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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  August 23, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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conservative watchdog group about the clinton foundation during hillary clinton's team at the state department. the e-mails including exchanges involving bahrain's crown prince and musician bono. this has donald trump faces scrutiny and questions whether he's overcharging for rent on some of his properties after donations came into his campaign. and the heart of the storm. president obama now on his way to louisiana to meet with survivors and tour the damage from the worst natural disaster since hurricane sandy. plus, is it price gouging of a life-saving prescription? why the cost of the epipen used to treat potentially deadly allergic reactions has skyrocketed from $100 to more than $500. and there's a lot of outrage about this story. good morning, everyone. i'm tamron hall, coming to you live from our msnbc headquarters in new york. let's get right to the new information on e-mails involving
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the clinton foundation. a "washington post" report details how newly released e-mails reveal how donors to the clinton foundation got access to then secretary of state clinton and her close aides at the state department. among the 725 pages of e-mails released late yesterday, as part of the lawsuit by the conservative activist group, judicial watch, are exchanges that show huma abedin setting up a meeting in 2009 for the crown prince of bahrain who reporting to the post gave more than $50,000 to the charity. the crown prince also established a scholarship back in 2005, that scholarship valued at $32 million over a period of four years. u2 rocker and philanthropist, bono, who has been a regular at clinton events, also wanted a live link to the international space station during concerts.
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clinton aides, however, said they had no clue how to help him. the washington post points out the e-mails show in these and similar cases the donors did not always get what they wanted, particularly when they saw it anything more than a meeting. clinton's campaign is dismissing the e-mail release as, quote, false attacks from a right wing organization. added, no matter how this group tries to miscategorize these documents, the fact remains that hillary clinton never took action as secretary of state, because of nations to the clinton foundation. donald trump, now trailing clinton by eight points nationally in our new nbc news survey, monkey poll, is, of course, pouncing on this new series of leaked e-mails. >> the amounts involved, the favors done, and the significant number of times it was done, require an expedited investigation by a special prosecutor, immediately,
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immediately, immediately. >> now, there will be more e-mails to pore over. a federal judge ordering the state department to release 15,000 more e-mails by late september. those e-mails discovered by the fbi during its investigation. clinton brushed off this latest dust-up when she appeared on "jimmy kimmel live." >> jimmy, my e-mails are so boring. >> yeah. >> i mean -- i'm embarrassed about that. they're so boring. and so we've already released, i don't know, 30,000-plus. so what's a few more? msnbc's kasie hunt covering the clinton campaign for us this morning. she joins us from las vegas, where hillary clinton will be holding a fund-raiser today. kasie, i know you recall early on some people criticized hillary clinton for not taking the e-mail server question seriously. we know this has gone through congressional committee, investigation after investigation. but we know that some of these e-mails and the information could come out as late as october. and present more problems for her. >> that's right, tamron.
