tv MTP Daily MSNBC July 29, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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colorado. his first speech, his first address publicly since hillary clinton accepted the democratic nomination last night. that is going to do it for this hour here on msnbc. chuck todd is going to pick things up for "mtp daily." and that is going to start right now. good evening. welcome to post-conventions friday. i'm chuck todd back in washington. it is officially, i guess you can call it, day one of the second half of the general election. you've been listening to donald trump. he's in colorado. his first campaign event since clinton's acceptance speech last night. he's been going hard after clinton. he started out by bragging about tv ratings which he said those nielsen ratings more important than polls. the thursday to thursday comparisons are out and it compares total viewership for
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trump slightly higher than total viewership for hillary. we'll dip back in here for a couple more minutes here to see if he's got anything new to say and we'll get things started. let's take a listen. >> the ones done for the wedding. 33,000. i've done a lot of weddings. i mean, how stupid is everybody? how stupid are we to hear this? 33,000 e-mails for the yoga. yoga and a wedding, and they were personal. i'll bet you in this room we have people that -- i'm not a big e-mail person. you know why? i'm not a big -- i don't like e-mail. i like the old days. i like the days because today they just announced somebodily s else was hacked. they have no idea who is doing it. these things are amazing. the kids growing up, i have a young boy barron. he's very smart but using the
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computer so much. no way he can find out. so we go back about an hour later and he's playing with the computer. we had it on lock. and we said wait a minute. we had it on lock. you needed a sequential number. we said how did you do that? i'm not telling you, dad. no, these kids are genius. and it's getting worse and worse because they live with it. i grew up and it was a certain age they start. now they live with it. it's like their right arm. they can do it so well. and i like the old days, especially for the military and things like that. you want to attack or you want to do something, it's called courier. it's called let's put it in an envelope and hand it to the general. let's not send it over the wire so everybody is probably reading it. >> well, okay there. i think donald trump perhaps endorsing the courier pigeon
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method of delivering messages there. donald trump not a fan of e-m l e-mails. actually a nice fun, warm moment about his son barron. donald trump discovering what all of us with kids aged 9 to 15 know, which is the kids know a lot more about technology than we parents do anyway. let's get started with the show itself. both campaigns have stormed the trail today. we'll keep an eye on this if he says anything else noteworthy. the clinton/kaine ticket launched their bus dur to try to lock pennsylvania down and jump-start things in ohio. their message today squarely focused on trump and what they say is his dark vision of america. >> the republican convention was like a twisted and negative tour. it wasn't a tour of this country. it was a journey through donald trump's mind, and that is a very frightening place. that is a very frightening place. >> donald trump painted a
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picture, a negative, dark, divisive picture of a country in decline. i'm not telling you that everything is just peachy keen. i'm telling you we've made progress but weave work to do if we're going to make sure everybody is included. >> the campaigns are looking at what is a highly fluid and unstable battleground map right now. we'll go deeper into the battleground map later in the hour to see how serious this could shake up. we begin with the road ahead. what to watch and how to watch it. the olympics begin in one week. labor day comes shortly after that. the race for the white house is about to freeze in place. we just don't know what place is yet. which means next week's slew of post convention polls are critical to at least understanding where this race is going to be. could be the difference between a month of momentum or a month of panic. here's how to read the bounce. don't just examine the head-to-head numbers.
