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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  August 27, 2016 4:00am-5:01am PDT

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he might die in office. both of those primary on tuesday, both promise some unusual drama. this year just does not quit. good morning, everyone. i'm alex witt in new york at msnbc world headquarters. here's what's happening. new attacks. both sides ratcheting up attacks. race, immigration, e-mails. the latest on all that ahead. >> storm threat. potentially dangerous weather heading right towards florida. how it may affect the zika virus. this morning, new details. aftershocks still today rocking italy as the stories of survival and desperation grow. a live report from the scene ahead. but we begin with politics.
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donald trump is standing by his claim that he is the best choice for african-american and hispanic voters. >> take a look at what's happening with respect to crime. it's a terrible job that she has done, terrible job that the democrats have done. they have run the inner-cities for years. look what you have. they're like war zones. we can stop that immediately. over a longer period of time we can fix the education. we can fix the jobs by bringing jobs back into this country. hillary clinton can't do that. she doesn't have the ability to do that. all she wants is their vote. that's what's been happening for many years. >> well, clinton explained why she's been going after trump's character during an explosive interview on "morning joe" yesterday. >> a man with a long history of
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racial discrimination who has conspiracy theories drawn from supermarket tabloids and kind of white supremists, anti-semetic groups should never run our government or command our military. if he represent all americans, how can he serve all americans? nbc news confirmed domestic violence charges were indeed filed in 1996. nbc news confirmed those charges were dropped. police say it is because they were unable to track down his wife. a personal spokesperson said in part he has a great relationship with his ex-wife and his twins. trump is headed to the iowa state fair while mike pence is in virginia for a rally.
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hillary clinton is off the campaign trail, while tim contains holds two events in florida. it will take him to a campaign. good morning to you, jacob. what can we expect from mr. trump today? >> hay bails already in place. for $20 a ticket, you can see trump talk at 2:00 here. he will take part in other activities. there's a barbecue and other things you might expect here in des moines, iowa. what's interesting is last night, joanie erics was asked about recent comments about trump, including when he called hillary clinton a bigot. she hedged a little bit. she said i'm not going to get into that. to both, i would say they need to take this into a civil discourse. she went on to say to both of them i'd say back down.
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meanwhile trump is still, for the last week and a half, taking his pitch directly to minority voters. here's some of what he said yesterday. >> just take a look at what's happening with respect to crime. it's a terrible job that she has done. terrible job that the democrats have done. they have run the inner-cities for years, and this is what you have. war zones. in many case, they're worst than war zones. >> worst than war zones. that's the way trump is liking to describe it these days. after a week of speculation, his signature issue when he started, immigration, it seems he still cannot decide, flipping and flopping a times this week. it is the issue that propelled him to the nomination. how he started his kpaeup. he has no clear policy on that issue. alex. >> jacob, i want to get to the
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controversy about stephen bannon. voter registration fraud i believe in the state of florida. what's behind all this and how is the campaign handling it? >> they direct it all to mr. bannon's spokesperson. even when we asked if the campaign was aware of these things before they happened. this happened 20 years ago. and the spokesperson said now he and his ex-wife and daughters are good friends. >> okay. jacob rascon, thank you for that from des moines. and kate martell from the hill and opinions editor for penn life and patriot news. with a welcome to you. kate, we'll get to you first. is there a sense of they plan to deal with this kade of news on
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him. >> tracking on, move away from the controversies and talk about what they want to talk about. steve bannon was brought on to be a more aggressive voice. to help outside donald trump's very active twitter feed. he has been advice all along. just quietly. they just recently brought him along. they just hired bill stepien, who was fired during the bridge gate scandal under chris christie. lots truck on, move on, and get rid of these controversies. >> we are having before it of technical difficulty with john so i will pose this to you. john wrote a column that cites a new poll suggesting most americans are not on board building a wall. for you, kate, is it clear what trump's position is now?
