tv MSNBC Live MSNBC October 15, 2016 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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and a very good afternoon to you, i'm richard lui and we're in new york city. i'm going to take you now live to bangor, maine. jeff sessions you see there. any moment trump will take the stage for his second campaign stop today. and if it's like anything we heard in new hampshire, we will certainly hear things amped up when donald trump said he would
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like to see hillary clinton take a drug test before the debate. >> i think we should take a drug test prior to the debate. i do. i think we should -- why don't we do that? we should take a drug test prior -- because i don't know what's going on with her. but at the begin of her last debate, she was all pumped up and at the end. it was like take me down, she could barely reach her car. so i think we should take a drug test, anyway i'm willing to do it. >> new information to indicate that she did have that trouble. trump then taking on the growing number of women coming forward and have accused him of sexual assault and groping. and he denied those allegations. >> you have phony people coming up with phony allegations, with no witnesses what soefr, ending up from 20 years ago, 30 years
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ago, how about this crazy woman on the airplane? okay? i mean, can anybody believe that one? how about this, after 15 minutes, we don't know each other. after 15 minutes, she said well that was too much. and i decided -- 15 minutes? with the ladies in this place, it would be 15 seconds and it would be smack. >> so far eight more women have come forward in the past week, nbc news has not been able to independently con independently -- the battleground map shows clinton expanding her lead. she now has more electoral votes than the 270 needed to win the white house. that's where it is today. but trump says this is all one big conspiracy. >> the election is being rigged by corrupt media pushing completely false allegations and
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outright lies in an effort to elect her president. >> we have full team coverage, nbc's jacob rascone atfter a rally in new hampshire. as we have been listening to some of the excerpts here from donald trump, a different tone, a different message, wondering what folks are saying at the rally where you're at. >> they're in step with what donald trump is saying about the election being rigged and about these women lying as donald trump says, and it's notable that behind me, senator jeff sessions is speaking. he said today, this may be a first for a senator in this election, jumping on with the argument that donald trump is saying that the election is rigged. this has become almost a central argument in the last several days, in the phase of mounting sexual assault allegations,
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collapsing poll numbers and partisan support among many. as i said, a lot of these supporters said that is the great smoking gun behind all of this, that it explains all of his woes when it comes to women coming forward, when it comes to sexual assault allegations. >> i guess because he comes across as an underdog to me, maybe an underdog that keeps shooting himself in the fo. >> so you think the women are lying? >> yeah, i would like to see him come out with some -- did you explain about it at the time? >> it appears that there's almost nothing really that he could do for some of his supporters that we talked at his rallies to leave him. even when we asked people, if these accusations turned out to be true, unequivocally will that change your mind?
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they say no because this is bigger than donald trump, even his base, that this is all rigged, even a grand conspiracy to rig the election, resonates with many of these people. >> we'll go straight to donald trump when and if it's necessary as he comes to the microphone. let's go now to katie tur in new hampshire. you listened to his speech earlier today, and you heard, what might be seen as a new gear, a new tone talking about drug tests. >> yeah, he was talking about drug testing hillary clinton, boris epstein, one of trump's advisors said this was just hyperbo hyperbole, that he's just having a little fun here, but one of the super pacs supporting donald trump saying that athletes have to be tested before their runs and that hillary clinton should be basic tested before she runs
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for office because it's the biggest contest of either of their life. whether it's a -- they're circling the wagons, especially the trump campaign, we had thought that they were going to paint bill clinton as some kind of bill cosby. instead donald trump is going on the attack as the accuser, painting himself as the victim, saying they're all lying, and in some cases even insulting their looks, he said he wouldn't necessarily or implying that he wouldn't go after somebody like the woman who said she was groped by him on an airplane. this is not -- we're not entirely sure if this is the track they're going to continue to go. there is some indication that his aides would rather he stay
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on the issue, talk about the wikileaks that is spiraling the clinton campaign. he spent ten minutes on that yesterday in charlotte. be we're unclear to find out where exactly donald trump will go. we know that he does have a tendency to get off those prompters, even in some cases dismantle the prompters. >> question for you here, as you have been following the trump campaign here now for quite some time, how women today or yesterday reacted now to what has been some eight reports that we have been telling our viewers about, what do they say about his response to all of that? >> they wish he would get back to the issues, but for the most part, they're cheering him on when he has these responses, they're yelling and screaming, some even yelling locker up, so
