tv MSNBC Live MSNBC October 10, 2016 7:00am-8:01am PDT
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friend, craig melvin. >> that was a nice way to end the debate. so the pressure is on. what now? let's recap in the past 48 hours. donald trump apologizes for the time he was caught on tape bragging about sexual assault. soon after, many prominent republicans ditched nominee and then women who claim they were assaulted or abused by president clinton and his wife. and then there was that debate sunday night. it appears the gop nominee was able to stop the bleeding a bit, but is the damage done? many in the party want him off the ticket, but it's clear that's not happening. both campaigns insist they are riding high despite a new low in american politics. >> nobody has more respect for women than i do. >> you brag that you sexually assaulted women. do you understand that? >> i didn't say that at all. i don't think you understood what was said. >> i think it's clear that it represents exactly who he is.
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>> that was locker room talk. >> it's awfully good with the temperament that someone like donald trump is not in charge of the law. >> because you would be in jail. honestly abe never lied. that's the big difference between abraham lincoln and you. >> did you use the loss to avoid personal federal income taxes? >> of course, i do. >> he lives in an alternative reality. >> political team up all night, at it again this morning. we start with hallie jackson still in st. louis covering the trump campaign for us. hallie, you've heard they won, they won, they won. are they saying though that they shored up the base or did they feel like they actually reached new voters? >> reporter: it's not just that they won. one of the senior advisors came through the spin room and called it the greatest victory in the history of debates. i think he was being a little bit tongue and cheek presumably, but that's what he said.
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whether they've energized the base, i think they certainly feel like they have and i believe that likely will be reflected in the polling, whether he's expanded his appeal is the million dollar question here. he has to do that in order to make up some of the ground he's lost in battleground states over this last few weeks and presumably since friday when that damaging audio from 2005 "access hollywood" taping reflected in our new survey monkey polling showing that more people now after that audio came out believe donald trump does not respect women. looking at the debate overall, we look at the cnn orc snap poll showing that more people think that hillary clinton won the debate. although she may not have landed as many punches as the first debate and donald trump exceeded expectations. >> politico reporting, as you know, paul ryan is talking about withdrawing his endorse. . wh what can you tell us about that?
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>> reporter: what we saw from paul ryan over the last 48 hours is a soul searching potentially at least from ryan. you saw him denounce the comments that donald trump had made. we do expect to see paul ryan. he's out campaigning. we expect to see him in wisconsin. there's a conference call with members of the house conference to discuss issues that are relevant currently, potentially, this is something that could come up but, you know, so far, ryan has got to be walking this delicate balance between supporting the nominee of his party and trying to protect some of the vulnerable down ballot senators who could be at real risk if donald trump in fact loses to hillary clinton in november by, you know, 8, 9, 10 points. >> hallie jackson in st. louis covering the trump campaign. thank you, as always and kristen welker also in st. louis with reaction from the clinton campaign. kristen, it seemed at times last night that the clinton strategy
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was to let trump be trump thinking he'll hang himself. did they perhaps give him too long of a leash? >> reporter: that's the big question. today, the clinton campaign feels as though they didn't. they are saying this was a win last night because secretary clinton remained calm, amidst what was really a fire storm prior to the debate with donald trump bringing in the clinton accusers into the debate hall and think one moment particularly strong is when he raised the issue during the dete. secretary clinton quoted michelle obama, of course, that line that is now becoming very familiar to all of us when they go low, we go high. this is the strategy we see the clinton campaign take in the past, when donald trump makes one of these controversial comments, they sort of allow it to hang out there. they allow the news headlines the speak for themselves. today, they're out with a new ad hitting trump for essentially what they're painting as a non-apology last night. when he was pressed on whether
