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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  August 25, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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and even from marco rubio's immigration plan. signalling that he'll support a path for legal status for undocumented immigrants. how will his core supporters correct name. and hillary clinton goes on offense after trump calls her, a quote, bigot. he is focusing on the alt-white or nationalist groups trump accused of courting. also, for the second time this summer, leslie jones attacked, hosting alleged nude photos of her, personal information, and racial slurs on her personal website. the fbi is reportedly now involved. good morning, everyone, i'm tamron hall coming to you live from our msnbc headquarters in new york. pictures coming in from the meeting donald trump is holding right now at trump tower with a group of american and hispanic fellows from the republican leadership institute. again, this is happening at trump tower in new york.
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you see ben carson sitting aside trump. this is part of what the trump campaign says is a new strategy to pursue minority voters. also at that meeting, former gop rival, now supporter, ben carson, steve bannon, also there. trump campaign managers, kellyanne conway, too. today's meeting after donald trump's stung reversal on the issue central to his candidacy, his vow to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants in a town hall that aired last night, trump talked about a process that would allow undocumented immigrants to remain and even poll the audience on what they think of the idea. >> they'll pay back taxes. they have to pay taxes. there's no amnesty, as such.
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there is no amnesty. but we work -- i've had very strong people come up to me, really great, great people come up to me. and they have said, mr. trump, i love you. but to take a person that's been here for 15 or 20 years and throw them and the family out, it's so tough, mr. trump. who wants to -- by the way, no amnesty. no citizenship, et cetera. who doesn't want them thrown out? who does not want them thrown out? [ cheers and applause ] >> stand up. >> the plan trump floated is almost identical to those of his former republican presidential rivals, marco rubio and jeb bush. you may recall during the debates, trump took special aim at jeb bush over immigration. >> the weakest person on this stage, by far, on illegal immigration is jeb bush. they come out of an act of love. whether you like it or not.
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he is so weak. on illegal immigration, it's laughable. >> trump's flip-flop ignited a firestorm of conservative criticism, including from one of his strongest supporters, ann coulter, whose new book is entitled "in trump we trust," colter tweeted sarcastically, it's not amnesty, it's comprehensive immigration reform. conservative radio host, mark levin tweeted out, trump just adopted jeb bush's gang of eight position. charlie spice agreed, tweeting, with a path to legalization, looks like trump finally red jeb bush's book. this equals his plan. and by the way, another one, ohio governor, john kasich, john weaver, wrote, who needs a policy shop when they can just flip and take john kasich's position? nbc's katy tur joins us live now from trump tower where that meeting with minority leaders is happening right now. so you have trump in that meeting outside of the meeting, his conservative followers, at least some of them, who have
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twitter accounts, have expressed unhappiness with him this morning. what is the campaign saying here? >> reporter: the campaign doesn't believe this is a flip-flop, believed that donald trump has always said he would be following the laws of this country and enforcing those laws of this country. he would only do it with more energy. we should also say that the plan does bear out some similarities to what is currently on the books. bro president obama's black, as well so not just other republicans. the campaign very steadfastly saying this is no different from anything he has been saying all along. tamron, i can tell you, i can't remember another time in presidential politics where a major nominee literally polls the crowd and uses an applause meter to decide what policy should be when it comes to the deportation of 11 million undocumented workers. the campaign meeting with hispanic and black leaders today, trying to help outreach, help effectively work with those communities in order to get more votes from those communities.
