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tv   MSNBC Live Post Debate  MSNBC  October 19, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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election results. >> i want to ask you here on the stage tonight, do uh-uh you mak same commitment that you will absolutely will look at it at t time. i'm not looking at anything now. i'll look at it at the time. what i've seen is so bad. >> sir, there is a tradition in this country -- in fact one of the prides of the country is the peaceful transition of power and no matter how hard fought a campaign is, that at the end of a campaign, the loser concedes to the winner. are you saying you're not prepared now to commitment to that principle? >> what i'm saying is i will tell you at the time, i'm keep you in suspense. >> okay, alfred hitchcoc. hillary clinton pounced on those comments calling them horrifying, let's watch. >> that is not the way our democracy works. we've been around for 240 years. we've had free and fair elections. we've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them, and
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that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. let's be clear about what he is saying and what that means. he's denigrating, he's talking down our democracy and i for one am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position. >> donald trump's comments tonight have already been condemned by jeff flake of arizona, lindsey graham of south carolyn a. will they reverberate by voters? we'll see. i'm joined by chris of host all in with msnbc, and former chairman of the national committee, michael steal, and msnbc -- everybody's a political analyst -- any way, i shouldn't base that, everything is. he's the host of the how hewitt show, and also msnbc political analyst. who i can start with? chris we'll just go across here. this -- you know, there is the
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hallmark, to use the phrase hillary clinton used tonight, which is the idea if i win the election i'll prosecute my opponent and basically put her in jail, because that's where she would have been if i were president and if i lose the election, i would declare, it illegal, and i won't accept defeat. this is a phrase in the cold war. >> there's degree to stepping outside the bounds of the constitutional norms have been part of the candidacy since the beginning and each new one he steps over people are appalled. i felt like there was a breaking point tonight and there was a breaking point that's developed over the last week that he's spoken about essentially -- >> has he given up on winning? >> there was a very interesting moment -- did you see where he said good luck, hillary -- lots of luck, hillary, which was basically, lots of luck managing the crises in the middle east when you are president. he said lots of luck, hillary. i said that's a tacid flow of
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emotion, lots of luck, hillary. as fundamentally rigged, fundamentally being stolen by people in the big cities, is pretty toxic and poison us stuff, and chris wallace, to his credit, pressed him on the point tonight and i think people are rightly pretty shaken up by that transgression. >> do you play eight ball? >> what it is that? >> it's pool. >> oh, yeah. >> stripes or solids and you try to get all the men in and the eight ball, but you can scratch during the thing and you lose the whole game. in other words, how about you're doing -- you put the ball in, you scratch, you're gone. it seems like that was a scratch. it was a pretty evenly contested night. a little bit of focus grouping we did tonight with chris caphinas. but the scratch. when you say i'm not going to accept the results of the election, not even citing any irregularities or some standard of irregularity, simply saying
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i'm alfred hitchcoc. he was given the third world of idea, the sort of banana republican idea heads i win, and you get prosecuted, and tales you lose and i'm going to say the election is legitimate. he refused and said he'll keep us in suspense. it's not showmanship, it's dangerous his former campaign chair, paul manafort, this is the game they played in the ukraine and this is the game people who work around donald trump, played with it is election, claiming it wass was illegitimate. >> it's kind of frightening. >> michael, you're laughing. >> i'm not laughing, chris. >> this is the party of abraham lincoln, the grand old party who won't accept the results of the election. >> it's not the party i led. this is not representative of any nominee we've ever had in
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the history of this party. that moment for me was a definitive moment. it was a disfaqualifying moment if you do not have a pair to stand on a stage with your opponent and say, if you beat me, i get it. >> right. >> i concede the race, you don't deserve the job. >> irk had was wehillary clinto prepared for this. she should all the evidence. >> when she had the 240 number ready and took it back to 1776, back to the declaration, 240, she was totally ready for that i think. >> she was ready for a number of things, so was he. if you're a down ballot republican, you loved the first 30 minutes. pro life, there are reasons for to you tune out you're happy with the issues set because it will motivate your voters to go and if you think she is winning as is being telegraphed by the
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media then you're going to he turnout in great numbers. the two hot ticks as to what michael said, if i were some enterprising reporter, din dino rossi, both of whom lost, in contested elections -- i think norm coleman was cheated, and din orossi. >> how was he cheated? >> they manufactured ballots after the election by the dozens. >> and washington state they kep kept counting, and counting, and counting until they got the number. both of them conceded at the end of the legal recount. they wanted to make the point, if it was so close this a particular state, i will fight like al gore did. he could have done that. he did not do that. he used language outside the norm. >> i can say that applies more broadly. it was so striking him talking about the supreme court justices and pro life, right?