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statements in 2005 amounted to sexual assault and donald trump said, no. it wasn't sexual assault. it was nothing more than locker room banter. their calculation is ultimately, this is going to continue to drive away women voters. particularly those independent and undecided women voters living in the suburbs. those are the voters that donald trump needs more of if he's going to win the white house. the clinton campaign thinks what he said last night isn't going to be enough to win them over. that's the calculation. we'll have to see if it works, but again, craig, this is a strategy that they have taken in the past to sort of allow his statements to speak for themselves to allow the headlines to rule the day and of course, as you were just talking about with hallie, what we've seen is a number of republican defections in the wake of those comments. >> roughly 90 minutes before, we saw donald trump trotting out the women who accused bill clinton of sexual assault in the past and he sat there with this bizarre news confence, if you
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will. what's the campaign saying about what kind of effect that had on hillary clinton's mentality? her psyche? did he get into her head with that stunt? >> reporter: they are clear he didn't get into her head at all. that he didn't get under her skin. they were clear and focused on saying that to voters in the wake of yesterday's debate and also saying this didn't get under bill clinton's skin. i can tell you what's interesting, craig, is the hours leading up to this debate and talking to clinton campaign officials, they said, we are bracing for an all out assault. they didn't know exactly what that was going to look like but feel as though that's exactly what they got when donald trump made the decision to have that news conference with the clinton accusers and then to bring it into the debate hall. so whether or not secretary clinton was actually rattled for any amount of time, clinton campaign firm today but she's the only one who was knowing
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what's going on inside her head. >> kristen welker, thank you. questions have been raised about the relationship between donald trump and his running mate mike pence throughout the campaign. "the washington post" even has a page that tracks divergent positions between the two. the issue, again, came to the fore front after the lewd remarks. pence talked with stephanie ruhle a short time ago and asked him about how squares his religious faith with some of donald trump's comments. >> my faith teaches two things. number one is that we try and live up to a godly standard in our life and we speak truth when people don't reflect that, but secondly, the other part of my faith is grace. i believe in redemption. i believe in second chances. and i think donald trump in expressing genuine contrition and remorse, alozing not only to family but to the american people for the words he's used, i think, and saying
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he was truly embarrassed about all of it on national television last night. you know, merits grace. i believe in redemption and i believe the american people believe in grace and that's a centerpiece of my faith. >> is grabbing a va vgina an ac of grace? >> donald trump made it clear that those were words, only words last night that he hadn't engaged in any of that behavior and i believe him. but look, i understand the media's focus on this. i understand your focus on it. i'm sure that i'm headed to north carolina this morning, i was in rhode island on saturday night. this is just not where the american people are focused. i mean, a lot of people are anxious about the rise of terrorism in the world, literally, a foreign policy that's emboldened our enemies, abandoned friends, people are struggling in this economy to make ends meet and they see in
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hillary clinton someone who wants to continue all the same failed policies that have weakened america's place in the world and stifled our economy and last night, donald trump focused this debate seemingly against all odds. he focused this debate on the choice the american people face four weeks from tomorrow and i'm honored to be standing with him and i'm going to be fighting every day between now and election day to bring home a great victory for the american people. >> one of the tasks for you, sir, is to get the american people, not just to not want to vote for hillary clinton but to vote for donald trump. my mom is a lifetime republican and she's a catholic. but before her party, she puts being treated as an equal and with respect and what she believes in, before being a republican, is she believes in me, and when i saw her on saturday, she said, he's gone too far. i can't vote for this man. he doesn't respect you, stephanie, and he never will. what do you say to my mom, a suburban republican woman, who no longer can vote for him because he didn't believe in her
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daughter? >> i would say to your mom, she must be very proud of you and your extraordinary career and i talked to my mom over the weekend too. what i would tell your mom or anybody else is that there are two human beings running in this election and nobody's perfect, i can think of one person in human history who's perfect, beyond that, none of us are. this election is a choice between not just people but policies. >> so that's the view from the trump campaign. up next, the clinton campaign responds. former michigan governor, jennifer granholm joins me after the break. d 97! set! r 97! did you say 97? yes. you know, that minds of ico's 97% cu97%? satisfti rating.
