tv MSNBC Live MSNBC October 11, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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are off. high powered surrogates out with secretary clinton. president obama for the first time and al gore campaigning with clinton. go to north carolina's flood zone. declared a federal state of emergency as the entire towns are evacuated in the wake of hurricane matthew and waters expected to rise even more. i'm tamron hall coming to you live from our msnbc headquarters in new york. this morning, donald trump is on a twitter tirade blasting house speaker paul ryan and dozens of other republicans no longer supporting him in the wake of the 2005 tape that was released. among trump's tweets, it is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and i can now fight for america the way i want to. earlier this morning, despite winning, he says the second
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debate in a landslide, he notes, he said every poll, it's hard to do well when paul ryan and others give zero support. we do want to note that the polls he's referring to are not scientific out of sunday's debate and actually, scientific polls have shown that hillary clinton won both debates. and this morning, our new nbc news "wall street journal" poll shows hillary clinton leading double digits in a four-way race has an 11 point lead and two ways, 14 points. our poll over the weekend with the height of the controversy over that 2005 vulgar tape but amid all of this, trump remains defiant threatening new attacks on the clintons and he says he's not backing down. >> i was getting beaten up for 72 hours on all the networks for inappropriate words 12 years ago. locker room talk, whatever you want to call it. if they want to release more tapes saying inappropriate
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things, we'll continue to talk about bill and hillary clinton doing inappropriate things. >> he has an equal opportunity in salter if there was one. if he wants to talk about the last 30 years, bring it on. >> both candidates, as mentioned, in florida. secretary clinton will be getting some high powered help. al gore there described by the clinton campaign as a triple threat because of his perceived strength with millennials. third party voters and climate change voters will make an appearance with her this afternoon. president obama in north carolina tonight and bill clinton will also hold two events in florida and while donald trump is there, his running mate, mike pence, in iowa. we begin with a clinton campaign. andrea mitchell in westchester county airport just north of new york city preparing to take off with secretary clinton. what reaction have we received or have you received, andrea, from this twitter tirade that donald trump has started the day with against the clintons and again, his own party? >> reporter: well, first of all,
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they are taking a good deal of pleasure in the civil war they describe within the republican party. they were saying on the plane last night that, you know, the republican leaders including the speaker of the house are not blameless because they let donald trump get the nomination. they didn't speak out against him before. so they're not cutting any slack for ryan or any of the others who have displayed some criticism of trump after that tape was released. the "access hollywood" tape on friday. at the same time, they're going to florida and hillary clinton, today, saying on radio that it is all about florida. they believe that if they can block trump in florida, that he can't win the presidency. that's the state with the biggest ground game. he's got the governor rick scott in his corner, heading one of his super pacs and florida is, they think, of the battleground tightly fought states, their best shot for clinton, they believe better than ohio and certainly better than iowa where
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they're quite a bit behind and so they're trying to go all out in florida. they'll be on a college campus, miami-dade, trying to tell young people to register before the registration deadline expires tomorrow. it was extended by a judge one week, rather, one day. it was supposed to expire today and it's going to expire tomorrow over the objections of the governor in the camp of donald trump. a lot going on, also, because of wikileaks. this wikileaks dump of john podesta's g-mails daily now, thousands and thousands of pages exposing all the inner workings of the campaign in gross detail. it's the kind of campaign narrative we usually get years later from historians but in realtime. so far, what it's exposed is how reluctant in new hampshire she was to switch on the pipeline, the keystone pipelines and switch on climate change when bernie sanders was really challenging her and ended upbeating her resoundingly in new hampshire and all of the, you know, the interactions at
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that stage. this is going to be awkward today because climate change is their theme. they'll try to show she's standing with al gore who only reluctantly endorsed her on paper, the day before the philadelphia convention. they've been rivals in the past and are going to come out and persuade young people to vote for them, that they're authentic and they're partners and al gore saying the risk of a protest vote for one of the third party candidates is you lose the presidency to someone like donald trump, but look at what happened to me in 2000 in florida. >> that's the message today and also, more from wikileaks. donald trump referencing on the campaign trail yesterday. we have this new e-mail involving brian fallon and the closeness between the campaign and at least conversations, potentially, with doj officials or people within the doj, i should say. >> reporter: well, that's potentially a problem for sure because trump has been trying to, you know, score points on the argument that the justice
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department investigation was not from the white house, so that is another area i'm sure trump will go after him. >> i know you've got to get going. thank you very much. let's go to ali vi that lee. he said disloyal r's are far more difficult than crooked hillary. they come at you from all sides. they don't know how to win. i will teach them. he's saying republicans are far more difficult than crooked hillary. it's like he's swinging in all directions at this point. >> reporter: absolutely. well, you saw tweets earlier than that that said the shackles were now off and let's consider what the shackles on has been and let's link to the calls for having a more presidential tone, be on prompter and on message on the trail. what we've seen when he had the shackles on is feuds with gold star families like the khans and going after people like alicia
