tv First Look MSNBC October 10, 2016 2:00am-3:01am PDT
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what he does to women, and he has said that the video doesn't represent who he is, but i think it's clear to anyone who heard it that it represents exactly who he is. because we've seen that throughout the campaign. >> even that was overshadowed by what happened minutes before. before the event trump broadcast
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a video of all women who accused bill clinton of sexual misduct. when hillary clinton was an attorney, she attacked her credibility while representing a man she says raped her in the 1970s. the women were even trump's guests at the debate. at least one told msnbc they got the invitation the day before and expenses paid by the trump campaign. the washington post was the first to report they were going to confront the 42nd president when he emerged. we wanted them to shake hands with bill to see if bill would shake hands with him. during the debate, trump even went further going after the 42nd president. >> mine are words and his was action. what he's done to women, there's never been anybody in the history of politics in this nation that's been so abusive to women, so you can say any way
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you want to say it, but bill clinton was abusive to women. hillary clinton attacked those same women and attacked them viciously, four of them here tonight. he was impeached, he lost his license to practice law, he had to pay an $850,000 fine to one of the women, paula jones, who's also here tonight. i will tell you when hillary brings up a point like that and talks about words i said 11 years ago, i think it's disgraceful and i think she should be ashamed of herself, if you want to know the truth. >> when i hear something like that, i am reminded of what my friend michelle obama advised us all, when they go low, you go high. if this were just about one video, maybe what he's saying tonight would be understandable,
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but everyone can draw their own conclusions at this point about whether or not the man on the video or the man on the stage respects women. >> let's step back for a moment to see exactly how the presidential race reached this point. on friday the washington post published a 2005 video featuring a conversation between donald trump and then-"access hollywood" host billy bush. in case you have not yet heard it, the remarks on this tape are vulgar. >> thing is -- she's still very beautiful. >> i moved on her actually, you know, she was in palm beach. i moved on her and i failed. i did try and [ bleep ] her. she was married. >> huge news. >> i moved on her very heavily. in fact, i took her out furniture shopping. she wanted to get some furniture. i'll show you where to get some nice furniture. i moved on her like a bitch,
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couldn't get there. and she was married. that's her with the gold. i better use some tick tacks in case i start kissing them. it's like a magnet, when you're a star, they let you do it. they can do anything. grab them by the [ bleep ]. i can do any of that. >> "access hollywood," which was planning a segment on the recording before the washington post obtained it is owned by the parent company of msnbc, but the criticism only grew louder and more sustained, including a stunning rebuke from his own running mate. first in a statement on friday, house speaker paul ryan said he was, "sickened by trump's comments." >> let me just start off by saying, there is a bit of an elephant in the room, and it is a troubling situation. i'm serious, it is. i put out a statement about this last night. i meant what i said, and it's
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still how i feel, but that is not what we are here to talk about today. >> initially, trump said his running mate mike pence would attend the event in his place, but the indiana governor pulled out, effectively leaving trump to face the firestorm on his own. in an extraordinary statement on saturday pence wrote, "as a husband and father, i was offended by the words and actions described by donald trump in the 11-year-old video released yesterday. i do not condone his remarks and cannot defend them. i'm grateful he's expressed remorse and apologized for the american people. we pray for his family and look forward to the opportunity he has to show what is in his heart when he goes before the nation tomorrow night." pence did tell donors he's committed to trump and while he cancelled a stop in new jersey today, he will be campaigning for trump on the trail this week and yesterday it was revealed there's been no discussions about dropping off the ticket. pence tweeting last night, congrats to my running mate donald trump on a big debate
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win. proud to stand for you as we maga, make america great again. things got heated when donald trump delivered a threat to hillary clinton over her use of a private e-mail server. >> if i win, i am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation, because there has never been so many lies, so much deception. there has never been anything like this where e-mails, and you get a subpoena, you get a subpoena and after getting the subpoena, you delete 33,000 e-mails. so we're going to get a special prosecutor and look into it, because you know what, people have been -- their lives have been destroyed for doing one-fifth of what you've done and it's a disgrace and honestly you ought to be ashamed of yourself. >> let me say, because everything he just said is absolutely false, but i'm not
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surprised. it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. >> because you'd be in jail. >> secretary clinton -- >> hillary clinton and donald trump also clashed over issues of foreign policy last night, including russia's alleged attempts to influence the election. >> i want to emphasize that what is at stake here is the ambitions and the aggressiveness of russia. russia has decided that it's all in in syria, and they've also decided who they want to see become president of the united states, too, and it's not me. >> i don't love putin. i think it would be great to get along with russia, because we could fight isis together. i notice any time anything wrong happens they like to say the russians -- she doesn't know it's the russians doing the hacking. maybe there is no hacking.
