tv MSNBC Live MSNBC October 19, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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r cialis. contact your health plan for the latest information. and that does it for this special edition of "andrea mitchell reports." tune in to msnbc all day for special coverage of the debate. follow us online, on twitter. hallie jackson is next. >> thanks so much. we are down here in the pit. we are at unlv. quiet crowd. we take a walk back. we'll get to it later. we want to talk about what we are doing when it comes to debate prep. we have ivanka trump, harry reid, bernie sanders getting ready to take the stage. here's how nbcsn when it comes to the candidate. trump doesn't need to win the
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debate or win it big. he needs to win it in an historic route. hillary clinton leading big. to break it down we have the team of road warriors with us now. all in the same place all at the same time. i feel this is a big moment for us. not all awake. we'll see. i have with me kelly o'donnell, kasie hunt, katy tur, andrea mitchell. is that a cheer i heard? i want to get into it. you have new reporting. looking ahead to the huge night for him. he's actually changing up the strategy a little bit. >> it's markedly different from what hillary clinton did in the most traditional prep way. reince priebus, chairman of the republican national committee is performing the role of moderator. he's asking questions one after another. not standing at lecterns, not the stage craft but just the mental exercise.
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chris christie playing the hillary clinton and appears to be and christine trying to refine the answers, get them down. trump to anticipate what clinton will say, doing it at a rapid pace. in a sense to be reflexive so when he's in the room he can pound more quickly. >> has the candidate who shunned mock debates doing them now? >> not in the stage craft way. it is more of a rhetoric rehearsal without standing in the room. >> i'm trying to get my head around the image of chris christie playing hillary clinton. that's just, you know -- >> not playing but -- >> it's funny actually. it is so precise. he's wearing a suit that looks like donald trump's suits. >> and the power tie. >> wearing shoes that make him taller so he appears like trump. i'm not sure chris christie can go to those lengths to -- >> the kitten heels.
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>> dangerous territory here. that's for sure. i want to talk about hillary clinton's debate strategy and news that you made within the last 60 minutes here. you asked brian fallon about a new video that's come out. nbc hasn't verified the apparent accusation against former president bill clinton. what can you tell us about what the campaign is saying? >> they say they are not surprised because it's on brightbart and steve bannon, the campaign manager, title -- >> ceo. >> ceo of the campaign. they expect it could come tonight. this is a woman, a former journalist who says she was accosted by bill clinton as governor in three different instances she describes graphically on the video. it was 1978 to 1980. she was governor for the first term. it was not verified by nbc as you point out. it has nothing to do with
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hillary clinton. nothing to do with issues that should be debated tonight. hillary clinton will deflect it. i think the experience has been these accusations against bill clinton don't really hurt hillary clinton in the standing with either women voters or overall in the poll. >> i want to play sound here from senator marco rubio of florida. we have been talking about the rigged election. the wikileaks e-mails in the headlines. on camera for the first time. let's listen. >> what i would say to republican colleagues, some of whom might be disappointed by the decision i have taken. think about this. do we want to be a country where foreign intelligence agencies can blackmail our elected officials. i think there is plenty of material which to line up and take on secretary clinton. i think this is an invitation for chaos and havoc in the future. >> i will open it up to the group. why would marco rubio say it on
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the day of the debate? >> because we are in uncharted waters here with what's been unfolding. i think one of the challenges for the clinton campaign responding to this, one thing that the press and also some republicans have been slow to grasp is this is a new kind of attack now according to the u.s. government. something we haven't necessarily grappled with in the past. the implications are potentially enormous, something that gets lost amid the day to day grabby headlines coming out that, hey, we are getting a glimpse into a private e-mail account. learning about a campaign that's closed. that's interesting. it often obscures what's going on. i think it is noteworthy that marco rubio is the first one to come out. that marco rubio isn't unendorsing donald trump or pulling the vote from donald trump. he's trying to distance himself as much as he can without taking away support. people have been hitting him in
