, all of us realize that the age we live in, the attention span, the national attention span is literally like
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that, and the conventions, the two tv shows, this week's tv show, there was a lot involved in both. certainly this week there was a lot of wonderful compelling rhetoric compelling rhetoric. i have a funny feeling that the thing that will continue looking into the camera and saying you have sacrificed nothing and no one for some reason people feel that. >> it wasn't just for the democrats inside the hall. i heard a lot from republicans. they are saying thank god he did that. >> that man touched everybody. >> yeah. >> and speaking about the protesters, don't forget, in cleveland we saw an entire
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delegation get up and walk out of the building. we thought they were going to walk out last night. i this i this man not only touched republicans and moderate democrats but the people we heard might get up, many of them applauded this man. >> and we played it a little bit earlier. i was thinking, which of these conventions does john mccain belong at? i don't think it was necessarily trump's. >> who is paul ryan going to vote for? >> that is a good question. can you really honestly say that's what you believe? >> well, i think it's -- john mccain is a very simple bet. >> you know the family well.
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at what point do you think in the next 200 days do we hear president george bush say the country is bigger than party. i'm voting for clinton. would you be surprised? >> i would not. i am concerned about the republican leaders who have made a serious mistake in their careers and in their lives and for this country. >> and for a party i think could fall apart. >> here is your truck. >> "where's the truck?"
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that is sad and pathetic. >> i think it is symbolic in so many ways. >> are we making size jokes? >> no. i'm saying it is symbolic. the bet was for a real truck. look what i got. we'll be right back. where is the truck? well she loves to say, "well, fantastic!" a lot. i do say that, you see... i study psychobiology. i'm a fine arts major. nobody really believes that i take notes this way, but they actually make sense to me. i try to balance my studying with the typical college experience. this windows pc is a life saver! being able to pull up different articles to different parts of the screen is so convenient. i used to be a mac user but this is way better.
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good morning. it is friday, july 29th. what an incredible moment. >> it was an incredible moment. watching it last night i got chilled. i know you and everybody else did. it was one of the most moving moments of any convention that i have ever been to, anything i have ever seen and it was the most quiet dignified response. >> beautiful. >> to the madness and the sound and fury signifying nothing we have been hearing for the past year. >> the father of a muslim soldier killed in action fighting for the united states of america. say no more, right? >> mike and willie, what a moment that was. >> when mr. kahn looked into the camera and said to the united states of america, you have
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sacrificed nothing and no one, i began to cry actually. i had tears in my eyes. in reflection thinking about it i wept back to something we have all heard about and read about. it was joseph welch when he said about joseph mccar thithy, have no sense of decency? he took the bully down then. you can't tweet this one away. >> he took the bully down quietly and elegantly and in a way that made everybody think twice i think about everything that's been going on. let's back up a little bit here. let's put it in reverse. we are live at mcgillan's in
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philadelphia. last night in philadelphia hillary clinton walked out to the embrace of her daughter chelsea before accepting her moment in history. >>nd so, my friends, it is with humility, determination and boundless confidence in america's promise that i accept your nomination for president of the united states. tonight we have reached a milestone in our nation's march
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towards a more perfect union. the first time that a major party has nominated a woman for president. i'm happy for grandmothers and everyone in between. i'm happy for boys and men because if any barrier falls it clears the way for everyone. after the all, when there are no cellings the sky's the limit. don't let anyone tell you that our country is weak. we are not. don't let anyone tell you we don't have what it tykes, we do and don't believe anyone who says i, i loan can fix it.