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the reason they blame russia, they like to tarnish me about russia. i know nothing about russia. i don't deal there, i he no businesses there, no loans from russia. >> both candidates also laid out positions on syria last night, although donald trump broke with his running mate mike pence on the issue. >> i would not use american ground forces in syria. i think that would be a very serious mistake. i don't think american troops should be holding territory, which is what they would have to do as an occupying force. i don't think that is a smart strategy. >> i don't like assad at all, but assad is killing isis. russia is killing isis. and iran is killing isis. and those three have now lined up because of our weak foreign policy. >> i want to remind you what your running mate said. he said, provocations by russia
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need to be met with american strength and that if russia continues to be involved in air strikes, along with the syrian government forces of assad, the united states of america should be prepared to use military force to strike the military targets of the assad regime. >> okay. he and i haven't spoken and i disagree. i disagree. >> you disagree with your running mate? >> donald trump seized on hillary clinton's invoking of abraham lincoln last night. clinton defended revelations she said that politicians need a public and private position on certain issues during a paid speech, claiming she was talking about lincoln. >> now she's blaming -- she got caught in a total lie. her papers went out to all her friends at the banks, goldman sachs and everything else and she said things, wikileaks, that just came out, and she lied. now she's blaming the lie on the late great abraham lincoln. that's one that i haven't -- okay, honest abe, honest abe
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never lied. that's the good thing. that's the difference between abraham lincoln and you. that's a big, big difference. we're talking about some difference. >> turning from politics now, the death toll from hurricane matthew continues to climb as residents in parts of the southeast are bracing for flood waters to rise even further. authorities say at least 19 people have been killed across four states by the storm's path of destruction. five people remain missing in north carolina. president obama signed disaster declarations for florida and georgia yesterday morning. more than 2 million homes and businesses are still without power, mostly in florida and south carolina, as crews deal with falling power lines, downed trees, and flood waters that have swallowed entire communities. some of the most significant damage was in north carolina's coastal plains. governor pat mccrory said emergency crews performed nearly 900 water rescues by yesterday morning and are still not out of
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the storm yet, threats remain in the days ahead. >> the greatest threat for north carolina is inland flooding, and that is continuing and will continue for next week in many areas. all this flooding that occurred in the raleigh area, the smithfield area, and so forth, is heading downstream and out to the ocean, and those towns and cities that are in the way of this mass of water coming down are in danger as we speak. >> coming up, meteorologist bill karins will have the latest on the fallout from matthew and when we can expect the flood waters to recede. still ahead, more on the damage from hurricane matthew, including new photos showing how significant the power outage were. >> those stories and more when we come back.
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welcome back, everyone. all right, so earlier we told you about the incredible destruction in the southeast from hurricane matthew. well, the impact is just as shocking from space. take a look at this. nasa has released these photos showing the storm's lead up to impact on the southeastern coast and the power outages resulting from the storm. here we see the storm set to hit florida on thursday, followed by the storm's impact overnight, into friday morning, and by saturday, you can see the large swath of black along the coast from northern florida, all the way up through the north carolina area, as matthew made its way up the eastern seaboard. let's get a check on the weather outside where matthew actually is at this moment. meteorologist bill karins joins us. when we last spoke there was a chance of matthew circling back around. is that threat still there? >> that dissipated along the cold front yesterday, which is
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the same rain that got sucked up and soaked long island and new england, too, that was related to the storm. didn't cause half the problems, though. north carolina, when this is said and done, we'll have more damage in eastern north carolina from the rainfall and flooding in the rivers than anywhere else. of course, we're still adding up what happened in the coastal areas of south carolina and georgia, too. here's the river of flooding. all the water as of now in the smaller rivers and streams and all gathering in the major rivers and that's the problem as we go throughout the next 24 to 48 hours. this is some of the river, lumberton river, record is 20.5. this is breaking those records, because we had saturated soil from a very wet september, so we're already seeing record flooding in the lumberton river, tar river, many of the rivers are already causing huge issues out there, so we'll watch that. matthew did intensify, 80 mile per hour winds. first category 4 to make landfall in haiti since 1964.