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terms of the hypocrisy of criticizing trump and going out and voting for trump. donald trump did specifically hack into hillary clinton's e-mails in july. last time he had a press conference was during the dnc. he said russia please give me hillary clinton's 33,000 missing e-mails. if you have them i would love to see them. i asked them why would you want a foreign government to hack into an american citizen regardless of a private citizen. doesn't it open you up for the similar attack against you? isn't it a bad precedent to allow or encourage a foreign government to meddle in american affairs? he said, no, i don't have paws on that at all. that's coming to fruition. this question he made or this proposal, if you will, he made back in july. now republicans are seeing this. like marco rubio saying, hold
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on. this might be working for us at this moment. what if four years from now russia decides the democrats are easier to work with and they will start hack iing. there are so many unknowns and so many negatives that it's a slippery slope making a lot of, not just democrats, obviously. but republicans uncomfortable with the idea that trump is open to others meddling in order to further his own message. >> a long-time friend of an adviser and fame from water gate era. >> master of the dark arts of politics. he did tweet back in august john podesta is back in the barrel for wikileaks. he's one person who is seeming to suggest that at the time. the other piece that marco rubio fashions himself and he has an a
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foreign policy expert. he's distinguishing himself and other republicans on the foreign relations committee and elsewhere. he's in a tough florida race. trying to make this distinction in florida can resonate with voters to say there are other areas to go after hillary clinton. let's look from a governance point of view that russia threatening anything that's the united states should be a concern not to be used. >> donald trump has not been shy about going after marco rubio in the past, not shy about going after paul ryan. will he do that tonight, keep the fire focused on hillary clinton? >> for his voters going after any establishment figures plays well. i think there is frustration in the country about elected officials and many who have been in this really tough corner about do they support, with draw, dance around the donald trump thing. he can try to exploit that to make them look bad and reinforce his outsider status. he has other things to do to spend his minutes.
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that would not be a surprise if he were to do it. >> no handshake between the spouses this time. >> that was the clinton campaign before deciding the trump team wanted to put the four women accusers against bill clinton in the family box on the stage where they would be as close as the others, inescapable from hillary clinton's direct line of sight that they don't want. they told the debate commission they don't want the traditional choreography of melania trump and bill clinton shaking hands. we are now in a different place in terms of the civilities that are traditional in politics. >> the stage craft of that usually is they come from opposite ends of the stage so they are almost forced to cross in order to reach their seats. that maven change. family members and siblings, no opportunity to have that. >> they won't be announced. they will file out and take
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their seats. >> really striking. >> we have been talking about hillary clinton. what does she have to do. what's a win as we get into the spin room tonight. >> they are happy with the course they have been set on. to a certain extent. let's do everything we have been doing. i do think you got a glimpse at the second debate as he performed at his best. there is a little bit of risk for her. but, you know, that said, i think they are feeling good now. andrea can speak to this as well. traveling to the campaign feels like traveling with the president and waiting. >> as they took her closing comments from the second debate and put it in a television ad they are debuting today that's their message. the vision thing.
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i will be the president that brings us together. democrats, republicans, independents. i can represent all of you to try to bridge the divide and go over the top of the kind of what they would call guests coming tonight. >> the quality of the election. trustworthiness of the process. i wouldn't be surprised if she didn't weigh in on that as well. he's been using the "rigged" term so much. >> i think they are looking for the opportunity. >> kelly o'donnell, kasie hunt, andrea mitchell, katy tur, thank you very much. coming up we have the subject of the microsoft pulse question. do you think tonight's final presidential debate between clinton and trump could change your vote in november? we'll talk about it after the break. the pulse is live. cast your vote. tell us what you think. coming up, big stakes for both candidates. we want an insider preview of what's happening. we have a lot going on this hour. paul ryan in miami, keeping an eye on harry reid and ivanka
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trump. you can see the house speaker in the back row there. more ahead from the campus of unlv. stick around. ♪ what? is he gone?? finally, i thought he'd never leave... tv character: why are you texting my man at 2 a.m.? no... if you want someone to leave you alone, you pretend like you're sleeping. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. tv character: taking selfies in the kitchen does not make you a model.
