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tv   The Rachel Maddow Show  MSNBC  August 26, 2016 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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staying with us this next hour. august fridays are supposed to be dull. it's supposed to be the sort of thing where you can leave a little early from work and nobody notices because there's nothing really going on. this is an august friday that has not been dull. we have changed the list of things that are supposed to be on our show tonight about 17 times over the course of today, because new news kept breaking, that kept displacing other smaller stories. it's been a weird, intense, and surprising day. in the presidential campaign, we woke up to news that the ceo of the trump campaign, from breitbart news, we woke up to news today that trump campaign chief steve bannon has an arrest record for domestic violence charges. it is not clear whether donald trump himself knew that when he hired tired bannon last week, but it has now been confirmed, as have some new troubling allegations of anti-semitism
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from steve bannon. allegations which have just in the last hour been reported by nbc news, and we're going to have those in detail in just a moment. it's some truly surprising stuff. we've also made some progress today on one of the weirder loose ends of this whole campaign thus far, which is this truly strange, like laugh out loud strange, doctor's letter, which remains the only documentation the donald trump campaign has ever released about their candidate's health. well, this is a strange letter. he'd be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency, blah, blah, blah. the new york city doctor who is behind that letter, has now explained why that letter is so unusual. and he's done it on camera. we have all of that straight ahead, including the doctor himself, on tape and on the record, explaining this to us. that is some of the stuff that we've got straight ahead for you tonight.
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but we're going to start tonight with a remarkable story that is still developing right now. and i expect it may continue to develop overnight. it's a story of one state's republican governor apparently just having a meltdown in public and in one case, on somebody's voice mail. and this story has been building up for a couple days, but today it just exploded. i will warn you that what we are about to play you here contains some vile language on the part of the governor. >> i would like to talk to you about your comments about my being a racist, you [ bleep ]. and i want to talk to you. i want you to prove that i'm a racist. i've spent my life helping black people and you little son of a bitch socialist [ bleep ] sucker, i need you to just freaking, i want you to record this and make it public because i am after you.
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thank you. >> thank you. [ laughter ] always polite when you're calling somebody that to make sure you tidy things up with a polite -- my mother always says whenever i'm calling somebody a -- i should --. you may know this is maine governor call lepage, who left that voice mail for a maine state lawmaker. but if you want to know beyond that where this came from, let's just do this chronologically for a second. this is by no means an exhaustive catalog of paul lepage's controversies, that would take way too long. but the easiest place to see this starting is here. >> guys of the name, d. money, smoothie, shifty, these type of guys come from connecticut and new york. they come up here, sell their heroin and go back home. incidentally, half the time they impregnate a young white girl
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before they leave. >> those comments led to nationwide headlines about these racially charged remarks from the governor. and so the next day, governor lepage called a press conference to offer this non-apology apology. >> instead of saying maine women, i said white women. and i'm not gonna apology to the maine women for that. because if you go to maine, you will see that we're essentially 95% white. if you want to make it racist, go right ahead, do whatever you want. i never said anything about white or black on traffickers. what are they? black? i don't know who they are.
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i just read the names. >> paul lepage insisting he did not mean to imply that d. money, smoothie, and shifty had any particular racial specificity. that explanation did not last long. the governor clarified that yes, he was talking about black guys named d. money, smoothie and shifty. >> i had to go screaming at the top of my lungs about black dealers coming in and doing the things that they're doing to our state. >> the top of his lungs, he had to go screaming about the black dealers impregnating the white girls of maine. that was how maine dwfr paul lepage kicked off this year, 2016. and this current crisis that he finds himself in now, which tonight is leading to pretty widespread calls for his resignation. it's led to public calls that she should get psychological help. this crisis that he's in tonight comes from this same issue area. paul lepage once again going on a tear about how dangerous -- basically how dangerous he finds black people on the basis of their race.
