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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  October 15, 2016 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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80% try to eat healthy, yet up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more. add one a day men's gummies. complete with key nutrients plus b vitamins to help convert food into fuel. one a day. good day. i'm sheinelle jones in new york at msnbc world headquarters. it's high noon in the east. out west, here's what's happening. any minute now, we expect donald trump to speak at a rally in portsmou portsmouth, new hampshire. eight women accuse him of sexual misconduct. he says their stories are, quote, fiction. in the last 48 hours, he's been ramping up a conspiracy theory behind the latest
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allegations of sexual misconduct. trump took to twitter and accused the media of fabery casing charges in order to help hillary clinton get elected. here's what he said last night. >> i am a victim of one of the great political smear campaigns in the history of our country. it's not hard to find a small handful of people willing to make false smears for personal fame. who knows, maybe for financial reasons, political purposes. or for the simple reason they want to stop our movement. they want to stop our campaign. very simple. when the media does what they're doing now, that's rigging the system, folks. it's rigging the system. the election is rigged. >> just a day after praising first lady michelle obama for her emotional speech against trump, hillary clinton weighed
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in on the controversy at a fund-raiser in seattle last night. >> the whole world has heard how donald trump brags about mistreating women. and the disturbing stories keep coming. i take no satisfaction in seeing what trump does. and says. because it hurts. it hurts me, and it hurts our country. it hurts all of us. >> clinton is off the campaign trail today, and as she and trump get ready to go face-to-face one last time in las vegas on wednesday, a new poll out of nevada shows them virtually tied. clinton at 43% to trump 41%. let's go now to my colleague, jacob rascon in bangor, maine, donald trump's second stop of the day. jacob, what do we expect from trump today? >> reporter: so we've heard from
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trump today, up early tweeting, talking about these allegations calling them 100% fabricated and going on to talk about how the election, he says, is rigged, blaming the media, blaming hillary clinton. we're outside of where the rally is going to be today. the line of people has gone in. but we caught one of them. this is sandy. thank you for stopping with us. a former democrat, you were telling me. your first pick with jeb bush. now you have come over to be with trump. so for you, when trump talks about -- this is a rigged election. what do you think as a voter? >> i see it. i see what he's trying to say. i also see that he's a new yorker who talks very bruskly. and in downtown iowa or l.a., that might be considered pretty rude. but he's being himself. i like that. i think the ground game has been turned against him and i would look at nbc right in the camera there and say you guys have been one of the leading factors on this. just given the amount of minutes you have given to this versus the wikileaks. >>. >> reporter: so when he talks about it's the press, clinton,
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it's a conspiracy. >> i think he's partially right. and i think that's how he sees it. and i've been watching this an awful lot. and i flipped nbc, cbs, cnbc, fox, everything. and i see the pressure. i see the unbalance of it. and so i get sympathetic, because he comes across as an underdog to me. maybe an underdog that tends to shoot himself in the foot and i hope he gets a little bit more on the issues in here. but that will not change me. i'm also somebody who has followed hillary since the day she gave her valedictorian speech. i went through all of this. and she's not defending women. she's looking for the victims of women who say, yes, she's going to save me. she's not defending intelligent women. i'm sitting with a masters degree in science and i used to like her a lot and i'm saying, no, you are as crooked as they say. the only way i would have voted for hillary is if -- i would have flipped back. >> reporter: trump also today
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tweeting about this and talking about yesterday. there have been eight women this week who have come out and said in the past, you know -- >> yeah, and then if you did some other research on this, go back to the airplane, go back to the first class. seats don't -- seat arms don't go up in first class. >> reporter: that's one of the women. >> kind of discredits part of it. you can discredit one, you can usually throw the rest out. >> reporter: so you think the women are lying. >> yeah. i would like to see -- come out -- did you complain at this time? another question -- the inquirer is one of the trash scandal things, but sure were able to find edwards, kerry. they find all of this stuff. they haven't found anything on him. they would have been the first one to throw the first stone if they could have found it. it's a 695 trash paper. but they find the dirt and pay a lot of money to get liability. >> reporter: thank you, sandy, that's all of the time we have. >> you're welcome. >> reporter: that was what we have heard all over the place. >> jacob, that was a very
