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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  October 13, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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start in the next hour where we could hear from donald trump the first time. and this morning, actress aryan zuker speaking out in an nbc news exclusive. and new developments in the police shooting death of an african-american man, keith scott. three gunshot wounds including one to the back, the autopsy independent called on by family and talk with the family's attorney about the results. good morning, everyone. i'm tamron. a lot to talk about this morning. live at msnbc headquarters this morning. donald trump is taking to twitter to blast new sexual assault allegations by four women who claim he touched or kissed them inappropriately. two of those women make their claims in a bombshell "new york
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times" report to sue the newspaper over it. a couple of hours ago, the phony "new york times" is a written fabrication last discredited story on women referring to another woman eats cla another woman's claim, why didn't they mention the incident in her story? because it did not happen. the latest on all of this, now we have hallie jackson. >> reporter: overnight, a flood of new allegations. multiple women who say donald trump touched or kissed them inappropriately. >> he was like an octopus, like he had 6 arms. he was all over the place. >> reporter: jessica leeds said more than three decades ago she sat next to trump a stranger on a flight when he began groping her. >> he started putting his hand up my skirt and that was it. and that was it. i was out of there.
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>> reporter: rachel crooks said when she was 22, she introduced herself to the businessman at trump tower. instead of a handshake, he kissed her. there's natasha stoinof, visiting mar-a-lago in 2005 for an interview with the trumps. a pregnant melania upstairs and down stairs, donald trump inviting her into a room. said within seconds, he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat. he does not independently verify these allegations against trump. all of the women going public after sunday night's debate when trump was pressed about the lewd comments in a 2005 "access hollywood" taping. a show by nbcuniversal. >> are you saying, for the record, on the bus, you did not actually kiss women without consent or grope women without consent? >> i have great respect for women. nobody has more than i do.
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and i will tell you, no, i have not. >> reporter: the trump campaign vigorously denying the new accusations. in a statement to nbc news, the trump advisor said for "new york times" to launch a completely false coordinated character assassination against mr. trump on a topic like this is dangerous. to reach back decades in an attempt to smear mr. trump tr l trivializes sexual assault and a new low for where the media is to go in an effort to determine this election. regarding the "people" magazine reporters' accusation, the trump spokesperson said this never happened. not merit or voracity to the fictional story. why wasn't this reported at the time? the women's new allegations building on others. in an exclusive interview with nbc news, temple taggart, 1997's miss utah recalls meeting trump for the first time at the pageant he owned. >> it was at that time he turned to me, embraced me and gave me a kiss on the lips and i remember
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being shocked. >> reporter: taggart tells nbc she didn't consider it assault. just awkward but became upset when she heard that vulgar audio of trump emerge trid. >> it's hard because you think of sending your little daughter out there. sorry. with men like that, that think like that. >> reporter: despite photos of trump and taggart together, trump tells nbc, i don't know anything about her. i don't even know who she is, adding, i emphatically deny this ridiculous claim. the trump campaign now demanding a retraction of that "new york times" story pointing to the publication just a few weeks before election day and calling it politically motivated. trump himself, by the way, taking to twitter. he's lashing out against both "the new york times" calling it a fabricated story and that "people" magazine article as well. >> thank you. right now, we are waiting to hear from donald trump's daughter ivanka trump expected to speak soon at this campaign
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event in the battleground state of pennsylvania. in a town not far from philadelphia. we'll be monitoring this event to see if she addresses the accusations against her father who will be holding his own rally in the next hour in west palm beach, florida. nbc's jacob rascon joining us now from where the rally takes place. how are trump's supporters reacting to this news, jacob? >> reporter: the reaction has been varied. it started off last week. but these are just words. and then he's a good man and then this is bigger than donald trump and then it's a coordinated attack. i mean, there are so many defenses here and when i have pressed different trump supporters in the last hour from men and women, old and young, mothers and grandmothers, they do struggle to defend or talk about this and most of them do think, do believe, even when i talk about not just in "the new york times" but "people" magazine but list off accusations and this is a
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coordinated smear campaign. i say, if you're right and this is a coordinated attack, who's coordinating this? they say, it must be the clinton campaign. it must be someone behind it that because of wikileaks, because things are coming out by the clinton campaign, these are their words, that they have no other choice than to coordinate a smear campaign against donald trump. i will also add that even some, i will talk and say there comes out evidence, actual physical evidence, a tape or something that proves unequivocally some of these allegations are true from these women talking to "new york times" and "people" magazine and others, even if they are true, this election, many of them said this is bigger than donald trump and we have so much on the line with the supreme court, with the death, with fighting isis, that it wouldn't even matter to me. most of them say exactly that. >> jacob, just quickly. this scorched earth strategy that we're hearing about,
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"bloomberg news" reporting on it as well that this campaign is basically promising the dirtiest tricks, the dirtiest tactics that we've seen in modern politics. what are you hearing on the ground what he might say there today in less than an hour? >> reporter: when he said he was unshackled, he wasn't kidding. we've seen trump now today just like he was during the primary. no holds barred. not unwilling to go after anybody. and i will say that even though he said that is his vat strateg he's going after hillary clinton. they have in common, a lot of them say if they could give him advice, they would want him to not pick personal fights with anyone like these women but to stick to hillary clinton. so even his supporters are disagreeing somewhat with this strategy. >> thank you very much. donald trump mentioning to sue "new york times" for their reporting that he touched or kissed women inappropriately.
