tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC September 17, 2016 3:00am-4:01am PDT
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opportunities don't wait around, so you have to be ready for them. find out how american express cards and services can help prepare you for growth at there's a couple of different ways to take a snapshot of where we are in terms of the news at large. from the wisest lens in terms of our country and the world right now, there are fraud things going on in the news. this week after north korea launched its nuclear, the u.s. military flew nuclear-capable b1 bombers over the korean peninsula as a show of force. we're in the habit of doing this whenever north korea gets up on its hind legs and tests dangerous weapons. but right now flying the nuclear weapon-capable bombers is a sign that the only leverage we're
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exerting over north korea as they get closer and closer to proving they're capable of launching a nuclear attack on another country, our best national average leverage against them to try to stop them from doing that is basically just flat-out using a show of force to show them visually, to effectively threaten to launch a nuclear attack against them. that's our gambit with them now. so there's that. and that is unsettling. also in syria, day five of this tenuous tentative sort of half cease-fire that was negotiated by us and russia. russia so far is says letting humanitarian aid through to the crucial city of aleppo. secretary of state john kerry threatened to that the whole deal, whole cease-fire might be off unless russia acts to let those medical supplies and food trucks go through to aleppo. those trucks, all of the aid has been basically idling for days now waiting to get in, and everything hangs in the balance as to whether or not they're going to be allowed to proceed.
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for perspective on what this means in the global scheme of things, here's some small numbers that mean a lot -- the u.s. military has ten aircraft carriers right now globally. we have ten aircraft carriers. russia has one. russia has one, it's 26 years old. it's known mostly for breaking down and spilling fuel and catching fire. it has never been in a combat deployment, but russia right now is sending that aircraft carrier to syria for its first-ever combat deployment and for what are supposed to be coordinated military maneuvers with the u.s. military in syria. us and russia working this war together. it's already the most awkward and tenuous and dysfunctional thing possible. now they're sending their one leaky accident-prone rookie aircraft carrier into the mix basically to show off that they've got one. and oh, my god, what could go wrong. that's just -- one little sliver, right? that's one way of looking at
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where we are in the world now, where our country is right now in the news. i mean, the u.n. general assembly is underway in new york. one of the things we'll see next week in the news is hillary clinton, former secretary of state, she'll be having one-on-one meetings with lots of foreign heads of state next week because they'll be here in new york for the u.n. general assembly. my best guess is honestly that donald trump will have some of those one-on-one meetings, too, because a lot of countries like to hedge their bets on who the next president of the united states will be, particularly when the election looks like it might be close. that brings us sort of to another snapshot of where we are right now. the election does look close right now. closer. "the new york times" electoral projection used to be up in the 90% range for hillary clinton, not that she'll win with 0% of the vote, but there was a 90% chance that she would win. now that is down below 75%, 74.26%., their likelihood of
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clinton winning has slipped to 60/40. it says if the election were held today, there's only a 57% chance that hillary clinton would win. of course, the election isn't being held today, but it is approaching. less than two months from election day. this is a time when swing state north carolina is already voting. and the polls are getting closer. and so that's another snapshot of where we are right now. but what i want to start with tonight is an even closer snapshot that tells you how things are going now. and i think where they're heading. and it may change your view on how close this election is. it's a high-stakes world, a high-stakes time for our country. i think it is scary to people who are scared by the prospects of a -- trump presidency that things are so close. take this closer specific snapshot of how these guys are comporting themselves, how they are behaving in the campaign because i do think it matters.
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we're going to be talking later this hour about the catastrophic birther things th-- birther thi that donald trump tried to make a spectacle, hold a media tour from his hotel. the backdrop collapsed, and reporters were yelling questions because they billed it as a press conference. then they didn't take questions, and the press ended up angrily defeating their footage from the hotel because of the fight. the whole point of the exercise, even if it had go well, was to two blatant easily fact-checked lies about donald trump's history of birtherism. now the birther issue is back at the center of the campaign. this was a terrible move by donald trump today. a stunningly, poorly played instance of bad politics. i think it was a major screw-up, and barbara lee here, a member of the absolutely outraged congressional black caucus here to talk about what happened there. there's been a lot of attention to that today. just go one level below that, one level a little deeper and lower down the campaign.
