tv MSNBC Live MSNBC September 3, 2016 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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we just saw birds fly by. the birds have been gone ever since this weather turned nasty. the national guard has been mobilized in virginia. 272 members of the national guard who are now out and helping where needed. and some of those areas where they're needed are areas hit hard by the rain and the flooding. the coastal flooding that has knocked out power to about 55,000 people. so far there are certainly many areas that still have no electricity. you can also see that as the sandbagging efforts are under way to try to keep that flooding from happening, it's not 100% in some cases, they've actually had to an effect people from homes where unfortunately, the sandbagging efforts failed. now, as i take you over a little bit more towards the water, you can see, there are still some people wandering by water's edge. the authorities spent type today encouraging people to please not go that close to the water and certainly, we saw some people earlier taking a swim in those rough waters.
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that was certainly forbidden because the concern is there a rip tide out there that can quickly lead to death, drowning out there. right now, as we've seen hermine move through the day, the winds have gotten better, the rain has come and gone. some people behind me don't have raincoats on. it could be five minutes and we have rain here again. for the moment things are looking like they're nearing an end in this part of this area of the country here in virginia beach with hermine. >> all right. thank you so much. kerry sanders following what's happening there in virginia beach. appreciate it so much. post tropical cyclone hermine could soon return to hurricane strength. wnbcmetertologist erica grow with us. when will that happen if it were to happen? >> we're very, very close to hurricane strength already. it's not going to become an actual hurricane again. it's already made that
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transition to extra tropical. that doesn't mean anything about the strength. we're looking at very strong wids and a big wind field. right now 90 miles to the east of duck in the outer banks of north carolina. it continues its easterly trek for a little while longer and makes a northerly turn over the open waters of the atlantic where the gulf stream is situated, very, very warm water here. that is going to provide additional fuel. notice how the storm makes a little bit of a westward curve as we head from sunday night into the monday morning. the winds 75 miles per hour. that's hurricane strength. we're going to continue to see it sit and spin over the same location about 200 miles to the southeast of new york city. that funnels all this warmth and also all this ocean water all those waves right back into long island into the long island sound into the jersey shore. those locations will continue to see the effects from hermine, not only tomorrow but into tuesday even. a lot of kids heading back to
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school on tuesday. this storm will stall and continue to bring the waves and the winds and here's a look at the storm surge forecast. you're not quite out of the woods yet along the outer banks towards virginia beach. still looking at two to four feet of storm surge mainly for tonight and tomorrow morning. then the threat shifts to the north. three to five feet of storm surge from those virginia beachs, the del marva beaches and the jersey shore locations. that is moderate to major coastal flooding criteria. then the threat continues to shift farther to the north. long island, the entire part of long island that's included here two, to four feet of storm surge. that's on top of what is normal high tide. so we're looking at the potential for major coastal flooding out of this system. by the way, the tropical storm warning has been expanded to include all of new york's and new jersey's coastlines. still the tropical storm watch for rhode island and for
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massachusetts and then you see the tropical storm warnings in effect for the outer coasts here cape cod. we'll continue to track this for you. a very dangerous situation. richard, mainly because of how long-lived this coastal storm is going to continue to sit and spin right off of long island. back to you. >> days and days very uncommon way to finish what is the final weekend of summer, but i guess that's the way it's going to happen this year. wnbc meteorologist erika grow. appreciate it. politics and the run for the white house, donald trump's major pitch to the african-american community trump attended a service at the great faith ministries church this morning detroit. >> from these pews that our nation has been inspired toward a better moral character -- a deeper concern for mankind and spirit of charity and unity that binds us all together. we are bound together. i see that today. this has been an amazing day for