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in a letter from trump's attorney last night, it says in part that this report is reckless and defamatory and constitutes libel. msnbc chief legal correspondent ari melber has been looking into last night. ari, of course, the thing people always expect from donald trump is a threat of litigation. then you have this letter which other legal analysts say is meaningless. what is your analysis of this? >> the letter doesn't do anything legally. it is no different than a tweet in the sense it's just communication about what they don't like about it. it could set up the plan to sue "the new york times" with donald trump directly threatened. the problem for him on that is two-fold. number one, there's already a supreme court case from 1964 about "the new york times" that said the standard for public figures like a presidential candidate is very high. he would have to prove not only the charges are false but that "the new york times" knew they were false when they published them or not reckless about it. number two is the same problem
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that bill cosby had is when you open the door by suing people who are accusing you or publishing accusations, you're creating an environment in court under oath to explore that and that can backfire depending on your situation. >> what we're looking at here and you have listed out, if, for example, these were criminal prosecutes but some of these could definitely be misdemeanors if what happened is true. >> you put your finger on it. if we don't know and doesn't confirm the underlying allegations but if are true, some asking, what would the criminal liability be here and they are on the screen. the legal unit went through in the different states from these three new allegations. the statute of limitations for these as misdemeanors range from 2 to 5 years. so it is too late for a prosecutor to charge, which means it's unlikely to be investigated. so the takeaway there is while a
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delay, maybe it doesn't tell you whether it's a true or false, it doesn't mean they won't necessarily investigate. >> if he tries to sue them, like, he says it's libel, does that reset the button on this? >> it doesn't reset the prospect of criminal charges. that door closes but it does open court proceedings potentially into the voracity, the truth of these claims and again, these claims are not confirmed by nbc news. this is an open debate but it's a debate that donald trump could certainly escalate if he makes good on any of the numerous threats to sue. >> thank you very much. the clinton campaign is reacting to these latest allegations against donald trump issuing a statement saying, these reports suggest that he lied on the debate stage and that the disgusting behavior, he bragged about in the tape is more than just words. but just over an hour ago, wikileaks now released nearly 2,000 new e-mails from the hacked e-mail of clinton campaign chairman john podesta.
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a lot to talk about here. msnbc political correspondent kasie hunt joining us from los angeles where secretary clinton is fund raising later today. so kasie, let's talk about first, before we get to the wikileaks because we need to go through this detail. the response from the campaign regarding donald trump and these allegations. >> reporter: the response so far has been to say, look, this doesn't line up with exactly what donald trump said on the debate stage that he denied, he said these were just words and denied there were ever any actions but now we see a series of actions and lined it up in the same context they've delved with other things donald trump has said saying it makes him unfit to be president of the united states. and hillary clinton herself touched on it briefly at her rally last night saying that the tactics that the trump campaign is already out there displaying, trying to showcase the women who had accused bill clinton of various sexual indiscretions will be part of an improved or a
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more aggressive media campaign from the trump campaign. clinton is saying that those actions are desperate but i will say i think beyond what we've heard from them so far, you're going to see them kind of let donald trump focus on his own words. you saw this in the wake of the tape that came out in the 2005 "access hollywood" tape to get out of the way. one thing i would say is to keep an eye for you on michelle obama's speech later today. it's possible that she may make some news here. we're not sure exactly what subject but considering the t headlines, it's something to keep a close eye on. >> from podesta's e-mail, we're still going through these and the headline from yesterday is one involving clinton aide jennifer palmieri writing about conservative catholics. house speaker paul ryan already said clinton expressed disdain for christian evangelicals and staggering. what is the campaign saying about this e-mail, authentic? and what's happened here?