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i want to take this one other snapshot of how the trump side is behaving. how they are trying to win the presidency, and that starts in a very specific geographic place. starts in downtown washington, d.c. there's a place you have definitely heard of. right there, the center of the map, called the national press club. go to the left there, you see's close to the white house. to the right there, that's ford's theater where lincoln was shot. right in downtown d.c. incidentally, i marked that t.j. maxx because i once bought three umbrellas for under $30. i bought an extra umbrella even though susan and i, there were only two. lots of foot traffic in the middle of everything in d.c. the national press club. last friday, national press club was due to hold a press conference. not a particularly mainstream things but provocative enough thing that they were guaranteed a lot of reporters showing up. that press conference was
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provocative enough that apparently it got to be too hot for the national press club to handle. and so the organizers announced after billing this as their national press club press conference, they eventually announced actually it won't be there after all. they sort of canceled it at the last minute. then there was this weird exchange of information that was kind of hard to pin down. ultimately, the organizers said it was national press club, no, it's not. the whole things's off. then they said it was on, except now wouldn't be at the national press club, it would be somewhere else in the neighborhood, and they wouldn't say where. it's not standard for a press conference, right? reporters who still wanted to go, get this, were instructed to go stand outside the entrance to this restaurant and look for a man wearing a brown tie with a dark gray suit. and if they were able to find that man, that man would tell the reporters one by one in person,on line, not in writing, would tell them where they could go to find this now-secret press
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conference. turned out to be a windowless basement conference room in the hotel of a nearby hotel. and we heard from the leading low lights of the white supremacist movement in the united states. last friday they held the cloak and dagger press conference. and thanks to the presidential contest, they still feel that they're misunderstood. in particular, they want to be clear that no matter what you've heard about them, no matter what term you want to call them, no matter what umbrella term you might. to apply to their movement, they want to be clear, especially now that they're getting this attention, they want to set the record straight. they want you to know that they are racist. they want you to not downplay the race part. it was amazing. they got up to explain, there's also this diversity among us white supremacists. at core, we are one thing. we're white pride, white power. that's what we agree on. you cannot separate us from
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racism. we are racists. don't forget, don't misnot us. that's their core belief. >> the orthodmox which the alt-right is in unanimity and rejects with the most enthusiasm the races are basically equivalent and -- >> each have average i.q. of 102, 103, then come whites, then blacks with the i.q. of about 5. now, the federal system absolutely shows that there's a substantial genetic contribution to these differences whether we like it or not. >> probably the most -- there's only three of us here. just that he wants a white home, a white identity. >> don't get us wrong, we believe a lot of things, but we all believe in the genetic superiority of certain races, and we want a white homeland.
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don't misunderstand us. we're so misunderstood. the reason these guys were out there last week clarifying these matters, crowing in this downtown d.c. hotel ballroom about what they think is inferior about black people and latinos and why white people need to segregate themselves and live alone and the united states need to become an all-white country, the reason these guys feel like they can come out of the woods, they no longer have to just meet around the burning cross in the dark, the reason they feel like it's time to show up in hotel ballrooms in d.c. and invite trorpts listen to ugenics insanity is because basically they're making now for the first time in their little racist lifetimes. their ideas about race, their ideas about jews, they feel like they are finally getting the mainstream support and attention and respect they have always wanted. they feel like they are turning up in mainstream politics. they feel like this is their moment, and it's because they finally got a very mainstream champion.
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>> certainly we have been -- riding coattails, there's been more interest in us because we're generally pro-trump, because we were inspired by him and things like that. >> trump from day one defined the campaign in terms of immigration. i think that was key. >> trump implicitly, not explicitly, but implicitly is appealing to wise america. >> i think it's about trump's style. the fact that he doesn't back down. the fact that he's willing will to thwart his enemies, mostly on the left. there's something about him, something high energy that is infectious, that you look at that and think, this is what a leader looks like. >> so all the nationally known leader of america's white supremacist movement held this press conference in d.c. to declare how much they support and are inspired by donald trump and how much they like about him, how much his campaign speaks to them. and that sort of sends a shiver
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down your spine for a specific reason. the candidate is, of course, not responsible for all of his or her supporters, but this press conference was billed with the headline, "what is the alt-right." the ceo, steve bannon, comes from a website, he ran the website that calls itself "the platform for the alt-right." he calls it that himself. that's a direct quote from him. "we're the platform for the alt-right," that's the alt-right. and the one thighs things about this in terms of getting a snapshots wherever we are as a country is that when rabid white supremacists and anti-semites stop just meeting in the woods and accidentally setting their sheets on fire, when they come out of their hidey holes to brag how they feel like they've got a real leader in donald trump, they also end up explaining some of what's going on inside that campaign that otherwise doesn't really make sense. they end up explaining something that shows how the trump
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campaign is still even no blowing itself up. it's an odd source of comfort, but it might be one, and that's next. ♪ isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. great show. here you go. now he's added a new routine. making depositing a check seem so effortless. easy to use chase technology, for whatever you're trying to master. isaac, are you ready? yeah. chase. so you can.