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so far, it's not going over so well within these communities. donald trump is claiming that his polls among hispanics and blacks have gone way up. but frankly, there is no evidence that bears that out. the polling now is currently pretty low, 538 says he's the lowest rated among african-americans than any other presidential candidate since 1948, except for barry goldwater, who didn't support the 1964 civil rights act and except for john mccain, running against the first african-american president, president obama. so the trump campaign is facing a steep hill, but trying to make in roads wherever they can. >> but they're also making claims that are just factually not true. let's start with what you said regarding the polling. he believes he can make in roads and he can could do well or doing well in some polls. as you pointed out in your reporting, katy, not doing well in the pollings with blacks and hispanics. going back to the assertion this is not a flip-flop, we have, you
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know, donald trump on tape, both in the debates, on "morning joe," as well talking about a deportation task force, saying it doesn't matter if you're a dreamer, et cetera, et cetera, if you're been here 15 or 20 years, it didn't matter. that you needed to be deported and then follow the process of coming back in. so they may say it's not a flip-flop, they may also say their polls are great with blacks and hispanics. but there are facts to contend with here. >> reporter: and that's the thing about this campaign. they have always been going up against the facts. frankly, many times going up against what donald trump has said in the past. and this is just a perfect example of it. i've spoken to donald trump supporters, though, at rallies who tell me they don't mind if he changes his policy plan, that's generally what we have seen throughout this campaign cycle. they trust donald trump enough to where they don't care if he changes what he has said. they believe he's going to be a good leader, regardless of the specifics he puts out during this campaign. but i will be curious to see how much sway somebody like ann coulter or mark levin or
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potentially rush limbaugh, compensating on what he says today regarding this matter, if they have have sway over republican voters. remember, donald trump doesn't just need to maintain his base, he's got to try and expand his base. and this is what he is doing with this moderation. but is he going to expand his base and risk losing the people that have been hard-core for him since the start? >> well, ann coulter can't be happy if this is the basis of her book and he changes his tune, and her book is just hitting the -- >> reporter: her publisher, too. >> she would -- not be happy. also thank you very much. also developing at this hour, hillary clinton is preparing for a speech in reno, nevada, to, quote, outline dangers of trump's divisive alt-right candidacy, a day of one of trump's sharpest attacks on hillary clinton during a rally in jackson, mississippi, last night. >> hillary clinton is a bigot! who sees people of color -- only
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as -- not as human beings worthy of a better future. >> well, hillary clinton had her own words for trump a short time later. >> donald trump has shown us who he is. and we ought to believe him. he is taking a hate movement mainstream. he's brought it into his campaign. he's bringing it to our communities and our country. >> msnbc's kasie hunt, joins us live now from reno. and earlier this week, you had some republicans saying that they had been given a gift with these latest e-mails regarding hillary clinton. while donald trump may have well given hillary clinton a gift by calling her a bigot, multiple times on the campaign trail, allowing for this speech today on the alt-right white nationalists, people she says he's ponied up to. >> reporter: that's right, tamron. and hillary clinton today, what you heard there in that interview clip you just played, her campaign saying that's a
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little bit of a preview of what we're going to hear today in reno. and, of course, the focus on the alt-right coming out of -- in many ways, steve bannon's selection as ceo of the trump campaign. and it's brought this somewhat shadowy group a little bit out more into the open. and the clinton campaign is hoping that they can make more americans familiar with what's going on. i spoke to somebody who has become something of a victim of the alt-right, who is a republican, who is a spokesperson for newt gingrich and for bob dole, who has come out against donald trump, and he's jewish and has found himself on the receiving end of some pretty difficult images, showing his face and gas chambers. so that's the kind of rhetoric that's going on on many of these sites. that's the kind of rhetoric the clinton campaign wants to focus on today. of course, clinton herself, not expected to go as far as donald trump. trump calling clinton a bigot, straight up. hillary clinton has not called donald trump a racist, but she
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has labeled his steme such, tamron. >> all right. thank you very much, kasie. let's bring in msnbc national correspondent, joy reid, following the so-called, alt-right movement. thanks for coming in today. >> thank you. >> you have people who would obviously say what is the alt-right, those who constantly peruse the blogs all of their lives. explain who these people are. >> essentially the alt-right consider themselves an alternative to traditional conservati conservatism, which they think is weak tea. that americans need to protect themselves against multioccur actual i remember and putting people at a disadvantage. it's interesting that the term "bigot" was written into donald trump's speech, a signal from the alt-right because they believe the real quote, unquote racism is racism against white americans. so mostly young, very tech-savvy, connected to things like gamer-gate, going after
