tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC August 26, 2016 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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good evening, chris. thank you for joining us this hour. the year after world wor 22 ended. president harry truman signed the employment act of 1946. world war 22 ii was over. the great depression was over. the competing economies had been laid waist by the war. our own economy took off like a rocket during and after world war ii. in that single moment when it was over and the congress came back to do the nation's work, congress realized we were a different kind of country in a different kind of world, and the congress decided to assert itself. economic policy from then on out should be steered in such a way to maximize economic benefits to working people in this country. the working class and the middle class. if we were going to be a mega
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power in the world, which is what we woke up to at the end of world war ii, then let's use it in a specific way. there was this impetus at that time that we should use it and shape our economic might and use our economic might to benefit american working people. and the specific idea was everybody in america who wanted a job should get a job and not just a job but a good job. it should become the economic priority of our country now that we have all this new power. it should be our priority that we have full employment, a job for everyone who wants one. so that was proposed. in the first congress at the end of world war ii that we would make that a priority and our government would be bound to follow that. and so that was proposed, and conservatives can killed it. that bill had initially been called the full employment bill of 1945 by the time it got watered down and passed in 1946, it wasn't the full employment bill. it was just the employment bill. conservatives and business
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interests didn't want all that stuff about full employment and working people and everybody having a job. they thought that was too much for the united states. and so we never did get that kind of priority setting and that kind of specific guidance from congress as to what our priorities should be as a country and as an economy. but truman did sign that watered down bill in 1946. didn't give us much in terms of direction for us as a nation, but it did give us one thing that's lasted ever since then. it gave us the white house counsel on economic advisors. we've had them ever since harry truman. these are the current ones. today "the wall street journal" did an interesting thing. they tracked down every single living person who has ever served on the white house council of economic advisors ever. it turns out they're a pretty healthy bunch. 45 of these people, these economists who have advised presidents, 45 of them are still alive. their tenure spans over eight
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presidents, back to richard nixon. "the wall street journal" surveyed this entire category of people who served under obama and bush and clinton and the other bush and reagan and carter and ford and nixon. they're a diverse group. the one thing they all have in common is that not a single one of them supports donald trump for president. one guy who was an economic advisor to reagan is now at the libertarian cato institute. he says he likes gary johnson. he's going to vote for gary johnson, but other than that guy voting for gary johnson, every single living veteran of the council of advisors. all the way back to nixon
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supports clinton or they will not say -- donald trump has support from one of them. the chairman under reagan told the journal today, quote, i have personally known every republican president since richard nixon. they all shared an understanding of economics and international affairs. donald trump does not have that understanding. it's one thing to have, you know, some republicans rejecting a party's presidential nominee. it happens here and there. it happens to a greater or lesser extent with almost every nominee from both parties. there's always a disenter here and there, but when it's everyone alive who has ever worked for any american president as an economic advisor including the last five republican presidents and they all reject you. it's not like you ask somebody so dance and they say no. that's like you ask someone to dance and everybody inhe world decides they will never dance again because of you. this is just profound rejection. i find that -- this just stunning. i mean, nixon, ford, reagan,
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bush, the other bush. but white house economic advisors do not the world make. and clearly even though a lot of mainstream conservatism rejects donald trump profoundly, there are a lot of folks who are very happy to dance with donald trump this year. last night we hosted a long and longer and then really long interview with donald trump's new campaign manager, and we talked last night a little bit with her about how she got that job. but there is a back story. i think it's really helpful to understanding specifically today's news. i think it makes some sense of what was otherwise a little inexplicable in this news cycle we lived through today. because before becoming donald trump's new campaign manager kelly ann conway ran one of the superpacs that supported ted cruz in the republican primary.
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there were a budge of different superpacs that supported ted cruz. they were all a variation of keep the promise. she ran the group that was called keep the promise one. they ran millions of dollars in anti-trump ads. that's ironic given her job now. more important than that, she ran this keep the promise pac. she ran the iteration of all the ted cruz supporting pacs. she ran the one that was almost entirely funded by a single donor. all the money in that pac basically came from one source. it came from robert mercer. he gave the money. she ran that pac. robert mercer and kelly ann conway supported cruz, but once he dropped out, that mega donor and kelly ann conway decided to keep working together. she stayed in charge of the pac. they changed the name. they started running anti-clinton ads to help trump instead of anti-trump ads to help cruz. as a multimillion dollar donor to that effort.