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he is forgetting every last one of us. merchs don't say i, alone, can fix it. we say we'll fix it together. now donald trump says i know manufacture about isis than the generals do. no, donald, you don't. he thinks he knows more because that armed forces are a disaster. you really donald trump has the temperament to become commander in chief? donald trump can't even handle the rough and tumble of a
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presidential campaign. imagine him in the oval office facing a real crisis. a man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can just with nuclear weapons. >> wow. >> i think that could have been the moment of the might right there for hillary's speech. some were saying it was one of the best executed conventions they have ever seen. i tweeted oh, my god. by the time he was channelling john kennedy's inaugurations basically saying let friends and foe alike know we are here. one democrat after another
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democr democrat saying something democrats have been uncomfortable saying. we are the indispensable nation. there was a complete role reversal last light. it ripped it and spread it all over prime time. you have the republicans who last week were the may bobs of negativism. >> to moment where general allen was given his fiery locker room speech, there were flags everywhere. police officers, military
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veterans there. it felt like george w. bush p t post 9/11 convention. >> that was the only thing. >> and trump's slogan gave democrats the way to say no, america is great. it took donald trump for the democratic party to come together and show this side of itself again. they finally recovered from the cars of vietnam. this democratic party was not ashamed to say i'm proud to be an american but at least i know i'm free. the chants of u.s. a., the signs
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that were there, it was triangulation. >> and first thomas had a great line. he said the democrats talked about loving their country and republicans talked about loving trump. barack obama redefined and weapon sized exceptionalism. it is not just about loving your country. it is about realizings your count realizing your country has to get better. he weapon sized it by saying that trump isn't just saying i'm bad. he is saying that you're not capable of making this country better. he is saying you don't have what it takes to make this country better. he turned the american public against trump last night. >> it was unbelievable.
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>> we have been talking about what this convention did for the entire hillary clinton message. you saw members of law enforcement, parents, muslims, everybody standing with hillary clinton echoes messages of country, constitution and the cops who protect and vserve. >> we put on our badge every day to serve and protect, not to hate and discriminate. >> our son, in my own head, dreams too of being a military lawyer, but he put those dreams aside the day he sacrificed his life to save the lives of his fellow soldiers. >> soldiers spend years training
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for one moment when hillary's moment comes she will be ready. ready to serve, ready to leave. >> with her as our commander in chief our international relations will not be reduced to a business transaction. our armed forces will not become an instrument of torture and they will not be engaged in murder. >> i knew ronald reagan. i worked for ronald reagan. donald trump, you you are no ronald reagan. reagan said tear down the wall. trump says build the ball because that will make america great again. >> donald trump, you're asking americans to trust you with their future. let me ask you, have you even
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read the united states constitution? i will gladly lend you my copy. >> yif you want a president wit good judgment i ask that you join me in voting for hillary clinton as president of the united states. thank you. >> it was called the greatest republican convention he has ever been to. [ laughter ] i think what was most telling for a lot of people younger than me, i'll put it that way, there
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was a time when evangelicals voted for democrats. it changed in 1980 and democrats started fearing even talking about their faith publicly especially at conventions. last night you had evangelical preachers, choirs singing. donald trump's convention he didn't even mention god. he didn't even mention faith. again, the contrast is really telling. >> as liberal as hillary clinton has been people, i think some times lose sight of the fact that she is conservative. she is very talkish and believibeliev believing about american and on some values they very cleverly
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channelled all of that throughout the night to not just the republican convention but the essence of trump. >> it goes back to what barack obama said the other night which was one of the most parent moments of the convention. he said you have seen a lot of things that weren't republicans. they sure weren't conservative. he was actually speaking. we have ericson thanking barack obama for being optimistic. >> and the whole thing represented all of the problems this country is facing, the hopes it is based upon but it had cops, mothers of young men
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killed by cops. it was able to bridge that divide of problems that plague our country. it had people struggling to make ends weak. it realized what we need to do. think about the convention at this time last year or do we not want to? i remember saying i was pretty sure this convention was rip to shreds what happened in clooef la cleveland. i don't remember cleveland and i don't want to. >> the '84 convention, san francisco, this will be a transformational convention like 1980 was for republicans. >> what you had here this week
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is contrast to last week in cleveland. please, put away your tweet machines. >> this was much more a reflection of america than last week. we know there is a wide channel of frustration and some times anger about what's going on in the country. no one that i know is at the point where they are saying i got to get out of here and get to sweden. people love this country. that's why we have here. it's the only country in the world that lets you be a fool on tv or whatever you like to do. >> thank god. >> yeah. and democrats came back to this wide tapestry of people. they came back to mentioning
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faith and god. they came back to mentioning sacrifice of young men and women lost in the longest of wars 15 years. hillary clinton, production values are extraordinarily as well too. it was so far superior to what we saw last week. it was, you know, kapslated by hillary clinton. she performed as good as she ever did. >> and the ratings will show it. >> yes. >> and for all of the super stars, from michelle obama's, the president, vice president, it was mr. kahn is what will be remembered. he wasn't working on his speech months and months. he stepped up and talked about his son that died serving this country in iraq in 2004 and laid
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waist. he say it belongs to all of us. >> and this is a change versus status quo. people want change. despite how conventional it is. does the public still have institution? do they still have faith to take ten steps forward. still ahead, the first woman to serve as america's secretary of state, madeline albright. you don't want to miss the best moments inside the convention and inside the pubs. you're watching "morning joe." ♪
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coming up on "morning joe," a look at an emerging portrait of robert f. kennedy, an author who is urging hillary clinton to take a lesson from rfk. we are live from the democratic national convention. we are coming right back. she spent summer binge-watching. soon, she'll be binge-studying. now she writes mostly in emoji. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. today, the only spanish words he knows are burrito and enchilada.
