tv Morning Joe MSNBC September 28, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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expected to appear doing an event at the university of new hampshire there in durham. donald trump holds rallies in both iowa and wisconsin while his running mate mike pence holds an event in mention that clinton is getting help from first lady michelle obama who makes two stops in pennsylvania today, a sign that there may be some concern over that state. that's going to do it for us this wednesday. "morning joe" starts right now. >> did anybody see that debate last night? [ applause ] oh yes. one down two to go. he made it very clear that he didn't prepare for that debate. you know, at one point he was kind of digging me for spending time off the campaign trail to get prepared but just trying to
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keep track of everything he says took a lot of time and effort. >> for 90 minutes i watched her very carefully. i was also holding back. i didn't want to do anything to embarrass her. >> good morning. it's wednesday, september 28th. it's almost over. almost in october. >> can i ask you a question? >> what? >> look at halperin for a second. >> he's very handsome. >> i'm wondering if we need to get rid of him. >> we've been getting together for dinner, and it's a little too much. quite frankly it's a big problem. >> he's up seven pounds. >> technically i'm morbidly obese. >> we can take him up to the
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club. >> get him a trainer. >> we'll put it all on tape. >> with us we have mike barnicle who is looking pretty fit. >> legendary. >> about eight over. >> do we call halperin mr. piggy? >> no. >> wouldn't be the worst thing i've been called already this morning. >> and mark halperin and msnbc political analyst and professor at the school of public policy, former democratic congressman harold ford jr. >> we'll get into this story. >> i guess because i'm almost 140. you should leave. i should get out of the business. >> let's not talk about weight? >> why? who cares. i'm heavier than you think. i tweet my weight. go on. >> it's not about you. >> okay. >> it actually though is about
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women. >> yes, it is. not women who look like you. >> we get on the set and everybody said where they were yesterday. this is all people were talking about. the miss universe thing. i went to kate's parent/teacher thing last night. by the end of the night when the parents were outside, everybody was talking about him calling a poor woman fat, miss piggy, et cetera. at the time, you're like wait, that's jarring. wherever you went, it's all people were talking about. >> drugstore yesterday getting a prescription. paying for the prescription. woman unfortunately for her recognizes me. and asks me what i thought about the debate. i said, well, that was really something. what did you think about the debate? she referencing miss piggy. she reference donald trump referring to the 1996 winner of
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the miss universe pageant and what he said about her, and she is furious behind the counter taking my visa card, furious. >> mark halperin, same with you? >> yes. this is something people can understand and it's really -- they say this about a lot of what donald trump has done in this campaign. it's unbelievable he tried to chose to recover from a bad debate performance by attacking this woman saying she was a bad contestant and worst they had. when he criticized her for her weight and the fact that she had problems because of that experience. of all of the things he's done in the campaign this could linger in a way that could hurt him. he must do better with female voters to win. he must. >> it's not going to help. it cuts to the core of everything that's wrong with donald trump as it pertains to
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women. hillary clinton's campaign has put out a video that actually shows him in realtime during the pageant era when this woman won and he actually says, well, she's gained a lot of weight. she clearly likes to eat a lot. and walked away. >> called her miss eating machine. >> it was unbelievable. this is not going to work. and by the way, she wasn't -- >> let's get into the story. what he did yesterday as a follow-up. >> i can't believe what happened yesterday. i'm still digesting the reaction he got. the former miss universe thrush into the spotlight during the first presidential debate. the 1996 miss universe in making a point about donald trump's remark about women. clinton claimed that trump called her miss piggy and miss
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housekeeping because she was latina. this is how donald trump defended those remarks yesterday. >> when she brought up the person that became -- i know that person. that person was a miss universe person. she was the worst we ever had. the worst. the absolute worst. she was impossible. and she was a miss universe contestant and ultimately a winner who they had a tremendously difficult time with as miss universe. she was the winner. she gained a massive amount of weight and it was a real problem. we had a real problem. not only that, her attitude and we had a real problem with her. hillary went back into the years and she found this -- this was many years ago. and found the girl and talked about her like she was mother theresa and it wasn't quite that way. that's okay. hillary has to do what she has to do. >> they looked uncomfortable. >> that conversation went on and
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no one said to him what? excuse me? did you just say what? did you say she gained a lot of weight and that was a problem? i've never seen a more awkward interview in my life and quite frankly the most unfullfilling interview in my life. >> how can they not say that's incredibly inappropriate? would you like to rephrase yourself? are you saying that the fact that this woman gained weight is a problem? did you just say that? >> this is about donald trump and what's incredible, mika, is this is about donald trump. let's focus on donald trump. what's incredible about donald trump is the night before with something he did 20 years ago that was terrible, he then doubles down and says she was the worst contestant ever and she gained a lot of weight.
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that's just unbelievable. the day after a debate. he mixes rosie o'donnell in with nuclear threats. and then he goes on the day after to "fox & friends" talking about a woman saying she picked up a tremendous amount of weight. maybe she weighed 160 or 170 or something like that. a lot of women said i would like to look like that. that's a healthy weight. whatever she was. >> leave aside the window into his attitude that this represents. leave that aside. i'm not minimizing it. in the clinton campaign they constantly look at things trump does and they cannot believe he's giving them the political opportunity. this is the exact thing they have thought for months they would win the election on which is trump's attitude toward women and many other people is just not something the country is going to see as fit for president. this is exactly what they would
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want to have happen. the fact that she's latina and a woman, the fact she's an hispanic woman, they couldn't script it any better. it will be on "saturday night live" on saturday. >> the day after a debate attacking an hispanic woman and basically digging back up the fact that you called her miss housekeeping because she was latina and also calling a latina woman fat. >> and an immigrant. >> repetitive nature of the news cycle is such today that we're doing this stories, other stations will do this story and other news outlets will do the story and the miss housekeeping phrase is just as damaging as miss piggy. >> people look at debates and maybe it's a conversation about nato or the defense against this or that or the other. there are in every debate
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moments that penetrate public consciousness. at my school meeting last night, parent/teacher conference and duane reed in new york city, everywhere you went, sure everywhere you went, this was the moment that penetrated where people said oh my god does this guy have the temperament to be president of the united states? >> that's the word that stood out for me. he talked about it during the debate. it was interesting and bewildering to say that his temperament was better than hillary clinton's. he had every right to say that. he's entitleded to his own opinion. the immediate body of work from the debate shows that he doesn't have the temperament. how do you not the next morning after being confronted with words that were wrong, inflammatory and damaging to your campaign not back up and move onto something else.
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consistent with what he did during the debate. every time he was thrown bait by secretary clinton, he took it and took it. he couldn't help himself. >> he can never avoid striking back. >> the miss housekeeper piece is as damaging as anything. >> there's these moments where he attacks the weak, the vulnerable. the people that he doesn't see rises to his occasion and knocks them down and it is exact opposite of what inspires us in leade leaders. there's a book that i reviewed on bobby kennedy. great moment while i was reading it i started to tear up where bobby kennedy in the '68 campaign sees this little girl that looks awkward. lost her front tooth. freckles. head is down. bobby in the middle of everything and there weren't microphones on him, he got down on his hands and he grabbed her by the face, and he said you're beautiful. your freckles, don't be
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embarrassed of your freckles. you look like one of my daughters. you're the most beautiful girl i have ever seen. he connects with her. you go home. be proud. a beautiful girl. you made my day. gives her a big hug. the girl runs off. the mom is crying. the girl is on cloud nine and he elevates. he lifts. he finds somebody that feels awkward and out of place and not a part of the crowd, and he makes them feel like he's part of a community with a hug and with some positive words. we have the opposite of that right here. whether it's a reporter with a disability or whether it's a woman who is overweight or whether it's somebody that just doesn't measure up to what his image is of what should be the superior race. it's one after another. >> the clinton campaign has damning evidence that this is a
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decade's old conviction in him. weight issues and things about women because they've got a video that shows him years ago, we can find that sound bite, talking about this pageant winner saying how much she likes to eat and kind of laughing it off and walking away. >> the thing is, judgment-wise, how do you go back to that the morning after? >> how do you not know that's -- >> we all said stupid things on tv 20 years ago. 10 years ago. for me, yesterday. we all made mistakes. why does he always go back and roll around in it, mark? >> he turned this into an oops moment after the fact by saying what he said yesterday morning. you know, her crime was she had a weight problem. an eating problem. that was her crime. to be so ungracious compared to what we want in our leaders, i just think it's going to be something they'll bring up over and over again and he is just going to ignore it? ever say that was a mistake?
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>> if he just said i said that 20 years ago. that was a stupid thing to say. i hope she's doing well. i've grown up a lot in 20 years. i have my own children now. they're grown children. i understand the challenges we all face. boy, i feel bad about that. boom. over. >> now the narrative is hers. >> you have said he bullied you. he called you miss piggy. what else did he call you? what were the names that he called you. >> miss piggy, miss housekeeping, miss eating machine. >> all to your face? >> yes. all the time. that was really normal for him in that moment. >> how did that make you feel? >> well, you know, 18 years old, when you are growing up and you are the most beautiful woman in the world, that was horrible for me. >> do you think he's racist?
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>> yes. yes absolutely. absolutely. >> what's the proof that you think he's racist? >> you know, i listened to a few comments from him when he was my boss, but i don't want to talk about it because it's too much rude for the black community, and i respect a lot of things. >> not just against latino, you say, blacks, african-americans as well. >> yes. he don't like that people either. he's trying to make up fractions and now he's in the churches.
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he's ridiculous. >> she said she never recovered from her miss universe experience and said she had eating disorders and psychological issues. she gained 12 pounds after being crowned miss universe. in a 1997 interview with howard stern, trump claimed she gained over 50 pounds. she told reporters yesterday she hoped her bad experience with donald trump will open eyes in this election. >> dean tweeted notice trump sniffing all the time? coke user. here he is speaking yesterday with msnbc's kate snow. >> i'm suggesting we think about
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it. so he sniffs during the presentation which is something that users do. he also has delusions. i'm not talking about being cra crazy, but when he told everyone he was smart and not to pay taxes and denied he said it, it's not that he's delusionary about it, it's that he thinks he's not going to get caught. that is delusional. he has trouble with pressured speech. he interrupted hillary clinton 29 times. he couldn't keep himself together. do i think at 70 years old he has a cocaine habit? probably not. interesting to ask him to see if he ever had a problem with that. >> what in the world? mark halperin, what in the world is going on there? we know howard. we like howard. what is going on? a doctor diagnosing a coke
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problem because a guy was sniffing? >> i couldn't believe the tweet. i thought he had been hacked. >> my poor 8-year-old son i'm going to have to do drug tests now because he gets the flu once a month. are my kids doing lines like on the way to t-ball? >> stop it. >> how stupid is this? i think an apology is in order. >> it's not necessary. >> i'll just say if a trump surrogate said something like that -- >> we would go crazy. >> a trump surrogate would get killed. by the way, they did. the guy in new hampshire. the one that said she should be, like, killed. should have been slaughtered. >> he's their surrogate.
