tv MTP Daily MSNBC September 12, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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quite a bit of demonstrating going on. about an hour now, expected to be speaking in asheville and giving you a taste of what's going on outside that venue. that's going to do it for this hour. mtp daily starts right now. >> if it's monday, they are vowing to open up more medical records. tonight the pulse of the political discourse focuses on the health of the candidates. >> there is no other undisclosed condition that ammonia is the extent of it. >> a page from the oppositions playbook. can they get anything done before the year is out? this is mtvdaley and itrts sta right now.
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>> what a turn of events as they scramble to contain the fallout from a health care and a transparency crisis all wrapped into one. this afternoon the campaign acknowledged mishandling in the incident where they left the press in the dark for hours after clinton appeared unsteady. the campaign then waited all day before disclosing clinton was diagnosed with pneumonia two days earlier. she was seen walking out of her daughter's apartment and moments ago she tweeted she is getting better while resting at home and hopes to be back on the trail soon. bill clinton will take his wife's place at a campaign event in california tomorrow. they are pledging to release additional medical record within a few days. >> we could have handled it better. in terms of more information and more quickly. that's on us and we regret that.
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>> they announce results of a physical he took last week. he is predicting the results will be good. showing doubts that things could be lurking. >> it's interesting because they say pneumonia on friday but she was coughing before that. this was not the first titime. we have to see what it is. i'm ready. >> there is unsubstantiated tracing back to clinton's concussion and blood clot in 2012. what was experience is a legitimate campaign concern. >> it is the case that there is no other undisclosed condition. i can attest that her doctor stated that there is nothing here in terms of anything caused
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by 2012. president obama said antibiotics can take care of pneumonia, what's the cure for an unhealthy pension for privacy that repeatedly creates unnecessary problems. he was shoulder to shoulder with clinton with the 9/11 ceremony moments before she took ill. thanks for being here. >> we talked to you yesterday and you saw clinton and she seemed just fine and then we learned that news later in the day that she is in fact suffering from pneumonia. what was your reaction when you heard that? >> my first reaction is my gosh, she still came to the 9/11 site and woke up early on a sunday morning despite the fact this she had pneumonia to be with the victim's families and to be there for the victims of 9/11. i was more moved to realize how
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she put herself out, putting her own health aside to be there for them. she wanted to be there because it was personal for her and meant a great deal. it was not the first time down to the memorial or the site. >> i want to get your reaction to the tweet by david axelrod. he is saying that there is a real transparency problem within the clinton campaign. do you share that assessment and is it hurting her? >> if we talk about transparency, we have to look at donald trump. he had a note from his doctor that was incoherent and not addressed properly and done on the fly. he continued to not release tax returns. >> i understand that and i understand that's the point that democrats want to get out, but about the clinton campaign and how they handled this. are you not concerned that they didn't divulge this? >> they have already said they could have handled it better.
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that has been said by the campaign and i assume by mrs. clinton as well. they wouldn't have said that. what i am suggesting is the focus is on hillary and clinton and what she has to disclose. she has been far more transparent than donald trump ever will be. he will not be transparent. he is a conman. >> let's talk about what clinton needs to do. we learned that the campaign is planning to release a medical report to update us. does the campaign need to release her full medical records. will anything be sufficient? >> that's up to the campaign to decide. it's warranted and more additional information given that she does have pneumonia and they will disclose more information. i think there cannot be a separate standard for hillary clinton. donald trump needs to be transparent about not just his
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health, but about his taxes. they want to know about points on the campaign or issues of self. >> i understand that, but we don't have a lot of time. let me ask you about secretary clinton's health. we do know that in 2012, she suffered a concussion and she dealt with blood clots. what would you tell voter who is in the wake of what happened over the weekend do now have concerns about her broader health? what would you say? >> i said say she is a human being. she is a real human being that has real human issues and consequences of as we all do. how many people who work every day have a chronic disease? how many people who work every day, 58 or 60 years old worry about keeping their job. they don't want their boss to know everything about them. what american doesn't go through that? i think there is an awful lot expected of hillary clinton and rightfully so and she will be transparent about that, but we
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raise people to demi going level. she has feelings and understanding why she was at the 9/11 site and she cares about the people and cares about what happened 15 years ago. >> as you well know, it was a tough weekend for the clinton campaign. she made the comment about half of the supporters being deplorable. she got a lot of backlash for that and came out the next day and walked the comments back and said she stood by the sentiment that he is fomenting the bigoted feelings. what do you think she needs to do when she gets back on the trail to bounce back? >> i think she already bounced back. i saw her yesterday when she walked out of chelsea's apartment. >> don't you worry that that could hurt her in the polls? >> at the end of the day, she may have gone a little too far in suggesting that half of the people should be in that pot.