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women. leslie jones a prime example. >> so what's the difference of the alt-right and white nationalists, white supremacists, kkk, are these all the same people, just with a different name here? >> well, just as david duke took the kkk and dressed it up in a suit and tie, the alt right is also white nationalism. they differentiate themselves in their own minds, saying well, they are pro-white, and that they claim that that is not racism. so they are basically the next generation of what are extra additionally the neo nazi movement, a pro white movement that wants to make america more masculine. they feel america has become to feminized, they're against interventions in foreign wars and peg neo conservatism. they are essentially the same thing. but a new breed. >> and hillary clinton attempts to tie donald trump to the alt-right, what does she have to point to that he has either courted these people or somehow
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enjoyed their attention or support. >> well, donald trump, there have been several studies that have shown how many times he's retweeted neo nazis on social media, and the only other person who has come close is one of his two children. they tend to retweet items from neo nazi followers on social media. and bannan himself who has said he wanted to make the home of the alt-right. and before he got there, breitbart made its name going after shirley sherrod, going after a.c.o.r.n., a natural place for the alt right to gravitate to. >> is there a leader of the alt-right movement than maybe this association with and some of their people that lead this -- a face for this movement? >> well, there isn't that people would really know. there are a lot of different sites. one of the earliest ones associated with the site was a site called, named after virginia dare, the first
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white settler in virginia. but there are several people associated with this who call themselves racialists. >> here we go, talking about ann coulter and others who are more mainstream conservatives. if they're upset with donald trump opening the door, potentially, to new rules for immigration, not the rules they were hoping for, the alt-right, who supported him, hearing that he will allow for a legal status for undocumented immigrants, i imagine a lot of fingers on twitter directed toward him. >> yeah, absolutely. but there is a split, i think, between the main base of donald trump's support isn't a lot of ways a personality. i'm not sure they can be swayed by anything he does. but supporters of the alt-right, who by the way, cheered when steve bannon was added. they said their movement was becoming mainstream because of it. >> listen, donald trump polled that audience. we know he goes on to social media and polls nicknames for people, floats out ideas. to see him poll -- i think i'm
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no therapist here, some would say it's clear he doesn't know which way to go, and if he gets enough pressure from the alt-right, tight people, breitbart, whomever, he may change his mind. he doesn't have anything on paper yet. >> exactly. of he's get thing a lot of pressure to try to in some ways reach out to people of color. so he's doing this dual dance, where he has the alt right in his pocket, wants to keep their support, but he also wants to do something to change his numbers among people of color and latinos. you really kind of can't do both. but that is what he is trying to do. >> there has not been a person in history supported by an alt-right organization and blacks and hispanics. >> david duke and the african-american community and alt-right in one community would be unprecedented. >> good to see you. see you on the weekend. at least 14 241 people confirmed dead in italy. search crews continue the efforts to rescue survivors buried beneath the rubble. this young girl rescued after 17 hours beneath that debris.
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264 people are recovering in area hospitals. and the dangers there persistent. shock waves, 460 of them, so far threaten to topple already very fragile buildings. let's go live to nbc's lucy cavanaugh on the ground, in the area that was hit the hardest. amatrice, italy. lucy. >> reporter: tamron, it is a desperate race against the clock as rescue workers try to rescue folks still trapped beneath the rubble. survival is getting more and more difficult. we have incredible stories like that little girl, and officials here keep reminding us back in 2009 when the deadly quake took place, one man survived 72 hours. they are not giving up hope. but for more difficult for crews to continue their work, in part because of the aftershocks that you mentioned -- pardon me, a
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long day. we felt one, 4.3 magnitude, about an hour and a half ago. and tamron, it was terrifying. the ground shook, you felt and heard the buildings rattle, you feel the sense of panic. you don't know where to run. so you can only imagine the devastation and fear the residents who experienced the initial quake really felt. search and rescue operations continue, they're holding out hope. tamron? >> very sad to see but the inspiration of seeing the one girl pulled from the rubble after all of the hours gives us hope. thank you so much, lucy. next, i will talk live with clinton's campaign's press secretary, brian fallon about her plan to go after trump and the alt-right movement today. plus, new questions over donald trump's flip-flop on i am abrasio immigration. ann coulter once wrote, there is nothing trump can do that won't be forgiven, except change his immigration policies. will trump supporters give him a pass on this, if, in fact, he has flip-flopped. that's next.
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also ahead -- >> first and foremost, we want everyone who needs an epipen to have one. >> are the price hikes done? >> we are going to continue to run a business. the embattled ceo of that pharmaceutical company that hiked the price of a life-saving epipen by nearly 600%. that's her. she has been defending the decision while lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are sail the company went too far. and now add this into the equation. the ceo is the daughter of a u.s. senator. that's coming up.