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>> reporter: well, jennifer palmieri, this was an e-mail exchange that came out of this hack of john podesta's e-mails and essentially, the comment was something along the lines of jen palmieri writing this was the only socially acceptable religion for conservatives to convert to, people converted to catholicism, becoming an evangelical would be socially unacceptable among donor acquaintances and that offended many catholics. paul ryan put out a statement on it but jennifer palmieri said to reporters on hillary clinton's press plane that i'm a catholic, meaning jennifer palmieri, i don't recall writing that e-mail and this, of course, is part of a hacking that they say is the russian government is behind. tamron? >> kasie hunt, thank you very much. new poms shlls show donald slipping in at least two battleground states and joe biden takes on trump's claims about getting away with assaulting women, calling it,
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quote, the ultimate abuse of power. >> i mean, this is absolutely outrageous behavior and i don't understand how anyone can remotely justify that. and developing now, we just received a new update on hurricane nicole. a category 3 storm. the eye is moving over bermuda right now, but residents are warned to remain indoors. hurricane force winds and rain resume shortly, we're told. we'll be right back. we've just been hearing so much about how you're a digital company, yet here you are building a jet engine. well, ge is digital and industrial. like peanut butter and jelly. yeah. ham and cheese. cops and robbers. yeah. nachos and karate. ahh. not that one so much. the rest were really good. socks and shoes.
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ok, ricky...
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as trump's numbers sink lower in the polls, so do his tactics. bloomberg reporting that trump plans to intensify attacks over his husband's accusers. in next few weeks, could be
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among the ugliest. the stage is set for him to do just that in the next hour. west palm beach, florida, and waiting for ivanka trump in pennsylvania. held by senior white house correspondent amy barnes and msnbc political analyst and washington bureau chief for mother jones, david, if you do not follow on twitter, you're missing out. let me tell you that off the top. >> thank you, tamron. >> you're welcome. 12:00, high noon eastern time, donald trump walkings os out on stage. >> he's going to throw out all the punches. we thought we've seen them all and i think he's threatening now to bring bill clinton down further and i think he's going to take it to the next step and i think this isn't all we're seeing. over the next 26 days, he's going to come out swinging even more so than we've seen and that's the case.
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>> that's what joshua green is reporting. the decision to close out his campaign on what he alleges to be the history of sexual violence and wife's role after the fact suggests the next few weeks, the ugliest in presidential history. i want to play just quickly before your response, but what joe biden said to seth myers last night. >> my dad used to say the greatest sin of all is the abuse of power and the cardinal sin of all is aan raising his hand or taking advantage of a woman. and here's a guy who says, i'm a star. talking about power. i'm a billionaire. i'm a star. i'm a celebrity. so i can go in, intimidate women in allowing me to assault them and assume they're not going to say anything. that is the ultimate abuse of power. and i don't think, and i don't understand how anyone can remotely justify that. now, i can understand, i can't
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understand actually. >> i play that not just for the passion of the remarks but hillary clinton's deep bench. she has late night tv, joe biden going after donald trump. this morning, it's ivanka trump and donald trump. >> i'd like to hear ivanka give an interview and talk about this stuff because she went on "the dr. oz show" and poopooed this talk about the attitude saying it was a false narrative created by the media. i mean, the trump campaign is in full paranoid mode. they do believe that the media and hillary clinton campaign, they're all conspiring, but as shakespea shakespeare, the fault is not in the stars, it's ourselves. this is coming from donald trump. he bragged about it. and now, and actually, this is one thing he bragged about doing that he maybe actually did. and he's hoisted on his own and
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i don't understand why anyone would think, any political professional, like attacking bill clinton from what happened 30, 40, 50 years ago would do anything to help trump. it may make trump feel better but it won't get him a single vote. it won't raise the debate. and he's just a wounded animal lashing out and the real question is, whether he does that with his family's help or political crew's help or if they abandon him. >> you know, while we're talking about the rhetoric in the potential ugliness of it, by the numbers, you have donald trump's numbers pulling out of virginia. and they're just focused now on pennsylvania, florida, north carolina, ohio. they are focused on just those states. that's their strategy. >> it's telling. he's losing in a bunch of those states. >> pennsylvania. numbers in. >> i know. and in florida. he's 6 points under clinton there too. these are must-win swing states.