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this is not republicanism as we have known it. these are racist ideas, race-baiting ideas, anti-muslim, anti-women, key tenets making up the emerging racist ideology known as the alt-right. [ cheers ] >> what was that? that was hillary clinton's speech a few weeks ago denouncing the self-proclaimed alt-right and their support of donald trump and donald trump's campaign cultivating that support. you remember the speech, you remember the whole discussion around that. there was a weird heckling moment in that speech. here it is again. >> all key tenants making up the -- tenets making up the emerging ideology known as the alt-right
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-- [ hemling ] >> so it's not like an applause moment or booing moment. as soon as she says "alt-right," some guy from the crowd yells out "pepe!" to most that was a totally in inexplicable things. to the white supremacist, neo-nazi right in this country, that guy yelling that in that moment, that was a moment of triumph. that was the most hilarious things they had ever heard in their lives. pepe refers to pepe the frog, this otherwise innocuous cartoon character which as unlikely as it may sound is one of the things that the racist right has adopted as a symbol on line. >> who are we? i think if i were to describe what a lot of people know about the alt-right, it's probably some things they have seen on line.
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pepe means -- it's the parentheses take-no-prisoners attitude on twitter and things. >> we live in a society in which the fundamental moral norms are liberal, and we are attempting to fight our way out of them. and sometimes that will use the means at hand, that's going to involve pepe, unleashing chaos. >> when you say that people who convey this, if you look at the pepe, what are the idea that they're doing work for you, what is it you want to convey? >> in particular -- >> both.
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the frog and the -- >> that the frog seems -- is an expression of a certain -- a smug frog, it's an expression of -- [ laughter ] willingness this is someone who's willing to speak the truth. >> ridiculous, right? this -- this smug frog is willing to speak the truth about race and the jews. this is the guy who designed the new space-age logo that he wants the alt-right to use. a guy who wants a white homeland. is that too much to ask? these guys are emboldened by how well donald trump is doing because he's the here they want. and he's in d.c. explaining to the press that the white supremacist movement he's in charge of has taken over on line this meme of the otherwise innocuous car typhoon frog and used it with references and knowing winks to white
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supremacist ideas, an i semitic and racist ideas wherever they can. while hillary clinton is denouncing trump cultivating the racist right, some guy yelling "pepe," in the crowd, is one of the funniest things they've seen. if you want to grab a bottle of ipecac and head to the david duke twitter feed, you see among the recognizable anti-semitic and racist stuff you expect from david duke, such as hillary clinton with her forehead marked with a kosher symbol, and david duke lamenting that she's get the jewish vote. or a jewish guy from tim kaine. this is damn evidence behind clinton and kaine. stuff that's easy to decode from the perspective of a former klan leader, there's also david duke tweeting out pepe the frog supporting david duke and the senate race in louisiana. and there's pepe again as donald trump and his wall on the the
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southern border. this is from yesterday on the twitter feed, donald trump kissing pepe the frog. the white supremacist baby symbol. this frog they started over -- they've taken it over as a deliberate white supremacist symbol. so when hillary clinton made those remarks at that fundraiser last week, when she called out the racists, xenophobics supporting trump, the basket of deplorables things, well, the racist and anti-semitic right tried to turn it into a badge of honor. somebody created this image of the proud deplorables. and look carefully at all the heads. there's donald trump flanked by -- there's each of his sons, eric on the left side of the screen, don jr. on the right side of the screen. there's also mike pence, left just -- just left of trump. there's chris christie, rudy
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giuliani. there's the editor on the tar right there, the editor from the trump campaign ceo's website who was banned from twitter for racist abuse. you also see ben carson there. you see next to the racist abuse guy with the dagger, conspiracy theory guy from "info. wars" who said that sandy hook was fake and so was 9/11. then alongside donald trump between him and rudy giuliani, there's the frog. it's like donald trump and his crew, donald trump and his team, we've got the your back. all your mainstream political supporters like pence and christie, your family, super far right crazy conspiracy racist media budets, we're with you, we got your back. and the white supremacists, we got your back, donald trump. we're right here behind you standing over your shoulder. it's creepy, right? and that image was not created by donald trump jr. but was posted on line by donald trump jr. it was posted on his instagram account. still there tonight. what is donald trump jr. doing posting the neo-nazi frog things? i mean, it stand out, right? not a subtle things you don't