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no question that racists, david duke supports donald trump and people like him. we know people who are xenophobic and homophobic and racists. there are a percentage of people who support donald trump. that's clear. that's what the secretary was getting to. i think what we have to get back to is the issues themselves. donald trump needs to be more transparent about the issues. explain the numbers and how he would govern if elected. he hasn't and won't do that. >> do you think secretary clinton needs to apologize when she gets out on the trail to voters for not disclosing the pneumonia diagnosis on friday? >> an apology is way too far. the fact that she has pneumonia, i'm sorry i have pneumonia. >> not that she has pneumonia, but she didn't disclose that that's what she was dealing with? >> i think people get sick from time to time.
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it's a gruelling schedule. the fact that she had pneumonia and still showed up is remarkable. that's what the american people are going to look at. she cared that much to be there despite the fact that she was sick. i don't think she owes an apology. they will be more transparent and give more information. that's acceptable and i think the american people would look at it and say fine, that's great. donald trump, where are your health records and your tax returns? >> we will discuss that coming up. appreciate it. the trump campaign is blasting clinton for her lack of transparngsy. here is the campaign manager on "morning joe" today. >> she is still not transparent and won't open herself up to the press. this nonsense that she respects what all of you do by having this press availability on the plane and the moment that you need to be with her, 90 minutes of radio silence and it took the day to get the public a diagnosis that apparently she received days earlier. >> i want to bring in sarah
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huckabee with the trump campaign. we appreciate it. >> you bet. >> i want to pick up where the congressman left off. he makes the point that trump doesn't have credibility on the issue because he hasn't released his tax returns yet. he did release a one-page letter from his doctor that didn't say a lot other than he would be the healthiest president ever. does donald trump lack credibility? >> donald trump has been one of the most transparent candidates we have seen. he takes questions day after day after day. >> he hasn't released his tax returns. he is not one of the most transparent candidates. he hasn't released his tax returns. >> he said time and time again, i can't even count how many times, several hundred times that as soon as this routine audit is completed, he would release his returns and he has
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been advised by attorneys and accountants that until that is complete he will not release them. until that is complete, there is no raen to continue asking that question. he has sat down with members of the press and members of the press that don't like him day after day taking their questions and he traveled around the country and sat down with voters and gone into often times hostile environments and taking questions and sat down with the voters. hillary clinton refuses to do that. >> she has been taking questions recently. she has gone into audiences. >> after almost a year. >> after almost a year she started to take questions. she walked away when it got hard. that's not what i want in a president that when it gets hard and the questions are tough, she walks away. if she can't handle the american press, she can't handle the challenges of being president. >> to be fair, she has answered questions and all of last week
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answered questions every day. let me get you to respond to donald trump's doctor. this is not new. i want to you a sound byte and to discuss this point about donald trump not giving us a lot of information about his medical history. take a look and we will discuss it. >> i have five minutes to write that letter while the driver waited. >> i try to get or five lines done if possible. >> he will release the results of a physical he take this is week, but how can people trust that those results are going to really give them insight given what we initially saw from that first medical disclosure? >> it will be lengthy. he will do a full physical and release the records. that's quite credible. i think one of the things is you can see by the rigor of the schedule he keeps, i had the opportunity to travel with him and to be able to do that takes
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an extremely healthy and a lot of stamina to go from sun up and sundown and he has shown he has been able to handle that and has the health and the stamina to do that. >> given that we know and the campaignas saying what secretary clinton is dealing with which is pneumonia which is treatable and today that there is no broader issue as far as they are aware of, was it a mistake for donald trump and some other republicans to spin up some of these experience theorys that were frankly unfounded? >> i don't think we have spun up any experience theories. we hope that she gets better and makes a full recovery and quickly and look forward to seeing her at the debates. the mistakes that took place were by hillary herself and calling half of americans deplorab deplorable. that's not only inexcusable, but disqualifying. it's hard to step up and say i
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want to be a leader when you think that half of the people you have a low opinion of. >> very quickly because you are almost out of time. there was a report over the weekend about the trump foundation which said that people are giving money under donald trump's name and it's not necessary low his money and he is taking credit for it and in some instances profiting off of that. what do you make of that and doesn't that just make all of the arguments trump made about the clinton foundation null and void? >> not at all. trump spent many years not only giving personally, but raising money through his foundation. and actually the money he raised has gone to help the causes that they say. it hasn't been a slush fund for foreign governments to participate in a pay to play scandal. it's a very, very different comparison there.