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we're back at unlv, the site of the last face to face showdown between hillary clinton and donald trump. we have a hyped crowd behind us. a lot at stake here. we want to get into how much the debates will affect the vote. look at the latest nbc news "wall street journal" poll. 52% of voters. said the first two debates really didn't make a difference.
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there is wiggle room there. want to talk about it with jimmy williams, former senior adviser. thanks for being with us on this big day. this is donald trump's last really big chance on a national stage like this to try to pick up votes. if more than half of people say the debates don't matter what can he do to sway people over to the corner and is that part of the strategy? >> this will be hard on him. this is politics officially crossed over to entertainment. the only thing missing are circus elephants and flame throwers. this is the most bizarre thing. >> don't rule it out. you never know. >> this is important for donald trump. you have to realize the two voting blocks he's not doing well with are hispanics and women. this is going to be an
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impossible hurdle for donald trump to try to make amends with on this one debate. i'm not seeing how he can pull this out. but, you know, miracles do happen. i think what donald trump needs is a miracle. what do you tell the candidate to produce a miracle? you tell him not to miss opportunities. there are things where he left it open. instead of hitting hillary clinton on the record he went back to defending things on business and on other allegations. he totally missed some opportunities when he could have kept the focus on the issues and the issues are going to matter. not donald trump himself the entertainer. >> 31% of voters made them more
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likely. basically every recent national major poll conventional wisdom says to play it safe. i have heard saying prevent defense may not be the best bet here. should she play it safe or is there a risk in laying back and letting donald trump do the work here? >> anybody who watches hillary clinton over the last 20, 30 years knows she's risk averse. i don't expect her to come out unless she needs to. if she is attacked. i think she needs to focus not so much on donald trump but on chris wallace who is a fair person. wallace was tough on trump during the primary debates. tonight he'll focus on things that clinton will have to atone for. for example, the supreme court is going to be a really big issue tonight. hillary clinton did vote in
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support of a filibuster for justice alito. that's a fair line of questioning. she's going back. barack obama voted the same way as well. she has to stick to her guns. and not come off as indignant or anything. i would ignore donald trump and everything he has to say. >> is riding the moderator a smart strategy for her? >> he's not a dumb man. he's a smart guy. she did an interview. that was tough. again, trump is probably going to attack her. and hit her in the weak spots. that's understandable. she should not respond. if he goes after her personally. i would focus on answering the questions that chris wallace hands off to me and be done with
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the debate. what does she have to lose at this point? >> thank you very much for being with us. >> after the break the special primetime coverage of the third and final presidential debate starts with mtp daily at 5:00 eastern. then the live telecast at 9:00. late night coverage, the post debate team and the road warriors will be back for late night happy hour next. we'll look at the debate spin room, the backdrop for post game analysis. stick around as we take you here to campus. stick around.
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that's the surrogate's turn in the spin room afterwards. we find chris jansing, nbc correspondent with a behind-the-scenes look for us. a special guest, too. fill us in. >> where all the arguments happen after the arguments happen on stage, right? this is the area where 2500 journalists will gather and the surrogates come in here. it's a mad rush to get the big sound bite. the guy behind all of this, the head of the presidential debate commission. >> this is my 30th debate. >> you know about debates. what are you expecting tonight? >> what i hope takes place is chris wallace has named six subject areas he wants to get out which haven't been discussed in the campaign. >> you think this is the time?
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>> i don't know the questions he'll ask. >> you notice the last one is they can talk about how they think about each other. >> no opening arguments, no closing arguments. >> that's correct. >> what do you think it means in terms of the overall campaign. third debate last time. how many people will be watching tonight? >> that's a guess. usually the third debate is low. with all the interests we could have between 70 and 100 people tonight. >> do you think it could change minds? >> i think it could. it's an opportunity to get to the issues. that's what i hope happens. >> how do you feel about the priorities. >> i had to give it a try. we are going to wait and see what happens in this room.