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even if you want these, she would still win. the numbers are much in her court. so a swing state like virginia is very telling. it's become a stafe state with colorado. wisconsin, he's down by 7 points. he might get trounced in this thing. >> he might get trounced. let me play. we just got this in. tim kaine on "the view" and now commenting about these allegations. >> i was shocked but not surprised. the tape kind of made me sick to my stomach but if you've been following things during the career and campaign, it wasn't completely surprising. i was surprised on stage sunday night when he said, i just said that. i never did it. and because i felt like, okay, how many days is it going to be until folks are coming out and saying, that's exactly the way you treated me? and now we see that happened. >> those are the first remarks. what clinton must do is go positive and end on a high note. more town halls, less rallies.
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generate some enthusiasm, do something unconventional and don't let trump get to her. yesterday, bill clinton gave his first comments about trump bringing in his accusers to that debate saying he admired his wife's calm and how she handled it all. how does she finish this out? if he's going dirty. >> remember, we have another debate next week. he might not go through with the debate. >> someone is going to be sued or not going to show up in the debate. >> so who knows, but i cannen'te him reacting or performing better than he did. i'm sure there's 5, 10, 15, 24 more stories about his bad behavior between now and the debate. >> and it's moderated by chris
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wallace of fox news. >> it's a tough moderator going after republicans in the last couple of elections. and you've got to say this about the republicans and the people who are working with them now. kelly ann conway and others. this is not a surprise. he's had a racist past, a bullying past, an arrogant past and accused of these things in the past. and he's been a misogynist repeatedly saying he doesn't, he jokes about not treating women respectfully when he goes on "the howard stern show." republicans, you've got what you paid for. there's no surprise here. and now the question is, how bad is it going to get? >> i could talk to you all day. we've got to take a break but thank you so much. greatly appreciate it. >> thank you. up next an nbc news. arian speaking up on trump's lewd comments made about her in that "access hollywood" video. we're going to play what she's saying now, plus, talking live
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with the ohio republican chairman who's called the donald trump whisperer and said he needs to change course to win ohio. that's next. i'm only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out
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we are back with more on the controversy surrounding donald trump over his treatment of women. the woman at the center of the 2005 tape of him making lewd comments. she is now speaking out exclusively to nbc news. nbc's janet shanle sat down with her for the latest. janet? >> reporter: good morning to you. this was a wide-ranging interview and in it, called donald trump's remarks offensive to all women. she said she wasn't surprised when she initially heard that tape. but the remarks did offend her. >> she plays on "days of her
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lives." >> reporter: but her fictional character is nothing like this. >> i'm not sure if i believe it yet. >> reporter: referring to this when said this on an "access hollywood" bus in 2005. >> got to use some tic tacs in case i start kissing her. when you're a star, you can do anything. >> whatever you want. >> grab them by the [ bleep ]. >> reporter: those comments made moments before meeting her. >> hello, how are you? good to see you. terrific. >> reporter: the reporting became public last week instantly going viral and throwing trump's campaign into crisis. do you find those offensive comments? >> they are for women, period, yes. yes, they are. >> reporter: the mother of a 6-year-old daughter, she had concerns but working in the entertainment industry, she said, the language didn't surprise her. you weren't shocked.