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most republican candidates don't just say i will point pro life justices because everyone understands that's a subtext. they say i will appoint justices who will up told the constitution, because he's basically reading austin decoff cards, he accepts the top line, i'll appoint pro life justices. i watched republican candidate after can. they don't come out and say that. in fact, hillary clinton did the same thing. >> that's right, but the republicans -- >> she said i had a litmus test. >> it is the republicans and judicial conservatives a litmus test is ipso facto,il legitimate. >> who said they -- there's no one left. >> he is so unembedded in any sort of fluency is he gives you the top line off the index card.
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>> everything was airplane mode until a certain point. all the sudden, trump's language on the life issue, on late term, certain the idea of aborting a baby a few days before birth, he didn't talk about spina bifida, he didn't talk about the concerns people have when they have tests in the fifth month. he didn't talk about the clinicalcasions th clinical argument that it's bad, first of all, about this particular procedure, it's not just late term, it's a procedure. he -- i think he rang the bell for the pro lifers today. >> that's why he did it. >> the delivery, that procedure describing the nineth month of pregnancy is called a cesarian. it is true, he -- i think donald trump demonstrated that he has absolutely 0 fluency with anything to do with what happens to a woman. >> let's everybody judge for themselves.
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>> in pregnancy and hillary did the opposite. >> was he talking about partial birth? let's take a look. >> if you go with what hillary is saying in the ninth month, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother just prior to the birth of the baby. now, you can say that that's okay and hillary can say that that's okay, but it's not okay with me. because based on what she's saying and where she's going and she's been, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month, on the final day, and that's not acceptable. >> that is not what happens in these cases and using that kind of scare rhetoric is just terribly unfortunate. you should meet with some of the women that i've met with, women i've known over the course of my life. this is one of the worst possible choices that any woman and her family has to make, and i do not believe the government should be making it.
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>> okay. i think hillary clinton, apart from the values question, it was surreal, the differences between pro life and pro-choice, the real values differences and sometimes there's conflict and we have to deal with it. hillary clinton never lost focus on who she was going after, women in the suburbs. she talked about the need for gun regulation to protect toddlers. >> right. >> she's not talking about the work of marianne wright edelman. trump was working his base. >> he was working his base and not understanding the human bases of ideology, the idea they're going to rip a fetus at nine months before birth that is a cesarian section. he didn't understand the issue he's talking about. to chris' point, he hasn't thought about it enough, to have a conversant point on it. he did that all night tonight, where hillary clinton gave her the oosition to understand empathynd talk about specific
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women and demonstrate the basic knowledge of what women in the fact and what they deal with. donald trump has no empathy for women, that's the basic reason he's so far behind. he lacks basic empathy for women. >> including sexual assault, obviously. >> i'm curious what you guys thought of the heller discussion. chris wallace eye w-- i was gla started with the court. i'm impressed donald trump knows heller. i thought that's a crazy thing to be surprised by. this is the single biggest second amendment case. >> i heard pennsylvania when he was talking about. >> that's the one thing he remembered. >> yeah, yeah. pennsylvania, indiana. >> what he was talking about on the late-term abortion, the gossnell horror factory, when he was talking about very explicitly to second amendment people, what she considers
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reasonable and what her court considers reasonable is not what the court considers reasonable accident and t, and the pivot to chicago made the point. it rang every bell for republican voters. >> the gossnell horror story, off the book, illegal -- >> illegal. >> completely illegal, horrific murder chamber. >> the guy in philly. >> if he would used gossnell, the way he used heller, it would have been very effective. and he did well reminding people the rigged media needs to confront the project veritas tapes. >> and what's that? >> that the dnc contractors insighti encited violence in chicago. if they are not talked about and debunked they will play into the media. >> do you think any credible media outlet is going to use james o'keefe who dressed up as
