tv MSNBC Live MSNBC October 12, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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trump is set to speak a few miles southeast of here in ocala. he's here in a state he has to win if he has a chance to take the white house. we are listening, monitoring the rally live now to see if he starts hitting his fellow republicans as he did in an interview last night or if he avoids antagonizing them during the rally in panama city. also with early voting under way we are expecting new poll numbers any minute. the numbers, a breakdown of which party is lining up early to register their vote for 2016. first, two reports now on trump's big divisive push to the finish line. i want to start with jacob rascon. kelly o'donnell is in virginia with mike pence. we hear one message on twitter from donald trump. one message on fox news and a different message at the rally. what's the strategy when it comes to trump taking aim at the rest of the party?
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>> the strategy seems to be go after hillary clinton relentlessly. that's what he did in the debate, in the rally. that's what we expect today. he's gone after him in a couple of ads since yesterday. when he does an interview with fox news like last night he viciously attacks and goes after paul ryan, john mccain and others. he will say, of course, he didn't start this. he just has to hit back. when he feels slighted and says somebody has gone after him he has to go back at them and has to go back harder. when we talked to his supporters they disagree on whether that's a winning strategy. they say it's fun. we love him as the counterpuncher but disagree on whether it will get him the votes he needs from undecided voters and suburban women. even when asked about his strategy to get suburban women, trump says i just am going to continue what i'm doing in attacking clinton.
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even bill o'reilly disagreeing that it was the right way to go. >> hang on for a second. i want to bring in kelly where donald trump's running mate mike pence spoke at christian college liberty university. you were in the room. what was the reception? how did folks react to pence's comments today? >> reporter: well, i think there were different moments where it was warm, energetic response to mike pence talking about issues that resonate in a university like this and with students. when he talked about opposition to abortion and he and donald trump would carry the message to the white house in contrast to the platform of hillary clinton, that got a standing ovation. when he talked about military issues, standing ovation. there was some uncomfortable tension when he, yet again, had to explain and defend and try to interpret donald trump in his comments about women that have been so widely talked about,
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aggressive, lewd, vulgar comments. that's something students here, staffers here, people who were a part of the presentation today really did express to us in talking with them. they are troubled by that. mike pence again tried to use language that connected with a christian student body. that's forgiveness, looking for donald trump to be humble about this. there is still a hard sell for some. what we are hearing from students here is a frustration about them if they are republicans and conservatives. hillary clinton is not their choice. they struggle with the moral character. mike pence is personally warmly received. he told his personal story about becoming christian. that's something people could relate to. i heard a student say he could support trump because mike pence would be at his side. that's an unusual calculation in electoral politics.
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we don't find normally that's how voters make their selection. mike pence in a place like virginia brings reassurance and maybe stability to voters who are struggling with their choice. >> we have a small box on the screen that shows a live shot of donald trump's rally in florida. we are waiting for them to take the stage. i want to ask you. mike pence is in an awkward position as buddies with paul ryan. he's got to defend his running mate. you know, as donald trump goes after the house speaker. how mentally and emotionally is pence dealing with being in that difficult spot? >> i think it's been a challenge. he called it disappointing. when i spoke with him he's frustrated by it. asking republican leaders to stand by their nominee to join millions of american voters who put donald trump on the top of the ticket. not an easy thing to do. he raised a new issue in going after hillary clinton on the
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wikileaks related e-mails hacked from john podesta and this related to catholocism and of course here at a christian university, matters of religious freedom were important. he called on hillary clinton to apologize for some of the e-mails that were interpreted as being critical of the catholic faith in terms of people of faith choosing to be republicans or conservatives. kind of language that was off-putting to mike pence. they raised it at this issue where they thought it could get traction. >> as you were talking there, i got an e-mail that they will be holding a conference call involving kellyanne conway, newt gingrich and others in about 50 minutes going after hillary clinton's camp on exactly that topic. this leaked wikileaks e-mail they say shows bias against catholics. this is something we have seen mike pence hit it. rudy giuliani hit it at the
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rally donald trump is at now. he took the stage. we are watching it live on screen. i want a sense if jacob is with us the reaction from supporters. they were fired up. do we expect trump to again throw red meat to folks in the battleground? >> they disagree. a lot of them are happy that trump is exciting the base and going after hillary clinton and going after the republican establishment. but there are some who do believe that's not a winning strategy. they understand, they say, that he has to get undecided voters if he wants to win. they think it's okay that he does it right now for a day. they hope he'll have a flawless 30 days. we talked to a couple of people. here's what they said. >> they bailed out on the republican party.