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>> not with that type of personality. that's probably why it doesn't mean a lot to me. >> the role of billy bush. some believe he egged it on. >> who knows how he was feeling what he needed to do and the relationship because when he came off the bus, along with mr. trump, i had no feeling but professional. that's it. >> bush was suspended and apologized for his role in the incident. zucker hasn't been able to turn on the television without seeing the video. at the time, trump was visiting the set of her soap opera for a cameo. >> walker walk. >> i'm a happily married man and if it's a job you're looking for, i have all the apprentices i need. >> reporter: donald trump issued an apology for what he described as locker room banter. do you accept his apology? >> that was an interesting apology. >> reporter: the actress said she's looking forward now head
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coaching to lead by example. >> i want to teach my daughter if she ever gets put in a situation like mommy is right now, that she will hold her head high as well and if she's learned anything from it, how can she share this with other women or young girls or whoever is around her. young boys even. young men can learn how not to be in front of women or when they're speaking about women. >> are you ready for this to go away? >> i'm ready to use it a proper way. i'm ready to use it for positivity. i'm ready to use it for women to step forward and to do good things. in my life and for other people. >> reporter: zucker has not heard from trump, the campaign, not expecting to. and tamron says, at this point, she's just moving forward, putting it behind her. back to you. >> thank you very much. we should note that donald trump
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has just said in a tweet, i am making a major speech in west palm beach florida at noon. this is just coming in. but meanwhile, the accusations making a number of people within the party uncomfortable with their nominee. chris jansing in westerville, ohio, and one of them in battleground america series. chris? >> reporter: thanks very much, tamron. i am here with the head of the republican party here in ohio. matt bor jeges. you were feeling optimistic. so much has happened since then. first, do you have any knowledge of what donald trump is talking about at noon today? >> i do not. >> reporter: let's go back to the 2005 tape since that's what we were talking about in the interview with miss zucker. when you first heard it, you called donald trump, right? >> not when i first heard it. i will tell you that those remarks are indefensible, and no one should be trying to defend
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them and hopefully no one is. i was glad that mr. trump did his video later that night, actually, earlier saturday morning and the most important thing he said in that whole video apology was, i was wrong and i'm sorry. and for those of us who are married, we know when we say those words, that's full capitulation. he should have just ended it there because there's no reason to try to defend or make excuses or comments like that. they're completely inappropriate. >> reporter: but since then, a lot has happened and overnight, you said that you can't hardly keep up with it. >> i did speak with mr. trump. i called him sunday morning asked if there was anything more that would be coming and when i spoke with him again on monday, there was another rumor swirling around that i had asked him about and told me there's nothing to it. and i took him at his word and i think he's going to be in columbus later today. i think i'm going to see him and maybe have another conversation. >> reporter: over the last 24
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hours, you've heard at least four other women who have made these accusations. we've heard him talking on tape about walking into rooms where young women, pageant contestants have been undressing and heard from journalists, "people" magazine. do you still feel the same way? do you feel comfortable? he's apologized, or are you giving reconsideration, even as the head of the party in ohio about whether you can support him? >> none of it is good but we try to sift through the facts and get a better understanding of exactly what was said and what all these facts are before we rush to any conclusion. i will tell you, not someone who's silent and when i disagreed with the nominee and i have picked up the phone and called him before and i'll see him to have another conversation. >> reporter: what do you want to say to him as many. >> what, if anything else we'll hear and look him in the eye and probably ask about some of these things to get a sense of what he said during his apology video that this campaign has changed him and he's different now than
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he was when these happed, some 25 or more years ago, at least the one in 2005, 11 years ago, is it true? is he changed? most important, walk him back to westerville. we'll get to your alma mater. >> reporter: if he denies it, will you believe him or do you think there's a preponderance of women saying similar things that gives you hesitation? >> well, let me have the conversation with him first before i can tell you whether or not i believe what he has to say or something different he can give me to shed light on. so i think one thing that throughout this campaign and you've been very well aware, i haven't been shy about speaking up. you're going to have the democratic party chairman on after me. he never speaks up, whether he disagrees with hillary on any issue. >> reporter: do you rule out pulling your support for donald trump? based on what you find out and your conversation of him, is that on the table? >> as i've said in the past, i
