tv MSNBC Live MSNBC August 11, 2016 7:00am-8:01am PDT
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synchronized diving. >> they always do. i saw the divers today. they love the green pool. they did. >> maybe kermit got a swim in there. >> they won silver. they're feeling good. >> they should. stephanie, thanks so much. great show. we have a full hour of msnbc live. jam-packed. i want to show you what's going to take place coming up shortly in miami beach, florida. the live shot where donald trump is going to be speaking before the national association of home builders convention. that's going to be about his proposed economic policies with a focus on the american housing market. it's unknown if trump is going to go off-script and address controversies over his recent rhetoric involving hillary clinton, president obama and isis. but he did talk about all of those things this morning with our colleagues at cnbc. and trump was 100% unapologetic. >> on the second amendment, everybody came to my defense, because there was nothing said wrong. only the haters tried to grab on to that and it was very
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unsuccessful. as far as mr. khan, i think it's been said by everybody, i think that's been very well talked about, and that's been put to bed a long time ago. >> sure. but do you agree with your friend, carl icahn, that you made a mistake? >> you'll have to define what a mistake means. we're not here to talk about that. we're here to talk about economics. >> do you think it's appropriate to call the sitting president of the united states the founder of a terrorist organization that wants to kill americans? >> he was a founder of isis. absolutely. he was the founder, absolutely the founder. in fact, he gets the -- in sports, they have awards. he gets the most valuable player award. he and hillary. there's something wrong with saying that? why are people complaining saying he was the founder of isis? >> so nbc's katy tur in miami beach, florida, following the trump campaign joining me now. 89 days until election day. how are party insiders
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characterizing trump's election pivot? >> reporter: they're not characterizing it as a pivot. i think all hopes for donald trump to pivot to being someone who is a little more presidential, not one who is making outrageous headlines, has -- that hope is long gone. right now it's what are they going to do about donald trump's candidacy in light of the senate races and how do they adjust in order to make sure they are protecting their down ballot candidates so they don't lose their majorities in the house and the senate. donald trump pivoting -- the hope for that, thomas, is just no longer a realistic hope. last night you heard him talking about hillary clinton and president obama being co founders of isis. this morning he doubled down again on cnbc. he did it again on hugh hewitt, troubling down on this idea they are somehow linked or responsible for or founding a terrorist organization. he keeps making headlines about
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one republican operative saying it would be better if donald trump just went dark, didn't say anything at all so all the focus could go back to hillary clinton and the scandals involving her, including that e-mail scandal, which is getting less attention, because donald trump keeps saying outrageous things, instead of capitalizing on what could benefit him. that being said, donald trump doesn't seem to think there is anything wrong with how he is approaching things. listen to how he described his campaign and how he feels about his prospects to hugh hewitt. >> as far as temperament is concerned, i've always been -- i've always been -- it's always been stated that i have the great temperament, because i have a winning temperament. i've been winning all of my life and that's what i do, is win. >> reporter: so that's what he said. he's not going to change the way he's done things, because so far, his temperament and his strategy has worked. he reiterated he beat all of those other contenders during the primary. he concedes that the polling is not necessarily on his side at this moment.