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a pretend pimp who was somebody -- james o'keefe -- he may as well as be from the national inquirer. >> we've seen this before. >> the whole thing was garbage. >> i want to get the contention out. if they're right -- if this is legitimate, what does it establish? >> it establishes that democratic party nominated donald trump and effectively dis -- >> that's absurd. >> -- delegitimized him early. >> how would they get 14 million republicans to vote for donald trump? you have to own the people who voted for this guy. in your party, your voter chose him. >> joy, this goes to -- >> that's the end of it. >> -- what you heard throughout the campaign particularly members of the 168, the leadership of the rnc who were concerned about the open primary process. the cross over of a lot of voters who have never voted in the republican primary, showed up miraculously in certain
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states at certain times. you can look at it and dismiss it, but when you start putting together the story timeline, ju juxopposed to what's coming out -- >> let's talk about what's being stipulated. is the stipulation the democratic party engineered donald trump to be the nominee of the republican party? >> no, it's not. >> they worked actively to frame him as an extremist by provoking violence at his rallies and if you want to debunk that, you will debunk the rigged media. if you don't talk about it, you played into rigged media. >> are you going to try to blame democrats for people who behaved incredibly violently at trump rallies? the guy who sucker punched the black guy, you're saying democrats caused them to take those actions? >> i will tell them to watch the
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veritas videos. this is a special edition of hard ball live from las vegas for the final presidential debate. >> i sat in my apartment today in a very beautiful hotel known as trump -- >> made with chinese steal. sprint? i'm hearing good things about the network. all the networks are great now. we're talking within a 1% difference in reliability of each other. and, sprint saves you 50% on most current national carrier rates. save money on your phone bill, invest it in your small business. wouldn't you love more customers? i would definitely love some new customers. sprint will help you add customers and cut your costs. switch your business to sprint and save 50% on most current verizon, at&t and t-mobile rates. don't let a 1% difference cost you twice as much. whoooo! for people with hearing loss, visit
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i am on record as saying that we need to put more money in the social security trust fund, that's part of my commitment to raise taxes on the wealthy, my social security payroll contribution will go up, as will donald's, assuming he can't figure out how to get out of , but what we want to do is to replenish the -- >> such a nasty woman. >> well any back to this edition of hard ball, for the final edition of the debate.
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i'm here with my colleges. hillary clinton had a short retort tonight with donald trump after responding about putin. >> i don't know putin. he said nice things about me. if we got along well, that would be good. if united states and russia got along well, and went after isis that would be good. he has no respect for her, he has no respect for our president, from everything i see, has no respect for this person. >> that's because he'd rather have a pupper as presidet as pr the united states. >> you're the puppet. >> it's pretty clear the russians have engaged in cyber attacks against the united states of america that you encourag encourag encouraged espionage against our people, and you are willing to spout the putin line, sign up for his wish list, breakup nato, do whatever he wants to do and that you continue to get help
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from him because he has a very clear favorite in this race. >> i don't know about motive. i hate motive in politics. it's just a stupid argument, but trump makes an argument we'd be better off sharing responsibilities in the middle east with russia. and putin will play a role in the assad regime, we'll be better off than this endless war, we're in the middle of with the sunni and shia. i did understand trump tonight, i believe i understood him when he said if we take back mosul, that's the shia-led government of iraq. here we have the wonderful support of and the thing king
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abdulla has been afraid of all the time, and the sunis don't have isis, they're going to have some other organization. when are we going to stop believing we can take sides on the shia, who have been moraning itnist more antagonistic. is that how i heard it? >> it is how i heard it. hillary is just doing the usual. we're going to have no-fly zones. you can't have a flono fly zone you can't put planes in the air -- >> that's the problem. there's no full exploration of what the no-fly zone process would look like. >> where are these airplanes going to be based? >> where are they going to be based and how do they enforce it, particularly if they're -- russian planes involved in all of they. here's the other thing i was thinking about. >> how about any of the other aircraft fire? we have planes flying around over there. who are we shooting at. >> the enemy of my enemy is my