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they deserve to be gone after. >> i think it's a winning strategy. it's all over the republican party as a whole. >> establishment. >> if you could give him advice what would you tell him not to do. >> to be asleep at 3:00 a.m. and not on twitter. >> you heard somebody there talk about the future of the republican party. that's a hot topic. people will tell me if trump doesn't win they don't recognize the republican party. it's something totally different. >> jacob, thanks so much. we'll take a quick listen to donald trump's remarks where you are. >> the highest level in 45 years. you don't hear that from the press. we are going to cut taxes big league, crooked hillary is going to raise taxes. we are going to cut taxes and regulations. we are going to reduce the cost of education. by the way, we are going to end
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common core and we are bringing our education local. we are going to lift the restrictions on american energy and deliver real change for our great american people. it's time. when it comes to international government, thomas sieve trade deals and america's borders, we are going to defend the freedom and sovereignty of the united states of america like never before. and we are going to once again put america first. [ crowd chanting "usa" ]
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>> the deadline for voter -- who's not registered? is there anybody in here not registered? if you're not registered get the hell out of here. okay? this is a nice-looking young guy. hey, listen. leave right now and go register. they just extended it for a little while. right after. raise your right hand. do you promise you're going to register after this? if you like what i say, okay? if you like what i say. seriously. i'm curious. who is not registered in this room? okay. all young people. believe me. the young people like me better than bernie. i'm telling you. because when you graduate from college you will come out and have a vast array of jobs. okay? right?
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so go out and register. we're going to have an awfully big -- i tell you what. honestly. we're going to have a big four years, eight years, a great future for our country. also you could request an absentee ballot and vote by mail if necessary. register, request a ballot. thank you. i love you, too. the hillary clinton documents. have you been seeing what's going on? released by wikileaks make more clear than ever just how much is at stake in november and how unattractive and dishonest our country has become. the election of hillary clinton would lead, in my opinion, to
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the almost total destruction of our country as we know it. she would be the most dishonest and the most corrupt person ever elected to high office. i don't think it would be close. the wikileaks e-mails showed the department of justice fed information -- did you see this? to the clinton campaign. think of this. the department of justice. you remember that deal. >> that's donald trump speaking. in battleground, florida. he's in ocala, three hours or so southeast of where we are. you heard him with the plea to get out there and vote. the voter registration deadline now extended. donald trump practically begging folks to do it if they are not already registered. i want more on this developing news. pete, what can you tell us? what you did it go down? why was this extended? it had to do with the hurricane.