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notice if you don't think it means anything. if you're donald trump jr., in this picture, you're in between alex jones and rudy giuliani. but two ahead of you in terms of closeness to your dad is this big, green frog. if you don't know what it is, don't you wonder? do you ask somebody? do you really not know? or do you know what it is? donald trump jr. told abc this morning he had no idea what he was posting when he posted that. no idea. and maybe that's true. maybe he had no idea. this has come up around donald jr. in a couple of other ways, too. in march you might remember he accidentally says he went on an overtly white supremacist radio show that's called "the political cesspool." his excuse at the time was that he dip know where he was when he did the interview. he had no idea he was talking to white supremacists. now in another radio interview, donald trump jr. has raised the specter of gas chambers when making a point about his father's candidacy. >> without the media, this wouldn't even be a contest. the media has built her up, let
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her slide on every indecepsee on, every lie, on every dnc -- game trying to get bernie sanders out of the things. i mean, if republicans were doing that, they'd be warming up the gas chamber now. >> donald trump jr. on warming up the gas chambers. the ante defamation league exclaimed, whoa, dude, you want to take that back? the conservative protest candidate, evan mcmullen, on the ballot in utah utes, idaho, maybe other states, responded by calling that an "unsurprising nazi reference from the altthe right's presidential campaign. this is the real trump." the trump campaign later explained that the gas chamber line from trump's son had nothing to do with those kind of gas chambers. he men something totally different. maybe that's true. that said, after an initial ache angry and defensive statement about the gas chamber things, blaming the media for blowing this out of proportion, trump
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jr. said maybe the warming up the gas chambers things was a poor choice of words. surely. given his recent history, given where else he has been in public at the top of dad's campaign, it is hard to buy yourself the benefit of the doubt on issues like this. it is hard to buy yourself slack in terms of people knowing exactly what you mean. i mean, take the snapshot as wide as you want. there's a lot going on from u.s. troops at war in syria and a leaky russian aircraft carrier steaming that way to u.s. nuclear capable bombers flying over the korean peninsula in a show of force. and from the swing state polls starting to jump around like popcorn and national polls getting to the point where they're tied. take the snapshot as wide as you want. in terms of seeing where we are, in terms of knowing where we are, in terms of the way american politics is being conducted today, it will matter, it has to matter that one side of american politics is pulling a drag bar through the sewer tank of what gets flushed out of
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normal politics. from the candidate himself, from the top of his campaign, from his son, the way they are operating, what they are front paging even at the this late date in the campaign is really, really, really fringed racist conspiracy theories and tropes. i know i know the polls, but when you're doing it that way, it cannot win. it can't win. can't. we'll be right back. welcome to all of you deplorables. [ cheers ] woah!
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'tis season. last night republican candidate donald trump went on the "tonight show" with jimmy fallon. his big back with trump was messing up the canadian's hair. in the aesop's fables version, that would have the effect of ending the presidential candidacy of donald trump because now we know that he's kind of bald. and that he has a huge combover. hair that's like ten inches long that he sweeps over the top of his mostly bald head which is sad. and we can see it now. and if this is a vanity candidacy, something like that in the story, that ends it. but this is not a fabel, this is our lives now. and he's not quitting. but 'tis the season. tonight it was hillary clinton who just taped her bit with jimmy fallon. and we happened to be in the same building with them. we got hold of a clip of her appearance. we are, i'm told, turning that around and will have it in a minute. stay with us.