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machado and tweet to check out a sex tape that doesn't exist. those are some of the things with the shackles on and now off, i would point to more of what we've seen on the trail recently which is going after the clintons for bill clinton's infidelities and brought four women to the debate. so that's something we've seen. when you could consider that a shackles off period of time, we saw it on the trail more yesterday. today, we're going to florida, i assume we're going to hear more of that. yesterday, he was very, very hard on the clintons and when we head to florida, i think it will be more of the same. but he's also highlighting these old scabs in the republican party like people like you and i have been seeing since the uprising of the tea party in 2010. like many republicans have done, trying to gloss over this schism in theparty, he is ripping it wide open, letting everybody see there is a problem in the gop when it comes to what this base of supporters in the primary that elected donald trump by a wide margin want, which is red meat rhetoric from their nominee
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and what the establishment of the party, people like paul ryan and mccconnell, a presidential tone, focus on the issues and focus on her foreign policy record and things she's done in the past as opposed to going after her for her husband and the things that we've seen trump doing on the trail. >> let me play what john mccain said last night. he was speaking very clearly about where he stands with donald trump. let's play that. >> it's not pleasant for me to renounce the nominee of my party. he won the nomination fair and square. but this is, i have daughters. i have friends. i have so many wonderful people on my staff. they cannot be degraded and demeaned in that fashion. >> this was last night at the debate in arizona. so at this point, the question does remain, allie, what does donald trump have planned for these republicans who have now gone against him and we don't
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have that answer. even in these tweets at this point. >> reporter: well, we've seen it in the past. every time another republican has gone against him be it in the primary or general election, he's hit none. we saw suzanne martinez. he's never had a hesitation to go at it but we can assume that with the senators in precarious races of their own who are coming out against him now saying these comments don't reflect me and now i might not vote for him either. and that's notable when you consider the schism we're talking about. i mean, trump is not afraid to go at these other republicans which is very unprecedented when you look at where we are at this state in the race. >> we are 29 days. thank you very much. donald trump's running mate, mike pence, will be heading to the key state of iowa where the latest polls show trump with a slight lead.
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kelly o'donnell in indianapolis this morning traveling with governor pence. has there been any reaction from governor pence and his team about what's going down this morning? >> reporter: there has not. and on twitter, the last tweet under the name of mike pence reads quite differently, tamron. he said in the 28 days ahead, real donald trump and i will fight to revive the american dream for all our citizens. thank you, fletcher, north carolina. that's where we're on the trail with indiana governor mike pence. we're about to get on the campaign bus heading to the airport to go to ohio. very different sort of tone in the way he's packaging the message. governor pence was very critical of hillary clinton at multiple stops yesterday and termed her dishonest hillary. that's certainly softer than crooked hillary, which is what trump said about the democratic nominee and tried to wage the case for voters that clinton's conduct in public life is something that they should look at but also addressed the
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obvious issues with what was recorded in 2005 on that audio tape where donald trump made those lewd and aggressive comments about women. mike pence knew that had to be dealt with. he did it in his way. here's an excerpt of how he addressed it to voters in charlotte. >> i don't condone what was said. i spoke out against it. i believe in forgiveness and we're called to forgive as we've been forgiven and last night, my running mate showed the american people his heart, he showed humility to the american people. and then he fought back and turned the focus to the choice that we face and i'm proud to stand with donald trump. >> reporter: so mike pence is going to try to make this case that the republican ticket is on the same page trying to fight about their kind of campaign. at the same time, i can tell
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you, tamron, mike pence did not use some of the lines that have been part of speeches he's delivered since being on the ticket. he did not say this good man in reference to donald trump. did not talk about the overuse of political correctness. those things were not a part of his prepared remarks and the way he talked to voters on the trail since this happened. certainly, people revised their speeches but i think he made a very careful consideration for how he wanted to frame this in his faith and forgiveness and try to turn the corner to the final days of the campaign and to fight on those issues. that's what we see more of from mike pence today. tamron? >> kelly, thank you. clinton's lead in the polls grow, so does the chaos in the republican party. the issue is now is the control of congress and down ballot races. according to the new nbc news "wall street journal" poll, 49% want congress control by democrats. 42% said republicans should be in control. that's the largest margin on this question since the government shut down in 2013 and
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joining me, democratic congresswoman mack sexine water. thank you so much for joining us taed again. >> thank you. >> paul ryan said to defend donald trump or campaign with him, his focus is trying to retain the house. did you ever expect to be back in this situation? we talked a lot about the house, maybe influx before and now here it is again. >> well, you know, everyone has believed that we could not win back the house. nancy pelosi kept saying that she thought it was possible and we had to work hard. we are working hard. but now, we see that the trump campaign is imploding. he's attacking his own colleagues on the opposite side of the aisle there, the republicans. the attack on paul ryan is unprecedented that he would call him weak and ineffective.
