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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  October 18, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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wife said there are lies in the "people" magazine story alleging trump forced himself on to a writer. that writer said she did not tell her story for political gain. she said she's telling it for women. plus, newly released notes raise new questions about hillary clinton's e-mails. did a top state department official try to make a deal with the fbi? to make one of the e-mails marked unclassified. happening now, president obama set to hold a joint news with the italian prime minister. we'll bring you their joint comments live. good morning, i'm tamron hall coming to you live from the msnbc headquarters in new york. exactly three weeks now until the election and here's the state of the presidential race this morning. our brand new nbc news "wall street journal" survey monkey poll weekly online tracking poll, i just added a whole other element to that one, is out today. and hillary clinton is now with a 6 point lead over donald trump among likely voters. that in a four-way race.
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right now, hillary clinton is about to head to las vegas, the site of tomorrow's third and final debate and donald trump will hold two rallies in colorado. new quinnipiac university poll shows he trails hillary clinton now by 8 points. also now, melania trump is speaking out in rare interviews on two separate networks defending her husband against allegations of sexual misconduct by nine women. she said it's all part of a media conspiracy. >> i believe my husband. i believe my husband. this was all organized from the opposition. and the details, did they ever check the background of these women? they don't have any facts. people think talk about me, like, oh, melania, oh, poor
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melania. don't feel sorry for me. don't feel sorry for me. i can handle everything. >> melania dismisses her comments on the 2005 tape. quote, boys talk. >> i wonder if they even knew that the mike was on because they were kind of a boy talk and he was i believe he was egged on from the host to say dirty and bad stuff. it's kind of a two teenage boys actually, they should behave better, right. >> i mentioned, new details, right, after accusing donald trump of sexual misconduct, former "people" magazine writer natasha stoinoff is now responding to donald trump. let's get to jacob rascon in
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colorado springs where trump will hold that rally. the first of two in the state today. so jacob, natasha stoynoff gave her story to "people" magazine. she's not technically breaking her silence, as she's spoken out but now responding to what both donald trump and melania trump have said about her allegations. >> reporter: right. and her account was written or published last wednesday along with the same day as other women and since then, several other women have come forward. and in the several days following her account, donald trump called all of these women horrible liars, horrible people. but he singled her out specifically and implied she wasn't attracted. he blasted what he said was the political timing of all of it. why didn't she bring it up earlier? in coming forward now yet again, natasha is responding, in essence,ing ing tto being atta donald trump and said, quote, i
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was obviously good looking enough for me to force kiss and insist we had an affair and said it's possible he doesn't remember it. it was over 10 years ago and i assume i'm one of many women. again, as i said, one of the major elements of trump's defense here and offense is the timing of all of it saying it's all coordinated and melania trump, as you said, is also talking about this saying she doesn't remember the account of natasha in the article. take a listen. >> she wrote in the same story about me that she saw me on fifth avenue and i said to her, natasha, how come we don't see you anymore? i was never friends with her. i would not recognize her. >> reporter: and so now you have the editor of "people" coming out responding essentially to
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this and saying they have a witness who was with natasha at the time who can corroborate what happened in that article. so just a back and forth here with the trump campaign trying very hard to discredit natasha and these other women and you have these women like natasha fighting back yet again. >> so at this point, how would you describe the trump campaign strategy going into this debate? clearly, melania trump's aim was to try and, i assume, get some understanding from her, how she views this, perhaps, to help with female voters. donald trump has still been talking about the rigged media, the rigged election itself. what are your sources telling you is the strategy going into the debate tomorrow? >> reporter: you know, when actually asked about this, when i asked about, even on fox news, trump, what are you going to bring up at the debate? what's your strategy this time? and his surrogates as well. he's actually said, i look
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forward to talking about the issues and the surrogates have said the same. it's unclear whether he'll try to relitigate all of this, yet again, even though, of course, he'll be asked about it. we know that the campaign is planning on bringing a special guest. this one having to do with benghazi and so we suspect that they're going to try to bring that up as well. tamron? >> thank you very much, jacob rascon and this morning, the clinton campaign is facing more fallout from new documents released yesterday regarding the fbi's investigation into secretary clinton's e-mail practices. notes from interviews conducted during the investigation suggest that one fbi employee claimed that state top department official patrick kennedy who served under clinton tried to strike a quid pro quo deal to have an e-mail marked unclassified. however, both the state department and the fbi deny this account insisting no quid pro quo deal was struck or, they
