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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  October 17, 2016 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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he looks a little ticked off now. thank you for joining me, my colleague kate snow is picking things up right now. >> hi thomas, happy monday to you. i am kate snow. 22 days away. donald trump is in trouble this afternoon. a brand new poll has him down 12 points nationally, he's not going down another fight. another day and assertion that the election is rigged. that evolves into something as a model for trump. his campaign manager tomorrow. >> anybody reading the newspaper
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online recognize that the fixes for miss clinton when it comes to the mainstream media. >> if there is any voting going on, we should take action. >> new attacks from the trump campaign over just released fbi documents that have to do with the investigation of hillary clinton's private e-mail server and that's where we start this afternoon. republicans pointing to newly released document frs the fs of that shows quid pro quo. i am joined my nbc kristen welker and our national security reporter. krist kristen, let me start with you and back a step a little bit. take me through what we have learned through this afternoon.
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? >> these documents were released of the freedom information act. there are notes that were taken during fbi interviews with various officials about secretary clinton's e-mails. in one of the notes, it implies that one of the officials requested a quid pro quo for making sure that one of secretary clinton's e-mails was not upgraded to classify. >> both the fbi and the state department today are saying that essentially that's a missed characterization of what actually happens and that was not the case. in terms of what the quid ppr ppr pro quo, the fbi is weighing in and say there is never any discussion of the quid pro quo. one of the fbi officials raised the points of having fbi officials are appointed of broad that that's an ongoing issue.
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i will read uh-uh a statement. the fbi officials asked the states department officials if they were to address pending address for additional fbi employees to sign abroad. the classification of the e-m l e-mails was not changed and it remains classified today. >> there is never any quid pro quo. >> this allegation is inaccurate and does not align with the facts. >> now, there is been an ongoing discussion about how secretary clinton's e-mails should be classified. there is a discussion and internal disputes between various officials from the state department, from the fbi about whether to upgrade certain e-mails that she had to classify. >> again, what this is basically
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saying is as if there is a discussion about this particular e-mail. it remains classified. the highest level of classification that there can be and there was no quid pro quo. the fact that we are having this discussion, will in doubtedly has given thoughts. >> there is been statements coming out of the trump's campaign. cam, let me go to you, i did not know what a 302 was until this afternoon. i feel for our viewers who are just tuning in and trying to understand this release of information. what is a 302? is that part of the issue here that the person's writing this 302 characterize things in a certain ways that may or may not accurate. >> absolutely. >> 302 is a summary of the fbi, that's all it is. >> it reports what other people told the fbi.
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you had an employee that saying hey, i felt pressured and i felt this other fbi officials was telling me to change the classification because he's engaged in that negotiations with his official, patrick kennedy, about important guy to do these things for the fbi and allowing more fbi agents to be facing abroad. >> what happens is our guy raised this with the state department and he did it in add vertedly and did it without any intentions to suggest quid pro quo. the fbi has looked into this and there is no quid pro quo. >> they referred to this matt per, they are acknowledging that officials should not raise the separate matter in a discussion of hillary clinton's e-mails. >> yeah, this gets muddy so quickly. >> has the clinton's campaign