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>> that's the reason. the fact is the florida democrats and the league of women voters both said please extend the deadline. the judge extended it by 24 hours. the deadline was tuesday. you had to register to vote by tuesday, yesterday. the judge ordered that extended to today. then this morning he had a hearing in his courtroom. after holding the hearing he decided to grant the desire of the democrats and the league of women voters to extend a week. now it is october 18. this is mark walker, federal district judge. he said in the written order, no right is more precious than having a voice in our democracy. hopefully it's not lost on anyone that the right to have a voice is why this great country exists in the first place. the folks that asked for this extension said more than a million people had been disrupted. they were forced to evacuate
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because of the hurricane. they lost the time they might have to try to register and the judge said he thought it was right and he issued the order. the state hasn't filed opposition to this. at the hearing today, lawyers for the state merely acknowledged they were there. they didn't speak against this. they could appeal this. we asked state officials if they intend to appeal. we haven't gotten a response yet. the fact they haven't opposed it until now would weaken a case on appeal. it's late. some courts think to say we didn't object, but now we do. we don't know if they will. >> pete williams, thanks so much. just a note later this hour. we'll talk about new numbers out from nbc on this exact topic. voter registration. reporting that more than 500,000 votes have been cast so far in the 2016 presidential election. that's coming up. nicole is a republican
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strategist joining us now. we heard donald trump talking about voter registration, trying to get out the vote. is that enough for him just to rally the people who already support him? he's got the floor of 40%. how does he expand the base? it won't get him over the finish line in november. >> that's why he's worried. he's asking people in the crowd if you haven't registered, go do it. that's a personal plea. this is a strange election. i used to work for rudy giuliani who i adore. you have trump and his brand. you have the gop and their brand which they are still trying to figure out exactly what that is. this couldn't be a worse predicament for the gop to get. with the new poll numbers you have to look and see what exactly is going on because right now hillary clinton has the lead. a lot of people that were -- say
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bernie sanders, passionate bernie sanders people. they may look at this and go, yeah, you know. she's got a lead. i'm not going to get out and bother with traffic or weather or whatever and volte. passionate voters are leaning towards the trump base. that's one thing that i think will be in favor for donald trump with high poll numbers for hillary clinton. >> you talk about your toloyalt to rudy giuliani. we heard him moments ago talk about hillary clinton saying she doesn't belong to, quote, the very, very tight group of never forget references september 11, her presence, her memories of the day. is that a fair comment for rudy giuliani to make about hillary clinton who of course was a new york state senator? >> well, you have to remember rudy giuliani's role in 9/11.
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looking back on this, you've got to remember it was a mayoral race. rudy giuliani was out. he rallied, got the city together in the middle of that. it was a difficult time for the city. if anybody is going to make an accusation or comment like that rudy giuliani is probably the only person that could say anything like that. given his position during 9/11. >> i want to talk about this battle with paul ryan that donald trump is embarking on. does it bother you when trump tweets about the need to be loyal to him? it seems he wants conservatives bound to him more than the set of ideas that traditionally brings conservatives together. do you get that sense? >> oh, gosh. yeah. you know, one of the things when i talk to people about this ryan debacle and the gop debacle i
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just say, look, whatever you think of trump, look right through trump and look at the republican party platform. if he's going to uphold the republican party platform and the ideas and the values that we have on the republican side just vote. it was almost like what ex-speaker boehner said. he wasn't my first choice, wasn't my second. he wasn't even my third choice, but i'm going to vote for him. he represents the republican party. >> republican strategist, thank you very much for being here. coming up, we have more on donald trump unshackled. he's life now in florida. we are monitoring his rally to see if he makes any news. if he does we'll cut in and bring it to you. he's attacking hillary clinton in a sharper, more personal way. he's attacking his own party, too. coming up, how trump's all out war with the gop is being orchestrated by his campaign ceo
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who used to run brightbart news network. we'll talk to folks digging in on this in a bit. first our microsoft pulse question. according to usa today, 26% of gop governors and members of congress refuse to back trump with big donors demanding refunds. can trump still win the white house? let us know. is it a professor who never stops being a student? it a caregiver determined to take care of her own? or is it a lifetime of work that blazes the path to your passions? your personal success takes a financial partner who values it as much as you do. learn more at [baby talk]