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revealing interview. we'll talk about that in just a minute. thank you. meanwhile, we are hearing more from the women accusing trump of sexual misconduct. as we said, he is fiercely denying the allegations, none of which have been independently confirmed by nbc news. at least eight women have come forwar one of them a former contestant on "the apprentice." >> the person on my right unbeknownst to me at that time, donald trump, put their hand up my skirt. >> i remember him coming out and the first thing he did was just smiling at me, a warm embrace with a kiss. and i remember immediately thinking, what does he think this is, kind of. >> that people who are sexual predators will go after anyone who happens to be available. no matter the person's age. no matter the person's race. no matter the person's, frankly, sometimes gender. it's because they're accessible. because they just happen to be there. >> there have also been several
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women this week who say donald trump was always professional around them. >> stories are total fiction. they're 100% made up. they never happened. they never would happen. i don't think that happened with very many people. but they certainly aren't going to happen with me. >> joining me now, josh barrow, senior editor for "business insider" and msnbc contributor. and associate editor for the hill. thank you for talking with me. let's start with the woman who was just talking with our reporter, jacob rascon. we're talking about trump's defense against some of these women with these allegations. i wrote it down. see says, josh, he's being himself. she says she is sympathetic to what he is saying. what do you think about this? there have been so many people i've listened to today, and they say these are conspiracy theories, donald trump is going rogue, it's not working. and then you hear, frankly,
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supporters like this woman. what do you say? >> well, it's a personality cult. she even brought out the armrest defense. this is -- this is what has made this week so stupid for me. we have been reduced to arguing about airplane arm rests. there is a guy at cnn who dug up these old photos of first class seats from '70s and '80s and there were indeed that had arm rests that move. i feel like i'm on crazy pills, donald trump is on tape saying what he does. but because he has these people in thinks thrall, they look at him confessing and these women come forward and saying yes, he did that thing -- and nit-picking aspects of the stories, saying that's not credible because of the armrest. it feels -- it feels impossible to reason with people any more. it's just time to have the election and have him lose so we can stop arguing about these stupid things. >> nile, what do you think about this? i was going to ask you earlier, who trump is talking to when he brings up these conspiracy theories. but with he just had an example there just a couple seconds ago.
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>> yeah, absolutely. and i have to say, i share some of josh's frustrations. but i think it goes to this thing that there are people who are just adamant trump supporters, they're not going to be talked out of that by anything that emerges at this point. of course, the flip side of that is there are not enough of them to win a national election. donald trump at the moment is stuck around 40% in the polls. so, you know, no matter about the people who are just die-hard trump supporters, that is not a winning coalition. and it doesn't seem that donald trump really has any interest at this point in trying to expand his support, much beyond their ranks. >> but is trump the problem, or is he a symptom of the problem? what do you think? >> i think it's both. i think that he's -- i think as the president made a case in the speech on thursday this week, he is a culmination of a -- a bubble that republicans have chosen to live in. in which they have their own news sources where there is no standard of reliability. they convinced themselves four
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years ago the polls were skewed and mitt romney was going to win. and you can create your own reality and that works until you get to election day and you lose. i also think donald trump has a unique personality. that allowed him to come in and use his celebrity to take over the party. and to get away with saying things that a normal person couldn't get away with saying. so i am hopeful that after he loses, that there will still be the underlying problems in our politics. there won't be an operator who is able to do exactly what donald trump does to prey on those weaknesses and make our political system as stupid as it possibly can be. >> you've used the word "stupid" and said after he loses. you seem pretty confident. we talked about in this morning on "weekend today." michelle obama, powerful words, obviously, saying she was frankly almost sickened by some of the words that donald trump has used and his behavior, his alleged behavior. president obama has been rallying. do you think there's anybody at this point on the republican end or trump's side who can rally such support? >> no, he doesn't -- he doesn't really have effective surrogates. so many republicans are hiding. he has the nominal endorsements
