tv MSNBC Live MSNBC September 2, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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trump at this moment, receiving his second intelligence briefing. his campaign again under fire. under comments on immigration and newly leaked details on his minority outreach efforts. what the campaign is now saying about an uncovered script of remarks prepared for his upcoming visit to an african-american church. plus, after slamming into florida overnight, tropical storm hermine making its way up the east coast, putting 23 million americans at risk. you might want to say goodbye to labor day, with possible tornadoes up and down the shoreline. and not backing down and not standing up. colin kaepernick this time taking a knee during the national anthem. he wasn't alone. at least two other players joining his protest against racial injustice. this morning we'll chat with one of the surprising names throwing support behind him. morning, everyone. i'm hallie jackson in for tamron hall this hour, live from our msnbc headquarters in new york.
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and this morning, donald trump is getting his second intelligence briefing from the fbi. check out these pictures. this is a motorcade arriving in the last hour at a federal building here in new york for that briefing. we're also learning of a pretty big change of plans for trump as he gets ready for another major moment in his campaign. his first ever visit to an african-american church tomorrow in detroit. his communications director tells the "new york times" trump will talk to the congregation after all. for five to ten minutes, then stick around to chat individually with folks for about a half hour. originally, we were told by bishop wayne jackson on this show yesterday trump was not talking to congregation and he would interview in a closed-door session. no public, no media, questions submitted in advance. the times has published a script of answers to the questions, prepped by trump. the topics, police killings, racial tension. the perception many black voters that trump and the american
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party are racist. and more immigration headlines for the gop nominee back to promising, quote, quite a bit of softening on his immigration stance. >> we're going to get rid of all of the bad players that are here, the gang members, the gang leaders, the drug dealers. after that takes place, which will be a process, and it won't go that quickly, but it's going to as quickly as any human being can do it. after that takes place, we're going to sit back, assess the situation. we're going to see where we are. >> so softening. hardening. and softening in the wake of the hard line stance trump took wednesday night, several of the 23 members of his hispanic advisory council have now resigned. but not the founder of latinos for trump. did you hear what he said? on msnbc last night? listen. >> my culture is a very dominant culture and it's imposing and causing problems. if you don't do something about it, you're going to have taco trucks every corner.
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>> taco trucks on every corner, katy tur. joining us now, live, from trump tower. listen, this thing kind of blew up on twitter last night. any reaction from the campaign to the comments we just heard, or at least generally to some of the comments from the hispanic advisers who are still supporting donald trump? >> reporter: well, i can tell you, the campaign is not giving us any comment on anything right now. they haven't responded to a number of calls on a number of different subjects. but when it comes to the hispanic advisory board and those that are, you know, deciding whether or not they're going to support donald trump from now on, there is a level of discomfort that they are feeling, even the ones who are staying on with how this campaign is going forward. certainly that immigration speech did not help things, it caused a number of resignations within that advisory board. but the idea that donald trump has surrogates out there who might be saying that there is going to be a taco truck on every corner is something that's not really well-received among even some of his aides. >> so sticking with this idea of minority outreach, we know donald trump has been trying to reach out also to the
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african-american community. not much support. at like 1% in our most recent poll among the demographic. so tomorrow when he goes to detroit, what do we expect? how much of an important sort of milestone is this for the candidate? >> reporter: it's a huge milestone, hallie. you hit the mail on the head. the moment where donald trump is going to be out not just speaking to a rally crowd and trying to gain the african-american sport, the rally crowds usually predomin t predominantly white but going into an african-american neighborhood, going into an african-american church, walking around an african-american neighborhood in detroit, doing that more traditional outreach that we have seen other politicians do in the past. the issue that they're having with this is they closed it off to press, as you know, and now we're hearing that it is going to be entirely scripted. they got the yes, sir beforehand that donald trump's answers are scripted, word for word and being vetted by other ministers. now the campaign is telling the "new york times" that he's actually going to be speaking to the congregation off-the-cuff for five to ten minutes but certainly not the way they want to start off, their first real