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me. >> but outside the church, the scene was anything but welcoming. protesters in the streets not convinced trump's outreach is sincere. after the service ended, trump toured detroit neighborhoods for a little bit with dr. ben carson stopping to talk to a few of the residents. >> did his homework there. the kid would get straight as. how much will you pay? >> he did get straight as. >> yes, did he. >> very much good luck. >> all right. you have a nice time. >> you, too. watch that bee. >> thank you. reverend jackson's church tomorrow, it's lovely over there. you'll have a yufl time. >> he's a great man. >> abc's jacob rascon joins us from detroit. we have the pictures and that sort discussion had he with ben carson in the streets. these are pictures we haven't seen before. this is video we've not seen with donald trump before. we saw some of the reaction. >> reporter: this is no doubt a different approach for donald trump and it's received with
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skepticism but a lot of people including those inside the church who talked about how they were genuinely surprised with the tone that will donald trump took. and they said they liked what they heard, a lot of them did but would add he has a lot of making up to do. you saw pictures of the protesters. you had a lot of them who showed up who said we're not giving trump any chances. we already know who trump is. he's not welcome here. some of them say, but really a lot of those who attended the church said that they wanted to welcome him. they wanted, that he would change. i talked to several people who said they were independents. they weren't happy with hillary clinton either. they came with an open mind but they admitted he would have to do a lot more than stop at a church for one day to change their mind. he said, we like to see people in church talking about the word of god but we like more to see what they're doing outside of the church to see their actions follow their words and so one woman put it this way that i'll
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be watching closely what he does from here. but still, all of them very skeptical based on what they've heard from him over the last year. >> nbc's jacob rascon, thank you for that report. appreciate that. i want to bring in tremaine lee also in detroit. tremaine it, detroit, michigan, one of those historic african-american cities in our country, a city where seven out of eight residents are african-american. however, there's the flipside where four out of ten live in poverty. this is some of the messaging that has come from donald trump. how did his message and his visit resonate today from the folks you spoke with? >> reporter: i'll tell you what, richard, in so many ways, this was a new donald trump. a different donald trump from the tone that folks have seen him using and tone and rhetoric people have seen him using for better part of a year and a half or so.
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you have the history of donald trump in the black community. you think about the old housing units in queens or in cincinnati that his father owned that black folksings were barred in entering. you think about the beginnings of the obama era with all the birtherism questions and most recently in recent weeks, you hear donald trump in what perhaps is the most bizarre strange outreach efforts ever toward the black community in which he essentially said your schools are no good, your neighborhood's no good, it's violent. what do you have to lose? here in detroit, people say we have a lot to lose. they feel they've been reduced in so many ways to social ills. but neen a city like detroit, four out of ten people living in deep poverty. there is still a sense that you know, they can making it of thriving and hope in between the hopelessness. when donald trump came here today, so many in that church behind me came with an open heart, an open spirit. they wanted to give the man an opportunity to address this audience. again, a milestone.
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he's never set foot in a black church during this entire campaign. so folks are rightly wondering which trump do we believe, the one we've seen for the better part of 40 years and most recently some of the disrespectful remarks or the one we saw today where folks were impressed that he for one time was humble. listen to one of the folks inside the church had to say. >> i didn't know what to expect. i said let's see what he got to say and read into it seriously. so he had a nice presentation. and it was clear and concise. now the big question is, is it real? is he going to follow through? is it going to stop?