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back to politics and joining us now is clinton campaign press secretary, brian fallon. brian, thanks for making time for us this morning. >> good morning, tamron. >> let's talk about this speech from secretary clinton today,
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linking donald trump to the alt-right, as it's called or white nationalists. how will she paint the picture or point the arrows to donald trump here? >> well, throughout his campaign, tamron, donald trump has really shown nlz himself for who he is, somebody who in the 1970s when he was first starting out his business in real estate, was sued by the justice department for racial bias in the housing policies in terms of who they would rent apartments to in new york city. and through the course of this campaign, we have seen him go from being the original berther questioning the legitimacy of president obama as our first american president to openly courting the support of white nationalists, and now in appointing steve bannon from breitbart to be the head of his campaign, he is essentially handing the keys of his campaign over officially to this fringe are right wing movement, this alt-right movement, and i think this just officially represents the taking of a hate movement into the mainstream, and putting
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it at the center of the publican party's nomination for president. >> brian, can you tell me how far out this speech was planned, some believe this is a way to get attention off the e-mails released, as well as the details that have come out of this ap report i know you have greatly disputed and find great issue with what you say is a selection of data? >> this is a speech we have been planning ever since we were shocked by the turnover of the trump campaign in terms of what he decided to bring in. for us, a perfect crystallization of exactly the type of element that donald trump is seeking to appeal to in this campaign. and in the last few days, there has been some discussion of the idea that maybe donald trump is softening, in particular on the issue of immigration. but look, this is somebody who announced his campaign by calling mexican immigrants rapists, somebody who has questioned the integrity of a federal judge based only on his
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mexican-american heritage. and this is somebody who right now, even as he's making a platitude in it an attempt to suggest he's softening his position on immigration, look at where he is putting his money. the ads that are running in the five swing states right now, latino voters in florida. what ad are they seeing? they are seeing this ad announced last week that features immigrants in a completely demonizing way. the same trump as the primary, and you judge him by where he's putting his money and resources. he's doubling down on his hate-filled message from the primary. that's who donald trump really is. >> let me ask you -- we have yet to see it in writing, but if he in fact has flip-flopped, whatever you want to call it, it wouldn't be the first time a politician has done that. including secretary clinton herself on issues. let me ask you, does -- how does she capitalize on donald trump's change on immigration? does she go after him as a flip-flopper on it, when it would be a more desirable plan
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to people uncomfortable with some of the things he has said, particularly white voters, maybe even some in the rust belt, who don't want to vote for someone they think could have racial views or racist views? >> tamron, i don't think there has actually been a shift at all. in fact, just this morning, some of his spokespeople on television doubling down, saying donald trump has not changed his position on immigration at all? still in rallies saying he wants to build the wall and suggesting he's going to be able to get the mexican government to pay for it. and, again, this is somebody who in terms of the ads he has running in five states, the only television ad he has up on the airwaves right now is one that doubles down on his message of demonizing immigrants and going after and demonizing, muslim-americans. >> and quickly, because we're almost out of time, i have to ask you about the news conference question, as you know, a documentdown clock on it, 273 days now -- she was asked about it, anderson cooper gave an entertaining answer by saying i'm on the phone with you right now, that doesn't count as
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a news conference. when is the news conference? >> i suspect that before too long there will be a news conference. but even then, tamron, i suspect that there will still be people that are suggesting even that's not enough. >> why the cageyness, though? just not a direct -- >> she answers questions in a variety of formats. when we started this campaign, we put an emphasis on local interviews, people said that wasn't enough. she should be doing sit-counsel downs with national television reporters. then people said that's not enough. she needs to be talking to her national reporters that cover day-to-day on the rope line. and so we started doing what are known as gaggles and then they said there needs to be a podium or reporters asking questions. and then we it an event a few weeks ago at the national association of black and hispanic journalists, doubled a press conference and then people said that doesn't count. so i suspect very soon we'll answer questions in more of a
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format and then then people will criticize for whatever reason. >> thank you for joining me. let's transition now to focus on the trump campaign and with us now, msnbc contributor, rick tyler, communications director for senator ted cruz during much of the primary season. good to see you, rick. so let me ask you, has donald trump flip-flopped, is it just a matter of putting it on paper or being more direct when asked about this? >> there is clearly a change. he said he was -- would forcefully deport 11 million or whatever the number is, undocumented people who are here illegally. and now he is saying they can stay, except the bad ones. and look, this is a betrayal of his base. he labeled anything other than his plan amnesty, so he was positioning everybody else's pro amnesty. so by his own definition -- we can argue, but by his own definition, he is now the pro amnesty candidate. >> you talk about his base, and i want to set this exchange up, a trump supporter who called