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but the campaign and donald trump believing that the polling is tightening, although we have little evidence to see that at the moment. there's 89 days, as you said, until the election and the campaign believes they have a chance to turn it around. but not necessarily if you talk to republican operatives who say a pivot is just not in the cards. >> katy, donald trump speaking before the national association of home builders convention. this should be some home turf for donald trump, being the real estate magnet that he says he is. nbc's katy at your tur. we've got a column inconsistent for "the washington post. of" good to have you with me. let's go back to the cnbc interview. of trump also appeared to signal that he may very well lose this race to hillary clinton. so take a listen to these two bites. >> whatever happens, happens. i'm giving it straight. i don't know that it will work, because i am a nonpolitical
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person and i'm proud of that. but i'm giving it straight. all i do is tell the truth. and if at the end of 90 days i fall in short because i'm somewhat politically correct, even though i'm supposed to be the smart one and even though i'm supposed to have a lot of good ideas, it's okay. you know, i go back to a very good way of life. >> yeah, so he was like it's either going to work or i'm going to have a very nice long vacation. what do you make of that interview? >> i think it's astonishing for a guy who is always attacking losers to actually open the door. and at least it shows that some sense of the reality in the outside world is penetrating. because right now, of course, it does look like he's going to lose. incidentally, thomas, i thought you wrote what would be the epitaph of the trump campaign if he did lose. you said at the beginning, it is unknown if trump is going to go off-script. and i do think it's astonishing. it's one of the reasons he has trouble. because we're watching all of
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these events. and what we're really waiting for is some new outrageous thing that trump is going to say, which is keeping all the attention on him in a negative way. so he is right to be worried that he's going to lose in 90 days. >> i like the fact you pointed that out. because i did write that. i personally wrote that in here. and yes, it is unknown and we are going to be watching closely to see how he handles this. as i pointed out with katy, his home turf. let's talk about the person behind donald trump at that rally, got a lot of attention. that happened to be the former florida congressman, mark foley. so i've known mark for years, covered mark back in -- a different network and what happened with him, why he left congress for the e-mail situation with pages and inappropriate messages. so i texted with him last night, i asked him, for the record, are you a trump supporter, voting for him? his response, yes, he's been a friend of mine for 30 years and one of my biggest contributors. so nbc news, we went back and looked at the financials of '97
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to 2006 for what donald trump donated. tallies up to 8500 bucks to foley s. there apples to apples comparison, donald trump talking about the orlando shooter's dad behind her at a rally and now mark foley behind donald trump? is that fair for these apples to apples comparisons being made? >> it is apples to apples, but in both cases irrelevant. i'm not sure you can hold a candidate responsible for who shows up at a rally, if they're invited or made part of the proceedings maybe. but i'm not sure we can hold hillary clinton or donald trump as somehow endorsing or embracing these two people because they showed up at the rallies, although it does seem both are supporting the candidates they showed up to see. of. when it comes to khan, you know, he had every right to be there if he wanted to be the. clinton folks say he had no cooperation to be part of that. foley gave a statement last night saying he got there early, he was not a guest of the
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campaign. i asked him for clarification on that, he didn't respond to that point of my question. but are people really -- is it the crowd you hang around with? let me ask you. are you, you know, the company you keep? >> well, i think the problem for the trump campaign with the foley story is they attacked the clinton campaign because somebody shows up at a rally and then all of a sudden when somebody else who is somewhat embarrassing to the trump campaign shows up at a rally, they use all the same excuses and arguments that clinton made they dismissed the day before. and so i think the significance of this mainly is that it shows there is hypocrisy in politics, there was hypocrisy in their attack on clinton, and nick said, people show up at your rally who want to show up at your rally. and you don't campaigns screening people. that gets you into all kinds of
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trouble. i want rallies for politicians to be open to everybody. >> nick, you wanted to say? >> i just say, you know, if perhaps the trump campaign should spend less time keeping journalists out of the rallies, they may look more closely at who is showing up. >> from that rally, though, donald trump took hillary clinton and the e-mail situation, judicial watch, releasing the new batch of e-mails linking some type of indication or whiff of improprie impropriety. take a listen to donald trump. >> today we had a very, very big thing going on, all over this country. and it's called pay for play. you saw this. new e-mails come out. new e-mails. how do you think hillary would feel if e-mails were never invented? would she be happy? >> now we know donald trump does not e-mail. but ej, let me start with you.