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responded? >> i believe robby mook was asked by this. that's right. >> robby mook echoes what i was saying. e-mails were common when they were first looking into secretary's clinton's e-mails. >> there were disputes within the state department or rather between agents and agencies of classificatio classifications. it is no t uncommon for officials within the department to fight over classifications if it is something that took place entirely within the government, and with the state department and so i will leave it to that to talk about that. >> so again, kate, push back from the clinton campaign and the fbi and the state department, what it is striking is what we areless than a month until election day and still
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talking about secretary clinton's e-mails. this is something she will be dealing with right up to voters go to the polls. cheerily, n they were looking at various republican leading states like arizona. they're going to fly the first lady in bernie sanders and we know that chelsea clinton and bernie sanders will be in that state. >> kristen welker, thank you very much for all of that on a complicated story. >> a businey day on the trump campaign. >> peter alexander is covering that front. he keeps on using the word "rigged." what does he talk about when he meant the system is rigged. >> it is the mainstream media that was rigged in the way that it covers this campaign. within the last 24 hours, he
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sort of expanded that lie and suggesting that it is not just the media but the entire electoral process as it exists in the this country. >> today suggesting that there is voter fraud on a large scale. now, the fact that the matter is, and this come frs the center for justice zr the law school that you are more likely to get struck by lightning than you are then an individual going into a person place and trying to impersonate another individuals. >> very few of them has to do with actual voters fraud and more of them had to do with some voter data that's expired. there are still dead people on the road. >> none the besome of them are e for the event taking place. it comes trump is finding a new
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calculus. the recent poll numbers showing him trailing as much as 12 points. pete alexander, thank you very much. >> election fraud happens in this country so we want to dig into that claim. joining me now is ari belber. take us through this legal and statistical standpoint. how common in this country to see what we would think of electi election fraud. >> there was studies done and found 31 instances. >> this is just not a thing. thatst t that's the clearest way to put it. the reasons are, it would be incredibly dangerous for someone to try to steel the election by
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organizing thousands of people to impersonate other voters. it will be lodgisticly and nearly impossible and you can go to jail for it. it is no t a thing that we see happening a lot. that goes to the fact that donald trump is trying to be discord and distrust. which is deeply problematic. >> he suggests that chemoshould keep an eye on election day. is it allowed for people to point to the fact for people to monitor the election. >> as of so many things donald trump said, he puts it in a sloppy way and that may reflect a lack of concern or a lot of understanding. having said that, both parties tried to f election operations and training individuals peeshl lawyers. beyond on hand and be there for questions and dealing with
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challenges for the corroboration of the system. now, most states have rules that you can restrict near the voting areas. you cannot go right up to the door way, i don't care who it is for and try to ex stall people to do smig and you cannot under criminal law and intimidate them. you cannot have people near by or out there were information and you have layers on happeneds a happeneds -- people who are not trained or working the party or don't know the rules should gather and make sure things are not stoenl or etc. that's responsible for viewers to watch at home. you have every right to call and say i want to help out and volunteer on a non partisan capacity. >> you are suppose todd go to the proper chance. >> sometimes i am here at a lawyer, i will be here as a normal person and it does not
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make a lot of sense for an old person to say hey, everybody, come hoep and don't know the rule and don't change, he will gather as a mob outside the facility. that's a good thing. that goes into we have to call what we see. >> it is certainly acceptable to try to get involve inside the election. it is not acceptable and all up people at polling places. that's not we have done in measuring. >> the nominee, of california. ron, nice to see you again. lets talk about what we have been talking about ari, and this bhoel notion of a rigged system. you are a conservative and you worked for ted cruz, should donald trump be questioning whether or process will prork.