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effort to do outreach in the community. >> katy tur, thanks so much. more now on donald trump's visit tomorrow to the african-american church in detroit. we're joined by msnbc tremaine lee, live from michigan. tremaine, talk us through this. how is this church getting ready, how is detroit feeling overall about this visit from the gop nominee? >> i'll tell you what. this entire community is really getting ready, especially black engaged voters who say after a week of very bizarre outreach effort to black voters in which donald trump basically said, you know, your neighborhoods are no good, you're getting shot down in the streets, what do you have to lose. many folks here felt disrespected by that. and said that it's kind of been par for the course for donald trump's messaging, which they say has been hostile and belittling. yet instill the news that donald trump would actually finally be engaging with black folks, after, again, for more than a week he spoke about black folks at black folks. now he'll apparently be speaking with them. and now while trying to find
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some support for donald trump here in detroit is tough. i actually spent some time with wayne bradley. he's the head of gop african-american outreach here in michigan. he believes that it's not too late. that if donald trump just gets down on the ground, actually engaged with folks, and actually gives them an opportunity to hear his policy platform, perhaps he could change some hearts and minds and move some folks on to the other side. but let's take a listen to exactly what wayne had to say. >> you're a donald trump supporter. is there some sort of magic formula? is there a plan? is there some way to grow that support? >> i think if he continues to have dialogue, going to different places throughout the country in these urban areas like detroit, like cleveland, like chicago, and he's willing to have the conversation in those communities, i think that people are looking for a reason to vote for donald trump. as a lot of people that don't trust hillary clinton in our community. >> i think what i'm hearing more of is people are saying, i want to hear his policy, his ideas. give me a reason to vote for him. i'm not against voting for him. give me a reason to vote for
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him. >> reporter: well, this is certainly a milestone for donald trump. being there in that black church. so many others feel that it's par for the course again in terms of taking advantage of the optics. the opportunity to show that donald trump actually went to this black church and that he has more to benefit than the people themselves. hallie? >> tremaine, live in detroit, thanks so much. we'll check back in with you later in the day. the hillary clinton camp now blasting donald trump for his reported scripted q & a session with bishop wayne jackson in detroit. the director of hillary for america fired off a response, saying, in part, donald trump's latest gimmick to act as if he cares about the black community is down right shameful, insulting and cowardly 14 months of neglecting us, ducking questions about the issues that impact our community. nbc's kristen welker, who follows the clinton campaign
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joining me live. a lot happening today. before we get to the response to the "new york times" article from the clinton camp, i want to talk about the state department's release of hillary clinton's schedule as secretary of state to the a.p. the timing on this really interesting. a couple weeks before election day. how do you see this playing out, come october? could this be like an october surprise for the clinton camp? >> well, it could be. because remember what happened when the last batch of schedules came out, the a.p. wrote up an article, and found that essentially more than half of her meetings were with folks who had donated to the clinton foundation. now the campaign fired back again, said that was a cherry-picked report. so they're actually trying to spend this, hallie, as a good thing. let me read the tweet from brian fallon last night who says we are glad to have scheduled released as quickly as possible, it will be best for the public to see the full picture, not cherry-picked subset. so he's making the case the article was flawed and ignored all of the meetings she had with government officials and everyone else.