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look at favorability ratings to see if the conventions helped trump or clinton's personal popularity or trustworthy numbers. also the total support for the third party candidates. that will show you if skittish democrats and republicans are coming home to their candidate or still sticking to protest vehicles like those two third party choices. kasie hunt is with the clinton/kaine ticket. a new stop along this three-day bus tour. i understand you're about to get kicked out. let's try to get this live shot before you get escorted out by security. >> if you see a guy in a suit with another earpiece, that's why i'm running out the door. but a quick note on your earlier conversation. this factory makes lincoln logs and kinects toys which touches a little nostalgic string for me. we are in the middle of
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pennsylvania. we left philadelphia. on our way to harrisburg. as you outlined, there's a reason why we're here out of this convention. and that's because pennsylvania suddenly more in play than possibly in any election cycle in recent memory. of course, mitt romney made's late play for it. thinking that they might be able to have the pipe dream that is pennsylvania. more real this year. and the clinton campaign knows that's the case. that's why they're airing ads here and not in colorado, for example. of course, it's all about white working class voters in some of these towns where the economy has structurally changed, and a lot of them haven't bounced back. this is a small factory but many large ones, towns dependent on manufacture having disappeared, and a lot of people, of course, inclined to go for donald trump. she's here. she's in western pennsylvania outside pittsburgh and eastern ohio which is really the same region of the country, youngstown, cleveland and we
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finish in columbus. >> all places where she was both weak in the primaries and has shown weakness in general election matchups as well. kasie hunt on the road in the bus tour there. thank you. over to hallie jackson. she is at the said trump event we were just talking about. you can fill us in on what we may have missed over the last four or five minutes. what have you seen? >> absolutely. and a little from the beginning of that speech. this was the moment a lot of folks have been looking to. how would donald trump respond to hillary clinton's attacks against him last night and to those other hits against him by speakers at the dnc stage. he came out and almost immediately addressed this after, as trump often does, talking about the big crowds that have gathered. you would have seen a line of people standing behind me waiting to get in. donald trump starting a little late. he was unsurprisingly unimpressed by hillary clinton's speech. would you have bet on that? he said it wasn't wonderful. he thought it was very average. but he did have praise for
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chelsea clinton. and one interesting note, in the beginning of his remarks, he talked about the friendship between his daughter ivanka and chelsea clinton. the two of them are close and have talked about the relationship between them and how the campaign has changed that. and trump saying he went to ivanka and said, really? do you really like her and have to be friends with her and ivanka said, yes, i do like her and we are friends. he said it would be so much easier if you weren't. that's all we've heard from trump about last night. he has been tweeting about michael bloomberg calling him little plmichael bloomberg and general allen. >> it's interesting. we were just noting he was talking about his rust belt strategy. also he just seems to be in a chipper mood for some reason considering he wasn't so much last night. he seems to be very irritated.
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>> yeah. especially after the iowa event. we were over with him in cedar rapids and davenport. he was very, i don't want to say vintage or classic trump but angry, yelling. he did seem irritated. talking about some of the attacks against him from previous -- that had happened earlier in the week. today he does. he walked out. jovial. joking with the crowd. he has been on the campaign trail all week long. we don't expect to see him out over the weekend. perhaps friday afternoon here in colorado. heads on to denver. i thought his campaign understands the importance of doing well here. >> right now it doesn't look like it's on the battleground map. a lot to chew on after today, last night, last week and what's going to be a frozen race in a week. the hill's reed wilson, clarence page and sarah fagan. all right. let's just be simple about this, clarence. >> a lot there. >> you've been to more
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conventions than any of us here. >> all put it i think. >> i'm not giving you that. >> okay. >> but in your experience, what do you think the impact of these conventions are going to be? >> i haven't seen two conventions quite this raucous since the days of the mcgovern fight, the goldwater fight. >> made covering political conventions great again. >> i was hoping for a quiet week after cleveland. a lot of people were. and turned out that it wasn't. but this is all indicative of what we've been talking about all along. the public is dissatisfied with the status quo. they aren't clear on what kind of change that's been the debate between trump and hillary clinton over what kind of change they are going to bring about. and what's going to do the country the most good. and we're finding splits where the republicans are divided between the trump folks and ted cruz folks. now the democrats are divided between the bernie supporters