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that's indicative of necessarily what donald trump has to invest in when we talk about that community, african-american community in detroit. thank you so much. appreciate is it your reporting there in detroit for us on his trip there next more on donald trump's outreach to minorities. what kind of impact could it have on the race to the white house? two members of congress join us. hmmmmm... [ "dreams" by beck ]
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we will terminate the obama administration's deadly and it is deadly, nonenforcement policies that allow thousands of criminal aliens to freely roam our streets, walk around, do whatever they want to do, crime all over the place. that's over. that's over, folks. that the over. >> that was donald trump earlier this week, his ten-point plan for tackling illegal immigration. you saw a little bit of that. his first priority a wall between mexico and the united states. but illegal immigration is more complex than that. mexicans do make up nearly 50% of the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the u.s. there's also those from asia. 1.5 million undocumented
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immigrants. then you have three-quarters of a million undocumented immigrants from africa and europe together. and of them, nearly half enter the united states legally and then overstay visas. trump promises stricter enforcement as you saw there. he also blames democratic policies for failing to keep americans safe from migrant criminals. joining me now are two leaders from congress who have covered this topic certainly in the halls of congress. representative judy choo from california, the chair of the congressional asian pacific caucus, representative emmanuel clear of from missouri, former chair of the congressional black caucus. thank you. good to have you both here today with us. representative chu, your state is estimated to have one out of every four undocumented immigrants that we're talking about in this country. are they will scared right now from what they hear on the campaign trail? >> donald trump delivered the
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harshest anti-immigrant speech that i'd heard from a major presidential candidate in memory. he promised that there would be deportation task forces that would go into schools and churches and deport the 11 million that are here already. but not only that, he had very harsh comments about legal immigrants and restricting legal immigrants who have come here through the visa system. he is talking about restrictions at every level of our immigration policy. and that doesn't sit right with many in the asian pacific island or community as well as the hispanic community as well as i believe all-americans. >> yeah, that intersectionity you're alluding to here, representative is, what i want to ask representative clear of about. you've been critical of donald trump's statements on muslims for instance, many of which are african and also critical of his comments on latinos when you look at his latest outreaches
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this week not only midweek but also this weekend, is he making a step in the right direction though? >> representative cleaver? >> it's unbelievable. essentially what mr. trump is saying look, i want you to believe everything i'm saying today. and i don't want you to believe all of those things your lying ears have been hearing over the last 15 months. look, there's no such thing as partial prejudice or marshall bigotry. if someone doesn't like my colleague judy chu and my friend judy chu because of her background, the chances are about 99.999% they're not going to like me because of my ethnic background. and what i'm so glad that you're talking to us about this issue
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because so many people think it's an issue of hispanics. but we also have issues as it reits to africans and caribbeans and asians coming into the country and overstaying their visas. we need to an overhaul of the immigration policy of this country, but we don't need a demagogue trying to stir up the public so that we end up at each other's throat. >> and one of those points you're talking about, both of you, is family immigration. and the issues that might be related to this very topic. representative chu, i was mentioning earlier one out of ten of those undocumented are from asian countries. what might you see to be the proper way to talk about this from a donald trump and a hillary clinton perspective when looking at undocumented immigrants? >> well, we need to a pathway to citizenship for those who have paid their taxes, gone through a security background check, and paid all their dues.
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and then we can get them out of the shadows. that would be the best way to make sure that those 11 million that are undocumented have a bright future and can fully contributor to this country. but we also need to reduce the backlog for legal immigration. there's 4.3 million in the family visa backlog right now. and these people have been waiting for two or three decades to reunite with their families. but donald trump wants to squash any efforts in the both these areas >> one of the topics also, representative cleaver here, is donald trump's discussion about black communities and how the illegal immigrant communities are affecting in his words, the african-american communities. affecting their jobs and he has been very clear and consistent in making that comparison, if
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you will, putting them both together. do you see that in your case when you look at, for instance, st. louis, for instance? >> no, absolutely not. and i really really resent people ho do this kind of thing because what they're doing is setting people against each other. there are some african-american who's hear those kinds of words and come to the conclusion that i am suffering as a result of these immigrants because i need a job. i think the statistics show that the u.s. economy is expanding. look, we are almost in spite of the fact that mr. trump is saying we want to make a love america again, make america great again, we are almost at full employment right now. in the united states. which means that we're going to have to expand in missouri. i represent areas where we have apple orchards and immigrants have come in and saved those
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orchards because frankly, if we don't get immigrants in, many of those apples are going to die on the tree. we've got to have a steady influx of immigrants, and the process going through it legally is almost two years. if you listen to mr. trump, you would almost come to the conclusion right now it's so messed up that you can get in in a week and a half. it's not just not true and not true that immigrants are taking our jobs. >> thank you so much. i appreciate your time representative emmanuel klee veer, representative judy chu, both chairs of their caucus or former chairs. thank you so much. >> thank you. breaking news to cover, as well this hour. hermine is lashing the eastern seaboard bringing heavy rain and extreme winds. it's scary when the lights go out. people get anxious and my office gets flooded with calls. so many things can go wrong. it's my worst nightmare. every second that power is out,
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chris christie declaring a state of emergency for three coastal counties. concerns over a life-threatening storm surge from hermine has officials near cape may, as well, new jersey, urging visitors to consider actually leaving that area. the weather channel's scott newell joins us from cape may right now. scott, how does it look? ing are visitors considering leaving? >> reporter: some of the visitors have been talking about it, but i want you to see the current conditions because it wasn't like this even just about an hour ago. the sun is actually out. check this out. that's looking west because this beach faces south. and what you see are people on the beach trying to enjoy this weekend because really, the interesting things that are going to happen here are probably going to happen tomorrow. as you can see, you see that little sand ridge there? there's a little sand wall? the mayor said, build a little wall here. take a little bit of sand. they're only allowed to take a foot of sand off. they can make a little barrier like that.