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we've talked about robert mercer, this hedge fund billionaire appears to have become the single largest funder in the effort to elect donald trump for president. he is also reportedly the single largest funder of bright this one guy, robert mercer, the money man, he ends up being sort of the missing link. he ends up being the thing that explains, i think, in a lot of ways, why the trump campaign is this strange thing that it is now. when the trump campaign decided to fire the last guy in charge, paul man afort, it was an interesting and inexplicable thing. they simultaneously, they didn't fire paul and pick a new person to replace him. they fired him and brought in two people. they came up with two new job titles. campaign manager and campaign ceo.
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they brought in two people at once. they brought in kelly ann conway who ran robert mercer's superpac. there's a political professional. she's good at being on tv. she's been on tv for decades. a few days ago on the show before she was on the program dan rather praised her as someone who could talk the legs off a table. she can. we saw her last night putting the most mainstream sympathetic spin on donald trump and his campaign. but she didn't come onto the campaign alone. she came on as campaign manager, he also simultaneously on the same day at the same time installed this other guy. this guy from bright bart as the ceo. robert mercer is the money man behind both of these folks. behind kelly ann conway and her pac.
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robert mercer was the money behind that and also bright he funded them both to the tune of millions of dollars. he explains why those two otherwise unconnected individuals both came on at the same time on the same day to take over the trump campaign. but the two of them are kind of a weird mix. and what we've got with the two of them now is a weird dynamic. and i think it explains a lot of what's going on in the campaign and a lot of what is confusing about the campaign coverage. on the one hand, here's kelly ann conway, this normalizing influence. she talks about donald trump as if he's a normal republican. but at the same time thanks to the same funder, thanks to the same money man and influence, we also have the opposite of that. we have the person, maybe the one person in conservative politics who could make donald trump seem less normal than he is. because it's one thing to bring on a political pro to took pretty about donald trump, but then you bring on and take something like that out of the fringe of the conservative media and put it at the top of the republican party, what you're mainstreaming, what you're main lining now is honestly, some truly off the
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wall and occasionally radically obscure politics. politics that are unfamiliar to most americans and most republicans, that are even unfamiliar to most movement specific arcane part of the it has turned out to be a little weird. there's a little culture shock going on right now. it's like imagine back to a day where you're at a white bread meat loaf diner in 1946 and
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there's an asian tofu desert with a piece of raw sea urchin on top of it. if you're a foodie in 2016, you know what that is and might have strong feelings about it. you might recognize the connections to other food stuffs you enjoyed. but in a mid century diner, you might not recognize that as food. i think that's what's going on with this latest facelift for donald trump's presidential campaign. yeah, we have kelly ann talking about donald trump like he's a normal republican. kelly ann conway talking about him and his policies as if they're not nearly as obscure and obscene as you might have heard. but on the other hand you've got the brightbart of presidential politics. we saw it in a terrorism speech in ohio. he was having a particularly difficult time with the teleprompter. he's reading as if he'd never
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seen the device before let alone the words on it. and you might remember sort of a brief period of confusion or at least political mystification about this new insult that he tried on in that speech and tried to pin on hillary clinton that day. >> when you include the costs of health care, welfare, housing, schooling, and all other entitlement benefits that are excluded from the state department's placement figures, think of this, $400 million. in short, hillary clinton wants to be america's angela merkel. and you know what a disaster this massive immigration has been to germany and the people of germany. >> you hear the reaction, in the room. there's one guy who guys, thank you, america's angela merkel.