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i really find it almost unimaginable that someone can stand and just tell, you know, a falsehood after a falsehood and, you know, you all remember politifact said that he was the most untruthful candidate they'd ever evaluated. >> hillary clinton there talking to reporters on her plane last night after the debate. i'm joined now by former michigan governor jennifer granholm, senior advisor to correct the record. it's a pro-hillary clinton super pac. good to see you. thank you for being with me. >> thank you so much. >> "the new york times" called it ugly. "washington post" bitter. "l.a. times" called it nasty. what do you call it? >> a victory for hillary clinton. i think that donald trump pulled the debate as hard as he could into the gutter and she attempted to keep it on the higher ground, not just citing michelle obama but not responding to the bait that he was continuing to throw out
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there including having all those women and the press conference beforehand. she wanted to talk to people and she looked at the people who were asking the questions, she responded to their questions as best she could given the interruptions. so she tried to take it high and he tried to pull it low. >> when it comes to that "access hollywood" video, the comments from donald trump last night, like you said, it would seem as if her response was measured. it was safe. do you think, perhaps, that she was too safe? i mean, were there times last night in the debate that you wanted her to? >> i wanted her to be presidential. i wanted her to make us proud of this candidate. i wanted her to provide the contrast with what he was showing us. he is so utterly unpresidential. he would be such an embarrassment in the white house that she provided that perfect
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contrast. she didn't need to knock him out and step on his throat. his words do speak for themselves. i mean, we see today, even, in the "usa today" front page story, 20 lawsuits against him for sexual harassment and a variety of other issues related to how he treats women at work. she doesn't need to go low. she needs to make us proud of this country and proud of her as a candidate, and that's what she did. >> on foreign policy, specifically, she said something that caught our attention with regards to syria. here it is. >> i would not use american ground forces in syria. i think that would be a very serious mistake. i don't think american troops should be holding territory, which is what they would have to do as an occupying force. i don't think that is a smart strategy. >> we saw that in our commander in chief forum last month as
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well when she ruled out ground troops in iraq. why is 100% ruling at ground troops in any country a winning strategy when we can't predict the future? why continue to do that? >> i'm going to think, the point is, especially in this region, that putting u.s. ground troops there would be a greater risk and would actually perhaps put the cause backwards. you want to be able to go in with allies, preferably, go in with arab allies who are able to persuade people on the ground as well as take this fight on. so she is not, she's in favor of doing something, obviously, she talked about a no-fly zone, working with allies, safe zones, but making sure that our allies are the ones who are in the lead. >> but again, last night, she said, i would not use american ground forces. it would seem as if she's boxing herself in with regards to foreign policy in the future. >> no. in this particular region, she
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doesn't think it's a good strategy. she didn't rule out structural forces, advisors, et cetera, but for very specific and smart reasons, she does not want to have the u.s. be the face of this battle on the ground. >> jennifer granholm, former michigan governor to correct the record. governor, thank you. >> you bet. after a break, the impact on the next 29 days. the gop establishment, much of it abandoning the trump campaign. how can the republican nominee move ahead? the trump campaign responds next. then, later. >> secretary of state with the so-called line in the sand, which -- >> no i wasn't. i was gone. >> fact checking the candidates. who had it right? who had it wrong? and who was pants on fire? across new yk st frochester toe dson valy, om long island to buffal from albany to u uca,
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get a special prosecutor to look into your situation. >> it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. >> because you'd be in jail. >> in a nutshell, that exchange, fairly emblematic of the tone of last night's presidential debate. i want to bring in steve cortes, member of trump's national hispanic advisory council. thank you for being with me. >> thank you for having me, craig. >> threatening to put your opponent in jail. not the sort of thing you usually hear as part of the democratic process. steve, what was he trying to do there and did he win undecided voters with that? >> craig, politics is one crazy business. it's pretty volatile. i was looking at this very camera over 20 hours ago and trying to convince reporters and the american people donald trump was staying in the race and i think we've got renewed momentum and enthusiasm.
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i think what he was doing, to answer your question specifically, i think what he was doing there is to point out her unfitness. her e-mail scandals, her subterfuge, the clinton foundation. >> that's not what he said. he said use his power as president to put her in jail. >> because she is very likely a felon. >> she's never been convicted of anything, never been charged with anything. >> correct, but fbi director comey laid out a case against her, to me, as damning as any indictment he could come up with. for whatever reason, i don't know if he's politicized, he did not actually recommend indictment but i think the american people know very well, 60%, by the way, say she should have been indicted. i'm not alone and donald trump is not alone in saying there's something extremely fishy here and even criminal. a special prosecutor doesn't mean a witch hunt, but a special prosecutor to someone not politicized to take an independent look at hillary clinton. we have that system set up for a
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reason. >> or argue that the fbi director did that. >> you might. but that's not a special prosecutor. and there's a reason we do that. there's a reason we did in iran contra and post-watergate why special prosecutors are needed at times and i think in this case, it's absolutely warranted but i'm not a prosecutor, a defense lawyer. i don't want to get into the weeds of the exact statutes. i think what's more important is that she was reckless with the national security. i think the american people know that. having a server in your basement when you're the secretary of state is the height of error. >> i've got to be honest, at some point, anytime you bring that up, we've talked about that ad nauseam. and i know it polls well with the base, but when you guys bring that up, does it do anything to reach a suburban mother in philadelphia, does it do anything to reach that undecided voter in north carolina or florida and by the way, we should note that according to all major recent polls, he's trailing in each of
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the three aforementioned states. >> right, that's a great point. and i'll be candid, i don't think so, no. i don't think that will move the needle. >> why talking about it? why devote so much time to that? >> well, because, but hold on. there's two tacks here. one, he has to prove that hillary clinton is unfit to president but also lay out his vision for president and on that side is where i believe he can win over, you know, that bucks county middle age mother who, right now, is undecided or leaning towards hillary. how do we win them over? talking about economic growth, talking about security. when we talk the economy and isis, i think on those topics, on those macro issues, that's where we can move the needle with undecideds or people skeptical. >> he pivoted to isis when asked about that revelation over the weekend. why does he continue to dismiss what he said on that tape as locker room talk? why do that?