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it's the story that just won't go away. although there are two pieces to it. of course, we have the fbi investigation e-mails that have come out of that, and then this, of course, is judicial watch, that right wing organization that sued the state department for more of this information. and you walked through a little bit of what we're looking at now. but i want to take you through a couple of these e-mails. the first one from the crown prince of bahrain. and this is an e-mail that comes not to hillary clinton herself, but between two top aides that are almost mirror-like. doug band, with the clinton foundation, close to president clinton, and huma abedin, who travels with secretary clinton, a close aide for many, many years. and the request is that from doug band, noting the crown prince of bahrain is in town tomorrow. and that he's a good friend of ours. you can see that there on your screen. there's a little bit of back and forth, noting that they did make the ask through official channels. eventually, though, the meeting
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is agreed to, huma abedin tells doug band they're offering the crown penguins ten minutes tomorrow for a meeting and they have reached out through official charges. we should note the clinton campaign has, you know, pushed back on this idea that time was ever granted, explicitly to anyone who was a donor to the clinton foundation. the crown prince, his scholarship fund, gave up to $32 million to the clinton global initiative. so that's why this is viewed as an issue. of course, this didn't extend just to officials who were potentially in the realm of clinton's official day job as secretary of state. of course, the crown prince of bahrain would fall into that category. huma abedin and hillary clinton herself for the ceo or a tycoon of slim fast, dany abraham, who gave between 5 and $10 million to the clinton foundation. and these e-mails go back and
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forth, essentially from huma saying, hey, he called this morning, he's in d.c., wants to see you. and this gets a pretty quick response from hillary clinton herself. who says, "yes, of course. they want to fit it in." the other question request you mentioned from bono, they didn't seem to know what to do with him. if your request is outrageous as please let me broadcast from the international space station, no dice. >> and donald trump, the amount of favors involved -- or favors done. in the e-mails that have been released this latest group that we have been able to pore over. is there any indication of a specific favor beyond a meeting? >> at this point, no. tamron, there is not. that's what the clinton campaign is pointing to. in fact, the opposite, basically, is shown. and, of course, the issue here, and part of why this is such a problem for the clinton campaign right, is that this started about something else entirely, benghazi, that probe. you never know what might actually come out, this could
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end up being their october surprise. thank you very much, kasie. and the trump campaign is also facing scrutiny this morning after cancelling a speech on immigration. a speech that was planned for this thursday in colorado. speculation swirls about where exactly trump stands when it comes to immigration policy, and whether he is really softening his stance on deporting the nation's 11 million undocumented immigrants. trump's new campaign manager, explained the reason he cancelled that immigration speech while on fox just this morning. >> you know, we inherited had schedule and although i think it's a great idea to have that speech and put forget a full plan, immigration is a complex issue and mr. trump has been taking counsel from many people. he obviously has some strong feelings and policy prescriptions with respect to immigration. but he is speaking to people to understand how to execute on those ideas. >> trump himself fueled new speculation about his immigration plan, indicating last night he would separate the nation's undocumented immigrants
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into two groups. >> we're going to get rid of the bad ones, bad ones are going to be out of here fast. and you know there are plenty of bad ones, gang members, gang leaders. as far as the rest, we're going to go through the process like they are now, perhaps with more energy and we're going to do it only through the system of laws. >> okay. good. now -- >> that are in existence. >> so nbc's hallie jackson is covering the latest from austin, where donald trump is expected to hold a rally tonight. hallie, many people on both sides of the aisle saying this plan or this brief description of it, anyway, is exactly what's in place today. to -- for donald trump, the two groups of people he would review, those who are breaking the law in other ways, you know, felons or what not and people in the country illegally, which is not a felony. >> reporter: and donald trump kind of acknowledged that, tamron, in a little bit more of the extended clip from that interview last night in which he
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said that he would enforce the existing laws, obey the existing laws. but in trump's view, you would simply do it better under a potential donald trump administration. the question remains, though of and how he deports the undocumented immigrants living here illegally. that is a question that began to be raised over the weekend, as we saw, from those comments from his new campaign manager and a question trump has not put to rest other than the immigration policy up on his website. there has been a stated immigration policy of his for months now. obviously, this topic a real cornerstone of his campaign. when you talk about why he's here in texas, talking about this, why he's visiting texas at all, i'll tell you this. in just the last hour, really the last couple minutes, his campaign did something unusual. they sent out a blast to their press list, talking about trump's schedule and why he is in the places he is in. so the reasoning, according to the campaign of why he's spending so much time in texas is to talk about border security. you know he always talks about building that wall at his rallies, as he says. and additionally to, continue to push the call for a special