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this wednesday at a town hall in the town of north bur wick, maine, governor lepage informed the audience, that, quote, i've been collecting every single drug dealer who has been arrested in our state, i will tell you that 90-plus percent of those pictures in my book, and it's a three-ring binder, are black and hispanic people. paul lepage this week announcing that he has a binder full of black and hispanic people. and ever since he revealed the existence of this binder and started talking about his racial composition, a lot of people have expressed interest in seeing that binder. we are one of, i'm sure, many other news outlets that have put in a request to see paul lepage's secret race binder that explains all crime in maine. the governor volunteered that information this week. even though the governor clearly started this, the pressure that has resulted from the news coverage of that pronouncement from him, it does seem to be getting to him. >> let me tell you something,
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black people come up the highway and they kill mainers. you ought to look into that. >> governor, we're not trying to get into a battle, we just want to see -- >> you're a sick bunch of people. you make me so sick. >> that's him talking to state house reporters who were questioning him about his remarks. that was yesterday. and since then, it has been -- he barred the door. it's been a series of outbursts. one thing and another thing and another thing from this governor who really does appear to be melting down. yesterday morning, governor paul lepage yells at those reporters who were asking about his three-ring binder comments from the town hall earlier this week . then he storms off after that. that's when he called this state legislor who he heard described him as racist, and that's when he left that voice mail. then he decided he wasn't done talking about this.
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he called reporters into his office where he volunteered that he would like to kill that legislator. >> i wish it was 1825 and we'd have a duel. that's how angry i am. and i wouldn't put my gun in the air, guarantee you. i would not be hamilton. i'd point it right between his eyes. >> during that -- again, the governor called this meeting with reporters because he wanted to get this off his chest. tells them he wants to kill this legislator. wishes he could take a gun and put it between his eyes and kill him. during that same discussion, he volunteered that he had left this legislator a voice mail message. at that point, nobody other than the legislatoror knew it. but he's talking to reporters about it. a freedom of access request was filed to get the phone message.
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they got the phone message, posted it online last night and everybody got to hear it. again, i need to warn you, this recording contains the governor's vile language. >> mr. gattine, this is governor paul richard lepage. i would like to talk to you about your comments about my being a racist, you [ bleep ] sucker. and i want to talk to you. i want you to prove that i'm a racist. i've spend my life helping black people and you little son of a bitch, socialist, [ bleep ] sucker, i need you to just freaking, i want you to record this and make it public because i am after you. thank you. >> so that was last night that that was made public. for the record, the legislator who paul lepage is so angry with, says that he never called governor lepage racist. he said that he said governor
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lepage's racially charged comments on the drug problem in maine were not helpful toward finding a solution to the problem. that is what caused this response from the governor. today paul lepage went back to the press and decided to keep talking about this. he explained to reporters today that he's not apologizing for anything he's done or said. he wants you to know who the people of maine should think of as the enemy at this point, like in a war, the people you shoot, he wants to be very clear about that. >> when you go to war, if you know the enemy, the enemy dresses in red and you dress in blue, you shoot at red. don't shoot. ken, you've been in uniform. you shoot at the enemy. you try to identify the enemy. and the enemy right now, the overwhelming majority of people coming in, are people of color or people of hispanic origin.
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>> so we know who the enemy is, right? you can see them by their color. in the midst of all this, the state of maine sort of reeling to the point where the portland press herald has written an editorial that does not address the governor. it's addressed to the united states of america, apologizing to the rest of the country for paul lepage, apologizing for electing and re-electing, quote, a governor who is unfit for high office. now, in the midst of what is going on in maine, i think, the fact that paul lepage did actually offer to resign as governor in his most recent tirade to the press this afternoon. it was a conditional offer to resign, but he did make an offer. >> the fact of the matter is, i would like -- i will resign if gattine resigns. anybody wants me to resign, how about them? how about the corrupt people in this building? gattine's not enough.
