tv MSNBC Live MSNBC October 21, 2016 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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something off the shoulders. we'll see you in a second and great to see your mom here. we have a lot to cover. drup trump is down in the polls but not in language. he comes swinging at the battleground of pennsylvania. for the first time, he's making aim on michelle obama. his new attack on the first lady during his rally today. >> here he was an hour ago. >> we have a bunch of loser and maybes running our country. they are losers. we have a president only wants to do his campaign and his wife also wants to do his campaign. and i see how much his wife likes hillary? was she the one that originally started? if you cannot take care of your home or the white house or the conference, where is that?
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i don't hear that. that comes a day after trump drew boos when he and clinton traded zings at the charity event. >> hillary is so corrupted, she got kicked off at the water gate commission. here she is tonight pretending not to hate catholics. [ crowd boos ] >> it is amazing i am up hereafter donald. donald looks at the statue of liberty and sees a four. maybe a five if she loses the torch and tablets and changes her hair. >> all right, we begin this hour with our road warriors covering the campaign trail for us.
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we have every one assembled. we have halie jackson in pennsylvania. kristen welker is winging it in ohio on hillary clinton's campaign plain. here is katy tur and kasie hunt. katy, lets grin with donald trump. the fact he mentioned michelle obama because she's been out on the campaign trail and now she's coming up with the white house's briefing with josh earnest. >> she's somebody that enjoys the deep respect of a large majority of americans. she's also quite talented of her own rights when it comes to deliver a speech. those things, combined making her a powerful advocate for secretary clinton. >> michelle obama on the campaign trail for hillary clinton. but, donald trump's line of attack against her. when trump talk, is that big of
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a deal or that she comes up now at rallies. >> she's been going after trump for quite sometimes and never says his name. she has not been silence on her distaste of the gop candidate. trump has largely not taken the bait on michelle obama until today. i think it was a matter of time. the guy accounted on choice. he has a hard time not lashing out when he's being criticized. is this a good effort for him? i mean we could argue that and few people are going to find a criticism of michelle obama to be taste fuful other than donal trump. i don't think we should be surprise that we are going after her. >> milania does the exact same speech and gets nothing but criticism for it. lets get to kristen welker.
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it is neck and neck there so many people looked at the road to the white house and said hillary clinton do not need ohio to get there. why is she spending so much effort to earn that state? >> thomas, you are right, it is neck and neck, secretary clinton just boarded the plane. we'll be taking off momentarily. she and donald trump all tied up in ohio at 45%. you are absolutely right, she does not necessary need to win ohio. she wants to and it is an important battleground state. the campaign really wants to run up the score on election day. they want a blunt any talk of a rigged system or rigged election. she not only wants to win but she want to win big. she's going to be to the best of your knowledge -- urging people out to vote.