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prosecutor, as you and kasie talked about moments ago, an independent investigation. there are some critics who might posit the following, that trump could talk about border security in states that maybe are more at risk for republicans, a state perhaps like arizona, which there is speculation in play. and that the call for an independent investigation and his continued attacks against hillary clinton and accusations he's been making could be done in any swing state, any state more at risk of going blue than texas, which is not known for being -- tamron, as you know, a battle ground. >> correct indeed on that. thank you very much, hallie. let me bring in former vermont governor and howard dean and senior adviser to president george w. bush and robert train. and robert, let me start with you. you have the new campaign manager for team trump saying that his schedule needed changing, that a new team is in place. and that's why they have delayed this immigration speech. but we still have no clearty on the few himself's donald trump
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is choosing to make on television of where he stands here. he's going to break people up into two groups, as you well know, that's exactly what is happening now. >> you're exactly right. kellyanne conway is a professional, a pro. and i believe her when she says they have inherited this speech. that's a wonderful opportunity to pivot to something positive about immigration. and mr. trump still has not given any clarity, any specificity on what he means by these two groups, what i means by rounding people up, what he means by the bad guys versus good guys. let's stop and think. let's say there is someone here undocumented, they are abiding by the law, and let's say they work at a hotel. let's say they work at trump hotels. they're abiding by the law. how are you going to round them up humanely. there is a lot of specificity here that mr. trump has yet to address and let alone about the wall. so, you know, once again, we're scratching our heads here, saying, okay, you're running for president, there is 75 days left or whatever it is, left in the
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campaign here. talk to us about specificity, about what you're going to do exactly, and let's think about voting for you, but we need more details. >> robert, think progress here. and we know that this is a progressive site. it says here, regarding donald trump's new immigration plan, the headline says, "sounds familiar." that's because obama is already enforcing it. it says this policy mirrors what obama is already doing in november tw 2014, the obama announced a tiered approach to the program which reportedly focuses on the removal of convicted criminals, rather than deporting people. the bottom line, robert, donald trump, if he says he has changed his plan, turns off the very passionate people who may show up in texas and other places for him. he's got himself in a situation where pivoting at this point, this late, may cost him his base, so what does the republican party do again with this problem at the top of your ticket? >> well, i think you're seeing it unfold. i think a lot of republicans are saying, know what, the national
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ticket is what it is. there is nothing that we can do here. when you take a look at georgia, ohio, florida, and some of the other states, we may lose that -- those states at the top of the ticket. let's focus on the down ballots, let's focus on the senate, the gubernatorial races here. let's hold our losses here and control the bleeding and focus on winnable races around the country. i think you have a lot of national republicans, including a lot of folks behind the scenes in washington, that are saying enough is enough with the shenanigans at the national ticket. let's focus on the real power here and make sure we control the house and may want the senate. >> governor dean, you know, donald trump was criticized the last couple weeks for not focusing in on these so-called openings from hillary clinton's e-mail server and answer she gave with chris wallace. now he has what rchepublicans s as an opening with this call for a special prosecutor. he's in texas not discussing his immigration plan, talking about this special prosecutor. this may be his drumbeat for the next 07-plus days here. what does the clinton campaign need to do here? >> keep doing what they're
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doing. look, i'm on the advisory board for the points of light foundation, george h.w. bush's foundation. that foundation was in place when george w. bush was president. it never occurred to me that any meeting that george w. bush may have had, had any benefit -- the foundation -- points of light foundation is a great thing. so is the clinton foundation. this is a ridiculous notion. there is not a politician anywhere in america who hasn't met with people who are big donors. danny abraham, a big donor, not just to the clinton foundation but to democratic causes for years. the question is what was actually done for them other than a meeting and the answer is nothing. >> you have not seen hillary clinton -- doesn't know what some of the e-mails are. >> we have seen 30,000 e-mails so far and not one damn thing has been found in any of them. >> well, i'm not going to swear. and please don't with me.
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but i'm going to tell you this. >> only using what bernie sanders said. >> yeah, i get it. but the point is that you've got 14,000 more that are being pored over right now. >> right. >> no one can say with certainty what's in those e-mails, is my point. do you agree with that? >> we have seen nothing in 30,000 of them. i doubt we're going to see anything of substance in the next 14,000. this is all the republicans have. they have wasted $7 million of the taxpayers' money. they're going to waste a lot more in the next 77 days. and this is not going to be an issue, except for people who don't like hillary clinton. >> governor d. dean, joining me -- "td" standing for the swer word i won't say. >> i thought this was cable! you can say things like this. >> no, come on. haven't you seen the ad that hillary clinton is running against donald trump? our children are watching. thank you. >> yeah, but he said a lot worse than that. >> you are right about that. governor dean, thank you very much. robert traynham, appreciate it.
