tv Morning Joe MSNBC August 12, 2016 4:00am-6:01am PDT
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>> she goes home, she goes to sleep. follow her, just follows where she goes and he'll do an event and make a short speech off the teleprompter and then she goes home and goes to sleep. i tell you, she is dangerous. >> her speeches are so short though. they don't last long, you know? they're like ten minutes let's get out of here. go back home and go to sleep. three days later, she gets up and she tuz another one and goes back home and goes to sleep. >> welcome back to morning joe. i don't think that happens. >> no. >> it's friday august 12th. >> any evidence that happens?
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any evidence the president founded isis? >> no. >> i'm still at a loss as to how -- it's a good point someone made to me yesterday, this guy came up to me and he said mika you have 85 day or go, please don't have a nervous breakdown and i was like okay i'm going to try not to. >> easy for you to say guy. >> it's just how do we even cover this? >> psycho pharmacology. >> pharmaceuticals. >> we have winning historian that is saying that we need to go. >> and joining the conversation associate editor of the washington post and msnbc political analyst.
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>> he won his fair and square. that was different. >> an investigative piece right now. i don't say much about it. >> all right. >> there was a lot of doping involved. >> there was. >> thank you. a minute ago you see with what he is talking about. >> 1910. >> please. >> don't bore us. >> don't want to bore you? taft was in the middle of trying to figure out what he was going to do about tr because tr never
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wanted to leave the presidency leading into 1912 which was the great three way race. wilson, taft and the party leading into. >> going to make this harder. 1842. >> it was two years before andrew jackson died so there was that and worries about the expansion of slavery. >> listen by the way we're going to continue over on cspan. >> just snuggle up. >> we will continue. >> he was so sure yesterday about this whole terrorist thing. he has backed off now.
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>> it's hard to laugh. >> i wasn't laughing. >> i know. what are we doing? >> so he appears to be. >> i'm going to drop a nuke on london. i'm just joking. five days later. >> what are you talking about? >> he is watching the morning shows and realizing two days later after being completely torn to shreds on every network for saying something stupid and dangerous, he is realizing maybe he needs to change course. >> so i have a theory now. jean robinson, i'm wondering whether he understood just how dangerous the second amendment comment was so he realized he had to trump that with something and then he -- because people did stop talking about the secret service. >> the assassination. >> i saw it again. it's not a joke. it wasn't a joke. but the assassination comment. maybe this was his way of moving on through a couple of news cycles and leaving that story
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behi behind. >> that's a good theory but i doubt it's that planned. it's just him. it's just him. he says these things because probably for an instant or for a moment he believes it. he says what he wants to say and he gets the response from his people that he juans to get. you know, the obama, the founder of isis thing, it was crazy when he said it. it was absolutely insane when he defended it with hewitt at length saying no, that's what i meant and then today of course it's like every day is a new day. short-term memory loss or something. >> the overexposure of negative publicity is staggering. this is like seeing someone in all his glory in a hideous way and then like talking about it
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for the next three months. >> partly out of necessity because he's not running paid advertising at the normal level of candidate at this stage of the presidential campaign would be doing and he feels compelled personally. >> so say -- >> to stay on there. >> no matter what. it's working. >> so. >> but not before making sure that everyone thought he meant what he said. >> you said the president was the founder of isis, you meant that he created the vacuum. >> no, i meant he's the founder of isis. i do. he's the most valuable player. i give him the most valuable player award. >> but he's not sympathetic to them. >> he was the founder. he got out of iraq that was the founding of isis. >> i call president obama and hillary clinton the founders of
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is isis. we'll give hillary clinton the mvp. isis will hand her the most valuable player award. her only competition is barrack obamaful between the two of them. >> oh, boy is isis hoping for her. >> they just sat back and waited and when we left, basically isis was formed and he calls it isil and the reason is he likes to bother everybody. he's like the only one, still calling it isil. isis was formed. >> aren't those statements inflammatory when you say something like that. >> i tell the truth. a lot of people like that i said it. and hillary clinton is right there with him. >> >> they have been trying to
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play down isis like they're not as powerful. we should knock him out. he's not willing to do that. i'll say it to anybody that wants to listen. he is a founder of isis. they must love him because without him you wouldn't have the threat, the horrible situation going on around the world. >> if he would have kept a relatively small force he probably could have prevented isis from forming, okay? and now you look at what's going on with isis where they're spreading. and they're probably spreading into our country when we allow that many people to come in from that region, they're probably spreading into our country so he's now tweeting it was scar chasm. america you decide. was that sarcasm or a stupid
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statement, doubling, tripling, quadrupling down on it. >> hugh hewitt gave him an opportunity to back out of it and he said no, i mean he's the founder of isis. do we have the tweetup? what he says. >> that was sarcasm. >> they tonight get sarcasm. everyone in media has to cover him with their own perspective of what is objective. everyone has to try to be. we don't necessarily because we have a differ kind of show. everyone in media is going to have a moment where they couldn't do it anymore. >> you can't make an assassination joke and as a reporter think i'm going to cover this objectively. >> you're calling it a joke. look at it when he said it. it wasn't a joke. >> it wasn't a joke. >> look at the look of horror on the face of the guy behind him.