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and i'm michael howard. we left on our honeymoon in january 2012. it actually evolved into a business. from our blog to video editing... our technology has to hang tough with us. when you're going to a place without electricity, you need a long battery life. the touch, combined with the screen resolution... a mac doesn't have that. we wanted to help more people get out there and see the world. once you take that leap, that's where the magic happens.
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i can't put it any better than jackie kennedy did. she said that what worried president kennedy during that very dangerous time was that a war might be started not be big men with self-control and restraint but by little men, the ones moved by fear and pride. america's strength doesn't come from lashing out. it relies on smarts, cool
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resolve and strategic application of power and that's the kind of commander in chief i pledge to be. >> and joining us now, former secretary of state madelyein albright. >> thank you for being here. one of the things you said that was so compelling, not that donald trump could cause damage but that his campaign has already caused damage to
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american national security interests simply by running for president of the united states and things that he said. >> trying to explain to all of the people that were there what was going on was very hard. he was already undercutting nato at a time we had to show deter rans and determination and try to go protect poland and the balti baltics. so it is dangerous. >> he has been skeptical. can you briefly explain to americans why this organization that was set up in 1947 right after the war, why nato was so important? >> it was set up basically because we wanted to protect our allies and we wanted to have our allies strong so that when the
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soviet union was pushing they were able to -- there is a central article who said if one is attacked everybody responds. >> he says he will look to see whether he defends nato countries or not. >> i think it is kind of blackmailing allies. the bottom line is in fact they c contribute forces. i do think they need to pay the 2%. that is something president obama and secretary of clinton have been pushing for but i think we have to understand what they contribute. while there was a question as to what the relevance of nato was -- and i lead a stra stee
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jik vi -- strategic view of it. it is something very valuable. >> have you seen a candidate say the things about a dictator that he did out of putin? >> i have not. i don't know if they are channelling each other or not. i have heard others call trump the siberian candidate. >> and trump said he was being sarcastic when he said russia should hack the dnc's e-mails. how would you describe that kind of i guess joking and the use of language and ideas to sort of our place in the world? >> the fact that he can even say it is sarcastic is that his complete lack of understanding,
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who is listening to him. i think partially he thinks he is still on a reality tv show or something. and i really saw this -- i travel an awful lot. even sarcasm shows disdain for the complexity of the situation. >> and this has been his admiration for putin. it has been consistent. and in another part of that press conference he was asked whether he was tell putin to stay out of u.s. elections and he refused to. >> and we had vice president joe biden here the other day and we started talking a bit about syria. he implied drawing the red line was probably a mistake. when we said what should we be
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doing? he said even republican critics say we are not going to put ground troops in there but it has become a hot bed for isis. what more would you do from the american point of view? >> a lot of these situations have evolved over the years. we can go back to how it all started. i happen to believe it started with a war in iraq. i think it is like an ink spot. i think what we need to do is to try to figure out how to get some kind of a political settlement. one of the interesting parts is that we have to deter the russians but also have to have dialogue with them and see where they can be useful. one of the things secretary kerry is works on is working on how to move forward on a political settlement where the russians can put pressure on s hasad and figuring out with whom
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we can work. >> assad and putin hit use as -- >> well, maybe they can understand each other. the russians have to see certain things to their advantage and be afraid of terrorist activities. trying to find some areas where we have common interests is important. >> and you found out late in life you were a jewish ancestry. how does that background inform your consideration of a dangerous demagogue. how dangerous do you think he would be? >> i was born in cheks -- so the issue of nationalism and hatred of other people came up then.