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>> donald trump's position has moved back and forth. we saw him go 360--degree turn and then stepping up. trying to soften a built to say, hey, come to our team even if you have been a little uncomfortable at the campaign. we see hillary clinton go after donald trump and try to say, hey, you may have been voting republican your life. it's okay to vote for hillary clinton. we are just seeing a little bit of back and forth and seeing him try to soften it. if he's go to become a flip-flopper, wee not alter his position. so i'm trying to soften a little bit, appeal to more voters. >> yeah. put it out there and see what happens. there was an exclusive interview with hillary clinton on on
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"morning joe". she was asked to report that more of her secretary of state e-mails will be released. here's that. >> in fact, there are no were e-mails or foundation ties that will be revealed that could permanently impact your presidential prospects. >> mika, i am sure neither my husband, my daughter, nor i have taken a penny of salary from the foundation. my work as secretary of state wasn't supplied by other forces. >> do you think people are at all desaturated and getting oversensitized to it. >> we haven't had e-mails released in a while. every time the e-mails out, it is a graspable and very much in the public eye as opposed to some of the other controversies.
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people cover campaigns and are in more of this world. now, we will have more released by september 13th. at that point, i think we will see a lot more in the public eye. the problem for the clinton campaign right now is there's thdrip, drip, drip. it is the controversy not going over the line but makes the public just a little bit more uncomfortable. the flip is not the end of we're going to see the end of this i think we will see ads of hillary clinton saying, i am sure. >> you are definitely right on that one. i want to play part of a focus group in wisconsin. here's that. >> i'm just hoping for actual discussions about political topics and not so much the mud slinger dirty politics going on between these two over the past couple of months. >> and how are you going to decide? what is going to help you?
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>> honestly, it's probably going to come down to crunch time. just do as much research to figure it out. >> this all seems to be campaignsed, not focused on issues, or is that the perception? if so, what do you think is driving that? >> part of this i talk up to the campaigning is getting earlier, earlier, earlier. people do get negative about them. that being said, this campaign has been very unusual. a lot of politics going on. i can't believe how much we have been talking about the kkk in 2016. but i would like to think we're getting into the point where we head into debates. they will be much more easy to be talk about, the differences between a trump presidency and clinton presidency. yes, there has been a lot of dirty campaigning. maybe i'm just optimistic but i
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think we will see more up close as we head into the voting season. next we're going to look whether his new strategy is working. [announcer] is it a force of nature? or a sales event? the summer of audi sales event is here. get up to a $5,000 bonus on select audi models. at clorox 2 we've turned removing stains into acience. now pre-treat with clorox 2! watch stains disappear right before your eyes. remove 4 times more stains than detergent alone.
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at a great price with over $500 in savings. call today and ask how to get these savings plus a $250 prepaid card. comcast business. built for business. now to the weather headlines. torrential rain inundated kansas city, swapping up cars and prompting multiple water rescues. residents were urged to move to higher ground. in indianapolis, flooded streets and intersections trapping several vehicles. bonnie schneider. there's the tropical threat also. >> absolutely, alex. and we have many areas we're
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watching. this is a busy time in the tropics as we end august, begin saturday. soon we will see even more than that. gaston still set to be on track. since early this morning, around 2:00 a.m., the new advisory came out. 20%. is and knocked down to 40% the next few days. we have seen a lot of fluctuation with this system. it will drift solely lott west, very waters of the gulf of mexico. we're not that confidence we will see development. sunday, florida will be in the mix. after that, we're just not certain what it will do, if it intensify in the tpwhruf of mexico. chances less likely judging by what we are seeing this morning.
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notice showers and thunderstorms right where we don't want it, coastal, southwest louisiana. still looking at rain systems we're seeing. potentially for florida, locally over five inches. also, the flooding in kansas city, unfortunately the threat for more rain coming into the midwest. six inches. we have at least an inch over the next 48 hours. and that flood threat will push east into missouri. so lots of problematic weather to keep track of this weekend. >> don't seem to be getting a break there. back to politics now. hillary clinton notching a win over her republican opponent this week. her support among latino voters shot up to 73%, while donald trump's support hovers around the 20% mark. trump doesn't seem to be fazed by the polls. here's what he said with
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hispanic leaders yesterday at a roundtable meeting. >> we've been doing very well. and we've been doing very, very well with the latinos. we've been doing amazing. far greater than anyone understands. they want to see jobs. they want to see things happen. >> reverend tony suarez, executive vice president of the national hispanic leadership conference a&a member of the advisory committee. do you agree with that, what donald trump was saying right there, they were doing far, far greater than they had been with the hispanic community? >> well, i'm going to be the first evangelical to say i believe in evolution. he is evolving. and i think he is opening eyes and he is changing. he's listening to our skphaoupbt. he's listening to our concerns.