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>> thank you so much for joining us. appreciate it. >> you bet. thank you. >> i want to bring in tonight's panel. a republican strategist. the senior national correspondent with mtv news. thank you all for being here. i want to start with you you, big picture. a lot of people are saying this is going to shake-up the race. is this something that will shake-up the race and last through election day? >> probably not. we want to see the extent to her illness and if she is backed by the end of the week or early next. i don't think it will be a big problem for her. it was just about 70 hours ago or 90 hours ago. the big conversation was after that form about donald trump and his comments about generals and vladimir putin and the deplorables comment and about her health and we are probably going to have a new conversation on wednesday. the two things that you hit on, to me that's the biggest take
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away from the health story. not necessarily is this going to be a game changer, but you have two campaigns and different degrees that are sometimes not that forth coming from the press. >> does this put pressure on donald trump to be more transparent and release his tax returns, for example? >> it only depends on what his polls are showing. right now we don't hear an outcry for that. as far as hillary clinton's issues, she is transparent after she gets caught. that's what this health incident came to. i don't think it has a long-term effect, but it reinforces concerns that people have about her and her openness and honesty. when it comes to the deplorable comments. it plays against what she was trying to do which was pick up independent and moderate republicans. reinforcing the negative issue and going after republicans the way she did, i think that actually will have long-term
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effects. >> and based on my conversations with jittdemocrats, how much con is there? >> my conversation with the campaign, she did what she needed to do which was to tell democrats of color and also from other marginalized groups that she has their back. they are going to be represented and heard in this campaign and amidst a campaign from the other side that is embracing and espousing all of these bigoted sentiments and policies. they are not sitting by and letting that spew forth. for them that will result in solidification. >> one of the things that has been striking is what donald trump has not said since the video first emerged. it has been restrained and that
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you have to imagine is in part because they have the campaign shake-up. what do you make of that? >> i think brooklyn is concerned. the campaign is concerned today because a, he didn't go there ongoing after her on her health issue. he came out with an ad rather quickly on the deplorable comments and followed it up with a speech to the national guard association. that was on point and on message. that is a little worrisome to team clinton because trump had a full day on message. if they build one on top of the the other, that can be concerned for them. >> this feels like the biggest nominee. one of the reasons why hillary clinton was up in double-digits in the polls is that he was attacking paul ryan and attacking john mccain and now fully focused on hillary
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clinton. you end up with the clinton campaign that would rather fight on issues of race and this deplorables sment, talk about the e-mails and even the health matter. you seeing a campaign that is wanting to have the fight and the trump campaign does too. >> we will talk more about the comment in eighths bit. stick around. coming up, can donald trump capitalize on the dig or is this kind of rhetoric tricky for him? stay tuned. what if a company that didn't make cars made plastics that make them lighter? the lubricants that improved fuel economy. even technology to make engines more efficient. what company does all this? exxonmobil, that's who. we're working on all these things to make cars better and use less fuel. helping u save money and redu emissions. and you thought we just made e gas. energy lives here.
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priority: you speaking to wealthy donors, hillary clinton called millions of americans deplorable. >> people like you, you, and you. deplorable. you know what's deplorable? hillary clinton viciously demonizing hardworking people like you. >> that is a new campaign ad out today on comments from a friday night fund-raiser. clinton said on saturday she regrets the number of people she labeled as deplorable and even the label itself, but trump is not leting it go. he spent the majority of his speech saying they make her unfit to be president. >> she divides people into baskets as though they were
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objects, not human beings. she spoke with hatred is derigz for the people who make this country run. the disdain she rex pressed towards millions of decent americans disqualifies her from public service. you cannot run for president if you have such contempt in your heart for the american voter, and she does. >> but there is evidence this may not be a winning issue for trump. her use of a private e-mail server that points to her achilles heel of trustworthiness. the poll suggests the majority of americans agree with clinton when it comes to the candidate himself. when asked if they think trump is biased, 60% said trump is biased. 36% said she is not. joining me now, bob err lick was
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with trump in his speech. any headlines out that was? did he give you new policy plans? >> i would love to tell you, but it was a secret. we launched on a very blue collar working class area and very strong for donald trump. the comments from the crowd with regard to these comments and the divicive nature of these comments were startling to me. i believe everyone is making the analogy. i believe these comments, this world view, this divisiveness will stick around with her for many, many weeks to come. >> you talk about divisiveness. you heard the poll that i just read to you and the point that she was making the campaign would argue is that donald trump has been divicive. i want to ask you about something that happened moments
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ago. mike pence was asked would you call david duke deplorable. he responded i am not in the name calling business. what she did was shocking and anyone with that low of an opinion of the american people shouldn't be president. what do you make of the fact that he wouldn't call david duke deplorable. >> david duke is deplorable and everyone understands that. i don't know what the thought process is there, but i know he thinks that. he is deplorable, period. let's get back to. >> is it problematic that governor pence wouldn't say it? >> i am not going to comment because i was not there and didn't hear an exact question and i am not going to comment for him. he is doing a great job. this conferms what we think she thinks of us. a fly over america. the dismissal and the classic clinton mo of demonizing your opponents. this is what she does. this is what they do.