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but that's trump. you know, he has shown us who he is and we've got to believe him. let him go. let him do what he wants to do. i don't think anybody can control him. >> what do you think house speaker has shown the voters and americans who, regarding his own character? he's still endorsing him. if trump has shown the public in your belief who he is, what have we learned about speaker ryan? >> i believe that speaker ryan would like to not endorse him or to take away his endorsement. i think he's in between the devil and the deep blue sea with his caucus. he's got the alt right republicans in the caucus, some are still holding on to trump, the moderates and those who just said, we can't take anymore. and he's trying to balance all of that. i kind of feel sorry for him, but the fact of the matter is he cannot say that he's december
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engae, disengaging, not going to defend him and not take away his endorsement. it just doesn't make good sense. so i don't know how he's going to end up handling this, but he's in trouble. >> and going back to some of the theme of the day. you have secretary clinton in florida with al gore. what does he bring? i know they're billing this as an outreach to millennials that he can talk climate change and see him as a triple threat in some ways to help her. what does he bring to the table in your estimation? >> he certainly does bring to the table his position that he's held for a long time before most people on climate change and the millennials know that. they know he's been on the forefront of this issue. and this is an important issue for the millennials and i think he's going to bring a lot to the campaign but it's so wonderful to see our party so together. such support for hillary clinton
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coming from the president of the united states and from vice president, former vice president gore, and presidential candidate, at one time, gore. everybody coming together with the entire democratic caucus in support of our candidate who certainly is doing well. she has conducted herself in a very honorable way. she's presidential. she's smart. she's got it. and so we just have to keep working and let donald trump show people, continuously, who he is and what he's all about and we'll keep going forward because in the final analysis, i believe in the people. i believe in the people of this country. they will know the difference and they will support hillary clinton. >> congresswoman maxine. >> today is the voter registration deadline in more than a dozen states including pennsylvania and ohio. florida's deadline was originally today but extended one day because of the
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disruption with hurricane matthew and tomorrow a federal judge will consider a delay. democrats considered the deadline pushed to next wednesday at least. and meanwhile, more on the impact of voter registration deadlines in early voting across the country. could the election be decided before november 8th? and we'll look at the state of the gop. two-thirds of republican voters say congressional candidates should back donald trump. but it's just in the last 24 hours more gop leaders have pulled their support. what it means for the party and the race for the white house. steve dais will join us and a federal state of emergency in north carolina's flood zones. heartbreaking images coming out. the number of people who lost their lives connected to the storm. the latest on the rescue efforts as well. we'll be right back. >> there's a few things that can be saved, and cleaned. but just about everything's gone. this is humira.
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with donald trump in the midst of a tweetstorm against paul ryan and the gop, the republican party is divided four weeks before election day. steve king of iowa said this morning that his colleagues' choice not to support trump will drag down the republican ticket. john mccain we showed you last night said he cannot support trump and will likely write in senator lindsey graham's name election day. the new nbc news "wall street journal" shows two-thirds of republican voters believe republican congressional candidates should stand by trump. joining me now, conservative radio host steve dais. let me start with you because you have had great analysis on donald trump from the beginning. robert costa of the "washington post" is now saying this.