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they should be asked if that's appropriate. he should take it back. >> two days after a debate and we're talking about the size of a woman, whether or not racial stereotyping and governor dean is a friend. i have a cold. i don't want to sniffle for what people to think and for him to double down, if this was said about secretary clinton, we would be lighting this person up and urging the campaign to denounce these words. >> they need to denounce dr. dean's words. he's a medical doctor. he's our friend. he's a doctor. and he's going around diagnosing a coke problem on tv because a guy has the flu or is rundown and look at what the clinton people did when people started speculating about why she passed out the way she did. they freaked out.
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conspiracy theorist this and that. they need to distance themselves from these comments. >> i got to sniff. >> we won't accuse you of anything. >> let's get one more very big headline in here. breaking news overnight. former israeli president and prime minister shimon perez has died. he was 93 years old. perez was best known for his efforts to make peace between israelis and palestinians. in a statement, president obama said per erz changed the course of human history and in a joint history, bill and hillary clinton called peres a genius with a huge heart. >> he was seen at the end as a man of peace fighting hard to actually bring peace to that
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troubled region and yet the beginning of his relationship with israel was bringing up israel's defense to stop against aggressive neighbors who never wanted israel to have the right to exist peacefully in the middle east in their own nation. >> the arc of shimon peres career is extraordinary from its origins to its end. and president obama's statement about the passing of shimon peres is truly extraordinary in itself. the outline of peres' role in the history of israel, a healing person in an extraordinary combustible area. >> joe to your point about leaders elevating people. god bless him and his soul and
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his family. >> not only his people but people all around him. a story in "the new york times," nbc also reporting on this that the wife of a man killed by police in charlotte sought a protective order against him. we saw of course a gripping video over the weekend. she sought a protective order after he punched her 8-year-old son in the head three times, kicked around and threatened to kill us with a gun. he said i am a killer, and you should know that. we're going to get to that in the next block. >> full report on that in the next block. we'll also bring in robert costa and "the new york times" columnist frank brunei. but first, here's bill karins with a check on the forecast. >> dreary, soggy forecast. washington, d.c. had a dry
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summer. about to change. it's poori ipouring from d.c. t charlotte. 9 million people under flash flood watches including washington d.c. this bull's eye of 5 to 7 inches of rain is baltimore and d.c. down almost to richmond. that's going to be really today, tomorrow, into friday morning. and the forecast i mentioned changed. areas in the northeast that were gorgeous like boston to new york, the clouds have moved in. they'll be with us for four to five days in a row with temperatures in the 60s. cooler but sunshine there in areas of the middle of the country. other major weather story that's developing over the next five to ten days is going to be this tropical disturbance which will be tropical storm matthew later on today. all computers are bullish on how intense this will get in the next couple days. this is the five-day formation zone so in about five days from now take us into sunday areas around jamaica will be at risk and areas around eastern cuba. as we get to the hurricane season, we haven't had a lot of threats like this.
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this takes this dangerously close to the bahamas and possibly florida in seven days from now. that will be a major story. >> we'll know in about a week. also again, bad weather coming to the northeast. going to cause a lot of people to get sniffles, a cold, just like harold. a lot of coke freaks sniffing out there, right? we'll have to get -- should we call the -- >> bill. >> doing lines. >> all right. let's get him off the air. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be back. you work at ge? yeah, i do. you guys are working on some pretty big stuff over there, right? like a new language for crazy-big, world-changing machines. well, not me specifically. i work on the industrial side. so i build the world-changing machines. i get it. you can't talk because it's super high-level. no, i actually do build the machines. blink if what you're doing involves encrypted data transfer. wait, what?
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wowwww... wow? what wow? there is no wow. what comes to mind when you think about healthcare? understanding your options? or, if you're getting the care you need? at, you can find helpful information about healthcare options. leaving you more time to think about more important things. like not having to think about healthcare at all. surround yourself with healthy advantages at i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message. brian ross: an abc news investigation has found his real estate fortunes have benefited greatly from russian investors, putting a get-tough u.s. policy with russia in direct conflict with his bottom line. george will: that's perhaps one more reason why we're not seeing his tax returns, because he is deeply involved with russian oligarchs. timothy o'brien: he doesn't want his tax returns out there. stephanie ruhle: why? lisa desjardins: what could trump's taxes tell us?
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>> all right. there are new details -- >> i haven't seen harold ford look like scar face but he's sniffing like crazy. do we call the cops right now? do we call his wife? maybe we all get together and start talking about how important he is to us and he needs to take care of himself. >> onset intervention. new details emerging about keith scott, the man shot and
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killed by charlotte police last week. according to court papers filed last october, his wife applied for a restraining order against him alleging that he had a gun and scott had threatened to kill his family with it. in a handwritten complaint, miss scott complained her husband had hit their 8-year-old son three times with his fist and added that he called himself a killer and that "we should know that." the order was dismissed a month later when miss scott said her husband with a no longer a threat to the family. a lawyer for the scott family says the claims by ms. scott should have no bearing in determining whether or not the police shooting was justified. yeah, i don't think you can discount that at all. >> it has nothing to do with the police shooting though. >> no. but that's information that's -- >> he may have been angry and police should have acted but the
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two seem like separate -- >> you hear her in the video that she shot saying, keith, don't do it. don't do it. >> there are moments -- that's what people don't focus on. she's yelling at the cops, but she's also yelling at her husband. don't do it. she knows that he has -- >> that's a big jump from that to shooting a man. >> we're not saying it's a justification for shooting him. >> i thought that's where we were going. >> there's a lot of jumps being made on the other side of the story. >> true. >> i'm just saying let's put all of the facts out there that we find. "the new york times" did the right thing of finding out background information. we need to report it. if we're going to report about riots all night against the police. >> why don't we just talk about the reverse of this situation also. we were talking about the reverse about what if up wione trump's people suggested hillary clinton was a coke addict. what about the black cop had a wife who had written this about
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him a year earlier. the black cop that shot keith scott. they would have written about it front page. it would have been screaming front page. >> sealed the deal for them. >> of course this doesn't have anything to do with the shooting. just like all of the things that are said about these cops and their backgrounds doesn't have anything to do with the shootings except for the fact that these police officers continue to be tried in the press. with the burden of presumption on them at all times. at all times. they deal with it every day. >> first of all, i'm a supporter of police. this is not an indictment of police. there are some police officers who have done bad things. i think part of the criticism here was about this video and whether or not it was released and how it was released. that's been a huge focus. >> by the way, i was critical. i'm sure you know time and time again. they should release it from the very beginning.
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>> i think all of it should come out. i'm not complaining. i think there are two separate -- the police officers didn't know about this as they were pointing their guns. i said before, the training that takes place with these officers -- >> how do you know they hadn't been there a few times? how do you know? >> how do you know? >> i don't. >> i said i don't think the police officers knew that the guy had this -- >> we don't know that. >> i said i don't think so. i'm not saying i know for a fact. two, the training police officers get is amazing. i watch what happened in new jersey with suspected terrorist who was firing at officers and shot two officers and officers had where with all to shoot him and allow him to go to the hospital. it seems when black men are pulled over, these are traffic incidents, let's assume the worst traffic incident ever, i don't think it warrants the kind of responses that we've seen in some instances. all of the facts need to come out. as you watch these videos, if you're a mom or dad at home and you have a 16-year-old son and you said follow exactly what the
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police officers say and you can still be harmed, there's a worry there. i'm not dismissing this finding on this gentleman here. if the facts come out and we learn that there's something that they knew all of these things and firing at him because they felt he was a threat to his wife, fair enough. those facts have not come out yet. >> a threat to the people around. they have to make that determination. but, you know, the question is in this case, does this play out about race as much as, say, tulsa, where al sharpton said the day after you had black cop that actually shot him, and you also have a black police chief who is refusing to release the tape until they felt they were far enough along in the investigation. i don't know. charlotte, i don't know that charlotte is as racially tinged as, let's say, tulsa, which has
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responded quite well to the shooting out there and tragedy out there. because in this case, if there's racism, it's racism between black cops and black police chiefs and a black victim. >> all right. we will continue the conversation as all of the facts come out. coming up on "morning joe" -- >> i have these guys. maybe he's not worth 10 billion. i think he's only worth seven. i'm actually worth more than 10. they thought i wouldn't file because they said he's probably not as rich as people think. but then it turned out i was much richer. they really screwed up. much richer. >> when did it turn up he was much richer? >> the time line is still unclear. >> do we have documents? did he release documents? >> his tax returns. >> no new documents. he's saying richer than public estimates. >> according to whom? >> donald j. trump, millionaire. >> does he have any legal
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documentation out that suggests that he's worth more than 10? >> nothing knew. >> i didn't know if it was a moment where he released them yesterday and i was napping. >> doesn't take kindly to people questioning his net worth so he's probably not going to like brand new reporting this morning in "forbes" magazine. we'll reveal what it says about the billionaire's bottom line. ahead, a modest proposal goes completely wrong much like the yankees season. we'll show you what happened in the stands yesterday. are you entirely prepared to retire? plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement with e*trade. i'm in vests and as a vested investor in vests i invest with e*trade, where investors can investigate and invest in vests... or not in vests. sign up at and get up to six hundred dollars.
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>> this is just -- >> that would be awesome. >> okay. we're in. sorry, mika. okay. so sitting four games out of the a.l. wild card race, which is five games left on the schedule, the yankees chance of getting a championship ring this season is just about over but the show was in the stands last night in the bronx for something else. let's go to michael kay for the play by play. >> there was a couple on the scoreboard in center field where the guy asked the young lady to marry him. took out the ring and the ring dropped and they could not find it. they're looking now under the chairs. they've got a story. >> maybe somehow he can come up -- look at this poor guy. >> maybe he can come up with the
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save somehow. >> wait a minute. they're smiling. they found it! >> that's great. >> he's on one knee. that's awesome. she better say yes now. that poor guy. congratulations. >> so cute. he lost the ring. >> it was on the big jumbotron too. >> up next, new york columnist frank bruni joins us. "morning joe" is coming right back. thinking about what to avoid, where to go... and how to deal with my uc. to me, that was normal. until i talked to my doctor. she told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications
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one down, two to go. last night at the debate one of my guests was mark cuban. now mark cuban who is a real billionaire by the way, i'll leave it to the fact checkers to go through all of donald trump's claims. there was a lot of work for fact checkers last night. >> it's hard to keep up sometimes when he's talking. i agree with her on that. that was hillary clinton back on the trail yesterday clearly savisav savoring the debate. frank bruni joins us now. >> sometimes the dog eats my notes. >> donald trump was complaining about his microphone in the debate. the volume was not as high and blah, blah, blah. >> frank has the same problem. >> he wrote about it to kind of get it out. >> how do you complete a column?