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which are divided among themselves. i talked to bernie supporters the other day and said bernie has already endorsed hillary clinton. why are you still out here protesting in front of my office, in fact. and they said, well, the moonlight goes on. so bernie has created something here. >> sarah, when are you ready to di jefgest the convention bounc? >> i think possibly by tuesday we'll have a sense of what mrs. clinton got out of her convention. a lot of mixed evidence on the republican side. donald trump just went up in the ratings. people were interested in the show he put on. >> what's weird about the ratings. democrats got better ratings every single day but the last day, which is interesting. which is trump v. clinton. >> trump v. clinton and also the two former presidents, of course. and michelle obama. and the biggest stars in the
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democratic party were earlier. the biggest star of the republican party is at the end of the week. that's probably why we saw. i was critical of our republican convention because i thought as many people did that it was dark and negative and he was not optimistic and never made the pivot to the general election. i thought democrats were too optimistic at times. while they had a beautifully produced convention and great speakers, i'm not sure that they didn't strike enough of a cord with enough americans about how they are really feeling. they may not get the bounce they hoped for. >> reed, where are you? >> i'm not entirely certainly race is going to freeze for the next month. >> why is that? >> because the olympics are going to be on. everybody will be watching the olympics and while the clinton campaign and trump campaign are not necessarily up, we'll see a mass of ad blitz from the primary anti or pro clinton pac.
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>> the race is not going to freeze because we'll have one side communicating its message with nothing coming from the other side. and by the way, they aren't stupid. they'll be broadcasting during the olympics. >> you are assuming that these tv ads have an impact. >> right. which is -- >> this is something i'm not convinced that presidential tv ads will have the impact. not the ads that the clinton campaign has been putting out. >> you pointed out, you said when looking at the polls, pay attention to the favorable numbers. watch where donald trump's fa r favorable/unfavorable rating is now after his convention, whatever glow he's gotten out of that. watch where it is three weeks from now when the olympics close when the clinton campaign has been eating him up. nobody is undecided about donald trump. but there are going to be a whole bunch of people who have reason to change their mind. >> you, nbc, have been asking some questions in your polling, very interesting questions. and getting to this group of vote chers is almost one-third that doesn't think either candidate is qualified, has the
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judgment, the temperament, what are those -- what is that third of the electorate doing? >> they naturally lean republican. they are more republicans in that group than democrats, which shouldn't surprise you. >> right. >> but the problem for trump is they only narrowly lean to him. >> they're going to tell us, their behavior will tell white house is going to win the election. >> you brought up a lot of the sanders folks. the most remarkable thing to me was how progressive liberal, whatever word you want to use there it was. and it felt like a speech bernie sanders would have been comfortable giving. >> let us remember, this is the natural inclination. they were good baby boomer activists. when she was pushing for health care, for clinton's health care program it was too radical at the time. she's being pushed back to where she's at. >> it's funny. it's like who is the hillary clinton that's going to be a
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little bit of this. we did a fun mash up of clinton and sanders. take a listen. >> it is time to break up the largest financial institutions in this country. >> wall street can never, ever be allowed to wreck main street again. >> make tuition in public colleges and universities free. >> make college tuition free for the middle class and debt-free for all. >> a constitutional amendment to overturn the disastrous citizens united decision. >> if necessary, we will pass a constitutional amendment to overturn citizens united. >> she won the nomination. bernie sanders won the platform. >> imagine her frustration now that she has swung so far over to bernie's side. and so many bernie supporters don't trust her still, even though she agrees with them more and they have a better shot with
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her. they're still giving her a lot of trouble. and that's especially in states where it's safe. >> i don't know if you heard nicolle wallace on wednesday night, she wasn't alone. a lot of republican, particularly bush era republicans loved barack obama's speech. thought he struck the perfect tone for what bothers a lot of never trump republicans. and there was an assumption that it could open the door. did hillary clinton carry the -- >> no, i think she went back to the elizabeth warren/bernie sanders wing of the party and had a tick list that makes republicans say, eh, i could get with you on foreign policy because your temperment is better than donald trump's but the environment, abortion, every other liberal cause, i'm not with you on those and i'm not supporting you. >> the democratic -- those two nights of the democratic convention, wednesday and thursday, the two prevailing
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theories. persuasion elections or motivation elections. president obama said that donald trump -- >> not just him. michael bloomberg. the whole night of it. >> for clinton, the bloomberg himself, john hallen, military leaders as well. there's the persuasion side. clinton went with the mobilization side, turn out the democratic voters. that's been the prevailing attitude of the obama team. that's how they won in 2008. >> for all the teeth gnashing, there were no signs that called him a liar or -- >> the never trump people never showed up to that convention. there weren't many. the anti-clinton people were there as delegates to bernie. >> they weren't there as delegates to bernie, but nonetheless they stood -- they shook her up.