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this goes back to a meeting in stphrbg where rodriguez was the presiden if he said if you're going to build a wall, you must build a bridge. since that time he has been making the effort. i give credit where credit is due. i don't think we have a defined policy of where he stands on these -- exactly on immigration reform. but the changes or the openness to at least discuss the issues, including legalization and comprehensive immigration reform, is very comfortable. >> do you believe it is two steps forward, one step back? there is a lot of back and forth on his positions. and also the timing of it. is it too late to appeal to a gentleman report? >> is this going to give hem an extra 20%, 30%.
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but i to think for the latinos who were on the tpefrpb. wepbl in these loaf and liberties and justice but better said, you need to come around immigration reform. i think for those evangelicals, i think this is a turning point for them. >> tony, how do you think donald trump gets away with repeatedly insulting one-fifth of americans and still stay so strong in the polls? >> well, he's ovened me. in fact, i came on on your program a couple months ago and i was very offended. i have to forgive. which of these candidates represents more of my values even if offended me on one or two issues. i don't think it's right. in our discussions with mr. trump, we have talked about
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rick. this is an election like no other. in fact, the last time i said at the end is i think there might be a surprise before november. this is a surprise. mr. trump has come around on the issue of immigration. and it's encouraging for me. it feels like the discussions we've had and the work we've done has been -- it's been worth it. >> but i'm just curious. so many times i have heard the phrase, this election cycle. it is coming down to the lesser of two evils. is that the way it feels? well, you're not really supporting one canned daylight or the other but one is better than the other by a little bit? >> i think so that's the sentiment of a lot of people. that's what i hear a lot of people say. i also hear people talk about the security courtroom, the
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future. what does the supreme court look like under either one of these candidates. for my own conviction i haven't decided who i am voting for. i've been trying to encourage my friends and the people that i can speak to that we can't just focus on the white house. we have to lift our eyes to capitol hill and make sure that we vote our convictions when it comes to our representatives and stphes. as we have seen under president obama, it cannot be won in the white house. it has to be won on the steps of capitol hill. we need to have a full view of this election cycle and make ser that we're giving as much attention to congress and senate as we are the white house. >> may i ask you quickly before
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i let you go, if hillary one on september 26th, would you consider voting for her? >> there are issues that have he me concerned beyond immigration reform to the point where i don't care i could say i'm voting for mrs. clinton just yet. i'm still one of those people on defense and hoping -- well, i know is when i get in the box i will know who i'm voting for. >> which makes you a very interesting desk. is. a national day in mourning as the death toll continues to climb. is there they hope of finding is survivors still alive. a report from italy next were # .
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negotiations are under way to end the five-year-old war in syria. kerry said the details still need to be worked out. this comes with the release of a heart-breaking video is on social media. these two young brothers hugging and crying in aleppo after they were told their third brother was killed in an air strike. 9 the type of on bomb that killed the third brother are commonly used by the syrian government. the united nations has been pushing for a 48-hour pause to eliminate suffering for 2 million peel. we invite you to watch. the author othe new book spent the last four months and joins me next.
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i'm alex witt at msnbc world headquarters in new york. an intense search under way in bangladesh. police have killed three suspected militants, including one of the masterminds of a deadly cafe attack last month. twenty people were killed in that attack. since then, police have been conducted raids to find those responsible. the day's other big deadline overseas in italy where the death toll of an earthquake is still climbing. it stands at 290, as more bodies are being covered. lucy kavanov. lucy, with a good morning to you. are they worried figures are going to rise? >> reporter: alex, they are indeed figures could still arise. the search still continuing. at this stage, nearly 80 hours
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since that initial quake hit. final survivors is getting really, really likely. aftershocks are making things worse. amatrice is now effectively isolated. it is only open to the most essential rescue teams. now the focus paying respects to those who lost their lives. in italy, tpwref and fingrief a farewells. the search goes on, but hope is nearly gone. reality sinking in for those who made it out alive. a town that has been here for century, reduced in an instant. little sophia was born three weeks before the quake.