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we will see if it works. this poll doesn't bother me at all. this comment was just made. >> it didn't bother you that 60% of americans think your candidate is racist or sexist. it doesn't bother you? >> i know he is not so of course it does, but the fact is this campaign is playing itself out. allegedly 60% of people think that, but the polls are tied. the polls in florida today has donald trump up by 4. i'm not sure that was so reliable. to the extent that the image exists, it's a challenge. i'm not going to lie about it. >> i guess the broader question is you have this ad that donald trump hits her. do you worry that an ad like that actually can wind up backfiring and highlighting the poll numbers. >> no, i don't because it's an insight into the progressive
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mind set and how they see trump voters and conservatives. she was honest enough for a change to throw it out there. this is how they view people who disagree with that. to the extent they can attack us on the right, they do and that's what the movement about shutting down speech is all about. whether it's citizens united and this whole attack on the first amendment. demonize and shut down speech and win elections. that's the clinton mo. >> we have been talking about transparency. donald trump said he is going to release the results of a physical. does he need to release full follow history and taxes? >> i am for transparency, particularly when you are running against a candidate. i want to see the poll result with regard to her reputation for honesty and if people think she is honest. to the extent that he can put as
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much out there about donald trump and his medical history at this point, the better. what we can see whether it's the truth or not, we are not sure they can recognize the truth. >> should he release tax returns? >> when things are ready to be consum consumed. >> the irs said there was no problem with releasing them now. >> i trust what he tells me. >> did you tell him that he should release them? >> i am for transparency, when you are running against a candidate anti-transparent and a approximate other than who cannot recognize the truth that you can get out there and tell people what you are about and what your health is and how much money you have made and how you view syria, you name it. the better off he is going to be. >> thank you for your perspective. we want to turn to another former maryland governor, a
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clinton supporter and a former 2016 candidate for president, martin o'malley. appreciate it. >> i want to get your reaction to some of what you discussed and the fact that he and others are comparing the deplorable comments to mitt romney's comments about the 47% back in 2012. do you worry that the deplorable comments can be that damaging? >> i don't believe so. the fact of the matter is that we have a candidate who set a new low bar for comments about other human beings. the things he said about immigrants and about our muslim american neighbors. here's a candidate who is the arch practitioner of divide and conquer who practices that time honored playbook that fascists have used in the past of trying to make the majority fearful that an ethnic minority is
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trying to take away greatness. the word is best applied however to donald trump and not to those who have been misled. a lot of people in our country are hurting. that makes them vulnerable to this snake oil salesman, the false medicine that donald trump is dishing out. >> you know the way in which a word like that, a phrase like that can have real staying power. do you worry that the fact that she used that comment even though she regreeted it could stay with her and loom over her campaign through election day? >> the polling numbers you put up indicated that people believe the word deplorable aptly applies to donald trump. in the longer ark of this campaign, that's the conclusion people will come to. this is not the sort of man we want our children watching as commander in chief for the united states of america. he uses deplorable and hateful language and has no place in the debates.