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she did miss applause lines in her speech because some of the sanders protesters -- >> they were there monday and thursday, all week. >> we'll take a quick break. coming up, why the battleground map is now more volatile than ever with more party strongholds on the brink. we'll explain how it called all play out over the next 30 to 60 days. the new ruling on the voter i.d. law and what that could mean for voting laws around the country and battleground north carolina and your vote come november. stay tuned.
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we told you what to watch in the next couple of weeks when it comes to the bounce and how to judge it. ahead of that, let's look at what we now know about one group of democrats that would be critical to hillary clinton's bounce and whether it's a big one. according to our latest poll, among democrats, 65% have a favorable view. 20% have a negative view. who are those 20% of democrats
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who are not sold on hillary clinton? at least before the convention? first off, just over half of them say they approve of the job president obama is doing. and 42% say they disapprove. so they are more likely to like him. all right. maybe his speech will then help persuade those folks. in contrast, democrats who feel positively about clinton overwhelm league approve of the president. majority of democrats with a negative view of clinton have a positive view of bernie sanders, nearly two out of three. so big sanders supporters, not fans of hillary. from these preconvention numbers, anti-clinton democrats are split over who they'll vote for. 39% clinton. 24% said they'd vote for trump. when you include the libertarian n green parties into the question, a whopping 22% of those democrats with a negative view of clinton say they'd vote for jill stein. we'll see what's happens in the polls in the coming week. but if a week-long show of credible leaders serving as character witnesses does not move the needle for hillary
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clinton with democrats, then you have to ask yourself, nothing will. we'll dig into that and what that could mean for the battleground map later in the hour. e binge-studying. e binge-studying. now she writes mostly in emoji. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. today, the only spanish words he knows are burrito and enchilada. soon, he'll take notes en espanol. get back to great with the right gear. from the place with the experts. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. perfect driving record. until one of you clips a food truck. then your rates go through the roof. perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance.
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a major court decision on voting rights today. and it comes in a battleground state about 100 days before election day. federal appeals court struck down the voter i.d. law. it's the third such law to be struck down joining wisconsin and texas. what is especially significant here is how the law was struck down. the appeals court concluded that the north carolina general assembly enacted the challenged provisions of the law with discriminatory intent. making no bones about it saying it was essentially racially motivated. and that the restrictions quote target african-americans with almost surgical precision. governor mccrory said three democrat judges are undermining the integrity of our elections
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while maligning our state. we'll immediately appeal their decision to strike down our voter i.d. law and also review other potential options. while north carolina voters will no longer be required to show a photo i.d. at the polls, plenty of states still have some version of voter i.d. law on the books. some are being challenged in the courts. joined now by justice correspondent pete williams. the three in one week. obviously north carolina being a battleground state here. it can have an immediate impact. where does this get appealed first? is it a full -- >> they haven't said. >> -- circuit or -- >> could be a full circuit or the supreme court. but there are eight states that will have voter i.d. laws in place for this presidential election that didn't have it four years ago. alabama, mississippi, north dakota, tennessee and virginia. and then the three you mentioned that are currently in the courts now, north carolina, texas and wisconsin. actually only tennessee and