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>> no, that's the most on message he has been since the escalator and now he is saying it's sarcasm and it's only been four days although it feels like 17 years, since the economic speech. so you have the economic speech, you had the joke about violent action against his opponent and federal judges and the founder of isis and now you have him retracting that in 96 hours. >> you have a pattern here that donald trump has proven over and over and over again. a pattern of saying something ridiculous. retracting it and moving on and exactly how do republican leaders think they're going to work with him? >> i have no idea. what do they think? do they think he's going to change? he said he's not going to change
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but even if he said he would you couldn't believe it. you said a really important thing a minute agatha we went past which is that everybody in the media is going to have to decide and continue to decide how do you deal with this? you have to write a news story saying trump said -- closed quote, which is not true or trump said, which is absurd. >> you have to call it what it is at some point. >> he is going to be talking about how the press covers statements like the president is the founder of isis. david, let's talk about the policy of donald trump for a minute, if we will. we is in these interviews saying he's going to beat the hell out of isis. pound the hell out of them and
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kill them all and yet on the other side of the equation he says we can't get involved in the middleeast because that's what america has been doing for the past 16 years and it's been disastrous. so even on policy, his positions are incomprehensible because they conflict with each other. >> his policy is largely let's let vladimir putin do it. he finally has a plan to take down isis. i don't think trump had anything to say about this. one point i would make about this repetition of the seemingly absurd claim that obama founded isis and then it gets sarcasm and corrections but the
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corrections never really catch one the assertion. the assertion stays in their minds and they can't remember whether things are true or not. they add up to this negative aura and it's too difficult to say president ball balm pulled troops out of iraq and then isis happ happened so you say obama founded isis and that sticks in people's minds and we're outraged as journalists but he must think and had reason to think it's going to work with a part of the public that's sympathetic to his message. >> what he has been say as good that president obama got out of iraq too soon and that caused the rise of isis and made him somehow the founder. the problem again is if you go back in 2007, 8, 9, donald trump was calling for us to get out of iraq. we have to get out now. how do you do it? you declare victory and you get out of iraq.
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so he is talking about one of his central criticisms. >> president obama is approaching the mid 50s in popularity so on every level this is just crazy as a political maneuver because trump's base may buy this or may not quite understand the subtlety there and may be willing to believe that president obama is a sympathizer or whatever but that's his base. >> 65% of republicans or 70% of republicans still don't think ball balm was born in america. >> 72%. >> 72%. >> they're not so much decree teaking his tone or temperament, they're saying why aren't you focussing on secretary clinton. why is it president obama. >> it's kind of hard.
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>> it's kind of hard when you have this like human headline machine. >> but how extraordinary is it that 72% of republicans do not believe -- 72% of the people in my party do not believe that barrack obama was born in america. >> 72% of republicans do not believe that the president of the united states was born. >> do they care. >> what does that say about the party? we're all hear talking about donald trump, what does it say about the party that in a lot of primary states over 50% of republicans supported the complete banning of mosques in the united states. >> we talked about this.
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you have the paranoid style that's now taken over to a large measure the republican party as a functional political entity in 2016. and you have people so concerned about their economic identity and national identity that they're seeking to blame others and point fingers as opposed to widening their arms and i don't see how coming out of this year, on the democratic side as well, if it weren't for donald trump, bernie sanders would be the biggest story in american politics. you're going to have to have a realignment here. >> and you said this is not going to go away. tomorrow trump is not going to lose in the republican party. he's going to revert back to
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paul ryan. >> i'm just so struck when i'm out on the campaign trail how that core of the republican party seems to be getting zapped. it's gone and one of the words i keep hearing is a new word in a way is globalist. they're referring to the republican estimate as globalist. hillary clinton as a globalist and i have been asking around what does this mean? and there's a sense in the republican party that's not conservative versus liberal, it's nationalist verses the globalist. >> that's an an chen, when george h.w. bush was running for the senate in texas the fact that he was a member of the council on foreign relations and his father was a senator from connecticut was a huge deal and he wrote his son a letter when george w. was running for the house if '78 he wrote a letter saying i'll be there if you need me but in west texas you may not want a father that was ambassador to the united nati s
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nations. >> one other note, he tweeted on wednesday by the way trump's line that obama founded isis echos exactly a myth propagated by russian state controlled media and bloggers. >> how does the republican party survive moving beyond 2016 as a functioning national party? >> well, you know, in the short-term it's going to be a mess and it's not a functioning political entity right now and may not be for awhile. republicans have to be true to their principles. they have to address some issues
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that are unaddressed in terms of free trade, immigration and things that the republican base really wants a new look at. but they can't go with donald trump. that way lies madness and nothing good. they have to be true to some principle. >> the republican party is the paul ryan party. who is going to be against entitlement reform and trade packs and leadership in the congress? i don't see that at this moment. >> so i kbesz the question going forward is if donald trump does not win this election is there another person or potential candidate that can capture the energy he captured without being
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softer on immigration and not using the rhetoric he uses but taking that energy that propelled him to where he is right now and use it more effectively? >> one question is if hillary clinton is elected can she govern in a way that speaks to angry white working lass voters so they don't feel so angry and left out. in her economic speech yesterday she tried to say i'll be the president who will do those things. the place to watch is the senate races. what are their positions? what do they think is going to speak to voters in their states and districts? that's where the future of the party will be shaped is
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expressing the policies they think are going to win. >> thank you very much for being on this morning. >> still ahead. >> the polls are tightening up. they're getting a little bit nervous. clinton is getting a little bit nervous. crooked hilary. she is getting a little bit concerned. a friend of mine from north carolina said i wish this election was over with. every single commercial is about you. negative ads, negative ads and he knows they're not true. maybe a little bit true. >> that's a good question though. donald trump may like his own polls but what about republican incumbents? we'll look at the latest numbers that show senators in the danger zone. plus how did she get here? katie went from covering breaking news around the globe to the republican presidential nominee almost by accident. she joins us to talk about her head turning new essay. you're watching morning joe.