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then the part frankly is that when donald trump talks about america first there are a lot of bad memories of that. munich, america wasn't there. it wasn't there because there was america first then there were questions as to how it was relevant and how it spread. i was a little girl in london at the time. when the americans came it made all of the difference. america is exceptional. we have to operate with others. >> do you think trump could be a fascist? >> it is hard to label him anything except weird. >> there we have our quote of the day, mark hallperin. >> for voters who are unhappy
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with foreign policy how do you think a clinton foreign policy would be different than an obama foreign policy? >> i do think that the international situation changes and hillary clinton has more experience in sorting out what is happening where. there would be changes that would evolve. i do think secretary clinton has seen -- because that was her job, is kind of the width of the job and also dealing with the people issues of national security policy, caring about
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women and children and why are people becoming terrorists and the poverty issues? >> you don't suspect anybody would expect her from leading from behind do you? >> she really thinks she has lead in a number of different ways. i think they have been very good partners but i teach about all of this. i do think that the context changes and you need a president who knows where the countries are and -- [ laughter ] >> and notice that secretary albright says these things and she is not laughing. you remember when you got mad at me? she said what are you doing? this is critical. >> i'm with you. >> we want to thank you. >> thank you for every year on
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her birthday. >> and reminding her it is her father's birthday. they are very weird about that. they will remember somebody's birthday three years later. thank you. it is an honor to have you. still ahead, we compare last week's convention to what we saw from the democrats this week. we'll be right back.
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what he saw during the first weeks of his presidential campaign. up next we'll talk about what hillary clinton could learn from b bobby kennedy when we return. keep it right here on "morning joe." hey, fancy seeing you here. uh, i live right over there actually. you've been to my place. no, i wasn't...oh look, you dropped something. it's your resume with a 20 dollar bill taped to it. that's weird. you want to work for ge too. hahaha, what? well we're always looking for developers who are up for big world changing challenges like making planes, trains and hospitals run better. why don't you check your new watch and tell me what time i should be there. oh, i don't hire people. i'm a developer. i'm gonna need monday off. again, not my call. who's the lucky lady? i'm going to the bank, to discuss a mortgage.
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the new buy ago fi of r.f.k. is the making of a lib keral icon. good to have you both on board. >> review the book for the washington post. you really do focus not just on lie noi but also on the rough and tumble. i want to ask you about the emotional connection. we were just talking about it. it is almost many have not recovered from june 6th, 1968. why? >> bobby kennedy was america's younger brother. the idea that he died at age 42 looking as young as he did with all of this hope and sense of possibility on the eve of his greatest political vilkt ctory.
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>> why haven't many people recovered from bobby? why is it so personal to so many? >> i interviewed and easily half of them in the course of the interviewed cried. it was because, again, people have been waiting for 50 years for the kind of tough liberal or tender conservative that bobby represented. >> and your father, did your father follow bobby? >> did he follow him? >> did he know bobby kennedy? >> he worked with senator ted kennedy after bobby's death. >> in the wake of it, yeah. >> and i hear so many people talking about journalists who had to get pulled off because they fell in love with the guy they covered. >> richard harwood hated kennedy at the beginning of the campaign. >> that was confusing.