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pay for play. trump admits, he paid everybody from democrats to republican to line their pockets and to have access to them. as a businessman. and now he's going after hillary clinton. is this a decent line of attack for him? >> well, you know, first of all, there -- donald trump recited one line i finally agree with, which is that hillary clinton would be happy if e-mail were never invented. and i suspect at this point in the campaign, that's absolutely true. >> we would all agree with that. >> exactly. >> i would agree with that. it would make all of our lives a lot easier. >> it's true. i think that the -- probably, if you look at all of these stories, the one that i suspect has some legs over time is the clint foundation, and as far as i can tell, isn't evidence of nasty pay for play. but i suspect that when you have a family foundation raising a lot of money and hillary clinton and secretary of state, it's inevitable there are going to be some contacts somewhere, and the
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opposition is going to be able to make a lot of it. i think if she were to be elected, i think they've got to figure out a way of building. here's where trump's wall comes in. i think they need to build a gigantic wall between the clinton foundation and the white house. >> and just to be -- >> i think that trump, as we have said all week, whatever mileage they can get out of any of these stories, they just can't even move on to that road, because of all of the stuff trump is saying, particularly that second amendment comment. >> we know that the fbi has never confirmed or denied the fact that it's looking into any type of impropriety or connection between state and the clinton foundation. and certainly, folks are going to ask for all kinds of favors if they think you can actually help them out. we'll see if there is more to come of this. nick, ej, thank you very much for joining me today. again, we're still waiting on that speech from donald trump, again, appearing at the national association of home builders. you see it set up. we'll bring it live as soon as
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it happens. plus -- >> words can have tremendous consequences. yesterday we witnessed the latest in a long line of casual comments from donald trump that cross the line. so hillary clinton continuing to slam trump's latest remarks about her. and today she is going to offer her rebuttal to trump's -- amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there's only one place where real and amazing live. book a seaworld vacation package and eat free. now you can't spell nutriam i right?t nut, i mean whose to say it's pronounced nu-triton, anyway? my mixes contain delicious nuts, specially blended for your optimal nut-rition.
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all right. so let's take you back inside the fountain blue hotel in miami beach. this is where donald trump is going to be addressing the national association of home builders convention being held in florida. coming up roughly in about 15 minutes. we're going to bring you some of that when it happens here on msnbc. also, later today, we're going to be hearing from hillary clinton. she's going to be in detroit, michigan, delivering what her
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campaign is billing as a rebuttal to the remarks that donald trump gave in the same state earlier this week about the economy. she's going to hit her republican rival on his vision for the american economy and its policies, also blasting his plan as one which only benefits millionaires like himself. nbc's kelly o'donnell is in michigan. she's going to be with hillary clinton later today. so kelly, what is the sense of the speech today and is it really about just a rebuttal to trump's policies, or a bigger vision for a clinton economic forecast? >> reporter: it's really about both, thomas. i would say that because trump has already done his speech here in the detroit area, this is an opportunity for hillary clinton to try to distinguish herself and her plans from what he talked about. she'll do that in ways where she will try to say that what donald trump is proposing is really not for the working family. not for the middle class family. and that his sort of regurgitated, trickle down economics, that's kind of a phrase the clinton team is
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using, is something she argues has been tried before and hasn't worked. so she is going to talk about things that were very prominent in the primary phase for the democratic candidates, talking about how do you pay for college in modern america with families who have economic struggles? that was very big for bernie sanders. you'll hear some of what influenced hillary clinton in this. and it would be tuition-free for some families and debt-free for those who might have more ability to pay. that's going to be a part of what she is going to be talking about. going through plans and ideas, thomas, that she thinks will connect with a key demographic that has been appealing to the donald trump message and has been a part of what has been his success earlier on. that working-class family and that is what she's going to dry to go after here, to separate herself from some of the things that trump has espoused and to say that her plans would really make a more meaningful difference in families' lives. so when people talk about
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policy, this is where it can get into the nitty-gritty of different things they propose. hard to know what either can't candidates plans would look like in office. that's a challenge. but they're going to try to define themselves. we heard from trump already. now it's hillary clinton's turn to talk about the economy. thomas? >> all right. we'll have those remarks here on msnbc when they happen. kelly o'donnell, thanks so much. i want to go now to msnbc senior political editor, beth fouhy. let's talk about the clinton campaign and how they want to stay on economic policy and what's taking place for the vision of a hillary clinton presidency. is that the best plan, paint her own forecast? don't try to do too much to go after donald trump? let him do his own damage? >> he's certainly been doing a lot of damage. but she hasn't pulled back. she has been aggressive, she's going to go after trump today in this economic speech. she did speak out -- she was very guarded, but did speak out about his comment about the second amendment people, you know, and that comment, of course, very controversial.