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work. that can also include poll watching and making sure that republicans turn out and not interfering with the election and not characterizing the political system as rigged. that sends a bad message. it does is it tells everyone don't bother to participate because the election is pre-determined and support your candidate, it is not going to matter. >> the massachusetts, it is important for you to close out and get out >> do think that's what they are doing? >> are that he trying to suppress turn out so perhaps, it helps their candidate. >> i think it is donald trump is trying to win an argument. he needs to focus on winning the election. >> the way you do that is putting them in the system and
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iwakumaing sure they are enga engaging on election days. >> they're hoping for a turn out. that how you drive up the numbers and helping the down ticket and other republicans win the election. that's not happening now. >> terntly, we should not be characterize by the american political system on a pass scale that's rigged or dej. >> speaking of things that is dangerous. >> it a compilation of trump's porter, of what would it be like if hillary clinton wins the election? >> take a look. >> if she wins we'll end up in a war. >> that one was horrible. we are going to rise up and tired of taking it. >> are you worried that could happen if hillary clinton wins. >> there will be another
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election two years later and hillary clinton can be judged by her performers in office. we should focus on the election that's colding up nming on now. >> what we see in many countries, people returning to violence and many things. >> he should not be doeng anything to prove in that direction. we should participate the party they support and help the kand days support to win both of this election and the next one. >> we were doing at the top of the show of hillary clinton and the fbi and the state department. how damaging do you think those reports are, especially ichb the week that donald trump has had and a lot of damaging news of his own. >> a couple of things. first, i would like donald trump not to do things which you will
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distract these people. this is not a matter of e-mails and technology. it is a matter of trust. this is devastating to hillary clinton's trust worthy necessne. >> no many people can trusted or that the trust is -- of what she says and the quote, the truth is subjected to future. that's not a good narrative that you want to go into election at all. >> this is be a big frob for her. i don't think it is going to recover for election day. >> yesterday ted cruz tweeted and deleted this tweet. why conservatives will need a new party if and when hillary clinton wins. it links to an article with the same title. >> that tweet and headline, it
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seems like ted cruise is giving up. i saw that tweet coming back here to washington dc. >> that was not some of something that ted cruise had done. that's not something that should have gone out what so ever and not reflective. >> so he did not tweet that, do you say? >> no, he did not. >> d you decembyou disagree of d the way that we affect change in this i kr is having a strong, principle republican party with elected washingtons going to washington as senator cruz has done and do the thing that is that they campaign for for the trail. >> tulsa great to see you.
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thank you very much. >> thank you. >> a republican party activists blasts members of the party still supporting donald trump. >> he has a unique point of view on this. she joins me right after the break. oh, taking some time off. no, i'm scheduling time to go to the bank to get a mortgage. ugh, you're using a vacation day to go to the bank? i know, right? just go to get up tfive loan offers to compare side by side for free. wow, that's great. wait. how did you get in my kitchen? oh, i followed a raccoon in through your doggie door.
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a long time republican activist in wisconsin is going public after being sexually assaulted in 2011 by a former wisconsin lawmaker, robertson wrote a poll last week. calling out some of her parties who shunned her after she reported her own assault. i am sadden as i watched many people i know and admired come
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to his defense and excuse his language away. people i thought were fairly level headed are stating that his behavior is okay because it is just as bad or less so than hillary's or bill. people that i once respected and shouted at our rooftops that we must accept them because we have no better alternatives. >> bill kramer who was a member of the state of wisconsin leader there had groped and forcibly kissed her. three years earlier, kramer pleaded no contest. she was sensed to five months in jail. for more, i want to bring in republican diane robertson, it is so nice to see you. >> why did you decide to speak out right now. >> i decided to speak out because i was soo tire of hearing these types of languages
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and types of comments and behaviors explained away and excused as locker room talk or you know that's swrjust boys be boys. that that's oneey feel that thet be believed or excused my way, he should except it because that's how boys are. >> you where you the kind of reaction that you got when you came forward with these allegations. as we just said, the person you adduced ended up in jail for this. you wanted to stay anonymous and people found out about it. what happened? >> my fame wname was released i press and i was hounded in the press and my children called on the phones. it was humiliating. that's another reason where a lot of women don't come forward especially if they are a highly
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stature that's involved in this. they feel like they do not come forward because it will be publicly embarrassed. >> you were still apart of the republican party at the time and you still are a republican as i understand it. >> at the time what happened in term os f the way peopof the wa treated you at home and work of p political affairs. >> it is behind the scenes that a lot of people were why is she doing this or what is she trying to gain by this. there were a few people, not poem th people that i work with, people that i am involved with on a volunteer level did to my face saying things of that nature like why are you doing?
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and you should just stop. this is not okay. >>. >> you write on your facebook post, "i used to be ashamed of coming forward, i used to regret it since the fallout of me is so huge, now, i just feel pity. ". >> i said this before. it is this massive strength on your shoulder, until you come forward and talk about what happens to you and try to get justice for yourself and try to be brave and do for it anyway >> do you know who you are going to vote for? >> i have no idea. >> diana robertson, thank you very much for coming and sharing your story. i know it was not easy for you, appreciate it. after the break, the battle to retake mosul from isis as iraqis and kurdish forces launched
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their offensive to end that city's two years accusations. we'll go live to iraq when we come back. when you've been making delicious natural cheese for over 100 years like kraft has, you learn a lot about what people want. honey, do we have like a super creamy cheese with taco spice already in it? oh, thanks. bon appe-cheese! okay...
