tv MSNBC Live Post Debate MSNBC October 19, 2016 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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>> that warms my heart. people caring about this election for all the darkness and all the election. >> democracy at 36,000 feet. >> we have just rolled over in to the midnight hour, into the top of the new hour here in new york, along the east coast. the news as we said earlier, what happens in vegas tonight was deemed around the world. indeed. we have a piece of sound for you, one of the exchanges that took place tonight that's getting a lot of the news media attention. >> she should never be allowed to run for presidency based on what she did with e-mails and other things. >> sir, there is a tradition of this country, one of the prize is the peaceful transition of power and no matter how flawed a
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campaign is that at the end o f the campaign, the loser concedes to the winner and that the country comes together in part for the good of the country, are you saying you are not prepared now? >> what i am saying is that i will tell you at the time. i will keep you in suspense. >> halie jackson got a hold of mike pence in the spin room a few moments ago and asked her abo him of the exchange of the headline tonight. here is that. >> you said on sunday to our network that you would absolutely accept the results of the question. should donald trump do the same? >> well, donald trump is going to be elected president of the united states. >> reporter: i got to ask you to answer the question. do you think donald trump should
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do what you did accepting the results. >> he said i will look it at the time. i think he has made a point that he's resonating with millions of americans that quite frankly with all due respect, the media coverage in this presidential campaign is so one-sided a poll came out today that majority of americans are recognized biassed in the presidential campaign and the reality of voter fraud in polling places and in some jurisdiction around the country. he as the presidential candidate said tonight that he will take away a see approach. i have no doubt in my mind in the 20 days remaining in this campaign, we'll continue to call forward balance coverage of this effort and we are going to continue to call people all across the country to participate in the electoral process to ensure that we can be
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confident in the vote. if the vote is fair, i am confident that we'll exceaccept. >> the wai and see approach. >> if the vote is fair. >> on democracy. >> we'll see how it comes out. >> so here is mike pence problem right new. the only line of communication between trump tower and the republican world that i have been for two decades is mike pence. he just blew his credibility. >> mike pence's first answer was the right one. >> it is a yes or no question. will you accept the results on election day, it is a yes or no question and he failed the test that he passed on sunday. >> mike pence came out and said
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when donald trump proposed the muslim ban, he said that was unacceptable and when the judge in california, who is hearing trump's university case when trump attacked him on the heritage case. the governor of that stage, mike pence came out and said that was unacceptable. once he became trump's running mate, he started to defend what trump said about that judge. pence said we have to accept the results of the election. >> his principles -- >> it is over. >> he's talking about standing up militarily to russia but he stops talking about it. >> he's a door matt in this campaign. >> he's a running mate which a dormant by any of the name.
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>> this was discussed. it was not an accident. as you said a couple hours ago, it feels like seven, that this is how he feels. that's the problem. this is not a gasp. this is what he wanted to say. it reminds me of the moment a couple weeks ago when he did not want to answer the birther question. come, to my hotel and i will tell you there after you tore the restaurant. >> this is wait and see and i will make an announcement about whether i accept it or not. >> what he will do after he loses and he will make the announcement that he will announce the terrible media causing him the election. you can watch him on trump tv and oh, by the way, i accept the results of the election. >> maybe, who knows? >> hillary clinton should never been allowed to run and the media was all against me and there are millions of people who are out and should not.