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>> well, you know, i don't think he dismissed it and shouldn't because it's not dismissible. it was repugnant talk and i've been clear about that. i think most of his surrogates has and he has, more importantly. he told the american people he's sorry, he's embarrassed, he had apologized to his family, to his wife. so we take it seriously. by no means can we just brush that off, but when he forthrightly apologizes to the american people and says it's a mistake, i take him at his word and actions. how does he actually treat women? our campgn is run by a strong, intelligent woman. kelly ann conway. his organization and political life is someone who empowers women. i rely and lean on actions rather than a terrible conversation over a decade ago. >> how worried are you that there's more out there? >> i'll be frank. it makes me nervous, sure. i think there's a machine of private investigators in the clinton campaign that hired and
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trying as much as they possibly can. >> are you putting that tape on the clinton campaign? >> no. i'm not saying that. but i am saying that there's a lot of people in the clinton campaign and affiliated with the clinton campaign searching for any possible dirt and when you deal with someone like donald trump who has not lived his life in a scripted manner by any sense, not a professional politician for decades like hillary clinton. he lived in a world of reality tv which can be pretty crass. so are there possibly other audio tapes out there? maybe there are. but if we can catch him from a decade ago saying something inappropriate, it's what is his vision to take america forward and how do we break out of the status quo because that's not okay. we're not prosperous and we're not safe and i think if we stick to those issues, donald trump can come back and he can win. >> steve cortes, i always wish that we had more time. maybe one day, we should invite you on and give you the hour.
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>> appreciate it. >> safe travels as you leave st. louis, sir. >> thank you, sir. if donald trump selected president, could he actually send hillary clinton to jail? ari melber, our chief legal correspondent, will explain the legal issues surrounding this coming up and the voice of the voters. looking at key moments from last night's debate and what voters were thinking as they watched. here's just a snippet of what they told us afterwards. >> i don't think anyone's given us any ideas on who we should really vote for. i don't really trust either one of them. uch abt w you're a digit, yet here youre building a jet engine. we, ge is digil d industrial. like peat butter andelly. yeah. ham d cheese. cops and robbers. yeah. nachos and kate. ahh. not that one so much. e rest were really gd.
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re smarter. you findayto sttcyour dollar. so notparemedica part d plan with other options call or go oine noand see howr could help y save. access to er 60,00 phes. plus1 tier 1 generic dicaons op smart. compare your partd options . anfi out if aetna rx sar right you. she got caught in a total lie. her papers went out to her friends and said things, wikileaks, that just came out. and she lied. now she's blaming the lie on the late great abraham lincoln. that's one that i haven't heard.
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>> donald trump fired up his base with the fiery debate but anything to move the needle with the critical independent voters, the undecided independent voters? last night, chris, ceo of park street strategy has gathered a group of those undecided voters in charlotte, north carolina, 31 of them to gauge their reaction to the debate. there they are right there and soc some looked like they were nodding off, chris. some of the findings. let's start with the headline. did the debate in any, way, shape, form, or fashion move the needle at all with the undecided voters? >> it did, somewhat. when all was said and done, hillary clinton of the group in terms of people who moved, 10 were more likely to vote for her after that debate. four for trump and the rest up decided not sure. in terms of who won the debate, it was really a blowout. she won 23-1.