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don't know. moving forward, what we're going to do. and it really depends on what else comes out, but again, it's a big distinction between what we do and whether they collude are the media or covering things up or lying about e-mails. the democrats never, ever speak out. and it's something i'm proud of about our party that we're able to do that. >> reporter: thank you so much. one more point to make is that our new battleground poll is coming out later today. part of the reason i am here in suburban columbus is a key area for donald trump whether suburban republican women will stick with him. we've seen in a poll of pennsylvania that they are fleeing him and they are fleeing that support. so we are looking forward to seeing what ohioans have to say when the poll is released later this afternoon. up next, the independent autopsy released in the shooting death of keith scott that sparked the massive protests in charlotte, north carolina. the family said the independent autopsy revealed scott had three
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gunshot wounds including one to the back. up next, i'll talk live with the family's attorney who actually called for this private autopsy. the latest on where this case stands now. look at all these purchases you made with your airline credit card. hold only got double miles on stuff you bought from that airline? let me show you something better. the capital one venture card. with venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase... not just...(dismissively) airline purchases. every purchase. everywhere. every day. no really! double miles on all of them! what's in your wallet? they said a bottle was just a bottle. that no one would ever notice me. but i knew i could be more. that one day,
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i would make people smile. [woman speaking indistinctly]
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are creating a stronger economy and the right environment in new york state for business to thrive. let us help grow your company's tomorrow- today at new details about the police shooting in charlotte, north carolina, that sparked days of protest in the city. the family of keith lamont scott said they believe he was killed by a bullet wound to the back. the family paid for a private autopsy and released the results yesterday. in a report stating that scott was struck three times by a charlotte mecklenburg police officer. the report sicites that cause o death one to the back and one to the abdomen. he was shot in a parking lot and got out of his car while holding the gun and ignored, they say, repeated orders to drop the weapon. in this video of the incident taken by his wife, she could be heard telling police moments before the shooting that her
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husband did not have a gun. she released her video because police refused to release their own footage of what happened sooner. a short time later, the department did release body cam and dash cam video of the incident and police said there was a gun found at the scene with scott's dna but video not proof that he had a gun in his hand. an attorney for the family. thank you for your time. >> thank you for having me. >> let's discuss what your independent, why did you feel that you need to get an independent autopsy? is there no trust between the family, the belief that the family can get the information they deserve and want? >> it's not a matter of trust but there were questions that we wanted answered and no one was willing to provide the answers. we were not able to find out how many times mr. scott was shot or where he was shot. at this point, we still have yet
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to have the pfuneral. how was he shot and did he die, that's why the autopsy was performed. >> did police or investigators say why they would not provide the family with those details, how many times he was shot and where? >> it's the typical explanation that you get in these situations. the investigation is ongoing. it takes up to 90 days to get an autopsy result back once performed. of course, we started ours and we got the results back relatively quickly and what we found out is that mr. scott had an entrance and exit wound to the left wrist, a shot to the left abdomen which essentially masqueraded his verb broadwtebr punctured aorta and those combined caused the death. >> this independent autopsy is accurate and that was the first shot.
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how does that differ in your mind from the account given by police that day? >> quite frankly, everything that the police have said regarding the specifics of how this happened have been contradicted via the videos we've seen. we saw mr. scott stepped out of the vehicle. his hands were by his side. he was not acting aggressively. he was actually stepping backwards when he was shot and yes, we do believe that the first shot was the shot to the back. was everything done to deescalate the situation and nothing would lead us to believe this was a justified shooting. is what you see mr. scott doing on the dash cam video, miss scott's video, lead you to believe he was shot and paralyzed or killed? i think that answer is absolutely not. >> thank you so much for your time. we greatly appreciate it. >> thank you. coming up, the nbc political
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team says s.o.s. the trump ship starts to sink and fellow republicans are the ones who could go down with this ship. that is next with nbc senior political editor. mark murray. redid you say 97?97! yes. you know, that reminds me of geico's 97% customer satisfaction rating. 97%? helped by geico's fast and friendly claims service. huh... oh yeah, baby. geico's as fast and friendly as it gets. woo! geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. i'm hall of famer jerry west and my life is basketball. but that doesn't stop my afib from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. that'd be devastating. i took warfarin for over 15 years until i learned more about once-daily xarelto... a latest generation blood thinner.