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>> he will run a shadow of presidency through his website. even though he does has a sort of bill of particular against our democracy that he seems to believe. >> and barack obama was never legitimately president. >> the urgent business for republicans in the final weeks talk about the faith they have in american democracy and in the after math no matter who and i think we all have a lot of indications, but to legitimatize the race. >> everybody calls ban a nationalist. he prefers to be describe described as what he saw himself. >> lennon wanted to destroy the state, that's my goal, too. that's the guy that's running trump campaign right now. this ises
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this is not a capitol/republican campaign >> one of eugene's colleague, our robert costa is standing by with our own chris matthew. >> let me recap what this conversation that led to, they called it, of course, rachel, ever since trump began his prentice ship, the 2008 was not legitimate because barack obama was not a citizen .2012 of the same deal. he could not have a legitimate license and tonight, he laid the ground work by saying that hillary clinton should be prosecuted or convicted so she cannot be a legitimate candidate so we want have a legitimate
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campaign. it is all done as far as he's concerned. there is no suspense. >> that seems to be the position. if i want to win the other side is illigitimate. >> there is a down ballot race which is going to be tight and narrow. >> is it a legitimate argument to say that his opponent of the final debate should not be on that stage because she should be in prison? is that a legitimate argument? it is a foundation of questioning of the election comes november. >> maybe. she's the nominee of the party just like she is. no, it is not going to -- it was a rhetorical moment in the debate. >> striking scene behind us here tonight in the spin room, this
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is where the campaign comes zout h out and has a message may all repeat. >> it was difficult to understand in the campaign saying of the question of legitimacy. i pulled kellyanne conway a moment ago. what is the campaign going to do. is it a essential strategy, the official party and campaign lawyers to monitor precincts around the country. this is not just an outside campaign or an outside candidate. he's tieing himself to the republican party with him. >> thstat's a huge problem for e republican party. >> because of some actions back in the '80s. if the rnc prosecutes that to come off next year will not come off. >> to me, i am a passionate man
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about politics. i love the individual risks that go into it and you stick your neck out. politicians cry when they lose. it is so personal. personal rejection by the public and the people. are we going to not have that kind of election results. we have one candidate not c concede the results of the election. we never had that. >> have you understand one cool fact about his entire life, in his mind, he cannot lose. what we are seeing tonight with his you asurrogates, is a griev movement as rachel says the norms have been under guarding for a long, long time >> back in '60s when there was a close election, 1,000 votes. kennedy went down to be with nixon so that nixon could
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concede. you are saying he's not going to do that? >> he's beyond the party. >> what he's building with steve ban and others of the whole network that operates outside. >> around the world when they're trying to follow us, on russian tv, all around the world, they're going to be able to say, there is no result of the election, because john has to concede. >> do i that have the political capitol with the trump base and conservative voters to make the convincing. >> what's going to happen to the down ballot? >> the system does have a safety vow for this which is the electors who are elected and who are certified by the individual states meet on december 19th, decide who they are voting for. >> if pennsylvania is split and trump loses it, will trump say,
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oh, he did not win, nobody won. they're not linegitimate result. is that what he's going to do. >> all i hear is philadelphia and philadelphia. >> they're targeting that city >> the black folks. >> that's it. >> there is a pattern here. >> and now they're going to blame the big city of st. louis and chicago and philadelphia, we have al large african-american population and hispanic population and basically doing the same thing. trying to deilligitimize. that's racially charged. >> forgive me, can counselor gingsber go back on that again? i want to hear it one more time.
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>> the national committee got himself on the wrong side of an action on a number of cases of federal district court in new jersey imposed a consent degree from stop to conducting the party. the rnc is still under a consent degree, they are eager to have it come off next year. this activity, i can promise you is going to cause the democrats go back to court. >> when you say "this activity." you mean where trump is speaking to wide audiences telling him to go to philadelphia on their own and watch people cast eir votes there. that's what you are talking about this activity? >> well, each state has a set of poll activities that are permissible that campaigns in parties. you cannot be a vigilante, you
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cannot walk into a polling place -- >> ben ginsberg, thank you for clarifying that. >> i have been following this at the local levels and some of these states where they know they had a lot of advertising and there is been issues that's raised by pence and trump that people need to get out. by which he did not mean by voting. h he's making illusion of people going out and getting involved. i don't know what he means. in some state, one of the worse by local law enforcement, there is a lot of open carries states now. >> that's a big steve smith's. >> in some placing of a polling place or a church or a state
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building, some place where you got to carve out that it cannot be an opened carry place. they're worry what people are going to do people going out and inspired and loosely directly by the trump campaign with guns and supervise the process of people voting and watching out where it is going wrong. that should be an act of joy and -- it should not be an act of bravery >> people standing by to talk to us and that's presidential historia historian, michael. >> the governor of indiana has