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come to think of it, i'll give you a list. if they all resign and offer never to run again,il resign. >> first of all, this one legislator who he screamed at, if that guy resigns, then i'll resign. no, that's not enough. he'll come up with a list of all the other people who have to resign and then he'll resign. i don't have any idea whether all these democratic legislatorors will be on his list whether they want to sacrifice themselves for him to go. in the middle of one of his earlier controversies, governor lepage previously said that he would resign as governor if enough regular people in maine wrote to him and asked him to resign. we filed a freedom of access request for those letters to
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paul lepage, asking him how many letters he got. we found the people of maine were very enthusiastic about asking him to resign. there were tons and tons and tons of these letters. so if he got that many, and he still didn't resign, i think there's no reason to take him at his word. but democratic legislators are asking for him to quit, to resign the governorship, and they're calling for him to get some help. >> it is time for a political intervention with governor lepage. and a political intervention means that our sensible and thoughtful republican friends come together with us to do one of two things. to either make sure that governor lepage gets the help that he needs, because this kind of behavior is not normal behavior. it's not just not what we expect of our chief executive for governor, it's also not what we expect of any human being who is functioning normally in society. so we expect them to come together with us to either get him the help that he needs, or
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remove him from office. >> democratic majority leader there, asking for republicans to join with democrats, not just in, i guess, calling the governor out for what he's doing, but specifically saying that they want governor lepage to get the help that he needs. and if he can't get the help that he needs, that they need to get him out of office, either by encouraging him to quit, or by removing him from office. joining us now is bill nemits, columnist with the portland press herald, which has been right at the tip of the spear for this whole story. thank you for being here. >> can i just say for the record that duelling with pistols is no longer a thing. >> even if you're a history buff. >> we don't do that anymore. >> even if you think it's neat. the governor sort of did go back to the duelling comments, and he said, i recognize that it's not legal now, but it doesn't mean i don't want to do it. >> that's right. apparently it was just a
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fantasy. passing fantasy. >> let me ask you, bill, first of all, in summarizing that way, i know there's other things you could bring into the discussion and more context and more things he's done and said, but is that basically the character of this political crisis that maine is in right now, with people worrying not just that paul lepage might not be comporting himself well as governor, but that he might be having some kind of a breakdown? >> well, many people are wondering about that. because you've had it on your show many times, there's a list of transgressions he's committed over his six years in office now. this one stands out and really seems to have awakened people out of what i call a self-defensive slumber. a lot of people had looked away a lot in recent months and years because to go crazy over every single thing he says is really
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just to go crazy. and people have tried to ignore him, but this one stands out for some reason. i think it's the utter profanity of it, the fact that people for once can hear him unfiltered on that voice mail. we decided to run that without the bleeps, so people can hear exactly what it is he said, at his suggestion, i might add. and i would add not only people can hear that, but their kids can too with their cell phones. so people are getting a thoroughly unvarnished look and listen at what this guy is all about. you got to look long and hard in maine right now to find people who aren't completely horrified. >> i think part of the reason this resonates as a national story more than it might at some other time is because of concerns about racism and even like white supremacy and that
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stuff that's bubbling up in the trump campaign. his daughter is running coalitions in maine for the trump campaign. he's described it himself as being trump before trump was trump. when he's making these points that he's making about race, when he's pressing this case that the problem in maine is black men and hispanic men preying on white women, is he trying to get something done? is there a piece of policy that he wants different in terms of law enforcement? or is this just trying to get people upset along racial lines? >> well, he would argue that he's trying to stem the flow of heroin and other hard drugs into maine. and as he repeatedly puts it, save maine lives. and at the very core of this, that could very well be. but nobody seems to be able to