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>> an nbc news wall street journal poll shows clinton up 4 points in the state of iowa. still 54% believe clinton will win and while steve king praised his party's nominee he hedged on what would happen should trump lose. >> well, trying to break out of michelle if i have to do battle with an agenda iowans project but i sat across the table with hillary clinton eye to eye and she is somebody i can work with. >> boy, that is bob costa. i heard that and half my ear fell out. >> it's unbelievable. i have been covering house republicans since 2010 and there's a fear on capitol hill that if secretary clinton wins the election she is not going to go to speaker ryan and others
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and say let's cut a deal. she going to step on the throats of republicans in capitol hill. i have an agenda, you nominated donald trump and she's going to roll them and that's why you see people like steve king coming out now saying we don want to be rolled. can we try to work with you. this is republicans thinking ahead. >> he is not a moderate. >> no, this is a very conservative congressman. >> it's remarkable that that guy said that. >> if they lose house seats they have a 59 seat majority now. let's say paul ryan's majority gets down to 10 or 15 seats, he knows they'll try to break up the leadership on any vote so his majority, he loses a lot of power. >> he had a four vote majority and knew he wasn't able to leave and only took five people saying we're not going to vote for you
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for speaker. you will never be speaker and he had to leaveful things tighten up. they get really crazy. >> the rest of the map there, new signs of concerns for some incumbent candidates in the senate. the latest university polls show republican senator rob portman of ohio fending off ted strickland but she is leading the republican senator 47-44. that within the margin of error. a poll showed her up by four points and marco rubio is in a tight race against patrick murphy leading 48-45 in florida. joining us now, katie covering the trump campaign as you may know. she has an essay featured in september's issue of marie clare where she reveals what life is like on the trump campaign trail. we'll talk about that in a second and also with us is online editor of the weekly standard, michael warren. >> you talk about having to have
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secret service protect you from leaving events. that's extraordinary. >> it was one event. it was the december 7th rally in south carolina. >> is that when he called you out. >> he called me out a number of times but this is the one that he did in a more forceful way and it was after he announced the muslim ban and the crowd was very -- they always are but they were very antimedia thinking we were whipping up a controversy and he was angry over some tweets and he pointed me out in the middle of the crowd and it was jarring. everybody turned -- this one older woman who had this like fearful look on her face, like this poor girl. but the rest of the crowd was just angry. they were angry and at the end of it, one of trump's -- i'm not going to say who, but one of trump's people there got a secret service guy and said he's going to walk you to your car.
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>> i remember watching that event on tv and it was palpable in the room that he used your name again and again. i e-mailed you. >> i actually called trump people and people very close to the candidate and i said you got to watch it. just stop. >> stop. >> a question for katy, you're at these rallies all the time, what's the mood among his people? as the poll numbers change? as there's a shift in the campaign? >> it's very -- it's almost like they're digging in. they really don't want to believe that things are going badly toward him and they also want to believe that this is all something that's been created by the media and hillary clinton and the left wing portion of this country. they're pushing back completely but when you ask them and get beyond it and you say is there any advice you would give donald trump? every person would tell him to back away and focus on the
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issues. but they do admit advice to change. >> he doesn't know anything and that's where he -- >> he doesn't want to learn. he is not interested in learning policy. >> he doesn't have serious policy experience to draw from so he goes to what's easy. entertaining. the line that gets attention. the dangerous stuff. >> the answer is we haven't learned because we keep expecting he is going to change. maybe this is a new donald trump and after that economic speech we have the second amendment comments that barrack obama is the founder of isis and digging in on that. not even taking the way out that
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hugh hewitt the radio host tried to give him on thursday and this is who donald trump is its why he succeeded and a lot of people are realizing a little or a lot too late that it's not working in the general and it's having this effect on donald trump and the republican party and the short-term mitticly and ultimately we'll see in the long material it's going to be a stain on the party and the party has to figure out what do we do at this moment right now to stop this? >> i was going to comment on the purple lighting. did you request that? >> it's good for my complexion. >> let me ask you if you hear from the same republicans, conservatives that believe
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hillary clinton is very beatable and are frustrated with the way that trump is running his campaign. there's a story first reported yesterday by cnn and the newspapers today that the fbi went to the justice department because they wanted to look in through what they thought was a fishy relationship between the clinton foundation and the state department and the justice department said we have looked into that already. we're not going to go there. that's something that you probably like to hear a republican candidate running against hillary clinton seize on today. >> yeah. this would be what the conversation would be about. >> our readers wonder why we're not covering this more. there's almost too much stuff like this to cover with the clintons but donald trump sort of blasts all of that out of the water and -- because he says something a little insane or he says the thing about obama founding isis.