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>> it's heroic. >> columns are some of the greatest ever written. >> i'm glad you came to terms with this. >> amazing, joe. people can't believe it. >> you write this. laugh at donald trump's claims he was foiled by a finicky microphone on monday night, but i can relate. when i write a bad column, it's all my keyboard's fault. you think dear, god, he didn't prepare for this column to which i say, president obama plays too much golf and rosie o'donnell has been vicious to me. very vicious. whatever. i wrote a great column any way. polls show it was a huge success. wait? what? they don't know. you must look at the wrong polls. so many dishonest people out there, not that i'm complaining. >> all that and a faulty keyboard. >> i press on like donald trump. i press on. >> beat on against the currents.
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>> david also writes about the debate. hillary clinton had many good moments in monday's night showdown but if you were watching from abroad, what probably resonated most was her assurance near the end that if she's elected, surely the most plausible after the debate ended than when it began, there will be continuity of u.s. foreign policy. clinton nailed this theme contrasting her clarity and global policy with the meandering fluff head that stood next to her. we'll see if the american public regards clinton's performance as presidential but i would get that in the global capitals there was a sigh of relief monday night that maybe american politics isn't heading off a cliff after all. >> what a fascinating 48 hours we've had as mark halperin said. the night of -- we can all draw our conclusions about what happened that debate night. most of us in manhattan think
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donald trump lost but the real tell was the next day whether it was what he said on "fox & friends," whether he was complaining about his microphone, it was what happened after the debate that cast the die for how we'll talk about this for some time. >> he not only passed the bar of seeming presidential in the debate. he did not seem presidential. i'm not sure i've seen a post-debate reaction this unpresidential. it was my microphone. it was the moderator. no one is ever fair to me. i think this is just -- she's coming out of this debate with with a seems to be unfettered confidence. >> nobody was ever fair to me. she was fat. >> we're talking about that too. like so many things it plays into pre-existing qualms about donald trump. already the narrative was set that he's not somebody who treats women fairly who objective him. this wasn't you gained weight and weren't supposed to.
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if i understand the story correctly, this was him dragging television cameras to the gym to watch her workout. it fits into so much of what you see from him. >> telling howard stern she was miss eating machine mocking and ridiculing her. another part of the debate i thought was fascinating was a guy that constantly talks about other people being low energy once again seemed to collapse about halfway through the debate as far as his energy level. he seems to fold up. he did it in several presidential debates where he disappeared. did it again here. incoherent and low energy by the end. >> barring some intervening event you can't anticipate now, he has to wait until the next debate to change the narrative in the fundamental way. hillary clinton is as confident a candidate as i've seen her and a town hall meeting is a big challenge. so little experience doing town
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halls even on his own but to sit on the stage with her will be a big challenge for him. hope for some of the people around him is that he recognizes that he didn't do well. ironically if the polls go down for him, that may be his only way out. >> do you think anybody has told donald trump that he didn't do well? they all think he didn't do well. >> you have to think someone. >> he's talking about a microphone. >> i'm just wondering. has someone close to donald trump told him he didn't do well because everybody close to donald trump have said he didn't do well. have they told him? >> i don't know. i think it's hard for him to take criticism so i think to frank's point he's blaming things that children blame for problems they have. look, i hope -- i listened to secretary clinton. nothing wrong with being excited about our performance. we have a long way to go here. i hope there's a recommitment to the seriousness of why she won the debate. she talked about he can't be trusted on taxes.
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i want to hear that from my candidate over the next few weeks. believe me, donald trump every time we have written him off, he has reemerged. let us not ignore and deny that he's done something connected with the electorate in a way that we find incomprehensible. >> the guy can go up five points in the poll this week. >> i hope i'm wrong. >> he's been told he didn't do well. >> he's been told he didn't do well. >> it's clear to most people she won the debate. i'm only concerned -- at least he's been told. >> read this tweet. this is what he put out yesterday in a tweet. >> wow, well, now they're saying that i not only won the nbc presidential forum, but last night the big debate. nice. >> so everyone else thinks he lost. i'm worried about the polls. we'll see what happened. just to be shallow given his comments about women and the fact that he doubled down on this miss universe and actually
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weight shamed someone, a woman, i'm really glad that a woman cleaned his clock. i'm really glad that he was wiped the floor -- that she wiped the floor with him. i love it. that's very shallow. i love it. i love it. >> frank, you know, it's something that you -- >> he's going to have to reassess the strength of a woman. he really is. his whole idea of what a woman is and how he objectiveies them, he needs to understand that perhaps i might want to bow down and realize a woman brought him into this world. >> frank, this is just the first of three debates most likely. barack obama did horribly in his first debate against mitt romney. george w. bush delivered one of the worst debate performances i ever saw in 2004 in his first
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debate against john kerry. nicole wallace has a great story about that. she went back and explained to him that he lost something like 14 points since the first debate. he looked at her and said, well, it was the prep work and all of the spinning afterwards. you did a horrible job in the spin room. he broke out laughing. basically said i know it's on me. i'll do a better job next time. he did. that's the challenge for donald trump, isn't it? can you learn from mistakes and move forward? we haven't seen that in him. >> we've seen no evidence that he's capable of that. does he have the capability to adjust for it? a big difference between george w. bush's bad debate that you mentioned to president obama's. they had many years of political life before them. those bad debates came after a great deal of voter familiarity with them in other contexts and other ways. donald trump was making his first impression on this role on the debate stage.
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i don't think he recovers from it as easily as george w. bush or barack obama did. >> frank bruni, stay with us. still ahead, there are many villains in syria's civil war but there's also a small group of heroes. >> a new documentary follows a group of syrian volunteers known as the white helmets who risk their own life to save the innocent victims of the bloodshed. this morning we'll talk to the filmmakers. we'll be right back. ♪ just can't wait to get on the road again ♪ [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] ♪ on the road again ♪ like a band of gypsies we go down the highway ♪ [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features,
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>> i have a feeling by the end of this evening i'm going to be blamed for everything that's ever happened. >> why not? >> why not. yeah. why not. >> that was so good. >> that's awesome. >> drunk debate. all right. coming up at the top of the hour -- >> get drunk. >> hillary clinton is brilliant after the first debate even takes an endorsement from a newspaper that's literally never endorsed a democratic ever. "the washington post" robert costa is standing by and also a
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message for donald trump. lay off a woman's size. "morning joe" is back in a moment. my business was built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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to help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto. there's more to know. xarelto. >> before candidates go on stage, they do a sound check. we have a sound bite. first up was hillary clinton. listen to this. >> testing, testing, trumped up trickle down. trumped up triple down. pause for applause.
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nothing. >> this is donald trump's. >> testing. testing. testing. yeah, that was the one. >> weird. welcome back to "morning joe." it's wednesday, september 28th. with us on set, mike barnicle. columnist for "the new york times" frank bruni and joining the conversation washington anchor for bbc world news america katty kay and bob costa. >> does team trump understand -- they certainly do off camera, do they understand in front of his boss how badly he did and was perceived the other night? >> there's an acceptance within trump's inner circle that he's trump. you can't make him into a traditional politician. my reporting tells me that for the second debate they want a lot more prep but they're not expecting a different performance. >> does he understand, have you got any reporting that suggest donald trump understands he did
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not do well the other night? >> the people who matter most are those like roger ailes, rudy giuliani, those who aren't paid who are in his inner circle telling him and of his generation and say this is on the line. you've been on the rise. your candidacy has to start to pick up speed. she's bouncing back in the days after the debate. they are being candid with him on that airplane and behind the scenes. >> pretty candid on his poor debate performance the other night? >> there's a sense that when you listen to trump, i'm told by one person that has spoken with him, you hear him for 15 minutes about why he did what he did and how he was thinking it through and then he starts to ask you, his friends, what does he have to do next? that's how he's talking to his allies and associates. >> the reporting we've got is everyone around trump believes, the people that matter, believe that he did poorly the other night. a lot of eye rolling going on the night of the debate saying
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they can't believe he botched it the way he did. the question is, has that news gotten to donald trump? >> if it does get to donald trump, what does he do about it and what does donald trump prepping for the next debate actually look like? clearly there was a degree of political malpractice. he missed key opportunities to go after hillary clinton's vulnerability and spent far too much time talking about his own weaknesses. does it mean he'll sit down with briefing books, old fashioned style, and master the issues and master subjects and do practice debates and practice town hall sessions like this one? even if they say to him -- even if he listens to them and says, okay, maybe i can improve. can we see him sustaining time and effort and energy it takes to prep for a presidential debate. >> 17 candidates on the stage far different than him against
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hillary clinton who has prepared. >> understanding how policy is developing and how it works and how the system works. understanding washington. having her own baggage with washington. i mean, by all indications, everybody see ps her as ts her winner and him as the total loser. >> two things were talked about at parent/teacher night for kate's class. one was donald trump talking about miss universe. two, i must say, shock and great dismay at your assessment that donald trump may go up in the polls after the first debate. >> i just think that everything has been upside down until now. everyone yesterday said he's going to go down in the polls. this is what's going to happen. i stopped doing that. >> every time we think he's done badly, he's done better. i agree.
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>> i didn't say i thought he won and she did not. i thought she won the debate. i don't know if the polls will reflect that with donald trump. i have to tell you i think he's hit -- crossed a certain line and crossed many lines before that you think would be ir irredeemable but this thing about how he objectifies women, we'll look at the language he's used. >> your assessment yesterday, i get it given the freddy krueger aspect of donald trump's candidacy. i mean, he just keeps coming back. the thing that mystifies a lot of people and, robert costa, perhaps you can shine light on this. the potential lethal revisiting of the weight factor of a 20-year-old incident that donald trump goes out on the stump yesterday and recreates it in
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terms of people who he listens to. you mentioned rudy giuliani. roger ailes. according to your sources, did anybody speak to him about let's stay away from this? did anybody speak to him about it? >> there's a real divide based on my reporting from those in the institutional republican party and they're telling him and his people to stop with the personal attacks. it's turning off swing voters. focus groups, that's what it's signaling to them. those in the trump orbit who don't come out of the political word, when it comes to rosie o'donnell and the khan family, trump's brand and it helps him in their mind if the clash with private citizens. this is who trump is. always had public clashes. there's a divide on whether it really matters. that's why the real trump is the trump that's reacting and fighting because that's how he's been in public life for 35, 40
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years. >> you know, okay, i'm just going to read. former miss universe thrust in the national spotlight during the first presidential debate is speaking out. as you'll recall, hillary clinton brought up the story of alicia machado, the 1996 miss universe in making a point about donald trump's remarks about women. clinton claimed trump called machado miss piggy and miss housekeeping because she was latina. >> let's stop right there. miss housekeeping because she was latina. >> this is how donald trump defended those remarks yesterday. watch. >> when she brought up the person that became -- i know that person. she was a miss universe person. and she was the worst we ever had. the worst. the absolute worst. she was impossible. and she was a miss universe contestant and ultimately a winner who they had a tremendously difficult time with
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as miss universe. she was the winner. she gained a massive amount of weight. it was a real problem. we had a real problem. not only that, her attitude and we had a real problem with her. hillary went back into the years and she found this girl. this was many years ago. found a girl. talked about her like she was mother theresa and it wasn't quite that way. that's okay. hillary has to do what she has to do. >> massive amount of weight gain according to donald trump. she said she gained maybe 17 pounds. 12 pounds. she gained 12 pounds. he's calling it a massive amount of weight. >> i can tell you, most normal human beings across the country, men and women, gain weight over time and struggle with it. that won't sit well in a way that -- that i can feel confident with. i'm also confused. i don't -- i can't watch that show because i'm here.