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of most of his party, although an unprecedented number of people in congress are not supporting him from within his own party. most of the people don't want to be seen. paul ryan not taking questions. the surrogates he has, you know, newt gingrich, mike flynn, chris christie, this is a c team. so really just himself. on the other, he is a very powerful force for himself. he does have this very dedicated core of voters. he can bring out these big crowds at rallies. these people will be very excited to vote on election day. as neil points out, not enough to win an election. >> is clinton missing an opportunity to reach more voters by laying low, or is this the best strategy for her to let this all play out? >> well, in fact, the clinton campaign today and tomorrow, as i understand it, is doing quite a lot of what they're calling woman-to-woman contacts in terms of phone banks and canvassing. so she is trying to capitalize in that sense. but i think for both of these candidates, one of the
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bizarrenesses of this campaign, each one tends to have done better when it's been the opponent dominating the news coverage so f hillary clinton to sit back and watch donald trump defend himself against accusations of sexual assault, it's not a bad tactic in a sense. he's just twisting in the wind in that respect. >> i'm interested in your take on this. i'll start with you, josh. could the latest batch of e-mails wikileaks released about the clinton campaign have garnered more attention if clinton were running against another candidate? >> absolutely. donald trump has been blocking out the sun. >> so you can see why he is saying this is a conspiracy or the supporters are saying that. they feel we're not talking about it enough. >> if it's a conspiracy, he's the architect. the reason he's drawing so much attention, he says and does outrageous things all of the time. if he would calm down and behave like a normal candidate, the media would pay attention to his opponent. the media has been very interested in the e-mail story, going back to the "new york times" broke it.
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trump fans like to ignore the fact the stories came out of the mainstream media. yeah, it would get more attention. i would note, i don't think there is anything in the e-mails that is super, super damaging. there are a few things that are embarrassing. but the main story that's come out of the e. mails, how uninteresting the e-mails are. we saw john podesta's technique for cookingris otah. and hillary clinton's 2008 campaign, the e-mails would have been more interesting than the e-mails from this campaign. >> so let's look forward then. nile, let's talk about your expectations for wednesday night, for both candidates. what do you think? >> i think that donald trump is going to continue to be very aggressive toward hillary clinton. and it goes to what we have been talking about, sheinelle. he sees his purpose at the moment to be stocking up his base. the degree to which that equation works in reality is doubtful, but that's the strategy i expect him to stick
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with. hillary clinton, it's a kind of steady as she goes scenario for her. as long as she doesn't commit any obvious and really rather grave mistake. i think she will be happy enough when the debate is over. >> we will certainly be watching. thank you for talking with me. still ahead, i'll ask former white house deputy political director under george w. bush whether the third debate can salvage trump's chances in november. as we await remarks from donald trump at a live rally in new hampshire. if you're approaching 65... now's the time to get your ducks in a row. [quack!] medicare only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like any standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide and learn more.
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a live picture of new hampshire where any moment now donald trump will hold his first of two rallies of the day. his events come amid the latest allegations of sexual misconduct which he is strongly denying. for more reaction, let's bring in scott jennings, a republican strategist who ran mitt romney's
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ohio campaign. scott is also a former white house deputy director under george w. bush. thank you for talking with me today. between accusations and offering up conspiracy theories, how effective is trump's approach and who he is reaping here and can he talk to people beyond his base? >> if you look at the national polling, he is down to about 80% of republicans supporting him nationally. it's hard to imagine a candidate winning the white house with less than 90% of their own party, particularly when the map is stacked against your party, apart from the candidacy. i think he's trying to keep the base together and stoke fears. that's his strategy.