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there's very little sympathy for any of these women from donald trump supporters and there is nothing but this belief in is candidate, they don't believe that these accusers are reliable, they don't believe they should be trusted, they don't believe they are telling the truth. they believe that donald trump is the only person who can fix this country and that if he doesn't get into office, many of them believe what donald trump has been telling them, that the election could be rigged. >> katie tur on the road there with donald trump. thank you, katie for your perspective. i want to bring in the national spokesperson for move we also have senior reporter for politico and red states contributing editor. let me start with you on this, where is the donald trump campaign going? what are you seeing different today? the lock her up we heard in the last couple of days now, was it drug tests? it's the same question i asked
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katie a second ago. >> it's like a roller coaster and you think you have reached the pivotal point and you're on this free fall and then there's another couple drops and then a loop. this seems to be solely -- it's not electing republicans, it's not having a debate about policy, it's literally defending his reputation and his ego. at the beginning of the campaign, he used to point to polls and say look at that, i'm winning, now that he's losing, the only reason he can give is that they're rigged. >> a lot of folks are trying to understand. ben ben, in your reporting as contributing editored a red state, question had that analogy of him taking apart the teleprompter, taking one part of it off and removing another. and the crowd loved it here. is he getting off script, is
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that what's happening in the trump campaign do you know? >> i think he's getting offscript where kellyanne conway is concerned. he's losing, they know he's losing, so what do they have to lose by keeping him at the head of the movement. if he does get elected, they can keep trump as the head of this movement. all of these people, inknow wars, they're all going to profit off of this group of outraged people. >> a lot of people saying this is the bannon breitbart campaign. if the parallel on the democratic side would be as we look at what happened there, as a movement happening, and then the nominee trying to bring this
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movement along, is this what he's tieing to do, but not able to make that shift to go toward the middle here? >> what we're seeing from donald trump especially this past week, it's behavior that's not just unbecoming of a presidential candidate, it's a behavior unbecoming of a human being. he gets on stage, he attacks the women who are accusing him of sexual abuse, he goes after the press for doing their job. he's bullying any of the other women from coming out. he is completely unhinged and unfit to be president of the united states. and not only that, he's running this like black helicopter campaign, going after conspiracy theory, chasing after conspiracy theories and that type of rhetoric is very, very dangerous, especially for our democracy, our democratic process. >> and if he's going after the accusers here, and using demeaning terms to go after them on top of that. it seems like he is not moving away from exactly what the
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criticisms have been about his actions and what he has said before in responding to that. >> that's exactly right. we have a tape, it has audio, it has visual and he is saying these things about what he's doing to women, sexually abusing, sexual assaulting women. so now these women are coming out a dozen or so women come out and we have to question that? we have to question if he's actually done that? it's pretty unbelievable at this point. >> ben, the republican party, what's unbelievable, is also what the republicans and the mod root rats might say, what about our future? when you have john kasich saying this week, if the republican party doesn't evolve, he's not going to be a part of it. when i talk to other moderate republican sources, this is not necessarily an isolated response to what's happening right now. some even asking, should i publicly say i'm going to vote for hillary clinton? >> there's going to be a purge
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of some posort. it's either going to be a purge of those who have supported donald trump or those who have rallied around him. he's pointing to these conspiracy theories, he's chasing the conspiracy theorists, he wants that crowd, so that going forward he has a moment to lead. a lot of people who will believe this was rigged, he can come back in 2020. and there's no way that the republican party is going to go into a civil war over this. and there's no way the catering to that group is going to continue through the next four years, or they're going to form a new party, a more dangerous party. >> a new republican party, does donald trump carabout the republican party? what happens after? some might say, if donald trump
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loses, he still wins because maybe he's not so worried about the gop after all. what are you saying? >> it's not clear that he cares about the republican party, it's not clear he choares about winng this election, it's not clear he cares about the person on his ticket. the only person he's demonstrated a care about is himself. look at the rhetoric, just look at what he's doing, if you were to apply logic to what he's doing, the only thing that makes sense is he's building a grand that he can then build after the election. >> so you're sort of saying if he loses, he wins, if he wins, he wins? >> donald trump will not stop being donald trump no matter who wins. >> thanks to all three of you, thank you so much on this saturday. >> thank you. next we cikileaks releases n
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(to dog)i'm so proud of you. well thank you. get your free credit scorecard at even if you're not a customer. woman: how do we protect them from $4 billion in new cuts to california schools? man: vote yes on proposition 55. woman: prop 55 doesn't raise taxes on anyone. man: not on working californians, not small businesses. no one. woman: instead, prop 55 simply maintains the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians. man: so those who can most afford it continue paying their fair share... woman: prevent new education cuts... man: ...and keep improving california's schools. woman: vote yes on prop 55 to help our children thrive.