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say, even offered. >> there was no quid prouo even suggested. whale tell yo what i will tell you, we disagreed with this being a secret. the fbi won that argument and then we did have a conversation over slots they wanted in iraq. those were happening at the same time but not linked. there was no bargain suggested here. >> nbc's andrea mitchell joins us live from aboard the clinton campaign plane in westchester airport and to be clear, this document released as part of the freedom of information act request, not part of these leaks that we've seen daily. >> reporter: exactly. this is the continuing e-mail disclosure. this, in fact, was released by the fbi as part of, what they consider the interviews, the so-called 302 interviews with the people involved in the investigation. director comey decided to
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released these. not necessarily factual but this one raised a lot of questions. as you heard, the assistant secretary john perbi, strongly denying it saying it did not occur and the fbi in this case did not know all the facts in the case and at the same time, this has become a big campaign issue because donald trump not only has been tweeting all day yesterday but made this the centerpiece of his campaign rally last night saying that this proves collusion between the fbi and corruption at the very highest levels. you can bet you'll hear this in the debate tomorrow night and also hear from, or at least see p.atricia smith, one of tha mot of the four who died in benghazi and strongly against hillary clinton, not all the parents are. the other parents don't agree with her but she spoke at the republican convention so you can imagine that's a dramatic
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moment. the trump campaign saying she's going to be in the front row at the debate in trying to rattle hillary clinton. also, already more e-mails released by wikileaks and this is the wikileaks release. john podesta's e-mails. embarrassing in the extreme to the campaign. it keeps following hillary clinton around. they say it is russian hack and the fbi suspects this is the case. russia has been strongly investigated by the fbi now for russia's involvement in trying to go only after democrats, vladimir putin denies it but take that for what it's worth. in any case, the latest includes a podesta e-mail from march several months before hillary clinton nailed the nomination in june and has a long list where he called different food groups of people who could be on a long list of 40 people as potential running mates showing the conference they had and includes military leaders like mike
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mullen, the former chairman of the joint chiefs, business leaders, mike bloomberg and both melinda and bill gates, both gates, in fact, bill gates and melinda gates as well as tim cook. just a long list of people and just about every woman, democratic senator and a lot of african-americans and latinos. so 40 people. bernie sanders in a category by himself at the bottom of the list, just about anyone you could imagine in democratic politics o this list but we know in the end whom they actually vetted. tim kaine, in fact, was on the list. >> she is on this plane going out early to las vegas because she wants to have a practice session there. >> thank you very much, andrea. we know you're taking off. greatly appreciate you joining us. i want to bring in chief legal correspondent ari melber to talk about more about this quid pro quo allegation. we can expect it to come up but what is the essence of hillary
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clinton's opposition in critics saying here? >> this story has been completely overblown and may be because a lot of people don't understand how the fbi investigative process works and why should they? this isn't something we usually get into the weeds on. the allegation is because one person out of dozens interviewed made an allegation within the interview that that somehow would be automatically true. that's not the case. what you have in an investigation, andrea mitchell just mentioned, the so-called 302s are contemporaneous notes of what different people say. by definition, when you're investigating something, you're going to have allegations and you're going to have things going back and forth usually you disagree. rare you interview 32 people about anything, let alone a potential criminal investigation and you find everyone saying the same thing. so this is an allegation that one person made saying they were under the impression at the time that there was some attempt to barter or trade for classification with the
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implication that that would somehow help hillary clinton if the state department could get its way on how something was classified to make her look better. the fbi already investigated this and had a monstrous investigation. jim comey, a republican, fbi director, testified under oath to congress about it and they all remember. they didn't find this to be true. obviously, it's october in the heat of a presidential campaign and the notes are interesting to people and others want to seize on them and they have every right to make it theirs. but as a legal matter, the fbi already found to be untrue. >> and going back to something we discussed yesterday, but i know you've been digging around. this allegation from donald trump, not supported by anybody within his own party and also not supported by democrats that there's a possibility of this election being rigged. this is his big claim this week, likely asked about it tomorrow on the debate stage as well. >> i think it will be very interesting to see how that plays across at the debate where we know so many americans are watching and a place where