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panama city last night. day two now. the republican nominee hitting the trail in battleground florida. he's expected to hold another rally. another in lakeland florida which is where we find katy tur headed there now on the phone with us. the latest polling shows clinton edging out trump. he's out with a new ad now hitting hillary clinton to make up the difference in battlegrounds. i want to play you a little bit of it here. >> from dead broke to worth hundreds of millions. how did hillary end up filthy rich? pay to play politics. staggering amounts of cash poured into the clinton foundation from criminals, dictators, countries that hate america. hillary cut deals for donors, sold out american workers, exploited haitians in need. >> is this part of trump's new unshackled strategy? is this what we'll see for four weeks? >> it is part of the unshackled strategy. going after clinton is something
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we have seen since he won the convention. not out for the voters. that's not a surprise. the unshackled version of donald trump. there is more he's fighting with the republican party. i know you have been talking about this with the panel and with jacob earlier. he's trying to distance himself that they aren't supporting him. trying to rally the base around him. essentially driving a wedge between himself and the republican party. he's in florida, as you mentioned. the second rally in lakeland, florida. this is an important state. the state that in order for trump to win he needs to take. just a few points as mentioned. that's a close race and the donald trump campaign is hoping to eke it out. if you are talking about ground game and florida has been
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important to winning. the democrats still edge out republicans in terms of the staffers on the ground. at the end of august it was five times as many staffers. now it's better for the rnc adding full-time staff but the clinton campaign is edging them out 2-1. trump is relying almost entirely on the rnc for ground game. the rnc will tell you that's a good thing. they have been on the ground for years now since 2013. building up voter roles. building up enthusiasm among the republican base. he's unusual. he's doing things differently. he hopes the rallies he has, the large scale rallies get a ton of national attention, especially when he says things that aren't traditional for a politician gain him enough attention and enthusiasm to make sure his base comes out to vote. ultimately they are trying to find a way to make every trump
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enthusiast go to the polls and supress every potential clinton voter who isn't sure hoping that his enthusiasm will beat out hers. >> thanks so much. i want to talk about the war that's broken out between donald trump and paul ryan. a lot of it fuelled by steve ban non, now the ceo of the trump campaign. hill has the exclusive story with internal brightbart e-mails where bannon said he wanted to destroy the house speaker. joined now by jonathan swan, reporter for the hill. hi, jonathan. >> it is no surprise to folks who follow it that steve wasn't a fan and has not been a fan of speaker ryan. how did it develop? what's his influence now within the trump campaign? >> his influence is extraordinary. my sources say he's in some ways the most powerful person in the
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campaign. he has trump's ear. he's in the room with trump when big decisions are made. as far as brightbart, you're right. it's clear for anyone who follows coverage they were fans of paul ryan. steve bannon gives directions to the staff that he wanted paul ryan out of a job by spring. this was only a few weeks after he was elected speaker. >> what do you think? the strategy for donald trump of going around the republican establishment. is that going to work for him? >> well, will it work? the polls are obviously what the polls are. he's double digits behind. but if people think donald trump will back off paul i don't think they are aware of who he's listening to. steve bannon used to say paul ryan is the enemy.
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literally. paul ryan is the enemy. steve thinks he's part of a conspiracy of the global elite with people like paul singer and george sorros, as someone who needs to be destroyed. now he sees trump as an instrument that can now destroy the republican leadership, basically burn down the show. who knows if this will work. we don't have any templates to compare it to. we'll see. >> as you report this out, when you look at the influence of steve bannon, how he wants to go after paul ryan today for example you have kellyanne conway on the phone with members of congress. how do you split the difference? is there internal tension on the campaign? >> kellyanne is always more cautious than steve. there are issues they align on. conway is very into the bill clinton sex accusations. she really likes that line of attack.
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steve bannon does, too. he orchestrated paula jones and others to turn up to the debate. on some issues in terms of thermo nuclear war against the republican party kellyanne is more cautious than steve bannon. there are tensions along those lines. >> we are out on the campaign trail all the time. you hear a wide range of reaction to this from supporters. i want to play some now and then talk about it. listen. >> probably rise up. take it as it is. if you're in the south. we are all second amendment pros. we want our country back, like he just said. >> how much of this we hear from some supporters, the idea of a political revolution if trump loses, how much is that coming through channelled through trump? >> i think it's trump. i don't think bannon is a puppet master.
