tv MSNBC Live MSNBC October 17, 2016 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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quick look now at our microsoft pulse question. do you believe the election is rigged. 9% of you say no and 91% of you say yes. we are back on the road tomorrow heading to vegas. on the road for the duration, you should hang out. thank you for watching us. we'll see you tomorrow back at 1:00. now now, more news with my colleague, thomas roberts. the big rig is the big question. donald trump is doubleing down n this claim. hillary clinton is running for president in what looks like like a rigged election. >> the whole thing is one big fix. the election is being rigged by corrupt media pushing false
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allegations and out right lies in an effort to elect her president. the election is rigged. it is rigged like you have never seen before. they're rigging the system. >> so all that with this brand new polling out released in the last hour showing hillary clinton leading by double digits and trump at 38%. the allegation of sexual misconduct against donald trump are credible. lets begin, we have our correspondence here, halie jackson and kristen welker and katy tur. kristen, lets start with you of the wikileaks, what's happening with the fbi releasing certain documents. what is their campaign tempting us today? the fbi is releasing more 302s,
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302s are notes that were taken during interviews regarding secretary clinton's e-mails. i just want to under score that point. these are not transcripts. they were notes that were taken by fbi officials when they were interviewing various officials about secretary clinton's e-mails. one 302 in particular is getting attention because in it, it discusses the notion that there may have been talk of a -- his name was blanked out. okay, we are getting strong push back on that assessment from both the fbi and the state department. here is why. >> the fbi is saying we were the first ones to raise an issue that we wanted to talk about for
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a while, the issue has to do with fbi officials assigned abroad. having unsuccessful to speak with the senior state official, the fbi official asked the state department officials if they were to address a pending fbi address for an fbi employee assigned abroad. just to backup and explain what all of that means. there were concerns that note that was taken by the fbi official that there is some discussions of lowering the classification of an e-mail in exchange for more fbi firoffici abroad. what the fbi is saying that's not the case and there is never any change of classifications system. there was a discussion about having more fbi officials abroad and that discussion was raised
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by an fbi official chb. the state department is making this point of quid pro quo is inaccurate. we released it back in may of 2016. an e-mail that was marked currently, it was not marked classified and upgraded to classify. the state department wanted that classification to be reduced. it never was. it maintained that higher level of classification. just to take a broader look, there was an ongoing battle between the state department and other agencies about how these e e-mai e-mails, how secretary clinton's e-mails should be classified whether it is top classification or not essentially not classified. it is a lot of back and forth. the bottom line is the fbi and the state department are
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strongly indicating there is no wrong doing and any quid ppro quo here. >> all right, standby, kristen w welker. >> there is disputes within the state department rather between agencies of classifications. it is not uncommon for officials within the department to fight over classifications. it is something that's in the government with the state department and i will leave it to that to talk about that. >> there we have robbie mook saying he's going to let the states department to talk about that. >> this is too easy for republicans to ignore and not seize on this especially from the theme that we hear from pence and trump of this election is rigged and people have been moving mountains for hillary
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clinton to get in the oval office. the headline is hillary clinton was trying to have a quid pro quo with the state department with the states department and the fbi. that's what they are trying to further. whether or not this is founded or actually a big of a deal as it seems to be, it does not matter with them. they can get on stage and donald trump can get on stage tonight, look, we get approved now that hillary clinton was trying to manipulate things behind the scenes. she was trying to get her way and declassified information. that should have been declassified. it feeds into her narrative that she's out for herself and not for the american people. that's why we keep on hearing donald trump talk about this on the campaign trail. he says he wants to have an investigation talking about the fbi investigation into hillary clinton's e-mails, not accepting
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director comey's conclusion that there should not be any charges brought. he wants an investigation of what was going on between bill clinton and loretta lynch when they spoke together on that plane and tarmac in arizona. he's trying to say that hillary clinton is doing all of this behind the scenes that she's not someone who can be trusted. the details of this are don't matter at this point because it is in headlines that they can use to their advantage >> halie, we know that donald trump has been tweeting about this and talking about it is unbelievable. this is the same time that we are getting this new battleground of polling ground of this is a tight date especially we are looking in ohio. we talk about nevada as well. and that's actually, there we go. that's a right graph. this plays into their hands but what are you hearing from your sources of what the prep is for
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both sides of clinton and trump as they get ready for this trd fight night in vegas of all places. >> fight night, thomas, you are setting the headline already. it is going to be. any kind of a change to the narrative moving forward after what continues to be a bad ride given for donald trump of the news stories coming out the last two weeks. when you look at national polls and battleground polls. clinton does appear to be leading by a bit in most of them. when you talk about strategies for the debate. we know that hillary clinton has been off for the campaign trail, she's been prepping in the last half hour. she's been doing a lot of this prep and drilling down and get ready which is something she has done in past debate. it is something that donald trump hits her on. he's been on the campaign trail. i want to say something like 13
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times in the last week. i will check that number. he's been out quite a bit. when he does that, he hits clinton for not being quite so public with rallies in this time period. the flip side is because he's doing rallies, trump has less time for debate prep. he's not a candidate that we have seen do prep for debates and any kind of traditional sense and we don't expect the change heading into wednesday evening. the question is going to be what does he have up his sleeves and change the topic which is something republicans are begging him to do. >> as you talk about the contract, do we know donald trump is taking any time of his debate? >> we have no idea. we do know he was off the trail yesterday presumably doing debate prep. the campaign is tight lift about this and refusing to say what if anything he's doing going into this third debate.