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mississippi are not currently in court challenge. >> every other one is being challenged in the courts? >> yes. we've already had circuit court decisions on texas and wisconsin in the last two weeks. either rolling those restrictions back or going back to the courts saying you have to soften the blow. >> any of them going to the supreme court? >> they haven't said yet. the supreme court has a sort of rule they sat down in a case a couple of years ago. the closer you get to the election, the less likely we are to take up the challenge because people's heads are guessing oin spin. we don't want to step in at the last minute and change the rules again. the window is closing for getting to the supreme court. that would be a normal supreme court of nine justices. now with this 4-4 split it's not ideological over these. in the background is the court's decision in 2008 saying it's not unconstitutional to require photo i.d.s. >> it does require there's a
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running consistency here in at least the circuit level that we're starting to see these laws have been going too far as far as courts are concerned. >> it's how you put them into effect. it's more than photo i.d.s. >> if it was just photo i.d., would these laws probably stay enacted? >> some of them would probably. or at least they'd change the rules for photo i.d. if you don't have the right photo i.d., you should be able to fill out a form and have that counted later. >> north carolina did something extra. it had to do with sunday campaigning and almost targeting african-american churches. >> that has early voting and same-day registration. the court said the north carolina legislature looked at how african-americans vote and then rolled back the things that they are most likely to take advantage of. african-american and minority voters are more likely to move so they're more likely to show up at a precinct in their county but the wrong preprecinct. >> a systematic way of making it harder for african-americans to
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register to vote. >> that's what they say. >> you've been covering a story that i remember covering as well. chandra levy, the missing intern. got linked to a former congressman back in the day. she was murdered in rock creek park in washington, d.c. suddenly charges are dropped? they were going to retry the person. there's a report in "people" magazine because you reported they just said, what did the prosecutor say? >> they said they basically didn't think they could prove this case beyond a reasonable doubt. there were developments in the last couple of -- >> they didn't say what the development was. and today in a "people" magazine interview, chandra levy's father seemed to hint at what it was. a witness who seemed to be compromised. >> this has been the problem with the case. there were no forensics here. it looked like a likely suspect to the government. he had already been convicted, had pleaded guilty to assaulting two women in the same park where chandra levy's body was found here in washington, rock creek
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park. but the strength of the case was bl built on a jailhouse informant. the government got new information that he admitted he made that all up, he lied. >> does the prosecution still think they know who did it and they just don't have the evidence or are they now, hey, this may be an unsolved mystery? >> it's more the latter. the lawyer for gary condit, the congressman here, extracted something from the justice department today that you don't normally see. a statement that he is totally cleared. he is no way a suspect. >> there's no doubt, speculations, people would go to him. >> his lawyer was trying to put an end to that today. >> pete williams, a lot of busy times for you, sir. still ahead, donald trump's town hall in colorado springs continues. he's head a rally tonight in deb denver. is he setting his expectations too high in colorado? steve kornacki joins me. we'll look at the battleground map and the various paths trump is trying to create. when it comes to healthcare,
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still ahead on "mtp daily," steve kornacki and i are going to look at the different paths to 270 donald trump is trying to create. later, what was your favorite moment from the conventions? see if your pick makes our list of best and worst. first the cnbc market wrap. >> thanks, chuck. stocks close out a month of gains though they ended mixed today. the dow falls 24 but is up nearly 3% for july. the s&p ads 3 up more than 3%
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we're going to drive through pennsylvania and into ohio. it's nostalgic for me. my dad was born in scranton. i spent every summer of my life up in northeast pennsylvania. my father, my brother went to penn state. so i know. >> her brother, i believe, was a backup quarterback at penn state in the early '70s. welcome back to "mtp daily." hillary clinton playing up rust belt roots there.