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if you see them, aerial pictures, so mind boggling, horrific conditions. first hurricane to make landfall in south carolina since 2004. so again, southeast today, tomorrow, no problems. you mention the other storm out there, nicole, that is a tropical storm. we'll head that towards bermuda, guys, towards the middle of this week. maybe a category 2. close call there for bermuda come thursday. >> we don't even want to think about another one of these headed our way. thank you, bill. still ahead, we're taking a look from all the highlights of sunday night football. here's a mind blowing stat today, odell beckham jr. has his first touchdown catch of the season. sports is next. listerine® kills 99%
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can last longer than those bargain brands. so you get more "life" per roll. bounty. the long-lasting quicker picker upper. and try bountyapkins. brady to the goal line! and how about this, riddick into the end zone for his second touchdown. on first down, down the middle. hilton, touchdown! run a return. big return for crowder and he's going to go all the way! >> bradford. he's got his man wide open. >> in the secondary. third and second. roethlisberger dials up the deep ball. looking for the connection, he's
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got coates and he's gone. touchdown, steelers. >> first drive in the second half. begins with elliot breaking into the secondary. it's a foot race and he will not be touched. >> pressure is coming. lets it fly. got a man wide open, it's amari cooper into the open field, touchdown, raiders! >> welcome back, those were some of the biggest plays from around the nfl yesterday, now for the packers hosting the giants, green bay, packers two trips to the end zone on a pair of highlight worthy receptions thrown by quarterback aaron rodgers. diving grab by jordy nelson to put points on the board and a ball hauled in over the shoulder of davonte adams. limiting new york scoring to only field goals until late in the fourth quarter, reception by odell beckham jr. for his first touchdown of the season. green bay hangs on for the 23-16 win. let's turn now over to major
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league baseball, the nationals hosting the dodgers in game two of their national league division series, this one being played in the nation's capital after postponement due to rain on saturday. washington's jose lobeton decides the game to put the nats on top after trailing 2-0 in the fourth. the series tied at one game apiece. game three is today in los angeles. let's go to boston, red sox hang on for at least one more day after game three of the american league division series with the indians was washed out as the remnants of hurricane matthew continued up the coast. cleveland will look to sweep the red sox tonight. the alds was on in toronto last night. the rangers fighting for their lives in the back and forth game three. down 2-0 in the series, this one knotted up in the sixth inning where it remained tied at six into the tenth, runners on first and second for the blue jays,
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russell martin. >> another payoff. and martin on the ground. makes a play, goes to second, out there. throw to first, oh, and what a play! but here comes the runner, he's safe! the ball game is over! the blue jays are moving on to the alcs! >> that's all she wrote. josh donaldson hustles home after a texas throwing error, walking toronto off to sweep the series. they'll get some time to rest before taking on either the red sox or the indians in game one of the alcs on friday. some incredible baseball there, guys. >> oh, my rangers. all right, still ahead, more highlights from last night's debate, including donald trump working the refs, taking on the two moderators. plus, kellyanne conway says she's sticking with him until the bitter end, unless -- and the first presidential debate gets the bad lip reading
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look, it's just not true. >> oh, you didn't -- >> allow her to respond. >> personal e-mails, not -- we turned over 35,000. >> what about the others? >> please allow her to respond. she didn't talk when you were. >> i didn't. i didn't in the first debate and i won't in this debate, because i'd like to get to the questions
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the people have brought to us tonight to talk about. >> and get off this question. >> okay, donald, i know you're into big diversion tonight, anything to not talk about your campaign and the way it's exploding and the way republicans are leaving you, but let's focus on some of the issues. >> a bitter showdown between hillary clinton and donald trump as the republican nominee tries to get his campaign back on message. this morning, dozens of high profile republican defections and condemnations after the lewd comments from 2005 were made public. one of the big questions is whether rank and file republicans will stick with him. good morning, everyone, it is monday, october 10th, i'm alex witt alongside betty nguyen and