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coming up you, new questions into how donald trump is spending campaign donations. a new report says trump jacked up the rent on his own campaign. charging it four times more for using trump tower once he began accepting donor contributions. up next, i'll talk to the writer behind the report. also ahead -- >> they should have been trained to realize, you know, this is entirely different situation. you pull someone over, they're handicapped. >> outrage and questions into why a north carolina trooper shot and killed an unarmed driver who was deaf. the latest on the heart breaking case, and what that man's family is saying this morning. we'll be right back. your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress. who hugs a friend. who is done with treatments that don't give you clearer skin. be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer.
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and protect our clean air laws. don't let the oil companies put their profits... ...ahead of our kids. a new report raising more questions this morning about how donald trump is spending donors'
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campaign contributions. according to the huffington most, the monthly rent to lease space for headquarters in trump tower soared, quoting the word they used there, in july after trump's campaign began accepting donor contributions. papers filed with the federal election commission show payments to donald trump's company went from 35 -- $35,000 in march to more than $169,000 in july. the campaign had been paying the lower figure since last summer, the increase comes despite the campaign paying fewer staff members than it did in march. one prominent rnc member quoted saying, if i was a donor, i would want answers. joining me now, "huffington post" senior correspondent, sv dade joining us. march, $35,000, a little over that. may, $72,000-plus.
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june, can we put those up, $110,000-plus. july, $169,000-plus. for rent at trump tower for the headquarters. what's the explanation from the campaign? >> well, the campaign explained today, after i asked them yesterday, but they finally got back to me this morning after the story ran, well, we moved into bigger space. we had a nicer digs, as far as i'm led to believe here. that's fine, but they have fewer employees. presumably, they intend to hire more, but we haven't seen that happen so far so the question is, if you got by with a smaller space for way less rent, in march, when you were spending your own money, why now do you need much bigger room for five times as much money when you're spending mainly donor money? >> especially when on the campaign, sv, you and i have heard and all of those watching, donald trump has boasted about how efficient his campaign is being run, that he doesn't have to spend as much money as other
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campaigns, including in the primaries and now to get out his message or be effective. that he is the cost-saver here. >> >> right. in fact, if you look back at photos that came out back last summer, last fall, of his campaign space, it was -- it was clearly a room in trump tower that could not be rented out to anybody. it was unfinished, there is no ceilings, the -- there was drywall partitions, not something they could get any money for so basically let his campaign operate out of there. >> the golf course restaurants paid $260,000 in may. the day of the fund-raising deal, trump international golf course paid $29,000, the golf course in florida, $35,000. trump restaurants paid $125,000, all according to fec records. the donor backlash from this has been what? >> well, we'll wait and see this. this story hit this morning, and a lot of the donors were under the impression that this is a
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guy who doesn't spend -- doesn't waste a lot of money. we'll see if they're still eager to open up the wall and write that check once they see how the money is being spent. >> sv dade, thank you for joining us for the reporting on the "huffington post" this morning. coming up, the price of the muc much-need much-needed epipen skyrocketing. went from $100 to more than $500. we'll be right back.