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like what's going to happen on stage, the last chance to get before an audience of that size, it's a last chance for the surrogates to have an opportunity as you know to have access to us in the media to get the message out before the final push. i'll go to north carolina. as you know in that state and others, early voting is under way or already has been under way. the clock is ticking for the candidates and their surrogates. >> chris jansing, thanks. love the optimistic viewer predictions there. i want to go to kelly o'donnell down in the pit behind me here. i want to turn around. i don't know if i'm supposed to. >> hallie, we have a president who is not on the ballot and one who need not debate tonight. len jessup from the university of las vegas, 30,000 students, a big institution. what does it mean to be the host
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tonight? >> it means the world to us. thank you for being here. we are the second most diverse in the country. we have the best students in the world. what do you think? >> reporter: so many of the students stepped forward to help out in all kinds of roles. how many students offered their time and in what way are they participating? >> we asked for volunteers. we have over 1,000 students who signed up to work. some are working here at your station. some are spread all over campus and excited about helping. >> how does that play out? >> a dozen faculty that are newly designed. >> journalism, political and history. >> the business side, there is a real world cost to hosting an event of this scale with the security implications. millions of dollars. how are you able to shoulder the
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cost and how does it work out behind the scenes? give us the picture of that. >> we couldn't have done it without a partner. we turn to the las vegas convention and visitors authority. they are a partner with us. not only just in handling finances but pulling off an event of this magnitude. >> with 5,000 media and security requirements, two presidential candidates, one former president in bill clinton, that's a lot. do you think the campus will have long-term benefit from getting all this attention? >> absolutely. the publicity is unmatched. we couldn't have afforded to do it. think about the media the university and the city will generate. that's a great week for us. a trifecta in the debate, the governors signed the bill into law on campus for the new stadium and the new expansion of the convention center. our medical school, brand new school just got accredited yesterday. this is a great week for us. [ cheers ] >> reporter: las vegas has hosted primary debates before. this is the first time for a
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presidential level debate and the first time on campus. we thank you for your hospitality. really appreciate it. president of unlv. >> down in the pit. thank you so much. appreciate you being here. check out this scene five miles from here. we have taco trucks apparently forming a wall outside the trump international hotel. five minutes i should say. to protest trump's treatment of immigrants. we'll check in with jay sob soboroff. and we'll talk about how race is playing a role in campaign 2016. first as we look at trump tower here in vegas i want a look at your responses. will tonight's final presidential debate between clinton and trump change your vote in november? check out the screen. here are the results so far. will it change your vote? most of you say, no, you're locked in. 5% could be convinced. we want to hear what you have to
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say. we have this crowd from the beautiful campus of unlv. we'll be in nevada the next couple of days talking about the bellwether state. stick around. i'm beowulf boritt and i'm a broadway set designer. sort of fallen in love with this computer, i can flip it... ...around and flip through images, and then i can use it... a tablet. go in and work on the details. i could never do that with a mac.
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...doesn't go on your wrist. technology... ♪ the highly advanced audi a4, with class-leading horsepower. woman: how do we protect them from $4 billion in new cuts to california schools? man: vote yes on proposition 55. woman: prop 55 doesn't raise taxes on anyone. man: not on working californians, not small businesses. no one. woman: instead, prop 55 simply maintains the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians. man: so those who can most afford it continue paying their fair share... woman: prevent new education cuts... man: ...and keep improving california's schools. woman: vote yes on prop 55 to help our children thrive.
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i thodid the ancestrydna toian. find out i'm only 16% italian. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn't know about. my culture is very dominant. it's causing problems. if you don't do something you will have taco trucks at every corner. >> oh, yes, the taco trucks on every corner line. that was latinos for trump founder warning what would happen if trump were to lose. here in vegas there is a line of taco trucks outside trump international hotel in vegas. out there protesting trump's pledge to build a wall along the u.s. and mexican border. jacob soboroff is there live. what do folks think they will accomplish with this?