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i don't understand why -- i hope it's not because they're worried about not getting another interview with donald trump or there's some thing from management, how could you not stop the interview right there and say, whoa, wait a minute. what did you just say? >> i feel sure that someone l e would have said what on earth are you saying? how can you possibly say that it was a big problem. she was thin for the miss universe contest. unhealthy thin as many beauty pageant contestants are and gained enough weight to become strong and healthy. that was a massive problem for donald trump? >> it's crazy that it didn't register. >> i think they were surprised. >> so surprised. >> one of the more interesting aspects of the past couple days and this issue is that we can sit here each and every morning and talk about the potential of donald trump as commander in chief. we can talk about donald trump's
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economic package. up or down on it. when you combine miss piggy with miss housekeeping with this woman, that has more resonance to many people than anything we talk about with issues. >> i think so. frank bruni, if he had just said i said that 20 years ago. i was talking to howard stern. it was so stupid on my part. you know what? i've got a grown daughter now. i've seen the struggles her friends have been through. i feel really bad about that. everyone would have been, wow, he's grown. take a negative and turn it into a positive instead of, she got fat. >> moments during the debate where self-criticism, apology, could have done a world of good. he didn't just have a bad debate, he had an incompetent debate. he didn't raise things he should have raised and didn't respond to things left hanging out there and this notion that maybe he
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will prep better for the next debate and that will go well, prep only works over a foundation of knowledge. at this point it is too late for him to bone up on these issues. hillary has had decades in public life. when she does debate prep, she's doing it over a foundation of knowledge. he's gotten this far without doing any of his homework and it won't be solved by a slightly more vigorous debate session before the next debate. >> trump called attention to machado's weight gain holding a press conference with the beauty queen featuring her working out. she spent weeks at trump's resort exercising. and actually, in that same time, he did a press conference and he says this woman likes to eat a lot and kind of smirked. >> so humiliating.
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>> frank? >> i'm looking at those pictures. that's supposed to be the heavy version of her? to most human beings she looks perfectly lovely. >> which, by the way -- >> that will hanger normal women out there. >> that's what i heard an awful lot last night at kate's parent/teacher conference. a lot of women were, like, that's fat? she's fat? good luck in the suburbs of philly. >> it's personal. >> with working women who don't have time to get unhealthy. >> i got really angry about this yesterday. my daughters, my friends, every woman i know who has had issues with weight gain or with weight -- >> which s you know. >> and struggled with these things. we deal with it in a way that's
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personal, intimate and supportive of each other. this was so humiliating. >> you write for bbc news that mr. trump should sue his campaign for political malpractice or better he should look in the mirror and have a long, hard think about his obsession with how women look. weight is an intensely personal issue among women. if mr. trump is serious about winning women voters in the suburbs of philadelphia or small towns of ohio, he should learn basic gender etiquette. lay off our size and maybe look in the mirror. >> i can't believe that this is going to help him with women voters. we circle the wagons when somebody talks about our own size and when somebody talks about our friends' size in that way. i felt that that video particularly of him inviting the cameras in to watch her exercise
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was the most grotesque exercise in humiliation of a woman i have almost ever seen on television. the idea that these cameras had a right to watch this woman workout because she put on too much weight and donald trump wasn't happy with it. >> it's a spectacle. he's bringing these reporters in and he's sitting there and he's smiling like some overlord. and having the cameras -- >> okay. there we go. that is brought to you by donald j. trump himself. >> breaking news overnight, former israeli president and prime minister shimon peres died following a major stroke earlier this month. he was 93 years old. >> peres was best known for his efforts to make peace between israelis and palestinians.
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in a statement president obama said peres changed the course of human history and in a joint statement, bill and hillary clinton called peres a genius with a big heart. peres joined us on "morning joe" two years ago to discuss the search for peace in the middle east and the role that you should play. >> there are 400 million people very poor most of them. and the young people don't have jobs. but they have youth. 60% of them are below the age of 25. i think we have to with the younger nation. >> one of the great ironies, the man known for peace at the end of his life who dedicated his entire life to the nation of
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israel and one of the -- was the last remaining pillar of the foundation of israel's creation in 1948, was a man responsible at the beginning of that country's creation for the defense of israel. >> that's how he could do it. he could become the man who negotiated because he had been known as the strong man who would always defend israel militarily when it was necessary and put him in this remarkable position. you can't help but listen to that clip and after all we've been talking about this morning, there's a politician who stood for values and stood by his principles and did great things for his country. what have we been talking about? >> all right. we've been talking about frank bruni's defective typewriter. good luck with that. the fact that you're the little engine that could. i think i can. i think i can. >> frank bruni, thank you. robert costa, thank you as well. >> love having you on. >> the kids aren't all right.
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hillary clinton campaigns today in new hampshire but bernie sanders to try to bring in millennial support. chris jansing joins us with that. first, walter isaacson is here. they believe russian hackers were behind two attempts to hack into voter registration records. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. our debt problem 19 trillion and growing money for programs like education will shrink. in just 8 years, interest on the debt will be our third largest federal program. bad news for small businesses. the good news? there's still time for a solution. ask the candidates for a plan to secure our future.
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>> i don't think it was anybody that knows it was russia that broke in. it could be china. it could be lots of other people. it could be somebody sitting on they are bed that weighs 400 pounds. you don't know who broke into dnc. what did we learn with dnc? we learned that bernie sanders was taken advantage of by your people. by debbie wasserman-schultz. look at what happened to her. but bernie sanders was taken advantage of. now, whether that was russia, whether that was china, whether it was another country, we don't know because the truth is under
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president obama we've lost control of the things we used to have control over. >> that was some of what donald trump had to say but the issue of cybersecurity at monday night's debate and yesterday jeh johnson told senators that 18 states have accepted his agency's offer to help improve cybersecurity for the election systems. the move comes in the wake of breaches on those systems which officials believe russia was responsible for. joining us in washington, president and ceo of the aspen institute, walter isaacson. teaming up to present the first ever cambridge cyber summit one week from today. it's the next front year's already begun. >> we've been talking about this in the run-up to this conference and whether it's the fbi or the justice department or the nsa,
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they're deeply worried about the fact that russians have hacked in to a whole variety of systems. you talk about what donald trump said that was appalling and frightening in the debate and of course there was so many of them. you have to include the fact that he's blubbering around saying nobody knows about these things and what they are. of course we do. we're definitely sure of the russian involvement in many of these things protecting our electoral system and you really need a president who is going to say our election system is critical infrastructure like our electricity grid. if you attack it, we're going to name you as the attacker. we're going to retaliate. you're going to have a consequence. i think that was pretty bad that trump kept calling it the cyber, but he didn't know what he was talking about. these are things not quite like the nuclear codes but almost like the nuclear doctrines where you really should know what you're talking about.
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>> what are russians trying to do? are they trying to determine the outcome of the u.s. election or are they trying to sew enough doubt about the electoral process that some people might feel that the process is not legitimate. >> right. they're trying to show doubts. that plays right into trump's hand. obviously most of what they've done is helping or trying to help donald trump who has the alliances with putin and russia, which may be why he's minimizing it. he has his financial arrangements there that, you know, most people know about, but we haven't yet seen the taxes. there are two ways to do it. they can say we'll break into the orlando county system and try to change votes. very unlikely. very hard to do. but what they could do is sew doubt and confusion. they could wipe out a voter role
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in a few selected counties so when you show up at the polls, the computers don't know up with your name and everything has to be done by old books and paper so it takes 12 hours to vote. those type of things can be deeply disruptive, and i think i would criticize everybody involved here. we should make it clear that messing with our election is an act of war. >> walter, the russians, cyberattacks, they are already here. within the financial system to a certain extent. what's the defense? people have been thinking about this. this is an issue that's not just arisen in the past couple of weeks. >> we need both a defense and an offense and a deterrence. the defense is difficult because the moment hackers -- if they have, say, all of the records of someone working some place. they have social security numbers from yahoo!. they can say, michael, this
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is -- here, i sent our household finances, please click on this. >> she would never do this. >> i was trying to think of a better example but too early in the morning to figure out what she would want you to open. let's just assume that, you know, she knows some way to say click on this and open and they've hacked into an account. that's called spearfishing. it's a simple thing. people are doing it every day. now, we did stop the chinese a bit. we did call them out. we did indict people in the people's liberation army there and the chinese have backed off. backed off quite a bit. but they were mainly trying to steal trade secrets. economic things. russia is in this game right now to sew confusion and maybe disrupt our election and this is something i disagree with. we have not yet named the name and said here's the retaliation.
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there's a difficulty because, you know, you start a war, cyberwar, that way. we retaliate. take down putin's bank account. take down some electricity grid somewhere and they escalate. that's not something you want to have happen at an election. we're a little bit too paralyzed right now. >> the cambridge cybersummit takes place wednesday, october 5th at m.i.t. walter isaacson, thank you very much. >> this will be one of the topics but also how private industry has to be part of this. your bank, your insurance company, your credit card company, your hospitals. they are being hacked by the same code, by the same malware and same people. we have to have a national system in which we figure out, identify these people, call them out. retaliate. stop them. >> we look more to hearing about that next week. walter, thank you. up next, how do you make chris christie laugh? it depends on who you ask. we'll talk about testimony in
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the bridgegate trial when "morning joe" continues. you totaled your brand new car. nobody's hurt, but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. [baby talk] [child giggling] child: look, ma. no hands. children: "i", "j", "k"... [bicycle bell rings] [indistinct chatter]
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right now. lendingtree®. when banks compete, you win. hey lmaybe let's play upl our the digital part.r job, but it's a manufacturing job. yeah, well ge is doing a lot of cool things digitally to help machines communicate, might want to at least mention that. i'm building world-changing machines. with my two hands. does that threaten you? no! don't be silly. i'm just, uh, going to go to chop some wood. with that? yeah we don't have an ax. or a fireplace. good to be prepared. could you cut the bread?
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pleaded guilty for his role in tying up traffic to get back at a small town mayor is now a star witness in the case. wildstein told jurors that they met with christie during the lane closures before 9/11 memorial ceremony and according to wildstein, christie was told about the tremendous amount of traffic in ft. lee. major traffic jams. you'll be pleased to know the mayor is very frustrated wildstein told the court. the governor laughed when he heard the news. one of the prosecutors asked wildstein if they were bragging to the governor. yes, very much so he said. we discussed how pleased we were the boss was happy. yesterday christie once again denied being involved. "i have no role in authorizing it. i had no knowledge of it. and there's been no evidence ever put forward that i did." >> mark halperin, what does that mean?