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the rest were a neither or not sure. and i think this is, i think, part of the problem when you hear some of the commentary and pundit l punditry last night. it's one thing whereou speak to your base and get them excited but you cannot win election if the only thing you do is get out the 33% or 35% that identify themselves as republicans. you've got to move over the moderate independents and he had a big problem in that debate because of his performance. especially with women. he has a big problem with women and that video is indicative of it and his answers in the debate, i would say, made it worse. >> i want to play one of the key moments that you were just talking about there. this is trump talking about that "access hollywood" tape and then going after bill clinton as well. i want our viewers to watch the green and red lines here. the the high higher the lines g more likely the undecided voter will choose the candidate.
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>> what president clinton did, he was impeached. lost his license to practice law. he had to pay an $850,000 fine. paula jones, also here tonight and i will tell you that when hillary brings up a point like that and talks about words that i said 11 years ago, i think it's disgraceful and i think she should be ashamed of herself. >> you correct me if i'm wrong here, you were seeing the one where he talked about that, the more women voters he was losing? >> that's exactly right. when we talked about it after that debate, specifically after that clip, what women said and to put everything in context to show you how undecided and torn these voters are, when we asked of the 31, how many of you are happy with the candidates in the race? all 31 would prefer other people in this race. that's how torn they are.
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but what's happening in this debate and this election is because trump and his answers and his remarks are alienating the key demographic bloc and what you saw on that particular clip is people are wondering, wait a second, why aren't you just saying you're sorry? why are you trying to rationalize or justify or make excuses as to what youaid that was so offensive and to put it to more stark terms, we had 15 women in the group. of 15, 13 had a negative reaction to what he was saying specifically about that clip. and that, i would say, is a big problem. you cannot lose women by 15 points, 20 points, especially in some of the battlegrounds and win. it is simply mathematically impossible. so republicans, i think, have to kind of understand that the hole they've dug here is bigger than they realize because you cannot win over the moderate swing women. you can't win the election. >> really quickly here, you
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mentioned of the 31 undecided voters in the room, seven walked away, still undecided. how can that be? at this point, 30 days out, people still haven't made up their mind yet. >> actually, it was more than 7. 7 thought were up decided in the debate. it was much more in terms of who were unsure of who they're going to vote for. they're torn by these two candidates' flaws. they like trump's message of change. they understand it. there's attraction to it. they like hillary clinton's experience. but they have fundamental concerns and i think the challenge here is hillary clinton is in a strong position post that debate but got to start continuing, and did in that debate, got to continue to make that positive argument about how she's going to lead the country forward. let the republicans fight it out in the gutter. that's fine. it's going to rally his base but not moving moderates or independents. that's what she needs to focus
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on. >> chris, thank you sir. we always find these graphs fascinating. keep bringing them to us. >> thank you. coming up, hatred and the heart. which won out last night? the clinton campaign supporter. former presidential candidate himself, martin o'malley joining me next. >> she's got tremendous hatred and this country cannot take another four years of barack obama and that's what you're getting with her. first, the latest on the impact of hurricane matthew. killed 21 and left $6 billion in damage in four states. half of those killed were in north carolina where flooding disaster is expected to slowly unfold along swollen rivers and streams over the next several days. meanwhile, in florida. the storm surge, swamped oceanside communities and logged up to a hundred miles inland. a million people without florida
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and many under a mandatory evacuation. before coming to the american mainland, matthew plowed through the caribbean, killing more than a thousand people in haiti alone. now with the lack of clean drinking water, part of that country is facing a cholera outbreak. you can goad and stick with that compled credit card that limits whe you earn bonusc. or... you can get e quksilver card from capital one.quicksilved 1. cash back one-ryurchase,-e-ry-where. iat in your walt? i'only imy0's.i've got a h g plans. so when i fod out medicare doesn't p all my medical expenses, i then i got a medicare supplementnsurance plan.