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>> reporter: this has been organized by the culinary workers union. a huge political force in las vegas. they are all on stage to protest not just donald trump's rhetoric around immigration but the labor dispute they are in at this hotel with donald trump. most hotels are unionized. donald trump refuses to recognize the union vote here and they are in a labor dispute. when it comes to a taco truck on every corner the culinary workers union made it a reality at this protest. there are taco trucks lining the street as far as the eye can see. there are probably several hundred workers out here. i want to introduce you to some of them if we can make it to the protest. what are you doing at the protest? are you here to support? >> we support hillary clinton. we don't want for anything over
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the united states for nothing. we don't want it. >> donald trump refused to recognize the union vote. is donald trump somebody who speaks to workers like yourself? >> somebody talked to him. he closed the eyes. he didn't want to know about the unions. he was here to protest and let you know. she is going to do it well. >> appreciate you talking to me. there are hundreds of voices strong. dozens, at least half a dozen or a dozen taco trucks as well. come on over. >> thanks. appreciate that. >> not far from where we are. i want to cut in here with breaking news.
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we have new information on the guest lists for donald trump. we know who will bring patricia smith. we know he invited president obama. my colleague katy tur said ambassador chris stevens's fiance has been invited from the trump campaign. the republican national convention in cleveland a couple of months ago. he'll bring four so-called angel moms whose relatives have been killed by undocumented immigrants. we saw trump bring family members up on stage in the past. notably at major immigration speech along the mexican border that happened. earlier in the summer. interesting when you look at the guest list of who donald trump will be placing in the audience clearly intended to try to rattle hillary clinton. we have been talking about the bright bartization of the
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strategy. this is another sign of that. more on that coming up. we want to bring it to you. i want to switch over now. immigration and race have been major flash points in the election season. just today the justice department announced that they will be dispatching fewer election observers to look for voter intimidation because of a 2013 supreme court opinion that took out a key part of the voting rights act. for more on this i want to bring in former president of the naacp. >> good to be here. >> we are on a college campus talking about headlines of the day, millennials, the african-american vote. it's out talking about the african-american millennials. they say essentially the political system failed them. they don't owe it to anybody. considering many are critical
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for. rather than talking about the issues such as economic and criminal justice systems. if there is a feeling that the system failed them even under a democratic president maybe they should vote in large numbers like hillary clinton needs them to do. >> this is a time for folks to dig down into the issues to look at what impact each of the candidates will have on the economy. we don't know. everything he says is a suggestion. hillary is in the right place. something as basic as minimum wage hillary always said she wants to raise it. let's go. that should concern all of us
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but especially young people at the very bottom of the economy just coming in to their first jobs. lots of people start out. when you have somebody who says they do not believe minimum wage should exist you better believe that's somebody who won't do anything to change where things are with college debt. my heart goes out to them. i supported somebody else in the primary. this will be decided at the end of the day. leaving it to the states. the idea that he's been talking about a rigged election system. at the same time you have the african-american community fighting strict voting laws in places like north carolina. how concerned are you that these laws could depress turn out among african-american voters.
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>> as president it was the federal minimum wage. with regards to what's going on i'm very concerned we are not talking about voter suppression as much this year as we should be. new laws are in place in 15 or 16 new states that include mike pence's state. we have also seen very aggressive efforts by folks like mike pence's state police to shout down some of the largest voter registration operations in the country. with a level of aggression and intimidation we have not seen before. we are being more quiet and we are afraid we will play into this election which is rigged. we have to be clear and forceful enough to distinguish between trump saying it is rigged without having any facts and
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actual voter suppression where we have actual law and actual misdeeds we can point to that need to be brought to the public's attention. very concerned that there are three parts oh this. one is to say it's rigged, two, encourage silence and engage in suppression of black voters. >> very quickly, i want to get this in. when it comes to wikileaks and bernie sanders with the e-mails, for example one to john podesta that the best way for hillary clinton to handle bernie sanders is to make love to bernie and his idealistic supporters does this vindicate your support for sanders that he had the issues right and not clinton? >> i still work with the board member of our revolution. we'll keep organizing. we have to stop trump and win down ticket races.