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>> i want to believe chris christie. this has been a difficult thing to understand given the way his office operated and given his keen interest in politics to think that he didn't know. you have one person testifying vividly that he did. you have photos. it's not proof. it's going to be interesting if anything emerges at the trial including testimony from others. don't know if the defendants are going to take the stand and whether other people make the case that governor christie knew. he's been steadfast in saying didn't know. didn't authorize it. and the latest version is maybe they said something to him but he thought it was a joke. >> mike barnicle? >> i'm inclined to agree with mark. i like chris christie. he's fun to cover. he's fun to follow. the idea that the way he operates as a politician that he would not know or have an inkling of this occurring is tough to get your hands around this. he's not under indictment. as far as i know, he's not under
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investigation. we'll have to see how this plays out. >> just the notion that someone would do that who is on his staff without telling him and took the risk he wouldn't like it, i always found that hard to believe. if i worked for chris christie, i would not order ten more envelopes without checking for him. >> he ran an authoritarian office from what we've been told. >> i would like to believe him. >> up next, there was her appearance on jimmy fallon. an interview of humans of new york and interview between two ferns. all part of hillary clinton's strategy to win back millennials. nbc's chris jansing joins us next with the campaign's latest outreach efforts. "morning joe" is back in a moment. i can watch every sunday ticket game live on any device. well i'm retired now. so i just sit here watch nothing.
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listen to me. i am captain of the track team, and if i'm late... she doesn't really think she's going to get out of here, does she? be nice. she's new. hello! is anyone there? rrr! wow. even from our standards, you look awful. oh, sweetie, what happened? girl: me? my friend becky got to talk to this super-cute boy, and i tried to act like i wasn't jealous, but i so totally was, and then, out of nowhere, this concrete barrier just popped up. maybe it was a semi. you mean you were driving? yeah. i mean, i know the whole "eyes on the road" thing. but this was a super important text. maybe you have to know becky. texting? great. but it was only, like, 5 seconds, and i'm a really, really fast texter, so it wasn't even a big deal. actually, has she texted me back yet?
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hillary clinton and donald trump are getting outside help in the race for the white house. john warner who represented virginia for three decades will cost the aisle to endorse the democratic ticket at a rally with vice presidential nominee tim kaine today and in an edi r editori editorial, hillary clinton received endorsement of the arizona republic. this as a prominent critic of donald trump has joined his campaign. former new hampshire governor john h. sununu. >> all politics are local and all politics are personal. >> i don't understand. i was walking past him. i said, hey, how are you doing,
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governor, and he started yelling at me. >> he has a temper. >> if you're going to scream at somebody you hardly know and say you're giving him too much press coverage, i don't understand why you would turn around. it makes absolutely no sense a couple months later actually endorse. >> his son is the gubernatorial nominee. >> i don't understand. >> all politics is family. >> ted cruz, do i need to say any more? >> now in the same camp with ted cruz. >> who has not been yelled at by him. he's a yeller. >> he has the character and backbone of ted cruz. >> i agree with you. of all of the people endorsing donald trump, this is one of the most stunning to me. he was as negative about trump during the primaries of anybody. now he's for him. >> okay. maybe he and ted cruz can sit around and read bible verses together. >> hillary clinton will campaign in new hampshire with a high
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profile supporter today. her former primary rival senator bernie sanders in an attempt to sway young voters and michelle obama will rally for clinton in pennsylvania today and the clinton campaign are rolling out a new ad featuring the first lady. >> our children watch everything we do and the person we elect as president has the power to shape their lives for years to come. hillary is a president who believes in our kids and will fight for them every day. that's why i believe in her. >> joining us from gainesville, florida, nbc news white house correspondent chris jansing who is covering the presidential campaign. you have been looking into something that's been keeping the clinton campaign up at night. where are the millennials? what have you found? >> well, far too many of them for the clinton campaign's comfort have gone over to jill stein and over to gary johnson
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and here's why it's important. there's an analysis done after the 2012 poll, if mitt romney had just split the youth vote with barack obama, he would have won the presidency and so there is this huge push on by the clinton campaign. let me show you a few things that will explain why. bloomberg poll, just a four-point difference for millennials between hillary clinton and donald trump. that's terrible compared to past democrats and far below what we saw for barack obama. there was another poll that was done by quinnipiac in the last month. she's lost 20 points with millennials. have of them going to either johnson or stein. i caught up early this morning as you can see far before most of the students are awake, with a couple of students and asked them about this millennial vote. here's what they told me. >> i was at the debate the other night and jill stein came. there was a group there. it was a very small group. she's only polling in single digits, maybe around 3% so when
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people say it's a wasted vote, what do you say? >> i don't think anything is a wasted vote. if you say 3% is a wasted vote but it causes the party to change and become more left and realize this is the fragment of the party that you're going to need to win and adopt policies that pander and adhere to that rhetoric, that's a good thing. if you get 5%, you're federally funded for the next election. we can break out of this strang stranglehold. >> he's not your republican nominee but that's probably better for our country. it's also why you see a lot of millennials not supporting clinton either. they don't want the career politician. i grew up during the great recession. that was caused by career politicians and bureaucrats. i don't want to see that again. >> so what are they going to do about this? major outreach on college campuses like this one and really engage the young democrats. we've seen in this election places like new hampshire where she's going to go today, she was
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beaten by bernie sanders by 20 points. he's a key to this clinton strategy. watch for him to go to many of the states, the battleground states that he actually beat her and some where he didn't win. places like pennsylvania. when you look at this campus, and joe, they are very proud of you here. very proud that you came to this campus. 71% -- >> short memories there. >> 61% actually voted. they seem to think there could be a lot of enthusiasm. they need a lot of that to go their way. >> go gators. >> chris jansing, thank you so much. they're proud of you there. >> like i said, short memories. >> i have one question. i have two college-aged kids. you do too. would they ever be up at 6:00 in the morning to talk to reporters? i felt after that debate she had
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a very solid debate and she touched various points that you could see her trying to reach out to millennials on. i talked to my kids about this. what was it about bernie sanders that you felt so excited about? there was a slightly undefinable factor of inspiration. he inspired them. she does not inspire. i think between now and november, if she's going to get out young people, there's got to be a slight sense of magic for them to get out. they've got classes and hangovers and they have to get out of bed to go and vote, there's got to be something more. >> how surprising that in the bloomberg poll that they are basically tied. who would believe that donald trump would be tied with the democratic nominee among millennials. >> she's the favorite still. if she loses, this will be as big as any other demographic factor and the gary johnson thing is huge. i still believe that if gary johnson is above 8% in
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battleground states, her chances of losing go up significantly because trump can win some of these states with 44% of the vote. >> that's why they cannot depend on bernie sanders to turn this millennial thing around. she's got to do it herself. i think the other night was an initial step, a small step forward in trying to do that because if you frame it up as look at only one of these two people on the stage, trump or hillary clinton is going to be president toward millennials, this argument pitched toward millennials, you truly are risking your immediate future by voting for gary johnson or certainly jill stein. you're in college. you're a millennial. take the time to check out their platforms and then come back to hillary clinton. >> i would really target young women. young, college women. >> she has new material as well. still ahead, utter devastation in syria. just as the obama administration pledges hundreds of millions of dollars more in humanitarian aid. we'll talk about the brave
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people on the ground there risking their lives to save those with nowhere else to go. we'll be right back. does your makeup remover every kiss-proof,ff? cry-proof, stay-proof look? neutrogena® makeup remover does. it erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. need any more proof than that? neutrogena.
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and newly released drone footage shows the horrifying destruction in rebel held areas which have had ten strikes since the breakdown of a cease-fire last week. estimated 250,000 civilians are trapped in the area. 100,000 of those are children. meanwhile, the u.s. has pledged $364 million more in humanitarian aid to help those affected by the civil war in syria. officials say the money will help the united nations and others provide food, water and medical care to those who need it. >> you also get a real sense for the first time that the state department, that the obama administration, we saw samantha power calling russia out and syria out for their deliberate attacks against civilians and it looks as if something is going to happen over the next few weeks, certainly from the united states. >> if you need more evidence
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>> how do you follow that? joining us is the film's director and the film's producer. they are the oscar-nominated team behind the 2014 documentary. thank you so much for coming on the show this morning. it's hard to watch that, but there's so much more in there. and you just look at these images and you wonder how we could just be going on with our lives. just how? >> i know. >> it's impossible. >> it really is. i mean, you know, our motivation for making this film is because syria is so tragic. it's such a hard issue to engage with, but the white helmets, the focus of our film, are a story of hope. these are real life heroes,
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ordinary civilian volunteers just like me or you who decided not to pick up a gun, who decided not to leave syria and decided every day to wake up and risk their own lives to save complete strangers. >> i take it they are targets themselves? >> they are. they've saved 60,000 lives already which is extraordinary in that area. they won the white livelihood award. every day they run and risk their lives. they've lost 140 of their own, first responders. yes, they are a target but they continue their work. >> the white helmets, they're in the rebel held side of syria, how many of them are there? i've been hearing reports that aleppo is down to something like 30 doctors at the moment. >> yeah. there's about just under 3,000 white helmets and, you're right, they are in rebel controlled territories. they'd like to operate in government areas, but they're not allowed to. as you said, they're attacked regularly by government forces.
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>> how do they organize? how many are there? and, i mean, is there any way of -- >> is there funding? what's the funding? >> it's actually it's like if it were to happen here, god forbid, but these are voluntary people walking in to volunteer their services to help. when the bombs go off, they have choices. they run towards them. thankfully this organization gets training. >> how are they getting supplies in for the white helmets? we know the aid has been cut off to aleppo for months. are they getting what they need for digging equipment to try to get through the rubble? how are they surviving? >> the tragedy is at the moment they aren't getting the supplies they need. just last week in aleppo three of the four centers they operate from were deliberately targeted and destroyed. they lost a number of vehicles. so they're operating under incredibly difficult conditions but what is amazing is they are still running into the smoke and fire to rescue people. and while the international
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community has really struggled to find a solution to syria, what many people can agree on is the need to support the group. >> do we know the fate of the baby? >> the baby is good. if you watch the film you'll see what happens to the baby. unfortunately the boy who did save him died a few weeks ago. >> in the bombs, those are just for people watching, those are from the syrian government and the russians? >> yeah, they are. and one of the most devastating bombs which we used are things called pbarrel bombs. they're packed full of metal fragments. they're tossed out of helicopters. they're thrown into civilian areas. there's no way of aiming them. the devastation you can see on the screen. >> "the white helmets" is streaming on netflix. thank you so much. >> thank you so much for this. i mean, americans need to see
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this, the west needs to see this, the world needs to see this. up next, the death of a statesman. israel's shimon peres, the last of a generation. we'll talk about his legacy. also ahead this morning -- >> and one of the worst things he said was about a woman in a beauty contest. he loves beauty contests, supporting them, hanging around them, and he called this woman miss piggy, then he called her miss housekeeping because she was latina. >> given the opportunity to back down from his body shaming of a former miss universe, donald trump actually doubled down on morning television. >> how can you do that? >> we'll be right back. gilman: go get it, marcus. go get it. gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. at places like the batting cages. ♪ [ crowd cheers ] 2% back at grocery stores and now at wholesale clubs.