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louis burgdorf. a poll had hillary clinton winning last night's raucous debate 57 to 34, but 63% said trump did better than they expected. the candidates dispensed with niceties like shaking hands and quickly the town hall turned to the leak tape of donald trump talking to billy bush. >> you described kissing women without consent, grabbing their genitals. that is sexual assault. you bragged you have sexually assaulted women. do understand that? >> i didn't say that at all. i don't think you understood. this was locker room talk. i'm not proud of it. i apologized to my family and the american people. certainly, i'm not proud of it, but this is locker room talk. when we have a world where you have isis chopping off heads, and, frankly, drowning people in steel cages. >> just for the record, though, are you saying what you said on that bus 11 years ago, that you did not actually kiss women without consent or grope women
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without consent? >> i have great respect for women, nobody has more respect for women than i do. >> you never said that? >> frankly, you hear these things. they are said. and i was embarrassed by it, but i have tremendous respect for women. >> have you ever done those things? >> women have respect for me. no, i have not. i will tell you that i'm going to make our country safe. >> yet an initial poll shows the leaked video may have little impact on trump's support. the politico poll has clinton at 42, trump at 38, days earlier trump was only one point higher. according to the poll, 39% of all voters say trump should leave the race, but only 12% of republicans believe he should bow out. trump's comments could have an enormous impact on when it comes to the down ballot races, no one knows that better than reince priebus and mitch mcconnell, who both denounced trump's comments. they are joined by a long list
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of republicans, many of whom are up for re-election. this is just a sample of those who denounced the nominee but stopped short of pulling their support. it is a different story for kelly ayotte and john mccain, who now say they will be voting for somebody else. also in this camp, congressman jason chaffetz, who became the first member of congress to reverse course and senator rob portman, who like others, said he'd vote for mike pence. again, there are plenty more names. then you have those calling for trump to drop out, including kirk, lee, flaik, and thune, senators cory gardner and deb fischer agree and there are similar calls from mia love in the house. outside of capitol hill, notable republicans from across the country, slammed the republican nominee in no uncertain terms. >> despite it all, trump struck a defiant tone. trump spoke to reporters on saturday, where he vowed to stay
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in the race no matter what. he also made a surprise appearance at the foot of trump tower where he greeted cheers on the sidewalk and then came the tweets. he started on saturday posting, "the media and establishment want me out of the race so badly, i will never drop out of the race, will never let my supporters down." he then cited his tremendous support, except for some republican leadership. and also tweeted, "so many self righteous hypocrites. watch their poll numbers and elections go down." at a fundraiser in illinois, president obama seemed it to comment on trump's remarks about women that were exposed over the weekend. >> one of the most disturbing things about this election is just the unbelievable rhetoric coming at the top of the republican ticket. i don't need to repeat it. there are children in the room. but demeaning women, degradin
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women, but also minorities, immigrants, people of other faiths, mocking the disabled, insulting our troops, insulting our veterans. that tells you a couple things. it tells you he's insecure enough that he pumps himself up by putting other people down. not a character trait i would advise for somebody in the oval office. >> several of donald trump's surrogates cancelled appearances on sunday morning news shows in the wake of the leaked tape. kellyanne conway and reince priebus both dropped out of planned appearances. former new york city mayor rudy giuliani was the only surrogate out on trump's behalf yesterday morning, but he struggled to defend trump on the leaked audio. >> as both senator mccain and biden pointed out, what's
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described on that tape is sexual assault. >> that's what he's talking about, you know, whether it happened or not, i don't know how much exaggeration was involved in that, i don't know. i do know there's a tendency on the part of some men at different times to exaggerate things like this. hillary clinton actually specifically described that she's two different people to the financial people giving millions of dollars she's on their side and wants to be a big part of the government, but she tells them she has to pretend to everybody else she isn't. >> if you believe that hillary clinton says one thing in private and that means what she really is, is what she is in private. should we assume what donald trump did in that "access hollywood" buzz is really what donald trump is in private? that's what you're implying here with hillary clinton. >> you know, chuck, the reality is, that in both cases, both people have things in their personal lives that maybe if