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clinton got criticized of not having a heavy pace campaigning like donald trump. tomorrow, she heads to pennsylvania. on saturday, north carolina and on sunday it is north carolina and monday she heads to new hampshire and florida and it is going to be that way from now until election day. >> meanwhile, we should expect wikileaks to come out with a new batch of information of stolen e-mails inside the clinton's campaign. what's the headline today? >> yet another round of e-mails released by wikileaks, of course. lets under score the fact that it is not authenticated by nbc news. the latest we have is from back and forth of nea tanden. today writing about diversities
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saying there was not enough diversity in the round of campaign hires. she said i am not the diversity police but there is grumbling that the four white boys are running the next cycle and podesta snaps back, really, you don't think i know that? the whole thing is a glimpse inside the campaign. i can spend hours reading these e-mails and getting a sense of all these things. >> we'll show everybody of the new york magazine cover. kristen, you wanted to say? >> reporter: yeah, thomas, important to point out that we have authenticated those e-mails of the clinton's campaign. it could complicate her efforts trying to unify this country and for members of her own parties and progressives who are seeing these hacks. wait a minute, is she saying
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something different in public than in public. this speak to a strategy shift that we are seeing from the campaign. she's trying to go positive and talking about the policy she's going to focus on so she can start to lay the ground work to be a unifying figure. one campaign officials telling me, she's focused on giving voters something to vote for instead of giving them something to vote against. that's not to say that you are not going to see sharp jabs on donald trump today, donald trump p democrats are seeing an opening when he called the system rigged. you may see him taking sharp shots at him. >> lets go to halie jackson in pennsylvania waiting for donald trump to arrive there. >> that talk or rigged of the system did not come up. we'll wait to see what happens when trump arrives. he did tweet and he talked about the fact that he won the debate
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and talking about the results that was in, i won, thank you. these are exciting times. there are people talking about the roast last night of the al smith's dinner eurology for trump. you look at the poll numbers, it is close in ohio and we saw that poll coming up that these in the case and neck there. these are place that is trump campaign is trying to focus their fire. you are referring to the washington post came out. the dinner last night, donald trump was delivering his own eurology for his campaign. the mood in the room, he saw that sharp turn after he sort of led off with some jokes and s m
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seemed to do well and then it gets into his stump speech. you heard the boos in the room and etcetera, that was interesting. he's standing in front of people that he's known for a long time and he's in new york. >> on the tweet that you just mentioned, it is interesting that trump called it unanimous that he won. look at our polling showing that most voters believe according to the nbc news survey monkey online that it was hillary clinton who won, in fact, and not donald trump. we'll see how it plays out the next 18 days. >> secretary clinton is trolling trump on his tweet. lets put that up for everybody asking about where was this comedy last night?
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>> well, that's right, it under scores the point that halie was making of that dinner was supposed to be fun and momentarily but it turned bitter very quickly and it under scores that this has been an historically bitter race as soon as they started taking jabs at each other. you heard the over head, we are about to take off. i am going to send it back to you. >> put out their cigarettes and tell the rest and tray tables up. >> she's talking about the al smith's dinner, i remember back in 2012 sitting in the room for that dinner and we were talking about how sharp things seemed between romney and barack obama at the time. they danced around each other and the contrast between that and at the time we thought oh, this is so nasty and what we are
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seeing now in this election is completely unparalleled. the clinton campaign now feels that donald trump getting -- if we are running against mitt romney, he could run the country just fine. they do not feel that way of donald trump. >> you took the words out of my mouth. i wanted to mention that. the only person that they can put between donald trump was the priest. [ laughs ] >> that's the only thing. they got a handshake towards the end. i want to show you this new york cover to give you the context of what it is. if hillary clinton wins, that's bill holding the bible and chief justice and below is trump holding the bible with pputin. >> this is something that been dogging him or a subject of the campaign trail. remember back in july, the last
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time we had a press conference during the national convention, he was talking about russia, please find the e-mails that hillary clinton deleted. i asked him, do you want a foreign government interfering in the personal lives of your rival and any american citizens in this country and he was like, oh, of course, i would and he came back saying he was joking. russia has been the center of h is campaign for so long and we have paul manafort who has ties with the president. and one of the subjects on the platform that trump campaign got involved in were regarding ukraine and not arming them against russia. russia. trump refused to reputiate putin. and he joked about how putin killed journalists at one point
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and did not take it seriously. it is interesting to see his warmth towards russia and in comparison to everybody else and centerly t certainly the gop. >> yes, we'll talk about donald trump's interview where he says yes, if he wins, he will go to meet putin. i thank all of katy tur and kristen welker and halie jackson, everybody, thank you, thank you. >> kristen welker is making sure no one has their smoke. >> we'll be there for the rally in ohio. still, donald trump was in north carolina and this was a state where early voting is under way.