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there's been a whole debate on the debates and how you fact check this, donald trump alleging without evidence he thinks some kind of in-person voter fraud or other shi cannch allegations and some are becoming legal stories because donald trump isn't happy with the way the campaign is going. so he's repeatedly saying, well, actually, the law should say something different or i'm going to have the elections and need to resort to the courts to fix that. we have a system for that, so if he wants to resort to that, there would be fact checking whether there is in-person voter fraud. we haven't seen that according to the studies. tamron? >> thank you very much. joining me, republican strategist rick willson and senior advisor for the progressive organization,, corinne jean pierre and worked in 2008 and 2012 for
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president obama. we now have the debate topics. half of the debate broken down, chris wallace, 6 to 15 minute segments as we call them. debt, entitlement, foreign hot spots, immigration, economy, supreme court, fitness to be president. none of the topics for 10 days. how does this play out? >> i think it will be, if it's any indication to the last time, this very aggressive kind of breitbart behavior that we saw from donald trump, i think we're going to see the same. this is it for him. this is the last time he can actually try to turn this around. real clear politics has shown the average national polls show hillary clinton leading by 7.1%. he's in pure desperation mode, this whole piece of rigged elections and he's losing and he knows he's losing. >> he's not losing as much as people believe he would be ten days after this tape. i mean, set aside the many women who have come out and made the
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allegations. his own words on that tape so far to the surprise, i think, of many pundits, have not set him back as much as many believe. >> but here's the reality, tamron. he was supposed to, his map to 270 was supposed to be 206. the 206 electoral votes that romney got, plus, you know, and we're talking about, that's including north carolina and up and still battling out. plus, trying to get pennsylvania, ohio, florida. ohio, he's been doing much better than anticipating blue collar workers, an older state, less diverse. pennsylvania, not going to happen. you have the philly area and he is indeed hemorrhaging with college educated whites, female and male. in florida, the hispanic vote, and hillary clinton expanding now in these republican, traditional republican states. >> arizona being one of them. >> alaska. texas. georgia. so i think this. >> rick, let me bring you in.
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debt and entitlement. donald trump is closer to what the democrats believe than republicans on debt and entitlemen entitlements. immigration. we still don't have a consistent answer from him. it seems the hard core followers of him of the 11 million deported and a different speech in mexico remarks versus what he gave in arizona the same night and the economy, you know, that business experts said his plan would create even more debt. the supreme court, he's been able to come up with a list that conservatives like there. foreign hot spots, don't know anything other than beat the hell out of them. if we stick to this, is donald trump better off trying to somehow rigging the system and sex scandals than these topics that are lined up? >> i think it will be difficult for chris wallace to keep donald trump on the reservation. trump is completely off the
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chain now. every day is a fight about some imagined slight or some conspiracy against him or some rigged phony rigged election claim and so i think it's going to be difficult for us to keep him on track because trump is desperate, no knowledge of policy. he basically is, it's like a walking political tourette's syndrome. and his audience and make those people happy and throw it over -- >> i guess my question is, is he in a better place talking about some see in the mud than talking about policy? has this actually worked out for him somehow that he hasn't been called out on immigration, entitlement reform, all of these things and sticking to scandals he can say are unsubstantiated? have we been playing the game he set up? >> i think the media played that
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donald trump said from the beginning with donald trump. he'll do something outrageous and everyone will pull their hair out and say, oh my god, that's so outrageous and then the next day, he'll go out and dig the hole deeper. the next day, he'll be crazier than he was the day before. so i think he feels like he's going to have to do even more showmanship, even more of the trump spectacle of this debate and i don't think you'll get a lot of substance. he doesn't have substance, doesn't have the mental acuity and knowledge to talk about actual policy so i think he'll go to the sweet spot, the insult hurling, the faces, the pouting, the sighing, the drama, the usual things that defined his performances so far. >> you were nodding when i was saying, have we somehow gone into this lane that he wanted the debate to be in? >> absolutely. this has been a con game, his whole presidency, the trump candidacy, absolutely. at this point, it's not even about winning the presidential election for him anymore.