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trump is at trump tower per a person close to him. watching tv, tweeting with bannon and others who encourage his anti-establishment sentiment. you drop your head. >> this is a man running for president of the united states. my teenage daughter is fond of saying, tamron, i can't even. i just can't even. i knew we would get to this point. it's worse than i feared and that's why i've been saying since may 3rd this election was over. we've been talking about what the political body count will be. the column, the day he became the presumptive nominee, this is over. and now what you're dealing with is the two-stage process, the next 28 days. the next 28 days, the left is going to try and brand and i would too if i were them, try to brand every conservative as
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donald trump. to say, see, these are really the racist, misogynist c xenophobes. i don't want to be the one person who is arguing for donald trump at the thanksgiving gathering. and that's a catastrophic level loss and quite possible they could look at something even worse than 2008 and it is almost all their own fault. paul ryan presided over the convention that could have stopped donald trump from bringing us to this point, but him and his fellow wisconsinite said, may have another and assumed the position for donald trump. the scriptures say when you sew the wind, you reap the world. >> they were going with the will of the people. he received more votes than any of the 17 others who ran against
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him. >> except we live in a republic, not a democracy. and we allocate based on voting share. so yes, he got a majority of the delegates but also delegates at the convention who had every opportunity by the rules of the party to affirm this and make sure this was the candidate they wanted and reince priebus and paul ryan who presided over that convention decided, we're not going to allow that to happen and shouted down mike lee and ken kuchinelli who wanted an open hearing. do we understand the road we're going down? they made this bet, so now we have to sleep in it. >> we have to acknowledge, it seems to be, there is a divide between the people who continue to support donald trump and the leadership who want to turn their backs. they are worried that donald trump supporters won't forget these tweets where he makes it appear that these disloyal republicans are worse than
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hillary clinton. you've now had this evangelical op-ed the author of "christianity today." trump has been an idol ter of this sort an unrepentant one. should have been clear short, the very embodiment of what the bible calls a fool. that's one evangelical group turning on him. how does speaker ryan handle this at this point? >> speaker ryan is trying to balance three different interests in the palms of his hands right now. he has to worry about his own future, does he want to run for president? does he want to be an effective leader of the house of representatives for the next couple of years? so he's got that one one hand. the republican party in another hand, which is divided. there's no acquisitiquestion. it's brought the divisions to the forefront because, sure, this is a republic, but 20%, 30% at least of the republican are
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die hard trump supporters. they want this man to be president and on top that, paul ryan has to balance something a lot of other republicans don't have to worry about, the actual house of representatives and all of those members which includes more moderate republicans who don't want to see trump elected. they may not say it publicly but they don't want to see it privately. they'll admit it. and also, the die hard republicans as 30%. they're members of the house of representatives as well who do want to see trump elected because he did win overwhelmingly in the republican dominant districts. paul ryan is balancing so many interests right now and it's no wonder he keeps waltzing back and forth. ly campaiwill i campaign for hi? not? it's no wonder he's stuck in the middle of these things. >> let's play what donald trump said in one of the rallies going back to, your point, steve, that we even heard at the convention in cleveland. let's play it. >> crooked hillary clinton, oh,
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she's crooked, folks. she's crooked as a $3 bill. okay. here's one. just came out, lock her up is right. >> i'm highlighting the end. the crowd chanted "lock her up." he said, don't go that route at the convention and this time, he's embracing it. how afraid of where this could go are you hearing republicans are with, going back to the tweet where he's saying, the shackles are off. >> so i think there's a class of republican leadership that is very afraid of that idea. many people wrote after the debate when he was talking about appointing this is more along the lines of a dictatorship than the democracy we live in. there's certainly that segment of kind of the republican elite that's extremely worried about his continued use of that laj w language. he might think beyond november
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8th. if he believes he's galvanized, he would follow november 8th and beyond, the crowd you hear cheering and screaming lock her up at the rallies, those are the people behind that movement that could propel him to his next act, his next reality tv show, for goodness sakes. >> joe scarborough believes there's still a chance for donald trump, potentially, to pull this out. that you have, so many people still looking for the next wikileaks. whether the supporters believe that these are doctored e-mails or not but this could still hover over hillary clinton. you laugh. in your mind, this is done. >> i just kind of laughed at the mention of joe scarborough since he turned his show into a trump superpac. my counterpart on the panel is correct. what is going on now is he's had access to the republican party for 6 months, every right of center consumer in americans,
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all their information. this is about starting the next alt right platform in an attempt to disintegrate fox news. this is not a strategy for victory but marketing. >> i'm sure joe scarborough will respond in his own time to what you just said but we'll have much more. >> i look forward to it. >> thank you very much. next up, we'll go to the aftermath of hurricane matthew and the destructive floods in north carolina. this is new drone footage. it's an idea of how devastating the flooding situation is here. have the latest on the people there and trying to piece it back together. we'll be right back. i use what's already inside me to reach my goals. so i liked when my doctor told me i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating what's within me... with once-weekly trulicity. trulicity is not insulin. it helps activate my body to do what it's supposed to do...