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it's protecting convention hall here. what they've done is moved some of the events from outside that were supposed to take place this weekend to inside which was very thought follow for the people here. the guy in charge of all that is the mayor of cape may. ed mahaney. i appreciate you being here. the worst part of the forecast is the surge that possibly could come. >> exactly. >> anywhere from three to five feet is the forecast right now. can you explain what three to five feet would mean to this beach. >> on this beach, three feet would take the surge right up to the snow fencing and the vegetation where the dunes start. five feet would take it into that area maybe as far as just before the stone jetty. and so we're very confident that the water will not come up on the boardwalk and go into the street. that is based on experience and 26 years of beach replenishment with the army corps of engineers and the dep and state of new jersey where our beaches have been elevated with two-year
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replenishments that made them 20 feet higher and 175 to 450 feet wider. that creates a major task for the surge to get up that incline, go across an extensive field of sand and then have to go through snow fencing, dunes, do you know grass and then get to the jetty. >> we should mention too, this beach the way it is situated, we're right at the southern tip of new jersey. but we don't face east here. we're actually facing south. this is looking straight out. >> exactly. >> we're right between in a two-mile area the inlet for cape may for the coast guard base and commercial fishing base. and on the other side, on the western side, we have the entrance to the delaware bay. so we have the tides that are running back and forth, and we're sitting 20 miles at sea naughtcally. >> mayor, thank you so much. i know you've done everything you can. you can't control the weather but you can control as many things as you possibly can. some people are trying to decide whether they're going to leave
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early or kind of ride it out. it will be up to mother nature and what happens with there is storm before we know what happens. and that will be decided in the next couple of days. richard, back to you. >> for now, mother nature is okay. you can see the kids playing behind you. scott newel with the mayor in new jersey. thank you. next, we go back to presidential politics and the release from notes from the fbi's interview with hillary clinton. what those reveal about her e-mail server controversy. if you're taking prescription medications, does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can cause cavities and bad breath. over 400 medications can cause a dry mouth. that's why there's biotene. biotene can provide soothing dry mouth relief. and it keeps your mouth refreshed too. remember while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isn't. biotene, for people who suffer from dry mouth symptoms.
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you're not taking these. hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those. woah, woah! you're not taking that. come with me. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. mom, i'm taking the subaru. don't be late. even when we're not there to keep them safe, our subaru outback will be. (vo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. welcome back. i'm richard lui. here's what we're monitoring this hour. people in oklahoma are assessing the damage after the state was hit with a magnitude 5.6 earthquake in that state. bricks fell from buildings, groceries were knocked off store shelves and so far, good thing no reports of injury. the epicenter was near pawnee, which is near north central oklahoma. but it was felt as far as away
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as nebraska, arkansas, and texas. an earthquake. we continue to follow breaking developments, as well with hermine as the storm makes its way up the east coast, officials confirm a second death related to the storm. a truck driver in north carolina was killed when his tractor-trailer overturns on the bridge near the coast. the storm is gaining strength. forecasters warn here that hermine could regain hurricane strength by the end of the weekend. then there's this. a 27-year mystery. over what happened to a missing minnesota boy. it appears to be solved. 11-year-old jacob wetterling was kidnapped back in 1989. that led to a massive search here his home northwest of minneapolis. kstp television reports a man described as a person of interest in that case led police to the boy's remains. jacob's mother said our hearts are broken. and donald trump pledged to help african-americans during a visit to a predominantly black church in detroit today.