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i don't know that. >> how concerned are you about trump supporters for speaking out against him in light of these allegations? >> i'm not concerned about punishing people for their votes. i am heartened by the fact that in senate races, other than illinois, you see republicans holding their own and, in fact, winning in some states. democrats, six to eight months ago, thought were going to be slam dunks. i think right now one of the things you might look forward to in the down ballot races. if people get a sense clinton is going to win, will they balance that by sending republicans back to the senate and congress to create a balance, because they don't want unparty to have unferretu unfettered access. >> do you think hillary clinton is helping herself by saying off the campaign trail? >> i've always thought hillary clinton should do a better job of pressing her own case. she is soft, as well, right now. also down in the lowel 80s among
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democrats. wikileaks has hurt her and bernie sanders supporters. a third of the country thinks she is honest and trustworthy and two-thirds don't. she needs to do more to shore herself up. i don't think the election is over. certainly trump has a smaller chance to win than he did a week ago. but it is still not an impossibility, and she is still a little bit soft in some polling in states like new hampshire, where trump is today, where she has a lead in the low single digits. i do believe clinton is winning and likely shell win. but still soft among some people and i think she could do more to shore up her victory if she tried. >> newt gingrich is criticizing trump for lashing out at house speaker paul ryan. politico is reporting the rnc hasn't spent an ad and telling the "new york times" they want the rnc to dump trump. do you think this is a tipping point? >> well, look. it's not that simple for the
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rnc. this say party that held a convention and primary process that nominated donald trump. it's not as simple as just breaking ties with the person that you nominate. that's not really possible in the way the campaign and finance laws work, anyway. so i think that right now donald trump is doing the only thing he thinks that he can do. run against things that are unpopular. washington and big media. if you look at some of the national polling on who do people trust, no one trusts the media and washington and no one likes washington. that's what donald trump is trying to do right now. it's going to sound extremely negative. but if you're trump and you think you have a small chance to win, you've got to find the only path that looks open and that's probably it. >> i'm interested in getting, before you leave me here, your take on what's happening in utah. we have two polls conducted after the debate that shows former cia agent and independent candidate evan mcmullin gaining momentum. one poll shows trump with a six-point lead after being tied with clinton in an earlier poll. is this a matter of home field advantage, or how do you explain
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what's happening there? >> reporter: i think trump has had problems with voters who come from the mormon faith. the mcmullin people getting attention from people nonmormon voters. they say there is going to be more polling data, in their opinion, that will show some strength for mcmullin in utah. for trump, this is a huge problem. you can't lose any of the romney states and have a path to 270. there are for states, arizona, utah, georgia and north carolina, all red states in 2012 and on the brink or very close in this election. you have to win those if you're trump. for clinton, utah was never in her path to 270, anyway. she doesn't care who wins it, as long as she is still on path in the states she needs to get to 270 votes. >> so with that said, i'll end it here. you said trump did better during the second debate. are there points he can build on? >> sure.
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i thought the place where he would prosecute the best case is on the economy. the core of his candidacy, he's a private businessman and she is a creature of government who has no idea how to fix the economy. when he gets away from that and distracted from that, he's losing. if you look at the national polling that came out on friday, he's now losing on every issue, including the economy. he's go the to get back to trade, he's go the to get back to jobs and he's got to get back to the fact that most people don't want career politicians in office right now. and if he gets back to those issues, all focused on the economy, it could be a better night. but if he gets distracted and we spend most of the debate talking about things that aren't in that issue set, it's probably going to be another -- a bad night or at least a draw and a draw right now is not good enough to catch up. >> very good conversation. scott jennings, thank you for your time today. >> thank you. happening now, planning an attack. but not with bombs and bullets. the plan the cia has been asked to device against russia.
