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tv   MTP Daily  MSNBC  August 5, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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flailing, will harden into temporary permanence because nobody is paying attention to politics the next two weeks. >> if there's such a thing as a reset button in the trump world, maybe this is their chance to press it. beth fouhey, mike pesca, thank you. i'm steve kornacki. "mtp daily" with chuck ed todd starts right now. if it's friday, as the olympic torch lights up rio, the trump campaign is looking to torch the week that was. can his campaign get back on track, or has donald trump simply hit too many hurdles? if all else fails, he can just blame it on rio. this is "mtp daily" and it starts right now. ♪ good evening. i'm chuck todd here in washington. blameless here. it's all rio's fault. welcome to "mtp daily. "as the adage goes in politics,
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good gets better, and bad gets worse. it's a failly line of haley barbour's. 36 hours of trump chaos has ended with some conservatives, one running re-election ads against him, two, publicly questioning his sanity and, three, preparing for a lyclinto landslide by saying don't be a blank check against a president clinton. folks, this was an unprecedented and, frankly, ridiculous week in presidential campaign history. this race may have fundamentally changed. you're looking at a quick look at just some of the headlines that detail what a disastrous week it's been for trump. and you look at it. some of the big ones like the seventh headline in there is the sitting president of the united states saying that one of his potential successors is unfit for the office. all sorts of -- all of those headlines, one of them could have created a bad day for him. combined it has created what this week has become.
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that said, when you look at all of our polling, his message still resonates even if he is struggling to resonate. but, his candidacy does feel like it's been on the brink. trump took the stage moments ago holding a joint rally with mike pence before hitting the ground in paul ryan's backyard, green bay, wisconsin, where donald trump is now expected to endorse ryan according to sources familiar with those plans. it's an endorsement perhaps that trump needs to make more than ryan needs to receive. at his rally right now, though, trump ratcheted up attacks on clinton and rejected concerns about his own temperament. take a listen. >> if hillary clinton becomes president, you will have -- you will have terrorism. you will have problems. you will have really, in my opinion, the destruction of this country from within. all of my life i've been told
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you have the greatest temperament. all my life i've handled pressure. and i've been told by so many people that know me under pressure, donald, that's when you do the best. >> folks, here are two poll numbers that could spell even more trouble for the gop. clinton leads by nine points nationally. look at this one. a jaw dropping result the atlanta georgia constitution showing hillary clinton ahead in a state that hasn't gone democrat since 1992. that one is one you could argue starts stinging more than anything in the bump. a former trump senior adviser, former carson campaign manager. barry, look, there's no -- you're a guy that doesn't beat around the bush. it's obviously a bad week. >> yeah. yeah, it's a really bad week. >> how does he prevent it from cementing? >> well, you know, his assets are he has this really powerful message that people in pain
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really respond to, but he's demonstrated a lack of discipline in delivering the message. when he delivers it, he delivers it fearlessly but the discipline hasn't been there. he's chased all these stories of the day down every rabbit hole that comes along the trail. he has to get back to a discipline message. you know, i personally believe that talking about hillary clinton is not going to get you very many votes. these two are wildly unpopular. whoever pivots big is going to win. >> what do you mean by that? what's big mean? >> talking to people who are really, really frustrated with washington, people that haven't got ann pay raise in four, five, six years. he hasn't been able to find a job in that long. this mexican heroin is ravaging our towns. forget all this other junk, you win. >> let me ask you this. how come you're not with the campaign anymore? >> i don't know. ask them. i found out that i was a senior
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adviser in t"the washington pos" and i found out i wasn't at cnn. it's interesting. >> i ask that because you're not the only one -- there's sort of -- there seems to be a revolving door. would you describe -- is there two campaigns? that's what some people describe it as, the orbit around trump, the candidate, the traveling campaign, and then there's the structure that paul manafort has been trying to put into place. is that what it looks like? describe it for us. >> i think both are needed and i think paul is doing a good job puttinging together the structure, the 50-state operations. they have to connect the two. you have to connect what donald trump does at these rallies with the campaign and if he can get back to focusing -- he create this had me message all by himself. it was powerful. we'll see the polls slip. the one thing we know about the race, whoever wins is probably never going to get to 50% and