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but the timing is not great of course because remember, initially we thought it was going to come out after the election. now it's going to come out before the election, just weeks before, if there is anything damming in there, certainly that would not be a good thing for the clinton campaign. but they say, hey, we feel confident this is going to turn out fine. of course, this speaks to the broader trust issue, hallie. secretary clinton still struggling on that point. take a look at this "usa today" poll which shows 59% of voters say they do not find secretary clinton honest and trustworthy. donald trump still tops her at 61%, hallie. >> two more quick ones. when we talk about this response to the "new york times" article about donald trump's visit to detroit. clearly, the campaign sees a political advantage in going after him on this. can it move the needle, though, with members of the african-american community, who are likely to already being voting for clinton anyway? >> i don't know that the clinton campaign can move the needle. i think what they're going to try to do is solidify that base of support and to try to make sure that turnout is strong on
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election day. that's going to be her calculation and so they are going to jump on every chance they can to make the point that donald trump's outreach -- this is their argument -- is not genuine. and as you were discussing with katy tur, her lead right now with donald trump is huge. one poll shows he only gets 1% with african-americans voters, another more recent poll shows 8. so he's still struggling very much with that voting block. >> kristen welker, thanks so much. jonathan allen, columnist for "roll call" and at 30 rock, caitlyn huey burns, and reverend mark thompson, host of make it plain, which broadcasts on siriusxm radio. thanks for joining us today. we have a lot to talk about on this holiday friday. so let's start with you. we talk about the meeting in detroit tomorrow. this issue. the bishop who is going to be conducting the q & a live on our show yesterday. let's play sound and talk about
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it afterwards. listen. >> it's been reported that you are going to ask donald trump if he's a racist. do you really believe he's going to say yes, i am? why ask that question when you already know his answer. >> this is a question in a lot of people's mind. plus, african-americans want to know, what's going to take place if he's elected president? you know, how is his administration going to be? how is his attorney general, going to look? >> so i would ask you this, reverend. are those the right questions? what questions would you ask if you were interviewing donald trump? do you think we're going to actually get news out of this q & a from michigan. >> possibly, and first of all, thanks for having me. i would ask him if he's prepared to apologize for the ad he took out against the central park five. if he's prepared to apologize for discriminating in the area of housing when he was investigated by the doj here in new york. i would ask him if he's prepared to moderate his commentary
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towards the african-american community. to the extent that he said we have no jobs, we have no good schools, all we do is get shot. all of that -- those kinds of things. but even with that -- >> he did say last night he has a lot of very good friends who are american doing very well. >> and we know about those kinds of statements. i have -- he said -- he pointed out one. i have my african-american commend over here. he always says that. and we know that means when someone says they have one or two african-american friends. donald trump cannot parachute into detroit, drive by a church and win the support of the african-american community overnight. that's not just not going to happen. >> reaching out to african-americans but also trying to get support from the hispanic community. caitlyn, i want to play again this sound bite getting a lot of attention this morning. the founder of latinos for trump last night. listen. >> >> we need to understand that this is -- this is a different time, and we are having problems here. >> what problems? what problems are you talking about? >> my culture is a very dominant
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culture. and it's imposing and it's causing problems. if you don't do something about it, you're going to have taco trucks every corner. >> okay. so the reaction on twitter, i think, has been -- first of all, what's wrong with taco trucks on every corner. but a broader picture. what is your reaction to comments like that to people -- to surrogates, the trump campaign sending out surrogates like that? does it distract from the message they are trying to focus on, which is going after hillary clinton, which they have been doing now for several weeks? >> i think it does distract from a lot of things they are trying to do. and the reason they're doing this kind of outreach to american communities and latino communities is that they are still trying to consolidate the republican party around this candidate. and they're trying to portray a message that this candidate doesn't represent the things that you think he does. that he is open to, you know -- he's not bigoted, he's not racist and open -- supports an open, broader republican party.