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right now we are waiting for donald trump to speak at a rally in new hampshire. it is expected that he'll make remarks on the accusations of sexual misconduct he is facing. we'll bring to you live as he begins speaking. also coming up, miss north carolina joins me. what she says donald trump did to the contestants backstage, and why she is coming forward now.
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using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the framework... wire... and plants needed to give my shop... a face... no one will forget. see what the power of points can do for your business. learn more at welcome back. i'm sheinelle jones here at msnbc world headquarters in new york. here's what we're monitoring. the specific northwest is bracing for more extreme weather today. for the past two days, the region hack hit with strong winds, heavy rain and tornados. the national weather service in portland, arrest oregon, is urging people to stay off roads. we'll have a live report from seattle with the latest. and a reminder right now. we have awaiting donald trump to speak at a rally in new hampshire that is expected that he'll make remarks on the
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accusations of sexual misconduct. we'll bring that to you live as he begins speaking. meanwhile, he's calling the allegations of sexual misconduct 100% fabricated and made up. eight women tell a different story. among them, samantha holvey, she joins us now. thank you for talking with us today. >> thanks for asking. >> talk about your interactions with donald trump. >> so we were at the pageant, the miss usa pageant, for a month. and we didn't really get to meet him until we went to new york city for the book launch, the universal beauty book launch. we did the red carpet and it seemed so cool. and there was tons of media there. and i loved my custom black gown, my custom black dress, and it was great. until he lined us up, and went down the line and just kind of looks you over.
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and not in a way that i was accustomed to competing in pageants before, where the judges are looking for poise and confidence and, you know, kind of your personality kind of comes through. and this was not like that at all. this was very much just looking you up and down and just like we were objects, pieces of meat. i wasn't expecting that. >> we reached out to the trump campaign about your story, and it responded with no specific comment. but there are a lot of people asking, you know, why tell your story now? ten years after the fact? why not come out when he first announced he was running for president? >> well, i've been telling my story, my experience every time anybody asks about my interactions with donald trump or my experience at miss usa. i've been talking about it for years, sharing it with friends and family. i don't work in the media, i work for a health care i.t. association. so i'm, you know, in a different profession. and this was just the first time
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anybody -- any media had ever asked me about my interactions. >> a lot of us don't know how it works. are we saying he walked into a changing room where women were undressed? or what's it like there backstage where he was able to just walk in? >> so there's -- at least in the theatre we were at in baltimore, there is a very large backstage area. and then sectioned off from that is the hair and makeup and then the dressing room for the ladies. and there was, you know, security about the dressing room. you weren't allowed to take any photos, because this was before we had, you know, my -- iphone was not around. there weren't any of that kind of thing. so i couldn't just pull my phone out and take pictures. you actually had to have a camera. so there were no cameras allowed to be taking pictures in the dressing room or anything like that. so i was actually in the hair and makeup area that you have to walk through before you enter the dressing room. and, i'm sitting there in my
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robe, and having, you know, my makeup and hair done and everything. he comes walking in. and i was just like -- my goodness. what is he doing back here? >> sorry to interrupt. were most of the women in robes? they weren't without their clothes on. frankly. or were they? >> i mean, nobody in hair and makeup was naked. >> was -- he wasn't in the changing rooms, right? >> no, he walked into the dressing room. i was not in the dressing room whether he walked in, but i saw him walk into the dressing room. >> all right. let's pull this up here. a number of other past miss usa contestants have defended trump. let's listen to two of them and then i'll get your response. >> we met him at miss usa on stage, fully clothed. we never saw him or anyone on his staff behind the scenes, backstage, where women are getting dressed. behind the scenes we're furious, because we know donald trump is such an incredible and outstanding man. >> when he met all of the title holders, he did kind of go down the line and ask all of us who we thought was the most