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there's no cement in any of the sand. so, you know, this is a very fluid thing but, boy, it's been a rotten week. >> it's funny it's fluid but it's fluid until it's no longer fluid anymore and i say that because there comes a point and you remember '96 very well and that was a nominee the party personally was very proud of in bob dole. but suddenly it became important to save the house and save the senate as far as the republican party's concerned. i saw fund-raising e-mail last night with paul ryan's signature on it that said you've got to elect house republicans because you don't want to give a president hillary clinton a blank check. is that a preview of what's to come, and how quickly do you think it comes? >> we've seen that same ad in ten different variations over the last 20 years, right? it's nancy pelosi, harry reid -- >> whoever you have to distance yourself from when you're running. >> whoever the bogeyman is. i think if you look at some of the senate races like rob
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portman's race in ohio. he's running an ad now talking about how ohio can compete with anybody in the world if the playing field is fair and flat. that's a really good message. everybody should be watching these ads because that is the way to win in this election. >> peggy noonan, it seems like -- because you do talk about the message is powerful. we see it in our own poll. i'm going to show a result on sunday. the two just excerpts from the two acceptance speeches and how much more powerfully trump's resonated with the public than clinton's. but peggy noonan wrote this today. not a wide-eyed liberal columnist. here is the truth of life. when you act as if you're insane, people think you're insane. that's what happened this week. people started to become convinced he, referring to trump, was nuts, a total flake. how do you prove a temperament? you heard what donald trump said today. my temperament is fine. people say it's fine. how to prove he has the
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temperament? ronald reagan had a quiet persona. but reagan didn't make mistakes to play into it. trump is making mistakes that play into the charges that clinton's making. what can he do? >> the narrative's against them. >> what can he do to prove he has the temperament? >> it's not a brain issue. it's a heart issue. show me that you care. go out to these clinics, these heroin clinics, go out to unemployment folks, spend time in youngstown, ohio, and toledo, ohio. today versus four years ago there's 775,000 fewer registered democrats. this is incredibly doable, but tough to do it and show some heart. >> barry bennett, thanks for your time. appreciate it. good to talk to you. let me bring in tonight's panel, "washington post" the fix boss,
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and contributor, teresa. welcome. kevin, let me start with you. barry, i thought, gave some interesting advice there that he needs to start essentially talking to struggling folks, showing some compassion. he has only done rallies. does he have it in him to do the small groups? >> absolutely. >> will he do it? >> absolutely he has the capacity. i'm certain he'll do it. you referenced in an earlier show. i think anti-political correctness, a rigged system, wall street corruption, wasteful spending, these are -- these are themes that work, and i will be your voice which is probably the most effective single sevntence from the convention speech. this is what he has said and i think will say again. >> the problem is everything you said was not in that scroll,
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right? >> it's early august. >> post convention. >> and you would have expected right after his convention to have a bigger bump than he did. he kept making one mistake aer the other. the fact that he basically wants to say i'm an honest broker, he's having a hard time defending that from trump university that he received money after 9/11. that should have been chaptered for, earmarked for snaul businesses. he's not disciplined as a political candidate. he's not disciplined. >> what's amazing about watching trump, chris, he's actually pretty good at analyzing other people's political situations. >> and picking out their political weakness is a great strength. >> i've had off-the-record conversation where this it guy is savvy. he does no self-awareness. that's what seems to be missing.
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don't smirk. i caught it. it's the self-awareness issue. >> he called me like three weeks ago out of the blue and he's much more self-aware in that setting than he is -- >> i agree. >> it's not as if he's not self-aware. when he gets in front of people he can't -- he's a showman. he can't resist doing his thing. the messages that barry talked about, right, change versus more of the same, sort of she's corrupt, you can't trust her, and, you know, i'm a businessman. those are great messages for this kind of election. she's not a populist. she's not new. the problem is those three messages are three of the 225 he rolls out in every time -- every time he gets an interview, he gives a speech, and so it's very hard to pick those out. yes, he mentions them but it's within a scattered shot. >> i go back.