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enemy and my friend. >> i think it's amazing you were able to take that melage and assembly them into an order where you could understand any -- i thought it was meandering. >> they understand trump-ism. >> he sort of meandered around -- he was trying to remember whatever the last thing he was told by kellyanne conway. he demonstrated no conversant of the issue. >> i was thinking back to the 2008 campaign and candidate barack obama talking about how he wanted to have a different relationship with our enemies, that he was going to be the president to sit down with our enemies and negiate a deal, to -- because george bush, that bad bush, didn't know how to negotiate a good deal that got us into this war and i'm sitting there thinking that this is now sort of a flash back to that point. here you have trump and a lot of republicans are talking about opening up a reproach if you
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will with russia, recognizing their growth and their expansion in the region. they're now a player, you've got to play with them, and wanting to sit down and develop the relationship with them, and then you have this new establishment that's been created by obama and hillary, they're like how dare you, how dare you talk to russia. so it's just an interesting- >> i want to -- >> interesting. let me finish my point and i'll shut up. i'm not saying that that is the right -- necessarily the right approach to take, but i just find that our policy in the middle east has changed to such a degree that it is 180 degrees from where it was when barack obama was talking about sitting down with the russians. >> let me say this and i want to start with this agreement, which is i do think the rhetoric on russia from hillary clinton is probably tactically smart, but i'm worried about what it all amounts to after the election. >> i agree. >> i think we all don't want to head down the road towards
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another code war ld war or war nuclear power. >> aren't you afraid, chris, joy, that hillary's just nestling up to a war with assad's regime? >> for talks in the middle east, we are 100% agreement on that. my problem with trump is his greatest passion and his most passionate answer tonight again was in his defense of vladimir putin. i think you can want what you talked about, which is a realignment, a reset, where we take seriously the idea of where putin can be helpful to us in the middle east and not have the passion to defend him and the passion to defend his government and his efficacy -- >> let me just finish this point. the other thing is, there are 17 u.s. intelligences agencies that believe in political espionage,
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attempting to put their thumb on the scale for the election. it's not crazy that hillary clinton and the clinton campaign are not super psyche body that in this moment. >> why does he deny what's been established? why does trump lose credibility by saying this didn't come from russia? >> it was inexplicable. >> it was russia and the u.s. intelligence agencies say it was russia. it is fact checkable. >> the active measures by the ffb, otherwise known as wikileaks is a very dangerous cyber a pack on the united states. the argument to be made by republicans is cyber attacks against opm, cyber attacks against the department of defense, which occur every day, cyber attacks against sony pictures v n pictu
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pictures have not been responded to, from the meddle in tiddle ef he proposes -- and i think he's very wrong -- that we will right this mess by dealing with russia as a great power from the zarast area, as opposed from the soviet union, it is an argument to be made and i think democrats have to deal with the fact for eight years we have not defended the infrastructure or resem believing to allow us to respond to national security. >> i think we're having a good debate here. thank you, hugh, and joy. you guys have to leave. we're doing a little -- >> rotation. >> any way, you're bringing defense and offense. we're platooning. up next, much more republican reaction, the big news donald trump made here tonight, his refusal to say he would accept the election. he's going to keep us in
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suspense, again, alfred hitchco hitchcock. live from las vegas for the final presidential debate. >> every time donald thinks things are not going in his direction, he claims whatever it is, is rigged against him. trump university gets sued for fraud and racketeering, he claims the court system and the federal judge is rigged against him. there was even a time when he didn't get an emmy for his tv program three years in a row and he started tweeting that emmys were rigged against him. >> should have gotten. every time i travel, it's the moments that are most rewarding. ♪ because if you let yourself embrace them, you'll never forget them. the new marriott portfolio of hotels now has 30 brands in over 110 countries.