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and that's something we have to address. you have to think about the candidates that ran for the nomination. they would be five or six points a head your piece is fascinating. how you got the assignment. how you live on the road. how would you characterize this assignment. best story i ever covered. worst story i ever covered. what is it like and how would you characterize it? >> i go back and forth feeling like how did i get here and how lucky am i and how did i get here, i want to go home but it is truly, if you're a journalist i can't imagine another story to be on at this moment and i'm not
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sure we'll see a candidate like this again to be on the fron lines of it and one of the ones doing it since nearly day one i couldn't have asked for a better assignment. >> well, trump wasn't part of anyone's plan and for that matter, neither was i. >> that's true. >> your relationship day in and day out with him, sometimes he is angry and doesn't talk to you. that's a hard question to answer. robert has a good idea about this as well. he is frustrated with the media but he knows he needs the media and likes the media so in the press conference when he told me to be quite at the end of it he walked out and smiled and said thank you. the other day i was in scotland and ran into him on the golf course when no other journalists
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were around. oh, katy tur, she's a great reporter and he caught himself and he said sometimes. >> i was saying this last night for people that don't know donald trump, i said here's the thing about donald trump you know how he is on tv in front of a microphone when he's a politician, he's the opposite off camera where he can be just like in that instance an incredibly gracious person when he is introducing you to other people. >> here's the thing about him though, he can be very charming one-on-one and that's what throws people off with hill because the reality he gets on that stage and says things that nobody else would dare to say and proposes policies many find to be dangerous and hate driven and causing real discord in the country. >> and that's what makes it even more shocking. the disconnect between the
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personal, and by the way if he hn been saying lousy things about you on the campaign trail he would have said by the way, here, she is the greatest reporter of all time. that's what he does. or used to do off camera and then to hear him say, you know, whether it's a muslim ban or -- you're right. there's just this massive disconnect. >> it makes it difficult to cover him. >> could have been in london. >> could have. >> would have, should have. >> all right. we'll be reading your essay in marie clare. >> on newsstands. >> fantastic. michael warren thank you as well. >> you can just stay in that room for awhile. we'll bring in a lava lamp for you. >> are republican women willing to sacrifice the white house this go around in hopes of saving their party in the future? editor at large for elle
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magazine is out with a compelling new piece and she joins us ahead. real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there's only one place where real and amazing live. book a seaworld vacation package and eat free. a farmer's what's in this kiester. a fire truck. even a marching band. and if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. for any sort of discomfort in yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it. i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message. michael hayden: if he governs
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>> her knew piece is entitled the girls are already. it zeros in on the state of the gop for female republicans. also with us is advisor to senator rand paul and political analyst and a female too, elise jordan. i think that word is so funny. i know we still use it. but good to have you both on board. i'll read an excerpt from your peace and we'll start from there if we could. among a certain set of young forward looking conservatives a trump loss, especially a huge loss offers an opportunity imagine you're living in an old house that's unfixable and no matter how much you work, out of
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nowhere that house burns to the ground. now you have a chance to build a dream house. after four or eight years of a clintonth sy this next generation of republicans will still be in the prime of their careers and ready to take their shot at the white house slight hi older staffers however may think trump is their only option so they keep their mouths shut and sign on. perhaps against their better judgment. no rachel, absolutely against their better judgment. you name a republican and say do you believe in this guy and think he mean what is he says. >> so talk about opportunities. >> well, you know as one woman said to me that you sort of have to hit rock bottom before you can make changes and this is the opportunity. they ignored the autopsy and said they had to appeal to women and minority and young peel. they had to get more women and minorities in leadership.
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that didn't happen. they didn't put the money and the energy behind making that happen. the 2014 midterms. they stayed at less than 10% women and the caucus and, youau. so while trump is exacerbating the problem he inherited this electoral problem. >> he already had the problems once he got there. >> and i think he nailed the dilemma that the repub ri clica problem is about to face. the party can go down two paths. ted cruz's can win out. the other faction is going to argue, hey, maybe we should have listened to this 2012 autopsy. we have got to appeal to a
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diverse electorate. >> and i think it's a mistake many people make. when they hear you say we need to have more minorities or women in leadership they hear it as we need to be less conservative. that's not necessarily the case. women have been shown they vote the same as men do. republican women are not democratics. >> i think it's a huge mistake to constantly hearing saying abortion is all women voters care about. i do think that the younger generation tend to be more concerned with privacy, tend to be more concerned with getting government out of our lives and i think that's how the republican party will have to message going forward. >> yeah, it could be that the social message interferes with the economic message. >> and you did have candidates
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who tried to broaden the electorate. so i guess the question for me is how does the next candidate capture the energy of the people donald trump fired up? >> i think we'll have to see how large the base of donald trump election truly is. even though he did win a ton of votes he energizes a lot of people. there are more republicans who are opposed to donald trump than supporting. i think that's how the reckoning, the form of the reckoning when it comes. >> thank you so much. your piece is in the september issue of l. thank you. trump often rails against what he calls the quote dishonest media. do conventional standards
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still apply? we have the new piece on how trump is testing the norms of objectivity in journalism. we'll be right back. you should be getting double miles on every purchase! the capital one venture card. with venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, everywhere, every day. not just ...(dismissively) airline purchases. seriously... double miles... everywhere. what's in your wallet? what headache?in? what arthritis pain? advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil.
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people on television working so hard and so seriously to try to figure me out. they can't. what's the word he uses? sad, exclamation point. "morning joe" is back in a moment. isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. great show. here you go. now he's added a new routine. making depositing a check seem so effortless. easy to use chase technology, for whatever you're trying to master. isaac, are you ready? yeah. chase. so you can.
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i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message. michael hayden: if he governs consistent with some of the things he said as a candidate, i would be very frightened. gillian turner: he's been talking about the option of using a nuclear weapon against our western european allies. max boot: this is not somebody who should be handed the nuclear codes. charles krauthammer: you have to ask yourself, do i want a person of that temperament controlling the nuclear codes? and as of now, i'd have to say no. [bill o'reilly sighs] and as of now, i'd have to say no. knows how it feels to see your numbers go up,tes despite your best efforts. but what if you could turn things around? what if you could love your numbers? discover once-daily invokana®. it's the #1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. invokana® is a pill used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes.