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80% of recurrent ischemic, strokes could be prevented. and i'm doing all i can to help prevent another one. a bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. it appears it's happened again. outrage nationwide after a pharmaceutical company dramatically hikes up the price of a life-saving drug. the price of the enme pen, an ininjection price for people with deadly allergies has exploded since 2008 when it was about $100 for a two-pack. now some families stocking up for school are paying as much as
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$500, and in some cases even more. that is an increase of more than 400%. millions of patients who suffer from severe allergies rely on the epipen which delivers a shot to reduce symptoms of severe allergic reactions like swelling and closing up airways. now the senate judiciary committee is demanding a hearing, sending a letter yesterday to the drug manufacturing. with me is amy klobuchar of minnesota, top democrat on the judiciary committee, asking the ftc investigate whether milan violated antitrust laws. senator, thank you so much for your time. >> thank you, tamron. thank you for calling attention to this. for so many families, including my own -- my daughter has severe nut allergies, this is shocking. you know, we went from 2009 where it was $100 for two of these epipens in a pack to 5 to
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$600 now. with no change in research, no change in the product, and it is nothing but just gouging consumers because of a mono plea situation fell in this country's lap. >> the statement regarding the price hike says, basically the prices have changed over time to better reflect important product features and the value the product provides. and that we have made significant investments to support the device over the past years. also says more people are buying higher deductible health plans. is that any any way a acceptable explanation for you? >> i don't think it is from a parent standpoint. you know, i still remember the moment my daughter ate a cashew and this happened. and we had no idea what was going on, rushed her to the hospital, every parent knows what i'm talking about that has a kid with an allergy. and this product is basically a prevention product. it's -- you have it in your purse. it's there with you. you use it when you need to. and while they have made some developments to it here and there, the point is, it's not
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developments worth going up from 100 it is to $600 to a 400% to 500% product increase. there is no way that can be justified for the uses that this product is -- i can't believe it. here's your evidence. in canada, it's hundreds of dollars less. i have many, many people who have written into my facebook page about getting this same prop product online in other countries at a significant discount, $100, $200. this makes no sense at all that americans -- americans, where the company is located, has to pay so much more. >> and people should factor this in. mylan's chief competitor recalled its version of the epipen back in october, which is -- has given a near monopoly to this company, and may obviously -- and there is no drug equivalent, and may actually be the numbers game and why people are paying more here. so what is next, and i want to bring up one thing, martin
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shkreli raised the price from the malaria drug from $13 to $750. of all people, he said on his twitter, these guys are really vultures, what drives this company's moral compass. this is a guy, again, whose moral compass was going in circles when he raised the price to $750 for a drug. what happens at this point beyond outrage on facebook and even with some friends i was with just yesterday? >> right. action has to happen. first of all, the company should simply reduce its price, and this has happened before, because of public pressure. secondly, we have to have hearings on the judiciary committee to get to the bottom of this. we have time in the fall, we should get this done. and the third is i've asked the ftc to look at some systemic changes. i have a number of bills out there, senator mccain and i. i have a bill to bring in competitive products from canada, where it's selling for 100 dps less. senator grassley and i have a bill to stop this practice of pay for delay, where the
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companies co lewd together and say don't put your product on the market, we'll give you so much money to keep it off the market. outrageous. we also have a bill to have negotiation under medicare part d and finally four senators introduced to make it easier to get generics on the market. time and time again, we have been stymied to pass bills because of the power of phrma. >> senator klobuchar, you certainly are a part of a growing group of people not just lawmakers who are sickened by the details of this, and are very concerned, not just for children who use these pens, but adults, as well, we should point out, who need this pen and potentially life threatening situatio situations. thank you so much. appreciate you being on. >> thank you, tamron. now, president obama traveling to louisiana to assess the state's historic and deadly flooding, a trip he has been criticized for not making sooner. we'll take you to louisiana, where the president is now on his way. a live report is next. you work at ge?
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developing now, president obama is on his way to louisiana. this hour to survey flood damage to the baton rouge area. he's expected to touch down in about a half hour from now. and his trip, of course, has been criticized by some, saying he should have gone there sooner, instead of taking the complete family vacation in martha's vineyard. meanwhile, the cleanup continues from what the red cross calls the country's worst natural disaster since hurricane sandy. 60,000 homes were damaged, or destroyed. nearly 3,000 people remain in temporary shelters this very morning. and hard-hit east baton rouge parish, public schools will not reopen for another two weeks. nbc's tammy leitner in baton rouge for us with the very latest. we see all of the damage there behind you. what's the latest on at least trying to put things back to normal so the kids can eventually get back to school there? >> reporter: there's not going to be any back to normal any time soon. i can tell you that. at least not in this neighborhood. let me give you an idea of the scope of the damage here.