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talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ i want to ask you here on the stage tonight, do you make the same commitment that you will absolutely -- sir, that i will absolutely accept the result of this election? >> i will look at it at the time. i'm not looking at anything now. i'll look at it at the time. what i've seen -- what i've seen is so bad -- first of all, the media is so dishonest and so corrupt and the pylon is so amazing that "new york times" actually wrote an article about it but they don't even care. it's so dishonest and they've poisoned the minds of the voters, but unfortunately for them, i think the voters are seeing through it. i think they're going to see through it. we'll find out on november 8th, but i think they're going to see through it. welcome back to "hardball" on the most stunning moment of tonight's debate, donald trump refused commitment to accept the
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results of the november election and here's what he said when moderator chris wallace pressed him further. >> sir, there is a tradition in this country, in fact one of the prides of this country, is the peaceful transition of power and that no matter how hard fought a campaign is, that at the end of the campaign, that the loser concedes to the winner -- not saying you're necessarily going to be the loser or the winner -- but the loser concedes to the winner and that country comes together in part for the good of the country, are you saying you're not prepared now to commit to that principle? >> what i'm saying is i'll tell you at the time, i'll keep you in suspense. >> let me respond to that because that's horrifying -- >> trump's refusal in spat of wh spite of what his own running mate and daughter have said. here's mike pence. >> will you accept the results of the election? >> we will absolutely accept the results of the election. the american people will speak in an election that'll cucullm
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november 8th. >> and here's trump's daughter, ivanka. >> he'll i'll win or won't win and i believe he'll september either way. >> we're also joined by msnbc, political analyst, howard fineman, plus, heidi presbla, and former rnc council, ben ginsberg. there's couple things the presidential candidate said, he said the media poisoned the american people, although it really hasn't worked but he suggests in the way he said it, the poison for thelection won't matter, but it won't be an accurate election because of the way it happened and hillary clinton shouldn't even be running so the question is the
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election legitimate, on the basis of '08, when they said in both of those times, president obama was an illegitimate candidate for president, so there's elections in arrow, he's threatening to delegitimize. it is a pattern, and leads to the suggestion that robert costa will not value the election results. pretty scary stuff. >> it wasn't just what he said that was shocking, it was the way he said it. there was a casual contempt in donald trump's voice for 225 years of american political tradition. donald trump is a force for chaos. he always has been. if he can't taking some and win something himself, he will destroy that thing and make it impossible for other people to have it. what he's -- what he's really doing tonight among other things, in addition to challenging the whole system, is saying that if i can't have the
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presidency, i'm going to make it nate worth hillary's time to have it. that's what he's doing. >> and this will have global -- i am the global editor. this is top news around the world -- >> already. >> the legitimacy of the american election is something that is not only prized in america, it's prized around the world, because it's a symbol of stability and strength of the world's super power and the light of -- light of nations. and he's putting that under threat. >> let's talk about the "washington post" yesterday, he's a very hawkish guy. he laid out a whole speculative theory this is what vladimir putin wants. >> yep. >> he wants to have sort of a mood in this country in the various parts of the old soviet union and to break this thing up and blame the government for a corrupt election and say we were secur secured out of it -- he wants to get even because he thinks we
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did that in the part of the of the soviet union against him. >> he has this dream of restoring -- >> and to blame us. >> you have to realize what putin's government has been doing is stoking these right-wing movements -- >> what's that group? >> you kip -- the sort of the new version of kgb, so new kgb, fsb in russia has been using all of these sort of undermining tactics to try to stoke right-wing movements all across europe and it's had a really detabd destabilizing across the continent. they did it in ukraine. >> i think they're trying to find democratic equality equivalence across the globes. we have problems with our elections, and their elections are -- >> joy and i were discussing this actually before, and when i
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came on, chris, i stand corrected. i was right that this is about something bigger. i was wrong that it is something so small as a television network. they have much grander ambitions. >> who's they? >> steve bannon, the people behind donald trump. why do you see nijel farage, at all the spin rooms? i think they see potential for a movement that in some ways transsends our borders. >> how they keep it a lie by denying the results of the election? >> it's multipronged. this is a moment -- a critical moment of educated republicans who care about our democracy to put aside party and to start speaking out and i think we're starting to see the seeds of that tonight on twitter. i think we're starting to see the seeds of that with responsible republicans like
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marco rubio saying of course the election is not rigged and we need to stand together -- something that began as a reality show spec ctacle -- we' all a mused by it -- has mo morphed. arizona senator jeff flake tweeted donald trump tweeted he might not accept the election results is beyond the pail. south carolina republican senator lindsey graham, like most americans vicon fiddence in our democracy and election system, during this debate mr. trump is doing the party a great disservice. if he loses it will not be because the system is rigged, but because he failed as a candidate. ben, you wanted to correct something about -- we talked about earlier with regard to the rnc's position. >> first of all a real politic observation is what donald trump's remarks will do.