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we're on the campaign trail here live, we're taking you live where donald trump has just taken the stage, addressing supporters there at a rally. >> i almost delayed this speech by about two hours it's so interesting, but i decided you're more important than anybody. it's all a big, beautiful fraud. hillary clinton deleted 33,000 e-mails after a congressional subpoena, that's after she got a
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congressional subpoena, she deleted 33,000 e-mails, she lied to congress under oath. she made 13 iphones disappear. some with a hammer. and now we're learning two boxes of e-mail evidence and other things are mysteriously missing. the wikileaks documents show that the clinton campaign was colluding directly with the department of state and justice, so the investigation and on the investigation of her e-mails and her illegal server that put our national security at grave risk. hillary clinton should have been prosecuted and gone to jail for what she did. >> donald trump there, bangor,
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maine, echoing what he said at a rally earlier today. he's been escalating the words he has used, at least on this saturday, but specific to the wikileaks allegations that he has been making. msnbc's kasie hunt, kasie you listened to a little bit of how trump began his speech, talking about the latest transcripts from the wall street speeches, also there's some data about the e-mails, twhat do they reveal? >> we're getting the full transcript of her speeches to goldman-sachs, and these speeches are coming from the hack of john pedesta's e-mails, they have not been authenticated by nbc news.
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but we have what purports to be trance scripts of speeches that hillary clinton gave. let's break this down a bit. because we aren't necessarily learning too many new headlines out of this transcript and that's partly because the clinton campaign had gone through and tried to figure out what in these transcripts would generate new headlines, and they released that in this first batch of pedesta e-mails. this is more of a look at her rubbing elbows with these business executives, she talks a little bit actually about dealing with the previous wikileaks dump of those cables that has caused her to go on an apology tour when she was secretary of state to these foreign leader who is had been discussed in these wikileaks, she also said she wished more successful business people would run for office. she was talking about it in the
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context of having enough money to be able to announce a successful campaign, but interesting considering who she ended up running against. >> and what is the response of the clinton campaign to this release, specifically? >> their response is the same as it has been for the past eight days, which is to focus on the role of the russian government in these hacks and they say and the u.s. government has said that there are ties to russian intelligence, that's part of how this intelligence is coming out and they argue, the clinton campaign is arguing that they're trying to steer this election in fair of donald trump. that's what they say day in and day out. >> msnbc also learning cia is gearing up for a possible cyber strike against russia. it could be a clandestine
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operation against -- in an interview for tomorrow's "meet the press," chuck todd pressed vice president joe biden's on the administration's mindset. let's take a listen. >> we're sernding a message. we have the capacity to go it. and the message will be at the time of our choosing and under the circumstances is that have the greatest impact with a capacity to do, to fund a million dollar election is not what people think. and i tell you what, to the extent that they do, we will be proportional in what they do. >> is a message going to be sent? is the public going to know it? >> i hope not. >> eric, you have been following this story, sources saying the mission would be designed here
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to attempt to harass and embarrass the kremlin leadership. also hear word it's also to protect the u.s. election systems as we head towards november, what are you hear and what might that be? >> there are numerous things for the clinton campaign and how they want to proceed. so what you see in that report is that the fbi and the cia have a lot of documents that would be very embarrassing to russian president vladimir putin, the problem is if you start releasing documents you invite behavior in return, you invite embarrassing material that could be released on you as officials. you don't want a bank transfer from president obama to suddenly interfere because the russians are interfering with bank activities, you really have to be careful if you're the cia, if you're the obama administration,
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and another issue is that the public may never know about this, because if putin is embarrassed on the world stage, that's going to make him look bad, it's going to make him likely to depter what he's doin. bu does -- we can do a lot of stuff to you and we're not going to embarrass you publicly, because we know that will only make things worse for us but we could do that if we wanted to. >> what is this in arsenal and how far might we be able to go should we be able to do so? >> right now the fbi and the cia have taps into what are called foreign networks, taps into isis foreign lines, state owned banks, agency communication systems and essentially all the time they're listening, they're monitoring what people are saying, this is how they get a lot of intelligence on where terrorists are and what foreign ministries are planning to do.