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i'm just under 5'8", and you can see the furniture, the belongings from this house just about come up to my head. this is their memories, a lifetime they spent collecting them and they're all gone out here with the trash, waiting to be picked up. this is how much water this neighborhood got. if you take a look back there, you can see the bottom of the roof -- i'm told the water was all the way up to the roof line and so 10 feet of water, you can imagine what that does. we got a chance earlier today to go inside this house with an inspector for fema. we have some video of that and he told me, he's only able to inspect about ten houses a day, because it's such a laborious job, because these houses are so damaged. what he's doing is, going through and verifying whether the person actually lives there, how damaged the house is, if they can stay there or not. and that all comes down to emergency housing. these people need emergency housing, and that's what these inspectors are out here doing. tamron, i spoke with one woman a
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while ago and she told me she is paying out of pocket night to night at hotels, because the money hasn't come through from fema, and she doesn't know where she's going to sleep the next night if the money doesn't come. tamron? >> thank you very much. let me bring now on the phone, u.s. congressman, garrett graves, the republican representing louisiana's sixth district, including baton rouge. he has urged for more federal assistance for those affected. congressman, thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. i appreciate you all bringing attention to what's going on down here. >> absolutely. let's just talk about -- i know that it's always very delicate and difficult when you start discussing politics involved in this. but i know you're a fiscal conservative, you were not in congress in 2012 when three members of congress from louisiana, including the current whip, steve scalise, voted against $50 for superstorm sandy. the others were bill cassidy and the others in the senate, john
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fleming, who voted against helping those folks in the new jersey area and new york affected by superstorm sandy. i'll not saying this is a tit for tat situation, but when you have republicans from your own state who didn't step up for the people in new jersey, do you have criticism for both sides in perhaps criticizing president obama and some democrats, but within your own party when other americans have needed assistance? >> look, there are situations where disasters absolutely overwhelm the regular recovery or disaster response framework. in hurricane sandy, absolutely was one of those instances. and while i am a fiscal conservative and not going to apologize for that, i'll say again, there are situations where the existing system is overwhelmed, sandy one of those. i can't speak to the vote those folks made. i'm not aware of exactly what was in that package and if there were things in there that were superfluo superfluous or not. in situations like that, i think you have an obligation as a
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nation to step in and provide assistance, because the reality is, if you don't, many of these people, as you just saw, have lost everything. they have lost their cars, they have lost their homes, their clothes, everything. and if you're going to get them back on their feet, and they're not going to become subject to federal poverty programs, there is going to need to be some type of assistance. >> right, and going back to some of those who criticize president obama for not visiting sooner, the expire louisiana delegation, including congressman scalise, who i just mentioned, signed a letter to president obama last week asking for disaster declaration. obama issued that declaration the very day. fema has approved more than $56 million since president obama issued a major disaster declaration for louisiana, august 14th. most of that money, $39 million, allocated for temporary rental assistance. which is -- i don't want to say which is more important, you know, someone coming back from their vacation, ending their vacation, i'm sure it's
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important to the people suffering right now. but here you have two actions immediately taken by president obama to assist the people in that state. does that mean anything to you? >> oh, look. certainly any efforts and fema has got some good folks down here working on a daily basis. so any assistance is appreciated. but as was just covered a few minutes ago, you have folks that are simply without a home that don't have any assistance whatsoever right now. as i understand, some of the funds have been approved. but they have not been put in the hands of individuals. look, i don't think now is the time to sit around and start to throw rocks at one another. now is the time to focus on getting the recovery right. i think one of the challenges many of the people here had is they were chest-deep in water, and the president was playing golf, and so i think that that was a little hard for folks to digest. look, bottom line is, president is coming here today. i think it's good, be i think he's going to bring national attention to it. this is really difficult to understand, unless you are down here to see how pervasive the
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devastation is. and i think it's going to make the president more equipped to help us put the light recovery package together. >> thank you so much for your time. we greatly appreciate it. the thoughts and prayers are with the people in that area, baton rouge and on. thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. coming up, an investigation is under way into why a north carolina trooper shot and killed a deaf driver after a traffic stop turned into a chase. the question now, did the officer mistake sign language for a threat of violence? ♪ one day a rider made a decision. the decision to ride on and save money. he decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. there's no shame in saving money. ride on, ride proud. geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides.