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beautiful. which at the time seemed harmless/awkward. >> samantha, what do you respond or say? >> you know, for the girls that didn't have the experience of having him backstage, i'm glad for them. i'm glad that they didn't have that awkward moment of this man coming into a very private area. i'm glad that they didn't have to experience that. and, you know, i didn't -- he didn't ask me who i thought was the most beautiful or anything like that. but i can only share my experience. they have their own experiences, and if they want to speak out about them, then that's their business. i encourage everybody to, you know, share their story if that's what they're comfortable with. >> just last night on your home turf, you probably heard this in north carolina trump said the women accusing of him of assault are simply looking for, quote, a little fame. what do you say to that? >> i mean, i don't think anybody is ever looking for fame about
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being sexually assaulted. >> i think -- i have to say, we have been saying misconduct. a lot of people are saying sexually assaulted. i'll be saying misconduct. but a lot of people are interested to know, samantha, that you studied political psychology. with that said, do you think this kind of behavior makes him unfit to lead? i ask you only because i don't know if you heard it earlier in the hour, there are supporters who either don't believe it or they're able to separate that behavior in their minds, if you will. >> you know, this country has a long history of political leaders that, you know, reports have said that they have had, you know, unkind conduct towards women. so i don't believe that his -- the character that i know -- i don't believe he's fit to be president. and i think this country has an
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issue with how we look at women and the lack of respect we have for women in this country. and i just -- i can't sit back and condone his behavior by not sharing my experience when i've been asked. >> so before we leave you, what would be -- a lot of people are interested in hearing what you have to say, samantha. what would be your take-away so that when we leave their television, when they walk away, this is what samantha hol skr ey had to say. what would you say? >> you know, i'm just being honest about my experience. when i got the first e-mail to asking me to confirm or deny the -- you know what he said about going backstage, and back in the dressing rooms before the pageant. i felt that for me to stay quiet or for me to not answer their question openly and honestly, then that would be condoning his behavior.
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and i just couldn't do that. and then when they asked me if i would be okay sharing my name, and then going live about it, i thought, you know, if i'm not brave enough to share my name and share my face, then it doesn't make me any better. nobody is going to believe what i have to say or what my experience was. so that was not an easy decision. i definitely -- i don't regret it. and i'm happy to talk to anybody that wants to know my experience, although i'm pretty sure people have already heard it quite a few times. >> well, samantha, thank you for your time today. >> thank you. right now, donald trump is holding a rally in portsmouth, new hampshire. let's listen in. >> some with a hammer. anybody ever get rid of their phone with a hammer? three or four people. i want to talk to them later. and now just last week, we learned that two boxes of
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e-mails and evidence are mysteriously missing. they're gone. hillary clinton should have been prosecuted and she should right now be in jail. she should be. she should be. the fbi and department of justice created a fraud in allowing hillary clinton to get away with her terrible crimes. and i guarantee y the clintons are laughing at hell right now. bill clinton's clandestine meeting on the tarmac with the
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attorney general in her airplane just prior to decision time on hillary clinton's future. supposedly, talking about golf and grandchildren for 39 minutes. secret meeting. secret meeting. and remember, he just happened to be there. he was going to play golf in arizona. i love arizona. it's one of my favorite places. but at that particular time of the year, it was like, what, 110 degrees out, right? and he wasn't seen playing golf that day. i guess he decided to cancel his golf. just happened to be -- oh, look, there is the attorney general's plane maybe i'll hop on, give my regard to the attorney general. folks, there has never been a situation like this in the history of our country. it's the lowest point in those departments' history. fbi people who are phenomenal
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people, must be spinning at what's going on with the fbi. spinning. instead of being held accountable, hillary is running for president in what looks like a rigged election. okay? it looks to me like a rigged election. the election is being rigged by corrupt media, pushing completely false allegations and outright lies in an effort to elect her president. and you know what i mean. in fact, today the cousin of one of these people -- [ crowd chanting "cnn sucks" ]