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the counter and criticisms he has been garnering is that his rhetoric and the things he said and done do not reflect that kind of thing. so this comes at a time when he's trying to expand his outreach among republicans, you know, those white suburban women, particularly, who are reluctant to support him because of the rhetoric. this all feeds into that. and i think the questions and the scriptedness of that whole thing kind of underscores the fact that he hasn't done this before. he has not gone into these communities, one-on-one. he doesn't have those relationships. and he's inexperienced on that. and that's reflective to your point. >> jonathan allen, we haven't forgotten about you. i want to play for you part of a brand-new interview, vladimir putin conducted with bloomberg politics. he said he'll work with whoever is elected as long as they want to work with russia and also took a bit of a swipe at both candidates. >> i think -- i have repeatedly said -- i think that it's a very
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short-sighted approach. i don't think they are setting the best example. but that's the u.s. political culture. you have to just accept it as it is. >> so jonathan, what's your reaction here to that analysis about shock tactics from putin? >> well, number one, i'm glad he's not bare-chested on a horse telling us about how undignified our politics are. >> you and me both. >> so i think it's not -- i think he wants to stay out. i think it's gotten hot for russia, all this talk about whether donald trump is in cahoots with russia, whether paul manafort was in cahoots with russia, talking about business dealings and donations to the clinton foundation. also not good for russia. so i think -- i think this was a man who is trying to turn down the temperature. in the way that a world leader does. and we have seen in our political discourse lately the temperature being turned up. >> jonathan, thank you so much. i wish we had that photo for you. of the russian president. >> no, i don't want the photo, hallie.
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>> thank you for being with us, caitlyn huey burns, mark thompson and jonathan allen in d.c. trump continuing to insist mexico will pay for the wall he wants to build, vicente fox continues to slam that suggestion. >> that's absolutely certain. we are not going to pay for that "f" -- i'm going to be moderate today -- "f" wall. >> coming up, the former mexican president will join me live with his reaction to donald trump's latest comments on immigration and why he says americans need to, quote, wake up. plus, this tropical storm hermine makes its way up the east coast, 23 million of us facing threat of heavy rains, flash floods, maybe even a storm surge timed right to the holiday weekend. next, a look at the destruction hermine has left behind after slamming into florida overnight. and breaking news in a case that captured national headlines. brock turner, the stanford
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swimmer accused of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman just left jail after serving half of his controversial six-month sentence. the details on his early release, next. this network of portals will shorten the distance packages have to travel, and save j shoppers money. unbelievable work! where does that one go? ...happy birthday... whoa, slow dowbill. save some for us.ay... (everyone laughs) ...hahahahahahahah. at, we're always looking for unbelievle money sing innovation
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breaking news out of florida, for the first time in more than a decade a hurricane made landfall in the state early this morning. hermine is making its way up the east coast. right now 23 million people are under tropical storm warnings and watches. the "today" show's al roker has more on the path of this storm. joining us now here up on the fourth floor. al, thanks for being here. the timing is terrible and so is the track for people trying to get to -- >> it's kind of interesting, guys, in that we're looking at the storm surge that's going to be happening with this. and even though it's still down
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to the south, we are talking about 1 to 3 feet of storm surge happening, we're also worried about the risk of tornadoes. in fact, we've got tornado warnings right now down in florida, but from savannah on into the utter banks, we're going to be looking at this. we also have to worry about storm impacts. there are still trees with full foliage. you start to see these winds of 50 -- wind gust of 45, 55, 65 miles per hour, several million people could lose power as those trees come down. we've also got a flood threat with this. 5 to 10 inches of rainfall from eastern georgia all the way making its way into southeastern virginia, including virginia beach and the tide warner area. but eastern carolinas could see right in this little area right here, could see upwards of 10 to 15 inches of rain. so we're watching that very closely. rip tides -- even though you may not be affected directly by
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hermine, to nantucket this weekend. here's the latest. tropical storm warnings, and tropical storm watches extending all the way up into here in new york city from florida to new york city. and as you see, here's the system. we've got tornado watches now from the carolinas, down into georgia, and look at this, right down here, we've got a tornado warning. so even our friends in northern florida still not out of the woods yet. this is the latest on hermine. 85 miles west-southwest of savannah, georgia. 50-mile-an-hour winds, but stronger gusts. and now it's forward speed picked up. moving northeast at 18 miles per hour. here's what we're concerned about. so it comes offshore, saturday evening. 65 miles per hour. we're going to be talking about this. we've been talking about this for 16 days. look at this. wednesday morning. at 8:00 a.m.