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because i was saying that it's desperation, but it's not even, it's desperation, yes, but he's thinking about what's going to happen post-election, right? we heard stories about, oh, maybe trumpbart tv. probably post-this and built this massive tv network and it's all about money for donald trump. so i think we've totally played into this con. it's a con game. not just on the plemedia but th american people. >> tomorrow night for hillary clinton, you have the debate topics there. do you stay or do you see already trump losing a lot of women voters and try to keep hitting this scandal? >> i think what she needs to do is she can't, she has to let trump be trump. she can't chase him around with the debate stage so stick to the issues because at the end of e day, get our base out. has to inspire folks to come out and vote and they can't be depressed by this negative kind of rhetoric. >> can she pivot again to the
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republicans who really have not spoken openly and honestly of where they feel but in the ballot box, they have their moment? >> that's sort of the secret weapon in hillary's portfolio right now is that donald trump has repulsed a lot of traditional conservative republican voters who happen to be educated and college education plus who should be the backbone of the party. >> they won't come out of the closet and say their support. will they do it in the ballot box? >> that's one of the reasons to attract the conservatives. we don't like either one of these options but the fact of the matter is trump is his own best advocate and own worst enemy and hillary clinton, she's not a very graceful debater. she's sort of preparing a little clunky about it but does have the advantage that donald trump will put his head in the noose over and over again when it comes to the debate stage. >> and style aside, the polls, the scientific ones all showed her winning the debate. clearly, not too focused on
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style. good to have you on as always. a pleasure. up next, momentum with iraqi forces this morning as the offensive to remove isis from mosul enters the second day and what's being called a turning point in the war against isis. and happening now, we are waiting for president obama. he is set to hold a news conferenced on on a beautiful d with the italian prime minister. we'll bring you their comments live. back after a short break. oderatc plaque psoriasis made a simple trip to the grocery store anything but simple. so i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. he explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear, and many saw 75% and even 90% clearance in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened;
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in iraq, a major offensive is under way to take mosul back from isis. the iraqi army kurdish peshmerga fighters are working. british and french special forces and air strikes with a huge push, striking four
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positions near mosul yesterday. it could take weeks, even months though to secure the city and nbc's matt bradley in uurbil, iraq. >> reporter: this is a controversial issue. u.s. military forces are supposed to play almost exclusively an advise and assist role but with a thousand troops in both northern iraq where i am and in baghdad, in an official capacity, advising and assisting iraqi forces to target various isis positions, it's hard to say exactly where they are in relation to the battlefield. like i said, the u.s. government wants to say that none of these soldiers are in danger but they've already admitted yesterday that a lot of these soldiers take positions near the front lines. they're positioning themselves near the kurdish fighters to kind of take out the middlemen
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when it comes to reeling the positions of islamic state targets back to baghdad to accurately track exactly where e air strikes are supposed to head in, tamron? >> thank you very much, matt. greatly appreciate you joining us. coming up, donald trump in colorado today where democrats appear to be heading for a third straight win. why the nbc political team says the latest polls there indicate the gop is in trouble. that's next with our senior political editor mark murray. ♪ if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information
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. we are back with our daily briefing on politics. 2016 has been a wild ride with ups and downs we've never seen before in a presidential race but a fresh look at the numbers show one thing that's shockingly remained the same. our latest nbc news "wall street journal" poll shows favorability ratings for both trump and
