tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC August 10, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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there's more on our website. we'll be back tomorrow. thanks for watching. same bad time, same bat channel. coming up, "hardball" with chris matthews. >> second amendment people. let's play "hardball." >> we've been watching this scene in new york at the trump tower where a climber climbed the glass side of the building that serves as the headquarters
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of the trump campaign. it is also where the trumps live. anyway, moments ago police grab that had guy and pulled him into that open window. we're going to get all the day's news and the political news including the fallout from trump's comments yesterday. first, adam reiss is outside trump tower. what is the story here? is it just some guy seeking publicity and that's the end of the story? >> we're not cleared for that. good evening. he didn't make it to the pent house but he is about to be taken out. for about three hours, he was able to chime almost a third of the way up. he made it to the 21st floor. when he made it to the 16th floor, the navy s.e.a.l.s of the nypd, they blew out a window so
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they could grab him. they said he was being uncooperative. he moved toward the south of the building and he continues to chime north with his suction cups. all afternoon, people gathered here on madison avenue, cheering him. when he finally made it into the window on the 21th floor, it was a bit of a scuffle as they tried to grab him and haul him in. the police wanted to make sure everyone was safe. they accomplished that. he will be taken to bellevue hospital for treatment and for observation. >> taken to bellevue. that's an old phrase. congratulations to the nypd. ending this without a tragedy. anyway, donald trump is not in trump tower. necessary florida where he is holding a rally set to begin any minute. the trump campaign and its allies are defending the candidates' call dwroed second
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amendment people to stop a president hillary clinton from appointing judges. many heard him say that second amendment people might be able to stop her after she won. well, trump said he was referring to their votes before he won. here's what he said so we can watch it again. >> hillary clinton wants to abolish the second amendment. if she gets the pick -- if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. although the second amendment people, maybe there is, i don't know. >> anyway, the new york times lead editorial called on republicans to repudiate their nominee. the "washington post" said it belongs to a list of disqualifiers, and it was likened to the right wing rhetoric in israel that led to the assassination of yitzhak rabin. today, hillary clinton said trump was casually inciting
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violence. >> words matter, my friends. yesterday, we witnessed the latest in a long line of casual comments from donald trump that cross the line. his casual cruelty to a gold star family. his casual suggestion that more countries should have nuclear weapons. and now his casual inciting of violence. every single one of these incidents shows us that donald trump simply does not have the temperament to be president and commander-in-chief of the united states. >> today donald trump accused the media of turning small stories into big things. here he is.
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>> it is the press itself. they can take a little story that isn't a story and make it into a big story. it happens so much. it happens so much. and speaking of that. remember this. we have so many things we have to protect in this country. we have to protect our second amendment, which is under siege. remember, it is under siege. >> i'll talk about one of the biggest defenders, rudolph giuliani. we begin in sunrise, florida, where trump is expected to take stage at a rally this hour. do you think, this is an interpretive question. do you think trump knows what he was doing order does this automatically and then skips away from it as if it didn't happen? >> you're going to have to ask trump that. i'm not sure. >> i think he's gone off script
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a number of times and said things other candidates would never have said or lost their candidacy over. this is another exam many of that. as you played out. this is pushing back on this a lot and i'm sure, giuliani will say that as well, saying that he was inciting voters to act, to use their influence, not to incite violence. the issue with trump's campaign and why so few are giving him the benefit of the doubt. violence at rallies, donald trump talking about how he wants to punch a protester in the face, joking about how he can shoot somebody on fifth avenue and not who's votes. saying get him out of here. protesters should be roughed up. this is a protester in fayette ville, where donald trump was yesterday. who punched a protester in the face. so violence has followed this campaign throughout and donald trump has done very little to push back on it.
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and while he hasn't condoned violence, he hasn't expressly condemned it either. >> we'll keep trying bore through this. >> thank you. trump is about to talk. was trump's comment about second amendment people just a joke? here is rudolph giuliani yesterday explaining those comments. >> so the clinton people, so the clinton people, this is how corrupt they are. from their days back in arkansas, they were corrupt. this is how corrupt they are. they spin out that what he meant was, it was a joke. what he meant by that was that they would kill her. >> well, the former aide corey lewandowski has this to say. >> this was a joke that he made during a rally. this was not serious. he wasn't inciting violence. >> and last night, speaker paul
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ryan offered this smangs. >> it sounds like a joke gone bad. i hope he clears it up very quickly. you should never joke about something mike. >> joining me, rudolph giuliani. you're laughing but this is not, to people like you. your usual set of normal people, lewandowski, although he has been removed from his position, he is still with the candidate. is it a bad joke? what was he saying? once he is elected, there is nothing we can do about it. of course, the second amendment people may be able to do something about it. what did he mean? >> i can tell you exactly what he meant. i was with him the entire thing. he men they should vote against it. i'll tell you how that i know. when the speech was over, no one thought anything wrong was said. we went to the air may not. we got a call on the air may not from the trump campaign.
