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tv   Hardball Weekend  MSNBC  August 28, 2016 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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tamron hall. thanks for joining us. good evening. in new york sitting in for chris matthews. donald trump and hillary clinton continue to trade blows today over chargesover racism and bigotry. it was stoking and enkoushlging racist voices. she said trump is taking hate groups and making them mainstream and helping a radical fringe take over the republican party. >> from the start he has built his campaign on prejudice and
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pair no, paranoia. he has a disturbing pattern. he has sued for houses discrimination against communities of color. this he attacked a judge for his mexican heritage. he promised a mass deportation force. what i want to make clear is this. a man with a long history of racial discrimination who traffics in dark conspiracy theories drawn from the pages of supermarket tabloids and these kind of white supremacist should never run or government or command our military. >> donald trump doubled down on calling hillary clinton a bigot. >> she is a bigot. you look at what's happening to the inner cities. you look at what's happening to african americans and hispanics in this country. she is saying look at the vets.
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they are being treated essentially just fine, that it's over exaggerated. >> how is she bigoted? >> she is selling them down the tubes. she is not doing anything for those communities. she talk as good game. >>. >> where can things possibly go from here? jonathan is here and david and robert is national political reporter. robert, i'll start with you. you have now had the direct tieing. the trump campaign, are they surprised?
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what is the reaction that republicans have not come forward to refute what hillary clinton is saying? >> what we have seen in recent days is an effort to try to improve trump's numbers with minority voters, talk about upcoming outreach to black voters in particular as well as latino voters. it comes in the way trump has been talking about softening these immigration stance. we are seeing a trump campaign with a new leadership team trying to adjust that's coming from secretary clinton and it's going to continue to come. they know that. >> and are they reaching out to the rnc? they are working part time. are they expecting republicans to come forward and defend him? he has called it the sounds of silence. >> based on my reporting the rnc is intertwained.
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they are all on the same boat. they will ride it until november. when it comes to capitol hill the vulnerable senate races they are much more reluctant to come out now with 75 days and to engage in any kind of effort for donald trump especially on an issue like race. >> donald trump didn't fit well with some of his reporters. he said i don't generally get into the name calling name. i kind of left that behind in the third grade. i certainly don't encourage it he threw in, that's when wha people do when they don't have anything to talk about. chief strategist has been working out of trump tower part time had this to say earlier on msnbc. >> do you think hillary clinton is a bigot? >> no. i mean i think some of the policies she supported have not
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helped the african americans but i don't tend to use certain words. that's not something i might personally say, no. >> why go after her saying she is a bigot? many people said it doesn't make sense. >> well, i think he looks at what she has said about him and he concluded that this is how he is going to label her. that's up for him. he's running for president of the united states. >> jonathan, i know you are but what am i strategy does work in grade school but you saw the plain discomfort who is working with donald trump. your take on the fact that republicans have said absolutely nothing in defense of donald trump as he is being labeled this way. >> it is difficult to defend the indefensible. this is a man who has run a campaign from the moment he got off that escalator and stepped
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to the microphones on june 16th he said mexicans are rapists. it went further downhill from there, seemingly every week of his campaign for the next 14 months. if you're a republin an ts person is now theominee of your party and democratic nominee lays out a brief against your nominee that are based on facts there's no way you can't even refute? why wouldn't you put yourself out to defend indefensible? >> and hillary clinton did site other examples, twisting the knife a little more, republican parties, let's take a listen. >> 20 years ago when bob doll accepted the republican nomination he pointed to the exits in the convention hall and told any racists in the party to
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get out. the week after 9/11 george w. bush went to a mosque and declared for everyone to hear that muslims love america just as much as i do. in 2008 john mccain told his own supporters they were wrong about the man he was trying to defeat. senator mccain made sure people knew barack obama is a kind person. we need that kind of leadership again. >> you have hillary clinton now saying come to me, republicans because i think that he is not like you, sort of separating them from donald trump even as they are sort of walking away from him. what do you make of it? >> we reached a situation where she is a bigot like your a
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bigot. i'm a bigot. maybe even robert is a bigot. it is just a word he uses. today they traded charges about who is a bigot. it is his record that has been on trial. i keep reminding people that he was known for being the champion, which was a racist charge. it had been immigration or attacking and kind of delegitimizing the first black president. we are still trying to figure out how to deal with a person who is acting like a crazy man. i don't know how else to put it. when his interview with anderson cooper last night, he said you may not like her policies but does it make her a bigot? yes. she is a bigot. there is no way, as jonathan said, republicans can defend it.