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oh, thank you. one guy very excited. and everybody else is like, huh? after that speech they tried to make this a thing. they tried to promote this america's merkel thing online. trump tweeted it to try to make it into a hash tag on twitter. it didn't take off. most americans are like do you say it angela? who is this person again? pew did a survey of american's views toward germany last year. they found in that survey that more than a third of americans don't have a good opinion or a bad opinion about angela merkel because they don't know who she is. this is not a resonant political reference in the united states. it was a weird thing for trump to try to start. hash tag, america's merkel. it did not take off. it had no resonance whatsoever. and it got no pick up. it made no sense. it sort of got blank stares. everywhere. except at places like, and at the alex
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jones conspiracy theory crazy website, because that's the super fringe corner of a really specific arcane part of the fringe conservative movement in this country that is obsessed with angela merkel, and they can probably pronounce her name. they're obsessed with with her as a race trader to germany who is too friendly to immigrants. that is not a mainstream american view of angela merkel. there is no mainstream american view of angela merkel. if you go to a cocktail party and everybody is talking about angela merkel bag race trader, you're thinking that's not what i think about angela merkel at all. you're thinking i'm at the wrong party. who are these people and why do they care about this. we saw it coming in the terrorism speech. now we're seeing it again today in the last 24 hours bigger and weirder. that story and why it's happening is next. that dress.
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think of this. $400 million. in short, hillary clinton wants to be america's angela merkel. and you know what a disaster this massive immigration has been to germany and the people of germany. >> trump campaign weirdly tried to make that a thing a couple weeks ago. it didn't go over or become a thing. and that's because it's only a tiny corner of the american right that's obsessed with racial politics and nationalist politics in europe. that corner has made a home for it at a conservative website called the reason donald trump was trying it on for size is
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apparently because of the influence of breitbart and that ilk of conservative politics in his presidential movement. the chairman of breitbart is now the ceo of the trump campaign. in addition to hating angela merkel as a race trader to germany for being too pro immigrant, another object of fascination is the uk independence party. they are the inheriter of the legacy of the british national party. before that the british union of fascist. they represent the most recent iteration of what europe has had for a long time now in various guises. anti-immigrant, racial nationalist politics in european countries. and most americans don't care. but there's a sliver of if right wing, sof breitbart sliver of the right wing that is obsessed with that party. they have a uk version of itself, the uk version of breitbart, their editor and chief left his job at breitbart to go work for the uk
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independence party much like the breitbart chair in the u.s. went to go work for donald trump. editor and chief of uk breitbart went to work for the uk independence party and chief of staff as the uk independence party's leader. and you know what? there's no reason you should know that. most americans have not within sitting on the edge of their seat hanging on every twist and turn on the fashist and political movements. most americans don't have strong feelings about european politics of any kind or the constituent states of the european unions. it's not a pressing thing. one fringe element of the far right is obsessed with that. because they really want politics like that here. and those folks have now been elevated to the top of the republican party as unlikely as that might seem. that is how we ended up last night with donald trump standing in front of a basically mystified all white audience in mississippi introduced this british guy, the leader of the uk independence party to preach
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in mississippi about how politically inspirational it was when britain voted for brexit. as if anybody in that room had any idea what he was talking or how they should feel about it. >> this is a great honor for me. i am going right now going to invite onto the stage the man behind brexit, and a man who led brilliantly the united kingdom independence party in this fight and won despite all odds. despite horrible name calling, despite so many obstacles. ladies and gentlemen, mr. nigel ferage.
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>> well, thank you. good evening, mississippi. i come to you from the united kingdom. we saw experts from all over the world. we saw the international monetary fund. we saw moodies. we saw polls. we saw global leaders giving us project fear, telling us that if we voted not to be run by a bunch of unelected old men in brussels -- it's okay. they don't like me either. it doesn't really matter. does it? >> this is the british guy preaching the gospel of what happened on june 23rd with the brexit vote to a bunch of people in mississippi who are not quite sure if when he says brussels
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that's supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing. are we against brussels? are we supposed to cheer? this is a brexit? this is the exit with a biscuit. i'm not saying it went over any worse in mississippi than anywhere else in this country. just before any generic republican audience anywhere in this country, this kind of thing is getting up and preaching aud rattic equations. someone will have their hair rise, but most people are waiting for what to say and think and this means nothing to them and is it over? this is weird. it's ten weeks from the american election. european national politics and bringing this man to mississippi? there's a reason it feels weird and obscure. this is a little window into
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some of the priorities and some of where the political resonance is in this one tiny obscure sliver of the american far right that this guy robert mercer has been funding at robert mercer is the person who brought kelly anne conway on to be the leader of the donald trump campaign. she is supposed to make it normal, but the guy running the politics of it thinks you know who nigel ferage is. if it feels like they're trying to do an organ transplant without checking the blood compatible. he's not a normal candidate. i think there were widespread expectations that in winning the nomination he would become a normal seeming political person. the kelly anne conway part is designed to make it look and feel that way, but she's only half running the campaign. the other part of the trump
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campaign has not formed a presidential campaign out of trump's existing political views. several months ago donald trump didn't know what brexit was either. there's certainly not forming a normal republican political campaign out of trump's existing political view. i think that's what a lot of people thought they would try to do. what they've done instead is brought into the trump campaign a foreign thing, an intact,
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>> this is not conservativism as we have known it or republicanism as we have known it. these are racist and race baiting ideas. anti-muslim, anti-immigrant, anti-women. key tenets making up the ideology known as the alt-right. now, alt-right is short for alternative right. "the wall street journal" describes it as a loose but organized movement, mostly online that rejects mainstream conservative and views immigration and multiculturalism as threats to white identity. so the de facto merger between breitbart and the trump campaign represents a landmark achievement for this group. a fringe element that has effectively taken over the republican party.