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he made it very clear that he didn't prepare for that debate. you know, at one point he was kind of digging me for spending time off the campaign trail to get prepared. just trying to keep track of everything he says took a lot of time and effort. >> for 90 minutes i watched her very carefully, and i was also holding back. i didn't want to do anything to embarrass her. >> good morning. it's wednesday, september 24th -- 28th. oh, gosh. it's almost over. almost in october. >> can i ask you a question? >> what? what? >> look at halpern for a second. >> very handsome. >> i'm wondering if we need to get rid of him. >> i know. >> he's picked up some weight.
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>> he's looking chunky. >> he's a little too much. >> quite frankly, it's a big problem. >> he's up seven pounds. >> at this point ptechnically, obese. >> we're taking in the most -- we can take him off to the rebook club. >> you can read my book. equinox. we can take him to the equinox. >> get him a trainer. >> we'll all put it on tape. >> all right. so with us we have veteran columnist mike barnacle who's looking pretty fit. >> legendary. about eight over. >> eight over? do we call halpern mr. piggy? >> no. >> wouldn't be the worse thing i've been called already this morning. >> with all due respect it airs at 6:00 p.m. on msnbc, mark halpern and professor. >> professor, good morning. >> former democratic harold ford
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jr. >> listen. we're going to get into this story -- >> i guess because i'm like almost 140, is that bad? should i -- i'm going to tleef. i should get out of the business. >> let's not talk about weight? >> why? who cares? >> i'm heavier than you think. >> god. >> go on. i tweet my weight. >> stop. it's not about you. >> i know. >> okay. >> it actually isn't about women. >> yes, it is. not women who are quite you. >> which i think donald trump lost most women the other night. >> so i would love to start by just saying we get on the set and everybody said wherever they were yesterday. this is all people we're talking about. i went to kate's parent teacher night last night and, of course, we've got -- by the end of the night when the parents were outside, everybody was talking about him calling a poor woman fat, miss piggy, et cetera. i mean, you saw -- at the time
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you're like, wait. mike, wherever you went this is all people were talking about. >> dwayne reed, getting a prescription. paying for the prescription. woman unfortunately for her recognizes me and asks me what i thought about the debate. and i said, well, i said, that was really something. i said, what did you think about the debate? she references miss piggy. >> right. >> she references donald trump referring to the 1996 winner of the miss universe pageant and what he said about her and she is furious behind the counter taking my visa card, furious. >> mark halpern, same with you? >> yes. this is something people can understand and it's really -- it's -- say this about a lot of what donald trump did in this campaign. it is unbelievable that he chose to try to recover from a bad debate by attacking this woman saying she was a bad contestant, she was the worse they had when he criticized her for her weight. and the fact that she had --
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says she had problems because of that experience, just -- i just -- of all the things he's done in this campaign, this is the one that could linger in a way that hurts him because he must do better with female voters to win. he must. >> mika? >> it's not going to help. that just cuts to the core of everything that's wrong with donald trump as it pertains to women. if any woman was about to let anything go that he said in the past, this is not going to be it. hillary clinton's campaign has put out a video that actually shows him in real time during i guess the pageant era when this woman won and he actually says, well, she's gained a lot of weight. i mean, said some numbers about her weight. she clearly likes to eat a lot. and like walked away. >> called her miss eating machine. >> it was unbelievable. this is not going to work. >> well -- >> and, by the way, she wasn't any -- >> let's get to the story. >> let's get to the story. >> what happened yesterday as a follow-up. >> i can't believe what happened yesterday. i'm still digesting the reaction
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he got yesterday. >> let's read it. >> the former miss universe who was thrust into the national spotlight is speaking out. as you'll recall, hillary clinton brought up the story of miss machado, the 1996 miss universe in making a point about donald trump's remark about women. clinton claimed trump called her, quote, miss piggy and also miss housekeeping because she was latina. here's how donald trump defended those remarks yesterday. >> when she brought up the person that became -- you know, i know that person. that person was a miss universe person. and she was the worst we ever had. the worst. the absolute worst. she was impossible. and she was a miss universe contestant and ultimately a winner who they had a tremendously difficult time with as miss universe. she was the winner and, you know, she gained a massive amount of weight. and it was -- it was a real problem. we had -- we had a real problem.
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not only that, her attitude. and we had a real problem with her so hillary went back into the years and she found this. this was many years ago. and found the girl and talked about her like she was mother teresa and it wasn't quite that way, but that's okay. hillary has to do what she has to do. >> they looked uncomfortable. >> that conversation went on, and no one said to him, what? excuse me, did you just say what? did you say she gained a lot of weight and that was a problem? well, i've never seen a more awkward interview in my life, and quite frankly the most unfulfilling interview in my life. >> well, we conduct those here, too, every day. >> how could two men and a woman in this day and age who know this world that we live in not say that is incredibly inappropriate. would you like to rephrase yourself. are you saying -- >> okay. okay. >> -- the fact that this woman gained weight is a problem? did you just say that? >> this is about donald trump,
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and what's incredible -- >> i'd like to know. i think it is about donald trump. >> it is about donald trump. let's focus on donald trump. what's incredible about donald trump is that after getting caught the night before with something he did 20 years ago that was terrible, he then doubles down and says she was the worst contestant ever and she gained a lot of weight. that's just -- this is unbelievable. the day after a debate. he mixes rosie o'donnell in, mark halpern, with nuclear threats and then he goes on the day after to fox and friends and he's talking about a woman saying that she's picked up a tremendous amount of weight and maybe she weighed 160, 170, something like that. there are a lot of women out there looking at her going, yeah, i would like to look like that. i'm totally fine with that. >> i'd be good with that. >> that's a healthy weight, whatever she was. >> you leave aside the window into his attitude that this represents. leave that aside for a moment, although i'm not minimizing it
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because a lot of people are bothered by what he said. in the clinton campaign they constantly look at things trump does and they cannot believe that he's giving them the political opportunity. this is the exact thing they have thought for months they'd win the election on, which is trump's personality, his attitude towards women and many other people. it's just not something the country's going to see as fit for president. this is exactly what they want. the fact that she's latina and a woman, i mean, the fact she's a hispanic woman is just -- they couldn't script it any better. it will be on "saturday night live" on saturday. >> who goes the day after a debate attacking a hispanic woman and basically digging back up the fact that you called her miss housekeeper. >> that's -- that's -- >> because she was latina and also calling latina women fat. >> by the way, an immigrant. >> an immigrant. >> the repetitive nature of the news cycle is such today that we
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are doing this story, other stations will do the story, other news outlets will do the story and the miss housekeeping phrase is just as lethal to donald trump as miss piggy. >> this is a great example, harold ford, of people look at debates, they're expecting maybe it's a conversation about nato or the defense against this or that or the other, but there are in every debate moments that penetrate public consciousness. again, i can tell you at my school meeting last night, parent teacher conference, dwayne reed in new york city, everywhere you went, i'm sure everywhere you went this was the moment that penetrated, where people said, oh, my god, does this guy have the temperament to be the president of the united states? >> that's the word that stood out for me. he talked about it during the debate. it was interesting and bewildering to hear him say that his temperament was better than hillary clinton's. now he had every right to say that. he's entitled to his own opinion. the body of work leading up to
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the debate proves him wrong, but the immediate body of work from the debate shows he doesn't have the temperament. mrs. clinton, secretary clinton has said tweets can excite and anger him and force him to do things. how do you not the next morning after being confronted with words that were wrong, inflammatory, damaging to your campaign not back up and move on to something else? it's -- >> he doesn't think it was. he thinks it's okay. >> every time he was thrown bait by secretary clinton he took it and took it and took it. >> he can never, ever avoid striking back. you know, it also -- >> i agree with mike though. the miss housekeeper piece is as damaging as anything. >> mika, there's these moments where he attacks the weak, the vulnerable. >> yeah. >> the people that he doesn't see like rises to his occasion and knocks them down, and it's the exact opposite of what inspires us in leaders. there's this moment, larry thi, the book i reviewed on bobby
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kennedy, while i was reading it i started to tear up. bobby kennedy in the '68 campaign he sees this little girl who looks awkward. she has lost her front tooth, has freckles, her head is down. bobby in the middle of everything, there weren't microphones on him, he got down on his hands and knees and he grabbed her by her cheeks, her freckles, you're beautiful. you look like just one of my daughters. you are the most beautiful girl i've ever seen. you go home and you be proud of yourself and what a beautiful girl. you've made my day. he gives her a big hug, gets up, the girl runs off. the mom's crying. the girl is just on cloud nine and he elevates. he lifts. he finds somebody that feels awkward and out of place and not a part of the crowd and he makes them feel like they're part of a community with a hug and with some positive words. we have the opposite of that
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right here, whether it's a reporter with a disability or whether it's a woman who's overweight or whether it's somebody that just doesn't measure up to what his image is of what should be the superior race. it's one after another. >> well, the clinton campaign has pretty damning evidence that this is a decades old conviction in him, weight issues and things about women, because they have got a video that shows him years ago, we can find that sound bite, talking about this pageant winner saying how much she likes to eat and kind of laughing it off and walking away. >> i guess the thing is judgment wise, how do you go back to that the morning after? >> how do you not know that that is -- >> we've all said stupid things on tv 20 years ago, 10 years ago. >> happened to me yesterday. >> but we've all made mistakes. why does he always go back and roll around in it, mark? >> i said originally. i said there was no oops moment
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in a debate. he turned this into an oops moment after the fact by saying what he said yesterday morning. you know, her crime was she had a weight problem. she had an eating problem. that was her crime. >> yeah. >> to be so ungracious as you said compared to what we want in our leaders, i just think it is going to be something they'll bring up over and over again and is he just going to ignore it? is he ever going to say, you know what, that is a mistake? >> if he could have said, mika, i said that 20 years ago, that was a stupid thing to say. >> ungracious. >> i hope she's doing well. you know what, i've grown up a lot in 20 years. i have my own children now and they're grown children. i understand the challenges we all face. boy, i feel really bad about that. boom, over. >> so instead the narrative now is all hers. machado spoke out about how donald trump treated her 20 years ago. listen. >> you have said he bullied you, he called you miss piggy. what else did he call you? what were the names that he called you? >> miss piggy, miss housekeeping, miss eating
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machine. >> all to your face. >> yes, all the time. that was really normal for him. >> machado said she never recovered from her miss universe experience and told "the new york times" she had eating disorders and psychological trauma as a result of the episode. she recalls gaining 12 pounds after being crowned miss universe. in the 1997 interview with howard stern trump claimed machado gained over 50 pounds. she became an american citizen in august. she has vowed to support hillary clinton in november. she told reporters she hoped her bad experience with donald trump will, quote, open eyes in this election. former democratic national committee chairman howard dean is standing by his controversial tweet about the source of donald trump's sniffles about monday night's debate. dean quoted, notice trump sniffing all the time. coke user? here he is speaking with nbc's
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kate snow? >> i'm suggesting we think about it. here's the interesting constellation. so he sniffs during the presentation, which is something that users do. he also has grandiosity, which is something that accompanies that problem. he has delusions, i'm not talking about being crazy, for example, when he told everybody it was very smart not to pay taxes, then denied he said it after he said it in front of 100 million people. it's not that he's delusiary about it. he thinks he's not going to get caught. he interrupted hillary clinton 29 times. he couldn't keep himself together. do i think at 70 years old he has a cocaine problem? probably not. but, you know, it's something that i think it would be interesting to ask him and see if he ever had a problem with that. >> what in the world -- >> no. >> mark halpern, what in the world is going on there? >> we know howard.