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there's a big trump and little trump. the little trump is frankly pathetic. donald trump has one opponent. her name is hillary clinton. not paul ryan. not anybody else. it's hillary clinton. >> back with the daily briefing in politics with a rift between the presidential establishment and their nominee. we have to think of another word besides that it is growing because it is at a toxic point and joining me now, senior political editor, mark murray. . wh what do you make of former house speaker newt gingrich's comments? >> he wants to be able to put the attention on hillary
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clinton, but what we're seeing is, again, the divided republican party and you've had a slice of the republican party as well as voters who have been never trump from the get-go and consistent about this. and then a big part who have been for trump as long as this has been on. and then there's people who have been in the middle who, on the one hand, i want to distance myself but vote for him. i think these latest accusations are unsustainable to be in the middle category and have to be one side or the other. that's what i heard from newt gingrich's comments and you know, i do think with less than a month before election day, that people in the republican party and for history's sake and for the posterity need to be able to say, i'm for him 100% or against him 100% but the middle ground doesn't suffice. >> we got the debate wednesday, las vegas. we say it's a month or three weeks and the final week, i
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think, things will be in clear view and have a record number of people it seems ready to early vote and can they run the clock out and not take a stand? >> you know, on the one hand from the people in the middle ground, your partisan impulses matter so much. your people are lifelong republicans and don't want to say they're voting for hillary clinton. you get why they're in the position they're in. as far as being able to run out the clock, you know, if they are on the ballot, i think it's going to be harder to do so. i do think that some people want to be able to have this election behind them smooas soon as poss but whether you're on the ballot and that affects you or a republican trying to clean up everything later on, i do think it's a true stance that does matter. >> thank you very much and happening right now, as we mentioned, donald trump's daughter is in pennsylvania. ivanka trump holding an event, they're calling it coffee with ivanka. an event in pennsylvania near philadelphia. let's listen in. >> i don't know if you heard as
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you were walking out, you're a busy working mom, a if i lon a philanthropist. how do you manage the a room o busy moms, dads, young folks. what would you tell them the secret is and what's your balance? >> generally speaking, i don't like this term because in my mind it implies a scale which inevitably tips in one direction. anyone with children knows you're one flu away from a complete lack of balance and scheduling nightmare, just like in a professional capacity. an amazing, exciting opportunity arises and there goes your balance. those are some of the amazing moments in life. rather than think of this concept of balance, the caveat being things you can plan for, you should. so, when you think about
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schedule, traveling for work, i'll ensure the day i get home i don't have evening commitments and i'm home with the kids. aside from that, i think more about priorities. you know, i try to evaluate my life on a regular basis. i ask myself, am i living in a way that's consistent with my own personal priorities? am i there for my children when they need me to be there for them? am i showing up at work in a real and enthusiastic, genuine way? and am i, generally speaking, in the right place at the right time? so i think this whole concept of balance is fraught with danger because it's really not that possible to achieve. but i think if you look at your life in the context of a marathon rather than a sprint and you're not too hard on yourself, and you're reflective about your larger priorities and ensuring that you're
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architecting in a way that's compatible in a way to achieve them, i think that's happiness. >> we know your family is a big part of your happiness. it's no secret that you helped your father develop some really great programs for the campaign, whether it's child care or elder care. what was your role in developing that and can you tell a little to everyone about what those policies are and why they're important to you. >> i'm very excited about this, obviously. well, i stood up at the rnc and said that i'm not an overly political person. i've always been an independent in terms of how i voted and i very much voted for the person as opposed to dogmatically for the party. but there are certain issues -- i've also avoided, largely throughout the course of the campaign, policy. because i felt it was a distraction. my father is the candidate. i'm not the candidate. what i can uniquely talk to all of you about is my father as a
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personal mentor and role model to me growing up. having three young children myself i recognize it's heart to be a good parent and it's hard to raise a close-knit family. i can also talk to you about my father as an executive and somebody who's built numerous businesses. that's what i traditionally follow. but this platform is so large, and it afforded me an opportunity to talk about issues that really have been so important to me my whole professional career, empowering, inspiring women, that i got very excited when the campaign and i started to talk about some of these ideas that i would advance causes and hopefully start to eliminate big systematic issues such as gender inequality and sort of thinking about the roots of some of those issues. child care is something -- i know we were talking about balance before. i would not be able to go into the office every day and be able to have a professional life that fulfilled me if i didn't have
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very capable people taking care of my children, whether that's occasionally my mother-in-law or my nanny. this is core to being able to do business. when you look at the actual statistics, motherhood is the greatest predictor of wage inequality in this country than even gender is. in part because the cost of safe and affordable child care have skyrocketed. there really needs to be new solutions put forth to address this. i'm very proud of what the campaign did. i'm very proud of advocating for these solutions, whether it's -- >> we are listening into an event titled "coffee with iva a ivanka." at this point they're talking about her role in her father's campaign, but nothing on the major headline that i'm sure people in that audience would want to hear her comment on.