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and they said clinton people, the clinton spin machine, which we all know exists, was trying to sell to the press the idea that what he meant was that they should somehow kill hillary clinton. donald trump said that that, i'll use better language but he said that's not true. i didn't mean that at all. i never said that. and then he went back over his comments and he said, what i meant by that was they should vote against it. this is a made-up story, chris. it is completely -- >> why did he say so clearly that once she is in office, there is nothing we can do about it except the second amendment people. >> then he went back and made a further comment suggesting that maybe, because of the power of the nra and the second amendment people, particularly in the swing states like pennsylvania and ohio, maybe they can stop her from being president. that's what he meant. >> wait, wait.
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>> i'm not working for the clintons. i can tell you. that there is no history of me -- mr. mayor, there is no history of me ever working for the clintons. so i don't know what that means. you're saying a person watching that speech yesterday couldn't get idea that maybe he meant put your guns to work here? >> if they got the idea and he tells you, that isn't what i meant. look, hillary clinton during the campaign against barack obama said she would remain in the campaign because, well, let's remember. robert kennedy was assassinated. >> i know. >> so tell me was not more insensitive and that didn't disqualify her from being president of the united states. >> you're turning the attention on hillary. >> today she proved that she ran a state department that was pay for may. i could indict her in about three weeks for what she did with the clinton foundation and the state department. we're talking about hundreds of
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millions of dollars. this corrupt woman was getting and what you're playing is a remark that wasn't meant in the way it is being interpreted. >> speaker of the house, the republican speaker of the house takes it as a bad joke. he shouldn't have done it. he shouldn't have used it. so in other words, the speaker of the house. another person interpreting the candidate is corey lewandowski who has been working with him for over a year. that guy has it wrong. so all the people, middle of the road. people least leaning the direction of donald trump don't read at this time way you do. >> i'm telling that you the clinton campaign is deflecting all of you away from the fact fwifgt story of the day is what has happened with the clinton foundation and the state department. the clinton foundation is a racketeering enterprise to enrich the clintons and the state department has become a pay for play operation under
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hillary clinton. that is outrageous. totally outrageous. >> mr. mayor, two minutes more on trump's problems. then three minutes on hillary. i'll give you more time on hillary. trump's defenders have could not seateded, his words were poorly chosen yesterday that this second amendment crack. let's watch. >> it was awkwardly phrased though. >> it may have been awkwardly phrased. he talks aggressively to the people and i think that is healthy. instead of hiding like hillary clinton does. >> you're treating many trump's words like he is the most articulate person who ever graced our world series his words. that's not true. he is not a politician. he is not a person like hue is very well spoken. he is a business person. he misspeaks a lot because he doesn't speak for a living. >> he should not have said it. i don't think he even fully appreciated what he was saying. >> what do you mean by an over
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the shoulder comment? what was he referring to? >> i don't know. i don't know if donald trump does. >> the incident reminds me of something. i have a long political memory and you do, too. remember this speech in 1964, the democratic convention? it was given to a great person. he said i never forgot this line. what does the republican candidate, goldwater at the time, choose to mean at any given moment? this world cannot wait until saturday to learn what he men when he spoke on monday. the man in the white house doesn't have the luxury of a second choice. he has to be try it first time. what is this problem over and over again, people like yourself, loyal people have to go back and explain trump over and over again when he makes these comments? do you think it is all the clinton campaign? >> i believe you attack him mercilessly and you leave hillary clinton alone. the much bigger story today is
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how she sold out the state department. >> how so? >> for the clinton foundation. >> explain how she did it? >> by taking money into the clinton foundation in the millions and in some cases, the hundreds of millions of dollars. 1.2 million speaking fees on bill clinton and then her, and her acolytes, huma abedin, paying huge amounts of money to get money to the lebanese ambassador to get uranium for russia, in order to get ubs off the hook from a case in which the irs was trying to get ubs's secret bank accounts, and hillary clinton, the secretary of state, called them and said, go easy on them. that's right after, or right before bill clinton got a $1.2 million speaking fee by the way, their joint filers, joint tax payers. i could indict them.