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her team has basically been saying we should never have an candidate who is advocating violence. in that case, she is letting him hang himself on the controversy, but not refusing to get into it. she has a big, robust calendar of fund-raisers, going out to california, in the hamptons. she's raising money, she is campaigning hard. she is not acting like a candidate who is way ahead, as we have seen in these polls. for now, she is. she knows, her team knows, things can change and the worst thing she can do is hang back and act like things are over. >> one thing i want to point out, the second amendment issue, this isn't some drummed up media thing. the secret service confirmed they were aware of the remarks. they've got one job to do, to keep people safe. so hearing about hillary clinton with the words having power. there is responsibility that comes along with this. >> sure is. . and running for president, what those words mean, how people act from all of that.
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meanwhile, as we look at the e-mail situation with judicial watch releasing this new batch of e-mails and whether they indicate the clinton foundation and those donors had any type of special access to the state department, through hillary clinton. how are your sources inside the campaign responding to that characterization? >> they would love never to hear the term "e-mail" or "hillary clinton" ever again. the official line out of them -- >> e-mail back. >> exactly. what they will say to those -- sort of slightly incriminating e-mails that suggest that some of these clinton foundation donors did get special access saying this didn't involve the secretary herself, only involved aides. >> but puts them on defense to have to explain this away. and makes people skeptical about the fact that there are folks who thought -- thought there was a special type of treatment. >> this is her biggest weakness, the sense you can't trust her words, things are going on behind the scenes that are a little bid shady.
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that should be giving special access to donors. that's an accusation that goes back to the president clinton days, the sleepovers in the clinton bedroom. it is a liability for them, but trump hasn't really taken advantage of it. he had a really big opening, trying to take advantage of it, allegedly but then says things that step on his own message. saying that secretary clinton and the president are founders of isis. if he wants to make -- he could really zoom in on that and instead goes off and says these more outrageous things that get all of the attention. >> all right, beth. thank you so much. good to see you. and again, watching miami beach, florida, at the fountain blue hotel, the national association of home builders. and their main speaker today is the gop nominee, donald trump. so a lot of people would think that this is going to be a home run for the real estate magnet to talk about his economic policies with a specific focus on the american housing market. we're going to bring that to you live, right here when it happens.
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so we've got breaking news out of maryland to follow at this hour. 30 people have been injured, as many as 7 missing. take a look at this. it happened when an apartment building caught on fire in silver spring, maryland. it is a four-story building, and they are reporting -- investigators say the fire started after there was an explosion at the structure. hans, describe the scene and what do we know about those missing? >> reporter: well, thomas, very clearly, there was a large explosion here. you see this building behind me, it is a brick building. the facade shorn off, explosion going in one direction, taking out half of the apartment building. the first three floors owe bit obliterated. they felt the blast a nile away. they ended up getting that fire under control around 2:00 in the morning. and as the chief of the fire department in mobility said,
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around 30 have been treated for injuries. >> civilians, again, ranging from serious to minor injuries to local hospitals, those are lacerations, smoke inhalations, burns, orthopedic injuries. some people left from the building, jumped from multiple-story windows, as well as ladder rescues by both civilian and fire rescue personnel. >> reporter: when the fire department arrived here, civilians, neighbors, were already helping neighbors trying to get down with ladders. some rescues that took place was in a fiery situation. there are a local of 90 displaced people here, some 28 apartments have been evacuated. and thomas, we have been talking to residents all morning, some reporting they smelled gas, a local affiliate spoke to someone in the apartment that was evacuated saying they had also smelled gas. authorities, though, have not given it an official update on the cause of this explosion, which led to the fire and we're
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still waiting for an update on those five to seven missing. they include men, women and children. and a firefighter dog has been on the scene. that dog did have, quote, a hit, a potential body he may have found. >> keep us posted. nbc's hans nichols in silver spring, maryland. the man who scaled the trump tower in manhattan says he made the climb to meet with donald trump. so police minutes ago confirming his name and age, 20-year-old steven regatta of virginia, charged with reckless endangerment and criminal trespass. he was captured after scaling the building for nearly three hours and using suction cups to make his way up. in a youtube video posted the day before, a man resembling the climber. nbc news has not independently confirmed this is regatta. >> i'm an independent researcher, seeking a private audience with you to discuss an important matter. i guarantee that it is in your