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60-mile-an-hour winds. and the cone of uncertainty goes from boston, new york, providence, rhode island, atlantic city, salisbury all the way down to cape charles, and -- i mean, this is really going to be hanging out there. and there is no real stirring to knock this thing out. it's just going to meander so we're looking at beach erosion, looking at tides, higher tides. storm surge. so this is a system that we have to watch all weekend long. rain along the coast, but as it makes its way up, look for deteriorating weather conditions, beach erosion, coastal flooding. this is going to be a system that we're contending with into the middle of next week. >> al roker, thank you so much. nbc's gabe gutierrez joining us now at apalachicola florida, the other side of the panhandle where al was talking about the tornado warning. walk us through this. how bad is it? >> reporter: hey, hallie, good morning. first, some news from governor rick scott. within the hour, he just
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announced the first fatality associated with this storm. it was a homeless man, the governor said, killed in ocala. his body was found this morning when the hurricane roared through. knocked down a tree, into the tent this man was sleeping in. very unfortunate situation there. and we're just hearing from the governor about that. but as you can see behind me, this is one of the trees that has been knocked down here in franklin county. and this is really cut off power to almost 200,000 people across several states, the majority in florida, a lot of them in the tallahassee area. hufr, we're told that florida power and light hopes to get the power restored, most of it, in the next day or so. definitely some good news for residents here in florida. now, the hurricane made landfall, hermine made landfall, around 1:30 this morning here in the panhandle of florida, big ben area, where the panhandle meets the peninsula. and we saw this heavy wind, this pounding rain. thankfully, though, there were
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mandatory evacuations here in franklin county. no major damage to speak of in this area. this morning, though, authorities throughout florida are assessing the damage. there was some flooding in florida's gulf coast and especially around the tampa area, as well, hallie. >> nbc's gabe gutierrez in florida and georgia, as well. following breaking news now out of california. the former stanford swimmer convicted of sexual assault this past march out of jail this morning after serving three months of his six-month sentence. there he is. there is brock turner walking out of a california jail alone, about two hours ago. he had that brown paper bag in his hand, carrying a jacket under his arm. getting into that car. ignoring questions from reporters, including gadi schwartz. turner will have to register as a sex offender and is expected to return home to ohio, not to stanford, where he'll finish off his probation. we're getting a new look at pictures from the night of the extent and the following morning. one shows turner disheveled, apparently bruised with a torn
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shirt. the pictures obtained exclusively by nbc news. they were used as evidence in his trial. and new this morning, the fda has ruled that two ingredients in antibiotic alsoap don't do much to make the soap better. companies have up to a year to remove the two ingredients, try closen and try co carbon. they failed to prove the products are safe with the ingredients. and how about this one. have you heard samsung is putting a break on the galaxy phones? they are recalling some already sold. why? because the battery could explode. the company now confirming 35 instances of the galaxy note 7 phones exploding or catching on fire. luckily, no reports of any injuries. that is some scary stuff. more than 1 million galaxy phones sold worldwide in two weeks. all eyes on colin kaepernick last night as he continued his
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soon, she'll be binge-studying.. get back to great. this week 50% off all backpacks. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. for the second game in a row, colin kaepernick chose not to stand during the national anthem. the niners quarterback criticized by fans and on social media, saying he's dishonoring the flag, and the military, but new this hour, a group of veterans is now getting behind kaepernick, writing an open letter in favor of his right to, quote, silent protest. that letter published online within the last half hour on joining me now, one of the authors of the letter. we've got u.s. army veteran, richard allen smith. thank you so much for being with us. >> thanks for having me. >> so let's jump into this. why write this letter in the first place? what prompted you to do this? >> well, i saw a lot of folks claiming that colin kaepernick
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was disrespecting troops or somehow disrespecting veterans with the protest that he's making. a lot of those people not having served themselves. and i think me and my colleagues who signed this letter really wanted to make sure that there was a voice out there saying, look, those people don't speak for us. many veterans support both colin kaepernick's right to protest, and also agree with him that black lives matter and there is something that needs to be done in america about institutional racism. >> some critics argue there is a way to protest, send that message without being, in their view, disrespectful. do you agree? >> i agree that there are other ways to protest. and i would hope lots of people would find other ways to protest. and if people feel that this way to protest is the best for them, they should do that too, just as colin kaepernick did. he has that right. they have that right. we all have our own right to choose to protest according to the first amendment. i don't think it was d disrespectful at all. we fought for everyone's right to protest. we also fought for, you know -- when you join the military, you
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pledge an oath to the constitution that says that, you know, it proclaims an intent in the preamble that we will support domestic tranquillity and provide, you know, all sorts of things like that, all sorts of liberties to everyone in america, and those liberties certainly aren't being provided to everyone right now. >> so in this letter, there is the comparison drawn between colin kaepernick and jackie robinson. talk about why you think that is a valid or fair comparison? >> jackie robinson wrote in his autobiography he could no longer say the pledge of allegiance or stand or salute during the national anthem. jackie robinson prior to being a major league baseball player for the brooklyn dodgers was also an army captain. he was a veteran. and he agreed with colin kaepernick in his time that he couldn't support standing for the pledge of allegiance. and we honor and revere jackie robinson and folks like him and muhammad ali and joe lewis and folks for doing the exact same thing that colin kaepernick is doing now.