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watch this. this is a visual one. so if you're doing the dishes for a second, just listening, just a second. come to the tv. just look. i'm going to show what starts off looking like a normal news coverage clip from "today on msnbc." watch katie tur on the right side. >> reporter: he's been hammering hillary clinton and was hammering her before she gave her press conference recently for hiding. it's important to note that hillary clinton has given -- and the stage is falling apart
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behind us. you see this. >> whoa! >> reporter: anyway -- >> anyway. katy tur admirably handling the unexpected there as the news gods prove once more that they may or may not have a sense of humor. they definitely do write poetry. in this case, with event drapes and american flags. nobody was hurt. this was the poetically fitting end to donald trump's disastrous press conference in washington today where he caved. he collapsed like that stage. he reversed himself. he inexplicably stopped believing something he has purported to believe for years without explanation. as soon as he said that, he then ran away without taking questions each though he and his campaign had billed this as a press conference. donald trump today tried to say that he has not been promoting the idea that president obama is secretly foreign for years now. he said today that he finished that years ago in 2011 when
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president obama produced his birth certificate. i should say, what you're seeing, he all the clips on your screen, are him promoting that idea since then, since 2011. he also today tried to blame this whole things on hillary clinton. he tried to say it was her racist conspiracy theory about president obama and not his. what happened today i think is that he got scared and sort of fell apart. i think maybe he did not want to have to defend his craziness about the president's birthplace and birth certificate in the effortcoming debate. -- forthcoming debate. maybe that's why he crumbled, but i don't know. he collapsed. he caved and told all of these laugh out loud obvious lies about it as he did it. and then he ran from reporters. this was a collapse. a total abandonment of what was his signature issue, his signature belief with no explanation. >> i finished it. i finished it. you know what i mean. >> that's what he tried to say about this today.
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and no, that's another live. i don't think you finish -- another lie. i don't think you finished it at all. >> this is not just about a contest for the presidency. this man is on a mission to heap as much insult on this president, to do as much as he possibly can to delegitimize his presidency. >> this is a disgusting day. donald trump is a disgusting fraud. by any definition, donald trump is a disgusting fraud. he started this silliness years ago by saying that president obama is not an american citizen. he had no proof of it. he would not have done that to a mitt romney. he would not have done that to a john mccain or any white running for president of the united states, but he has leveled this criticism against president obama.
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>> be clear, this is not just about degrading the reputation of barack obama. it's about degrading the american dream for all african-american african-americans. >> instead of being the statesman that he should be, instead of going before the cameras and apologizing to president obama and apologizing to the american people for his fraudulent behavior, he simply comes to the microphone, and i will quote he said, he said, "president obama was born in the united states, period." and then he takes a seat and gives a guided tour of the trump hotel to the news media that was assembled. that of disgusting. the black caucus political action committee finds it disgusting. everyone should know this man is a traud, he's an insult to the -- a fraud, he's an insult to the intellect of the american people. >> this is a defining moment for
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all those who want to denounce bigotry and racism to step forward now and to really demand first that donald trump stop it, but secondly, to demand an apology from this man because this is what his presidential campaign has been about. >> press conference today by members of the congressional black caucus. with this birther press conference catastrophe today, donald trump said literally, i finished this. oh, no, you didn't. you didn't for it, and politically today with what the trump campaign did, they just set it on fire. congresswoman barbara lee next. [ "on the road again," by willie nelson ] ♪ on the road again
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outrageous lie. there is no erasing it in history. >> but back then, people had all kind of questions about what kind of president barak would be. things like, does he understand us, will he protect us, and then, of course, there were those who questioned and continue to question for the past eight years up through this very day whether my husband was even born in this country. [ boos ] during his time in office, i think barak has answered those questions with the example he set by going high when they go low. [ cheers ] >> first lady of the united states, michelle obama, speaking today in virginia. hillary clinton speaking in d.c. today. both speaking after donald trump
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caved, changed his mind, i guess implicitly admitting he was wrong all along maybe about the insane conspiracy theory he has pushed for years and that he was still pushing earlier this year, that president obama was secretly not born in the united states. when he got up and said that actually that had been hillary clinton's racist theory and he finished it back in 2011, those lies today were not just him abandoning his long-held position without explanation, they were such obvious lies that the entire press corps balked and put "lie" in their headlines. in addition to that, hillary clinton frankly went markey on him on -- went nuclear on him today. "what trump did is a disgrace. when he tries to deflect blame by saying he was born in america here, lying. the birther lie turned trump from an ordinary reality tv star into a political figure. that origin story cannot be unwritten. trump's birtherism stems from the innate beliefs to led to