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bernie sanders will be extremely powerful. we'll keep building the progressive wing of the country's politics. >> thanks for being with us. appreciate it. up next, we are looking at senate democratic leader harry reid set to speak to reporters in nevada, really any second, with the big fight growing to take a senate seat he's retiring. up next, a look at why nevada is so important in the election. we are live on the campus of unlv. stay with us. mom, i have to tell you something. dad, one second i was driving and then the next... they just didn't stop and then... i'm really sorry. i wrecked the subaru. i wrecked it. you're ok. that's all that matters. (vo) a lifetime commitment to getting them home safely. love.
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rates are competitive, and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. remember - these plans let you apply all year round. so call today. because now's the perfect time to learn more. go long. and so when i saw that, that was completely disqualifying. i'm a republican, but this election is so much bigger than party. my son max can't live in trump world. so i'm crossing party lines and voting for hillary. i don't always agree with her, but she's reasonable. and she's smart. she can work with people to solve problems. i want to be able to tell my kids that i did the right thing when it really mattered. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message.
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all right, guys. 45 seconds ago retiring senate minority leader harry reid walked up to a microphone in henderson, nevada, outside of vegas. you can see him. he's speaking ahead tonight's final presidential debate. we are monitoring to see if reid makes news. he'll likely go after donald trump. the other part, reid's senate
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seat is up for grabs. republican congressman joe heck leads by three points over rival catherine masto. it's important not just for the legacy but crucial for democrats if they want it come november. hi, friends. what's your title now? national political reporter. and king something for bloomberg. >> close enough. >> we are starting with harry reid. joe heck is watching the debate tonight. what's the best outcome for him? as far as what donald trump will or won't do. >> the best outcome is it's over. there are no more debates. >> he's in a bunker watching. >> this is a tough spot. he pulled the endorsement of donald trump unlike a lot of other republicans who criticized everything trump said every day and are still backing him, pledging to vote for him. that's a difficult spot for heck to be in. that's a principled one compared to fellow republicans. trump has a lot of support here.
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blue collar republicans. heck mindful of the mormon vote here. really trying to find a sweet spot. it's to his credit he's ahead of donald trump now. if the wave gets begger. if hillary clinton stretches to a seven or eight-point lead and runs away with it, what happens then to joe heck. i don't know if he can survive if it's bigger than we are looking at now. >> our first team here put together a list of the top nine senate seats most likely to switch. the race in nevada is number six. will this be a wave, a status quo, what's your take? >> right now it's not clear even if hillary clinton wins the presidential race in a blow out like 2012 or 2008 that the republicans would lose the senate. the senate races aren't closely tracking with the top of the ticket at this point. a number of the candidates are running on their own profiles trying to distance themselves from trump. it comes down to the last week or two. that's when waves materialize in the last 10 to 14 days.
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this will look more like 2008 or closer. >> what's the margin? if hillary clinton won by 12 points overall. those are humongous numbers. sitting in ohio or pennsylvania. >> it depends on the specific races. they are already nervous about pennsylvania and new hampshire. nevada, republicans may have a better canada data here in joe heck, but this is a very close state. it depends on turn out. we are looking at if hillary clinton people are energized at the end and a lot of main stream republicans aren't, there will be some ticket splitting, but it is hard to see that much. >> you look for if the bottom falls out, not the overall margin. our latest poll shows donald trump is losing ground with the core base of men and working class white voters. that's really painful if that materializes and turns out true. that will probably have ripple effects down the ballot. >> we spent time talking about marco rubio and his comments today. the herald comes out endorsing
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his opponent saying trump's candidacy is a test of character and senator marco rubio is failing adding the act is unconvincing, reeks of political convenience rather than political conviction. marco rubio up two points on patrick murphy according to the latest poll. not a ton. if he doesn't win his seat is that the biggest casualty of trump's candidacy? >> probably the most high profile. >> yeah. >> he's been ahead. marco rubio has a national profile. been a darling of florida politics for a long time. for him to get run over by a candidate that the democrats will tell you about murphy, he's not the best candidate here. if murphy is able to beat him that's a big wave. >> apart from rob portman who was running ahead, double digits of trump. marco rubio has been ahead in florida, too. if he can't pull it off it's hard to know how many people can. >> i hate to wrap up so early but in california, ivanka trump is about to speak at the fortune most powerful women summit.