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we'll ha will have the exact opposite of what he's intended. he's given the democrats a terrific get out the vote mechanism to make more democrats who are not enthusiastic about hillary clinton and will increase democratic turnout. but in terms of what we talked about earlier on the air, the rnc doing a voter fraud program, that is not true. i've been told by the top council for both the campaign and the rnc, that rnc is abiding by the decent decrease and it is not the least bit involved in poll-watching programs. >> what do you think reince priebus will say, because i don't think he's spoken out yet, about trump nonaccepting? >> i talked to him. i caught him afterwards. he was trying to beat it out of the spin room, if you can imagine, and he was trying to convince us that this is nothing more than just a preemptive positioning that in case the
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difference happens to be by about one electoral vote or something minor this is a hair-race, you know, that donald trump wants to reserve that option and he said trust me, that's all this is. then i got kellyanne conway and it was a different -- >> what i want to see is -- is not just reince priebus not trying to get out of the room, and lindsey graham, the usual suspects on matters trump, i want to hear fromimi mitch mcconnell, especially mitch mcconnell who considers himself a states man and somebody who respects the integrity of the system. i want to hear from them tonight. >> mitch mcconnell, these other going to be looking at 2018, and if donald trump, looks as if
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he'll be defeated, his voters, this fashion he's whipped up on the republicans, they'll still be there in their districts and their states and the fear of them is where i think mcconnell is silent, the fear of them is why rubio and reince -- >> howard, look, the point is, is that it's important for mitch mcconnell and paul ryan to have the legitimacy of the votes accepted because they're candidates to the u.s. senate and the u.s. house in and tight races need the results. >> let's hear him saying. i'm going to watch the and see when they do. >> i said that tonight -- >> i hope they do. >> if toomy wins a squeaker in our state, it's likely to say he one. >> that's right. sticking around with us for a little more, you're watching "hardball" live in las vegas for the final presidential debate. we thought fibers that help you stay regular
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i will stand up for families against powerful interests, against corporations, i will do everything that i can to make sure that you have good jobs with rising incomes, that your kids have good educations from preschool through college. i hope you will give me a chance to serve as your president. >> that was like a candidate's night in a regular debate, as if we had a regular debate tonight. welcome back to "hardball" live in las vegas for what was the final debate. tonight, donald trump again denied all the accounts of numerous women who have accused-im sexual misconduct and he said the clinton campaign was to blame for those women coming forward. here's trump and clinton's response. >> the stories are all totally false. i have to say that. and i didn't even apologize to my wife, who is sitting right here, because i didn't do
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anything. i didn't know any of these women. i didn't see these women. these women, the woman on the plane, the woman -- i think they want either fame or her campaign did it. >> donald thinks belittling women makes him bigger. he goes after their dignity, their self-worth, and i don't think there is a woman anywhere who doesn't know what that feels like. so we now know what donald thinks and what he says and how he acts towards women. that's who donald is. >> richard nixon in the old days i gave them the sword. hillary knows how to do this, she's a woman, and she just says we now know who this guy is, his soul has captured this election. >> we don't give hillary clinton enough credit for her expert way that she bates donald trump,
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calling him donald, reminding him about the things he said about women. >> why does it irritate donald trump? >> that rich people in manhattan looked down on him, when he was a rich kid for queens he wasn't up to their snuff. i've heard the same story of people who lived him in palm beach and makes people call him mr. trump, and this idea that he can call you by your first name, but you c't dot to him. look at chris christie, who he debates by making him call him mr. trump. and needling him. >> you're making he like him. there's always a group of finding a way of rejecting anybody coming up. >> george wallace did the same thing. >> it's not about race. it's about groups social circles, catillions, the palm beach crowd. >> george wallace said the same thing. whenever somebody said you're not you'up to snuff --