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they could redo it, they would do it differently. the reality is, that this is a situation in which neither side should throw stones, because both sides have sinned. >> last night after the debate, kellyanne conway was asked about her future with the campaign. her initial response raised eyebrows, but she later clarified. >> are you with the campaign until the bitter end? >> you need to fact check before you start running these headlines. i was making pancakes for my kids, obviously, i've been in debate prep. did you see this performance tonight? you know what it's reminded me of, his performance at the nbc commander in chief town hall forum, same thing again. >> you're with the campaign until the bitter end? >> i'm with the campaign until the bitter end unless -- >> unless what? >> who knows. i'm sitting here with you in this debate hall where he
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performed beautifully. >> chris was asking if you were with the campaign until the bitter end but you said, yes, you seemed to indicate that you were with the campaign, and then you said dramatically, unless -- and then you left that tail off. we don't know what the unless means. >> i didn't mean to alert the breaking news again, rachel. the unless is simple, unless someone in my household needs me or something changes in my own life. >> so that's the unless. joining us now on the phone from st. louis, halle jackson. they seem happy with his performance last night. do you get the sense they stopped the bleeding so far? >> yeah, i think they think so, at least from the public comments that we saw from the spin room last night, that we saw from advisers, from some of trump's team members, who were part of that process. the question mark and the real test is going to be what happens over the next day, two days,
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with people across the country, top elected republicans who so far have not come out and revoked their support of donald trump, but who are perhaps considering it and waiting to see how he did last night to decide. >> do you think mike pence was one of them? because we hadn't heard much from him and the two hadn't really spoken, but last night after the debate he says i'm with you. so does that seem to, i guess, answer all the questions as to whether there was any riff between the two? >> yeah, maybe not all the questions, betty, but i think it is an indication that pence liked what he saw last night. pence himself had hinted he was looking to see how donald trump did. he wanted to see, we know from sources speaking with the indiana governor, he wanted to see real contrition from donald trump, and in the form of an apology for his sort of hot mike moment for that audio that was revealed on friday. that's what governor pence was looking for. you're right he tweeted after the debate that he was pleased with his debate partner's
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performance and we understand trump and pence both last night, so for now it seems as though pence is continuing and as we know he will, move forward this week with campaigning and with his schedule as planned. >> in order for supporters to believe that, though, do you think they need to see the two together? >> i think that pence and trump will likely appear together on the campaign trail soon, at least if that is part of the scheduling. and i think that would go a long way towards putting at ease some of the concerns of republicans who are wondering that very thing, what is the relationship now between mike pence and donald trump. >> all right, halle jackson following it all for us and joining us live by phone this morning. halle, thank you. betty, in another one of the big headlines last night was about donald trump's taxes. for the first time last night he acknowledged what was only alleged in a big "new york times" report that, in fact, he did not pay taxes for years after declaring nearly $1 billion in losses in 1995.
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>> did you use the loss to a void paying personal federal income taxes? >> of course, i do. of course, i do. and so do all of her donors. she complains donald trump took advantage of the tax code. well, why didn't you change it when you were senator? the reason you didn't, all your friends take the same advantage i do. i do. i will tell you, number one, i pay tremendous numbers of taxes, i absolutely used it, and so did warren buffett, so did george soaros and other people that hillary is getting money from. >> can you say how many years you have avoided paying personal federal income taxes? >> no, but i pay tax and i pay federal tax, too. >> donald trump also clashed with the moderators, often claiming about the amount of time his opponent was given to speak and suggesting martha raddatz and anderson cooper joined to gang up on him. >> why aren't you bringing up the e-mails? >> we brought up the e-mails.