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he it continues to bring up the megyn kelly thing and wants to defend it. the only place anybody talks about it is in a clinton it tv ad. how do you get him to stop watching tv ads? >> i think you're actually ignoring what the fundamentals are here. national polls at this stage are irrelevant. this is early august. >> he's behind in swing states, too, kevin. >> short memories, mind switchers, this is very early, i know it's hard to take for someone who lives on numbers. >> i hear you, it's early. i guess the question is where is trump's life line. the debates will be massive audiences and his performance from here forward. >> i think what you're saying, august, we're paying attention and everybody does an uptick. even in pennsylvania, in philadelphia where barack obama won that by 8%, today she's at
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40%. that's bananas. they're trying to move away from him. he's galvanizing folks, more precisely. >> if you look at all these polls he still has one problem. the biggest explanation for all of these bumps, she united democrats, still 12% to 15% and including electeds. this is a john mccain town hall today. >> when will you rescind your endorsement of donald trump? >> my re-election and my campaign, i can't react to all of this back and forth. it's not what people care about in their selection of whether i will be re-elected or not. >> this is the fundamental problem that paul ryan, that everyone who is in leadership or a mccain who face as real primary has which is this, no one can deny that in a republican party donald trump
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has a significant constituency particul particularly in a state like arizona. we've seen that it over time, jan brewer. at the same time if you gave john mccain truth serum, he is not someone who is going to be in the republican party of donald trump. he doesn't view it that way. just one thing to add to kevin's point, though, chuck, hillary clinton continues to do things that leave opportunities open for donald trump. the answer on e-mails again today. >> you're previewing what we're doing later in the show. >> there's something there. the question is, can this candidate execute. he said get on message. is he -- is he physically capable of doing it? if he is, it's a real -- >> the last word. >> very quick point. those who are riding obits now do so at their own risk, and the elites are gleefully jumping around and having fun and
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sometimes on tv, and i look forward to future shows. >> well, you get more time to be gleeful later. you are sticking around. coming up, paul ryan could finally receive an endorsement i didn't know he needed or maybe he didn't know he didn't have from donald trump tonight. more about republicans that are running perhaps from trump as they try to better their chances this november. we'll look at what it means for the party and how democrats might struggle to take advantage of it. is it all because of what barack obama said of the democratic convention. and later, we'll dive deeper into our nbc news/"wall street journal" numbers and show you why and how hillary clinton's lead is growing despite questions about her remaining. stay tuned. ♪ americans are buying more and more of everything online. and so many businesses rely on the united states postal service to get it there. because when you ship with us,
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you're looking live at grand rapids, michigan, where democratic vice presidential nominee tim kaine is about to take the stage. earlier today he toured the lakefront brewery in which isco.
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part of the campaign's jobs tour. after he was done with that he sat down for an exclusive with me for "meet the press." sunday you can catch that because if it's sunday it's "meet the press" even during the olympics. kaine's first show since joining the ticket. due to great coverage of the olympics in rio "meet the press" may be airing at a different time in your area so, please, check your local listings or simply put us on the season pass of all your dvrs and then you won't miss it no matter what time we're on. back in a moment with the gop's down ballot blues.
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if you don't like me, that's okay, vote for pence. because it's the same thing. great guy. >> that just happened at a des moines rally. there you go. we were just talking about self-awareness. that is an interesting moment there for donald trump. welcome back. down ballot fears are growing.
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you heard paul ryan on local wisconsin radio sounding like his patience is wearing thin with trump after a tumultuous week. senators have been lukewarm facing new questions with each explosive moment come out of his campaign. by our count two dozen such moments this week alone. still, as the gap widens in polls, there's been a fear that he could sink republicans far down the ticket. not a ton of evidence, though. we'll see. some he is openly feuding with. that doesn't help keep the party together. so far he initially refused to endorse speaker paul ryan. the vulnerable senators mccain and ayotte, those sting a bit for both of those. but sources familiar with trump's plans do tell nbc news he will endorse paul ryan at his green bay rally tonight. overall, though, the senate picture. 34 seats are up for grabs in the senate. republicans held 24 of those 34, so they always were playing more defense than offense.