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get their head around is this fixation on race. yes, maine, like many other states, has a real problem with this in-flow of drugs into our state. and there's unanimity on that, that we need to do something about it. what people can't figure out is why, whenever he raises this problem, he has to overlay this issue of race onto it, rather than just address the fact that we have to stop the drugs. so it's very difficult to get inside this guy's head. but a lot of people right now are trying to figure out why he has this obsession with the color of their skin and why that should matter. why not just deal with the drug issue and join hands as we all want to do and attack that
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problem and leave the race issue aside. he's running very much in sync with the trump campaign right now, and i think that's why a lot of people are very much up in arms about it and want it to stop. and are tired of hearing about it. >> bill nemits, columnist with the portland press herald. you've been right on top of this. thank you for being here. i appreciate it. >> pleasure, rachel. >> the state legislator who the governor said all those things to, he is drew gattine. the city of westbrook, maine, has written a public letter talking about governor lepage humiliating himself in the office of the governor. saying the voice mail is so outrageous, it's beyond our ability to know how to respond. his threat to want to shoot him between the eyes would be reprehensible coming from anybody, but from the individual holding the position of governor of our state, that's insanity. when's the last time you heard a
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city write to its state government, calling it insane? much more to come on a very busy news night. stay with us. engineering... it's a performance machine. with this degree of intelligence... it's a supercomputer. with this grade of protection... it's a fortress. and with this standard of luxury... it's an oasis. introducing the completely redesigned e-class. it's everything you need it to be... and more. lease the e300 for $549 month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. lease themercedes-benz. month the best or nothing. hei don't want one that's hadch a bunch of ownersd car? just say, show me cars with only one owner find the cars you want, avoid the ones you don't
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it's about ten weeks until election day, which means everything that's gonna be up and running should be up and running by now. not long left. the trump campaign only today hired their national field director to run their voter turn-out efforts nationwide. hiring your field director on august 26th, ten weeks before the election, that's like meeting your new spouse for the first time on the curb outside the church while you're on your way into your wedding. hello, nice to meet you, what's your name again, are you ready to do this thing? come on! it's nuts. ten weeks out. more amazing than even the timing is that the trump campaign has chosen has their new national field director, one of the only people chris christie fired because of the bridgegate scandal. thanks to bill stepien's
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appearances in the bridgegate e-mails, governor christie fired him, saying he lost confidence in his judgment. less you think he meant that or has influence in the trump campaign, can't be both. bill stepien is the national field director for the trump campaign this year. did anybody else apply for the job? but you know what. today has been so nuts in the news that that bill stepien hiring, that's not even remotely the personnel scandal of the day. the personnel scandal of the day
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here's a cool thing that's going to happen this weekend. on sunday this weekend, a group of six scientists are going to emerge from a dome where they have been living in isolation for nearly a year. they've been on mauna lowa in hawaii it was chosen because they think the soil is a little bit like the soil on mars. so if space travelers ever set up on mars, research projects like this are supposed to estimate how they would cope. they've been in a dome or spacesuits exclusively for almost a year. we'll see how they are when they get out on sunday. this is funded by nasa, through the university of hawaii. they're all research scientists. if it reminds you of anything, though, what it reminds you of is probably this, which you probably do not remember as a legit thing. >> well, it's five stories tall, it's made of glass and steel,
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and it's out there in the arizona desert. it was supposed to be like living in a space colony. today four men and four mem who were isolated for two years, re-entered reality. nbc's george lewis was there. [ cheers and applause ] >> these eight experimenters, known as biospherians have been cooped up in their three-acre enclosure for two years, studying how man interacts with his environment. >> we really have it in our own hands to either destroy or planet or make it a beautiful system. maybe perhaps platform to step off into outer space. >> the eight experimenters marvelled at their first breaths of outside air. >> it's a different atmosphere, it's really a very different atmosphere.