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if i were the u.s. attorney under 18 usc section 701, which is the conflict of interest section, if i have it right. in a minute and i believe, you give me enough time. could i develop a racketeering enterprise case on the clinton foundation. it is a foundation found to be a completely useless charitable organization about 10% going to charity and about 90% going to the clinton people, including the clintons. that's a much bigger story. >> can i ask you a professional question? what is more professionally snaeg defending giuliani -- defending donald trump? or attacking hillary clinton? what is more satisfying? >> what is more satisfying is defending donald trump. >> i don't think so. >> i know he is a good man and i believe hillary clinton from the day she was a bagman for bill
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clinton, the rose law if i recall, is crooked. i believe she is dishonest and she is someone as a u.s. attorney, i am outraged is running for presid >> you never said any of this back during the days of 9/11 and everything you were working together arm in arm and you were working together quite well. you said a lot of good things about each other. now since it is a partisan arena, she is no good. where did that come from? when did you come one this verdict on hillary clinton? >> i've been pointing out the crimes she committed for the last two years, if you paid attention, chris. because i had no idea she broke her promise that she wouldn't be involved with the clinton foundation when she became secretary of state. noticed idea of that back then when she was senator from new york. by the wearing she wasn't a heck of a good senator. i never relied on her for anything i always went to chuck schumer. all she was doing was running for president. when i was mayor of new york, the senators i relied were moynihan, dematto and schumer.
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she got things done for new york. she went around making speeches, promising jobs in upstate new york which are now falling apart because of her ridiculous energy policies. >> she did get reelected. how did that happen? >> because this is a democratic state and they would reelect a democrat in jail in some cases. i think we actually in our history have done that. >> i want to ask you a question. do you wish you had run against her? >> hey, you can't redo history, right? >> do you wish now that you ran against her? if she is so terrible for new york, do you we shall you had run against her? >> the only way i will feel guilty that this is if this woman who should be prosecuted. because nobody is above the law. if this woman becomes president of the united states, i will probably feel like maybe god gave me prostate cancer at the wrong time. >> you did have a shot at her. thank you, mayor. it would have been a hell of a
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race between you and hillary. maybe you can still get in this race. thank you. we'll have more about newly released clinton e-mails. up next, reaction to trump's comments and what the mayor said tonight in his defense. this will only get worse for he and his party. only one in five republicans wants trump to get out of the race. 1 in 5 telling pollsters, get out. also, another round. there's no signs it is together letting up soon. from mocking a disabled reporter to saying women should be punished for having abortions. donald trump has had to clarify something controversial that he said and he had to keep explaining it. remember what john said, the world can't wait until saturday to learn what the republican candidate meant on monday. finally, let me finish by asking what donald trump thinks about
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people concerned with honoring the second amendment. i'll have my interpretation of that. as you'll see, when shoppers add an item to their jet carts, they automatically shrink the prices of millions of other products. very impressive. whoo, it's got a little kick to it. sorry, i can't hear you?? nice shirt craig. at, we always find innovative ways to save. get 15 percent off your first order. would suffice for jordan's bachelor party. i don't need a sword, i'm a firemaid. ding dong! i'm going to give this place a killer review. i don't know, i just always thought maybe my bachelor party would be a little less g-rated. wench! ahhh! ahhh hahaha... oooh! party time! party boy! ok, ok. mm hm, party time.
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hmm, mmm, mmm... 26% of republicans doubt that president obama was born in the u.s. when asked whether they believe he was worn in the united states, 41% disagreed. another 31 wouldn't agree or disagree. five years after he made public his hawaiian long form birth certificate. to those doubting, hawaii is part of united states ♪ everything is awesome
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trump quickly losing friends to his democratic possibly. today a new bloomberg politics poll shows in a head to head match-up, she is ahead 50-44. that's not hopeless after all of this. a 6-point difference. in addition to that, a reuters poll shows 19% want trump to get out of the race. that's a problem. that was before the comment the other day. we heard a moment ago from rudolph giuliani who is trying to stop the bleeding comfortable the campaign turn it around? the former speaker of the house, and now a republican strategist and former jeb bush adviser. thank you for that. let me ask you about this. you know, i read, i don't need any help from the clintons. i heard it one way. i heard it in a kevin spacey way, second amendment people may
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have their means of doing this. i heard a direct hint at violence. what did you hear? >> i heard similar. let me tell you. when donald trump speaks, he has no idea what he is saying, of course. seldom if ever has he been able to explain it. this is one of those they cannot explain. he said, exactly the interpretation that you just have given and i've given to it. >> i watched him with hannity last night. and he read to him his defense. and he said yeah, that's my defense. he was leading the witness very effectively. yeah. that's true. i didn't really mean that. i meant get out there and vote. >> the advantage donald trump has. there are so many tongue slipped. folks are primarily numb about this. they've mostly made up their minds, that he has no filter. >> are they that mad? they're that mad to win the nomination.