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she won't remember the horror. her father will never forget. it was chaos, he tells me. walls crumbled, wardrobes fell. we have nothing now. >> was it luck? >> i was fortunate, he says. so many others died. daniela's children made it out alive. her parents did not. we lost everything, she says. it's all gone. but even here amidst the darkness, light and life as the nation mourns its dead. alex, a lot of soul searching today as people come to grips with the full scale of this disaster. italy has usually done an excellent job of rescuing them after an earthquake. but before these kind of events take place, that's a whole different matter. alex. >> in just an instant and
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everything is gone. lucy kavanov, thank you very much from italy. donald trump keeping up his attack on the hillary clinton e-mail controversy. let's take a look. a lot of people would say nsa have the details if they want them. it's the only way she can considered running she shouldn't be allowed to run. >> casey, is there word on a release of new clinton e-mails? >> hi, alex. it looks like we will get some e-mails september 13th. that's when the state department was told they need to release any e-mails in the fbi investigation. director comey said they had e-mails that were not initially identified. that's one hand. on the other issue, we talked
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about it a little bit less. it is a potential, october surprise. that hack into dnc and dccc servers. any revolutions that might come out of that. a suggestion from julian assange this fall. >> shrb going to larry the attacks this week. >> i think you are going to hear more along the lines of what you heard against the alt-right she gave out in reena, nevada earlier this week. of course they have released this new ad, a tv ad. so they will be putting more money behind this remark that trump has made bigoted remarks they of course are citing
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discrimination claims be him when he was renting businesses early on. >> what about trump's during and what he said about his health? trump's doctor, all we know about his health is that letter that said he would be the healthiest person ever elected to the presidency. we don't have a ton on hillary clinton's health. she released a three-page document that's three and a half years old. it took him about five minutes to dash off that letter saying donald trump is in great help. he has been trump's doctor for 30 years. he says he give him a checkup every year in may. >> to he is haelgealthy. joining me is a journalist who spent four months going through the heart of trump country in
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arizona, west virginia, california. alex wrote a book called "the guilded rage." a wild ride through donald trump's america. glad to talk to you about all of these issues. 13 million people voted for trump, as you well know, in these primaries. you got to know about 100 or more. what's your biggest takeaway? >> yeah. i traveled the country. my one rule is i would only really socialize with trump supporters. so i got to know quite a few people. as you can imagine, 13 million people is going to hold an abundance. it's a very negated group. i wanted to probe the stereotype that was starting to develop. everyone saw the images out of the early rallies, the violence? some of the racist signs. and people started to talk about trump as a knee fascist movement. >> sure.
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sure did you see something that was similar, a common thread? was there a big takeaway. in the title, it is is the rage, the anger. that often bordered on desperation. i think the big takeaway in terms of that range that it is mostly pointed upward. it is not a direct downward as some people have implied or stated. it's not even geared laterally towards racial -- i really think there is a focus on sort of elites and the establishment of both parties. >> so officials, elected -- >> cultural elites. >> and not at the changing demographics of this country? does that fuel it at all? >> you can't ignore the streaks. it is like marbleized. but i would not say they were dominant.
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especially in the last few takes with the focus on these alt-right groups. when he hear it over and over again, tended to be areas economically depressed. >> sohat that is trumped over social issues? >> in my experience, they were first, second, and third. yes. >> so all about the economy, not social. >> here's something you said about trump supporters. that the same person who is shouting something at a rally is very different when you talk to them privately. how so? >> well often when you get people away from the sort of energetic rally, environment, you sit down over a beer, people become a little bit more self aware. there's more space for critical thinking as opposed to you just stick a microphone in front of somebody's face and people are shouting, maybe throwing eggs at
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them, as we saw a lot in the primaries. regret for that extreme positions or not so much? >> maybe not regret but let's say self awareness. i don't take trump literally on this. whether it is is deportation or the wall or some of his more derogatory statements. >> in terms of the passion these folks have for donald trump, what happens if he loses the election? >> that's a good question. the anger is not going to go away. they're not going to go away. the question is who is going to pick up the pieces the republican party finds itself in i personally approached this project as someone from the left. i was bernie sand issers supporter. i was exploring the overlap. >> was there some? >> oh, there was quite a bit. whether extreme in equality, wall street, free trade, even foreign policy, public assistance. things you wouldn't necessarily
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suspect. i think there is space for bringing a lot of people into a morin collusive, hopefully pro science, limp stpwhrfplt very how a tropical storm could make zika much worse in this country. we have the explanation next. in our next hour, what may be a gop defection to the hillary clinton camp. whether this could hurt the democratic nominee. at clorox 2 we've turned removing sins into a science.