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after the service, ben carson took trump on a brief tour of carson's old neighborhood in southwest detroit. then there's hillary clinton. she's off the campaign trail today, but there are new questions over her e-mail server that are heating up again. the fbi released 58 pages of notes from its interview with clinton one month ago. that came out on friday. they reveal here the fbi found over 17,000 e-mails not turned over to the state department. clinton saying that because of a concussion suffered in 2012, she could not recall all the briefings received on handling sensitive information. she also relied on her staff to use their judgment when e-mailing her and she didn't know the letter "c" meant confidential, the lowest level of classification. political correspondent k.c. hunt going through all 58 pages for us. as i've been saying here, up for breath a lot of questions coming from what was raised here. as you've been saying, no smoke
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gun, right? >> this is about what we expected. there's a couple new pieces of information here but no kind of overcharging narrative that replays the one already out there about her use of private e-mail. clinton called it a mistake and said she wouldn't do it that way again. the clinton campaign is saying they're glad these notes were released. they had been concerned about republicans leaking had documents from from committees on capitol hill selectively, pick and choosing bassing ands without providing the full context. donald trump is already out saying he doesn't understand why there wasn't a recording of the interview that was put out and questioning what this says about hillary clinton. but in particular today, we have some new and remarkably tough words everywhere vice presidential candidate mike pence about what this whole saga means for hillary clinton. take a look. >> it's just more evidence that hillary clinton is the most dishonest candidate for president of the united states
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since richard nixon. >> that's a tough charge. >> it is a tough charge, chuck. but come on. >> calling her the most dishonest candidate since richard nixon. pretty remarkable statement considering all of the connotations around that, richard. >> msnbc's kasie hunt with a review that have release. kasie, thanks for that. labor day weekend and the race to the white house now heads into the final two months. it's sort of that line in the sand, the labor day weekend is. the latest polls show the race is tightening in some battleground states. but politico is reporting hillary clinton's advisors have so many scenarios for her to win, they're telling her to get ready for a landslide. in order for there to be any sort of victory for donald trump now, he's got to win states that romney lost four years ago. in georgia, for example, trump is up by four points compared to romney's seven points in 2012. missouri, even worse news for trump. only up by one point.
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a state romney easily took with 10 percentage points. with time running out, there's a noticeable difference between the candidates as we look at them. donald trump is out on the trail. hillary clinton has had limited contact with voters and the media in recent weeks. joining me now, amy holmes, a former speechwriter for bill frist. basil smikle, former aided to hillary clinton and executive director of the new york state democratic party. we have ozzy, political reporter for politico. let's start with you, basil, on this. as i was going through with kasie and she was reporting on that release on friday, the dump, if you will, 17,000 e-mails not turned over to the state department, an allusion to the concussion suffered in 2012 as to why some recollections weren't being able to be accessed by secretary clinton. and then reliance on her staff for certain issues related to
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the server. this isn't what she wants to hear right now. >> look, i have said it all along. i think this reporting about the e-mail server that's going to go through the election. i've been saying that for a while. i think it's unfortunate because she's been talking about great policy initiatives over the last few weeks. this sort of covers it, this clouds it a bit. that's unfortunate. but as was reports, there has been no smoking gun. i do not expect there will be ever a smoking gun. i think the american people are. >> why doesn't she just come out and hit this straight on as a report was coming out on friday as i was noting, she has not been on the campaign trail, quote unquote. why not come out and address the media, address america on this topic. >> she said look, release everything. if you're going to release it, don't be selective. release everything. that's appropriate. she wants to be as prance transparent as possible. it's the selective releasing i think is problematic. that's what i think has cost us