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iraqis and kurdish forces launched the largest military against isis, taking isis held city of mosul in northern iraq began over night. the operations is back by u.s. air strikes. if successful, this is the biggest blow of isis yet. over a million civilians are trapped inside that city. the second city of iraq. >> for more, i want to turn to nbc matt in iraq. what's the latest from there? >> reporter: thanks katie, as you mentioned this day starting with an address to the nation. it is going to involve up to
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65,000 members of the iraqis security forces. he made this address while dressed in a military uniform and he made yuns that you did to the fact that isis held this city, the second largest city in eye wac for two years. >> land minds and created boop buy trap hopes. that's all already haves been slowing down some of the operations today. >> we are seeing the operations was announced in this pormornin. >> the iraqis federal police and military have an managed to take several other religious south of mos mosul. this is a first day in an operation that could last for weeks or months. and if they do actually succeed in taking mosul. this could be a major blow against the islamic state. >> kate.
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>> matt bradley, thank you very much. i want to bring in our senior ed contador cal perry, he's going to break down the geography of this military offense for us. he need to happen to understand what's going on. >> matt is in inbred bill. that's still likely under isis control. >> this is the main highway that isis has used to get flood and flies in and out. that's going to be the coalition forces are going to be cutting off. as we go through this. this is where our richard engel is, this is where they are all trooping and staying. the curve is sort of this area here. they have 10,000 troops moving down from the north. u.s. advisers and french
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advisers working on the eastern part of the city and western part of the city. as we zoom in and looking clo r closer. you heard matt talke about what he said about prime minister that this could take a long time >> yeah. >> that's the first time that the coalition troop will want ton take. in order to declare victory, they have to take that. >> i am really afraid to find out. what happens. a bigger concern is the restroom part of the city. about 700,000 people living in the area and many of them are living on compacted small street, you cannot get armor veerk in here. >> a lot of it can be late with ied's with boob y traps. >> take a look at this.
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this was al-qaida's supply room, in and out of syria. >> it is exactly the same >> that's the vend map. >> this is 2006 and 20008. they are exactly the same and exactly in the same area as the apply routes. so this has been a historical problem for the last decade. we have seen three major battles for the city of mosul. the twirs two is by u.s. military and now we have this iraqis bled of invasion. >> all largely because this supply dprup is so critical. it will link -- this was the triangle that we heard so much of. this strategic value has remained the same. >> cal perry, that really helps to understand what's going on. for more, i want to bring in
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admiral james. author of t"the accidental adral." >> you pointed out the air piece which is absolutely in dispensable and second news is intelligence and information, we are using over head sensors and our unmanned vehicles have need the battle space back to the command centers. number three, our advisers and training and pushing close that are not in the real close fight and then fourth and finally, very important logistically, supporting to place the equipment. a key role but not in front of combat organization which is a strategy. >> we know there is an area of
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l of -- >> we have a man center in the region that's taking all the intelligence and working with special forces on the dpround and secting those targets and it is worth mentioning case, a big part of this is we are not crating the collateral damage. >> we had several people, our reporters have said that this could take weeks or months point. >> what's your estimation, how long does it start to take over most of mosul. >> all the things you have heard from richard engel, one of the top of the world, it is the density of action when we get into the city of mosul itself. you need to think to this, this is kind of a three block war. >> we eck it and the next three
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block. >> we cannot bring those fwig tank. it is not quite hand to hand but it is going to be very, close and dancing and we are looking at bugs and not weeks. >> theest former of u.s. supreme court, kmcommander in nato. >> up in the case, live in georgia where early voting is under way adding more than 1.5 million votes cast in 12 states so far. our chris jansing is talking to voters when we come back. f you o . you' not a firefighter, if you don't fight fires. or a coach, if you don't coach. and you can't be our leader, if you don't lead. our next president needs to take action on social security, or future generations could lose up to $10,000 a year. we're working hard, what about you? hey candidates, do your jobs.