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transformed seemingly of believes and values at his core and certainly putting a moving blanket over them for this current area. >> very well said, brian. >> that's question number one, question number two is because this is your line of work and we have to come up with new way to describe the danger it poses for democracy. we are going to talk about this tradition of the will of the vot voters and the tradition of modern americans if that indeed how the election works. >> mike pence, six months ago, we would have thought if a presidential nominee like donald trump had said such a thing in a debate of which we heard tonight which is astounding and for all we are discussing tonight, historians will remember this debate for one thing and that's trump refuse to say that he will accept the results of the
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election. you would have thought every value we know of pence, he would have said that donald trump did the wrong thing tonight and wonder to what length he will go to justify the top man on his ticket. just the other day pence said mr. trump will accept the results of the election. it is es astounding. >> i think it is radical. there was a threat he made tonight and it really is out of keeping with american history. >> one of the few things that everyone agreed on all the way back to george washington is no matter how tough a campaign is or how close it is, we all accept the results, even richard nixon, 1960 when he made an
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attentive decision. once the decision is made, we unite behind the person of the person that's elected. donald trump that's thrown on his head and that's absolutely horrifying. >> michael, this is gene robertson. >> the only one i can think of is 1860s. that's not a happy president. >> that did not go well. any other that did not end in a civil war? >> yes, where there is a tough election that did not lead to civil war. we had a lot of close elections and intense elections and going back much more to 2000s. there were a lot of heated records between george bush and al gore and as intense as it was
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and emotionally, i guarantee you, al gore wakes up to this day every morning at 2:00 a.m. with his nightmare counting the ballots in florida and it is not going his way. he gave one of the most lovely speeches in america history accepting the result and later says george w. bush is my president, too. >> michael, i am thinking of robert costa, you can go back to the civil registrar war to find people and -- i guess i wonder about losing candidates. we have seen candidates that goes back to where they were in politics and we see candidates who disappeared from public life after they get beaten. we are 20 days away and the
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polls may yet be tighten. if donald trump ends up where he is right now, he will be buried in goldwater territory. there are there lessons for him for a person turning into a bad presidential lost campaign turning into the next -- >> barry goldwater is the next example. he served and a wonderful way repaired his relations with lyndon johnson and did not change his conservative use in the 1960s when he ran again in the senate in 1968 because his senate term has ended. there is all sorts of cases like that. that's the rule of the american life. what we are seeing is something that's new. i cannot tell you enough how much this is a departure if it seems to be the case of what he's doing is laying and saying
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essentially the election is stolen from me and the people that supported me should be angry about and it should fuel the political movement for him and rachel, i agree what you said about hillary clinton if he's elected in the same way. >> how many years did donald trump contrary to all series evidence saying that barack obama was not really the president of the united states. >> michael, my biggest fear is that all those of us who are voicing surprise over that pronouncement will get painted with the rigged media broad brush when wt it is is a love of country and of our process of our country.
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>> a recognition, brian, you and i have talked about this a lot. the founders knew to preserve a union is a tough thing. a lot of different people in this country and ideas. they knew that the threats that binded democracy are always fragile. one of the things that bind democracy is the basic assumption is that the person who wins the election for president really won and really is president. michael beschloss, thank you very much, these evenings would not be complete without hearing from you with the history of it all. we are going to take a break. any ca nicole wallace does not know this yet. she's going to read the letter left from 42 when he took over. we are going to talk about putin and putin's role in tonight's debate.
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seldom done gracefully as the last world war ii to serve, george walker bush, a letter was left for bill clinton, after a contentious campaign. >> nicole wallace. we hope the president is watching from houston tonight. >> dear bill, when i walked into this office just now, i felt the same sense of wonder and respect that i felt four years ago. i know that you will feel it took into considerati, too. i wish you great happiness here. i am not a very good one to give advice but don't let the critics discourage you. you will be our president, when you read this note, i wish you well and i wish your family
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well. your success is our country's success. he almost made me cry. >> our success is now our country's success. >> that was writing to the man that made him a one term president. >> can i say something about as long as we have got here. george bush took it on himself to help convince michelle obama's mother that the white house was a wonderful place to live. whatever you think of 43, he made it his mission to help in that transmission because the obama was moving him into the white house and bush girls were generous and i am sure the obama will pay it forward and the young family ever moves in again. it is the american tradition to support the person that replaces you. >> it was something he did very
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well. >> he kept his word. >> he followed his father's example. >> look at the sample of al gore's speech in 2000s. it is coming out beautiful in the supreme court ruling. for him to make that wholehearted, full hearted, warm optimistic concession speech when a lot of people of the country believe that he was the president. >> those are the kinds of moments that we have and partisans resent them at the moment. >> those are trained non partisan morality. >> the country is bigger than me and so the question is, does the republican candidate, the president of the year 2016 believe, in fact, the country is bigger than him >> sorry, i did not mean to interrupt. number one, i need my glasses