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interest to honor this request. believe me, if my purpose was not significant, i would not risk my life pursuing it. the reason i climbed your tower was to get your attention. >> so after being taken inside the window there, grabbed by police, regularata was taken to a hospital for psychological evaluation. the u.s. drug enforcement agency will deny requests following the legal enforcement of marijuana. pot will remain a schedule 1 controlled substance, and subject to the tightest federal restrictions. four states have legalized marijuana for recreational use. and 29 have medicinal marijuana laws. in miami beach, florida, donald trump right there behind that podium to speak to the folks that have come to florida for the national association of home builders convention. we'll bring you those remarks
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when we come right back here on msnbc. stick around. picking up for kyle. here you go. you wouldn't put up with part of a pizza. um. something wrong? so when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day? you want the whole thing? yes, yes! live whole. not part. aleve. hair is delightfully fragrancedl with notes of moroccan rose and the freshness of springtime unforgettable, wherever you go the scents you can't forget...
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so donald trump is going to be speaking there at the national association of home builders. that's coming up any moment now. this is taking place at the fontainebleau hotel in miami beach. but we know the gop nominee is grabbing headlines this morning for yet another charged comment during moments on the campaign trail. now, we are going to be hearing from trump here, talking about economic policies, also with a focus on the housing market. but this is really the first time that trump has made an appearance publicly since he claimed president obama and hillary clinton co founded isis. voters are starting to pay close attention to donald trump's post convention stumbles and trump needs battleground states florida. several national polls put trump behind hillary clinton. nbc news estimates hillary
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clinton is only 15 electoral votes shy of 270. donald trump says it's too early to tell. >> frankly, you look at the polls the way they're tightening up, people are starting to get it. i think we're going to do very well in pennsylvania. i was a little surprised to see a ten-point gap in ohio. we're doing well in florida. but we haven't really started yet. we haven't started any ads, she is spending a fortune on ads. >> kari, based on what your reserve is telling you, is trump correct? >> well, donald trump is correct that he's being outspent by hillary clinton by a wide margin in ads. if you just look at the campaigns, $52 million, and donald trump a goose egg, zero on the airwaves to date. he's right on that account. when you look at the polls that quote you aired from him, it's a rosie picture he is portraying. he mentioned, for example, pennsylvania, which our poll showed donald trump down by 11
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points. just for some context, imagine you take for a minute pennsylvania off that map. colorado and virginia are two other states where hillary clinton is vastly outpolling donald trump right now. so you take those off the map. if those three are off, donald trump would have to win florida, iowa, nevada, new hampshire, north carolina and ohio. that leaves him no margin for error at all in some very crucial battleground states. most of which, you know, he is not performing very well in now. and add to that the fact that clinton appears to be making some in roads in some traditionally red states, places like arizona, georgia. there has been some talk of utah being somewhat in play because of donald trump's vast unpopularity with mormons. so he is portraying a rose see picture, very, very little margin for error. unless he turns around battleground states like ohio, pennsylvania, where there are a lot of those white, blue collar votes that donald trump says he wants to grab, unless he turns
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around there, he's in trouble. >> is he faking it until you make it, basically, success breeds success? if we look at the education gap, supporters of this campaign and new data is out, it shows that this is really a lot about urban versus rural. >> absolutely. in addition to the education gap we have been talking about, especially over the last few days, there is a big difference. one of our colleagues, dante chinny, crunched some numbers looking at the urban versus rural divide. he found that hillary clinton is currently outperforming barack obama in urban areas. now in rural areas, donald trump is outperforming romney's performance in 2012, so he is doing very well in the rural areas. but i want to key in on the suburbs. these are extremely important voters in suburban areas. places like, for example, philadelphia, the suburbs where hillary clinton is crushing donald trump, according to our latest nbc news "wall street journal" marist poll by a 2-1