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not over. you can see these unbelievable pictures from the state. the governor warning that extremely dangerous conditions will last until friday. msnbc's mariana atencio is live. they're bringing in supplies. the water you're standing in there. >> reporter: that's right, tamron. and just think of this. i am 70 miles inland. one thinks of a hurricane as a coastal event. the rains were so, so much and the rivers flooded to a point that this is the situation people find themselves in here in lumberton. just behind me, there's a neighborhood called mayfair. about 30 or 40 people are stranded there with no water and no power. and the only way in and out is with boats. we've seen neighbors helping neighbors, taking supplies in there all morning today. even evacuating since sunday. residents that needed medical help. there's 1500 people stranded in
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north carolina right now and here is some irony for you, tamron. we met a woman today who actually evacuated from north florida and thought north carolina would be a safe haven. she's here now. this is tina. tina, you thought you were going to be safe here. we are 70 miles inland and what happened? >> we got evacuated from jacksonville near the mayport area on wednesday. my son is stationed at ft. bragg so i figured we would go to ft. bragg because the storm wasn't headed there. so we got to ft. bragg on wednesday. stayed wednesday, thursday, friday. friday night, the storm hit there. we woke up on saturday morning, the storm had, you know, ceded and we continued to 95 south to lumberton. the waters have risen so high that 95 is under water. no way around town. >> reporter: she's spending so much money getting help from her family and friends. this is a waiting game because
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people don't know here if the waters will keep rising and people, in fact, lose everything. >> thank you so much. the devastation of hurricane matthew is still being felt in haiti after striking the island a week ago. authorities there fear a surge of cases as the number of deaths climbs past 1,000. that's according to reuters. u.s. military did deliver food after the united nations said 70% of the crops were destroyed in the country and the haitian government said over 1.5 million people were impacted by the storm. a u.n. employee station in haiti said, it seems to me like a nuclear bomb went off on the island. next up, how deep is this republican divide? our daily briefing is up next on the rift that's taking on a new level this morning with donald trump going after speaker ryan and republicans. he says have been disloyal. and the galaxy note 7. there are new reports even the replacement phones are catching fire in homes and on planes.
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even the most perceptive noses won't notice the trash. be happy. it's glad. we are back with our daily briefing on politics and a closer look at this new nbc news "wall street journal" poll. today's first points out the numbers, demonstrates the dicey situation. up and down the ballot. with just four weeks until election day. even andrea mitchell notes the clinton campaign excited about but they're not resting. >> reporter: tamron, one of the big numbers in here that's amazing for republicans and explains why you saw in the last 48 hours sort of this tortured response from republicans who wanted to walk away from trump or were conflicted about whether to unendorse him and that number is 67% of republican likely voters say they don't think that down ballot republican candidates should disavow donald
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trump. only a combined 23% say that the folks who are either senator in their state or congressmen up for reelection should walk away from the republican nominee. at the same time that donald trump is seeing his poll numbers fall particularly with suburban women, with some of the really important swing voters, independents, at the same time, republican voters are saying to the people who represent them in congress, we like you to stand by their man. that's a reason republicans are conflicted on what to do. donald trump can't win if a quarter of his voters want to walk away from him but at the same time, if you're a senator or a congressman up for reelection in a swing district, you can't afford to upset the donald trump loyalists upset and annoyed for what they see as leaving their nominee behind. >> there's also an analysis and people wondering, can the republican voters, are they
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salve any enouvvy enough to sep trump from the congressman or the senator we want to support here? are they willing to split it? >> reporter: precisely and conflicts in the data, for example, if you ask people who you want in control of congress, democrats have a big advantage right now. 7 points. that is a lot bigger than it has been over the last couple years. the last time was in 2013 during the federal shutdown. that's a number also alarming to congressional republicans who perhaps think they have a disadvantage when it comes to the down ballot number. but clearly, this is a place where voters are upset with washington, they're upset with what they perceive as elites. donald trump has spoken to the voters. at the same time, especially for those swing folks whether they're independent suburban women, the same groups we keep talking about over and over again. the release of that videotape with donald trump speaking about
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women in the way he did was enough to turn to some of the voters and say, i can't pull the lever for donald trump. >> interesting numbers. we'll see you more. as the polling continues, now after the debate on sunday. and billionaire warren buffett has called donald trump's bluff. during sunday's debate, accused him of not paying taxes but buffet has shut him down providing proof. we'll have the details and why trump, of course, has not released his returns and doesn't plan to. if you own a samsung galaxy 7, the strong warning. latest on the global smartphone recall under effect. what is succes it a professor who never stops being a udent? ist a caregiver determined to take care of her own? or is it a lifetime of work that blazes the path to your passions? your personal success takes a financial partner who values it asuch as you do.