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>> it hasn't. and it hasn't been finished at all. >> ken has a question. >> one on three. >> we're going to move on to syria. both of you had mentioned -- >> she said a lot of things. i think we should be allowed to -- >> mr. trump, we're going to go on. mr. trump, we're going to move on. >> you can see it. >> i was against the war in iraq, has not been debunked and you voted for it and shouldn't have. >> there's been lots of fact checking on that. i'd like to go to a online question. >> she just went 25 seconds over her time. can i respond to this? >> very quickly. >> she went over a minute over and you don't stop her. when i go one second over -- >> you had many answers. >> hillary clinton wants to allow hundreds of thousands -- >> no, answer the question. do you still believe -- >> why don't you interrupt her? >> would you please explain whether or not the muslim ban still stands? >> it's called extreme vetting.
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>> well, the night ended on a far different note when one of the people in attendance asked what each candidate admires about their opponent. >> look, i respect his children, his children are incredibly able and devoted, and i think that says a lot about donald. i don't agree with nearly anything else he says or does, but i do respect that, and i think that is something that as a mother and a grandmother is very important to me. >> i consider her statement about my children to be a very nice compliment. i don't know if it was meant to be a compliment, but it is a great -- i'm very proud of my children. i will say this about hillary, she doesn't quit, she doesn't give up. i respect that. i tell it like it is. she's a fighter. i disagree with much of what she's fighting for. i do disagree with her judgment
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in many cases, but she does fight hard, and she doesn't quit and she doesn't give up and i consider that to be a very good trait. >> so right there, the campaign ending on a positive note. the two candidates even shook hands at the end. still ahead, the other big story we're following this morning, the aftermath of hurricane matthew. haiti is a disaster zone. nearly a week after the storm hit there. meanwhile, a flooding disaster slowly unfolds in north carolina. roads washed out and more than 2 million people are still without power across the southeast. we'll bring you an update. [burke] at farmers, we've seen almost everything,
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this is my ancestor who i didn't know about. wi dynand bold styling to to stay ahead of the curve... the lexus rx, rx hybrid and rx f sport. this is the rx, elevated. this is the pursuit of perfection. eco-friendly product in your new tide pucupboards the first that won't wait to be discovered. some may claim some labels are green but only one has the powerful tide clean new tide purclean, 65% bio-based, 100% cleaning power of tide welcome back, everyone. officials in haiti are now battling outbreaksf cholera as residents there begin to bury some of the hundreds killed by hurricane matthew. that storm slammed into the island nation on tuesday.
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the official death toll from the government stands at 336, but according to an estimate by reuters, that number could climb to 1,000 once all the dead are accounted for. meanwhile, the united nations says 1.4 million people in the country are in need of humanitarian assistance. remote villages, flooding, and contaminated water have caused an outbreak of cholera that officials say is spreading rapidly. in the u.s., at least 19 deaths are being blamed on hurricane matthew as flood waters continue to rise in north carolina. that's where nbc meteorologist bill karins, we haven't even gotten to the extent of damage, bill. >> still will be millions of damage, some of the rivers continue to rise all the way through thursday of this week. alex was mentioning some of the numbers, of the 19 fatalities in the united states, eight or nine were in eastern north carolina and that was from inland flooding. the water is the problem with hurricanes. winds get all the attention, but the wind doesn't usually kill too many people.