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what in the world is going on? a doctor diagnosing a coke problem because a guy was sniffing? >> i couldn't believe the tweet. i thought he had been hacked. >> my poor 8-year-old son. i'm going to have to do drug tests now because he gets the flu once a month. >> i don't know. i hope he follows that up. >> are my kids doing lines like on the way to t. ball. >> stop it. >> no -- >> i hope dr. dean is watching and i hope he calls in and explains. >> i think an apology is in order. >> yeah. also just not necessary if you're trying to be -- >> i'll just say if a trump surrogate said something like that -- >> oh, my god, we'd go crazy. >> a trump surrogate would get killed. by the way, they did. the guy in new hampshire. >> yeah. >> i mean -- >> the one that said she should be like killed. >> yeah. yeah. >> thank you. >> like he should -- should have been absolutely slaughtered.
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>> hillary clinton's campaign, he's their surrogate. they should be asked if they think that's appropriate and he should take it back. i mean, it's -- >> i mean, that's -- >> we are two days after a debate and we're talking about the size of a woman, whether or not she -- racial stereotyping and governor dean is a friend, i'm hesitant. i have a cold. i don't want to sniffle so people may think -- for him to say and double down, i agree with mark. if this were said about secretary clinton or something in the same realm, we would -- we would be lighting this person up this morning and urging the campaign to denounce these words. >> they need to denounce dr. dean's words. there's no doubt about it. i say dr. dean because he's a medical doctor. he is our friend, but he is a doctor. >> right. >> and he's going around diagnosing a coke problem on tv because a guy has a flu or is run down. and look at what the clinton people did when people started speculating about why she passed out the way she did.
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they freaked out. conspiracy theorists, conspiracy theorist that. they need to distance themselves. >> i'm going to sniffle. >> can we go to break? >> we won't accuse you of everything. >> can we show eric and show harold? >> let's get one more very big headline in here. >> huge headline. >> breaking news overnight. former israeli president and prime minister shimon peres died following a major stroke this month. the nobel laureate was 93 years old. peres was best known for his efforts to make peace between israelis and palestinians. in a statement president obama said peres changed the course of human history and in a joint statement bill and hillary clinton called peres a genius with a big heart. >> when shimon peres, mike barnacle, the great arc of his life was that he was seen at the end as a man of peace that was
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fighting hard to actually bring peace to that troubled region and yet the beginning of his relationship with israel was building up israel's defense to stop against aggressive neighbors who never wanted israel to have the right to exist peacefully in the middle east in their own nation. >> the arc of shimon peres's career in israeli politics and in global politics is truly extraordinary from its origins to its end, and president obama's statement about the passing of shimon peres is truly extraordinary in itself. he is not only effusive in his praise of peres but the outline of peres' role in the history of israel, a healing -- a healing person. >> right. >> in an extraordinary combustible area, region of the world, the statement is truly extraordinary. still ahead on "morning joe," donald trump rakes in millions after his debate performance thanks to
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fundraising teams with names like team yuuuge, teams maga as in make america great again and team irredeemables and team deplorables as well. fantastic. ha hallie jackson joins us. >> the irredeemables sounds like a pretty good movie, doesn't it? guess what guys, i switched to sprint. sprint? i'm hearing good things about the network. all the networks are great now. we're talking within a 1% difference in reliability of each other. and, sprint saves you 50% on most current national carrier rates. save money on your phone bill, invest it in your small business. wouldn't you love more customers? i would definitely love some new customers. sprint will help you add customers and cut your costs. switch your business to sprint and save 50% on most current verizon, at&t and t-mobile rates. don't let a 1% difference cost you twice as much. whoooo! for people with hearing loss, visit what comes to mind when you think about healthcare?
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understanding your options? or, if you're getting the care you need? at, you can find helpful information about healthcare options. leaving you more time to think about more important things. like not having to think about healthcare at all. surround yourself with healthy advantages at i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message.
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brian ross: an abc news investigation has found his real estate fortunes have benefited greatly from russian investors, putting a get-tough u.s. policy with russia in direct conflict with his bottom line. george will: that's perhaps one more reason why we're not seeing his tax returns, because he is deeply involved with russian oligarchs. timothy o'brien: he doesn't want his tax returns out there. stephanie ruhle: why? lisa desjardins: what could trump's taxes tell us? a lot.
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strong probability he hasn't paid federal taxes a lot of years. and i got to that point where i said, well, maybe he's paid zero. he said that makes him smart. now if not paying taxes makes him smart, what does that make all the rest of us? >> exactly. >> hillary clinton assails donald trump over his tax returns, and while he says his financial disclosures are more important, we'll talk if he's really as wealthy as he claims. that's coming up on "morning joe."
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i was a little bit upset that the microphone in the room wasn't working. >> when i tested it it was beautiful, an hour before. what a great mike. i don't want to believe in conspiracy theories. >> anybody who complains about the microphone is not having a good night. >> the cnbc poll, mika. he won it by 8 million percent. >> who did? >> trump did. he won it 8 million percent to 3. >> donald trump will be campaigning in wisconsin today. >> wow. >> that's where we find nbc news correspondent hallie jackson. hallie, what do we expect today? >> reporter: milwaukee which is where we are and he's going to be talking about presumably the same stuff he was last night, this idea where he's trying to
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spin his post debate performance. he's trying to come out and say hillary clinton was the one who was scripted, he was the one who was strongest on stage. how's he going to do that? he will likely point to his fundraising numbers. we have new figures for you. let's pull them up for you on screen. a look at his $18 million haul pulling it in in a single day. it's typical we see big fundraising hauls after the debates. we saw that in the primaries on both sides of the aisle. this is an interesting take on trump trying to capitalize along with the rnc, the party itself. another sort of nugget that we're following today, the continued questions that the washington post has been reporting on on the trump foundation. i had an opportunity to ask one of trump's senior advisors about this, about this painting. we've been talking about these paintings, this football helmet that was apparently purchased with trump foundation money but that trump may have at his golf clubs, for example. listen to that exchange. >> the i.r.s. rules specifically state that when a foundation has
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an item, an individual can store those items on behalf of the foundation in order to help it -- >> so is he storing the items? >> for storage costs and that's absolutely proper. >> so the portrait that is hanging of him at his golf club in southern florida, you're telling me that is storage for mr. trump? >> right. of course. he is doing a good thing for his foundation. >> so david, the washington post reporter who followed this story picked up with this, spoke with tax experts, found the i.r.s. code that this may violate. there was one quote from somebody who's familiar with taxes who said it takes a lot to make an i.r.s. auditor laugh but this is something that will, what that senior advisor was saying from the trump campaign. continued questions about that foundation, guys. >> bring me the helmet of tim tebow, some ask, where would that helmet be? have we figured that one out? >> no. >> no? >> eric trump -- eric trump said that possibly donald trump had
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given it away. boris epstein in that interviewee lewded to the fact that trump still had it in storage. question marks. >> perhaps henry cox has it. >> hallie jackson, thank you. >> he's been collecting for years. >> joining us for the political roundtable, mtv news senior political -- >> senior. >> well, yeah. >> senior. >> senior. senior. 1, 2, 3, go. >> ana marie cox. >> she's senior. >> and cnbc's brian sullivan is with us as well. >> by the way, i have to say ana, ana marie cox has senior, she has the senior letter jacket which is reversible. >> i love it. very cool. very cool. >> members only. >> i am no longer the only member of the members only club. we're going to talk about millennials.
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they're swayed by that debate. both candidates are facing turning them out. they're incredibly disenheartened by the tone of this campaign, by the lack of attention paid to policy. they sound like we would want them to sound. i want to say something about the miss universe, which is i think this might be the one way donald trump has found to get millennials excited about voting for a woman. one of hillary's problems coming into this election has been that millennials don't see her as transformative. >> right. >> they don't think of electing the first woman as being a necessarily, you know, huge deal. they've kind of been spoiled by this transformative era of electing obama. for him to bring this in, for him to be so overt in his shaming of women, i think that -- >> i think you're 100% correct. >> you think this may be a way to activate millennials. >> oh, my gosh.
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yes, i do. look what you saw at parents' night. look what you're hearing from young people. this is the one area that's pretty universal for women. if you're not suffering from body image issues, you have friends who are that you're trying to help. >> 80% of women. >> you don't want to see that. >> 80% of women, all women, not millennials, have a negative thought about their body during the week. >> that's a perfect segue to brian sullivan. you have negative thoughts about your body image. >> 103% of the time. >> what does this mean to you? no, you're sitting there watching the debate and what's your take on when this is brought up and how trump responds the next morning which is what we just find -- >> we don't understand. >> listen, i have a daughter. i have a 12-year-old daughter. >> there you go. >> any issue with young women sort of hits home because my daughter is very tall and sticks out and sort of is slouching because she's scared of her height a little bit. so you as a father, you forget about the politics. just as a dad. >> you feel it. >> you just feel anything that
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has to do with it, right? >> by the way, that brings up a great point because we're talking about women, the way women respond. talking about the way that women responded last night that i talked to at my daughter's parents teachers night. my entire attitude changed. i had a daughter, i didn't like her playing with barbies because it was so unrealistic. >> these pageants, it's a barbie mentality. >> what i'm saying, this not only impacts women and younger women, it also impacts fathers. >> you would think it would impact someone who was a father like trump. you were talking earlier about one way he could have turned this around would be to say i've had a daughter, since then i've seen how she struggles. i'm not sure ivanka struggles that much. maybe that's part of the problem. >> can i rope it back which is what we do at cnbc. i'm a day late. i was very pleased about the amount of discussion on the economy. the word economy was mentioned 16 times.