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i think the numbers that paul ryan got, the far right candidate in a primary. i think they're coming together and saying this anger, look what it has resulted in. so i think if donald trump is doing one thing good for the party, it is a recessment. a recalibration. there's been too much anger. are you a trump party? he's talking about the values of this country. they're being challenged by trump. saying we have to get great again. you've got donald trump and the patriots. in our case, i think if donald trump does any good, it is to put down the fire. the anger, the rhetoric that has brought us in.
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60 some percent of the people did vote for him. and if they had to choose over again, i don't think he would get 25%. >> let's get back to you. what do you make of this? i think the democrats never look better. they are out this speaking about values. the reason they were, it puts them on a very good plane. >> i think the democrats had the best convention in all the conventions that i have seen and participated in. that was the best that i've seen involving politics. they've sounded sincere. their conduct was sincere and they didn't go off the bend in terms of promising anything. so it was a good thing for the democrats. on the other hand, trump's pure existence for the last 13 to 14
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months has been a news maker. the idea that every day of the week, you can rely upon trump. no matter how bad off you are if you were hillary. the thing you've done or been accused of. trump will give you an exit. that's what he does every time he opens his mouth. that would be incredibly dangerous. >> i think of the young woman in sound of music. somewhere in my youth or childhood, i must have done something right. because hillary clinton has been handed this thing. >> tonight let her off the hook. i was there. i saw the people really passionate. now, i think for the outsiders, the optics were pretty good. inside, you have a festering challenge there.
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and they're not happy with what's going. on we have a bigger problem. this bigger problem that we have, i think, will work. >> contrast and compare like in school. bernie sanders and his challenge of the clintons and donald trump's challenge of paul ryan who is looking very good these days. >> i don't think there has been ever any unity among democrats that didn't throw, promote an opportunity for the left and the progressives to do their number. sometime they're more dramatic than ever. we've gone through this convention after convention after convention. the democrats have not changed. donald trump has brought a whole new deal to the republican side of the world. as a matter of fact, it shouldn't even be referred to as a republican party. it is the trump party. >> that's how tough you can get.
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>> here's what i think has to happen. that people are not seeing. it this party has gone from trump's party when he got the nomination to paul ryan and mitch mcconnell's party. i think the last two week, the last three weeks, we've had a shift. now the party is back in reasonable hands. it it is great. >> let see what people are thinking. paul reason or donald trump? you may be betting on ryan. he doesn't have the reach. >> it is the pretticy we're talking that. it is the presidency. and hillary in my opinion will produce that. >> thank you for coming on. the former speaker of the house. a great republican of the future.
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florida. the building houses trump's home as well as his campaign headquarters. a short time ago the suspect was taken from the building on a stretcher and put in an ambulance headed for bellevue hospital. authorities have not disclosed a motive for the stunt, back to "hardball." >> there are new questions voumding hillary clinton after never before seen e-mails were turned over to the group judicial watch. the state department released e-mails tuesday as part of a lawsuit, the group brought under the freedom of information act. kristin welker follows the campaign from des moines. what is in there that does look troubling or illegal or whatever? >> good evening. there are about two e-mails that we are focused on. in one, this was written in 2009. a former top aide to the chin family foundation, e-mails, two
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top officials at the state department, cheryl mills and huma abedin, and tries to set up a meeting with a billionaire donor to the foundation with the u.n. ambassador, the u.s. ambassador to lebanon. it was written, it is very important and the advisers say, okay, we'll work on this. by the way, i'm told that meeting didn't happen. in a second e-mail, that same adviser requested that they look at one of the former workers for the clinton foundation for a potential spot at the state department. this is the type of exchange that does go on quite frequently with people recommending people to the state department. the clinton campaign saying that, look, there is nothing untoward about the e-mail exchanges. i'll read you the statement. neither of these e-mails involve the sector relate to the foundation's work. they are communications between her aides and the president's
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personal aide, and indeed the recommendation was for one of the secretary's former staffers who was not employed by the foundation. so essentially, they're making the case, secretary clinton wasn't involved but there are these ongoing questions that whether or not the foundation tried to set up these types of meetings, donations, to impose undue influence on the state department. that is something the clinton family has long denied. this comes as secretary clinton has a lead in a lot of the sxoels the battle ground states, including right here in iowa. and her campaign also announcing, a new initiative to reach out to republican and independent donors. they're trying to turn the page on this latest e-mail controversy and put it back on the race. she appears to be winning. >> neither snow nor rain nor whatever can stop you. thank you for reporting in the rain. i hear the thunder.