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with the people in that area, for a threat of violence? with the people in that area, for a threat of violence?
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at clorox 2 we've turned removing stains into a science. now pre-treat with clorox 2! watch stains disappear right before your eyes. remove 4 times more stains than detergent alone. they automatically shrinkn itemthe pricesjet carts, of millions of other products. very impressive. whew... it's got a little kick to it. at, we're always looking for money saving innovations. the family of a deaf man shot and killed by state police in north carolina is demanding answers and calling for change this morning. a memorial service will be held tonight for 28-year-old daniel harris, who was killed last thursday in what highway officials call an encounter after a state trooper tried to pull him over for speeding. now his family is calling for more training for officers who
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confront people who may in some cases actually be deaf. and while many questions remain about the circumstances that led to the shooting, here's what we know now. >> reporter: a community in mourning. family and friends gathering monday night to remember daniel harris. his young son lighting a candle for his father, now gone from his life forever. harris, who was deaf, was fatally shot by a state trooper last thursday night, after allegedly failing to pull over for speeding, leading police on a brief pursuit that ended just outside his home. harris' brother, sam, who is also deaf, remembered his sibling. >> a handsome man. he had a beautiful smile. he was easy to smile to. great sense of humor, sociable. >> reporter: the highway patrol said, in part, the driver exited his vehicle and an encounter took place between the driver and the trooper, causing a shot to be fired. >> when the gunshot went off, it really just was scary.
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>> reporter: mark ber ringer is harris' neighbor and witnessed the shooting. >> they have should have been trained to realize, you know, this is entirely different situation. you're pulling someone over that's deaf, they're handicapped. >> reporter: daniel's brother says he's experienced similar situations. >> i pulled over, and within a few seconds, the officer is at my window with his weapon drawn and in my face. and it's like, i motioneded to him, i'm deaf, i'm deaf. >> reporter: in a statement to nbc news, the national asaying of the deaf says in part, deaf individuals are often unable to understand the verbal commands of law enforcement officers, and this has led to many physical altercations between law enforcement officers and deaf individuals over the years. with some resulting in death. a crowd funding site has been set up for a memorial, and according to one post, any additional funding will go toward educating and training law enforcement in dealing with the deaf. the officer involved has been placed on administrative leave, which is department protocol.
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msnbc chief correspondent ari melber joins us now. and ari, you see the family there. the reality is, officers find themselves in this situation, where they perhaps cannot communicate. you would think there would be some kind of -- something in place that would protect both sides here. >> i think this is another area where the increased attention on policing has revealed so many problems, and we say that, even though we know, as i often mention, that the vast majority of police officers don't discharge their weapon, let alone wrongly. and yet as your reporting shows, there is a problem here. it's a common sense problem, you don't need to be a policing expert to see how this would happen. and many localities do it different. some have training around disability, some don't. our legal unit took a look at this earlier this year and found that a third to half of all police-involved fatalities in the prior year involved people with disabilities. now that doesn't mean they were all unlawful for criminal. but it certainly suggests a
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problem that has not been solved yet about how we train and prepare officers for situations that look one way, right, a person who could hear, who is completely ignoring you and quote, unquote, resisting arrest looks very different as soon as you understand the person didn't hear the siren or didn't hear your command. >> training, obviously, often involves time, money, budgeting for this. but this seems very important. i mean, we don't live in isolated bubbles where people are -- with disabilities are held off. this man was driving, he was near his home. he's a father. his brother is also deaf. they don't represent just a few in our society. >> no. and exactly. and what we see, i think, is compounding. one, there is specified training for this issue. and two, how does this overlap with problems we have seen in other contexts, where why should an unarmed person, even if they're resisting arrest, even if they commit a crime, why should that situation escalate? i can also tell you as our reporting shows in other countries, we don't see that