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you did hear donald trump on saturday saying he thinks they should be drug testing into going into the debate. >> yeah, we heard about that. >> wednesday night and thank you very much, katy tur and halie jackson and kristen welker. donald trump raising the possibility of a voter fraud comes on november 8th. when you ask what they mean, he's blaming the media. >> the american people will speak in an election that'll come on november the 8th. the american people are tired and the obvious biassed in the national media, that's where the sense of the rigged election goes here. >> i don't know that there is a national coordinated effort but there is a lot of local corruptions that's going on. >> trump's major complaint of the election is not the polls, it is at the news media level >> he says the reporters are the ones that rigged it.
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he never talked about cheating in the polls. joining me now the best in the business, michael steel and partn partn partner at jones, ben ginsberg. thank you for being with me. >> maichael, let me start with you, how easy is this allegation that the allegations do not match up with the facts. >> it should be fairly easy for him. there is a lot of confident evidence going back to the words of the fbi and director themselves and his own press conference where he's called the former fist lady a liar. all of that plays into a narrative that could be helpful to donald trump at this point. as we noted before and you talked about tweeting about
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other things tend to be a distraction. it makes an easy lay up more difficult. the assumption that donald trump is making is people sort of getting that. they understand that's sort of baked in. when he reenforcing his rigged message is this totally completes everything i have been saying going back to the primary. i don't know how that's resonating with voters that he needs to bring into get to 51%. that's the thinking. >> yeah, he's kind of levelled off of this 38 number. ben, you were part of the recount in 2000s. we know you go all the way up to supreme court and trump's surrogates this morning is talking about the process saying the electoral process is subjective than most people think. if donald trump were to win, has he question the credibility of his own win with this campaign
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rhetoric? >> well, that's a great question. what happens in the bolling place is each state law allows democrats and republicans, all candidates to have observers and vaerify that the process is working right and votes can be counted. so it is also true that there are some consistencies in the way similar ballots are counted. that's why it is important to take advantage of the provisions of state laws to be able to see what's going on in the polling place. >> michael, when talking about voter fraud, ben bringing up having certain eyes on the system, we got team trump being specific on blaming democrats on any type of voter fraud. take a look at this. >> i cannot sit here and tell you that they don't cheat.
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i know because they control the poll places in these areas. there are no republicans. that's very hard to get people there who'll challenge votes. >> already, these areas that the mayor refers to this in chicago, philadelphia, urban areas, is that racially charged rhetoric by guiliani there? >> they're generally are the ones who are appointed to the electoral boards and etcetera and etc. prince george is counting outside of dc. again, democrats county, they are the ones who have the appointments to the board of elections and have the operational structure in place to get people there at the polls. having said all of that is not a barred to republicans to get off their behind to get people there
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to do election judging etcetera and etc. it is not difficult process. there are processes in place that allows you to check each other and democrats have checked republicans and republicans have checked democrats. if you get the organizational structure in place, it taps down the concerns that you may have of cheating. >> meanwhile at the school of law, there is been a handful of substantial cases, voter fraud is extraordinary rare and it is likely that an individual be struck by lightning and that he will impersonate another voter at the poll. is this a smart campaign message for donald trump? >> well, look, i think what you have to focus on is the rudy guiliani himself, he felt 1989
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that perhaps it was not. he recruited lawyers to go in to visually every precinct in new york to be sure that the election is fair >> we'll see how it boils down. can you believer it? >> cannot wait, michael steele and ben ginsberg. tuned in this wednesday live at the university of nevada, las vegas, 9:00 p.m. at eastern and followed by late night coverage with our post debate team. again, it is the third and final one. donald trump says he's the victim and the women accusing him of sexual misconducts are part of the media conspiracy, we'll talk with the trump's adviser why he's lashing out of his victims and another week of
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rigged and a conspiracy and part of that conspiracy is accusing the nominee of some type of misconduct. >> we cannot let them get away with this, folks. >> we cannot. >> total lies and you have been seeing, total lies. we are going to stop it. we are not going to back down. how about this crazy woman on the airplane? okay? i mean can anybody believe that one? believe me, she would never be my first choice that i can tell you. man! you don't know, that would not be my first choice. the trump team and donald trump himself denied all allegations by every woman that come forward. aj delgado is joining me now.