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margin. he's not doing as well as he could with western and central pennsylvania voters who are more of his traditional base. it's partially because he is just getting crushed in philly itself and the white voters are starting to back away from him. people who may have voted for john mccain or mitt romney who are just saying he's not my candidate. that's what's hurting him in a lot of key states. and, by the way, future polls that are going to come out in states that are maybe more divers, places like florida, north carolina, he may have to brace for some more bad state poll results in the coming days, as well. >> so carrie, just for folks skeptical of what this big divide means in terms of a hillary clinton lead, my grand mother always used to say, if they've got nerve enough to ask, you've got nerve enough to lie. could there be a baked in factor of polls being really off and some folks not being open about saying they're willing to cross the aisle or they want to vote for donald trump or they want to vote for hillary clinton. i mean, can you characterize that in connection to the 2012
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cycle, the 2008 cycle? >> well, and donald trump wants to make this argument, as well. he has said he thinks that some of these polls are incorrect. pollsters will always tell you, look at the polling averages. look across the board. don't just center all of your analysis on one or two polls. look at everything nationwide. and in these key battle ground states. but we can say if we're looking at national polls showing again and again and again, regardless of methodology, some method willings not all created equal. if we're looking at polling where nationally donald trump on average is down seven or eight points, that's the kind of thing that is going to reflect in battleground state polls. that's why, for example, some place like wisconsin, new poll out yesterday, showing hillary clinton up 15 points in a state that's generally been much more competitive, a blue state but much more competitive state. you're starting to see the national polling average reflected in the key battle ground states. a difference of three or four points within the margin of error is certainly something you've got to take into account. a difference when you're getting into high single digits. i think donald trump needs to
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take those results seriously and think about what he could do to change his campaign to get it back under control and back to a more reasonable margin. >> and certain ones double digits. carrie dann, great to have you on. three states that could turn the election are arizona, pennsylvania and florida. joining me now are dna nowicki at the arizona republic. mary ellen clause from the miami herald, and john micic. it is great to have you all assembled. i want to give you fair warning, we are awaiting the trump remarks that are going to take place at the national association of home builders. that's the small box we see down on the right-hand side of the screen. so john, let's dive in here. pennsylvania not just the keystone state. it looks like like a key to the trump presidency. and with such a disparity gee graphly, where is there an opening for trump? >> this is the tough part for donald trump. he carried all 67 of
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pennsylvania's counties in the republican primary back in april. and it's conceivable that he could win 60 of 67 counties in the november election and still lose. for the very reason that carrie outlined. hillary clinton in the last poll was up by 40 points in the philadelphia suburbs. those voters, middle class, white, college educated, a lot of women voters down there, as well. with whom trump historically underperforms as well. who are running away from him. about one-third of the state's 8.2 million voters live in the philadelphia suburbs. so unless he can cut into that in some way, then it's a real tough road to victory in pennsylvania for donald trump. >> so mary, let's talk about your home state of florida, donald trump appearing there in miami beach here shortly. one of the tightest races in these battleground states that we can discuss. but when we look at where donald trump is in terms of what his performance has been, both candidates have spent a lot of time there in the last couple of weeks.
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so for swing voters and going through, you know that all-important corridor, st. petersburg and through that area in tampa, explain what they are looking for to make a decision. >> well, you're absolutely right. the -- while donald trump is in miami today, he's going to spend tonight going back to what's known as the i-4 corridor, that large swath between orlando and tampa and st. pete area. and that is kind of the heart of -- that has traditionally been the heart of florida's swing vote. and the interesting thing is that the polls that now show the race is very tight in florida between hillary clinton and donald trump also show that among the swing voters, which are the nonparty affiliated, the independent voters, it's very tight there. and that is -- it's along this corridor where we think it will
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make the difference. one the factors influencing this dramatically is the increase in the number of hispanic voters that are now registering at nonparty affiliates. >> right. >> and i think that while they are now showing up as -- while the independent vote shows up as tied, i think that donald trump's performance among that group could ultimately make the difference, and that's why most of the politicos in florida and many republican leaders think that he's really on the losing end of that equation. >> so dan, let's dig into arizona and the fact that the projections put hillary clinton very close to 270. as we look at poaching states, arizona for hillary clinton is what many would consider to be in striking distance for her. and it's been a republican voting state consistently since '76. so what's turning it this way? >> well, really, since 1948. i think bill clinton was the only democrat to carry arizona in his re-election in 1996.