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democrats need to flip four to gain control of clinton wins or five if trump wins and eight of these republican senators that face competitive battles in their primary and general election ahead are all in states that are potentially swing states in the presidential. today trump is campaigning in iowa which does have another senate seat that democrats would like to pick off. patti judge is a former lieutenant governor of iowa challenging six-term senator chuck grassley and she joins me now. patti judd, welcome to the show. >> thank you. it's great to be with you. >> let me ask you this. why does senator grassley not deserve re-election? >> well, senator grassley has served iowa for a long time but he has really become a very partisan politician and has quit looking out for the interests of iowa and being the independent voice that i believe we need. >> it sound like you think he
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use d to be that. >> well, he was always a person i believed earlier in his career that was here for iowa, did not particularly adhere to republan label, but that has really changed, chuck. he has become very much a part of partisan bloc in the united states senate and has quit looking out for the interests of iowans. >> in many cases he's been involved in things that iowans care a lot about whether it's the ethanol subsidies, whether it's different things. i mean, he has a lot of seniority and to a state like iowa that matters sometimes more so. it's why, for instance, both harken and grassley used to get re-elected even on both sides because iowans cared about that stuff. what do you tell an iowan that says they're concerned they're going to lose senator grassley's influence? >> i tell them when he is really
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not looking out for us, when he is looking out for the interests of the leadership and his party and the senate that that seniority isn't doing us a lot of good, that we really would be better off with a new direction and, you know, the obstruction that's coming from him and from the judiciary committee is just not acceptable. iowans know that, and withiowane responding to that. >> let me ask you about your presidential nominee, hillary clinton. is there an issue or two you disagree with her on? and what are they? >> i'm really proud to have hillary on the ticket, to be on the ticket with her, and i think she will be a great president of the united states. i feel very confident about her being in charge of the very serious issues.
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i think she has the kind of capacity and experience to handle things like nuclear codes. i would be very, very alarmed to think donald trump had his finger on the nuclear buttons. >> let me ask you a couple specifics, the it tpp trade deal, could you ever find yourself open to supporting that? >> i really do not believe that is a trade agreement that is in our best interest. of course i do have an agricultural background and under very clearly the need for iowa, particularly to be engaged in trade. this particular agreement does not answer some questions for me particularly in the arenas of workers' rights and environmental issues, and i believe i'm very much aligned with hillary clinton's views on that one, also. >> you're not concerned that it would hurt iowa's ability to
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export a lot of its agriculture products? these trade deals, haven't they been a net positive for iowa? iowa's economy is booming, isn't it? >> iowa's economy has been pretty good. i think we always have room for improvement. we shouldn't be talking about not having a trade deal. i think we need to talk about having a good trade deal. a trade deal that works both for the united states, for agriculture and for iowa workers and nationally. i'm not sure all of those issues get answered in this particular agreement. that doesn't mean we shouldn't have agreement. it means we need to have a better one than the one in front of us. >> as a united states senator you might be asked to authorize military engagements. i have to ask you about one that happened this week, the decision by the president to order military strikes in libya.
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he didn't ask for congressional authorization. they believe it's part of the old congressional authorization on that. do you think that was the right call? >> from my seat here in iowa it's hard to determine whether that was a good call or not. i've always believed in transparency and would hope we would have an option and the ability to really have in-depth looks at situations before we would commit american soliers or would ever go in with strikes into foreign countries. i also understand, though, because i was homeland security adviser in iowa for four years about the threats that we have
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nationally and our need to be vigilant, that we're doing everything we can to protect american lives. both in the middle east and, in fact, here in our own country, too, chuck. >> but it sound like you think there should have been congressional authorization? >> i would think members of those committees should be thoroughly briefed and be aware. we need to have absolute transparency in government. >> patti judge, the democratic nominee for the u.s. senate in iowa. thanks for joining me. appreciate it. >> thanks. it was great. back now with the panel, chris, maria and kevin. i want to talk about an ad mike kauffman is now airing. take a look. >> people ask me, what do you think about trump? honestly, i don't care for him much and i certainly don't trust hillary. if donald trump is president,
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i'll stand up to him, plain and simple. and if hillary wins, i'll hold her accountable every step of the way. >> well, let's just say it was many years ago. >> you understand sometimes the need to do that in a swing district. >> we have a great system. every candidate can run as they choose to. and that's not a disrespectful move. down ballot is greatly exaggerated. these are local and regionally decided or at least decided within the state around that individual personality. >> if they can do it. not every race -- not every candidate successfully can do that. >> that's fair. there's a great history of ticket splitting. as a hoosier -- i want to do a shoutout to my governor, mike pence, an excellent surrogate