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lgbt rights -- right in the tarheel state and 15 electoral votes are up for grabs. fights over transgender bathroom rights. is this mobilizing and folks coming out votinger. 18 days until election days. you are watching msnbc, the place for politics. it's aut movg forwar not back. it's looking up not down. it's feeling up thinking up living up. it's being in motion... in body in spirit in the now. boost. it's not just nutrition, it's intelligent nutrition. with 26 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. all in 3 delicious flavors. it's choosing to go in one direction... up. boost. be up for it. make sure it's ano make a intelligent one. ♪ the highly advanced audi a4, with available virtual cockpit.
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us now in raleigh, carolina where he's been talking to folks about this. what are you seeing? evidence and as voters are hitting the polls. i believe over 160,000 votes that are tabulated yesterday. >> reporter: based on the lines that we saw yesterday that curved around the blocks of the polling place. yes, this is a huge driver in the state. look, i think the line anywhere your vote counts no matter where you are or who you are. voters understand how powerful their vote is. they are deciding on an election of a super majority. there is a huge battle at the governor's position and where they have 15 electoral votes in this election and a few on athe this fire of the hb 2. the big driver is millenials and getting out and understand and looking down the ballot for the
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first time at this race. we spoke to some of the young voters and the young people on the state, we talked about trying to get the vote out and information out there that these issue affect people right in their neighborhoods. i want you to listen to this. >> reporter: do you feel that issue is getting young people to vote passionately if it was not happening? >> i believe so, it brought a lot of awareness to young voters did not have more than ever and students and passionate about north carolina's politics. >> reporter: so coming up with kate snow in about an hour, swr we'll have much more on this issue and including the other side, they have a different opinion of what hb 2 is. back to you >> steve patterson in raleigh, north carolina. nbc news, data analytic slab,
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looking at north carolina specifically and early voting in this battleground state has folks at 55,578. they have the state board of elections saying that 164,000 ballots were cast on thursday. i want to bring in north carolina's congresswoman, renee elmers. we know that gop said something like caitlin jenner should be able to use whatever bathroom is appropriate. >> are you worried that a perception of intolerance of republicans in your state could cause the governorship. i think we are going to do just fine. i think the latest polling shows that governor pat mccory is
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going to win this race. richard burr will win the senate race and we'll maintain a public and majority. we must do everything we can to protect the rights of every individuals. our lgbt community is a vital part to all of our communities. i think donald trump understands that and he spoken well on that issue and he's shown on many instance that is he wants to make sure that the rights of every americans is protected. >> we know that donald trump called hillary clinton a nasty woman at the debate. we have brian bamdin backing of what trump had to say on fox news last night, i want you to listen to this. >> he called her a nasty woman. is that a appropriate? >> you know what? she's saying some nasty things. do you think it is appropriate to call her a nasty woman. >> well, i am-- that means no.
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>> sometimes a lady needs to be told when she's being nasty. >> oh, really? >> i do. >> that happened with allen colmes on the radio. >> do you agree with allen and trump? >> i don't like name calling whether it is hillary clinton against donald trump or any of the or surrogates for that matter. you know what, what is important is what the american people believe. in that debate the other night, i have to tell you i was appalled by her answer of partial birth late term abortion. i don't know if it started the debate off, i don't know if that would led to donald trump making that comment, we are talking about a horrific practice. she tried to explain her way through why she supports it and why she would helicopter contin.
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there are some states that still allowed. let be frank, this is a brutal thing in today's world of so many medical advancement and technology. why did she answer in a way that said, we have so much that we need to do in the healthcare feel. we need good healthcare coverage for every american and we want to make sure that this happens. we are going to stop obamacare going forward and we'll do everything we can to invest in research so that more babies can be born at earlier times. you know right now it is about 24 weeks. there is a possibility that if a situation arises where a woman is faced with a healthcare situation, we can see that baby born at 24 weeks. that really is what started it. >> and you have the endorsement of donald trump but was an article that spoke specifically
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about your own voting record and the fact that you were primary and loss because the fact that you let pro-life and their agenda down. do you disagree with that article s article? >> absolutely do. ill love to come back to you and have that conversation with you. i am 100% pro-life, i am a no exceptions pro-life republican and i believe that donald trump is as well. i believe that we should address this issue with compassion. this is one of those issues that women in the country cared deeply about. i know millenials are pro-life by far. the issue is how do we address that when it comes to telling people how they should live their lives. this is an issue that impassion nate abo i am very passionate about.