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discrimination -- discriminating against tenants early in his life. can't be undone. he's undermined the first american president and can't just take it back." those were rapid fire from hillary clinton today. and there was more in addition. if you've got the sense that there's a little lightning in a bottle here, i think you're right. joining us is barbara lee, democratic congresswoman of california. she and other congressional black caucus members also went slightly nuclear on donald trump over this issue today. congresswoman lee, thank you for being here. i hope you don't mine me putting it that way. >> happy to be with you, rachel. and i have to say, we're angry, first of all. and i think the country should be angry and demand first that donald trump apologize to president obama. he is the founder, and he's the leader of the birther movement. and he is the nominee of the republican party. come on. you know, to have a nominee of a political party running for the presidency of the united states
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and to continue to lie like this, shame on donald trump. everyone needs to demand that he apologize and stop this. this country cannot tolerate a man as unqualified and as unfit and bigoted as donald trump. >> can you -- on that point of bigotry, can you spell it out, can you tell me about why you think that bigotry and racial bigotry specifically is at the heart of this claim that the president is secretly foreign? can you tell me why that is? >> well, when you tried, first of all, to delegitimatizitegiti first african-american president, i don't believe donald trump has done this to anyone else in the past. i don't remember anyone trying todelegitimatized this with any other president. he is rallying around the forces
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and rallying to his party, the forces that have been fairly quiet for a while, been very insidious in their racism. now he has allowed race to be swept from under the rug. and there are those in this country who really believe that people of color, african-americans, you know, people who deserve to be here and deserve to live the american dream just like they do, they don't want them here. so donald trump has allowed the presidency of our first african-american president, he has played on this to surface many of the negative, racist attitudes that still have not been addressed in our country. the healing process should take place. it's going to take a while. i think we're seeing exactly what we're dealing with in this country. and donald trump is the leader of this movement. he needs to apologize, he need to apologize to secretary clinton for trying to blame her. can you imagine this, trying to turn this around now?
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this man is sinister. to say that he's finishing something that she started -- my gosh, if the public doesn't understand that this man cannot be president, someone who will be responsible for our national security, you know, i can't believe america would allow this to go down. >> today watching you and so many members of the congressional black caucus talk about this in many cases with a lot of emotion, watching first lady michelle obama talk about this with some emotion today when she gave the remarks in virginia, watching secretary of state clinton talk about this today before that huge audience of african-american women at the conference she was at the in d.c., i found it very moving. in terms of this being a racial fault line, this being a racist insult and the way that people have basically stepped up and been willing to call it that. and i just -- i wondered, i mean, you've been a member of congress for a long time. this has been out there and around there for a long time. everybody has known that it is a racist thing for a long time. over the course of the election, the course of the time this has
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been in the news, have any of your republican colleagues reached out to you and said, hey, politics aside, we don't like this either, or i don't like this stuff either, or i'm sorry for the kind of racist insult that's been this? have you ever had those conversations in private? >> no, no, rachel. i really haven't. you know, we have to remember now other times that republicans have tried to delegitimize president obama, one called him a food stamp president. cold, rights? and joe wilson said, you lied at the state of the union. you can cite how donald trump really felt that he had the legitimacy and credibility to move forward and run for the presidency because he's been part of this movement that has been taking place over the years with many -- and i'm not saying all of the republican members of congress or the republican party, but you have systematically seen over the
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last eight years this build-up. and there's a long history of republican members of congress attempting. look at what they did in terms of not supporting the president in the recovery act. not supporting the president to provide health care for those that don't have health care. no votes at all for president obama's agenda. mitch mcconnell said the first things they wanted to do was make sure they wanted do was make sure this was a one-term president and stop his agenda. you can see what the republicans have been doing during the time that president obama has been president. the president has done an unbelievable job in spite of the obstructist congress. and i have seen over and over this happen. donald trump, you know, felt like he had the legitimacy and the backing of his party to be who he is. and this is who he is. he's the founder and leader of the birther movement. he needs to apologize, and he need to let the country know that this is not the american way. this is really un-american. you know, i was talking -- i