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and vice presidential nominee for donald trump. >> trump said vote for him, not him. >> oftentimes down ballot during presidential elections you have a lot of folks not paying attention in between elections. they're going to go in as a first-time voter and go all the way down. he recognizes that we're still early in the campaign, i'm not trump. >> think it's harder because you're not as well defined as much as you may think you are. >> the good news for kauffman, clinton pulled ads. that gives you an opportunity. >> i always remember back when i think of these ads because this is not new and it's not a republican or a democratic thing. in 2010, earl pomeroy represented north dakota for quite some time. he runs an ad in which he says -- a minute-long ad, he's looking to the camera, same
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thing, and says it opens with i'm not nancy pelosi. i'm not barack obama. i'm earl pomeroy. what do you think he's going for there? he loses by ten. they're so high profile. >> didn't president obama give -- >> this is 2010 midterm. >> didn't president obama give cover to republicans when he said that line in his speech, when he said donald trump, there wasn't much that was republican or conservative about it? >> great line. >> which upset on the house and senate level. >> both sides are trying to do that. >> he realizes there's actually a group of republicans and independents that want to hear they're not trump so the president was trying to bring
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them into the camp. >> think of that ad. if you're a republican candidate you snip that if it gets bad enough. president obama saying he's not a conservative and he's not a republican. i am. >> they come up with an ad going he's just like trump, senator "x," republican senator "x" and you respond going listen to president obama. >> that is a good ad. you can say but i am a conservative and that's why i'm running. >> what's necessarily good for clinton may not be good at the ballot box. >> some don't want to be associated with hillary rodham clinton. she cannot break through trust. >> evan will not talk a lot about hillary clinton. >> even though he tried for years to be her vp pick. >> i'm going to pause it there. still ahead, hillary clinton's lead. we'll talk about it more in a
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new "wall street journal" poll. went from five to nine points. what's behind that surge? we'll get into that when we come back. it's not something you do now and then. or when it's convenient. it's using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepare for any situation. it's giving offshore teams onshore support. and it's empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better.
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i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message. michael hayden: if he governs consistent with some of the things he said as a candidate, i would be very frightened. gillian turner: he's been talking about the option of using a nuclear weapon against our western european allies. max boot: this is not somebody who should be handed the nuclear codes. charles krauthammer: you have to ask yourself, do i want a person of that temperament controlling the nuclear codes? and as of now, i'd have to say no. [bill o'reilly sighs]
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having spent time around this good man since this add n adventure began for my family, there's one thing i know for sure, when donald trump becomes president of the united states of america, the change will be huge! >> huge. no one can say mike pence hasn't been a loyal running mate. there he was on the stump introducing donald trump in des moines.
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what is huge is our new nbc news/"wall street journal" poll. hillary clinton up nine points on trump. the democratic ticket picked up a percentage point, it's the gop side slipped three points. then the news is the same in the four-way poll, clinton up nine with gary johnson creeping into double digits and jill stein with five. here is where the numbers get tough. she's dominating with african-americans, up with college-educated whites and most interesting of all a one-point lead among men. where trump is leading, independentsnd whites. kevin, you keep bringing up one point that is the fairest of them all which is hillary clinton's own credibility and trustworthy esh use. it's like lawyer hillary clinton comes every time she gets asked the e-mail question.
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a mashup between her and comey. >> director comey had said -- i'm telling you right now, we're going to write fairer rules for the middle class, and we are going it to raise taxes on the middle class. i'm telling you right now, we're going to write fair er rules fo the middle class and we are going to raise taxes on the middle class. >> well, that was a confusing thing there. i apologize. that's not what we were calling up this has to do with another segment in a minute. let me pull up hillary clinton and director comey in a back and forth. >> i had not sent classified material nor received anything mark classified. >> fbi director james comey said none of those things you told the american public were true. >> chris, that's not what i heard director comey said. >> secretary clinton said i did
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not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. there is no classified material. was that true? >> there was classified material e-mailed. >> director comey said my answers were truthful and what i've said is consistent with what i have told the american people. >> did hillary clinton lie? >> to the fbi? we have no basis to conclude she lied to the fbi. >> did she lie to the public? >> that's a question i'm not qualified to answer. >> now it's been interesting here, chris cillizza, it appears she's conflating two things, director comey essentially, she didn't lie to the fbi. by the way, if she did, she would be charged. it's a crime to lie to the fbi. it's the public perception issue. >> and the only way you could prove that she's right is essentially, again, and this is what it comes back to with her and the e-mails is take her word for it. i'm telling you what i toll the fbi is the same thing i told you publicly but we know at least as it relates to things marked classified that's not right.