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>> a surprise storm. thanks. >> thank you. another form he republican lawmaker has announced he is backing hillary clinton. this morning the former congressman chris shays, explain his position. >> not hard to figure out. donald trump, lost a long time ago. he does and says everything my mom and dad taught me to never say and do. he doesn't understand the basic requirements of being president of the united states. and frankly, he is dangerous. >> wow. well, shays joins a growing list of big name endorsements including bush 43 secretary carlos gutierrez, carla hills, the former congressman, could nottie morrella, and john negroponte.
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our next guess is another to come out against trump in march, he signed an open letter saying president trump would use his office to act in ways that make america less safe and pose as distinct threat on civil liberty in the united states. thanks for joining us. what is it? i ask this question because i like the get to the heart of darkness. i did it with mike murphy. what is it? if you had to say to somebody really close to you that stops you no matter what else happens from voting for trump? >> he lacks any teach knowledge of national security or history. he speaks and acts impulsively. he won't listen to the smart people around him. he is his own worst adviser. he will shoot from the hip. he will act as he sees fit to act and as we can see, his judgment is suspect at best and dangerous for someone occupying
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the office of the president of the united states. >> what was your interpretation when you heard him yesterday? i'm sure you saw the chips when he said, well, once she is in office, there is nothing we can. to of course, second amendment people might be able to do something. what did you hear? >> i didn't even listen to anything the clintons' campaign put out. to me it was a hint at violence against hillary clinton, should she be elected into office. i know, i've had this battle over facebook with my republican friends all day. they see it differently. but i certainly had the same sort of interpretation that you did. >> do you think he is incompetent or i go nornlt of things he should know? is he serious or chounish? >> i think he is, he says what he thinks.
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but i don't think he has ideology. he has, he says whatever comes to the top of his mind for the moment. if he believes these things that he says, why does he have to go pack and clarify. >> leaders have to lead and you can't lead if people can't understand you. did he mean it or didn't he? i'll look at controversial comments for months now. only wendy's can make the baconator. because while some other guys use frozen beef from far away. that's 9,429 miles away. wendy's only uses fresh beef from ranches close by. so we don't have to freeze it. then add six strips of bacon, cooked fresh in an oven never a microwave. topped with plenty of... (all together) cheese!
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what he explained to us is that he wanted a personal meeting with mr. trump. he posted a youtube video. that video explains that. he did independent research and wanted to meet with him. that's why did he. this at no time did he express he wanted to hurt anybody. his sole intention was to meet are trump. it took three hours to get him in custody. upon getting him in custody he smanld the same thing. he wanted mr. trump's attention. he wanted to meet him. >> that was the police press conference in new york with the latest information that climber who scaled, a great word, trump tower, a few minutes ago. and according to that statement, the police said he wanted to meet mr. trump. you would think there would be easier ways. he is undergoing psychiatric evaluation. i like the way they say "take him to bellevue." unbelievable. >> trump is taking the call, pushing back against the
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suggestion that he was suggesting violence. he would. a long history of making controversial remarks which he's had to walk back. that's a new phrase. clarify or otherwise clean up. let's look at some other exam manies from throughout the campaign. >> written by a nice reporter. now the poor guy, you ought to see this guy. i don't know what i said. i don't remember. i didn't know what he looked like. i didn't know that he was disabled. i didn't know it at all. >> you can see there was blood coming out of her eyes. blood coming out of her -- wherever. i was referring to, if i finished it, i was going to say ears or nose. that's a common statement. i don't know anything about david duke. i don't know anything with what you're even talking about white supremacy or white supremacists. you wouldn't want me to condemn a group that i know nothing about. i totally disavow the ku klux
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klan. i totally disavow david duke. i've been doing it two weeks. you're probably the 18th person that has asked me the question. russia if you're listening, i hope you're able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing. >> when i'm being sarcastic with something -- >> of course i'm being sarcastic. >> do you believe in punishment for abortion? >> the answer is that, there has to be some form of punishment. >> for the woman? >> yeah. there has to be some form. >> this is the same stance as ronald reagan. if in fact abortion was outlawed, the person performing that act is responsible, not the woman. >> i'm joined now by our roundtable. victoria, a political reporter for the "boston globe." and jason johnson is the politics editor. you start. what is this guy's problem? >> he is from queens. he should understand, say it to my face. this is the thing.