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available time. we could be talking about meant it will health initiatives but no, we're talking about e-mails. >> as we look at this at least so far here, ozzy, one of the things written about when you look at the headlines, you can go to the hill, clinton's run out the clock strategy under fire, "the l.a. times,"" hillary clinton needs to steal the country's attention from trump. the president corps not traveling with her or with trump at the moment. sort of a hands off approach. that might change though come labor day. but why not, if you will, steal some of that attention back and get out there and be on the campaign trail? >> when you have a candidate like donald trump, it's very easy to stand back and just watch him trip over himself and watch that trip turn into a cataclysmic week or two-month stretch. he's had those. clinton campaign is basically making the bet that whatever damage comes from not talking to
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reporters and from letting this e-mail story linger will not be as bad as whatever donald trump says when he does things like go to a church or meet voters walking next to ben carson. the strategy has been for quite awhile to make this election a referendum on trump rather than on hillary clinton. to makish sort of an lakes about who do you dislike the least, they're not having policy arguments. they're actually just trading insults back and forth and really having who can you tolerate for the next four years kind of campaign. >> and a lot of states as we were looking at numbers at the top here, amy, show for the most part it's working. now we're seeing the contraction in the numbers to preconvention level. it was expected as noted here. but had she been on the trail, could it have been different. do you think it could have been different had she been on the trail. >> i think it could have been. one of the dangers of her strategy is donald trump seizes the initiative. hel a pretty good last weeks
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when he went down to louisiana, for example, that was considered a win. even his trip to mexico, wolfson, hillary clinton's own former communications director said it was a home run for donald trump to look presidential and top reassure voters that he can appear presidential. but i want to go back to the e-mail documents, while you might say there's no smoking gun, there was new information particularly hillary clinton's admission that her concussion might have fogged her mental acui acuity. i was surprised by that. it certainly opens the door to questions about hillary's health her own advisors said should be off limits. now hillary herself put it on the table. >> azi, as the numbers have tightened, there are two, if you will, states that look pretty good for donald trump. and i want to look at those specifically. the numbers in iowa and nevada. you know, those res two states that romney lost. but look, tie in iowa, that's
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good news for donald trump. what have makes these states different? iowa and nevada? >> the economic climate that the country is in four years from when those previous elections were held in 2012 sort of are setting is the tone for why voters are taking a new look at the, you know, democratic and republican parties. nevada -- sorry, las vegas has been one of the places that democrats have been hoping to expand their advantage with the demographic changes happening. but really, the campaigns are relying on donald trump sort of stepping on his own message, getting in his own way, you know, tweeting something insensitive and sort of reverting back to the behaviors that people have seen from him for years on end. >> basil, one of the dynamics we often look at are demographics. iowa and nevada are two really
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different states demographically. there's a messaging he's come out at least so far anti-immigration which it's assumed is why you might see him resonate in iowa, but a recent polling of 80,000 trump supporters say that isn't necessarily it. >> yeah, i mean for a minute we were talking about utah. we're still talking about georgia, for example, and that's clearly an example of what can happen when you have substantial demographic changes over a couple decades. but yes, i think the mess while it may have res nayed maybe two cycles ago, in this cycle it's not going to resonate as much in part because there's a younger generation, first-time voters are a lot more tolerant than the kind of messaging coming out from the trump campaign. they're a lot more supportive of immigration reform and supportive of some path to documented status and or citizenship, among other things. so as we see the demographics
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change across the country, i think what donald trump is doing is targeting a very, very, very narrow field of voters. he has a far more narrow path to victory than does hillary clinton as alluded to earlier. so yeah, i think that's why some of these states, we can at least talk about them right now where we couldn't previously. >> thank you so much. basil, appreciate it, amy, azi, as well. i appreciate your perspectives on this topic. breaking news we're watching for you. that is hermine at this hour. already leaving damage and flooding in the wake as it slowly makes its way up the atlantic coast. the labor day weekend potentially now a washout for millions. hmmmmmm..... hmmmmm... [ "dreams" by beck ] hmmmmm... the turbocharged dream machine.