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clinton completely unchanged since january in the two-way ballot in january, exactly the same as it is today. it remained a 10 point race nationally but the battlegrounds up for grabs. they push for this week, we know, colorado and arizona. colorado used to be republican but could go democrat for the third straight presidential contest. clinton leads trump there by 8 points. 25% to 37%. and a strong play for arizona sending top surrogates to the state this week up by 2 points there. 44% to 42% according to the latest emerson poll. joining me now, mark murray. mark, just, first of all, january feels like it was 3,000 years ago. let's just, i'm going to say what everybody at home is thinking. with that said, no change in the favorability. how do you process that? >> tamron, i would argue one of the reasons why the race has been so stable outside of, like,
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some noise at the margins, is because both hillary clinton and donald trump were so well known particularly when you get to january of 2016. sometimes when we see some volatility in races in a presidential contest comes because people don't know who the challenger is. for example, barack obama in 2007 and 2008 wasn't as well known as donald trump and hillary clinton are and so much attention even in the early to late part of 2015 that a lot of voer voters had a very good idea of donald trump and hillary clinton. of course, we've had so many different news cycles, so many ups and downs as you alluded to but to me, it's amazing that the ballot is exactly where it was in january 2016, a 10 point lead for hillary clinton. >> let's talk about the strong play for arizona and colorado. on one hand, depending, of course, on the national poll, the lead is 4 to 11 but we know there's a lead for hillary clinton right now. what kind of level of confidence does it show that she's now focused in on arizona?
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it's also interesting, mark, with colorado, they pull out ads, win back in. colorado is back and forth here. >> yeah, so arizona is the totally aggressive play. a lot of the reporting is the clinton campaign is concerned about talk from the donald trump campaign, kind of in a rigged election, so one of the ways to blunt that is by winning arizona on election night. and so that's why they start to put resources there and important surrogates and campaign travel but the fact that democrats are making a play for arizona while republicans are really having an uphill climb just to make colorado competitive, we have donald trump having two events in colorado today but as you mentioned, that quinnipiac poll finds him down 8 points and actually, other polling suggests it's even tougher than that. that shows you in a nutshell where the race is right now. colorado out of play. democrats making a move on arizona. shows you that hillary clinton has the upper hand in this race. >> it certainly appears to be that way right now.
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and going back to message and the debate and which way this will go. this is the final opportunity for these two to face off against each other, conceivably for hillary clinton, she could go and talk to the base, her core supporters and try to bring in some moderate republicans. it seems donald trump will simply be now facing rallies of his supporters. his opening to bring in new people to the party, new people to what he calls is movement. that has come and gone. >> maybe he changes his approach, although, again, like you, i doubt that. and that really has been, when you boil down donald trump's candidacy, particularly after getting the republican nomination, it's been all about the base play. it has been very little about swing voters, working on your liabilities. hillary clinton has had issues with millennial voters, as you and i talked about before. she's had her challenge getting african-american and latino voters but she's worked on those issues. donald trump has never worked on the deficiencies and that's where the race is right now.
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>> we appreciate it. happening now, we wait for president obama to hold the news conference with italian prime minister in beautiful washington, dc today with the latest from the white house. also coming up -- hillary clinton is making it clear as we've talked about, she's moving in to some red states, does that show confidence? does that show a larger plan? does it show she's ready to finish out this campaign strong? the campaign is spending millions of dollars and sending out major surrogates. >> go figure, "the dallas morning news" haven't endorsed a democrat in 75 years. they endorsed her. or a coach, if you don't coach. and you can't be our leader, if you don't lead. our next president needs to take action on social security, or future generations could lose up to $10,000 a year.
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yeah. well, we gotta hand it thto fedex. glasses. they've helped make our e-commerce so easy, and now we're getting all kinds of new customers. i know. can you believe we're getting orders from canada, ireland... this one's going to new zealand. new zealand? psst. ah, false alarm. hey! you guys are gonna scare away the deer! idiots... providing global access for small business. fedex. welcome back. early voting is under way in georgia, a state that has voted republican in every presidential election since 1992. and donald trump leads hillary clinton by five points in a real clear politics average of the state.