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into glenn beck's show yesterday, and the reason that we're playing this, this is one person, we don't know his identity. but it is a part of the radio culture where people kind of wear their feelings on the sleeve and we'll tell you how they feel. listen to how this trump supporter reacted to the possibility of him transitioning or shifting. let's play it. >> as long as he does the basic things or the foundational things, which is build a wall, he's not going to have people like me coming after him. >> so if he doesn't build a wall, like china, then you're -- then he's in trouble. it's the wall that -- >> he's using so much trouble, you don't understand the backlash of us. >> oh, i think i do. >> so frustrating and angry and tired of all of the political stuff. we're going to come after him personally. you know what i mean. we're going to get him. >> i don't know what you mean. hang on. what does that mean? impeach him? >> the most peaceful way you can
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get rid of a president. >> is impeach him? >> yes, sir. the feelings -- to people very frustrated and angry. their frustration and anger can only be subsided if he makes his promises true. and he has a lot on his shoulders. maybe he himself doesn't even know how much. >> okay. >> he doesn't come through for us, he's going to have bigger problems than what you know. >> okay. nate -- obviously, thank you for one of the spookiest phone calls i think i've ever received. >> so rick, obviously, no wall will be built in 77 days. so donald trump can stall and say later a wall will come. the heart of this, though, is an angry group of people who have gone in to chant and expect him to keep his word. if nothing else, on immigration. >> well -- >> do they abandon him? >> let me separate a couple things. one is that really was a spooky call. >> yes, it absolutely was. >> it seemed he was threatening donald trump. he didn't do it so explicitly,
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but came as close as possible. let's separate that out. >> absolutely. >> what there is -- there is an anger out there, and here's the whole thing. we went into this election cycle where the republican party in particular and the primary and i would say also on the democratic side, people were sick and tired of politicians making promises, appealing to their base, and then getting to the general election and getting elected and nothing happens. speaking as a conservative, we saw that we won the house and no conservative agenda was forthcoming, said they had to win the senate and no conservative agenda forthcoming. expanding budgets and debt. and now they say, you know, it will just have the president. and donald trump came in as -- he positioned himself as the outsider, the one that would shake up washington. now what we're hearing from donald trump, he's just going to be more of the same. it's remarkable to me that he is the nominee, and he's going to be -- >> they abandoned him -- he famously said he could walk down
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the street and do whatever he wanted on fifth avenue and they would support him. ann coulter said perhaps he could do that with anything, except immigration. the flat question is, do you believe his core support will change? >> even if he didn't lose -- he'll lose some of his core support. even if he didn't lose most of it or even any of it, he's not expa expanding, because people don't believe what he said. he doesn't have a track record for doing what he said he's going to do. and now everything that he talks about is suspect. >> rick tyler, thank you so much. great pleasure talking with you. coming up, the personal website for actress and comedian leslie jones remains down this morning after hackers released nude images of her, private information, and posted racial slurs. now there are supports that the fbi may be investigating this. if you have allergy congestion, muddling through your morning is nothing new... ♪ introducing rhinocort® allergy spray.
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"ghostbusters," and snl star, leslie jones, the victim of horrific online bully attention. her personal website offline after hackers broke into her site yesterday. and reportedly posted racist imagery, and what appears to be her driver's license, passport and alleged nude photos of her. so far, jones has not commented on the hacking, but twitter users have been coming to her defense. last month, leslie jones was targeted just days after "ghost busters" released with racist and miss miss original inconsistents tweets. able to get twitter to shut down several abusers. with me now, cheryl huggins, digital media consultant and senior editor at large. thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. >> first of all, what's your reaction to how this is playing out? i mean, clearly, sexist, racist,
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those words -- some believe we're afraid to use in the media. we're not when it is appropriate and it is this. how does -- how do we deal with this? >> i've got to say, first of all, this morning when i was looking through twitter and when i was reading about this, i was just heartbroken. i mean, just heartbroken on a personal level. one thing inspiring about leslie jones, you mentioned the first attack against her. and the way that she took time off, said she was leaving twitter. but then she came back. and not only that, she managed to get one of the leaders of the trolling attacks against her. milo yanopolis, with breitbart, kicked off twitter. it's likely this is a backlash. she fought back and triumphed.