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she continues to -- i think she is dismissive privately of this. she thinks it's ridiculous. she thinks it's a trumped up issue -- sorry to use the word trump. she thinks it's a media creation. she doesn't get it. she's been cleared legally and she thinks it's ridiculous, but this is not a court of law. >> politics never is. >> the perception here when you're dealing with someone who between half and two-thirds of the country thinks is not honest and trustworthy again with the answers today at the black and hispanic journalists, she stumbled around and says i was being truthful and you're going to have to trust me. i didn't do anything wrong. there was nothing classified. >> here is what i don't get. why can't she just simply say, director comey was right. i was careless. >> i made a mistake. >> i said it was a mistake. >> he used careless. >> you know what, he's right. and, you know what, i've learned some hard lessons here. >> because she doesn't want to
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say that so it's a campaign slogan. >> it's already a big -- this befuddles me. why doesn't the counselor, why does lawyer hillary clinton answer the question? >> even her term of short-circuited plays on the idea she's not accessible, not warm, almost not human. >> let me pause you there. let's play it instead of paraphrasing. >> director comey had said my answers in my fbi interview were truthful. that's really the bottom line here. and i have said during the interview and on many other occasions over the past months that what i told the fbi which he said was truthful, is consistent with what i have said publicly. so i may have short-circuited it and, for that, i, you know, will try to clarify. >> short circuit. . >> because she has a hard time saying, look, i made a mistake.
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but i have to say something -- >> we spent 40 minutes going, why can't donald trump change what he is, and on this issue with her -- >> she's hard wired this way. but i have to say, i want to just briefly go back to the poll you mentioned, the one group of folks that weren't included there are latino-american voters who right now are basically 76% for her, and we don't know the undecided for trump. they are now in pockets of virginia, ohio, pennsylvania, north carolina, places we don't suspect, georgia, 3% to 4% of the electorate that are not paying attention. >> if there were no hispanic voters in north carolina mccain would have carried. if there were none in indiana in 2008, mccain would have carried indiana. the hispanic vote is not just in states that have large hispanic populations. you want to jump in. >> i'm fascinated by the dichotomy of the clinton approach and the history of it. on the one hand they're great at
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stonewalling and stalling and changing the subject. and this has been going on for decades. and on the other hand they know when to dump data, you know, you put a bunch of stuff in the roosevelt room and invite everyone in on a friday afternoon. it seems to me actually that he, bill clinton, president clinton, was better than she. she seems to be now trying, finally, to come up with an answer for this. but why so long? >> it's the legalese with which she approaches it. that's a critique of her. she can't just say, you know what, it was dumb. it was a mistake. i was careless. i don't think i did anything wrong. i understand why people think i might have, but i'm going to work every day to build up that trust. what she always says when people ask her, well, that hurts my feelings. it's such a canned line. >> i don't want to give away more from the poll that we'll have more on sunday, but let's just say that she may not take the e-mail seriously -- >> but people do. >> people do including people
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right now that are leaning in her camp but that still doesn't mean -- >> speaks to his weaknesses and his opportunity. >> let's also note quickly that trump, mr. trump, consistently outperforms polls, has especially in the northeast, in the primary season, well into april and into may and that he drew 15,000 people in florida in a single rally this week. >> but crowd sizes, if crowd sizes matter, john kerry would have been president. >> that's why i led with the other point. >> one thing -- >> honesty. >> honesty. how did you not win a seat in congress? stick around. we'll have a little fun here in a moment and, also, that little videotape preview thing, we'll explain that after the break. we'll be right back. soon, she'll be binge-studying. now she writes mostly in emoji. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. today, the only spanish words he knows are burrito and enchilada. soon, he'll take notes en espanol.