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56% of the electorate is evangelical. according to our latest nbc polling and in 2008, white evangelicals back john mccain overwhelmingly. 89% to 10%. but this cycle, church leaders are wrestling with how to talk to their congregations about the race or the state of the race. as part of the battleground america series, nbc's chris jansing is in atlanta, joins me now from ponce deleon baptist church and what are you hearing there, chris? >> reporter: well, we're talking to a lot of pastors who are telling us about this divide. look, for decades, there has been a dependable vote for republicans, if you want to kind of, the holy grail, pardon the pun, it's with evangelicals voting 80% to 90% for the republican but not looking so this time. i want to sit down and talk to one of the reverends. thank you very much for joining us. what are you seeing in the church?
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do you see a divide? >> absolutely, chris. people are polarized right now in this campaign and i think a lot of people are fearful and embarrassed and anxious about what's going on. >> reporter: what's driving it? talk about it in the context of their faith because the people that i have talked to and i've talked to a lot over the course of this campaign find this really powerful inner spiritual struggle. >> i think people are conflicted. chris, as a spiritual leader, my concern is the human soul and the soul of the nation and what i am hoping for is that we can bring these fears to the surface, we can talk about them, and we can talk about ways not to be driven by our fears, but to be driven by the ethic of love and by the vision of a more just and compassionate and safe world that we can all work toward together. >> reporter: one of the things i've heard is they're almost to have conversations with their friends. there's a lot of emotion involved.
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are they coppiming to you privately, quietly? >> they are. and, also, that's part of the job of spiritual leaders and communities, is to help address that fear and to create safe spaces for people to have these difficult discussions, and to try to get beyond right and left and talk about right and wrong and to address some of the very disturbing issues that have emerged in the midst of this campaign. >> reporter: thank you so much for that. there have been faith leaders who have talked very openly. there was, i would say, a scathing editorial in "christianity today." 1200 women clergy have now signed on to a letter denouncing the rhetoric of donald trump. having said that, i think we need to be very clear about this that many of the traditional leaders of the evangelical political movement, the political part of it, have stepped by donald trump. you see a division between generation, men and women, and also minorities, a large part of
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the evangelical community. you're seeing things that people are looking at and saying, are we changing the evangelical vote for the long term and that's the question. >> i think you make an excellent point, chris, because people say evangelical and there's an association with white evangelicals. you are in the atlanta area, a very large african-american population and while maybe the title is not evangelical, these are churches of faith and people are of faith who grappled with this presidential election and the divide that we're discussing. it's very different when you talk about the so-called black church or african-american churches. they're heavily hillary clinton, it seems. >> reporter: yeah, and yesterday, you know, i was in a heavily african-american city in the center in macon and many of these people consider themselves deeply faithful. they think that as christians, they're called to do a very thorough assessment, and they're called to vote. one of the things i've heard from pastors is people are
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feeling terrible because they're not sure they can vote for either presidential candidate. >> thank you very much, chris. a fascinating report today on battleground america. the great series. thank you. >> reporter: thanks. any minute now, president obama will hold a news conference with the italian prime minister. you see them testing out the microphones getting things set up. a lovely day. can't say that enough, in washington, dc, and throughout the east coast, honestly. coming up, comments from both president obama and italy's prime minister.
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narrator: adventure can be found anywhere but the best place to start is in the forest. kubo: i spy something beginning with..."s" beetle: snow. kubo: no. beetle: snow covered trees. monkey: nothing to do with snow. narrator: head outside to discover incredible animals and beautiful plants that come together to create an unforgettable adventure. kubo: wow! narrator: so grab your loved ones monkey: don't even. narrator: and explore a world of possibilities. kubo: come on, this way. narrator: visit to find the closest forest or park to you.