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i think trump -- >> trump is trump. >> i spoke to a source close to bannon yesterday who said don't be mistaken. trump is steering this. bannon is egging him on. i think he understands where those points are that you can really exercise the grassroots. trump is just pressing those points now. >> thanks for being with us. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> much more to come as we are live at the panama city marina 20 days from the election. can you believe it? today kicks off early voting in the key state of ohio. up next we head to the buckeye state battleground for a check on how many ohio yans areo out casting ballots. we decided to come out today. producer not on the water today. maybe i'll get out there. we'll see. ♪ audi pilotless vehicles have conquered highways, mountains, and racetracks.
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we are back here in florida where donald trump is expected to speak at a rally in lakeland about 90 minutes from now. we told you about theed in that half a million people already voted nationwide and more than 330,000 early votes have been cast. this is according to a brand new analysis just out this hour from nbc news. listen, in all but two of the battlegrounds, georgia and florida, democrats lead in casting early ballots. in 2012, 12 million voters, a third of the electorate voted early either in person or by absentee ballots in those states. in the swing state of ohio, early voting started this morning. voters lined up overnight to get a chance to cast their ballots there. in 2012, a third of people in ohio did vote early, delivering president obama's second victory in that state. cuyahoga county crucial to the victory. hillary clinton hoping early voting will hand her the
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election before november 8. that's a lot of information we are throwing at you there. it's all key because this is why it matters. this is why early voting matters and why chris jansing is in ohio for the latest in the battleground america series. hi, chris. >> how you doing, hallie? this is the nerve center. they call it the wall of ballots. they have been using them today. what's interesting in talking to voters, they feel they sense opportunity. this is, indeed, democratic country, hillary clinton country where she's been working hard. our staff is running up the vote here. we have seen these crowds all day long. they have had 750 people vote. the head of the operation tells us more than he thought they would. the reason this is important is because early voting made a difference to barack obama. as you know, hillary clinton has been under performing with the african-american vote. that's why we brought to you the
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head of the naacp michael lewis. what's your focus? >> we want to ramp up the numbers, make sure people get to the polls. increase the number of people who vote. we have a strong get out the vote program to do that. >> you have had resistance in the past. i know there are 200 underperforming precincts in cuyahoga county. how do you convince people this is the time they have to come out when they haven't done it before. >> you have to make sure people know voting is in their best self-interest. you can't leave decisions that will impact you up to others. especially when you had a possibility, an opportunity to make a difference. we want to connect voting with individual self-interest. people get to vote on the people who will make the decisions. the president has tremendous power. he's the leader of the free world which includes programs
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and even the most minor programs that impact housing, health. we have to make sure people are connected to those projects. >> michael nelson, thank you very much from the naacp. we should say this is much of the epicenter of where the clinton campaign focused so many efforts. they had early voting events in 53 counties in ohio. as you know, it was only a few weeks ago. momentum is on their side for a new battleground pole of ohio coming up. >> we'll look into that. here in florida, a democratic operative in the state was texting me, predicting that it's democrats who will win the in-person voting. probably predicting it 60% of the early voting here will be in by election day. we'll see. hillary clinton getting slammed by donald trump and other republicans after another
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wikileaks dump sent thousands of hacked e-mails out to the public between her and top advisers. her campaign pointing the finger at russia. we'll talk about questions of possible misconduct coming up. first a look at the microsoft pulse question results. look at the pulse question. according to usa today 26% of gop governors and members of congress refuse to back trump with big donors demanding refunds. 93% of you think that means trump cannot win the white house. 7% of you think he can. what do you think? get at me on twitter. snap at me, too. we are here in panama city. we want your responses to this. we have a lot more ahead. stick around live from beautiful florida panhandle territory. when i was a little kid, i made a deal with myself that i would never grow up. we met when we were very young... i was 17, he was 18. we made the movie the book of life. we started doing animation. with the surface book, you can do all this stuff.