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i went there. it wasn't that found. that was the founder of breitbart news in a confrontation from daryl lemont jenkins. daryl lemont jenkins has made it a goal to expose white supremacists around the country. he's showed who they are. he goes to the conferences and puts pictures of them online and asks them questions. he's been doing this since well before the rise of donald trump and the republican party. but the rise of donald trump and the republican party also means this year that following america's white supremacists and white nationalists around means following them to the republican convention. including the founder of a white nationalist think tank and
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journal who hung around the rnc wearing a shirt that said want to talk to a racist. but because he's been tracking them for so long and trying to disrupt and embarrass for them so long, they know him on sight. >> you know what i want to talk to a racist. >> oh, no? >> you knew i was coming. >> i didn't know you were coming. i thought you might be dead by now. >> no. that was your dream. this country is going through change, and not for the better for you because you want to pick this fight against everybody >> i think you might be creating alt-rightist when you say that. >> they will fall with you. >> what do you mean by that? are you talking about white genocide? >> no. but i'm calling for the all white to fall. >> daryl lemont jenkins is the founder of the one people's project. he's been thing a va or the extraordinary of the people who hillary clinton made her alt-right speech about today and who the breitbart/trump alliance has now brought into the center of politics. daryl joins us. thank you for being here.
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>> thank you for having me. i didn't think i was that intense filming that. >> it didn't feel that intense doing it? >> no. it didn't. i just thought that i was just doing what i do, aggravating them, as you say, and them calling me everything but a child of god, and, wow. i can be insane sometimes. >> you take a lot of pleasure in your work. >> indeed. >> you have some joy in your heart about this project that you have made of documenting them but also annoying them. >> yes. >> can you tell me about your overall approach to them over the years and how you started doing it? >> i started this when i was a kid. i always wanted to know exactly where the old klan from the civil rights era went after we got our civil rights.
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and then when you start seeing the modern day klan in your weekly reader and on television, you start getting more curious about what do they think they're going to achieve. so that's exactly what happened. i just started following them. started getting a little bit more curious, and then i started listening to talk radio and started hearing the same things i've heard from, like, your neo nazis, and i said there's a problem. and i started documenting from then on. once there was a white supremacist rally in new jersey about 16 years ago, we decided to form an organization that will monitor these groups a little bit more radical, i should say, than this other probably law center. no offense to southern poverty law center. they have approached that we appreciate, but i think we needed to get a little more -- >> they're a research driven approach.
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we don't play games. we get in their face and tell them this far but no farther. >> given that background, especially because you've been doing this for 16 years. they know you and you've been doing this work a little bit in obscurity, but enough that i know who you are. how does it feel to have them at the center of presidential politics now? >> you know -- >> to have clinton calling them out. >> i'm happy hillary clinton called them out, that's one thing, but i'm a little annoy ed by the fact that they got this far. i saw it comes. this is all they wanted to do. we were talking about richard spencer. he's been holding conferences at the same time of cpac and trying to recruit those young people going to cpac, and once we saw the numbers grow, we said we're going to have work to do in the future, and this is the work to do.