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>> biosphere 2. the idea of biosphere 2 -- why is it called 2? because the rest of us schmucks live in biosphere 1, which is the earth. but those folks basically lived in a ter airium for two years. it was a texas billionaire's sort of pseudo scientific folly in the 1990s. it was a very expensive thing. it's a very strange story. it always will be a strange story. but today we learned that in the mid '90s, the texas billionaire who was losing a million dollars a month on it, he brought in a fixer to try to get biosphere 2 under control. the guy he brought in is the guy who is now running donald trump's presidential campaign. look, there he is, at the biosphere. part of how we know he was there, running things, is this
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old footage of him talking about biosphere 2 at the time. the other part of how we know he was there is because of court documents. because of bringing on steve bannon to run the weird '90s arizona public terrarium project, it didn't end well. the woman we saw this, exclaiming with the atmosphere in that footage, she ended up suing for breach of contract and abuse of process over steve bannon's tenure. she claimed among other things, this guy who would go on to run donald trump's presidential campaign, she alleged that he called her a bimbo, a self-centered diluted young woman. when she brought up safety issues in a report, he threatened to ram it down her bleeping throat. he admitted to that in court. so he seems nice. donald trump's ceo of his campaign was the guy was
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biosphere 2. it's also the day we learned it's also the day we learned that steve bannon also has a history of being arrested and charged with domestic violence. on new year's day 1996, police records show that steve bannon's then wife placed a call to 911. according to the police report, mr. bannon's wife told the responding officers that he had grabbed her by the neck and by the wrist. she broke away from him and ran into the house to try to call police. he chased her into the house, grabbed the phone and threw it across the room. the police report said the officers did observe red marks on her wrist and neck. officers also found her phone shattered in pieces on the floor. prosecutors did file charges against steve bannon at the time. they charged him with domestic violence and battery, and
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seeking to prevent a crime victim or a witness from reporting that crime to authorities. that ends up being important. steve bannon was arraigned on march 12, 1996, he pled not guilty to all charges. but his wife at the time claimed in court documents that steve bannon and his lawyer threatened her, threatened repercussions against her and her kids if she showed up to testify against him on those charges. when his court date came up, sure enough, mr. bannon's wife did not show up. prosecutors said they couldn't locate their key witness and without her there to testify, they said they had no choice but to drop all charges. now, late tonight, nbc news has obtained further documentation related to the case and specifically to the divorce that happened right after the case went to court and the charges were dropped. again, this is just in. so i'm just going to quote to you directly from nbc's late night reporting tonight. quote, we have obtained portions
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of the large divorce case between steve bannon and his ex-wife. even though it was initiated in 1997, the couple was still fighting over everything from their daughter's schooling to spousal support. he objected to his daughter attending a prestigious prep school because of, quote, the number of jews that attend. he doesn't like jews and he didn't like the way they raise their kids to be whiney brats and he doesn't want the girl going to school with jews. this is from court documents reported tonight by nbc news. steve bannon is now running donald trump's presidential campaign. mr. bannon is not responding directly to requests for comments. although his spokesperson told reporters that he has a great relationship with his ex-wife. for its part, the trump campaign has also not had any comment on the revelation of these charges. campaign manager kellyanne conway told abc news today that
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she does not know if donald trump knew about his domestic violence arrest when he hired steve bannon last week. we don't yet have a statement from kellyanne conway or from anyone about the new, alleged complaints from stephen bannon about jews and not wanting his daughter to go to school with jews. for his part, donald trump himself has not said anything about any of this at all. what was the hiring process to get this guy on board? did they do a background check? were there other people in the running? think they're going to keep him on? god, what a week. moments. by choosing flonase, you're choosing more complete allergy relief and all the enjoyment that comes along with it. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by overproducing 6 key inflammatory substances. most allergy pills only control 1. flonase controls 6.
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ungets radar reports two unknown types are penetrating the alaskan air defense zone. >> suggest soviet bombers. >> i want a visual confirmation on that. scramble two f-16s out of galleena. go to def con 2. >> go to def con 2! i was 10 years old when that movie came out. i still remember seeing it for the first time. i was plastered to the ceiling. and then they just didn't go to def con 2, they went to def con 1. >> we have a launch detection. we have a soviet launch detection.
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confirming a massive attack. >> confidence is high, i repeat. >> this is an exercise. >> this is not an exercise. >> tracking 300 in-bound icbms. >> tell me this is one of your simulations. >> it's not. >> all right, flush the bombers, get the subs in launch mode. we are at def con 1. >> def con 1. that means like it's happening. like we're doing it, it's war. the whole def con concept has always had a pretty good role in the movies. war games is definitely the best. def con also just sounds cool, so it got adopted as the name of a big hacker convention that happens every year. but def con is also a real thing.