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there's a saying that goes you run from the water, you go and find safe shelter from the wind, and usually it's the water that kills people in hurricanes with a storm surge and inland flooding, that was the case with this storm, too. 2 million people without power at the height of the storm, even as of last night the number was close to 2 million. people are reporting power starting to come back on now. power crews from new hampshire are down in florida trying to get the power on. there's a mass effort to get everyone back up and running and life back to normal. estimated insurance losses are 4 to 6 billion, but that was before the flooding from north carolina, where we continue to get pictures. all the rivers are high. we even had some areas evacuating yesterday because they were worried about dams breaking. town of princeton was evacuated yesterday afternoon. these are the flood gauges in eastern north carolina. the red are the ones that are in major, so it's really the areas of greatest concern, eastern north carolina, the smithfield, kingston area, guys, those are the areas later this week that are going to have higher flood
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totals than in hurricane floyd. that was one of the worst hurricanes in eastern north carolina history and this is just as bad, if not worse. >> wow, that says a lot. still ahead, things go from bad to worse for samsung. the company replaced its fire-prone galaxy 7 and now the replacements are catching fire. we'll have samsung's next move. my name is barbara and i make dog chow natural. now that i work there, i value the food even more. i feed it to yoshi because there are no artificial colors, presertives and it's made with real chicken. i'm so proud to make dog chow natural in davenport, iowa.
2:52 am
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who is your favorite actor? >> will sat they are. >> who is your least factor? >> elliot gould. >> what's your favorite baby bird sound? >> cheep. >> favorite way to eat chicken? >> raw. >> what's your favorite parasite? >> lice. >> time to act. we'll provide various scenarios and situations and both contestants will act these out. you say hello to your crush at summer camp. >> hi, scott. >> you stick up for your friend in fourth grade. >> you can't talk about my friend. amber makes me presents and i think she's good at glitter. >> you're at a party. >> okay. >> you're feeling the music. it's hip hop. you look around the room and suddenly spot a guy wearing three earrings. >> that was the latest installment of bad lip reading taking on the first presidential debate. let's turn to business now where samsung will halt production of its galaxy
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smartpho smartphones, carolyn joins us live from london. carolyn, what kind of impact might this decision have on the future of samsung and their smartphone business? >> certainly not looking good and the bad news keeps coming for samsung. shares in korea down another 1.5%, even though they hit a record high last week because their chips business is doing so well, but also because an activist investor is calling for a split up of the group, but certainly now at& saying they are suspending the phones and temporarily halting production of the galaxy note 7 after even a replacement device caught fire. also want to talk about mylan, this is the embattled maker of the allergy treatment epipen, which has come under so much scrutiny over the summer for raising the price for that treatment to more than $600. on friday it said it settled with the department of justice for over $465 million.
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that is for overcharging medicaid. back over to you. >> live from london, thanks so much. up next, a look at the stories happening in the day ahead. boost it's about moving forward not back. it's looking up not down. it's feeling up thinking up living up. it's being in motion... in body in spirit in the now. boost. it's not just nutrition, it's intelligent nutrition. with 26 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. all in 3 delicious flavors. it's choosing to go in one direction... up. boost. be up for . i thodid the ancestrydna toian. find out i'm only 16% italian. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors was eastern european. this is my aestor who i didn't know about. of bad breath germs% for a 100% fresh mouth. feeling 100%
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2:58 am
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before we toss it over to "morning joe," new york city celebrates columbus day with its 72nd annual columbus day parade. features over 40,000 marchers and 100 groups. the taj mahal casino donald trump opened in atlantic city 26 years ago closes today. nearly 3,000 workers are losing their jobs. and on the campaign trail this morning, donald trump holds two campaign rallies in pennsylvania. hillary clinton campaigns in detroit and holds a rally at the ohio state university. her running mate, tim kaine, holds an event with musician dave matthews in colorado, while mike pence holds two rallies in north carolina. and we should also tell you that mike pence sits down one-on-one today at 9:00. >> meantime, that does it for us on this monday, i'm alex witt
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alongside betty nguyen and louis burgdorf. "morning joe" starts right now. >> just start kissing them. it's like a magnet. and when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. >> i'm out. i can no longer in good conscience endorse this person for president. conscience endorse this person for president. >> i respectfully ask you with all due respect to step aside. step down. allow someone else to carry the banner of these principles. >> i believe our only option is to formally ask mr. trump to step down. >> anyone that knows me knows these words don't reflect who i am. i said it. i was wrong. and i apologize. >> let me just start off by saying there is a bit of an elephant in the room. and it is a troubling situation. >> i've said some foolish things, but there's a big difference between the words and actions of other people. bill clinton has actually abused women and hillary has bullied,
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