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new jersey. should be bustling today. should have a lot of people out there buying hot dogs and eating saltwater taffy. what are you seeing? >> reporter: richard, that is not the scene. there are some people that are braving the winds today because that's what you have going on. the winds keep kicking up. they've been kicking up the ocean. you can see the waves are there. they've been coming in, crashing along just within the last hour. they moved everybody off the beach. they completely closed off the beach. that was because of the dangerous rip tides. they didn't want anybody in the water. richard? >> good to see there are no crazy surfers out there. i also want to ask you this. as we look at state and local officials here, this is something unfortunately that they are accustomed to dealing with. if this storm does pick up as is forecasted to get hurricane strength winds, are they ready for that tomorrow night? >> reporter: they tell us they have been preparing since wednesday when they found out the storm was coming through. just about 45 minutes ago, they put out a reverse 911 call to all the residents in the area
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telling them to pull furniture in, anything that is not nailed down in case this storm does come through. we spoke with the mayor a short while ago. let's go ahead and listen to what he had to say. >> sand dunes up on the north end of town. we piled sand for the rest of the town. we've notified our local residents, our visitors by a program we call 911 reverse by phone. we had it on facebook telling them to be prepared i think we're as prepared as prepared can be. >> reporter: economically, this is going to set this town back. >> yes, there's no question it will hurt us financially from a beach revenue, a meter revenue. from the town point of view. from a business point of view, they're also going to lose a significant amount of money. they paid their help. we paid our summer help because we have a contract with them, obligation to come to work. >> reporter: one thing i want to point out, this town is still recovering from superstorm sandy
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in 2012. some of the businesses still have not reopened. and so business owners and residents are very cautious. while they're preparing for the worst, hoping that it does not happen. richard? >> thank you so much, tammy. tammy leitner in seaside heights for us watching hermine. appreciate it. next, after weeks of mixed signals on immigration, why donald trump's recent policy rollout has many latinos especially concerned. justice is spelled b-o-x. say hello to a powerful tool that gives you options to fit your budget. ♪ oh, i'm tied to this chair! ♪ dun-dun-daaaa! i don't know that an insurance-themed comic book is what we're looking for. did i mention he can save people nearly $600? you haven't even heard my catchphrase. i'm all done with this guy. box him up. that's terrible. it'...when that laxour loves your body back.
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move. as you look at how the obama administration has been handling, for instance, deportation over 2.million people according to i.c.e. statistics, this is something that you're critical of despite dhaka being pushed forward by this president. >> that's right. united we dream action has been at the forefront of fighting back president obama's deportation machine. my father was one of those people deported from this country and i know the hurt that it causes to families. i know that the hurt that it causes to communities as a whole. but what donald trump's vision is it's that and more. he wants to bring together a toxic regime that brings bush
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administration mass deportations into our communities. i believe that's not only harmful to immigrants like myself but to all of america. what america does he wants to live in where we have troopers and agents all across the country combing it for undocumented immigrants? that is not the america we want to live in and that's not the america that i know the majority of the american public want. >> so as you know, president obama as i was mentioning earlier had mentioned he was going to move quickly on immigration reform and then he waited years to do that. hillary clinton is also saying she will move quickly on a pathway to citizenship in her first 100 days. do you feel confident that she will actually act on what she's saying now? >> i feel confident in the power of the community and power of immigrant young people. united we dream action members to make her and other politicians keep their promises. i believe in the power of the american public in wanting to have a better vision for our community and for ourselves. and so i do think that this
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country is ready for something other than donald trump's vision. we are ready to come together and build up our communities, not tear them down. >> grace, in the dreamer community, it's a tight one. and it is multiethnic. it is multinational, right? >> that's right. >> in terms of origin of countries. as you sit and talk about this election, if you quickly can put this together for me, what's the message you want both of the candidates to hear? >> that's a great question. i want them to know that immigrants like myself, latinos, black, asian-americans, muslim, that we are here to stay, that we're part of the american fabric, that we deserve respect and honest conversation about our lives, and we are hear to say that we're ready to build that along with the people that believe in that future. >> thank you so much for your time today. >> thank you for having me. that's all for this hour of
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msnbc live. i'm richard lui. i'll see you back here tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. for the latest, go to we'll have updates for you. "dateline extra" is next. you have a great saturday. she spent summer binge-watching. soon, she'll be binge-studying. get back to great. this week 50% off all backpacks. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great.
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