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it will be a common theme with clinton and donald trump trying to win in that critical region. folks, the battleground map has looked pretty much the same since 2000. this year the map could be different judging by the number of states where the winner doesn't break 55%. so looking -- and so could have more toss-ups in the rust belt states that obama and clinton carried. or more have to be in play for the gop for donald trump if he's going to have a shot at this. let me bring in steve kornacki at the big board in new york. steve, do me this favor. let's start with this ohio, pennsylvania rust belt strategy of trump's. if he pulls it off and sweeps the northern tier and throw in wisconsin and michigan, show us where we're at. >> we were talking about when we say rust belt, a particular voter where trump is doing better than mitt romney. that is economically downscale
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white voters. let's look at the states on this map where you got a larger number of blue collar white voters and these are also states where it looks like barack obama may have overperformed with blue collar white voters. a lot of room for slippage and growth. this is the nbc map right now. also including states that lean one way. making them blue, making them red. let's start with pennsylvania. that's a trump target. a natural trump target. ohio. another state on the clinton bus tour. iowa is right in that wheelhouse. i'm not talking about polls. just demographics. wisconsin would be in that wheel house. michigan would be. you see you're starting to get close to 270. still not there. demographically, this isn't rust belt but new hampshire would fit that. >> it fits that profile. new hampshire. >> right. and nevada is iffy. not nearly as clear cut but we can just throw it in to show you
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what it would do. that would put you over. one other wild card here. we can't show it on the map yet. one congressional district in maine that fits that to a "t." they give them out by district up there. he could squeeze an electoral vote out of there. that would get him over 270 with all of that. >> he can pull this off nfd that means he could lose florida, lose colorado, lose virginia, lose north carolina. so there is a path, but, boy, is it narrow. that's impressive that it's there. have you seen a poll with donald trump within single digits in michigan or wisconsin? >> that's what i'm saying. it's theoretical. you are looking at the demographics and saying the numbers would be there in theory. you look at michigan, wisconsin. there hasn't been any polling yet. i've heard theorys in wisconsin, some may be residual from the primary season. donald trump did not do well in wisconsin in the primary season.
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these are states you have to go back to -- in wisconsin, back to '84 to find a republican who won. in michigan. it's interesting. if you go back to 2004, george w. bush got within three points of john kerry there. when you start looking at where those votes came from, he did overachieve with blue collar white voters. bush started to go down that path and didn't get there 12 years ago. >> it does show, and it does with nevada and even, i agree with you, especially reno. reno, that area looks more like the working class demographic than other parts of nevada. that's where he'd have to overperform. it's interesting. the path does exist. steve kornacki, thanks very much. sarah fagan, i'll start with you. i'm skeptical of this path, but it exists. the fact of the matter, if this is what he drives home, there is a path to 271. >> and it's clear that's what his strategy is. that was reflective in the
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convention. it's hard to imagine a scenario which donald trump loses florida and wins wisconsin and michigan. i don't think he's going to win nevada if he loses colorado. so he's got to win florida, in my view. he's got to win florida if he's going to be elected president. >> that's interesting. it shows you he can trade pennsylvania for florida but it means also wisconsin and michigan and that's where we're less skeptical. >> we're teetering on what's called the i-4 corridor in florida. the swing vote area. but i certainly agree, i'm surprised he'd be able to pull off that big of a coup. >> by the end of august, if he has not -- if we are not in single digit territory in michigan and wisconsin and suddenly we don't have paths to 270 for trump. >> the paths to 270 for trump are going to be wall because of the blue wall, the 18 states plus the district of columbia that have gone democratic in
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each of the last 16 elections. that includes pennsylvania and michigan. the interesting thing is we're seeing the clinton campaign venture into territory the don't necessarily have to vent sbour. they have four coordinated offices open all right. you can expect to see advertising. maybe it's just a ploy but advertising in a state like georgia, in missouri, the mason dixon just came out. it has them tied. there are -- the fact that everybody dislikes donald trump and everybody dislikes hillary clinton means that's every state is a swing state. >> it's so unstable this battleground map. and on one hand it does feel as if he does underperform republicans in any state that is more diverse than the national average. north carolina, florida are perfect. >> colorado, nevada. >> sure. particularly these younger, more diverse north carolinians becoming more diverse as a state. but, look, what's looks pretty