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get between you and life's dobeautiful moments.llergens flonase gives you more complete allergy relief. most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. flonase controls 6. and six is greater than one. flonase changes everything. ♪ heythere's a more enjoyabley! way to get your fiber. try these delicious phillips' fiber good gummies, a good source of fiber to help support regularity. mmmm. these are great. my work here is done. phillips'. the tasty side of fiber. ♪
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americans are buying more and more of everything online. and so many businesses rely on the united states postal service to get it there. because when you ship with us, your business becomes our business. that's why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. the united states postal service. priority: you happening now, the state of florida bracing for a double whammy as a tropical system brewing in the atlantic threatens to hit. and this could make the zika crisis worse. sarah, tell us what's going on here? >> reporter: hi there, alex. it doesn't matter as far as zika is concerned if this wave of weather developed into something
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very severe or if it just brings rain to this region. any moisture means standing puddles of water, which are prime breeding ground for mosquit mosquitos. with 42 cases of locally transmitted vehicle ya in the air, there is concern from health officials. the state's governor has been urging congress to approve more funding for fighting the virus. there also is the worry that if this is an active hung season it could divert needed resources from fighting season. door-to-door outreach continues in these two areas where locally transmitted cases of zika are to be occurring. health officials and residents, alex, keeping a close eye on on florida skies. hey, can i ask you quickly. all the concerns we have talked about the last couple of weeks, we have been concerned about the economic impact. so many small businesses concerned. have you seen a continuation of that concern?
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>> then continue to show these numbers which are showing a dip in some of the hotel bookings here. and if you talk to small businesses they can tell you business is down. people who come in are talk building zika. this is something that definitely has had an impact on the region and is going to take time to bounce back. >> considering tourism is a big feeder of the economy. thank you so much in miami beach for us. the presidential nominee spent the week hurling accusations of racism at each other. next up, we'll talk whether either candidate went too far. that make me smile. spending the day with my niece. i don't use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out.
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try super poligrip free. burning of diabetic nerve pain, these feet learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, or swmuscle pain with fever,ng, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. ask your doctor about lyrica.
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hillary clinton's running mate tim kaine is weighing in on racially charged attacks with donald trump. here's what he told reporters in an event in florida yesterday. >> is trump a racist? >> i don't know. let's bring in joe watkins, republican strategist and former
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white house aide for george h.w. bush. and political analyst. hello. good to see you on a saturday morning. joe, we'll start with you first. did hillary clinton go too far by tying donald trump to white supremacists and do you see an alternative to all the mudslinging we are now seeing in this race on race? >> well, you know, when somebody attacks you, you have to respond. otherwise, the attack can-can stick. sadly what happens is when you have this kind of mudslinging, it distracts from the major issues that impact america from any serious discussion or debate on those issues. you have 6 million americans working part-time for economic reasons. a bunch are not participating in the labor force. they would love to hear how they are going to put amecans back to work. specifically, what hopes they have to get back to work.