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it stands for defense readiness conditions. the basic idea is that it we're at def con 5, that's good. but as you go up the scale, you're getting closer and closer to nuclear war, which is basically like pulling the trigger by the time you get to def con 1. we have never been in def con 1 in real life. on the morning of september 11th, 2001, our country had been at def con 5, the lowest level. after the attacks that morning, we jumped straight past def con 4, up to def con 3. and donald rumsfeld alerted the military to be ready to maybe jump to def con 2 as well. although that never happened. when we went to def con 3 after 9/11, that was a sobering thing. not only for the reason that at
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that point, we had not been at def con 3 in 28 years. when we went to def con 3 on 9/11, we hadn't been there since 1973. but you know what's really weird? nobody knows why we went to def con 3 in 1973. there wasn't some kind of 9/11 event for us that year. the cuban missile crisis was in the early '60s, not the early '70s. what happened in 1973? we went to def con 3 on 9/11, but that's it. for my entire lifetime, we, the public, have never actually known, for all these years why we did go to def con 3 that one time before 9/11 in 1973. we just found out this week. it just got declassified. the cia just this week, declassified the presidential daily briefs that went to president nixon and president ford. and it was nixon who was president when he sort of inexplicably went to def con 3 in 1973. it was during the yom kippur war in the middle east, when egypt and syria ganged up on israel.
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it was over in 20 days. we were intensively involved in trying to resolve it, end it, the soviets were up to their neck in it as well. the soviets were supplying the syrian and egyptian side of the conflict. but stuff like that happened between us and the soviets during the cold war. it wasn't something so much worse than anything that happened before, which would be 9/11. so what happened during the yom kippur war, why did we freak out like that in 1973? we now know from the president's daily briefs that were just declassified. we know that u.s. intelligence believed at the time that the soviets had sent a ship loaded with nuclear weapons to egypt in the middle of that war that egypt was fighting with israel egypt's fighting with israel, the soviets are supplying the egyptians, and they shipped in a shipnuclear weapons. we went to def con 3. it didn't last.
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the soviets didn't nuke israel, or give nukes to egypt, but because of that one presidential brief, we went into a state of readiness for war that we would not reach again until the 21st century. and now we know, 43 years down the line. i mean, this stuff is sensitive enough to put the hair up on your neck even 40 years later, right? well, now this year's presidential candidates have started getting their i love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here.
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are getting close. which means if you are a praying person, this is where you start praying for syria, an end to the disaster for the people of syria. the issue of syria is likely to be one of the top items to be covered in hillary clinton's first intelligence briefing as a presidential candidate, which is scheduled for tomorrow. donald trump received his first intelligence briefing last week. you might remember he brought chris christie and retired general mike flynn with him to his briefing. this briefing tomorrow will not be hillary clinton's first intelligence briefing. she's been a senator, also secretary of state. so i have two questions, who is she going to bring with her? and number two, is there any chance they'll have to circle back to donald trump and brief him again after they talk to clinton tomorrow? if they end up covering new information with hillary clinton that they didn't cover with
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trump, either because it's new, look at the situation in syria, or because she just asks them to cover information that trump didn't ask about. if one of those things happen, do intelligence briefers then have to turn around and bring donald trump in again, follow-up with him and update him again in the interest of fairness, so they both have the same information? does that happen? to help us answer these questions, former intelligence officer david priest who served among many roles as a daily intelligence briefer at the cia. author of the president's book of secrets, the untold stories of intelligence briefings to america's presidents. really nice to have you back. thank you for being here. >> nice to be back. >> we don't know who hillary clinton is bringing to her briefing tomorrow. we asked her and the answer was
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-- radio silence. what type of people do candidates get to bring? do they need security clearance or anything? >> sometimes they brought their vice presidential nominees. because they can also get these briefings. just four years ago, romney got his briefings and paul ryan got his separately. but to their briefings, they can try to bring anybody they want. usually a senior adviser, somebody who is doing national security with them. but they do have to be vetted by the intelligence officials to make sure that they can sit in that briefing. >> when trump had his briefing, you were here on the show that night. you explained that the content of the briefing will basically be designed the same for both candidates. but it can then change once the discussion starts, depending on what kind of questions the candidate asks. since clinton is going second, if she asks a bunch of stuff of her briefers that wasn't raised in the trump briefing, do they have to circle back to him again?