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your candidate says there is a larger scale of fraud before the election day. what proof does he have? >> lets face it. voter fraud has occurred in the u.s. especially in presidential elections. we saw it in the 1960s election and lbj in texas and resaw it in the 1997 miami election for mayors where they had to toss out the results because there were 5,000 fraudulent absentee ballots. chris matthew has talked about how much voter frauds there is in philadelphia, and democr. why is it controversial that mr. trump is pointing out something that's historically true. >> he did send out a tweet about it that it is widespread. it matters because we have many
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critical states that are early voting and absentee ballots are filled out. the third presidential debate has not happened yet. >> brennan center, they said that it is extraordinary rare that their vetooters attempting defraud the system. if an individual is struck by lightning then he will impersonate another person at the polls. you feel this much of a problem that can sway the election. you think it is that rapid? >> the 1960 presidential election, are they not aware of that? this is an issue that could have a serious effect on an election and on a swing state. what's wrong with calling for vigilant and making sure the process is playing out the way it should. warning against voter frauds which has happened repeatedly in the country regardless of which
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side. >> is donald trump wins, is it rigged then or only if hillary wins? >> lets look at the fraud instances. they're found in democratic wins and democratic counties. like the 1960s election, like what chris matthew referenced and philadelphia is usually in the democratic precincts that you find. i am not trying to be partisans here but voters tend to happen democrat in democratic pollings. >> you are in florida. >> trump has been defiant. he's upset of the women that's coming forward of accusations of sexual misconduct and say these are untrue. he's gone as far as mock the appearance of certain women or to say they are not attractive
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enough for his attention to hit on them. >> the women that came forward with his accusations, how is it different for hillary clinton to have done what is alleged of her and trump to have done what's alleged of him and he's going after these women as well. is it different? >> absolutely, thomas. hillary according to the "new york times," sends a prite investigator digging up dirt of jennifer flowers. all mr. trump has done is standing up for himself and not looking to dig up dirt or shame hillary clinton. >> all he's done is defending himself. >> i wish hillary clinton defended herself. he was a bully. >> is mocking the women in public is worse?
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>> i don't believe he's mocking them. how is he mocking them? >> by saying look at her. >> if you interpret that -- >> and i sat down the club by myself and i go wah. they are -- statements that demean a woman's credibility. >> sexually assault issus in th country is a real issue. >> that's no difference of what bill clinton says of monica lewinsky -- >> so because bill clinton was alleged to do it, it is okay for everybody else to do it? is that your argument? >> you didn't see anything offensive of bill clinton pointing out. that's not type of woman that i
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am attracted to and he acted upon it. when donald trump says listen, you are accusing me of sexually attracted on this woman, by the way, that's not the type of person that i am attracted to. that's not okay. when bilclinton does something or hillary clinton does something, you all look the other way. >> that's not accurate. we led the show today and i am sure you were paying attention, we led the show with the new e-mails that came out. >> how often did the anchors asked, do you believe this woman is lying, how often do you ask robby mook is juanita is lying? >> swas she lying when she recanted or filing the rape
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claim. >> where you misspoke is different on recanting under the pressure. that's why juanita recanting te rumors about her. >> we have to agree to disagree. we'll have you back and i like having you on and it is always a good debate. aj delgado. >> today we have been asking you is donald trump making claim that the election is rigged. do you as voters agree? >> 10% say yes and 90% say no. check it out on the pulse, microsoft. we have breaking news. mosul of an isis stronghold for that terrorist estate. a lot of updates after this. what powers the digital world? communication.