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we've just been hearing you're a digital company, yet here you are building a jet engine. well, ge is digital and industrial. like peanut butter and jelly. yeah. ham and cheese. cops and robbers. yeah. nachos and karate. ahh. not that one so much. the rest were really good. socks and shoes. ok, ricky... first day of early voting you should way in the battleground of state georgia today, polls are opened at 8:30 a.m. local time. back in 1992, when bill clinton narrowly beat george bush by just one percentage point.
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just how tight the race is with hillary clinton and donald trump ti tied in a dead heat in georgia. >> now, more than a thousand voters came out on the first day. what is it like today, chris? >> same thing, i mean you had more than a thousand people here and you can see this shift and people are talking to me about the fact that you had seasonally georgia, the state that's gone republican of soeceven of the l eight contests could be contested. that line has not gone down all day long. hay have a separate section for elderly who want to wait or be called. they have been waiting 15 or 20 minutes. nobody is complaining. a couple of reasons for the shift. we are in the heart of the demographic shift that we are seeing here in georgia. heavily african-american communities by 80% point they have been going for hillary clinton. >> that's a big reason why this
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is a contested staet. >> the second part is women who tell me they don't like the way donald trump talks. if donald trump is going to hold here, it is going to be white men. i talked to a father and son who believe donald trump is the right people for this country, take a listen. >> i don't think a far more rigging as we think in the past and movies. i do think that the decision of mainstream media is focusing on everything negative of donald trump and nothing negative about hillary clinton and piling on and that's essentially crigging. >> i don't know if there trump can do anything but i think he will try to do something different. >> reporter: we have two business people who believe that donald trump is the answer.
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you will see a lot over the next couple of days whether or not the clinton campaign is serious here. >> they are serious here. they are sending michelle obama later in the week here. we'll look at whether they send a high profile surrogate and money in the form of television ads and will they send people. they have some people in offices that are run or paid for by the dnc and the democratic party, will they send a get out the vote operations. they already had the infrastructure. we'll have to make that decision very soon and we'll have a sense of whether or not the clinton campaign does think. >> it is going to be interesting. thank you very much. coming up, is there a donald trump effect on american voters? i am going to be joined by someone who says yes, there is. he's going to testimony us why he's leaving the republican party, joining up with the democrats, when we come back
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we're not passive aggressive. hey, hey, hey, there are no bad suggestions here... no matter how lame they are. well said, ann. i've always admired how you just say what's in your head, without thinking. very brave. good point ted. you're living proof that looks aren't everything. thank you. welcome. so, fedex helped simplify our e-commerce business and this is not a passive aggressive environment. i just wanted to say, you guys are doing a great job. what's that supposed to mean? fedex. helping small business simplify e-commerce.