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the problem is when you start to decide, do i want to take destructive action, do i want to do something in retaliation, when you do that, you tell the adversary this economisted a ve information about the adversary and the people who want to use them to put a virus in a system that want to erase an entire database, to release e-mails that would make a foreign leader look very bad. if you use those things, essentially use them up and then you've got to build new taps. and the u.s. is very reluctant to do that because they want too exploit what they have right now for intelligence on an ongoing basis. next, we're going to fact check the presidential candidates on some of their littest claims from the folks
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there will be agent accusations that donald trump sexual assaulted them or groped them. this is what he was just saying earlier, that they were unfounded in his speech in bangor, maine, live pictures seen there of him. now live pictures just here into nbc, that number eight appears to have grown to nine. the report just coming in to us from the guardian this afternoon. the person, 63-year-old kathy heller has come forward alleging trump kissed her without consent 20 years ago. she said it happened at a mother's day brunch with her in-laws at trump's resort
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mar-a-lago. nbc news is reaching out to the trump campaign for comment on this latest accusation, which we're calling the ninth allegation of sexual assault and/or groping. we'll have more on this story as we continue, but that headline just coming in as donald trump again denies that any of this has happened in this speech we were watching live just seconds ago. so now with the election just less than four weeks away, and with the baseball playoffs in full gear, now it's time for a score card, to hear how much of what the candidates are saying is true and how much is false. we're joined by amy holyfield, staff writer at politifacts. give us, if you check back with us here, donald trump, how often
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has he been telling the truth as of today or recently. >> sure. if you look at donald trump's score card on politifact, the ones that we have checked, definitely tip to the bottom of the truth-o-meter, and that's with 17% of them rating pants on fire. he actually has 4% which are rated true, which is notable because we didn't give donald trump a true rating until december of last year, wifls six months into his campaign. >> seven out of ten facts that you say are pants on fire, that's the most in this election, 7 out of 10. >> definitely that is where it is sued, we gave donald trump our lie of the year award in 2015, for the statements that he made in those six months and
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it's deflinitely not skewed too far from that. >> he did make a pants on fire in this past week on twitter regarding his performance in this past debate. what was that about, winning? >> he said that he won every poll in the debate had him winning by a landslide, the debate that was sunday night in st. louis. and you know, we looked at that, if you look at any of the scientific surveys, there were four national scientific surveys and not one of them had him winning, let alone by a landslide. what he's probably looking at is some of the nonscientific surveys i like the drudge report, where anyone can vote and there's nothing stopping a campaign from skewing the results of that, i'm not saying his campaign did. they're not considered scientific polls so we don't look at that. >> it's not something you can
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bot over and over again with a computer. >> so hillary clinton skewed a little differently, she's got 27% of her claims that we have ranked mostly false, false or pants on fire. she's got 27% 4% as true or mos true. you've got donald trump as a person who talks off the cuff. he skews from his teleprompter, he likes to talk real which his supporters really like. and you've got hillary clinton who's a much more cautious politician, she's been in politics for decades. this is are woman who's very guarded about the words she chooses and the way she talks. you a her not having a press conference for a very long time. >> she ciancia doing better than worse at least by your count so
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ugh. heartburn. sorry ma'am. no burning here. try new alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. they don't taste chalky and work fast. mmmm. incredible. can i try? she doesn't have heartburn. new alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. enjoy the relief. . 63-year-old kathy heller is saying that trump kissed her without consent 20 years ago. she said it happened at mar-a-lago. nbc news is reaching out to the trump campaign for comment on this ninth accusation that is new today. joining me right now is ben