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stage one is early and as i understand the iraqis has hoped. >> day one and early. we are following the breaking news out of iraq. this is a big moment because the public affairs peter cook, spoke on this situation talking from the pentagon to retake iraq of the second largest troop of mosul. isis haddo haoccupied this placr two years. richard engel is live. >> reporter: why now is a very long andomplicated question. this operation has been long delay
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delayed. you can say why now, why not four months ago or not six mo months or a year ago. isis held mosul for nearly two and a half years. when isis took over mosul with a small number of fighters, it captured a significant iraqis army. this is the same iraqis that the united states spends ten and years o f training. we are seeing redemption by the iraqis army sending an overwhelming number of troops relying on kurdish forces to take over the city to not only send the message that the iraqis army redeemed itself and take the city but discredit isis. to push what is out of its capitol city, the biggest city. the city where it gained its weapons and privilege and tens
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of millions of dollars that it stole from banks. if it works would be a reversal for isil. it was from mosul that isis began. it did not start in the city but that was where it gained its momentum. and that's where it gained its international fame that it is used to attract so many terrorists. >> we'll see if this works, trying to reclaim that geography and work on the ideology. . thank you, richard engel, we appreciate it. we have early voting beginning in georgia, the last time georgia went blue was for bill clinton back in 1992. chris jansing is in georgia
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after this, macon, georgia. is he gone?? finally, i thought he'd never leave... tv character: why are you texting my man at 2 a.m.? no... if you want someone to leave you alone, you pretend like you're sleeping. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. tv character: taking selfies in the kitchen does not make you a model.
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all right, we got our new numbers out from msnbc. it shows the contrast between the no, ma'am mminee and last y. mark, we got 22 days ago, take us through the new numbers. our wall street journal polling ends up having hillary clinton with a 10 or 11 points lead over donald trump. we go inside these numbers. what i find fascinating is the break down among women. we have donald trump down 20 points verses hillary clinton when it comes to women. mit romney, romney was down just 11 points and what's also fascinating here are white voters. you end up having donald trump, he's up 11 points among white voters. but, in 2012, mitt romney was up
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20 points. that illustrates why donald trump is in a rough place right now. >> our pollsters ended up looking at the respon-- one of g reasons why, thomas, in the read states, those are the republican leaning states that donald trump's margin is lower than romney were able to have in 2012 for the exit polls. hillary clinton is over perform ing in red states. >> we'll head to a red state. our senior political editor, mark murray, we have early voting taken place under way. when we break it all down by party affiliation, more democrats have casted early
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ballots, colorado, iowa and wisconsin and virginia and more republicans voted in florida and north carolina and nevada and yes, now georgia. that's where we find nbc chris jansing continuing her battleground, joining us now at the town of macon. this is the first day for folks there. how has the turn out been and what are people saying about the election site? >> reporter: almost 900 so far, that's a huge number here in central georgia. i was just talking to a local news reporter, they are stunned by the fact that this can be a competitive state. this area is heavily african-americans and georgia has been going for hillary clinton by almost 80 points. there is this question of whether white women will turn away from donald trump. here they voted and they do a little socializing, and the
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league of women voters have been giving them sweet teas and hot dogs. i want to talk to a couple of voters, tell us who you voted for and why? >> i voted for hillary because i think she's the best choice out of the two we got in pittsburgh. >> a lot of people are talking about donald trump saying this could be a rigged e llection, wt do you think about that? >> that's what he's saying so he can have an excuse. >> if i have to place a bet i am guessing? >> i am voting for a woman. she's the best qualified. >> do we have a chance for georgia. what are your friends telling you? >> well, i am praying that if i give donald trump enough time, he will turn it blue. [ laughs ] >> thank you both. >> thank you. >> reporter: good to be in georgia. we are going to learn a lot over
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the next couple of days. we have seen it in arizona of another of these red states that could turn blue. the clinton campaign is shelling michelle obama and that's a huge signal that they think they can win here. they have one ad al yvolume in past. will they do more, it is happening fast, it is 21 days early voting. it all right started. 2012 nearly half of georgia voters voted before election day, thomas. >> the gentleman in the obama hat, he hopes to give donald trump enough time to turn georgia blue, chris, we'll let you go, great work. this is our pulse question for today, donald trump is making claims that the election is rigged. 10% of you say yes and 90% of you say no, the pulse is live. go check it out on pulse.