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both candidates insist they won last night's debate. donald trump trying to pump the brakes on the gop defections and why didn't hillary clinton deliver a knockout punch? former two term governor of maryland and quite the banjo player. 2016 presidential candidate, martin o'malley. thanks for being with me. >> good to be with you. >> donald trump called hillary clinton a fighter at the end of last night's debate. if that's the case, why is one senior democratic official say, they quote, wish she'd taken him to task more? especially on that "access
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hollywood" tape. >> oh, wow. i think he's taken himself to task on that and i think most viewers tuned in for the first 20 minutes and far from donald trump apologizing for a pattern and practice of sexual assault. he tried to dismiss it as locker room talk. look, i'm pretty regular at the gym. i never hear people at the gym talking about and bragging about sexual assault. i think donald trump is doing himself in and the polling of voters afterwards show that once again, secretary clinton won that debate by a pretty overwhelming margins. one flaw some amateurs fall into in debates is to overswing and go for the knockout. when the guy is defeating himself, you've got to give him room to do that and that's what she did. even when he was maneuvering behind her and wondering if he's going to assault her. she maintained a cool and a poise and a command that's befitting of the office of president for which she's running. >> didn't sound like you thought
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she was rattled at all. >> she didn't appear to be. she didn't appear to be to me. i thought she was clear and i'm glad she didn't rise to the bait. i think she said when, quoting mrs. obama, when they go low, you go high. she kept trying to bring it back and was mostly successful in answering the people's questions about affordable college, wages, and i hope in the future, we see her speak with clarity and from a point of principle on immigration, on climate change, criminal justice reform. they were only a few miles from ferguson and i thought it would come up more. >> they didn't mention ferguson or civil unrest or what transpired in the city not one time, which you could argue that was more the fault of the moderators than the candidates. >> right. >> you had been on the receiving end of hillary clinton's attacks in a debate. there was a moment last night when i thought of you. this is the moment that she's talking about.
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there's ties to wall street. you spent a fair amount of time talking about the ties to wall street and the private speeches in front of big banks. i want to play her response when she was asked about the leaked transcripts. here's what she said. >> i was making the point that it is hard sometimes to get the congress to do what you want to do, and you have to keep working at it, and yes, president lincoln was trying to convince some people. he used some arguments, convincing other people, he used other arguments. that was a great, i thought a great display of presidential leadership. >> that was secretary clinton trying to explain how she could advocate for one position in private and perhaps have another in public. that answer didn't really pass the smell test, governor. >> well, but i think it's also true thatreateaders don't give up when a piece of legislation fails. they keep coming at it. and i think that was the point she was trying to make.
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my own state, three times, it took us before we passed marriage equality before we repealed the death penalty. and so leaders have to keep working and keep talking to people where they're at. i don't think anything has come out in these wikileaks that we didn't already figure anyway during the course of the pretty bruising and contested primary but the voters concluded with all of her experience and the skills she brings to this office that those outweigh whatever statements or inconsistencies she may have had or evolutions on positions in the past. it's very, very clear from our party's platform and the outcome of this debate that people expect their president to take on wall street and to prevent wall street from engaging in reckless behavior that will wreck main street. >> martin o'malley, governor, thank you. >> thank you, craig, and thanks for highlighting that sort of 10 horn dictator stuff.
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my god, what have we come to. i thought it was outrageous. if you doubt this guy is a fascist, he made it clear with that comment. >> thank you for not lumping me in with the rest of the talking heads. i think that was a compliment. >> it was. after the break, putting them to the test. go to the truth. we'll bring out experts from politifact. we love these guys. ♪ ♪ ♪ look out honey... the highly advanced audi♪ ♪ a't gotime to makeno apologie
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secretary of state with the so-called line in the sand. >> i was gone, i hate to interrupt you, but -- >> excuse me, you were in total contact with the white house. >> all right. did someone say fact check? fact checkers from politifact put 29 claims from last night's combative presidential debate through their truth-o-meter. politifact editor angie eoghan
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with me now. let's start that. was she secretary of state when president obama drew that so-called, red line in the sand with syria? >> hillary clinton said she was gone. we rated that mostly false. she was secretary of state when obama formulated this policy to advise syria to use kecchemical weapons. when he said that, she leaved and then publicly defended the policy and met with obama. there's a lot of spin in that one. >> politifact is adding some sound effects to the animation there too. i like that. number two here, hillary clinton, donald trump tangling over terrorism. two statements to fact check. >> san bernardino. many people saw the bombs all over the apartment of the two people that killed 14 and wounded many, many people. muslims have to report the problems when they see them. >> you can look at the
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propaganda on a lot of the terrorists sites and what donald trump says about muslims is used to recruit fighters. >> let's start there with hillary clinton's claim, avenue g , angie? >> we rated it true, that terrorists are using donald trump's words to recruit. they're focusing on his statements that muslims should perhaps be banned from the united states and the terrorists are saying, this shows the united states does not respect our accept the religion of islam. so she's correct on that. >> what about donald trump's claim about san bernardino? >> that is false. he said people saw bombs all over their apartment. there's zero evidence for that. the most we found is a neighbor of a neighbor said the terrorists got a lot of packages delivered to their apartment, and that just doesn't make any sense to turn that into people saw bombs. they didn't.