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seems like this is a safe setting meaning their banter is, perhaps, going to avoid the breaking news of the day. we'll continue to watch, though, if the moderator does ask her questions. right now it's mostly on juggling family life as a working mom and her role in her father's campaign. she says she's not the candidate. cease there to support him. donald trump's lewd comments may be hurting him with millenials. liberty university where donald trump gave an address in january blasting the candidate and the school's president, jerry falwell jr. for his continued support. joining me via skype is dustin wahl, the spokesperson for the group who wrote this statement. thank you for joining me. in the letter you say we're tired of being associated with one of the worst candidates in
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american history. why was it important for you to disassociate yourself with mr. falwell and mr. trump? >> we love going to liberty university. we've had great experiences here. we're all students trying to make the teachings of jesus christ the center of our lives. donald trump is someone who actively opposes those kind of teachings, especially with the sexual assault comments recently. we just felt like it was past time for the world to know that liberty university does not stand with president falwell and his endorsement of donald trump. >> now, when donald trump visited, as did mike pence yesterday, any other candidate, students are required to attend these big events, right? >> yeah, it's a requirement for students. >> so, were you there when donald trump addressed the student body? >> i was not there. so, i guess i broke the rule. we were there for yesterday for mike pence. >> i understand mike pence got what's been described as a luke warm reception.
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would you describe it as the same? >> yeah, it was a small reception. it was pretty pitiful, actually. there was a lot of applause for students that were -- when he said something like, you know, i'm pro-life or something against hillary clinton, students would applaud then, but it was the pro-trump remarks that got less than 10% of the room clapping. >> why do you believe that engineery falwell jr. and the university continues to support donald trump if you see it so clearly as a different view and a different moral compass than the students and university lives by? >> you tell me. i guess enginejerry falwell jr. believes in populist politics. we think it's clear. it's up to us, the students, to take a stand and say, this is not someone who we want representing us to the world.
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>> dustin wahl, the spokesperson for the group of students who wrong a very strong letter condemning donald trump's candidacy. we greatly appreciate you joining us. i'm sure we'll hear more from you and other students involved in this. thank you so much. >> thank you, tamron. >> we continue to watch this event. ivanka trump is in pennsylvania, at this coffee with ivanka. let's listen in one more time. >> rudeness. there was sort of an expectation of what was appropriate, and i think they raised us to be sensitive to that. i also think one of the most amazing things my parents did is they enabled us to unearth what it was that made us most passionate and never pushed us in any one direction. i think as a parent when i look at my children, i do believe that happiness is what we all --
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obviously health, first and foremost, but we want our children to be happy and feel fulfilled. the way you do that is you find your unique passion and you pursue it. so, i think there is this misperception in pop culture that you find your passion by being incredibly introspective or you have a dream and wake up and determine, i'm passionate about that. and i think that's not true for so many people. i think most often you unearth your passions over a period of time by trying things and having small successes and that encourages you and emboldens you so you work a little harder and you become better. >> we're still listening in. so far, no question about the big bombshell revelations from "the new york times" as well as donald trump's threat to sue after at least two women told their story to "the new york times" accusing him of inappropriately touching or kissing them and a series of other women followed, including a reporter for "people" magazine. that does it for this hour of
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"msnbc live." thank you for watching. "andrea mitchell reports" starts now. >> thank you. right now, boiling point -- women coming forward to accuse donald trump of inappropriate behavior going back 35 years. >> he was like an octopus. it was like he had six arms. he was all over the place. when he started putting his hand up my skirt, and that was it. >> the women say they are speaking up now because of that hot mike "access hollywood" tape, and specifically this denial by donald trump in sunday's debate. >> so, for the record, you're saying you never did that? >> i did things that -- frankly, you hear these things are said. i'm embarrassed by it. but i have tremendous respect for women. >> have you ever done those things. >> women have tremendous respect for me. i will tell you, no, i have not. >> a power of pushback from donald trump and a threat to sue "the new york times" that published the story.


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