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after that, she started tweeting about the olympics, and it was all about team usa, and she was, you know -- trying through her twitter feed to unify people. and she was just so, you know ebb you'll ant and so good, she actually caught the attention. and endedp on being a commentator in rio. so she did this, and then when there were cyber attacks against gabby douglas online, you know, leslie jones came back and defended her. so she really came forward as a voice, this champion. and, of course, there are people who want to take her down. >> you mentioned gabby douglas. any person, a celebrity or anyone of notoriety knows what it feels like to have something mean written about them, a judgment. when you talk about gabby and leslie, are a whole different kind of attack. it's not simply "i don't agree with what you said."
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not even "you're stupid." it goes to racial slurs. and the "new york times," university of southern california, she specializes in had social media and cyber bullying, and in her interview said that mrs. jones was a, quote, part of a serious anti black woman problem in the united states and that it manifests in many ways, including some of the cyber bullying." do you see any part of that? >> well, there's actually been a term that's been coined for it called miss originalen war. and i think it all comes back to the same thing. which is that you have, i think, a vocal minority in this country, a group of people who feel that threatened by increasing diversity, by increasing empowerment of women and also people of different races. and so there's this backlash or reaction against it. and i think that it's something
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that we see in many areas of life, but certainly we see it online in these trolling and cyber attacks. >> thank you so much for joining us. greatly appreciate your joining us. coming up, where will republican party go after 2016? our exclusive series looks at the gop's future after donald trump, whether he wins or loses. and how the party could go in several different directions. we'll dig into that, next.
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welcome back. we are back with our special look at the final installment of our nbc news digital series. it's titled, the united states of trump. benji sarlin, digging into this, joins me live now with a final installment. thanks for joining us. what do you have for us? >> thanks for having me, tamron. our series looks at what donald trump means for the republican party. this installment is all about the future of the party. what comes after him, win or lose, as this party tries to figure out what exactly identifies as, what policies it
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supports. so we talk to over a dozen leading republicans about just where they think this is all going. and you can take a look right now what they had to say. >> i think ultimately what donald trump has changed the party into, one that looks more at the concerns of working-class voters, unless the concerns of the donor class. >> i saw that george bush mentioned in the paper today that he thought the -- this is the end of the republican party. i certainly hope it is the end of the republican party as he knew it. i certainly hope that. >> you can read more about that on >> wow. >> detailed interviews with all of them and a lot of analysis. it's just a really fascinating topic, the future of the party. >> very interesting. we'll see what happens, as well. the impact of a potential flip-flop on immigration and what they could have in that further discussion. thanks, benji. great job. >> thank you. coming up, a look at new battleground polls as we countdown to the selection.
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75 days away. the latest, get ready, from north carolina and arizona. up next, nbc's senior political editor, mark murray, has some new numbers to factor in. we'll be right back. state for the first time... gilman: go get it, marcus. go get it. gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1% cash backever. at places like the batting cages. ♪ [ crowd cheers ] 2% back at grocery stores and now at wholesale clubs. and 3% back on gas. which helped him give his playersomething extra. the cash rewards cdit card from bank of america. more cash back for the things you buy most. the cash rewards cdit card from bank of america. at clorox 2 we've turned removing stains into a science. now pre-treat with clorox 2! watch stains disappear right before your ey. remove 4 times more stains than detergent alone.