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happening now, lets go live to ivanka trump speaking in california. >> my siblings to achieve my potentials and helped us finding purpose in our lives which is any parents can do. i have known him as a leader and as an executive in a trump organization who i have worked in addition to my own friend for over a decade. i have seen him inspires tens of thousands of people.
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he set as bold vision and an aggressive vision and he helps people to realize that goal. some people who are managers of people and there are some people who are leaders of people, he's very much a leader of people and i have seen it my whole life in a business capacity. i know him so well personally and professionally and when things have happened for the course of this campaign that are uncomfortable for us as a family, oftentimes, things have been said that are mischaracterizations or interpretations that are false, and not consistent of his intent, you know, a statement he will make, we'll talk about it. we have a very open dialogue. that's one of the things that i respect so much about him of the
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willingness to listen. he's very much his own man just like i am my on woman, i have opinions of my own. i express it to him when i am excited or disappointed and everywhere in between. i am not sheepest of sharing my opinion. i do so in private. >> we talk about your role, you build successful brands of core theme is empowering women. that has been taken by your whole, one of the most visible members of the republican nominee who just in the last two weeks has body shamed a miss universe contestant and appeared in that tape and suggested that other women accused him were too
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unattractive or assaulted. does that put you in a uncomfortable position. >> first of all, my brand has launched far before the presidential cycle commence. it will continue long afterwards. i am proud of the work that i am doing there and i always try to maintain complete separation between that and the campaign. with that said, one of the challenging things is just operating, living one's life with the intense ity and scruti of this process is a hard thing to do. >> you don't like to be called a "surrogate," what is that all about? >> i hate that word, what does that mean? at one point, they were saying major newspaper were writing
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that i was vice presidential candidate. no, i am a daughter. i don't express my views on policy with one exception as it relates to child care and advocating for women because i never thought i had this platform but it was important for me to participate in that conversation and core to my personal and professional mission over the last decade. i stepped into the fray on that front but, no, i am not a surrogate. i am a daughter. when i stood in front of the rnc and said that i am an independent which was consistent of many other millenials and many other people, i am not dogmatically aligned with other people. i share my thoughts with my father candidly. i dismiss the idea of a surrogate because i don't think it appreciates the role that i am playing as my father's daughter. i love him very much. i am very, very proud of what he's accomplished and he's been
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a great dad to me. i am not the campaign master mind as people love to portray and speculate and i have been honest on that front. >> that moment at the convention when you talked about not being republican and you are standing at the republican convention. >> i was really nervous. what kind of response will i get on this standing in front of the arena packed with republicans and expressing myself candidly as an independent who really votes based on the candidate as oppose to dogmatically based on party affiliation. it was warm to the idea that i put forward and perspective on the campaign process. i think a lot of people are like me and socially more liberal and physically rather conservative and find themselves some where in the middle. i think that resonates with a
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tremendous number of people. i was really impressed that we are not politicians. so i was not groomed to be any one thing, my father never expects me to fall in line. when i talk about him, i talk about him to groups like this and when people ask me about politics, i talk about what a great dad he was and what a great businessman he's been. that's what i know. everyone else can debate policy because that's what i know. i know he will be a great leader for this country. >> there is a gender gap opened up bigger than the 1980s. why do you think that is? >> are you talking about wage and equality? >> gender gap of men and women in supporting the race. >> i think we'll have to see
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what exactly happens when people go to vote. i do think that there will be a lot of support that is currently being reported in the polls that are being conducted on a daily bases. i have people pulling me aside and telling me how them and every one of their friends and voting for my father but they live in democratic communities and they don't feel comfortable or articulating that to their friends and neighbor. i don't know. lets see what happens. i do think their -- we'll see if that ends up panning out and with the actual results. one way or another we'll know soon enough come november 8th. >> you were talking about the brand that you have built and a lot of it has been about how women live their daily lives and what they mean for their daily lives. yesterday, a poll asking your customers
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