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>> in fact, today the cousin of one of these people, very close to her, wrote a letter that what she said is a lie. that she was a huge fan of donald trump. that she invited donald trump to a restaurant to have dinner. which, by the way, i didn't go to. didn't even know who the heck we're talking about here. but these allegations have been -- many of them already proven so false. and, in fact, the other one with "people" magazine, the butler, said it was a total lie. remember the butler? the butler said it was a total lie. we can't let them get away with this, folks. we can't. total lies. and you've been seeing total lies. but we're going to stop it. we're not going to back down. and remember this. it's a rigged election. because you have phony people coming up with phony allegations with no witnesses whatsoever. ending up from 20 years ago, 30
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years ago. how about this crazy woman on the airplane? okay? i mean, can anybody believe that one? how about this? after 15 minutes, we don't know each other. 15 minutes, she said, well, that was too much. and i've decide -- 15 minutes? wi the ladies in this place, it would be e second and it would be smack. 15 minutes. no. it's a crazy world we're living in. but that's what i mean. it's a rigged election. because they're taking these unsubstantiated, no witnesses, putting them on the front pages of newspapers. so it's a rigged election. but we're not going to let it happen. we're just getting started. americans have had it with the years and decades of clinton corruption. you can go back to whitewater.
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you can go back to the cattle deal. remember the cattle deal? where she got a far greater return on investment than anybody in the history of the cattle business? i mean, give me a break. these are crooked people. hence, i call her "crooked hillary." crooked hillary. and right now she's resting for the debate. she's resting. she's resting for the debate. she's resting. was she rested for the last debate? she didn't do too well. and she said she's practicing for the next debate. she called it "debate prep," right? right now she's in debate prep. i don't know. this is turday. that's going to be wednesday. if you have got to study all that -- you're supposed to know this stuff. you know, she's supposed to be so experienced, right? supposed to know this stuff. what are you going to learn in
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five days? she's supposed to be so experienced. so, you know what's interesting to me? she's supposed to know it, and yet when she was being investigated by the fbi, when she did on the fourth of july weekend, by the way, with no tape recorders going, with no swearing in, when she gave her testimony, she didn't have to swear. this was a little different than they treated martha stewart. with no tape recorders going, with no swearing in on the fourth of july, 39 times "i don't remember," "i don't remember." so maybe that's why she's got to debate prep, because she's got a bad memory. no. a lot of things are going on, folks. a lot of things. i think she's actually getting pumped up, if you want to know the truth. she's getting pumped up. you understand. in fact, we're going to be talking about that in a few minutes. >> that's donald trump reiterating the fact that he believes hillary clinton should be prosecuted and go to jail.
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he also claims, again, the election is rigged. and goes on to insist the accusations of sexual misconduct are all lies. so stay with us. this hour and the next we'll dig into all of that. in fact, donald trump and the evangelical vote. will he be able to keep the support he has in that vote block. and what this could mean for his supporters if he loses the election. i'll talk to an elects expert, ben ginsburg. mom, i have to tell you something. dad, one second i was driving and then the next... they just didn't stop and then... i'm really sorry. i wrecked the subaru. i wrecked it. you're ok. that's all that matters. (vo) a lifetime commitment to getting them home safely. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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i am still supporting trump. i think that there is a lot of voters out there who kind of feel like these questions come down to a lot like, you know, when did you stop beating your wife. i'm glad to see him coming out and categorically denying it. >> that was comfort political analyst, charmane yost, explaining why she is standing behind trump, despite growing divisions in the evangelical community. voters are splitting whether to
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disavow trump or double down on their support. it's a group estimated to account for one third of all voters who identify with or lean toward the republican party. joining me now is reverend albert moeller, president of the southern baptist theological seminary. thanks for talking with me today. >> shanelle, wonderful to be with you. >> you wrote trump's horrifying statements make continued support for trump impossible. since then, leaders, including liberty university president, jerry falwell jr. and pat robertson have reaffirmed their support for donald trump. does this concern you? >> it does concern me. i have to back off for a moment and say, if we look at the 2016 presidential race, before we get to the question of donald trump, the vast majority of american evangelicals knew, long before the primaries and long before the nominations, that they would not vote for, and could not vote for the democratic party's