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and best overall brand. (avo) love. it's what kes a subaru, a subaru. gezero percent on select subaru models during the subaru a lot to love event, now through august thirty-first. we're back with our daily briefing on politics. let's get right to it. nbc news senior political editor, mark murray, at our nbc news interactive wall with our poll numbers. what do you have? >> yeah, tamron, in the last 24 hours, we have seen a trio of polls, two in north carolina. let's break down the numbers. so in north carolina, cnn yesterday ended up with a poll showing hillary clinton one point over donald trump, 48% to 47%. this is among likely voters, showing a close contest in the state. let's go to another north carolina poll. this is courtesy of monmouth university and shows hillary clinton up two points among likely voters. and tamron, north carolina is so important here, because it's essential for donald trump to
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win. he really has no path to 270 electoral votes without winning north carolina. and ohio. and pennsylvania and florida. so watching that small lead by hillary clinton is very important in that context. and there's one more battleground state poll worth noting and it's also from cnn. and it's of arizona. and arizona is not necessarily a battle ground state, per se, the ones you and i often talk about, but shows donald trump up five points over hillary clinton. why that's significant, in 2012 broom ended up losing arizona by nine points oh. now hillary clinton outperforming broom obama. >> great job with the interactive board. >> thank you, a lot of fun. up next, new developments in the outrage over the epipen price hike. up next, i'm talk live with connecticut senator, richard blumenthal. ♪ one day a rider made a decision.
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. >> after days of building outrage they are speaking out. heather announced they are tripling the rebate to help customers pay because it cannot slash the price of the drug. >> no one's more frustrated than me. >> but you're the one raising the price though. thousand can you be frustrated? >> there's a list price of 608. there are four or five hands that the product touches and companies that it goes through before it ever gets to that patient at the counter. no one -- everyone should be frustrated. had we reduced the list price i couldn't ensure everyone who needs an epipen gets one. we went around the system. >> the price has gone from 90 to
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$600. we learned composition went from 2.4 million to 19 million. several millions of congress are demanding an explanation and calling for hearings or investigations. it could make things some believe tense on capitol hill because she is the daughter of joe mansion. joining me now is richard bl blumenthal. >> thank you very much. >> this proposal to have triple the value of rebates to customers because they cannot slash the price of the drug, that was heather saying that today, is that enough for you? >> nowhere near enough because it really is more a pr fix than a real remedy. what is needed essentially is price reductions not just for
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few in a select group of health pens or people to have the bureaucratic rebates. i have heard from many people in connecticut and around the country, hundreds if not thousands who have stories and unaffordable and inaccessible this life-saving drug is. mylan has virtually 100% of the market. there needs to be an investigation about why this price has risen 600 or 700% and what should be done about the broader problem of price increases. mylan should do the right thing and show it has a moral responsibility instead of being morally bankrupt. >> she said she personally
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reached out to every senator who sent a letter to her. i know you sent a letter to company. did you hear back or have you spoken personally with heather? >> i have not spoken personally with anyone in the company. i am glad the company is not completely deaf. it would have had to have been under a rock or another planet to avoid hearing the outrage and outcry not just from senators but from the ordinary public because these severe allergic reactions can literally be horrifying to parents or teachers or fellow children. >> anyone with a severe allergy who needs it. >> i know in 2013 you cosponsored a bill by giving grant money that required schools to stock it.
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mylan spent about $4 billion lobbying for that legislation. was that a mistake at the time? >> i am more outraged than ever that mylan is exploiting that legislation along with its monopoly position. the schools need this medicine because it is life saving and some students may not bring epipens. i am absolutely more disturbed that mylan is taking advantage of the legislation. >> when you think that they spent $4 billion lobbying for that legislation you cosponsored and added to it joe mansion, the father of the ceo in question here. he is saying i'm aware of questions my colleagues and many parents are asking and frankly i share their concerns. will it make it difficult given
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senator mansion is the father of this ceo, the focus of so much of this anger? >> what's really critical here is in the the identity of the ceo but the facts about the price increases. there has been no improvement, no value add. this value is off patent. that's what we want to know and corporate leadership should be held a hearing. >> thank you for your time senator blumenthal. we'll be right back.
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gone viral. >> hillary clinton is a bigot who sees people of color only as votes. >> and hillary clinton previewing her counter attack. > >> donald trump has shown us who he is. he is someone who is very much peddling bigotry and prejudice and paranoia. >> and bill clinton deanying charges that the clinton foundation is corrupt. >> i made it clear that if she becomes president we'll have to do more than she did when she was secretary of state. if you make a mistake there is always an appeal. >> and


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