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but it's turned into a surprise battleground, almost with doing very little, hillary clinton is very competitive with trump here. and, you know, arizona has a lot of constituencies that trump has offended over the months. lots of latinos, native americans, mormons, women. so it's going to be a difficult general election for mr. trump. >> all right, guys. i want you to stick with me. we are waiting for donald trump to give remarks coming up in miami beach. i'm going to have our panel stick around and we'll get a few more questions in right before we go to those remarks. right here on msnbc. stick around. only an authentic property would suffice for jordan's bachelor party. i don't need a sword, i'm a firemaid. ding dong! i'm going to give this place a killer review. i don't know, i just always thought maybe my bachelor party would be a little less g-rated. wench! ahhh! ahhh hahaha...
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get back to great. this week sharpie singles now twenty-five cents. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. so welcome back. we have live pictures here of the national association of home builders, donald trump running about 15 minutes behind, supposed to start at 10:30. he's going to be talking to the folks there about his economic policies with a focus on the
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american housing market. but back with me is dna nowicki of the arizona republic and john micic opinions editor at penn life and patriot news. let me go back to you, john, with the economy, a big focus for the 2016 race. we know donald trump had his economic forecast speech from detroit earlier this week. and kind of gets a second go-round this morning in florida. secretary clinton is going to be making her remarks later today, around 12:15 from the very same spot where trump was. we know that donald trump has given kind of big, broad policy issues on the economy. but he spoke to our colleagues at cnbc this morning about the plan he wants to invest in infrastructures, bridges, roads and highways. is that a motivator, this $500 billion project? >> if you have ever spent any amount of time on pennsylvania highways, thomas, you know they can be occasionally kidney-jarring. there is a big project for the last couple years, started under
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the former republican governor, tom corbett. when you talk to trump voters, as i had the chance to do when he was in suburban harrisburg last week, they're very much focused on those lunch pail issues. this is a pocketbook election for voters in pennsylvania where they have collapsed the manufacturing base. you see that in the southwest with coal mining in the northeast, as well. that's what -- i mean, they're talking about the border wall, talking about terrorism. but when you home in and talk to these folks, this is very much a -- an election for them about economic issues. and so when you talk about creating jobs as infrastructure, construction, that will resonate. and so far they haven't been affected by the lack of specifics in the trump plan. he'll be in here, altoona on friday, where he'll talk more in depth to voters about that. i'll be curious to hear their reactions once they hear more red meat specifics to the plans. >> and for everybody, dan specifically, as we look at what it means to be at the top of the
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ticket for those running on the same ballast, john mccain in the race for his life right now. and he has the support of donald trump. they have gone back and forth with this in a kind of arms' length. you have written about how either candidate in the mccain on the right or the democrat, ann kirk patrick has to contend with what it means to have trump or hillary in ray a trust issue. >> right, exactly. and both candidates are trying to link desperately the other to their top of the ticket. generally, i would think that in a usual year, that would probably hurt ann kirk patrick, but this year with trump and his controversies and issues it seems to really kind of hurt john mccain. mccain obviously taking it very seriously, and he's definitely treating it like it's the race of his life, and he's -- he could be some collateral damage of this trump/hillary election in arizona. >> we know there could be issues
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with that for marco rubio down in florida, as that race is tightening. so mary, let's talk about that. which part of the state is going to likely determine this race? is it really going to be that mid section, the tampa/st. pete corridor? >> are you talking the rubio -- >> yes. >> rubio race? yeah. well, right now rubio obviously has a tremendous amount of support in south florida and miami. his home area. in the presidential primary, it was the only -- miami-dade was the only county that rubio beat trump in. so yes, i do think that the i-4 corridor again will be the pivotal place. i think, though, that while it looks as though a new poll was out -- quinnipiac poll out today shows rubio only leading by 3 percentage points against his likely rival, patrick murphy. i think that that -- that poll is -- there may be some problems
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with that. i do think he has a lot stronger support statewide, and that poll indicates last week it had a far larger margin. and so -- but there is some concern and there is some concern around the state that donald trump will suppress voter turnout. that there may be enough republicans that are turned off that won't show up. and that could potentially make the race a lot closer for someone like marco rubio. >> all right. so i want to say thanks to all of you again. dan nowicki, mary clause, dan micic. we're waiting for donald trump in miami beach. i've gotten some guidance inside the trump campaign that it's reed doing the introduction. tom reid representing the 23rd district in new york. we're back, after this. gary, gary, gary... i am proud of you, my man. making simple, smart cash back choices...