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>> this is our people that you are willing to spouting the putin line and break up nato and do whatever he wants to do. >> that was some of the fun and excitement that we witnessed in las vegas. >> steve smith and lawrence o' donnel. both is standing by to talk about this. steve, you go first, vladimir putin. >> another extraordinary moment, secretary clinton is entirely right. this is the consensus of the american intelligence agency for the first time of the history of the country, you have al foreign power that's shown the nerve to try to interfere of the presidential election. that interference is the attack of the sovereignty of the united states. it is an attack on our democratic institutions. so donald trump failure to
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reputiate vladimir putin, and accepting the legitimacy of the outcome of the election. all over the world, you see the russian propaganda machine interfering in western elections. you see money from russia moving in around the national front party and france. you see enormous efforts by russia at the propaganda level. we look at what donald trump will do next. i think it is clear to what bob costa was saying. donald trump is on the track that loses this election and he maybe t may be the candidate to lose but not defeated. he's going to drew a party of
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grie resentment that it was rigged and third party that splits off from the republican party and who knows where the funding of trump tv will come from but a media and designed to under mind the democratic foundation of the united states and the credibility of our election processes, vladimir putin, could not hope for anything better than that. >> the putin line, the putin puppet came out of what was a difficult question from chris wallace. that was a difficult question to hillary clinton uses some of the wikileaks materials indicating that she was in favor of what she called an open market, she insisted that was for the energy market but she pivoted off of the wikileaks preference that it
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is russia that's stealing the e-mails and that provokes, that was probably thought of before the debate that donald trump is putin's puppet and he ridiculously takes her phrase and tries to throw it back at her with these repeated interruptions of you are the puppet. if you were trying to find a presidential debate line that sounded like kindergarten, that would be it. >> no one would ever struck a perfect kindergarten note of "you are the puppet, you are the puppet." that's the constant interrupting with short one liners that he was doing throughout the debate ending in the one that everyone remembers, "such a nasty woman."
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why did he say that because she referred to him not paying taxes in the half an hour debate which he admitted to. donald trump does not paid income taxes and he did not come back and say yes, i do. that's because of the laws that hillary clinton has allowed to remain in the tax cut. that habit of his is the constant interjection is what led us to the final moment, it was about his income taxes. >> we had that extraordinary line from donald trump, make it impossible for me to do that. >> in other words, look, lawrence o' donnel of the rigged media, thank you very much. >> for that. >> brian, can i just say -- as an emmy voter -- [ laughs ] >> i am so glad that hillary clinton stood up for the
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integrity of the emmy voting process. >> lawrence o' donnel. >> can i defend cakindergartene for a second. >> the very thing that keeps mom away from the donald trump is the exact thing that donald trump was talking about is calling her nasty. people wanted to be for outsider. i mean this idea of, you know, if you don't like that i am paying taxes, change the laws. it is not -- not on the right track. you know he's idea that if you hate everything that i have done, all i do is follow the laws. that's why the story about him not paying him taxes did not take him out. what took him out is basically saying he's not going to abide
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by the united states. >> he said you should have stopped me from doing it. >> well, i am on my way. >> if you are concedeing, why should we elect you to be president of the united states when there is fewer constraints on your power. if your guys are taking as much advantage unless you are legally constraining doing it. here, have the u.s. military. enjoy. >> what he's saying of his own temperament and character and the key of his own success making him absolutely unqualified for a job of the president. >> we'll go to pentagon.
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>> i am told we are going to go to a break. this is why we cannot have nice things. we'll come back and we'll go to the pentagon. >> if we get nice things. ♪ well, if you want to sing out, sing out ♪ and if you want to be free, be free ♪ ♪'cause there's a million things to be ♪ ♪ you know that there are at walgreens, you're free- free to seize the savings on medicare part d. from one-dollar copays on select plans
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announcer: they'll test you. try to break your will. but however loud the loudness gets. however many cheese puffs may fly. you're the driver. the one in control. stand firm. just wait. [click] and move only when you hear the click that says they're buckled in for the drive. never give up till they buckle up. just want to show you a live picture of the clinton's campaign plane. you just completed your third and final debate.
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the one person that you want to see at the end of your day is andrea mitchell with a microphone. that's the woman waiting for hillary clinton. >> stronger together. we are going to -- we are not going to let you speak yet. we are going to show you there. we have to get to the pentagon. we are establishing the pan gone there. courtney cooper our producer there referring to the inner ring of the pentagon. y you, you were fact checking based on what you heard from the debate. >> reporter: you mentioned of vladimir. russia is behind the recent hacking of e -mails and politicl institutions and vladimir putin is the one that directs those hacks. donald trump disagreed.