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>> there is never a simple answer for women. >> most women they would say it is unexpected of pregnancies and it is not the decision they want to be made by themselves. congresswoman, renee elmers. >> thank you. >> our pulse question, so far, 96% of you say yes and 4% of you say no, the pulse is live, check it out on we have breaking news from bridge gate, governor christie testifying about it, he was in the loop of the closures and what he tells us straight ahead. evy day a gif t especially for people with heart failure. but today there's entresto®- a breakthrough medicine
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her boss was aware of the closure of the george washington bridge. it was also the person who sent the infamous track problem. christie denied knowing anything before or during the backup. kelly and bill baroney pleaded not guilty. we have donald trump hitting the trails hard today. . this is where we look at the top tv mark. this is really interesting. both candidates have dolled out high dollar cash all in an effort to win your vote. look at the millions invested. [accountant] my job is to manage and grow businesses.
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heading to pennsylvania, next. >> we have a new nbc news survey monkey poll out today. many thought that hillary clinton won the final debate and 37% of trump. trump thinks he won, it is really in the eye of the be holder. >> break it down by party and look at this. nearly half republican voters say they would be unlikely or definitely not accept the results. it is stunning. i want to bring in our rick tyler, and bob shrumb, it is good to have you with me, gentlemen. i want to go to the rally yesterday. here is what is donald trump had to say with the folks that turned out. >> years ago, there was a show
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called the "$64,000 question." a contestant got the question in advance, prior to the show. and his life was ruined. hillary clinton got the questions in advance and the press does not bring it up. i have to ask the press to find out why are they asking hillary, why she didn't turn in the people that gave her the answer. >> donald trump continues to use information that's hacked, stolen and dated. he talked about donna brazil and giving bernie sanders the town hall question. what does it have to do with getting him al win on november the 8th in north carolina. >> nothing, it is unbelievably unconventional. he does not spend any time to talk about mission, what does a
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trump administration or republican corresponding looks like wh like. what are that i thi when are things are going to get done. >> he would not have brought the question. donald trump spent two weeks under mining the integrity of the election. people thinks the election is fixed or rigged or the way i read it is we did not accept the election because the answer is of course, i am going to win. >> he said i am going to keep you in suspense. >> that tells people that he believes he's going lose. if you are donald trump's supporters, why would you vote an election where you know it is going to lose. >> those are the people in pennsylvania are depending on
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and marco rubio depending on. we'll lose the house seat because of what donald trump did. >> we have trump's supporter really not giving up on their candidate. the obituary may be too soon. this is what one woman told jacob rascon today. >> you got some polls showing hillary clinton ahead, i don't trust that who your polling is. on election day, we may wake up the next morning to a big surprise. everyone says clinton is going to run away with it, i am not so sure about that. >> to rick's point, what about that is woman's comment and trump where they can turn it around and the polls could not reflect. >> rick and i have been around longer. we both know when you start to say the only polls count on election day or the poll is biassed or skewed.
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trump understands he's losing that's why he's talking about a rigged election. he needs an excuse. he's angry and vegetabngeful ans doing things that he does not care. he's not a republican, he's not a real republican. i don't think he believes anything himself and his own ambitious. ambition. >> i want to play this part of what he had so say. >> mr. trump turned to secretary clinton and said "you know you are one tough and talented woman." this has been a good campaign.