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howe. thank you both for staying with us this hour. now we have number nine, just coming into us in the last hour or so, and kathy heller, she describes what happened here, she said she was sitting in new york, at home, fielding some e-mails from a friend regarding what was said about donald trump during the debate. and her alleged encounter, according to the guardian, is that it was around 1997 at a mother's day brunch, she said, at trump's estate. her husband, her three children and her in-laws were among some of the family members sitting at a round table in which she and a relative called an open lobby, then he reaches over and kisses her on the side of the mouth. that's the ninth accusation here, and it looks like the floodgates are open. the number of data points that
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we have grow by the day. >> what's amazing is how inline every description is what is by donald trump is what he does. i remember back in 2012 when herrmann kaine was casing similar charges from multiple people, and he was denying it. when the third one came out, it was hard to deny is that all of these accounts had some similarity to them lends credence to them. i don't think this is the last one. >> his ninth accusation, i was mentioning how we have the debate in front of us. the numbers do they just become insignificant, because there's no many, perhaps, people, we don't know here, obviously, people in their teens, 20s, but
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it's empowering more women here to come out and tell what is a very difficult story. one might say, we could see a lot more coming out as ben's intimating. >> i totally agree, richard, that's absolutely correct. we also know that mgm has yet to release these potential tapes from the apprentice that producers have said are much worse than what we have saw a week ago from the friday tape. and so move actually has a petition along with ultraviolet where 2,000 people have signed that petition to get those tapes released. so i think this is just the tip of the iceberg, unfortunately. and what it shows is that he is unhinged, unfit to be president of the united states. it is a pattern that spans a decade, decades. we have been hear about this type of behavior from him. and it goes back, it all goes back to, just look at the
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trajectory of the last 16 months of how he started th. >> as you know as you're reporting here, house speaker paul ryan saying that he will not campaign for trump after this entire incident, starting with the "access hollywood" outtakes were revealed, and all these reports of accusations coming out against him. but he won't pull his endorsement. as the numbers get higher, is he pressured more to pull his endorsement? >> i think what paul ryan does, his actions speak louder than words, if he's going to tell republicans to vote their conscience, i believe what came out of that meeting with republican lawmakers is every man for himself. he's in essence pulling his
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endor endorsement, whether or not he does so publicly. these accounts of women coming forward are very much in line with what donald trump said and it is death by 1,000 cuts and these are very, very deep cuts. >> we got the final debate wednesday night, as we were talking about here in las vegas, politico calling sunday's debate the worst debate ever. how are these accusations going to fit into what is actually said on wednesday. >> every answer from hillary clinton will in some ways go back to the idea of celebrating diversity, respecting women and these are all going to serve as reminders to people, either implicitly or indirectly of the accusations against donald trump. >> how does that fit in, koreen, on wednesday? >> i think that, ok, what we saw last sunday was essentially a breitbart front page type of debate from donald trump and i
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don't see that going away. and i think hillary clinton is the better debater, we saw that certainly on the fist debate. and so she just has to continue to stay positive and try to talk about the issues. and honestly, i would try to ignore him as much as possible and not allow him to filibuster and attack the way he has. or just, you know, step away from that as much as possible. >> ben, does she attack? >> i think if she's wise, what she'll do is she'll point out what a lot of republicans said when he first got in, what a lot of republicans said as they were battling him in the primaries and what republicans are saying now, all republicans saying is that this character that these women are accusing him of, that the media has pointed out, there are a lot of people who are saying he's exactly what you think he is, is coming true. and using our words against him would be the smart move in my
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opinion. next we're going to turn back the clock to 1992 and rodney king's appeal for calm during the l.a. riots, we will preview a new msnbc series called "in other news." so she takes the time to prepare a golden flakey crust made from scratch. and mixes crisp vegetables with all white meat chicken and bakes it to perfection. because marie callender knows that making the perfect dinner isn't easy as pie, but finding someone to enjoy it with sure is. marie callender's it's time to savor and know there's even more to savor with family size pot pies.