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>> in terms of the trump campaign and their relationship with this part of the sort of white nationalist, white supremacist movement, is breitbart the right key, the right rosetta stonto look at? >> absolutely. the only way i know of bitbart is from being a part of this crowd. i mean, there was a gentleman -- don't want to mention his name now. we all know him. he dressed up in a pimp suit to go after acorn. we caught him at one of these white supremacist meetings. it was founded and put together by spencer. we had a photograph of them and everything, and breitbart went on a twitter rant trying to suppress the story. he went after everybody that followed it, everybody that reported it other than one people's project, us. the reason why i confronted them in ccpac, i wanted to see why di he think he was going to play games without somebody saying no, you're a liar, and the rest is history.
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>> with the chairman of breitbart running the trump campaign, i feel like everybody is reverse engineering a lot of your work. >> i think about all the things i've seen breitbart and company do over the couple of years when you talk about certain authors, certain writers that are going after senators with links with white supremacist links. o'keefe, again, sorry. i said his name, and then you start finding pictures of andrew breitbart with some of them. one of them, incidentally, was roughing up a woman at a donald trump rally months ago and you start to say we're onto something. and then when there was an article, it was okay, we got them. we're done. >> daryl lemont jenkins for the one people's project. this was an alt-right day in politics, but it's not a one day thing.
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>> the one thing i would say is let's not call them alt-right. they're white supremacists. they were calling themselves racialists years ago, race realists. enough is enough. they're white supremacists and we need to recognize them for that. >> i feel you on that. any time somebody like this wants to define the way i talk them, i reject it. >> exactly. >> daryl lemont jenkins, thank you for being here. much more to come.
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morning is nothing new...stion, muddling through your ♪ introducing rhinocort® allergy spray. powerful relief from nasal allergy symptoms, all day and all night. ♪ try rhinocort® allergy spray. muddle no re®. this is a kpchb video taken in may 2014. in retrospect it was a key sign something was about to go wrong. when we saw this happen in virginia we should have known something big was coming. >> when i sit he and i listen to mr. brad speak, i here the inaccuracies.
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my family is here. [ crowd booing ] >> if you can't make out who is talking, it's hard because of the video from far away. that was then house majority leader erik cantor. conservative republican from virginia. he was getting booed and heckled. we should have known when those republicans were booing and heckling him, we should have known something was up. we also should have known something was up when the same republicans in that district voted out their local republican party chairman who have been a loyalist. they booted him out in favor of this guy who made a big deal of an empty suit and chair. after those things happened, he got primaried by a conservative professor who made it a one
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issue campaign, immigration, immigration. he said eric wanted amnesty for illegal aliens. this guy was a no name in politics. he was an economics professor. but he got this traction with the hard right wing of the republican party, specifically for picking this one issue, for going after cantor for being soft on immigration, for being for amnesty. the beltway believed an or the was safe. he was the number two republican in washington. there's no way this guy out of nowhere could turf out the majority leader, but he did. he beat him by 12 points. that sent a shock wave through the republican party. that was june 2014. it turns out in republican politics now, it doesn't matter how tall a tree you are. the sharp ax that will take you down in modern republican politics as if you're not a hard liner on immigration.
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if you suggest anything other than the mass deportation of millions of people, anybody in this country without proper papers, unless you want that, they'll come for you. that's how they killed off eric cantor and got to destroy john boehner. they decided to go after him after they felt like they caught him in his home district talking too nicely about immigration reform in his own party. >> i don't know whether we're going to get to it this year or not. i think we should, but the appetite, the appetite of most of my colleagues for doing this is not real good. this guy is back here with a camera, but here's the attitude. oh, don't make me do this. this is too hard. you should hear them. you know, we get elected to make choices. >> that was enough for the right to declare war on john boehner. he wants amnesty.
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why do you think he got one? republicans in theory should want to support immigration reform. they're never going to win national elections unless they do. it's a demographic issue. it's an issue that the republican party, a lot of the republican party knows they need to get right on, because as long as you're only enthusing white people in this country, you're annd of life territory as a major political party. but for a powerful and conservative part of the republican party, they don't care immigration reform to them is a fatal third rail. if you support anything short of millions of deportations you're dead. you can see it with condition or
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the -- cantor and boehner, and paul ryan. it doesn't how big you are or how anti-immigrant you are. donald trump is still saying he wants to build his wall. he's also making the same kinds of noises on the issue of immigration that prove to be political fatal for republicans before them. ♪ introducing rhinocort® allergy spray. powerful relief from nasal allergy symptoms, all day and all night. ♪ try rhinocort® allergy spray. muddle no more®.