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no, i'm scheduling time to go oto the bank to get a mortgage. ugh, you're using a vacation day to go to the bank? i know, right? just go to get up to five loan offers to compare side by side for free. wow, that's great. wait. how did you get in my kitchen? oh, i followed a raccoon in through your doggie door. [raccoon chattering] [gasps] get a better mortgage on your schedule. not the bank's. lendingtree. when banks compete, you win. just think of him as a big cat! [raccoon chatter] with rabies.
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live pictures from the rose garden. president obama there with italian prime minister mateo rensy. we'll take you there as soon as the president starts taking questions. meanwhile, drilling down into hillary clinton's bold push into historically red state territory. her campaign is making a rare ad buy in texas highlighting her
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"dallas morning news" endorsement and hasn't many more than 75 years but bill clinton with a shot to take the lone star state. >> i called a friend of hillary's and mine who working hard for and loves her, lives in texas where we're only 3 points behind now. texas. go figure. >> clinton's biggest names appear in arizona this week holding two events there today and chelsea clinton speaking tomorrow. first lady michelle obama who's receiving rave reviews on her campaign speeches heading there thursday and joining me now, andrea, former clinton white house aid. thank you so much, for joining us. let me talk about the possibility of this. we've gone back and forth over texas. we were in texas for the primary and this notion of a purple
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texas far away let alone a blue. what do you see on the ground that saubstantiates or backs these numbers? >> i think what's going to be happening in texas is something really foreshadowing of what's going to happen in texas over the next generation which is that that state is changing. certainly the demographics are changing. you have an educated workforce in a lot of different parts of texas and people are going to be looking for something different from politics. i'm not sure whether texas is going to switch and go democrat in 2016, but as we look toward the next decade-plus, it's definitely a bat grountleground. >> former chairman of the democratic state party but i think there's a lot of similarities with arizona and texas. that's why lbj called texas the southwest to the chagrin of many in the south at the time being a texan, i kind of know that history, but when you write about arizona, you say, if
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democrats win in arizona in 2016, you need a republican who turns out republican women that energizes latinos and drive engagement and we have all of that in arizona. >> absolutely. i think that's definitely what we're seeing in arizona. we're a state where both of our republican senators, jeff flake and now john mccain have come out against donald trump. that's really powerful. you mentioned the "dallas morning news" in texas. our paper in arizona and the phoenix area "the arizona republic" endorsed hillary clinton. the first democrat they've ever endorsed in their 120 some odd years of publishing. and so you're seeing something really happen on the ground. but again, as with texas, but even farther along is something that is changing the very face of how arizona politics is looking. arizona has traditionally been more of a purple state. we've had democratic governors
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and republican governors and kind of gone back and forth over the years. but i think on the presidential level, i think what you're seeing in 2016 is a real shift there for the reasons that you just mentioned including the fact that we have a real race to and real possibility of defeating sheriff joe arpaio, perhaps the worst elected official in all of america. >> you think about some of the images out of arizona. now the infamous wagging of her finger, governor jamb brewer with president obama on the tarmac and thursday before leaving office, michelle obama returns to arizona if it equals the speeches she's given so far could be just an iconic turn of events for that state. >> oh, absolutely. look, i think if we wake up on november 9th and find that arizona, which in so many ways has been a place that has foreshadowed a lot of what we see from donald trump but if we
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wake up and see arizona has gone blue, helped elect hillary clinton president, defeated joe arpaio and elected a democrat in his place, i think it will be a real sign that arizona has fundamentally changed and that' has changed and that will send shock waves throughout the nation. >> thank you very much for your time, andre. i appreciate it. thank you very much. >> thanks for having me. >> time for "born in the usa" highlighting american business success stories. as time runs out for people to register to vote in this election one san francisco company is trying to make the process as easy as ordering takeout. door dash is a food delivery service founded three years ago in a dorm room at stanford with the goal of connecting people to their favorite businesses at an affordable price. they want to raise awareness about the importance of voting so three weeks ago on national voter registration day, employees delivered registration packets to anyone of the five selected cities who wanted one. the company is now making their
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blog available to people registered online. joining me the ceo and cofounder of doordash. thank you very much for your time, tony. >> great to be with you, tamron. >> at a time some people believe that there is a push to make voting more difficult for people with different laws instituted and challenged, legally you want at least the registration part to be easy in an interesting way. tell me how you came up with the idea. >> it is to make cities better by building infrastructure for all cities across america and canada. one way to be useful, we thought, was to connect all of the users and cities with their civic responsibilities. we did it in san francisco, l.a., chicago, denver and new
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york. we thought in a partnership with rock the vote it would be easier for young voters to place their ballots this year. they held the voter registration deliveries. >> how would it work? if you live in san francisco how would this play out? >> it is as simple as opening the doordash app and tapping on the voter registration packet store. somebody will actually deliver it to you on demand in less than 45 minutes. it will have all of the information about the issues in your cities, as well as certainly all the way up to the national campaigns. >> it is interesting. your business model and we are looking at small u.s. businesses who made a huge impact and how they treat their employees. doordash is offering employees the day off to vote. why was it important for your business model?