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the chances of being struck by lightning... [thunder] [coughs] 1 in 750,000. [ding] woman on p.a.: please fasten your seatbelts for unexpected turbulence. announcer: the chances of being a victim in an airline crash, 1 in 29 million. hey could i get some peanuts? the chances of bng involved in a car crash are far greater than lightning rikes and plane crashes. and if you are texting while driving, your risk of crash increases 23 times. but i don have to be part of that stattic, and neither do you. drive sponsiy. my insurance rates are but dad, you've got... with accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates won't go up ju because of an accident. smart kid.
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of the rule trump may have used to avoid paying taxes for years and also released some of the tax data from 2015 claiming he paid more than $1.5 million in federal income tax. with me now, josh, editor of business insider. msnbc contributor, josh, warren buffett is enjoying this. >> he is. so the best thing in this statement is trump is saying, i used this provision called a net operating loss carry forward. everybody does this. warren buffett does things like this. this is you get to lose if you lose money. you lost money, you apply it against income you had another year. buffet said, i make money every year, so i never had a carry forward unlike his business who imploded at least once why he got the enormous loss. >> trump and surrogates said if hillary clinton had a problem, they should have made change. his tax proposal does not change this loophole or benefit he's taken. >> the other thing is we don't know exactly how donald trump
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managed to run up the $916 million loss but there was a loophole that allowed people to take deductions on their taxes for losses they didn't actually bear. donald trump, his businesses exploded and really, it was banks and other lenders who lost money. he may have been able through the loophole to take credit for the losses, although he lost it himself, offset it against other income and hillary clinton did vote to close the loophole. that's something she brought up in the debate. it's possible hillary clinton has done something about the tax provisions that donald trump used. >> we don't know because we don't see the taxes or how he lost the money. >> we've only seen three pages. i don't know how the loss was run up. >> it was clear at 29 days, donald trump does not plan to release his tax information. will we see a change in how the parties or what the parties require from candidates? >> i think that's going to be interesting because this is a norm that goes back to the 1970s. candidates release the tax returns even though it's not required by law. donald trump, i think, has shown
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that you don't necessarily get penalized or not releasing taxes. i think he's going toos not because he withheld tax information but that said, i think candidates in the future, if they hold back taxes, they'll say, you're shady like him and the other thing, if they're looking for a way to stop donald trump from running again, they could impoese a rule to participate in the primary. that might discourage him from running and hold up the norm so other candidates in the future do release their taxes. >> the impacts this election will have further on. i don't know. thank you very much. we greatly appreciate you joining us. samsung galaxy note 7. if you own one, a very strong warning about the dangers now. they're saying that you need to shut it off and return it. we'll have the latest. is that ice-t? nope, it's lemonade. lemonade.ce-t? ice-t? what's with these people, man? lemonade, read the sign.