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>> it bothers them. >> he dismissed them -- >> on the topic of women, the very top of republican strategists told me earlier today on the way in here, that thing that really damaged donald trump ultimately was not just the accusations -- credible accusations from all the women, but donald trump's answer, when donald trump said, essentially those women aren't good enough looking for me to want to hit on them, and this republican said that -- that response was what really, really damaged him -- damaged him -- and hillary baited him into it and hillary went after it tonight. they must have poll tested it because that response was as bad as the original accusation. >> it sounds like he's saying if you can't contest for miss universe, you're not really -- >> he was also in directly admitting it. >> i think one of the most notable moments for women's
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perspective was that -- that off the cuff remark that you're a nasty woman. because it's moments like that when all american women have flashbacks to their own moments of being dismissed or insulted simply for asserting yourself or stating a position that is not controversial or even personal and it invites that kind of misogynistic response. >> his history's doing just that. >> she did but they trade a lot of stuff like that in the debate. it wasn't anything -- >> nasty woman, that was -- >> nasty woman. >> and the keyword, excuse my ignorance, but the keyword is woman. he's not saying you're a nasty person by saying you're a nasty woman, he's tying it to jegende >> and it res resinated with wo >> these are first-time moments. >> chris, there are more of them in this election by a factor of several hundred than any we've ever covered.
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>> there's are moments in history we wish never happened. thank you. we'll give you more next time. when we come back, what happens in vegas, doesn't stay in vegas. we're going to find out what a top vegas odds maker is saying about his presidential race, and this is "hardball" live from unlv with the final presidential debate.
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we're back here at the university of nevada las vegas
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for one late night edition of "hardball." we've got a couple more minutes. since we're in sin city, if you will, why don't we look at the odds in this presidential election. jimmy vacaro joins me now to go over both hillary clinton and donald trump's chances. can you make any money betting on hillary now? >> no, you can't make it here obviously because you can't -- we can't take bets here. >> an ex-caliber. a few of the offshore places and the european places are offering insurance money to buy back half the bet if you bet on hillary because they think she's going to be the winner. right now she's a 6 to 1 favorite. when you wake up tomorrow, she'll be at the same odds everywhere. the needle didn't move anywhere. >> i want to give somebody some help here. you can get some money if you bet a different spread on hillary, 0 to 5, it's got to be above 0. if you go for the spread you can
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make some money here. >> you can go for the spread if you have a lot of money because if you put up a lot of money. 6 to 1, you'd have to put up $6,000 to win $1,000. >> say it's hillary by 10%, are you going to make some money? >> no, chris, it's been fluctuating greatly since the beginning of summer when the republican convention in july was, he had such a good convenience, the odds went way down. now naturally since mr. trump has stepped into some potholes in the last 30 days that has shot up at 8 to 1 in some of the books in english. ov money was bet on hillary clinton. >> when people make a bet that's 4 to 1 or 5 to 1, 5 1/2 to 1, what are they thinking, god's going do this for me? why does somebody think they're going to win a 6 in 1? >> i'm the only person who
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booked tyson on a 27 to 1 favorite. thousands of dollars came in on tyson and went up 42 to 1. we made a mint at the mirage that time, but remember he lost the fight. a 42 to 1 favorite lost the fight so we don't know who is going to win this election, trust me, no one knows -- donald needs a double off the wall to keep the game going. >> why don't they allow political betting? >> federal law, it's been that way forever and even the gaming commission, we can't even do local or state elections. it's going to be a long time after we're gone. >> i had one bet, that's crazy that may go either way. that does it for the live coverage tonight from las vegas. if you missed the debate, stick around, you can catch the whole final debate in its entirety right now. good night.
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11:00 pm
. chris wallace starting things off, now 9:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m. local time in las vegas. a word about chris wallace, a member of the extended mike wallace family, former member of the extended nbc news family. he was a correspondent here for a good long time, and as has been pointed out this week by the "new york times" and others, tonight represents something of a big deal for his employers at fox news. you could argue an equal and


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