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obamacare he said you can keep your plan. you can keep your doctor. i have been all over this country. we have the greatest people any where in the world, the greatest people. how stupid are we? really the big part of the rigged system is the press itself. the media is rigged. it's rigged. it's crooked as hell. syrian refugees are being put next to you in your neighborhoods. >> hillary clinton will be worst than president obama. crooked hillary clinton. she will raise taxes. maybe she misspoke. i don't like her temperament. her temperament is the temperament of a loser. >> wow. >> yeah.
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on this friday morning. >> that's look there at the different tones between trump at day and trump after hours from our friends at bloomberg politics. >> i have a look at exposed brick. bob costa told us we could use his so we decided to turn it sb a coffee shop. >> sort of nice. >> we are actually in a coffee shop. we are just in the studio. >> yeah, we are in bob's apartment. >> yeah. reminds me of that coffee shop in des moines. >> java joe o's. >> i love java joe's. we are lumping to the weekend here. >> what does that mean? >> it was crazy last night.
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so this is joe music live, crazy crowd. it was packed. it was like a sweatbox. it was hot and rowdy and a lot of fun. >> a lot to have fun. >> make it to the next one. >> we might actually get to news before 8:30. we have willie with us and john. >> hello, john. >> he taunts those that don't have -- >> just you. >> channel 5 is ready for you. >> hi. we have robert costa and associate editor david joins us. good to have you on board. it is serious now. >> ig nash
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>> what are you, buster douglas? >> we all know it was a fluke. >> mike tyson down once. it never would have happened before. >> the real bar wouldn't even say that to you. >> no. i speak the truth. >> no, you don't. so on wednesday night trump labeled president obama the founder of isis. he would say that's not what i meant. what i really meant is the people are all going to vote or whatever he said. some stupid pack track that isn't admitting to any wrong doing. no apology. >> the second amendment. >> yeah. treating people like they are so stupid they have to believe the lie of a backtrack. >> when has he ever backtracked? >> in this case, for what might
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be the most extreme statement he has made so far, and there has been many. >> so he spent all of yesterday making sure everybody knew that when he said the president was the founder of isis what he really meant the president was the founder of isis. >> last night you said the president was the founder of isis. i know what you meant. you meant that he created the vacu vacuum. >> no. i meant he is the founder of isis. i do. he was the most valuable player. >> but i give her, too, by the way, hillary clinton. >> but he's snot sympatheticic to them. he hates them. he's trying to kill them. >> i don't care. >> you know i will give hillary clinton the mvp.
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isis will hand her the most valuable player award. her only competition is barack obama between the two of them. oh boy is isis hoping for her. >> they just sat back and waited and when they left basically isis was formed and he called it isil. he likes to bother everyone. he is still calling it isil. but isis was formed. >> aren't those statements inflammatory? >> i tell the truth. a lot of people like that i said it. he is the founder of isis, and hillary clinton is right there with him. >> the president has been trying to play down isis like it's not that big of a deal, like they're not as powerful. we should knock them out. we should knock the hell out of them. he is not willing to do that. as far as i'm concerned, and i'll say it. he is a founder of isis.
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they must love him, because without him you wouldn't have the threat, the horrible situation going on around the world. if he would have kept a relatively small force he probably could have prevented isis from forming, okay? and now you look at what's dpoigoing on with isis and they are probably spreading into our country. when we allow that many people to come in from that region they are probably spreading into our country. >> he is tweeting now. he is tweeting cnn saying ratings challenged so seriously i called president obama and clinton the founder of isis and mvp. they don't get sarcasm. >> he makes the assassination
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comment and now it's a joke. now he doubles down for two days on him being the founder of isis and then two days later after doubling down yesterday he says that it's sarcasm. >> so what's he done watched two days of news and realized that was a bad thing to say? >> it is impossible. china or russia or turkey. even if you insult our friends over a two daytime period. >> in a tweet. >> i can't speak to the effect on u.s. troops who have serving in this in syria or iraq. i'm sure it's upsetting. they see a lot of politics come and go. i would have to think that level
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of dismissal would bother them. last weekend i was at a conference where 15 prominent republicans were bothered. foreign policy experts were served at the top of previous administrations. it was extraordinary to see them. this campaign is tearing them apart. they believe in republican foreign policy and ideas about strength and seriousness and trade. for them to watch donald trump take toitit to a completely different place is traumatic. one thing i begin to hear is saying maybe this will end up in such a blowout that it will burn the craziness in the party out and that the republican party will be liberated in the next cycle. >> so you were talking in the break and you have a theory.
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i think you're dead on about why he is getting even more erratic on the campaign trail, especially at night. >> from knowing him over time it is not the candidate that we knew. i think he is absolutely exhausted. i don't think he has slept since he won the nomination and even before when he was turning to realize he was winning the nomination. i think it is in two-hour spurts. it takes a toll in a very real way. it impacts your judgment, your mood, impacts your ability to retain and process information. >> and most importantly it impacts your decision making. >> about a year ago i suggested to trump he is at his worst at times when he is exhausted and he really balked at that and
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said time so high energy. i think this is how he sees himself, always on even if he is tired. >> some say when he is tired he is absolutely at his worse. >> there is no level of sleep dep pra va depravation that would make us call president obama the founder of isis! but it is when they will realize it is a crisis moment for you. you have a crisis candidate. you have chaos candidate who is not even a republican, who will not keep his promises. he has proven this. how much more does he need to do? >> i said this before but it's as though the republican party sold its soul and the check has bounced.