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>> but the tone of the protest, i think, is raising some questions. during training camp kaepernick wore those socks with police officers. is that the way to go about this. >> if he chooses to do it. everyone has their right to choose that. and i think it's a little disingenuous to talk about colin kaepernick's disrespect. let's talk about the disrespect of 42 african-americans in america, to "washington post," african-americans are two-and-a-half times more likely to be shot and killed by police than white people. i find it missing the forest through the trees to talk about a pair of socks when we have african-americans in america dying in the streets. >> you saw the game last night. who was booed by fans, some of them. how do you think fans should respond to this protest by kaepernick? what would you like to see? >> i would like to see a lot of support for colin kaepernick. both for his stand and for the movement for black lives. but just as colin kaepernick has his right to protest, fans have
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their right to respond however they see fit. but, you know, i disagree with those folks that booed him and i wholeheartedly endorse colin kaepernick in his stand and the message behind it. and i would like to say that, you know, i speak here today for myself. what's in the letter, the text of the letter you can see at veterans for all the folks signing that letter, that's what they signed on to. i'm speaking for myself here today. but i definitely support colin kaepernick. >> richard allen smith, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. he's been highly critical of donald trump's plan to build a wall along the u.s.-mexico border, and his meeting with the country's president, enrique pena nieto. up next, former president vicente fox will join me to discuss why he says americans have to, in his words, wake up. gary, gary, gary... i am proud of you, my man. making simple, smart cash back choices... with quicksilver from capital one. you're earning unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere.
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hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. vo: in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. donald trump: "knock the crap out of them, would you? seriously..."vo: clear thinking... donald trump: "i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me." vo: and calm judgment. donald trump: "and you can tell them to go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move. donald trump audio onl "i woulbomb the sh_t out of them." vo: just one. if i win, if i become president, mexico will pay for the wall. -- you know, rightfully said, i
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know they're position for a long time. and every negotiation starts that way. but mexico will pay for the wall. >> donald trump there in ohio, making absolutely clear where he stands on building a wall and making mexico pay for it. joining me live now, the former president of mexico, vicente fox, coming to us via skype from his presidential library. the president, of course, from 2000 to 2006. president fox, thank you for being with us. >> a pleasure. and thank you for the opportunity. >> sure. >> you famously said months ago there is no way mexico will pay for this border wall. you added an expletive for good measure. donald trump now says this is simply the beginning of the negotiation. so is there a situation in which the mexican government could change its mind? pay for the wall? >> absolutely not. in all possible terms, no. because we have our pride. we are a sovereign nation, and we are never, ever going to pay for anything built in the united
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states. but also, it's a terrible mistake. if trump builds that wall, which he is not going to be able to do, because he will not be president, except he builds it with his own money, it will be u.s. taxpayers paying for that wall. a wall that, like the chinese wall, the berlin wall, will never serve the purpose. we should use our mind, our intelligence, to deal with this problem in the border to have an orderly border. and that's submitted to congress, to u.s. congress, on the bill presented by mccain and a bipartisan bill. that's the solution, it's intelligent, wise, and to the convenience of both nations. >> so, the current mexican president, obviously, shares your stance on not paying for the wall. after his meeting with donald trump, do you still think that president pena nieto could be considered a traitor for meeting with the gop nominee?