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that's false. >> donald trump said that he's also asked about this former miss universe, alicia machado. >> in the days after the first debate, you sent out a series of tweets from 3:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. including one that told people to check out a sex tape. >> no, it wasn't check out a sex tape. it was look up this person she built up to be, this wonderful girl scout. >> saying he didn't say to check out a sex tape. >> we rapted this pants on fire. donald trump talked about how he likes to use twitter. on twitter, he wrote, quote, check out sex tape. so he's saying he didn't do something he absolutely did. >> angie, thank you so much. give a raise to whoever's in your graphics and animation department. in an interview last hour, msnbc, mike pence backed up his boss and threatened to lock up hillary clinton. >> he said if he became
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president, he would appoint a special prosecutor and investigator and put her in jail. this isn't the congo. that sounds like a third world dictator. >> i don't know what the fbi was considering doing six months ago sounds like that to you or any of your viewers. i heard that six months ago, officials at the fbi wanted to appoint a special prosecutor and begin an investigation into the clinton foundation and the obama administration shut him down. >> nbc's chief legal correspondent ari melber is here. we wanted to spend time talking about this. could a president, could a united states president direct the justice department to bring charges against hillary clinton? >> no. the president cannot order a specific criminal charge and what mike pence just said there is dangerous, especially coming after donald trump's pledge at the debate. mike pence just said, 6 months ago, the fbi was looking at this. exactly. non-partisan investigators and a republican fbi director, by the
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way, completed and closed the investigation. the notion because of a new party or administration is in office, you would go back in and re-open a closed investigation to investigate or charge your political opponents and as donald trump said last night, put them in jail, is not only violative of the rule of law and potentially an impeachable offense. that was one of the most shocking parts of the debate. >> we should have had that new pants on fire animation perhaps. >> but that's a special animation on a special basis. >> thank you, ari. coming up, debate reaction from battleground north carolina.
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with voters for the latest instai installment in the up for grabs series. >> it's like a ping-pong match for who should apologize. right now, donald trump is not hitting hillary clinton for the e-mails. they've already gone through this sexual assault accusation against donald trump. who's winning at this point? >> nobody's answering any questions. i don't think either one of them is doing a very good job of debating anything. just mud slinging. kind of pointless. >> i mean, honestly, hillary clinton is probably winning because she's not. donald trump is having diarrhea of the mouth. i can't stand democrats, but donald trump is puking all over himself. >> you say this and you're a republican. >> absolutely. but it wouldn't change my vote at all. but yeah, he's just throwing up in his mouth. >> you a republican too?
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>> i'm undecided. >> are you an unaffiliated? >> i'm traditionally a democrat. >> you're undecided. >> correct. >> what do you think, here comes hillary. >> everything he said is absolutely false, but i'm not surprised. >> everything is he said is absolutely false but i'm not surprised. how do you know who to believe? >> i don't think anyone is giving us any ideas on who we should believe. i don't trust either one of them. it's difficult for me to choose a candidate. i still have no idea who i'm going to vote for and this hasn't really changed my mind at all. >> reporter: craig, young republican voters, a couple of them married to each other, one going for donald trump regardless of what he says. the other one doesn't know what to do. those are the key voters here in
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wa trks wataga county. in beautiful boone, north carolina. >> boone is a beautiful place. i'm glad you added that at the end. good to see you, friend. that's going to do it for this hour of "msnbc live." tamron hall is in the house. she joins me now. >> thank you very much, craig. good morning, everyone. i'm tamron hall coming to you live from our msnbc headquarters in new york. the question remains this morning, did donald trump's performance in last night's debate do anything to convince the 50 or so congressional republicans including all five female republican senators who abandoned him after the 2005 tape that was released? will they change course? we may get some answers soon. that's because house republicans are scheduled to begin holding a conference call at this hour. so one of the questions still this morning on msnbc, trump's running mate, governor mike
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