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out in two key battlegrounds today. a voter registration event in pueblo, colorado, a few hours from now. you can see it there. later on tonight she's headed to vegas for a rally there. this westward swing comes as wikileaks publishes more hacked e-mails from clinton campaign chairman john podesta. i want to go to jonathan allen of hrc, state secrets and the rebirth of hillary clinton. thanks for being with us today. >> thanks for having me. hope you're holding down the fort there in scarborough country. >> i was told it was mika country today. this is day four of the wikileaks release. this is a story that the republican conservative wing believes that we should -- the media should be talking about. believes it's a big headline. presumably the worst of the e-mails have come out already. how damaging is it for the clinton campaign? >> it's more embarrassing than damaging partly because of what you mentioned. it's not getting a ton of attention or air time.
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basically because donald trump and the republican party are imploding now. that's a bigger story than any of the stories about john podesta's e-mails. i'm not sure how much most voters care about what the campaign manager said. the speeches were sort of a big issue. they got lost in the last debate, lost in the trump bus reporting. it's more embarrassing than damaging now. >> when you look at the e-mails, what do they tell you overall? one thing that seemed striking is sort of the level of detail, focus grouping, workshopping that went into a lot of what hillary clinton said publically. clearly it was intentional. from the campaign. it doesn't seem like it's changed. >> it tells you what everyone knows or assumes about campaigns. very rarely get an open look at. everything that comes out of the candidate's mouth or almost everything is something talked
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about, turned over, polled, processed. and certainly something that's done carefully. some of the interesting e-mails are really about whether to come out after the benghazi hearing in october of 2015 and address the press in some way. the decision was made not to do it. i thought that was a fascinating set of e-mails about whether there was anything to be gained from that. i think we get to see a lot of the process here. i'm not sure a lot of voters will be surprised. >> is there anything in this dump that you think voter wills care about that can affect how they cast ballots? >> i think the speeches are harmful to hillary clinton. again, i'm not sure voters think she's not honest and trustworthy. when you get to the wall street speech she talks about a private position and a public position. i don't think that's necessarily surprising to folks. i don't think it's helpful to her.
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i also don't think it will hurt her a lot. we'll see what else comes out. >> people have been showing up at clinton rallies, at democratic rallies shouting about bill clinton, shouting and interrupting. listen. >> here's the problem! bill clinton is a rapist! [ booing ] >> oh, no. [ booing ] >> so a lot of this is apparently orchestrated and paid for by alex jones, conspiracy theorist and radio host. tell us about jones and the clintons. >> i think jones is not a fan of the clintons. a lot of the conspiracy theories, as you mentioned, a conspiracy theorist about the clintons have been pushed by jones over the years to many, many listeners who are now -- now believe the worst of the worst of conspiracy theories about them. not surprising that jones is pushing his listeners to
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interrupt bill clinton. he hasn't encouraged anybody in the crowd to punch anyone yet. i guess for this campaign, that's a victory. >> jonathan allen. thanks for being with us. appreciate it. >> always a pleasure. take care, hallie. coming up, a big showdown shaping up in what's being called the strangest swing state. hillary clinton and donald trump running neck and neck in the great state of utah. but the big surprise? a third party candidate just a few points behind. could he really win the beehive state come november 8? we have a look at that as we stay out west though we are out east in the panhandle of florida and beautiful panama city. stick around.
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largest audience for a second night debate in the history of the country. you'd think they would say great going, don, let's beat this crook. she's a lets beat this crook. she's a crook. we got to stop it. no, it does not do it. there is a whole deal going on. you know, there is a whole deal going on, we are going to figure things out but there is a whole things going on. crooked hillary wants to end forever. the american independence that our great founders gave us and they are spinning in their graves. our founders are spinning in their graves. like douglas mcarthur and george patton and our generals, they are spinning in their graves. by the way, all the generals, over 200 admirals have endorsed donald trump. over 200.