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>> sure. in order to remain neutral, the intelligence community will brief the same information to the trump people as well. if you're hillary clinton, you this, if it's generally known, but i really don't know the answer. what did third-party candidates? like gary johnson or jill stein? at what point might they get a briefing if ever? >> a couple times in history this has happened. 1968, 1980, third-party candidates did get the briefings. we haven't seen it in a while, but as i wrote this morning, it's time we consider a third-party getting a candidate, because gary johnson is getting close to 15% in the polls in some places. that would get him in the
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debates, he would be talking about national security issues and wouldn't have the same information the other candidates do. >> david priest, a man who's what if a company that didn't make cars made plastics that make them lighter? the lubricants that improved fuel economy. even technology to make engines more efficient. what company does all this? exxonmobil, that's who. we're working on all these things to make cars better and use less fuel. helping you save money and reduce emissions. and you thought we just made the gas. energy lives here. i'm terhe golf. but i'd like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. new patented ensure enlive has hmb
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plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. for the strength and energy to do what you love. new ensure enlive. always be you. [music] jess: hey look, it's those guys. shawn: look at those pearly whites, man. [music] bud: whoa, cute! shawn: shut-up. jess: are you good to drive? shawn: i'm fine. [music] [police siren] jess: how many did you have? shawn: i should be fine. jess: you shoulde? officer: sir, go ahead and step out of the vehicle for me. shawn: yes, sir. bud: see ya, buddy. today, shawn's got a hearing, we'll see how it goes. good luck! so, it turns out buzzed driving and drunk driving,
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they're the same thing and it costs around $10,000. so not worth it. >> david priest, a man who's the doctor. promise it won't hurt. do you have a doctor you can depend on at the drop of a hat if and when you suddenly really need a doctor? >> i think what people are interested in is there were some questioning did donald trump write that letter for you or have any input into that letter, i think that's what people are kind of curious about? >> doctor wrote that letter, okay.
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i wrote that letter and sitting here and smiling as i wrote it, too, to be quite honest with you. >> he wrote it sitting there smiling. donald trump's doctor has finally explained the origin of the weirdest letter ever written on anybody's presidential health ever and the story of how he wrote it and when will blow your mind, that's next.
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i feel awesome tonight. judging by my own feels right now, i'm in astonishingly excellent health. my health might rival donald trump's rival of his health. typo filled message that appeared in the news as donald trump's medical history that had been drunkenly faxed. the letter starts with a typo, to whom my concern, the doctor signs it at the bottom with credentials of membership organization that he hasn't belonged to for many years. he said he would be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency. that letter from donald trump's doctor reads like a fortune cookie that wants to be a science fiction novel. we have been trying to get that doctor to talk to us about that letter, to tell us how in the
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world that letter came to be and why it's like that. we finally got an answer from him, i think. because nightly news, bless them, they got an interview with him in his office. this is what he told them about how the letter came to be, please watch. >> i guess he called and he said the clinton organization was going to publish letter on her health. i know her physician and i know some of her health history which is not so good i said, why not. i would do that for you, too. >> the car was waiting outside. >> at the end of the day they came to get their letter. >> and so just tell me about the time -- the time crunch, like, five -- you wrote it --
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>> i thought about it all day and at the end, i get rushed and anxious when i get rushed, so i four and five lines best as possible that they would be happy with. >> but it was based on your evaluation. >> it's all true. >> he would be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency. donald trump's doctor said he wrote the letter with donald trump's car waiting outside to collect it. he felt rushed an anxious. i don't know if my spity sense is my excellent health, i would love to talk to him about some more. it would be a good time. please come and be on the show.
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