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lets take a listen. >> i am not quoting myself. i am quoting 17, 17 intelligence, do you doubt 17 military and billion agencies. >> yeah, i doubt it. >> just last week, the director of national intelligence released a statement about this saying in in fact, the russian government directed eathe e-mails and messing with the election process. the 17 institutions said that secretary clinton was referencing was the u.s. intelligence agencies that fall underneath the director of national intelligence. there were one other issue that caught my attention, donald trump has been critical on numerous occasions about the
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u.s. military and iraqis leaders speaking of the mosul campaign in advance of what he's saying telegraphing it to the enemy. what he does not realize that can be a military campaign strategy. so one example of the u.s. military in the coalition have been dropping over mosul, leaf lefts and warning civilians there that operation is coming so they can flee if it is possible or hunker down and hopefully stay safe during the ma military campaign. another one is giving isis to leave the city and hoping to make them an easy target. the whole west of the city is opened. it is isis territory to them. they can lead the city and they are much an easier target
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strike. it even frankly gives the opportunity for any kind of uprising among the civilians there and the city once they know they have military backing and coming. we have seen a little bit and several small cases of that so far with an enemy like isis is harder to do. they're so difficult and they're such a brutal enemy to civilian population. that again, it is one of the possibilities for military campaign of why you may telegraph some of the moves in advance. >> critical point. we. >> reporter: -- >> we were asking about that earlier. >> courtney is covering that non stop everyday. thanks for being so good at your job. >> really important point there. if you have been following it all of the fight against isis in iraq with mosul and all of these places. they have telegraphed all these
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moves. it is not the political timing that you can discern or you would not see it campaign after campaign. >> it is not being done inadvertedly and giving up in the advantage of surprise without recognizing that you are doing that. they're doing this for a reason, a lot of it is driven by civilians but some of it was driven by the way they want to see it react. >> there are smart people work ing in the building where courtney were just reporting from. >> during the ooerchievening of third and final debate, our road warriors, they're in the spin room, we are talking about kristen welker, jacob soboroff and kasie hunt, start us off. >> i did not see casey snuck in there. >> what happens in vegas? >> legendary. >> thanks brian. no, what happens in vegas does
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not stay in vegas in this particular case. we saw a remarkable arc here starting out with potential different donald trump who seemed to be calm and focused on policies and then hillary clinton seems to bait him, it took a turn and ended with him calling her "a nasty woman." >> it solidifies a strong lead for secretary clinton. she baited him and he took the bait again. we saw this during the first debate. she seems to get under his skin. and so i think it prompted these series of back and forth. refresh her recollecti she said that vladimir putin wants a puppet and he said, no, you are the puppet. he started off strong and it kind of went downward.
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this moment at the end which he would not say whether he would actually acknowledge or accept the election results. that's the game changer and he's getting backlash from the republicans. >> i want to talk about the debate. i worried that donald trump is going to exacerbate what is truly the greatest threat of american democracy and that's not the rigged system that which he know if you look at the facts. it is low voter turn out in the entire world. we have a presidential candidate that does not trust the election. a student in the room that said, that's mess up. apathy is the greatest drive turn out. >> even if these students don't think it. >> after days of on this so called rigged system.
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this is a foreseeable question. he could have embrace an outcome out of the results and a smooth transition and if there is any legitimate evidence of voter fraud, we could revisit that. he did not do that. a lot of republicans who were pinging my phone were saying it was a great night and that moment is all that people will talk about. >> killing it and crushing it and people were like as aesthetic, that moment happened and it fell apart and ruined it. it was like such a dramatic drop off. lets us be clear, that was not hillary clinton baiting donald trump. that was donald trump answering a question that was posed for him. you are in the spin room and you saw pence defending him. yes, we'll accept the results of the election, that's not what donald trump said on that stage tonight. he's going to clarify donald trump's remarks on stage but the
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candidate's words speak for themselves. >> incredible pressure on the republican party. if this election unfolds, were saying in the spin room tonight, if it unfollows as tds of what suggest right now, we wake up in the morning and donald trump and the followers that he has in one part of what's evolving to the republican party against these establishments in your interview with reince priebus already j eje rejecting it. >> they have any way of knitting the republican party back together. >> it is a challenge for secretary clinton if she wins and that's why they are so focused on not only winning but trying to expand. >> right. >> and trying to have a blow. that's why she's eyeing the state like arizona and chelsea clinton was there today. secretary clinton may in fact go
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to arizona, will be striking if she can win the state. >> this could be a crisis in american democracy if you see a major party standing up and refused -- if you care about american democracy, the number one way to fight back against a crisis democracy is go out and vote at this point. >> go ahead. >> you cannot have both ways. you cannot say there is always fraud or some kind of untrust worthy results at the top of the ticket and have republicans anywhere else on the ballot be certified of the appropriate winner. he set ups up a problem. this is another difficult one. this was completely avoidable. he could have said, that he would embrace it if he were confident without specific evidence. we have lived through the night of 2000s where al gore did have to pull back his concession and we went through all of those days waiting for the final
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results. >> that's already out there. >> talk about gore having a miniature night, i feel like everybody in the spin room and wanted to talk about al gore on both sides. i think that does in fact, this introductory of where we thought it was going into this. brian and rachel, we'll send it back to you. >> you are warriors of the road. no, ladies and gentlemen, we don't know how they stay sane and fresh looking, all of them. >> all these campaign trips. thank you very much. we are going to run to a quick break while we keep an eye on the back of the clinton campaign pla plane, andrea mitchell, assured us she has remained the human shield right there. >> did you see the look on her face there, she will cut you there. look at that, get out of my way.