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>> donald trump has the remarks that secretary clinton made the comments at a high dollar fund-raiser saying that clinton is the voice of wall street. not dissimilar to what you had to say in the primary campaign. do you worry that the fact that she said it at that high dollar fund-raiser could drive progressives away? >> no, i don't believe so. we had a very vigorous debate in our party. i was honored to have been a part of it and that continued with senator sanders, but at the end of the day, secretary clinton received the greatest number of votes. she demonstrated the toughness and the staying power and the ability to fight the tough fight. they mentioned yesterday she was playing hurt. she was not about to miss a ceremony. a lot of us on the trail often
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push ourselves to play hurt, butt the truth of the matter is, secretary clinton is the one candidate in this race who is prepared to be president of the united states and put out a plan unlike donald trump that would restore the rungs of the later to middle class opportunity and build an economy that is for all of us. i found her to be healthy as a horse and very, very tough and have abundant stamina. >> the fact that she is dealing with the two-pronged issues and the fact that not that she is sick, but everyone wishing her a speedy recovery and the fact that her campaign was not forth coming about that information on friday. it became clear that that was her diagnosis coupled with what they are talking about with the comments. when she gets back on the campaign trail, she turns this around and regained the momentum. >> i found her to be a very, very skilled competitor.
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i think you will see when people zero in on the debates, she will show the american people that she has the best interest of our country with most of her mind and her grasp of foreign policy and the ability to contrast sharply that she will stand for us. donald trump on the other hand, he is enjoying a double standard. for him to call for transparency and not release the tax records, the reason he can't release his tax roars is all of the money from russian olegarks that funded his ponzi scheme serial bankruptcies and he can't have that known. i'm looking forward to the debates. >> that is not something that has been proven. i know folks are speculating about it, but that hasn't been proven yet. >> i will tell you what has been proven is that the dnc in fact was hacked. what has been proven is that his campaign manager got a lot of
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money from people that are propped up by putin and russian interest. what has been proven is that his own son said on a stockholder call that a lot of money has come into the company from russia. all of those things are true and there is a good reason why donald trump doesn't want to release his tax returns. when i ran for president, i released my returns. john mccain at the age of 71 released his records. why is donald trump allowed to get away with not being transparent. >> there is no doubt that is a good question. really appreciate it. >> still ahead from e-mails to health concerns, the clinton campaign is battling optics issues. are they any worse than her opponent's? stay tuned for that discussion, next. ♪"all you neeis love" plays my eyelove is making something unexpected.
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does anyone have the ability to say no to her? is there anyone who can say wait a minute, not a great idea to go to the 9/11 commemoration when you have pneumonia. >> i think we all should have taken this advice. a lot of us got sick over the last few weeks. i'm sure you heard. >> that was hillary's campaign manager about whether anyone on the campaign tells clinton no. i am joined by josh king, the staffer for bill clinton and author of off script. a guide to stage craft, campaign spectacle and political suicide. thanks for being here. >> let's talk about the optics and stage craft. you have this video that emerged because clinton was having
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trouble standing up and needed to rely on her staffers to get into her van. the video keeps playing over and over. how damaging is an image like this and if you are inside the campaign, was there anything they could have done to prevent this from happening? >> the practical reality and the way they handle presidents and major party nominees it is closed departures and arrivals you will pull into a loading dock to stage limousines in and out. so that is not filmed. secretary clinton unlike donald trump does not travel with a pool. instead you see the vertical framing of an iphone camera that not only became big news on sunday, but grace the covers of the new york post and the daily news. you can't say it's not problematic. it's the video.
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if secretary clinton managed to leave early and went up to the district and hang out with her granddaughter for a little while and we didn't have that recorded video from the bystander from the cell phone, she probably could have got through yesterday without a problem. >> a whole different ball game from behind the scenes. you have been there when tough decisions have to be made. both on friday when a small group of people were diagnose and on sunday when it happened. touch stress was there and was there or is there anyone in the campaign who can say no to her? >> it's not for me to answer the same way. if robbie can't answer it, i can't. i was thinking about this. i can't remember the last general election campaign in which two private citizens were squaring off against each other. usually one is an office holder and one wants to be.
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they want the trappings of candida candidacy. they have a right to privacy, but you and members of the press who want to almost have a dress rehearsal for the way she will be, when you become a president. you get the white house pool and they stay with you for four or eight years. that hasn't happened yet and that's what the problem was. >> she does not have a closed pool. >> it's not a pool if they are not door-to-door. let's not get lost on semantics. >> let me get you on that point though. if there is no one inside the campaign who can say no to her and we don't know that's the case. robbie didn't answer that
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question. as someone who knows what it's like, how problematic is that? they put their foot down and say no, you have to sit this out. you get leon panetta. they are a person who can look at them they are faced by a private life. i have kids and i have a spouse and there has to be some area that i keep to myself. you can still soldier on and that's what they wanted to do. >> a great conversation.