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. the remarkable thing is donald trump is still winning hearts and minds every day because his vision is the right vision in most americans. >> that's mike pence rallying for voters. the gop is still in the midst of a civil war within their own party. headlines of women accusing donald trump of sexual misconducts after the "access hollywood" tape was uncovered. 14 members condemning trump's remarks. they continue to support him. still other republicans are finding the uproar brought on by trump candidacy too much to bear. our msnbc contributor, he just wrote a title why i left the republican party to become a
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democrat, josh, it is good to see you. >> good to see you. you wrote a personal essay. why did you leave the party? >> first, i am a political moderate, ideology -- there are four living current governor in massachusetts and they are all opposing to trump. >> and then all of these people in the party who supposedly had conservative principle zs and cared about the institutions that made america free had lined up behind him. marco rubio says donald trump cannot be trusted with nuclear weapons. >> and it is posing a grave risk
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to the country that i find horrifying. >> it is a strong word. >> you can watch donald trump out there with his authority and talking about how we would be better off if we did not have the new york times and how he wants to put his political opponent in jail. >> his disregard for america and institution and who would like to be a strong man. i think it is appropriate words for him. >> yous discuss called them foo naive and others. you say you knew others knew how danger he was and you focused on marco rubio and paul ryan and ted cruz. >> you can look at the comments they made before they come around to endorse him. ted cruz said he was utterly, he
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gave that speech telling people to vote with their conscious and vote donald trump. you see the pain in paul ryan's face. it was clear when trump getting the nomination, he's not there yet, he cannot back him. paul ryan is under intense measure from voters. the caucus is clear, splintering in the party is bad for the republicans' ability for the house. on the other hand, the risk is do we put the party lineup behind him, they could made this guy president for the conservative principles and led alone for the well being of americans. was putting the political interest ahead of what he clear li ly knows. >> you changed for voter registration? you are going to vote for hillary clinton? >> i am going to vote for
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hillary clinton. >> i voted for republicans here. i have disagreements with hillary clinton and both on policies and a lot of scandals, people are bothered with disagr hillary clinton both on policy and a lot of the scandals that people are bothered about with her, i'm bothered, too. i think there is too much of a nexus of money and influence within the clinton world sphere. whatever concerns i have about her pale in comparison to what i have about him. >> the clinton campaign moving into arizona, hoping to steal a deeply rooted red state. chelsea clinton, bernie sanders, first lady michelle obama all heading to arizona this week. no matter which state in the country you live in, you could save hundreds on car insurance by switching to geico. look, i'm in virginia... i'm in tennessee... virginia... tennessee...
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since 1952, for 64 years the republican nominee for president has won the state of arizona,
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all but one time. so why are bernie sanders and chelsea clinton and the first lady, michelle obama, all campaigning in arizona this week? joining me now, jim sharp host of "arizona morning news" on kt mr. nice to see you again, jim. >> nice to be here. >> we feel like we're checking in with you a lot lately because arizona is on the map. matthew benson, a former aide to governor jan brewer, saying barring something unforeseen, trump will lose arizona, and you're still not seeing the type of activity you would expect to see if he wants to save it. is he right? >> there is a very good chance he is right. this thing is too close. my friend at predictive insights, he had it at 42, another poll came out had them separated by less than a percentage point, and another
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one by a percentage point in favor of hillary clinton. you have to remember this was a state that was plus-9 for romney in 2012. we have seen a demographic shift here, there is about 3% more hispanic voters than the last presidential election. the democrats take it seriously. >> clinton's campaign manager was talking about it earlier on a conference call. he announced the first lady would be coming out to the state on thursday, if i have that right. he implied that it could be pivotal for them to get arizona. that sort of closes off donald trump's path to the white house if they can start there. do you agree? >> i do. and it's interesting, i grew up in arizona, and to see the shift you know in the number of people we have here. phoenix now is the 12th largest metropolitan area in the state, it's booming,as been for years. to see something like that
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happening is crazy. it's been 20 years, as you mentioned bill clinton was the last democrat here, a person with the last name clinton to win the popular vote. by the way, bernie will go to kind of liberal flagstaff and tucson, and they're not coming here to play golf. they're coming here because the democrats are serious about arizona, they have a serious shot at it with hillary clinton. >> so it sounds like younger voters they're targeting as well in those places. jim sharp, thank you so much. host of talk radio "arizona morning news" appreciate it. >> thank you. >> a reminder, you can tune into msnbc for the all-day coverage of the third and final debate this wednesday, can you believe it? live from the university of las vegas, 9:00 p.m. eastern
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>> so i will see you back here tomorrow 3:00 p.m. eastern time. and then i'll be in las vegas, up next. and katy tur. >> hi, i'm in for steve kornacki. live in new york, just two days away from the final debate, and donald trump is intensifying his warning that the election is being stolen. >> the whole system is rigged. and what is why when the media does what they're doing now, that is rigging the system, folks. >> and a new report says that trump's daughter in law may be laying the ground work for a new post-election


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