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you are not going to defend the use of this word but why are you still with trump? how can you a nominee like this? >> and term bigot, it was not an off the cuff remark. he read it off of the teleprompter. hillary clinton made an issue who is now the ceo of the trump campaign, the alt-right is turning this idea of racism back on liberals. who is now running this message? is he leading where he attempts to tie her to racism or leeing him around? >> there are intense discussions about how to proceed with his candidacy. it's not been dominated bay
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particular person. new jersey governor christie. it's about who is with him at trump tower, who's ton plane with him. they are telling him to soften his pitch. they are more reflective and this is something trump navigated trying to figure out how to win without losing who he is with his campaign. >> and that is kind of alarming. it sounds like trump is being blown by the winds, which ever direction they are being blown the strongest. is this a campaign being lead by the loudest voice in the moment? >> you used the right word, core. you don't get blown around. you don't get swayed from one minute to the other if you have a solid court, if you have a foundation that you believe in. his signature issue has been
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immigration, build the wall, deport 11 million people today. could someone please explain to me what his immigration plan is? it is hardened, softened gone away all within four days. so if he can't stick to his core message, if he plays the room and tries to figure out what he wants to hear well then you're going to go where ever they want to hear it. one day we are not going to build a wall. next day it's, you know what? no one is applauding for him. to me it seems like donald trump and his campaign is in a very desperate moment, so desperate that his immigration plan is nonsense and this outreach quite
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frankly is at this point. >> and answer that question. you're covering this. what is his immigration policy? he asked the audience to applaud for whether they want him to do the deportations or not. do you know at this point what the donald trump immigration plan is? >> what we are watching in realtime and we experience every day is a candidate who hitched himself to this populist party more than a year ago and really associated and embraced that wing. it has never been who trump really is. it isn't something he cultivated during his political career. it is something he found, embraced and held onto. in his final chapter of the campaign he is going back and rethinking does he really need to do this as much as he has? >> you know, robert is much more
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poe light about calling him pop list and right wring. everyone understands what they are. he claims to be alt-right. would you agree donald trump doesn't have a natural affinity with him? >> i think certainly from the days on which we now have four or five years here he has had a natural afin tichlt it is if donald trump doesn't care about anything other than donald trump. after a year he doesn't know what his policy is. he doesn't seem to be interested in figuring out what to do about 11 million people. now he doesn't know. he says he is going to fix the education system, fix the inner cities. he doesn't really care. it is just about presentation and about donald trump. the one thing he cares about are polls and how well he is doing. those are the details you get from a donald trump speech,
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nothing about policy or anything that matters to anybody else. >> yeah, i think he can't be having a good week. thank you guys very much. this is "hardball," the place for politics. ♪ mapping the oceans. where we explore. protecting biodiversity. everywhere we work. defeating malaria. improving energy efficiency. developing more clean burning natural gas. my job? my job at exxonmobil? turning algae into biofuels. reducing energy poverty in the developing world. making cars go further with less. fuing the global economy. and you thought we just made the gas. energy lives here. when heartburn comes creeping up on you. fight back with relief so smooth and fast. tums smootes starts dissolving the
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. welcome back to "hardball." it doesn't come from your traditional school. steve bannon, the chair of breitbart, he was interviewed. bannon told me ploudly when i
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interviewed him in july. though disavowed by every other the alt-right has been since he took over breitbart. accusing president obama of importing more hating muslims against the prevaers of political correctness. what exactly is the alt-right? sarah is the author of that story. benji is a political reporter for msnbc. i'll come back to talk about bannon. first i want to start with a working definition of alt-right. >> the trouble is it's sort of a loose term. it includes a lot of different groups. it is a very specific group of white nationalists who have this
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war on multi-culturism and they pretty much say they would slightly disagree with this. it includes people who generally rail against political correctness or femme nicinisfem. it includes young white men who are upset there are too many women invading their video games. >> and i guess the big sort of issue is they target republicanism as sort of weakening white culture i guess you would say? >> yeah. there are all of these topics you want to bring up. you can't talk about it because republicans are too squeamish. this could include people who are upset. we think there's a muslim conspiracy everywhere. it could include people worried and say republicans won't talk
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about this. it could get a wide bunch of people under that. >> and one of these are sort of interesting aspects of it. this perception there is a lot of it linked to it. kind of give us a little bit of background in that. >> ben who was editor at large until earlier this year, after he left breitbart he was assaulted with anti-semitic, send you to the ovens kind of rhetoric on twitter which is also something other jewish journalists have experienced from the alt-right online. shapiro tweeted out the -- i
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asked bannon about that when i met with him in cleveland in july and instead of saying something like i'm sorry that this happened to my former employee, he kind of dismissed and said he is a whiner. if you recall a journalist wrote a profile of melania trump and she receive ad a similar treatmt on the phone and e-mail. when melania was asked about it she said these people had been provoked. >> yeah. and there's a sort of international component to it. stumping for dt donald trump in all places, mississippi.
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>> we reach those people who have never vote until their lives but believe by voting for brexit they could take back control of their borders and get back their pride and self-respect. >> are there deliberate connections and teceven the sorf factions around the world? >> now, here these have been kind of fringe groups. we have had expressions of this in far right parties. one is a politician called for banning the koran and deporting muslims. it is a bit of a global exchange program, if you will. >> yeah, very interesting. we could talk for hours about it. there is all of the other stuff. it is now the republican party. sarah, thank you both.
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that does it for me and "hardball." we'll have much more on the presidential race and the alt-right movement this morning at 10:00 a.m. eastern time. coming up next, your business. ♪ hey, is this our turn? honey...our turn? yeah, we go left right here. (woman vo) great adventures are still out there. we'll find them in our subaru outback. (avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. get zero percent on select subaru models during the subaru a lot to love event, now through august thirty-first. soon, she'll be binge-studying.. get back to great. this week 50% off all backpacks. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. get between you and life's dobeautiful moments.llergens by choosing flonase,
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good morning. it takes faith to trust your customers. how do you do that when you're dealing with accused criminals? also, why this ceo hires recovering addicts to run his booming computer company. we'll have that and a lot more cong up next on "your business".


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