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the word energy was mentioned 14 times either with oil or with solar power as well. there was a lot of economic discussion. i was surprised by the lack of discussion of health care because that's a huge economic issue that affects millennials so much, paying for health care. i don't think it came up at all. >> by the way, i mean, this is pretty stunning, and i -- >> what is that? >> retweeted this. fix the debt. >> cyber? >> social security and health care represent 53% of the federal budget. 78% of spending over the next decade, 0% of what was discussed on the debate, in the debates. not social security, not health care. >> by the way, that's economic story. who's paying for it? >> that was my tweet. i said memo to millennials, you're toast. i wanted to say something else that i couldn't say on the twitter machine. >> they ignored the issues that millennials know matter. issues of student debt. the millennial generation is not
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know stall beginning for this era that we all should return back to. manufacturing jobs are not the jobs that they're thinking about out of college. they're thinking about climate change and its effect and the kind of jobs that climate change can bring. a lot of people we talked to after the debate said they were incredibly disappointed that that wasn't mentioned. one is hillary brought it up and trump said the chinese never brought that up. >> when he tweeted five times. >> they're also thinking how do i get out of living at home. >> yeah. >> back to your original point about the beauty pageants, about his latest, you know, tripping a wire on weight and looks and everything. there's a common thread in donald j. trump and you can trace it far back, years ago, but it was reactivated again with his assault on the khan family, his assault on this young woman, still a young woman
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20 years after she became miss universe. >> he doubled down on it. >> it is his lack of empathy for the human condition. >> and for things that he zblas do you want that in a president? >> ana marie cox, thank you so much. brian sullivan, stay with us. still ahead, forbes magazine has been tracking donald trump's wealth since 1982. this morning they have new numbers. we'll reveal their new reporting and how that could impact the race. o state for the first time... gilman: go get it, marcus. go get it. gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. at places like the batting cages. ♪ [ crowd cheers ] 2% back at grocery stores and now at wholesale clubs. and 3% back on gas. which helped him give his players something extra. the cash rewards credit card from bank of america. more cash back for the things you buy most.
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forbes magazine, randall lane. >> he's going to answer this. >> he's out this morning with your latest findings on what donald trump is worth. >> all right. so here are the questions. there's a suggestion he's not rich. is he rich? >> he's very rich. he's the richest candidate for president ever, richer than ross perot. >> there's a suggestion he's not a billionaire. we hear it all the time around new york. billionaires, other multi-millionaires say trump's worth maybe $200 million is right? >> neither is right. trump says he's worth more than 10 billion. he's not even worth close to 10 billion. he's worth $3.7 billion based on the findings we've been spending most of the last year. we've been given an audit. we've been tracking his wealth. we have years and years, decades and decades. there's no assets that are hiding that we don't know about. we've been tracking him since before anybody knew who he was. he's worth a lot less than he said he was.
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he's down $800 million. he is a billionaire. worth 3.7. >> worth a lot more than what his critics say? >> he's worth more than his critics and worth 1/3 more. >> where does the income come from? >> he has tons of properties. he has licensing. it's a lot of income, but he's not an income guy. that's why this whole part about the income taxes, they're not going to tell you how rich he is. the income taxes are going to tell you what tax rate he pays, that is clearly what he is trying to hide. but we have every single asset. if you look at his -- we've compared his sec documents, 35 years of records. we have a very good fix on every asset he has, how much debt is on each asset, what the partners are. >> do you have a fix on where he gets his money from? like, for instance, some people are speculating the reason why he's so nice to putin is because he's funded by russian ol oligarchs. >> he has partners with ties to
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eastern europe and he's got all sorts of -- he's had partnerships with the chinese. >> let's be fair, you just described half of the english world. >> when you have as many assets as he does, you're going to have -- there's not necessarily -- there are some things that are questionable. there's a lot that's not nefarious. if you go to deutsche bank you're getting a foreign loan. >> any response from trump on this? >> we have a rule at forbes. whatever trump tells us we generally think he's worth about 1/3 of that. that's been true for 30 years. they still are saying he's worth more than 10 billion. there is no way he gets towards 10 billion. it's impossible. there's a -- there's an idea in trump land that his brand is worth billions of dollars magically, but if you look at what he's put his name on over the years, trump stakes, trump water, trump vodka, it never materializes in anything. there's no way you can conjure billions of dollars in theoretical value. if he was that good of a businessman, he wouldn't be leaving that much money on the
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table billions of dollars in profit he could have made. >> do we know whether any of the major banks, the big banks in the united states would bank him or are banking him. >> listen, he's got assets way -- you know, he's got assets way, way, way over his liability. he's somebody that banks would line up to give money to because he's way, way, way, you know, in the -- >> oh, sure, absolutely. he has income producing properties. he's got blue chip properties. >> have they? are they now? >> sure. of course. you know, we mentioned -- i mean, he's got hundreds of millions of dollars -- he just -- you know, we're talking about his washington -- he was bragging the other day about his washington hotel. he took out a $100 million loan on that. that's how it got done on time. if you're familiar with real estate, there's nothing nefarious. the idea that he's magically building these, they're instantly profitable. he took out $100 million of debt. >> do you know where he got that from? >> huh?
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>> do you know where that came from? >> i don't know that offhand. that's not secret. he has credit lines here, there. all these projects. you can't get -- you can't build something like that without a big credit line. >> randall, thank you so much. we'll be reading the new issue of forbes magazine. >> thank you, randall. i want to see the letter when he writes it. still ahead on "morning joe" -- >> the single greatest problem the world has is nuclear armament, nuclear weapons, not global warming like you think and your president thinks. >> there's a lot to unpack in that statement from donald trump from monday night's debate, but we'll stick to the climate change part on it. needles to say, the white house has a slightly different view on the matter. up next, we'll explain the landmark event taking place in washington today designed to literally save the planet. did you read every word? no, only lawyers do that. so when you got rear-ended and needed a tow,
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i am in the town of kutsaview above the arctic circle. the reason we're here in particular is to describe in real concrete terms to describe what's happening with climate change. this is ground zero where we're seeing the effects of what's happening. it is not going to be contained unless we are serious about climate change. >> that was president obama a year ago when he became the first sitting president to visit the u.s. arctic. a trip designed to make the rest of the country more aware of climate change.
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nearly one year later science ministers from around the globe will gather in washington for the first ever white house arctic science ministerial. joining us now, two people who love the development of this meeting, chair of the united states arctic research commission, fran omar, she's a former lieutenant governor of alaska, former mayor of juno and former chancellor of the university of alaska in anchorage and jeremy mathis, scientist at noaa. thank you both for being with us. >> thank you for being with us. fran, let's start with you. explain to people that are watching how the arctic really is ground zero in the battle against climate change. >> well, the arctic is warming faster than any other place on earth. alaska, for example, has warmed about 4 degrees in the summer, 7 degrees in the winter and that's having profound effects on a system that is very much driven by the importance of ice.
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we need ice because actually the arctic kind of acts as a refrigerator for the planet. it helps moderate temperatures in mid latitudes as well as in alaska and in the arctic, so it's very important that we increase our understanding of what is happening, the rapid rate of change in the arctic. if you look at some of the communities in the arctic, for example, the u.s. army corps of engineers has estimated that about 2 dozen villages in alaska will have to be moved because of rising sea level, increased coastal erosion, thawing permafrost. this is huge. this is only the beginning for coastal areas around the world. >> i was just going to ask. dr. mathis, is what's happening up in the arctic, is that not just a leading indicator of what faces all of us if we don't take the appropriate steps to curb climate change and global warming? >> absolutely. absolutely. the arctic is giving us a pulse of the map net for what's happening. and just like you go to the
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doctor and get a blood pressure reading to tell you whether you're healthy or not, the blood pressure of the arctic is really high right now and so if we use that to tell us how the rest of the planet's going to respond to climate change, i think there's still time to do something about it. but we have to pay close attention to the really dire warning signs that we're seeing in the arctic right now. >> these images are stunning. it's so interesting, joe, that you have the president of the united states right now, president obama, wanting to make this a significant part of his legacy and then you've got donald trump. take a look. >> do you believe in global warming, climate change? do you think the world's going to change for the worst because it's getting warmer? >> i think that there will be little change here. it will go up, it'll get a little cooler, it will get a little warmer like it always has for millions of years, but i don't believe that what they say -- i think it's a big scam for a lot of people to make a lot of money. >> so, fran, what do you think
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of the republican nominee calling this whole thing a hoax as it pertains to climate change? >> you know, i'm hopeful that as time goes by more and more people, including people running for public office, will take the time to really understand this issue. it shouldn't be a partisan issue. it should be one of the most important things that we as a nation and we as a world focus on, which is why president obama has really elevated the attention given, not only to climate change but to the importance of the arctic as a region. >> well, congratulations for getting this together. good luck today. >> so important. >> thank you guys so much for being on and we look forward to hearing what happens. we'll be right back with much more "morning joe." all the networks are great now. we're talking within a 1% difference in reliability of each other. and, sprint saves you 50% on most current national carrier rates. save money on your phone bill, invest it in your small business. wouldn't you love more customers?
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tomorrow, i'm gonna step out with my favorite girl. ask your heart doctor about entresto®. and help make the gift of tomorrow possible. >> as i said last night. >> last night. >> did anybody see that debate last night? oh, yes! one down, two to go. last night at the debate one of my guests was mark cuban, mark cuban who is a real billionaire, by the way, i'm going to leave it to the fact checkers to go through all of donald trump's claims. there was a lot of work for fact checkers last night.
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>> what we hear from my opponent is dangerously incoherent. it's unclear exactly what he is saying, but words matter, and last night it sounded like he was basically telling our treaty allies in asia, hey, we're not sure we're going to be there for you even though we have a mutual defense treaty. words matter. >> time to talk about what we learned today. mika, what did you learn? >> amazing event taking place today in washington, the ministerial on global warming and climate change, and i think that you should go online and see much more of that because we'll have ab extended version. >> no doubt about it. mike, what did you learn today? >> donald trump's reference to women's weight issues, calling her miss housekeeping. >> don't even. >> could potentially be lethal. >> this one could. >> brian? >> but i follow up on that and say that despite this debate being the most watched in the history, two things. espn should have negotiated
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tuesday night football. but also i think we've got a long way to go. the next 50 days? we didn't get a whole lot from the debate. i think it's going to get real interesting. >> very interesting. >> and joe? >> we'll see how donald trump is with trying to take care of the problems, you know, that he had on election night. >> doesn't seem he knows he has them. >> well, i think he may, actually, but he certainly took a bad situation and made it much worse. crisis management 101, he should have left it behind. he didn't. he didn't do it with the khans either. that's something that stayed with him for several weeks. we'll see if he does better. >> that does it for us now. stephanie rule picks up the coverage new. >> thank you so much, mika. i'm stephanie rule. this morning everybody's a winner. donald trump and hillary clinton each declaring victory. >> as i said last night -- last night -- last night. did anybody see that debate last night? >> almost every single poll had us winning the debate against
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crooked hillary clinton bigly. >> maybe. as trump suggests, he was holding back. >> i didn't want to do anything to embarrass her. >> speaking out, the beauty queen thrust into the center of the election. >> one of the worst things he said was about a woman in a beauty contest. >> she gained a massive amount of weight and it was -- it was a real problem. >> massive. now alicia machado is speaking out to nbc news. >> what were the names he called you? >> miss piggy, miss housekeeping, miss eating machine. >> all to your face? >> yes, all the time. >> plus, the case of the sniffles. clinton surrogate howard dean doubling down on this big whopper. >> you wrote on twr,
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