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so the question is do they really want him to win or is there -- is the establishment view, all right. we work through this and it's a fever that breaks. i wouldn't bet on that. if he is looking at 37 to 43% he is -- do we think he is just going to get on the golf cart, run over manafort and drive on? i don't think so. >> and if you don't confront it now it still is here between 2016 and 2020. this idea that the party reverts back to being the party of paul ryan and movement conservatism? we'll see. >> hillary clinton tweeted quote it can be difficult to muster o outrages but his smear against president obama requires it. no. barack obama is not the founder of isis.
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concluding anyone willing to sink so low so often should never be allowed to serve as our commander in chief. >> and we have more on how you report even handedly on one is so off the charts when it comes to same political discourse. i'm not even sure how we debate this. >> i was at a loss of words yesterday when you were in here. how do you do it, david? >> and how much do you fear for this country if this man is actually the commander in chief that delivers press conferences. he said i'm not changing. this is who i am. there is no -- >> fantastic. >> this is a real dilemma when you a guy who goes out and makes a flat out false statement every day repeatedly.
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president obama founded isis, how do you cover that? >> yeah. >> the answer we have come up with in washington post news stories is to support a claim that is false, to pin him down in the news stories but i think we haven't been in this territory before. i just would note one final point. in all of these statements it says if trump has been reading the hillary clinton campaign plan for how to destroy donald trump. this is exactly what they want. their whole idea is let's show that he is tempermentally unfit to be president and every day he gives them ammunition. it is as if he doesn't realize what his weakness is. >> i'm curious whether your sources on the campaign side with mine. there is a feeling from top to bottom he is not going to win.
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there is a disupon -- that he is becoming more unapproachable and even more isolated. again, people like manafort can sit and try to plan but it's not just breaking through. more and more people on that campaign are starting to say it doesn't look like he wants to win and what am i going to do after this blows up? >> my reporting reflects that not within the campaign but within the upper levels of the republican party. when you're talking to top people in congress they are starting to say maybe we have to detach ourselves from trump. maybe he is truly isolated on the 26th floor of trump tour and you ha -- fo tower and you have to run a separate campaign. it is august and that they are still with him. >> why? >> they need that populist vote.
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>> you cannot win without that populist vote and without getting more diverse members in your coalition. trump is not going to do that. the problem for let's say kelly a -- they were ronald reagan's democratics. they were the people that li elected bill clinton in 1992 and george w. bush in 2000. they will be there two, four, six, eight years from now. but at this point, can you give us a good historical precedent and, you know, you think nixon, 73 and 74 but even he had
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kissenger as politically isolated. you have donald trump with people afraid to speak truth to him. you have his son-in-law. he will run the entire campaign without any outside professional help. he is isolated. he does not take any advice. >> that's a great way to put it. part of the temperament of being president is having the capacity to actually listen and learn. you can reject the advice you get and a lot of them do. and you want to have a president that has a certain policy literacy. i think you're right. i think nixon is probably there. it's not even johnson late in
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vietnam because he had clifford who was pushing him in the right direction. so no, i can't think of someone who is seemingly isolated as that. people have been polling on temperament since about the kennedy years. >> right. >> and before pero got out and got back in he doubled the number of americans saying he had the temperament to be president. >> so joe, again, to the point joe was making, i don't understand why they would need donald trump can get to the people they need to get to who lies about people.
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>> he doesn't care about me. he doesn't care about you. he doesn't care about the republican party. he doesn't care chuck will be running the united states senate or nancy pelosi will be the speaker of the house. he went to hillary clinton's wedding. >> he is giving money to democratics. >> and the counter arguments is if you don't support trump hillary clinton will get elected. hillary clinton will get elected anyw anyway. >> republican based voters don't fully believe that. if you're trying to win over republican base voters, when you're on the campaign trail they talk about well, the debates he can come back. some times it's a difficult spot where you're not always making
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the moeral choice. you have a slim chance of survival. >> win or lose this political choice is so wrong. >> the bitter truth for these -- >> and they will pay. >> not only does donald trump not care whether they win or lose, people on trump's own staff are starting to say he is going to lose. he is going to blame us. >> because they don't know what they are doing. >> every trump staffer will tell you he never ever takes any of the blame himself. he always screams at staffers. that's what's starting to happen. >> people are getting kicked off. >> forget ron john, forget the republican senators across america, even trump's own staff is now to the fact that he is going to blame them for the stupid things he says and they will be out of luck after this
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election. >> he said something in the interview yesterday i thought was an interesting window when he was asked about the prospect of losing the race. he said i'll put my all into it. if i lose i go back to a very nice life. if you're a politician not afraid of losing that's not a bad place to be. >> and you talk about his isolati isolation. this is a candidate who isolated himself by choice. he doesn't really want advice from advisers. this is how he has been operating. it is total gut instinct. this is who trump is. trump takes his campaign to a sti a state that hasn't gone republicans since the fall of berlin wall. first let's go the forecast. >> he hasn't gotten a forecast right since 1980. >> i will break the streak
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today. it is a reality in louisiana, the rain is plaguing the area. this radar loop was three hours. this thunderstorm hasn't moved. this area of heavy rain to the north of baton rouge hasn't moved. interstate 55 is flooded. it's impassable. we expect another 10 inches in this area. doppler is estimating 20 inches of rain in a few spots. historic event going on in louisiana. the east in the east, first one in new york city in three years. heat index will be 0 10100. new york 106 and 107 and could get to 110 in washington d.c. over the weekend. a very hot dangerous weekend but right new all eyes on louisiana and historic flooding and water
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rescues underway. new york time square on a hot, sweaty friday morning. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. nexium 24 hour introduces new, easy-to-swallow tablets. so now, there are more ways, for more people... to experience... complete protection from frequent heartburn. nexium 24hr. the easy-to-swallow tablet is here.