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>> no, i'm not in the name calling business. you know me better than that. what hillary did friday night was vice presidential candidate mike pence moments ago. we'll talk about that comment next in "the lid." re. everyone said it's so hard to be a musician, but i can't imagine doing anything else. now that the train makes it easier to get here, the neighborhood is really changing. i'm always hopping on the train, running all over portland. i have to go wherever the work is. trains with innovative siemens technology lp keep cities moving, so neighborhoods and businesses can prosper. i can book 3 or 4 gi on a good weekend. i'm booked solid for weeks. it takes ingenuity to make it in the big city. i'm booked solid for weeks. ♪ ♪ i'm booked solid for weeks.
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time now quor "the lid." the panel is back. thanks for sticking around. i want to start with you, jameel. we just played a clip of governor mike pence not saying, not biting when asked if david duke is deplorable. is this something the democrats, do you think, will pick up and run with? >> i think the clinton campaign would be wise, frankly, to say, hey, this confirms exactly what clinton said. this is exactly what we're talking about. not only are they not willing to own the racism in their campaign, they're not willing to condemn a former kkk wizard as a
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racist. >> susan, how damaging is it and do they need to be prepared to answer questions like that? >> they should have been prepared. i'm shocked mike pence, especially governor pence, didn't have a more appropriate answer. maybe donald trump i can understand. not forgivable by any stretch. let's make it clear as a republican, i will say he is deplorable and should not be accepted in any way, form or shape in the party. >> does it turn this into a controversy about the clinton campaign to one that's now potentially more focused on the trump campaign for this answer? >> yeah, we were talking about it a few minutes ago. this is terrain the lyclinton campaign feels comfortable and it goes back to a point, too, we talk about the different news cycles we've seen so far. we're going to talk about health and hillary clinton's health tomorrow on tuesday. no, we might be talking about mike pence and david duke. >> i said donald trump was having a really good day 45 minutes ago. >> and this is what happens when you take the bait. >> we have a little bit more time left. our new nbc news/"wall street
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journal" poll showed tight races in several areas. what do you make of that fact? traditionally republican leaning polls are tight and democratic leaning states are tight. >> two big points. one, the battleground has expanded to places like arizona and to georgia where all after sudden if these contests are a one or three-point race, that's a battleground state. on the other hand donald trump is looking better than we thought in places like nevada and new hampshire, particularly new hampshire is a state in which democratic strategists say we have not cracked the code the way we did in 2012 in that state. >> susan, if you look at the polls in pennsylvania, a state he really needs to win, she is still beating him there. >> that's the thing just to follow up on what mark was saying. when you look at the states, the electoral map still doesn't help him get there if he has to defend a georgia, for example, and then has to fight for arizona. so it becomes a lot harder in pennsylvania, like you said, is key. >> jamil, this race got a lot
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more competitive in recent days. >> the closer we get to november 8, the more the ground games will matter. that gives her an advantage. >> all right. thank you. great conversation as always. appreciate it. and we will be right back with one more story you might have missed. stay tuned. >> wow, thank you very much. i love north carolina. a big victory in north carolina. in 56 days we are going to win this state, and we're going to win back the white house. and so many businesses rely on the united states postal service to get it there. that's why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. the united states postal service. priority: you when is your flu shot more than a flu shot? when it helps give a lifesaving vaccine to child in need.
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in case you missed it, the path it to the democratic senate takeover keeps narrowing. last week we told you democrats were pulling their ad money from senate races in ohio and florida, a sign they were losing faith in flipping those republican seats. three republican-held seats are likely to flip. that leaves these four states as the senate battleground, new hampshire, north carolina, pennsylvania, and democrat-held nevada. and it means democrats need to win two of those four seats and the white house to control the senate. in our latest poll, republican incumbent kelly ayotte has an eight-point lead in new hampshire. republican congressman joe heck has a narrow lead. that makes pennsylvania and north carolina essentially must-win states if democrats want to take control of the
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senate. that is fall for tonight. chuck will be back tomorrow with more. "with all due respect" starts right now. i'm john heilemann. >> and i'm mark halperin. with all due respect to those conspiracy theorists who think hillary clinton has a body double, don't be ridiculous who would ever do? >> thanks, guys. we'll take it from here. ♪ it is a beautiful day in new york, and we're feeling great. try not to get too grossly generalistic. we devote this episode to covering two storylines that are currently defining the presidential race. one was self-inflicted. the other poorly handled. both have hillary clinton now on the defensive. in our afternoon meeting here at "wadr" we debated which is a bigger deal and, thus, which should lead our
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