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7:52 am
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pool between two americans. the summer golden boy against the american currently with golden hair and two of team usa's best. take a shot at all-around gold at the olympics. msnbc's chris jansing, joins me now from the site of the games in rio. chris, before we get to the events coming up from today, let's talk about the gold medal streak continued last night for the swimmers of team usa. >> reporter: well, hey, thomas. that team is phenomenal. just take last night's women's 4 x 200 relay. the americans are behind and then katie ledecky gets into the water. she took the lead after just the first turn and ended with by far the fastest time of any other competitor. and her reaction to winning yet another gold medal, this was so much fun! she now has three golds and a silver, racing eight times in five days. tonight at the pool, as you said, two swimmers, michael phelps versus ryan lochte. these two stars racing for 12
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years against each other. but this might be their last olympic duel in a race that has defined their rivalry. phelps had the better time in the prelims, has won the last three olympic gold medals in the 200-meter im but lochte wins the record. and simone biles and aly raisman finished 1 and 2 in the gymnastics all-around finals. of biles is the reign world champion. raisman at her peak. she said you never take anything for granted. one bobble, one fall and results could change. and happy birthday to kristin armstrong, turns 43 today and yesterday gave herself an early present, winning gold, collapsing at the end in exhaustion and joy. >> i didn't have anything left in my legs. i just wanted to lie down. that's all i wanted to do. and the thing that brought me up off the ground was seeing my
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family and my friends in the stands. and then, of course, having lucas come over and give me a hug. >> oh, my gaosh, was something else. >> that gave me a lot of energy. >> yeah, her young son. this is her third gold medal. she is married, has that 6-year-old. and also a full-time job at an idaho hospital. she has retired twice before, thomas. i asked her, why did you come back again, try for number four in four years and she laughed. that is a no. >> inspiration for this 43-year-old who bikes to work daily. thanks so much. we'll all be watching tonight for phelps and lochte. our olympic coverage begins at noon eastern here on msnbc and the latest headlines with chuck todd, 5:00 p.m. eastern.
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causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain, from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and these feet would like to keep the beat going. ask your doctor about lyrica. hi, everybody. thanks for your time. that wraps up this hour. kate snow picks up our coverage right now. kate, i gift you trump. he's going to be coming up in
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10, 15 minutes. >> running a bit late. we had thought he would be on with you, thomas. but we will take it over from here. thomas, thanks so much. good afternoon to all of you. i'm kate snow. it is a busy day in the political world. starting, as we say, at any moment from now, expecting donald trump to take the stage at a luxury hotel in miami. speaking at the national association of home builders convention. after he's through, a short time later, we expect to hear from are hillary clinton. she's giving a major speech. they're billing it as a major economic speech in michigan. and then it will be trump's turn again. he'll be speaking to pastors in orlando, florida, before a rally in kissimmee, florida, tonight. that's where hallie jackson is today. what's the latest down there? >> reporter: let's look at what trump has going on today. and some of the fallout that he's facing from new comments just this morning. you mentioned he'll be at that rally in kissimmee. the home builders event in a couple minutes where we expect had him
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