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ok.onade. read it. delicious. e-t atat lemonade stand? surprising. what's not surprising? how much money marin sed by switching toeico. yo, ice- it's lemonade, man! fifteeminutes could save you fifteen percent or more. that i would never le beco superhero.eam. [singing indistinctly] bui learned how to fly. just to come back in a new disguise, and be the hero i've always wanted to be. will your business be rey when growth presents itself? or fill a big order
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negotiations are under way on design patent sz for the first time in 130 years. the court will decide how much samsung should pay apple for copying the distinctive design features two lower courts already ruling in apple's favor. samsung was ordered to pay half a billion last december. it is arguing it should not have to pay the entire amount. the decision expected by next june. more news involving samsung this morning. the company is discontinuing the galaxy note 7 smartphone worldwide after the device and the replacement was involved in more than 100 fires. samsung and u.s. officials say anyone who owns the phone should stop using it and turn it in immediately. tom costello has more. obviously people are wondering if this replacement phone is an issue. why can't samsung get it right? >> that's the billion dollar question, i think. this is really hurting samsung in a big way. it means all major cell phone providers, verizon, at&t,
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sprint, t-mobile no longer are selling the note 7. even the replacement note 7 can explode and catch fire. we had half a dozen cases in just the past week. the message this morning to anyone who owns a galaxy note 7, even a new replacement phone -- don't use it. samsung and the consumer products safety commission telling customers to power them down and return them. the problem? the new replacement note 7s are also catching fire. no word why. it happened on board this southwest airlines plane in louisville last week. brian green said his phone suddenly got hot and started smoking. >> it was electronic smoke. the brown, green-gray ugly stuff. it was thick coming out of the device. >> reporter: in minnesota abby said it happened to her, burning her thumb. >> it burned like you were being burned from, like, hot metal or something. >> you could see the outer box bubbling, expanding off the phone. you could see it was blackening.
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>> reporter: in houston, daniel frank said his replacement phone also caught fire in a restaurant. >> i set it down and it started spewing out smoke. it started leaking from all the battery, the volume, buttons, power buttons and the charger. it was trying to escape the confines of the phone. >> reporter: in kentucky, michael collarings said he and his wife awoke at 4:00 a.m. to find their bedroom engulfed in smoke, the replacement note 7 on fire. >> the phone was just spewing smoke, flames coming out. smelled awful like chemicals. >> reporter: he said he went to the e.r. with breathing problems. in a statement, samsung said consumer safety remains our top priority. all note 7 customers should power down and take advantage of the remedies available, including a refund at their place of purchase. >> carriers will take the phones back and replace them with a different type of phone or give you your money back. we say take it in, don't take the risk.
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>> reporter: roughly a million of the original note 7s were under recall in the u.s. samsung has not said how many of those were returned or how many replacement note 7s are out there. but the bottom line is regardless of whether it is a new one or a replacement, turn it back in. tamron, i was asking yesterday the consumer product safety commission and consumer reports, are there any other models or makes of phones they are aware of that have been involved in these spontaneous types of fires anywhere? is there a pattern? they say we see no evidence of any other make or model involved in a pattern of fires like we see with this phone. >> this is bizarre. thank you very much, tom. we'll see what samsung does next for customers. we'll be right back. yep.
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fofourears. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. twboyfriends, three jobs. you're like nothing can replace brad. then liberty mutual calls... and you break into your happy dance. we'll pay foa car that's model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old e. libertstands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. thank you so much for watching this hour. i'm tamron hall. we'll be right back tomorrow. right now peter alexander filling in for andrea mitchell. >> tamron, thank you very much. right now on "andrea mitchell reports," unleashed. just four weeks out for election
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day donald trump says the shackles are off. sparing no one in a no barrage of attacks, firing up the base with the rarest of red meat. >> lock her up is right. [ cheers ] >> i have never been so ashamed of this country as what's gone on with hillary clinton. >> we have to make sure this election is not stolen from us and is not taken away from us. >> republican revolt. today trump engaging in a war with paul ryan as the divided party reaches a breaking point. >> when mr. trump attacks women and demeans the women in our nation and in our society, that's a point where i just have to part company. i might write in lindsey graham. he's a good friend of mine.
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a lot of people like him. >> doomsday scenario. hillary clinton painting the final weeks of the election in sobering terms telling the "new york times" i'm the last thing standing between you and the apocalypse. today she's in florida with an unlikely ally trying to capitalize on her rival's october stumbles. >> on the day that i was in the situation room watching the raid that brought osama bin laden to justice, he was hosting "celebrity apprentice." so if he wants to talk about what we have been doing the last 30 years, bring it on. good day. i'm peter alexander in today for my friend andrea mitchell. donald trump is proving to be an
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