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have to comment on this -- to my predecessor, a great human being, ronde dellums, a great member of congress. we were talking about the history. and ron said, and i hope someone listened to what he said. he said that this campaign should be really a referendum on bigotry. and when you look at the history of struggle and movements in this country against racism, against sexism, against all of the injustices that we're addressing -- there have been moments of young people, people of color, people of conscience, you know, everyone have come together to put forth candidate that really want to stop this and to try to create a world worthy of our children. the american dream -- donald trump is doing just the opposite. we cannot have him as our commander in chief. once again, he should apologize to the president, and he should apologize to secretary clinton. we need to move forward and make sure the president understands that we have one choice come november if we want to make sure our country moves forward and gives people the opportunity to
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live the american dream, and that's to really vote for hillary clinton. that's the only things. i think today was a defining moment in this election which will hopefully let people understand that he -- who he is which we know who he is and have known who he is for many, many years. >> congresswoman barbara lee of california. thank you for your time tonight, ma'am. when i saw your remarks at the press conference, i knew i wanted to talk to you tonight. thank you for being here. >> good being with you. >> if there was any doubt as to whether or not this birther issue and donald trump putting it back the way he did today has fired up core supporters of hillary clinton, let that put it to rest, right? experience the thrill of the lexus is f sport. because the ultimate expression of power, is control. this is the pursuit of perfection. on a healthy lifestyle with boost high protein. so i can... track my time and the time of my life. track my distance and how far we've come.
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behold. hillary clinton on the "tonight show" with jimmy fallon. she got an unusual welcome from her host. >> welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome. welcome. thank you so much. it is -- [ laughter ] great to have you here. let's talk about -- let's talk about everything. >> jimmy fallon towing the line on making fun of pneumonia. the other clip they have given us has him asking about what he calls -- forgive me -- "bad ass" hillary. >> i want to talk about campaigning. when you campaign, i feel like it's tricky because you have to go and you have to say hi to everybody and be happy. and you do. but also people kind of want to say this hillary which is the "bad ass" hillary and the serious hillary.
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so you have to laugh, but people want to see this. they want to see someone who will protect us and be strong and tough. >> right. >> you have that reputation. >> it's especially tricky for women. it just is. there's a lot of serious things. the other night i was on a show and asked about isis and iran, and i was serious. these are important issues that the country needs to talk about. and the republicans were saying, oh, she looked so serious. you don't talk about isis with a big grin on your face. they're barbaric, an evil group we have to defeat and wipe out. but it is a constants balancing acts. how do you kind of keep the energy and the positive spirit while taking seriously what you need to? >> secretary clinton earlier this evening during a taping of the "tonight show" with jimmy fallon. the interview is not airing tonight. it's going to air monday. nor come.
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the secretary of state's office used the state lottery machine to establish the order this which candidates will be listed on the ballot in november. now we know thanks to the lottery machine, it will go republican, then democrat, then libertarian, then green, then something called american delta, and then there will be the write-in. the big news is the libertarians made it on the ballot. earlier we reported that libertarian gary johnson had jumped the gun in saying he had qualified for the ballot in all 50 states when he was still short of qualifying in rhode island. that report was true when gary johnson ran this ad in "the new york times" saying, "i'm on the ballot in all 50 states," he was not yet actually qualified in rhode island. now he's got the last 71 signatures certified. the libertarians have qualified. they'll be on the ballot in all 50 states, and mazel tov. that makes gary johnson the first third-party candidate to pull that off since ross perot. gary johnson, you are now free to move about the nightmares of
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major party nominees. johnson learned he's not polling highest nationwide to make the first presidential debate, but why focus on that? at least he made the ballot. baby steps. "msnbc live" is next. good morning, i'm todd piro at msnbc world headquarters. here's what's happening -- 52 days left in the battle for the white house. all side hitting with new attacks. donald trump alarming some with this -- >> she goes around with armed bodyguards like you have never seen before. i think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons, they should disarm. [ applause ] >> that came after he tried to lay the birther issue to rest. the big question -- will the past few days blunt his apparent momentum? the next 53
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