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remember one in three people get shingles in their lifetime, will it be you? talk you to your doctor or pharmacist about me, single shot zostavax. you've got a shot against shingles. welcome back. the 1992 l.a. riots that ensued after the acquittal of four lapped officers that were caught on camera beating rodney king were the headlines of the day, turning our sights from other stories of the day during that national outcry. nbc is giving the public a chance to revisit that year in a series called "the other news." it takes us back to that critical time in our nation's history to cover what we may have missed. >> at least 27 people are now dead since it all began following the acquittal of four police officers in the rodney
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king beating trial. >> on october 21st, there were a whole lot of hot spots, but we got word that rodney was going to make a statement. an enormous assemblage of media gathered arrange this podium. because we hadn't heard from him. >> i just want to say, can we all get along? can we get along? >> initially, that wasn't what he was supposed to say. he was given a script to read. he felt it was necessary to just speak from his heart. >> please, we can get along here. we all can get along. we just got to, you know, we're all stuck here for a while, let's try to work it out. >> i have always been very proud of him. very much. that's something that's still brought up to this day, i think it made an impact. >> as king pleas for calm -- >> people are still reportedly
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being held hostage by an armed gunman in the library building at the lindhurst high school. >> do not miss the apennine p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. coming up for you, a look at what donald trump's latest controversy has put in play for the democrats. mom, i have to tell you something. dad, one second i was driving and then the next... they just didn't stop and then... i'm really sorry. i wrecked the subaru. i wrecked it. you're ok. that's all that matters. (vo) a lifetime commitment to getting them home safely. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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this week donald trump's dip in the polls led some to believe not only the senate but the house of representatives as well could be in play come this november. house minority leader nancy pelosi reportedly told house democrats on a conference call tuesday, if the election were held today, democrats would take back the majority. right now republicans have 246 seats. the democrats have 186. and there are three vacancies. democrats need to gain 30 seats to take back control. now, political reports forecast,
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skeptical of that potential outcome writing trump's unshackled antics could hurt gop turnout and increase the democrats score gain in the area of 10 to 20 seat range, but the playing field remains narrow and 30 seats is still a reach today. joining us now is kelly ward, executive director of the dccc, official arm of house democrats and note we reached out to the national republican congressional committee, but they could not make anyone available to be on the show with us. i just menoned here, we have minority leader nancy pelosi saying this looks really, really good, but when you look at roll call data as well, their updated list, it has ten, at least the most vulnerable house seats. yes, ten, all republican-held seats. again, that's only ten. that's not 30. what's the polling that you have internally showing what nancy pelosi is saying? it can be done here. >> sure. well, we certainly feel very
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optimistic about the overall environment. clearly environment 14i69 shift democrats favor in the past week or so an think it had continue. we have 50 candidates on our emerging races around the country and a lot of districts winnable. a lot of turf to work with, and with this increasingly good environment, i think we'll pick up a lot of seats around the country. >> how do you tier those 50 you're watching? >> sure. the red to blue list. the house battlefield is predominantly in suburban districts and districts that hillary clinton is going to win. so as hillary clinton pulls ahead, as she has done over the past week or so, that increases our ability and our likelihood to win those seats. the suburban districts, the districts with a growing minority population, the districts with higher educated voters, those voters who be most repulsed by donald trump and are everyday shifting more and more to hillary clinton's corner -- >> how many in that suburban category that you're watching? >> as i said, yep.
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we have 30 seats, you mentioned, we need to take back. we have 50 candidates on our top tier list of candidates, and i think somewhere north of 30 and within that 50 is where we will be watching. >> north of 20? >> north of 20 certainly. i think well north of 30 we will play in and that we are watching all over the country as the environment gets better, it increases our likelihood to wins ones that are winnable. what we'll be doing over the last three weeks. >> watching district-by-district but the overall high level what's happening with the presidential election. ow new nbc "washington post" poll from last week showing voigters, which party they preferred to control congress. 49% said democrats. 42% said republicans. it doesn't sound, though, you have the margin. the margin is kind of small at this moment based what you hope to get done in the house? >> sure. well, as you mentioned, the generic ballot is a very important indicator of our chances to win. so that generic ballot is worth
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watching over the last three weeks. it's gotten better, that poll you mentioned is the best generic ballot we've seen at the house level since october of 2013. so that's a very good sign for us. hillary clinton's numbers, also another important sign to watch. the difference as you mentioned -- we need 30 seats. the house battlefield is limited in terms of winnability because of the gerrymandering we saw several years ago. what you will see in terms of democrat sectiuccess, wins ones thatten winnable. the political report, the districts on the board, we will increase our percentage of likely to win the ones around the country that are winnable. as the election gets closer and we continue to see donald trump tank in the polls. >> gerrymandering has indeed helped democrats, but you're probably smiling at least from the corner you're at during this cycle so far. 24 days to go. kelly ward, executive director
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of the dccc. thank you. stay with us. coming up top of the hour, donald trump holding rallies in new hampshire and maine. now a ninth woman reportedly has come forward accusing trump of sexual misconduct. gary, gary, gary... i am proud of you, my man. making simple, smart cash back choices... with quicksilver from capital one. you're earning unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. like on that new laptop. quicksilver keeps things simple, gary. and smart, like you! and i like that. i guess i am pretty smart. don't let that go to your head, gary. what's in your wallet?
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