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same escalation. is there is a resort to the use of force, including potentially deadly force in scenarios where you say, did this person pose what the supreme court has required, an imminent, serious threat of bodily harm or death. if the officer doesn't feel that, then even if this person seems -- say you don't know what their so-called situation is, or what someone called disability, right? you still have to give them a wide berth. not every traffic stop of an unarmed individual should result in death. and i say that while also saying that this investigation has not concluded. we don't know everything yet. >> ari melber, thank you so much. greatly appreciate it. coming up, it's been a week since trump's reboot, and the campaign is trying to make the race a referendum on hillary clinton. to help boost poll numbers for donald trump. our nbc senior political editor, mark murray, takes a look at the one week effort to distract from some of the things, some of the problems within donald trump's campaign. will it work? we'll be right back. when it comes to healthcare, seconds can mean the difference
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we have some breaking news to report out of florida where officials are reporting five new non-travel cases of the zika virus. one of the cases is in pinellas county, that is by the way, almost 300 miles from miami's winwood neighborhood where four other new cases have been reported this morning. and where officials say is the epicenter of florida's outbreak. cases have also now been reported in miami beach. we'll keep you up to date on the latest breaking news. and we're back with the daily briefing. the day's most important political stories. brian fallon turned the tables on donald trump and called for a special prosecutor investigating into the clinton foundation, and it's tied to hillary clinton's state department. here's what brian fallon told kristen welker. >> this is an absurd call by donald trump. it's an act of desperation given the turmoil we've seen from his
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campaign in recent weeks. you have not seen donald trump say is a single thing about how he's going to guard against the real conflicts of interest that are raised by his business dealings. we needs to say, is he going to divest his holdings. he has hundreds of millions that he owes to goldman sachs, state-run bank of china, both of whom he has stand up to president. he needs to explain to the american public how he's going to ensure that his decisions as president are not simply based on his own personal bottom line. the foundation answered those questions and donald trump has not. >> joining me now, senior political editor, mark murray. let's dive in what brian fallon said. we've talked and it's been reported some of the loans that donald trump receive, some of his ties to foreign countries, his company and how it would be run, those questions still linger out there, but clearly, his new team believes that the call for special prosecutor to investigate the clinton foundation is the way they will answer all of the questions about trump's background. >> yeah, as you've seen from the clinton campaign, whenever they
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ended up getting hit attacks from well there are a conflict of interest with the clinton foundation. the clinton campaign will say look at all of these conflict of interests that donald trump has with overseas business partners, but tamron, you look at donald trump's call for a special prosecutor regarding the clinton foundation. something that's not going to happen with an obama justice department. seeing this as an ability for the trump campaign to really turn the tables on clinton and make her the center of their atalks. >> but will it change any minds? listen, on one side, he can say a special prosecutor, blah, blah, blah, the other side, where's your taxes? this can go back and forth on both sides. the question is will anyone's mind be changed until the next 70-plus days we're looking at here. he's preaching to his choir that wants him to attack hillary clinton this way. is he going to make those comfortable uncomfortable with his temperament? >> tamron, you're right that this might not change any minds. this is a transformation in the trump campaign.
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you remember after the democratic convention, donald trump was picking fights with house speaker paul ryan, he was picking fights with john mccain saying that he night not back them in their primary elections. and so the fact that he's going after democrat hillary clinton is not fellow republicans, i think this is a change that we've seen over the last two or three weeks. >> you have clearly not seen his twitter feed in the last 48 hours, mark, come on, he's still picking fights with different people. >> he is, but in these teleprompter type of speeches, tamron, there has been more of a focus on her thart previously. >> we'll see if that continues in texas today. we'll be right back. the right things working together
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under hillary clinton, and allegations of pay to play. >> the amounts involved, the favors done, and the significant number of times it was done require an expedited investigation by a special prosecutor, immediately, immediately, immediately. >> october surprise, 15,000 more clinton e-mails likely to come out just before the election. even as hillary clinton tries to laugh it off on jimmy kimmel live. >> have you considered using facetime instead of e-mail? >> um, actually, actually, i think that's really good advice. and auditing trump. clinton supporters striking back by focussing on donald trump's bottom line. >> donald trump has zero credibility talking about any of the


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