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no citizenship. >> no citizenship. >> let me go a step further. they'll pay back taxes. they have to pay taxes. there's no amnesty as such. there's no amnesty. >> right. >> but we work with them. >> we work with them? wait a minute. that was donald trump on immigration last night. joining us is jeremy peters. thank you for being here. >> thank you, rachel. >> the reason i'm interested in this is not because of the fuzziness of donald trump's dona issue. it's because of hard line immigration forces in the republican party killed off eric canter, earned paul ryan a primary challenger this year.
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is there a risk that donald trump is turning into that territory, too? >> i think there is because this has been his signature issue. if you think about republican politics, rachel, there are two things that you cannot do if you're a republican leader, one of them is step too close to gun control. the other one, is talk about immigration in a sympathic way and project anything that can be perceived as "am nesty" donald trump built his constituency on being an immigration hard liner. >> this is donald doing what he needs to do in order to get elected. we know deep down inside he's really with us. i don't know if he's going to get the benefit of the doubt. his supporters have tolerated a lot, i think there's only so much that they're willing to take and this might be a breach too far. >> are there signifiers in terms of what to look for? specific outlets in conservative media, specific supporters and enablers who would otherwise
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have his back on that sort of thing, what are you watching to find out whether this is a real risk for him. >> i think the interesting one the other night is ann colter, ann has been somebody who has stood with trump on almost everything, has apologized for every outrageous statement he's made. she criticized him and then she pulled it back. she said, wait, i'm with donald, i always will be, he's great. that tells me that there's something really deep going on here. there's an effort by the trump campaign to reassure people, trust us on this, he's not going to portray you, so i think the trump people are trying to go out and mute the voices that might be critical. >> they've tried to mute them in the past and they've been unmutable, which is both
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hydro boost. from neutrogena i did want to pass along a hello from donald trump. . i said i hope i'm just like the warm up, your b band and that you'll come on the show sometimes too, maybe you can come visit us in the tower. >> i would love to do that. i don't want to spoil it, so maybe we should call it off right here. >> i know you disagree with his preps fill -- >> that interview last night was a long interview. i was super glad she agreed to do it. i don't get people in high end republican politics to talk to me, unfortunately for her i wouldn't release her once i got her. we didn't otherwise know. we learned from the trump campaign manager, according to
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her, the former ceo roger ails is not working for the trump campaign. we got a definitive denial from her on that. interesting, the new campaign team disavows the current round of campaigning that trump is doing in places like mississippi where he was last night. she also disavowed the national political director of the campaign's assertion there's going to be a full scale operation in new york. he may say so, she says no. last night, substantively she also over a long discussion disavowed, basically, donald trump's proposed ban on all muslims entering the united states. she disavowed it, but it is officially the policy of the trump campaign. honestly, in her discussion she rescinded it and said that's not the policy, even though she said it's not rescinded as the policy of the campaign. that position really is
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untenable. that's going to have to go one way or the other, it can't be they're not accountable but they still have that policy. finally, sort of a weird discussion, one that landed in a surprising place, on the issue of health, donald trump's campaign manager here last night agreed that, perhaps, in her words, perhaps, it would be a good idea for him to release more credible and more medical information about himself as opposed to the hilarious translated korean to english digital musical birthday card version, that letter is ridiculous. she would pass on a request from me that the campaign ought to release more medical information from mr. trump. we followed up with the campaign today on that issue, we haven't yet heard back. but we live in hope. we did get some firm answers to questions from a campaign that has been opaque, i want to thank her for being here and fingers
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crossed we do get to speak with her candidate here. on the corner, anywhere, i'll be there. that does it for us tonight, i'll be there. "first look" is up next. he says he wants to make america great again, but more and more it seems as though his real message seems to be make america hate again. >> she's trying to turn this around on you now saying you're bringing a hate movement main stream. do you want white supremacists to vote for you? >> no, i don't at all. i mean i will tell you this is not about hate. this is about love. >> it's a back and forth with racially charged accusations. hillary clinton delivers a speech accusing donald trump of being a bigot. but the republican nominee calls it all a distraction. plus new questions surrounding domestic violence charges once filed against donald trump's campaign ceo. and new dangers in one of the t
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