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he keeps saying this stuff and he keeps backing off of it. when i talk to my friends who are trump supporters. that's what makes them angry. we like him because he says what he means. >> does he know what he means? >> i think so. when you back off, you sound like a politician. >> when you make fun of a guy with a disability. you're clearly doing that. what part -- >> i think part of the problem, these off the cuff statements, sarcastic remarks, they used to kind of slide off trump. even when he did backtrack on this it wasn't a problem. the trump supporters, this is what they like about him. that's not who he needs to persuade now. and these statements, the off, it is leaving a lot of people unsettled. >> the problem is, it is a main
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war piece in journalist. i read them and i'm trying to read them. they are struggling. they try on write an objective statement about what the guy said when it is in a controversial. did he allude to, go get the gun and shoot somebody? many people thought he men. even if it doesn't fit with the narrative, or what the initial perception is. we have what we call that to be sure graph. where we give the exculpatory. the alternative possibilities. it is getting harder and harder to do that because he has the long history and what could he possibly mean other than what -- >> there is no lack, that thing with me about women. i think he didn't know the pro-life position. you don't punish the woman. politically that would be outrageous. the doctor or whatever. he just didn't know it.
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like he didn't know about nuclear weapons. he apparently think they're to be used, not as a deterrent. >> and i think that's why you're seeing these relatively high profile republican establishment figures coming out. not only repudiating donald trump saying i will not vote for him but they're saying they're going to vote for hillary clinton. and some like meg whitman are saying they'll do everything they can to get her elected. that's the narrative when a lot of americans -- >> i'll go back to something that has been a problem. i'll call it his original sin. i'm not a moralist about politics. i like politicians. when he said obama wasn't born in this country. first of all, it is impossible that he was not. his mother is white from kansas. she married an african man. maybe the guy was dodgy. he never really net kid until he was 20 something. but clearly, it is the mother. and she clearly did not skip over to kenya just to have the kid so she could pretend to have the kifld it is crazy talk.
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and giving the kid barack obama plotting to make him a president. it makes no sense unless you're a racist. you want to believe it. this ma harky. you want to leave the stupidity. >> there is a certain part. >> you're brave enough. the people, the ohio youngtown folks that i know, they love it. >> they also believe -- anyway, they also believe. a whole set of beliefs. thank you.
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let me finish tonight by asking what donald trump thinks about people concerned with honoring the second amendment. now, there are at least two possible interpretations here. let's suppose he truly believes that the right on bear arms is a worthy constant in american values, that people who want it honored are doing what any good citizen might do, demand our elected office holders honor
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their pledge to protect the right to bear arms, just as they do all the bill of rights. they're being proud americans and jealous of the rights in the constitution and the amendments to it. is this what he meant yesterday, when he made that quick interjection, that second amendment people might have a way of stopping hillary clinton even if she gets elected? if so, it's hard to see what law abiding constitutionalist people would have to do such a thing. why would such a second amendment crowd have any more capability to stop a duly elected, fully empowered president clinton than anyone else? did he mean by second amendment people, those with a different will to take up arms against her? if you find this funny, that trump left open the possibility that this is just what he means, doesn't it get to the heart of
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the point? that someone in trump's position should not be even hinting at such a prospect. can we at least agree on that? that's "hardball." "all in with chris hayes" starts right now. >> tonight on "all in" -- >> with a crowd like that, if that's what they thought he meant, they'd have gone wild. >> the trump spin continues and so do republican defections. >> nothing you can do, folks. although the second amendment people, maybe there is. >> tonight the trump campaign denying a report it has been contacted by secret service as a fall-out to the second amendment remarks continues. and why those remarks, jokes or not, are so dangerous. plus, a new look at the increasingly grim electoral map for trump as the clinton campaign picks up more republican endorsements, and sets its sites on another deep red state. and back to baltimore. >> the findings a
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