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easy, easy in quotation marks for donald trump is florida, pennsylvania, which has been consistently tied and ohio. and ohio and pennsylvania are doable. he's got to win florida. >> the problem in florida she's down by more than five. down close to double digits. >> it's a state that's voted republican often and more so than democratic in the past. >> it's a home state of donald trump's. he spends a lot of time there. it was an important state for him during the primaries. >> i remember obama's team back in '08. they saw there was a pocket there on the west coast of florida virtually ignored by everybody. they focused on that and carried the state. this is how changeable florida can be and how pivotal. ohio is the same. karl rove is expecting famously, expecting to win ohio in 2012 and would have if white blue collar voters had showed up. >> what if trump carries a lot of those rust belt states but it's a losing strategy and then suddenly we have a new blue/red
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map. >> here's the problem republicans have faced for a long time. the blue wall, even if you take out pennsylvania. >> you penetrate it a little. >> republicans have to run the table in terms of swing states. the republican version, the equivalent of the blue wall, red wall, 22 states only add up to 190 electoral -- sorry, 180. >> only two decent size states in that wall, georgia and texas. >> there was a piece pointing out that people don't talk about still half the electorate, almost half the electorate is noncollege educated white voters. and he is way overperforming mitt romney in almost all those states. and that's how he gets there. no question long term the demographic change in this country do not work well for the donald trump strategy. >> i was going to say and the trump strategy -- >> it could work in one election. >> the problem donald trump has is he doesn't have to overperform mitt romney. he has to overperform george w. bush who won twice n those
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electorates no longer exist. >> let's take a break. you guys will stick around. wrap up the week with the highs and lows from cleveland and philly. my big high right now, law enforcement in both cities. you guys did great. thank you. >> hear, hear. >> stay tuned. americans are buying more and more of everything online. and so many businesses rely on the united states postal service to get it there. because when you ship with us, your business becomes our business. that's why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. the united states postal service. priority: you if you then you'll know howuth, uncomfortable it can be. but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? well, there is biotene, specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants...
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move ahead after their conventions. paul manafort will join me, plus a chief strategist from the clinton campaign as well. then i'm going to talk to wikileaks founder and gary kasparov. that's on sunday, your local nbc station. check your local listing. we have some time shifting going on thanks to a sporting event. so make sure you know the right time. we'll be back with the lid and the most standout moments from both conventions right after this.
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bp drilling teams train in virtual reality simulators in here, so we're better prepared for any situation out there. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. nobody knows the system better than me. which is why i alone can fix it. >> remember, our founders fought a revolution and wrote a
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constitution so america would never be a nation where one person had all the power. >> there you go. the balloons have dropped. by the way, they both did good balloon drops. the sets are broken down. convention season is over. halftime is over. donald trump and hillary clinton are officially on the long road to november. what moments will we remember from cleveland and philly? time for "the lid." we made them all pick. start with the rnc. reid, your most standout moment was this. >> these are people who work hard but no longer have a voice. i am your voice. >> why did you do that? >> this is how donald trump won the republican primary. take a look at the exit polls that came out. about three quarters of voters who said their top priority was picking a candidate who told it like it was, voted for donald trump. that's how he won the primary. he is the voice for the people
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who feel like they have been silenced. >> it was the most effective construction in that speech was when he said i'm not with her, i'm with you. i thought that was a very smart play. clarence, here was your standout moment. >> this is a nation where every coin in our pocket and every bill in our wallet says in god we trust. so are we willing to elect someone as president who has as their role model somebody who acknowledges lucifer? >> standout moment, yes. >> explain. >> i'm delighted to see dr. ben carson has come out against the devil. >> he's anti-devil. >> this is kind of the old time religion aspect of the republican party we don't hear that much about in these days of trump, but ben carson got up there and very boldly expressed
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i could see some establishment republicans getting their foreheads, but -- >> i have to tell you, there is some on the right that is obsessed with saul alinski. the book is called "rules for radicals." the irony here is the one presidential candidate who did use it as a guidebook was not clinton, not obama. it was howard dean in 2004. i will never forget. all right. sarah, here was your standout moment. >> vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket. >> that would have been mine, too. >> it was a wow moment for a host of reasons. but it said to conservative mormons in utah, conservative christians in the midwest that it was okay not to support their party's nominee. i think ultimately, he did a huge disservice to donald trump, potentially a disservice to his own political future.