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>> well, that's a struck word strong word. >> your word. what is what you said prior to the meeting. >> i said that if he would continue with this, yes, because it's going against 120 million mexicans, everybody thinks here he's not representing us. he made a big historical mistake. and he made it by inviting trump or whoever. he's not. he's the president of all mexicans. trump is nobody, a candidate which is losing and dropping in the polls. the polls i see. and i don't know why he brought him. it's a very candid thing. i don't know who advised pena, but it's a big mistake. the other thing is, it's incredible the inconsistency, the way trump lies, comes here to have a soft language, giving
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love to mexicans. he goes back there, he just crushes the border, and, again, we see the same trump, aggressive, violent, just without any, any consideration or respect to nobody. i don't understand why he has followers, that great nation, united states deserves a much better president, a president that is elegant. a president that understands that when he is speaking, as the candidate for the most powerful position in the world, he's not only speaking to americans, he's speaking to the rest of the world. and the rest of the world, i can tell you, hate him. the political and governments. >> we'll get back to donald trump. but quickly, just to wrap-up that question, do you consider president pena nieto a traitor or not, for meeting with trump? >> no, not. it was a terrible mistake, a historic mistake, but there is
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no traitor. if he would have signed something like santana when santana sold a piece of mexico to the united states, then he would be. but here there is no commitment, nothing signed. so the word "traitor" does not apply. what applies is a big mistake with a high degree of myopia. >> president fox, one last one quickly here. and i want to make it a two-parter. should hillary clinton meet with president pena nieto? should she accept his invitation? and is there anything trump could do to win the community over? >> he would have to be born again, he would have to start from zero again. but you cannot erase what you said, you cannot back up from the comments you made. we are offended. he has said terrible things and
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he will never be able to get rid of that. he just cannot do it. >> and hillary clinton, should she meet with president fox? >> i don't recommend either to her or to president pena to meet. because he's not an equal-to-equal meeting. it doesn't have any sense. nor trump. nor hillary right now have any power, have any decision power. so what do you negotiate, or how do you deal with them? when they are one elected president to the united states, the practice is, then you invite them. but they have a representation, because they are elected president. >> former mexican president, vicente fox, joining us live from san cruise abel. thank you for joining us. >> it's a pleasure. bye-bye. >> thank you, we'll be right back. [ gears stopping ]
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senior political editor, mark murray. hey there, mark. thanks for being with us. republicans now facing races this november, top gop leaders maybe started to dump trump. let's talk about this e-mail from john mccain. what he said about hillary clinton and why it is raising some eyebrows, particularly yours. this is something you and i talked about this morning. >> yeah, is there a video that john mccain put out yesterday that said if hillary clinton is elected president, people like me need to be able to have it be a check on her in the united states senate. and to me, that was really note worthy. one, because in some ways, he's all but admitting that hillary clinton is your favorite in this presidential election, and donald trump might not be able to win. and two, it's noteworthy, because this is the strategy you're going to see other republicans use, trying to separate themselves from donald trump if they think he can't win. >> nbc's mark murray joining us from washington. thanks so much. we'll be right back with our latest born in the usa segment, next. is out there.