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i'll confuse you with harwood or harwood with you. he told me the story. >> yes. exmarine. he started out despising bobby kennedy. he got a bloody nose and thought he played dirty. he begged bradley to take him off. bradley who would also fall in love with the kennedys said no way, you're there. >> and one of the things that strikes me, you write about his ability to build bridges. i was there last night when secretary clinton was speaking. you heard some of the supporters and her followers following that with chants of hillary. it underscored the fact that they have a way to go. so what do you think she can learn from the ability to do that to build bridges? >> bobby kennedy started out
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with the word ruthless. he proved during that campaign he was authentic enough that these reporters fell in love with him. she has to figure out a way, and i think she did last night, to look real. she doesn't have to look like bill clinton. she just have to look real and people will buy it. >> and her challenge last night was to take a turn and show that more personal side. some people thought well, she didn't go far enough. what does she need do? what more does she need to do? >> the analysis challenged at the beginning of his campaign was fifer who wrote a cartoon called the bobby twins. it was the bad bobby and he went over and over the good and the
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bad. by the end of the campaign everybody is focusing only on the good bobby. right now it's the good hillary and bad hillary. she has to make us focus on the good hillary. >> thank you very much. up next our look back at the big moments from both conventions and the memorable ones from inside the pubs. reduce my risk of progression. and everywhere i look... i'm reminded to stick to my plan. including preservision areds 2. my doctor said preservision areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula that the national eye institute recommends to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd... after 15 years of clinical studies. preservision areds 2. because my eyes are everything. ♪ using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the framework...
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5:53 am
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it's been an amazing last two weeks. can you believe it's been two weeks? take a look. . >> kasich, he is making a big mistake. he is embarrassing his state. >> here are the two speeches side by side. >> you work hard for what you want in life. >> you work hard for what you want in life. >> your word is your bond. >> that your word is your bond. >> i could ask you if it would have ever happened in the campaigns -- >> he only got a button. >> last time i got a t-shirt. >> we are losing women by 23 points at the top of our ticket. do you even want to win with just white men voting
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republican? i'm embarrassed. >> donald trump having received a majority of these votes has been selected as the republican party nominee as president of the united states. >> when i said cruz should have just stayed home i wasn't talking about for trump's benefit. i was talking about for cruise's benefit. here comes donald trump starring from the back of the room. he is smiling. >> that's what he does. >> everybody talks about what they dislike about donald trump. what do you like about him? >> let's hear it. >> i don't like anything about him. >> what are some of your biggest concerns you're seeing in cleveland? >> how ugly it is. >> he is not talking about the town. he loves the town. >> no.
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>> i am the law and order candidate. no body knows the system better than me, which is why i alone can fix it. >> mike barnicle. >> you promised her a truck. >> what kind of truck is it, an f-150? debbie wasserman schultz will step down. >> would you if you had to let her take the stage? >> i really like debbie but i wouldn't. >> hillary clinton be nominated as the democratic party. >> they want to build an economy that works for everyone, not
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just the people at the top. >> god, you have given us wisdom. >> they booed the prayer. they booed everything. >> to the bernie or bust people, you're being ridiculous. >> did you see that? >> i'm keynoting the rally for the where is the truck. >> amen. >> he says thank you. >> he says thank you. >> i don't have any personal reason but donald trump knows nothing about foreign policy, for should he based upon his background. >> we'll build a wall and make mexico pay for it, believe me.
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there's nothing suspicious in my tax returns, believe me. >> that is actually the worst bernie sanders impression i have ever seen in my life. >> donuts? >> we have kept our word. >> don't let anyone tell you this country isn't great. this is the greatest country on earth. >> and chachi. i say no more. >> msnbc will be playing parts of that speech, again, four years from now at the next republican convention. >> america is already great. america is already strong. >> we never bow. we never bend. we never break. for this time hillary is uniquely qualified to seize the opportunities. >> yes, the world is watching what we do. yes, america's destiny is ours
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to choose. so let's be stronger together, my fellow americans. >> the democratic party just ripped the mantle of reagan's optimism and spread it all over prime time. >> i learned being live on the "morning joe" set is the best time ever. >> we have been drunk since 6:00 a.m. >> wow, that was quite a long two weeks. thanks to the morning joe interns. >> yes. you guys did a great job. >> and thank all of you for coming out. philadelphia, you have been amazing. thank you so much. unbelievable. unbelievable. so what did you learn? >> we have to thank this incredible institution. it is a great place. >> i learned that "morning joe" goes better with dark beer. >> it does?
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>> what is it? >> all right. very good. thank you guys so much for watching us. thank you philadelphia. thank you cleveland. it has been an unbelievable two weeks. now onto the real campaign. if it's way too early it's "morning joe." stick around, stephanie is picking up the coverage. /s history hillary clinton closing out the democratic convention taking on donald trump. >> a man you can bait with a tweet is n
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