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fueling the global economy. and you thought we just made the gas. ♪ energy lives here. she's really pretty close to unhinged and you've seen it. you've seen it a couple of times, but people in the background know it. the people that know her know it, and she's like an unbalanced person. >> very interesting there, donald trump reading prepared remarks. at the top of the hour, trying to turn the conversation around after a wild week. okay. up next on "the lid" the panel is back with their most memorable moments from this very crazy week. keep it right here.
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if you listen carefully to hillary clinton she will tell you exactly what she thinks. she was in omaha the other day and she actually said out loud we are going to raise taxes on the middle class.
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>> did she say that out loud? well, this week is coming to a close and what a week it was. time for "the lid." we played that clip and as you know, if hillary clinton had said she was raising taxes on the middle class i guarantee you this would have been a huge story. so where's this coming from? well, yesterday the trump campaign put out a youtube clip that made it sound like hillary clinton said just that. and what mike pence said. here we are, this is what you saw by accident before, but i will play it again. here was hillary clinton in omaha and play that sound, then you will hear the trump youtube version of it. they didn't alter the audio at all but you will see why you might be hearing something different. take a look. >> i'm telling you right now, we're going to write fairer rules for the middle class and we are going to raise taxes on the middle class. i'm telling you right now, we're going to write fairer rules for the middle class and we are
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going to raise taxes on the middle class. >> it was clever. >> close. >> she swallows -- >> she appears to say aren't but it's very close. >> when i first saw it, i literally said -- >> it's huge. >> trump campaign knows what they're doing there. is that a -- is that crossing a line? would you have done that in a campaign? >> i don't comment on this campaign. >> would you have done that where you know the audio says one thing but you want to make people believe it says something else? >> i think a third party pac might have. >> this came from the trump campaign. >> you asked me whether i would have done it. >> i just think it's, look, upon first listen you get how they might get there, but unless they didn't listen to it again, you can hear what she's saying. >> we teased it before.
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you guys all got to pick top moments of the week. chris, we aren't playing yours again because we already did it. it was short circuit. why? >> because we are now into month 17 of the hillary clinton e-mail story. it was march of 2015 when the story, "new york times" had the story first, and she still lacks what is a cohesive understandable answer of why did you do this, how can you explain the fact that james comey said classified, you say not, the inconsistencies, the back and forth about what you did and didn't do, why did you do it, was it convenience, seems odd that would be the reason. in a different campaign with a candidate on the other side who is not always the spotlight has to be on him, this would continue to be a major, major issue for her. >> fair enough. kevin? you picked this moment with mike pence. take a look. >> but i would tell you differences in style should never be confused with
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differences in conviction. i will tell you right now, donald trump has the right vision for america. he has the right policies for america and i'm going to fight every day to tell his story all across the united states and i'm going to work at his side to make those ideas into the policies that will make america great again. >> look, he's doing the job that everybody said he could do which is be the softer explainer. >> unlike the clinton ads which are almost always false, mike pence is extremely believable. and just as ivanka trump and the other children, she was amazing the other night on television. they ought to use these surrogates heavily and repeatedly. >> maria, your moment of the week still is the pocket constitution. we will show it and the khans. the fact that so many people are now protesting with pocket constitutions. that was quite a moment. >> not only was it a moment, it's the number two bestseller on amazon right now.
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for the very first time. >> isn't that a good thing for everybody? there it is. >> that's a great thing. >> that's not a constitution. >> republicans don't know the difference. >> mine is simply phil rucker's interview. it was an unbelievable read but reminded me all reporters will miss covering donald trump if they don't get to cover him anymore. amazing how many questions he's willing to answer. >> i love how he kept looking up on the tv and commenting what was happening on tv. >> thank you, guys. we'll be right back. ne. and so many businesses rely on the united states postal service to get it there. that's why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. the united states postal service. priority: you
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that's right. tonight, rio olympics start. opening ceremonies. don't miss it. "mtp daily" is live all next week. coverage starts 5:00 p.m. after the olympics. "with all due respect" starts right now. i'm jennifer jacobs. >> i'm mark halperin. with all due respect to the nation's fact checkers, make sure you get this one exactly right. >> i don't throw babies out, believe me. i love babies. tonight, the iran take backstroke. an e-mail server balance beam. first, the gold medal event. donald trump and mike pence are


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