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we're back with our ongoing series now, born in the usa. highlighting american business success stories. here's tamron hall. >> we're throwing the spotlight on a company that is credited with helping to spark the popularity of something that pretty much all of us enjoy these days, smoothie. in 1973, the company's founder steve cuno began experimenting with his blender and opened what he says was the first smoothie bar ever offering a healthy meal alternative in a tasty way. and one that could help combat food allergies and other medical concerns. just over 15 years later, his business would become the first smoothie bar and health food star in america to be franchised. and now smith thi king has 800 locations and international locations in the cayman islands and karina. it remains the top juice board together to entrepreneur
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magazine. joining me is juan kim who bought the company in 2012 and tom o'keefe, the coo, thanks for joining us. and thanks for the smoothies. come on, that's awesome. juan, your story is fantastic in so many ways. you owned a franchise and this huge opportunity was afforded to you to initially buy the company. >> right. >> how did that happen? >> first, i love the products and actually this was -- i really lived when i was in colleague and it was since then, i really thought about doing this as a business and when i actually became the franchisee, i love the product and the business, in fact, why making money, i also felt so good about affecting people's lives with our products. >> and you eventually moved to new orleans. >> that's right. >> in similarities?
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>> yes. good people. tom, the company offers initiatives to help veterans open franchises. you get a 20% discount off of the initial franchise fee. why was that an important component to the business model? ep. >> ginn so much to the country. and a lot of the returning service men and women, they're not sure what's next for them. and so, this is an opportunity that created their own small business. franchising is a proven model. you have the failure rate of small business is very high, but yet when you look at it the in a franchise context, it's actually considerably lower. seen this was another for us to explore for growth. and at the same time, part of a mission of giving back to others. >> and juan, how cool is it now where the pelicans play? we've the smoothie king center.
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that's a long way from one smoothie bar, what's next to leave a bigger impact? a bigger imprint? >> i to truly believe we can really support and help people's healthy connected lifestyle. so right now people view our product is more like is a fruit-blended beverage. i believe in the future, american fast food concept actually can help people's life in many different ways and that's why we created smoothieings with a purpose. >> well congratulations, i guess something delicious with a purpose, congratulations also on bringing in veterans and affording them this great opportunity as well from korea to new orleans. good people all around. greatly appreciate it. >> thank you so much. >> tamron talking smoothies and veterans, we will be right back on msnbc. ♪
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so we have an update now to a story we've been talking about for much of the morning. donald trump's trip to detroit tomorrow to speak with members of a black church. or it interviewed by wayne jackson. these questions submitted in advance, jackson now confirms, confirming the new york times reporting on this. he says, quote though, we have questions that they don't know about. that no one knows about. jackson says i change them after they came out. i want to be clear, there was no coercing with the trump campaign and myself to try to give them an upper hand on these questions. interesting given that trump came under some fire for having scripted answers to questions he knew were coming in advance. trump, of course, changing his plans after that times report was published. a communications director saying he will in fact speak to congress began thes and interfact that with them a little bit. chitchat after those remarks tomorrow in michigan. thanks so much for watching this hour of msnbc live. that does it for us, i'm hallie
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jackson in for tamron hall. now "andrea mitchell reports." >> thanks to you, right now on "andrea mitchell reports," trumps tactic us. the campaign carrying a more tam enemy of clinton world as deputy company manager as trump surrogates trip over themselves trying to explain his zig zags on immigration. >> we need to understand that this is -- this is a different time and we're having problems here -- >> what problems? what problems are you talking about? >> my culture is a very dominant culture. and it's imposing and it's causing problems. if you don't do something about it, you're going to have trucks on every corner. >> off the grid after hauling in $143 million in august for her campaign and the democratic party. hillary clinton remains out of sight today leaving her surrogates to hit the trail. >> thank you for the hospitality. and her havoc, it's a tropical
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storm now, but it's on traffic to bring hurricane-force winds and flooding this weekend. >> for the mid-atlantic, all the way to new york city area, long island, koegal connecticut, this is a significant event, maybe a major event for you for sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, and it drifts off the mid-atlantic coast. it's almost equivalent of a nor'easter. good day everyone, i'm andrea mitchell in washington. hillary clinton letting her running mate make the case for her. holding only two public events in two weeks while taking donald trump to task online. >> who's going to pay for the wall? who? >> mexico!
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