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california's clean air laws we've cut toxic pollution. we're seeing fewing cases of asthma in kids. and the new clean energy economy has created more than half a million jobs. i'm tom steyer. just when we're making progress, the oil companies are trying to weaken our clean air laws. but we can stop them. send them a message. we're going to protect our kids - not their profits. ♪
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>> this is another view. the whole strategy is rouse the white working class especially blue states in new england and the mid-atlantic. it is -- >> and in another state they haven't won since 1988, maine. he is going up and campaigning in maine as well. >> and while he savored the endorsements of basketball coaches the head coach of the uconn basketball team was asked w whether it was bad for the support. he answered we live in the trumpian era where it's okay to be sexist and degrade people that are good just because they're the opposite sex. we are what we are. we are never going to apologize for setting a stan dand that
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other people aspire to achieve. you a chance to do something that will be earth shaking. i literally mean it, earth shaking. you have got to get your people out to vote especially where we are represented. is anybody here from utah? i didn't think so. we are having a problem. >> that will help in utah. >> as long as we are talking history, 1964 the last time a democratic won utah.
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coming up, the market indexes hit all time high. we talk about how hillary clinton and donald trump are trying to win over white working-class americans. we join the conversation ahead. isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. great show. here you go. now he's added a new routine. making depositing a check seem so effortless. easy to use chase technology, for whatever you're trying to master. isaac, are you ready? yeah. chase. so you can.
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i rel lishished of people g where they pleased. i paid attention only when you began to vote and shout and when you're voting and shouting, when the substance of it began to threaten me. >> that was an apology letter of sorts from inside the elite bubble of people they feel they have been left behind. it is by msnbc contributor, autumn and foj.d. advance. it is a memoir of a family and culture in crisis a lot of
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themes relate to why we have have seen. who were you talking to exactly? >> i was not talking to the people in the room. i was talking to the people who never get to sit at tables like this. we have been talking a lot about donald trump and i was admiring what you have been saying about the craziness of this moment and this mopotentially. there is so much -- there has to be unannounced pain and chaos to a country that feels drawn to it. when people deal hurt they often have felt hurt before. i wanted to someone who has been a good run.
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there are many people out there who have not bceen a good run. i don't think we listened in their pain graduate today anger. >> i don't think we are listening now. i think the people in the room have a problem with the potential of a trump candidacy. they did not think it was possible. now there is an overcorrection happening. again, we are talking to the people in the room. does that make sense? >> it absolutely does. i think there is an understanding of what's driving his support. >> and also not understanding the nomination. you know, you're not getting it. >> and you're not persuading
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where there's the possibility of persuasion. his campaign chairman is incapable of persuading him. there is tens of millions of people out there who seem to be supporting him. they are our fellow citizens and they are persuadpersuadable. they are good people. i have spent my life with them. i don't know anybody else like him but him. t let's bring them back! and the party back! and these are people you grew up around in kentucky. when we talk to them we go on the road, they resent being known as just angry. >> and some people call them uneducated. >> i think it drives the things that makes trump possible in the first place.
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the only thing going on here is they are racist or super angry. there is a legitimate economic pain that is driving a big part of trump's phenomenon. the biggest worry is we'll survive him but not deal with the problems in the first place. >> john, historic parallels? >> the 1930s, the farm crash in the 1920s, the early populism in the country back under the andrew jackson drives to power in the 1820s, 1830s, so it's almost a century turn here. what i would like to ask is -- i think partly because of the great work you all have done, i think we understand better why
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this happened. >> right. >> what do we do now about how to fix this? >> you know, i think if we pivot our attention from the candidate who is atatracting this to each other i think we need to listen to each other again. part of what i was trying to talk about is all of the thing is vaguely heard, the fact that trade was not working for people. it is something we heard murmured a lot. the fact that immigration scares people. i'm a son of immigrants. can i empathize with the fact that if your town was 95% all white that it's down to 60, can we empathize with that? yeah. did we do a good job of that? no. we need to hear each other's
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stories, adopt someone from the other side and say look, beneath your ideas what is the life story that gave rise to those ideas? we need a level of individual conversations, families, tv shows. we have a huge getting back together to accomplish. >> so what happens if donald trump is not elected president? that's a big if still. we have three months to go. you still have all of these people that you captured. some of it is anger. a lot of it is frustration with the way the country has been going. what happens to those people? does another vessel come along that is not donald trump and not only that but to broaden it out? >> yeah. i think the question is whether it is a good or bad vessel. i think it depends a lot of are we compassionate and understand what's going on in their lives? we'll have a better set of policies without coming along with the bad parts of trump.
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>> all right. thank you very much. your new ted talk will be out on tuesday. thank you. >> thank you. >> his new book you have to read, hillbilly elegy. it is out know. it is deeply personal as well. still ahead, when in doubt, blame the media. >> and why 2016 has changed the relationship between the press and presidential candidates forever.
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truth about hillary clinton. >> i can't. can you? i can't do it. up next, the unique challenge of being an objective journalist while covering donald trump. jim rootenburg joins us next. you can watch your favorite team no matter where you live. like broncos or colts. (cashier) cool. (peyton) ah...18. the old number. ooh. i have got a coupon for that one. (vo) get nfl sunday ticket - only on directv. and watch live games anywhere.
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[announcer] is it a force of nature? or a sales event? the summer of audi sales event is here. get up to a $5,000 bonus on select audi models. a farmer's what's in this kiester. a fire truck. even a marching band. and if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. for any sort of discomfort in yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it. i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message.