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>> to us, doordash has a responsibility to build a business and also a responsibility to play a role in our local cities. civic engagement is, you know, every american's responsibility. you know, as a technology business, again it's trying to make products to solve problems we think voting is one way to solve problems and make our voices heard. we thought it was important to give all of our employees the time on that day to go to the polls, make their votes and also to do this for many americans across the country. >> by the numbers, 218 million americans eligible. 146 million registered to vote. you are trying to make it more accessible to so many. thank you very much. it's an interesting business model. we'll see if others follow suit. thank you. >> thank you, tamron. >> we'll be right back with president obama's news conference live in the white house rose garden as soon as reporter questions are taken.
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socks and shoes. ok, ricky... happening now, these are live pictures from the rose garden at the white house. joined a news conference with president obama and the italian prime minister. we'll continue to monitor their comments. as soon as they begin taking questions we'll bring it to you live. that does it for this hour of msnbc live. we'll go to kristen welker hosting "andrea mitchell reports." >> hey, tamron. great to see you. good day. i'm kristen welker here for andrea mitchell in washington. we'll check in with her in a moment. president obama is expected to take questions from the white house press corps soon. we'll bring the remarks live. first the latest on a presidential race with three weeks left on the calendar. the other big headline, hillary clinton is headed to las vegas for tomorrow's big debate while the surrogates make her case on
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the trail. there will be events in colorado today. the latest survey monkey online poll this morning shows trump trailing clinton by six points making tonight a critical moment for the campaign. we want to begin now with congressman bob brady of pennsylvania who represents, of course, the district in philadelphia. my hometown. congressman brady, thank you very much for joining me. appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. how are you? >> i'm great. it's great to talk to you. i want to start with the state of the race and what we have heard from donald trump on the campaign trail. as you know he's been making these claims that the election is rigged. he's pointing to places like philadelphia. i want your response to that. what do you make of that and do you worry his words could ultimately incite violence? >> not at all.
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he's a bully. that's how bullies act. when they don't get their way and they know they won't win they have to find an excuse. >> the republican senator all say he's wrong. come down yourself and walk with me, donald. see how you think we're cheating you. we don't have to. we'll beat you fair and square. we have been fighting bullies all our life in philadelphia. we are not afraid of the donald or his entourage or surrogates. mr. rudy giuliani who is probably off his meds. we're not afraid. >> one of the concerns is the heated rhetoric could translate into violence. it could ultimately depress voter turn out. some strategies say that's what donald trump is trying to do. i will put you on hold. we have to go to the presidential news conference. we'll be right back with you in a moment.
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let's go to the white house. >> he said if elected he might meet with the russian leader before his inauguration? what do you think of the approach to putin and how it would affect america's interests on the international stage? second second secondly does it distress you that folks at the fbi and state department talked about the proper level of classification and e-mails on secretary clinton's server. would you acknowledge the appearance of impropriety and should officials look into this? and for prime minister renzi with the critical governing referendum happening what would passage mean for your ability to lead the country and what would failure mean to your political future as well as to italy's role in the european union. >> i will be subdued


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