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we won't know that for a couple years. >> it was gutsy. i am always impressed when a politician puts their career on the line. he did it. let's move to the dnc. i will go backwards. pick your moment first. here it is. >> hillary clinton was right when she called my son the best of america. if it was up to donald trump, he never would have been in america. >> there were so many other ways that could have -- so many other parts of his speech we could have excerpted. why did you pick that? >> because when you lose a child in war, you have the right to stand up at a convention with moral indignation and lecture a politician and he did it so well, and there was literally no response to it. i think for people who have questions about the republican nominee, he encapsulated that better than anything that anyone
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else at the democratic convention said. >> what was amazing, the democrats didn't promote that. that wasn't a hey, pay attention to this. i don't want to say it was organic, but it caught fire in a way that i don't think convention organizers thought. >> he had that room, too. >> he really did. it was unbelievable. clarence, this was your standout moment. >> can't wait to see it. >> he's trying to tell us he cares about the middle class. give me a break. that's a bunch of malarkey. >> so glad you picked malarkey. >> don't you love it? >> biden, this is the thing about joe biden. we underestimate him in so many ways, in the early obama days, he's just joe. no, joe biden is one of the most serious politicians around but one of the most liked people. he's old-fashioned politician to me. he knows everybody in the neighborhood, he goes to every funeral, every wedding and he reaches people. >> know what i would like to see, hillary clinton take speech giving classes from him. he's so good at modulating his
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voice. so good at getting everyone to listen to him. he just knows how to do it. impressive. takes 40 years to learn that. >> he controlled that room, too. >> reid, here was your standout moment. >> imagine if you dare imagine, imagine him in the oval office facing a real crisis. a man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. >> i think you picked the right quote to pick from there, if you just judge by social media. it was the single most shared quote on facebook, i believe. >> it's going to be a message we hear from democrats and by the way, from the republicans for clinton and from everybody else for clinton, too, over the next 102 days. questioning donald trump's fitness for office. if political logic still exists which i'm not sure it is
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applicable this year, is that person ready for the most powerful, most important job in the world is one that is asked every four years. that was a great distillation of the question. >> very quickly, what was your quick low moment? >> my low moment was when the sheriff from arizona spoke. i just think republicans don't need to have that at their convention. we are not going to end up with hispanic votes. >> i can't make the rest of you, you can tell me. i will tell them after the break. got to let you guys go. we are running out of time. we left on our honeymoon in january 2012. it actually evolved into a business. from our blog to video editing... our technology has to hang tough with us. when you're going to a place without electricity, you need a long battery life. the touch, combined with the screen resolution... a mac doesn't have that. we wanted to help more people get out there and see the world. once you take that leap, that's where the magic happens.
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that does it for us. we'll be back monday with more "mtp daily." see you sunday with a big post-convention "meet the press." "with all due respect" starts on time. i'm john heilemann. >> i'm mark halperin. with all due respect to donald trump, not everyone voting for hillary clinton is little. >> welcome to gotham city, the political media industrial complex's obsession with veep stakes and conventions is now over. the general election is now upon us. today on the eve of the hundred
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