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nominee, because of that party's and hillary clinton's extremism in terms of moral issues, absolute commitment to abortion on demand and federal funding to abortion, the future of the supreme court. so before we ever get to or got to donald trump, the vast majority of americans expected in terms of evangelical christians, expected they would vote for the republican nominee. but the 2016 presidential race is very different than every presidential contest from 1980 to the present, where evangelicals had since 1980 developed the habit of voting for the republican candidate, because they could support that candidate in positions, convictions and character. all that changes in 2016. and the positions are part of it. the convictions are part of it when it comes to donald trump. but the character is the central issue. i am humiliated by some of the statements i hear fellow evangelicals make trying to justify support for donald trump. i'm afraid that the biggest damage in 2016 might have not so
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much to do with politics, as important as that is. but rather the reputation of america's evangelical christians. what we heard on that tape is not totally shocking or surprising to us when it comes to donald trump, because any knowledgeable american aware of this man is aware of his character before we get to that video. but that video is simply so over the line that i just can't imagine how anyone can publicly support donald trump and his character on the other side of that video. >> were you supporting him before, then? is that what you're saying, and that is just -- >> no. i was absolutely not supporting donald trump at any point and made that clear early in the primaries, because i wouldn't want to find myself judged by history, and by the christian church as having at any point supported a man whose character was already built on casino gambling and sexually explicit imaging and a persona that some people would describe as a playboy persona.
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what we saw on the tape was not just a playboy persona. it's the voice of a person who is or intends to be involved in the behavior of a sexual predator. so the tape itself, the voice of donald trump saying those things is a wake-up call for those who perhaps had supported donald trump. and it's a great moral dividing line. the before and after is very important. >> you're in an interesting position. i remember i used to live in tulsa, oklahoma, home of oral roberts university, and i talked to voters there years ago. and i remember a lady talking about the fact that, you know, even if you stay at home, you're still in some ways casting a vote. you know what i mean so if you stay at home, are you voting for -- are you supporting hillary clinton? or, you know, what do you think will happen? either you vote for someone or you stay at home and in a way, you're casting a vote. does that make sense? >> oh, of course it makes sense. and sheinelle, that's why evangelicals are in such a difficult, i describe as a
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excruciating position. because there is no good way to turn. the threat of hillary clinton as president of the united states is real and present. and so we're going to have to extend grace and respect and courtesy to evangelicals who in the sanctity of the voting booth will simply say i'm not going to vote for donald trump, but i'm going to vote against hillary clinton. and others, and i count myself in that group, will be unable to vote for either of the major party nominees. i will vote, but i am in a very difficult position of realizing that it's just morally impossible for me to vote for donald trump. as much as i want to vote against hillary clinton. >> so you're voting by not voting. is that what you're telling me? >> well, we are in a situation in the united states where we have as citizens the right to vote. but we cannot individually create the entire nomination process and primary process. we have to deal with the election the way it's presented to us. i cannot in conscience vote for
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either of the major candidates so i have to take some other option. andet there will be millions of evangelicals who will go in and vote against hillary clinton and many will vote for the republican nominee. it's a question of judgment, a question of prude en shul wisdom. >> i cannot say you're not passion not about what you believe. reverend albert moeller, thank you for talking with me today. >> thank you for having me. as donald trump dins all the accusations, we'll hear from both sides, some women defending him, as well. coming up, as we take a look at him talking live in new hampshire. we're monitoring that, as well. stay with us.
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at the top of the hour, donald trump's new comments today. why he thinks the conspiracy is behind new accusations of misconduct by several women. lots to talk about. stay with us.
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