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all i can say is that i understand this, catherine, this was any really assertion that this was somehow quick pquid pro quo exchange. >> both the state department and the fbi denied any quid proquo. joining me is the former dnc chair and hillary clinton's supporter. >> we got this going on. we got the latest out by wikileaks talking about what this really means in terms of donald trump's narrative of paid for play. >> while we have state and the fbi on defense saying that this
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is not alumination of this. >> this is nothing. the last couple of batch e-mails revealed nothing. who is pushing this notion? >> but, i want to make it, we got the wikileaks stuff going on. this new information is because of the notes that were taken of interviews and release of information and redacted portions of conversations between fbi and state and what it meant with that statement for quid pro quo. the assertion come fing from th fbi to state. >> why did anyone suggested that the fbi did something criminal. >> that's the bigger question.
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>> you know, they're all big quid. this is nothing. this is somebody made this up. this is innuendo and leads by the russians. >> no, sir, this is not wikileaks. >> this is an unnamed fbi officials who made these documents alleging that patrick kennedy of wrong doing. he was trying to help influence that was taken place between the investigation of hillary clinton's state department. >> this makes no sense to me at all. this sounds like late in the campaign tricks that are meaningless. there is no there, there, i don't understand where the there is. it is fnot plausible for patric henry to be involved. this is crazy. with the debate coming up on wednesday. and donald trump is saying the election is rigged. we have the state department on
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defense saying that they're insulted by these allegations. while people continue to vet what it means, governor, if there is any connective tissue that makes it look or smell funny. donald trump will run with this ball. what is the play of hillary clinton on wednesday's debates stage in vegas. >> the play of hillary clinton is doing what he did with white water and the conspiracy theory of vince foster's suicide. this is all nonsense and not one of her scandal accused of ever been proved. this one won't be either because there is nothing there. we know that this election cycle has been highly polarized and a lot of finger pointing to this scandal to that scandal between both of these party candidates
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and now we have the violence too took place at the republican headquarter in north carolina. before the debate stage in vegas, what's your opinion for the candidates to tone it down? >> i think hillary has done what she came for. democrats raised money online to help them prepare and help the republicans to repair the damage. we are not dog whistling v vai violators like donald trump is. we don't get it. we think more people that get to vote no matter how they vote, the better the country is. >> when we think of the different types of languages that's being used back and forth. donald trump suggesting that hillary clinton was on drugs.
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[ laughs ] >> they should take a test on something. here he was in portland. take a look. >> athletes are making more and more. athletes they make them take a drug test. i think we should take a drug test prior to the debate. why don't we do that? we should take a drug test prior. i don't know what's going on with her. but, at the beginning of her last debate, she was pumped up at the beginning and at the end it was like, huh, take me down. she can barely reach her car. >> that was back to the stamina accusation that he has more than hillary. >> he apologized a couple of weeks ago after a certain accusations that you made after his first debate performance. what do you think the reaction to this, i know twitter will go ablaze to it. your reactions of your e marks
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for donald trump. >> donald trump talks about his own inflictions as they were somebody els. this guy is maybe crazy. i am not sure. he sounds to me like he's nuts. i don't take this stuff seriously. i advise hillary clinton to avoid this. he's pred clotty close to a lun. donald trump is preparing himself for defeat and hen ton is preparing herself for governing and that's the way we ought to look at it. >> we'll all be watching on we understand night and your twitter account on wednesday night. >> i will be well behaved, tom, i promise you, tom. >> we'll be watching. thank you, sir, appreciate your time. right now bill clinton is rallying voters at king stage college in new hampshire. >> keep it locked in here, we'll
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keep an eye on his rally and talk about what those folks there rallying for his wife. you are watching msnbc, the place for politics. you're a smart saver. you find ways to stretch your dollar. so why not compare your medicare part d plan with other options? call or go online now and see how aetna medicare rx saver could help you save. with a low monthly plan premium. access to over 60,000 pharmacies. plus $1 tier 1 generic medications at preferred pharmacies including walgreens and walmart. shop smart. compare your part d options today. and find out if aetna rx saver is right for you.
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he looks a little ticked off now. thank you for joining me, my colleague kate snow is picking things up right now. >> hi thomas, happy monday to you. i am kate snow. 22 days away. donald trump is in trouble this afternoon. a brand new poll has him down 12 points nationally, he's not going down another fight. another day and assertion that the election is rigged. that evolves into something as a model for trump. his campaign manager tomorrow
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