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[ cheers ] [ applause ] just the last couple of minutes at his rally here in florida. trump, you heard him hit house speaker paul ryan there. when we were in panama city last night, we heard donald trump get on stage and speak for 45 minutes of 18 hours stretch which he declared war on the republican party inside the dc belt way if you will. when trump got on stage, unlike when he's online or fox news, he did not say anything about paul ryan or john mccain. he came out today in california smacking ryan as you heard there. members of congress who support donald trump, some of whom are angry about what trump has been or ryan has been saying about trump, the fact that ryan won't get out there and strike for it. it is a strange campaign.
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what we are seeing a lot of republicans are calling it unprecedent unprecedented. it shows donald trump and hillary clinton at 26%. evan mcmullin at 22%. all of it by the way is the salt lake city tribune endorses hillary clinton. remember the last time a t democrat won utah is 1944. i want to bring lisa here. i got to get you -- how surprising of what we are seeing. trump and clinton is tied with evan mcmullin of four points. >> well, listen, you can say this is surprising and to have a democrat doing so well and an independent candidate. he's got utah ties and this is a
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state that really looks to character in their candidates. it is more dominated and republican dominated and republicans here just are not going to be satisfied with that r. they want to know that this is a candidate whose morals and values they can support. that's not the case with donald trump. >> i want to talk about what we were listening to from donald trump there going after house speaker paul ryan, the running mate of mit romney who was popular in utah. is that going to hurt trump continuing to attack the speaker. >> what's hurting trump in the state is that. remember, romney came out early on in utah against donald trump raising questions about him being a phony and a fraud and that had a big impact. trump only finished at 14% in our caucus voting last march. he's never been popular.
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again, neither as hillary clinton. that's what makes evan mcmullin's run is so interesting for us. he's an independent candidate and a republican running as an independent with yu thutah ties. he seems to have the values that voters are looking for. what's fascinating by this polls, we were just smart enough to get it first this morning. that poll shows that just over half of the people surveyed even knew evan mcmullin was. as he gets his message out, who knows where he's going to go on this poll. he needs to win some stage indeed his campaign strategy that he discussed in the segment works for him. >> i want to ask you one more, my colleague, tamron hall, spoke with rick wilson, the strategist about this polling. i want to play a little bit of what he said. >> i think they basically decide
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to burn down the republican party and establish a white national party in its place. donald trump has been the avatar of that. >> wilson is a never trump guy. is utah a game changer for trump? >> well, a lot of republicans have walked away from trump. our governor has said he would vote for trump but would not go so far to endorse him and now he's withdrawn that endorsement and his governor was never behind trump. we are seeing here in utah that a lot of republicans walking away. our state party chairman says they're going to vote for him in the end. when push comes to shove, they want to see the supreme court conservatives and not the liberals they feel that hillary clinton would bring t. be interesting to see if there is really is a turn around. last march before our caucus vote, we did our own polling and
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found that voters then when they had a choice between several republican candidates, if trump were on the ballot, they said they would vote for bernie sanders before they would vote for trump. hillary clinton was tied in that poll as well. >> lisa riley roche, thank you very much, we'll be right back from panama city.
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ohio ahead of the trump rally there tomorrow night. we got some surprises our sleeves over the next couple of weeks too. if you want to come hang out road tripping, check it out on twitter, snap chat and facebook and i think we are on instagram, too. i got to up my game there. thank you for joining us, i got to turn it over to my colleague, thomas roberts. >> thank you very much. we have seen donald trump today throwing everything at paul ryan. it is good to have you with me, i am thomas roberts. yes, trump is unleashing on clinton in florida saying he's going to do what he needs to do if he gets elected president to her. >> discorruption collision is just one more reason why i will ask my attorney general to appoint
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