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and when they save, you save. that's auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance, an allstate company. click or call. i want to come back and say hello, some of you have been on the trail for the whole time, no more debates and naps. >> do you accept the results of the election? >> you know, it was horrifying of what he said on the debate stage tonight. our country has been around for 240 years and, you know, we are a country based on laws and we had hot contested elections going back to the beginning. but, one of our hallmarks has always been we accept the outcome of the elections and we
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do the best we can to have free and fair elections which we do. somebody wins and somebody loses. so what he said tonight is part of his whole effort to blame somebody else for his campaign and where he stands in this election as i said, when ever he is losing, he says the system, whatever the system is whether it is, you know, being in court about trump university or losing the iowa caucus or losing emmys, for goodness sakes, he says hst r it is rigged against him. >> how did you feel when he says "nasty woman," "you are a puppet." >> i did not pay any attention to that. i was concerned after 17 intelligence agencies in our government both military and civilian have confirmed that russia has engaged in cyber
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attacks against americans that he refused to admit that it is true and condemn it for what it is which is a blatant effort to try to interfere in our elections. >> we'll make it harder for you if you win to rally the liberal base around your agenda. >> not at all. bernie sanders is out there working hard for me to get elected. as i said in the closing, they gave us the last minute, i am reaching out to all americans, democrats, republicans and independence. i want to summon americans to use their talents and ambition to help the country. >> are you worried about
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violence? >> i know nothing about this. i am not -- i cannot deal with every one of his conspiracy theory. i hope you have something to eat and drink on the way back to new york. >> thank you. >> that was hillary clinton. you saw her campaign manager robby mook to one side and behind that was mr. podesta. >> i could not make out the last question. >> yeah, i could not hear. >> the question was about violence or -- >> andrea, what was the last question? >> reporter: the last question was a question -- it was a question from josh gerstein, the question was about whether or not as trump said the clinton
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campaign was behind some of the protested rallies. it was a question of conspiracy theory and heavily edited video claiming that the clinton people had to stage some of the protests and violence and she said she cannot keep up with isr conspiracy. >> thank you, andrea. >> standing for take off and landing on a charter aircraft is perfectly common and terribly unsafe. don't try this. >> yes, we want that for all of us. andrea, wuf beyou have been wor for 22 hours today. please eat and drink before you get here. >> we are going to continue our conversation with chris matthews
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who's heading up our coverage in las vegas. chris. >> yeah, thank you, brian and rachel. what a great night, we are here again on the campus of unlv, after the third and final debate between donald trump and hillary clinton. a lot of information here. after 90 minutes of insults and hard rhetoric. the night ended without a handshake. did you notice that? >> trump called clinton a liar and a nasty woman. >> and her words against of inciting violence at his rallies. >> trump played to his base and his graphic language on late term abortion jumped out at me. after weeks calling the election rigged against him.
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and he refused to accept the election results. >> i want to ask you here on the stage tonight, do uh-uh you mak same commitment that you will absolutely will look at it at t time. i'm not looking at anything now. i'll look at it at the time. what i've seen is so bad. >> sir, there is a tradition in this country -- in fact one of the prides of the country is the peaceful transition of power and no matter how hard fought a campaign is, that at the end of a campaign, the loser concedes to the winner. are you saying you're not prepared now to commitment to that principle? >> what i'm saying is i will tell you at the time, i'm keep you in suspense. >> okay, alfred hitchcoc. hillary clinton pounced on those comments calling them horrifying, let's watch. >> that is not the way our democracy works. we've been around for 240 years. we've had free and fair elections. we've accepted the outcomeshe
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