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michael hayden: if he governs consistent with some of the things he said as a candidate, i would be very frightened. gillian turner: he's been talking about the option of using a nuclear weapon against our western european allies. max boot: this is not somebody who should be handed the nuclear codes. charles krauthammer: you have to ask yourself, do i want a person of that temperament controlling the nuclear codes? and as of now, i'd have to say no. [bill o'reilly sighs] runstaying in a differentns hotel every so i use the rewards program to earn free nights. which i can use for my new friends here. thanks, captain obvious. you're welcome. roger that, sir. my name isn't roger. supported by
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interesting. jim is here. his latest piece explores how donald trump is testing the norms of objectivity. you would move closer than you have ever been to oppositional. that's uncomfortable and uncharted territory for every mainstream, nonupon journalist i've ever known and by normal standards unattenable. how are you doing with the questions? >> are you still in an untenable position? how are your colleagues feeling? >> i don't envy them.
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you had katy tur on earlier. they have to report on everything that a candidate who we have never seen before acts and says. >> and don't forget they are the story too. he makes them the story. >> he makes them the story in a way we have never seen. now are we goind of going over the line? >> what do you mean? >> when i did do straight political reporting and sarah palinso pal palin would say look at the press. trump calls names. >> what do you think the evolution has been in the way trump has been covered? i think to be truthful when he came down the escalator a lot of people thought it was a serious intersurprise. they thought we'll follow this for a few weeks and see where it goes. maybe he didn't get the tough
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questions early on because people weren't taking it seriously. now that he is the nominee or throughout the primary process the screws have started and turned in a way they weren't last year! right. he wasn't covered. let's give him a ton of air time. what is he going to say next but he is not going to be president. the data gurus were saying that this is not going to happen. i'm sure you heard from the other republican candidates, why aren't you scrubbing him the way you're scrubbing us? >>. >> people were convinced with a swath of voters who feel left out by the process. we have known him for ten years or more and we see how he connects with people. he can get a crowd of 200 people on the street any where unlike any candidate. you sort of saw this. i have to say, because we
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express how we feel along the way, i'm comfortable we felt a glut it could happen and when things seemed awrite we called it out every step of the way. you see this anger and people just bashing us for quote supporting just because we knew what would happen. does that make sense? you have a similar problem with covering hillary clinton. >> right. i think there was a collective feeling that all of television news was giving him too much say. so collectively it's why isn't he being pressed? why isn't he being questioned? as for your question about hillary clinton, and you spoke about this a little bit today too, when he takes up so much oxygen that she doesn't get looked at enough. but then if you think that then
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hillary clinton needs to be continually pressed and reported upon just as hard. i think you saw that happen this week. there was a new report about -- >> the foundation. >> yeah, the justice department's reaction to that. that was a real story. we are also talking about whether donald trump was making a menacing comment. this week was classic. >> can we say it was a menacing comment? are we supposed to say -- i mean as reporters are we supposed to characterize it or can we be honest? >> i thought it was good because it was where you all ended up reporting it. my question is, is there a -- we say media. >> yes. >> however the new york times, i suspect the answers to the questions are different for the new york times as opposed to
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network news and opposed to cable news. it depends to some extent what your mission is. >> in terms of -- >> in terms of reporting. >> right. what is your mission? if i were writing for the new york times i would think i could have pretty extraordinary freedom to characterize the way i heard it which is as a menacing comment. >> and the way the secret service heard it. >> right and there was way not to but when authorities are hearing it the same way luckily people didn't buckle under that pressure. not to say the media is perfect and a lot of criticism has been really warranted. our mission is what are these candidates going to be like in the oval office? it should be the laser-like focus. i know the product of my newspaper have been there 18 years. >> and donald trump has made one of the complaints that republicans have made for
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generations about the press which is if i had done things i would be crucified for it. they would bring back the electric chair doch? do you think one that he would use and he would say hillary clinton had the father of the shooter in the orlando since den -- incident. if i had been donald trump he would have been crucified for two days on tv. >> i don't know because there has been a lot of mark foley. i don't know if it would have been covered. maybe it would have been covered harder if there was a republican. the issue this time around is most of my sources i came with kind of cover tg bush campaign and they are not -- and who have traditionally yelled at me, they are not saying that this time. there is sort of the partisan --
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>> because he is a democrat. >> he is definitely not -- >> he confuses things. >> wow. >> and john kennedy cancelled a newspaper subscription because he didn't want to hear it. one of the reasons we got to waterga watergate was because of nixon's fury. >> thanks. we are back in a moment with more "morning joe." fact. there's an advil specially made for fast relief that goes to work in minutes.
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i think it may be the only way i get to heaven so i better do a good job. >> trump is speaking to a meeting of evangelical pastors. time to talk about what we learned today. first of all, it is emma an and lila's birthday today, alex's four-year-old twins. alex, you're in so much trouble. they have beautiful and adorable. congratulations. happy birthday, girls. we lost julia last week. we have madison and delia who have leaving.
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and will. the girls were perfect and will did not screw up. thank you. that does it for us. have a wonderful weekend everybody. i'm off to get some of that maine lobster. >> they caught a blue one yesterday. >> okay. stephanie picks up the coverage. i'm not going back to college. i'm right here with you for the next hour. i'm stephanie. we have a lot of news this morning. donald trump relentlessly pushed his controversial attack on president obama. >> i meant exactly that. he is the founder of isis. she the most valuable player. >> but you won't believe the 180 he pulled on it hours ago. and breaking overnight, air scare, a yet blue flight, nearly two dozen people injured. >> everybody started screaming and flew up in the
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