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but as long as you have these charges thrown about who is a bigot and so on and so forth, it all gets blurred and all you have are a for you here what the gop sean spicer told one of my colleagues about hillary clinton calling trump a bigot. >> do you think hillary clinton is a bigot? >> no. i mean, i think some of the policies that she's supported have not helped african-americans. but i think anybody who knows me, i don't tend to use certain words. but geb, i'm not -- so that's not something make i might personally say, no. >> interpret that for me, rick. is that enough of a rebuke from the rnc? >> i don't know. i take sean at his word. sean is a professional. he wouldn't run around calling people bigots. i think there's an underlying meb
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message except it's so poorly executed and shouldn't take mass during a presidential campaign. we can have a discussion which race, african-americans or hispanics under whose policies but it's so difficult under the charges of race. the charge of racism i think gets thrown around a little too loosely at times. i think it's cherry picking when you go and single out supporters who sign onto donald trump and he didn't sign onto them. having said all of that, the idea that donald trump would have anything to gain getting into a debate about race is mind boggling. he should stick to his strengths, which is criticizing her military record -- i'm sorry, her time as secretary of state, the facts she's untrustworthy, e-mails, clinton foundation. these are all things he could easily talk to. he's not going to win an argument on respect from the crass political point of view from a practitioner,
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there's nothing in it for him. >> joe, i'd like to ask you to listen to some of what hillary clinton said in some of her so-called alt-right speech. >> a fringe element that has effectively taken over the republican party. the paranoid fringe now calls it's self alt-right. there's always been a paranoid fringe in our politics. a lot of it arising from racial resentment but it's never had the nominee of a major party stoking it, encouraging it and giving it a national mega phone until now. >> paranoid fringe. how much of any of that is true. how long might this speech resonate with voters, joe? do you think it might do long-term damage to the trump campaign. >> it plays into a narrative already. donald trump is doing very poorly, especially with african-american voters. the comments he's made in the
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last couple of weeks and speeches that will raise these numbers at all especially in the battleground cases. the way he talks to people of color, black people like me on tv is not at all enticing. most of us are offended by it. to just blanketly say you're poor, you don't have jobs and so on and so forth is no way to engage a community. if you want constructive engagement you have to sit down with leaders onwho have constituency like naacp, urban league, nobj or any of the groups where you have african-american leaders with constituency. have you to engage with people and talk to them about what you might do to solve problems that impact the communities of color. the way he's been doing it is offensive to most african-americans and he's done nothing to change that narrative. >> one more thought about the alt-right speech, rick, these words coupled together, paranoid fringe. >> some could argue the entire
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democratic party has come opted the alt left. there are fringe elements in the alt-right. it looks more like european nationalism. within that there are segments of white supremacy and racism. we should reject that strokely. but donald trump in a sense opened the door bringing in steve bannon. that's where hillary clinton walked through that opening to connect him to the alt-right. she's got to be careful, too, because if she patients the republican party or movement with a broad brush she spent the last week trying to court republicans, sort of painting all republicans racist is a bad idea. >> rick, what have the new leaders of the campaign brought so far? any sense of them? >> i don't know what brannon brings? i think kellyanne has had some effect. he seems to be listening to her. he still makes these missteps.
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when he literally changed his immigration policy in a town hall meeting with sean hannity as if he just thought of it was really shocking. now he's gone back and sort of reinstated all of his hard line policies. so you know, it's really hard to know where he's going to go with this. he can't lose. politicians changing their idea, turning a topic, it's an eye roll, they all do this. this is the same situation with him, the idea he would soften his stance on immigration. losing his supporters. if you look at the recent polling, he doesn't -- he's not gaining any overhead, he's not expanding his base. hillary clinton is expanding his base and looks like she has more to go. in the quinnipiac poll she's over 50% and that's a pretty significant number. >> listening to rick, what do
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you expect from trump's immigration speech set for next week. by the way, it was set to be delivered thursday but he did postpone it. >> everybody is watching to see exactly what he's going to say. rick makes a good point. he risks losing some of his base by changing his stance on what has really been his signature issue. we'll see. we'll all see. everybody will be watching to see. right now hillary clinton has a much clearer path to 270 electoral college votes, so donald trump has to, i think, do a better job of clarifying where he stands on this key issue. >> joe and rick, always good to see you both. thanks, guys. coming up, a leading member of the naacp is weighing in on donald trump's claim that democrats do little to help african-americans. ...clear for take off.
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2 days to election day. donald trump is fighting back against claims that immigration policy keeps changing. here is what he said in an interview last night after filled had him and his campaign on immigration. >> my stance is strong. no amnesty, no legalization. we're going to build a wall. it's going to be a tremendous, powerful wall. day one we'll get gang members and drug dealers and all of the ople that have illegally crossed and have been in our country, we'll get them out very, very very fast. we're going to stop certain people, criminal elements from coming in. we shall see what we shall see. >> tim kaine following up on his attacks by linking him to white supremacists. here is what he said in a campaign stop in florida yesterday. >> donald trump was t


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