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donald, whatever happens, we need to work together afterwards. >> bob, let me begin with you, did hillary clinton entice donald trump to play nice come november 8th if she's elected. she's trying hard to reach out to build some bridges with republicans, to see if we can make progress on issues. that al smith dinner was unbelievable astounding. no one ever gets booed. he got booed off the podium. >> yeah, he had a couple of rough lines that did not go well. >> rick, yes or no, do you see donald trump sticking around if he loses? yes or no? >> yes, i think the media company trying to have influence on the republican party. we shall know coming up next month. >> bob shrum great to see you. >> great to you see. >> we'll take a look at our
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♪ ♪ janet jackson's hit "nasty." obviously, janet jackson is winning. that moment for hillary clinton do what she has not been able to do herself is make herself relatable. it is good to have you with us and we know that donald trump has the sharpest tongue every. why do you think that insult is driving a lot of support with hillary clinton now? >> i think because it resonates for a lot of young women. the idea that he's calling her a nasty woman and he's really saying she's a nasty woman and unpleasant and goes to the idea that donald trump talking about women not being unattractive and it is a gender comment by him and women are really rallying
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behind that. i should say this is donald trump being himself . the debate before that he calls her the devil. this is social media and the internet, when you say something like "nasty woman." people may rally behind it. >> and last night of the al smith's audience trying to make a joke. >> last night i called hillary a nasty woman. but, this stuff is all relative after listening to hillary rattling along on and on. i don't think so badly of rosie o' donnel anymore. in fact, i am starting to like rosie a lot. [ laughs ] so this is how rosie responded
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using beyonce for inspiration and people can read for themselves is giving women something to rally behind here, is this is something to be opposed to in donald trump. >> he did not run her whole campaign on the fact that she's going to need the first female president. >> as donald trump seen of dealing with sexually assault allegations and the fact that he's been and i looked at someone sexually harassing issue. gender is the center of this election. you have hillary clinton owning that issue and really saying that, you know what, i can do a lot of stuff and i am experienced and i deserve this job and also, i am a woman and he should not be able to speak to me like this and by the way, the people that are speaking to you like this with your jobs or everyday life, you understand that this is something you have to deal with, too.
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she's taking a whole with donald trump and hillary clinton is capitalizing on those issues. >> guys in general, we don't get haze for our hairs and suits, we can wear the same thing and people don't noticed. >> hillary clinton has been getting praised through her outfits. >> hillary clinton has stuck to her guns and to with who she was. she's a woman running, vote for me because i am a trend setter and you are looking at me in the presidency and thinking oh, she's looking great in this office. what she's saying is i can do the work and i can come here and have these policies and not sitting here in a pink dress and telling you that i am someone i am not. she's been wearing pantsuits and
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true to herself. a lot of young women like that part of hillary clinton. and there are young women who are seeing her really flawed. the majority of women that i speak her, they like the fact that she's herself and not trying to be anybody else and her clothes of what she wears is not a topic she's not willing to engage in. >> millenials, they should thank hillary clinton for the head band and the fact that they have been wearing that to work. she made that head band fashionable back in the days. >> we'll see who is making the come back now. >> thank you. >> thank you, thomas. the speech in new york. you saw this guy, it is the guy seated right behind the podium on the rielght of your screen i picking up online. >> so corrupt. she got kicked off -- it is so
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corrupted. >> that's a look at the gu guy -- trump using hillary's so corrupt. >> folks online took notice, too. his one of a kind response to that trump jab at clinton. this guy is all of us where one guy quoted. ♪ ♪ ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. [chains dragging] [eerie music playing] [crickets chirping]
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swayed or influenced over his government. >> what's your relationship with vladimir putin? >> i have no relationship with him. >> if i win november 8th, i think i can see myself meeting with putin and russia prior to the start of the md minuadminis. >> from everything i see have no respect for this person. >> well, he rather have a puppet as president. >> no puppet. >> what is booiehind the wikile hacking. joining me now our policy adviser for counter terrorism projects. explain why russia wants to influence our election if our u.s. intelligence committee correct in saying that russia is behind the hack. >> sure, the u.s. intelligence community, all coming out saying
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that there is large consensus that russia is behind it. they have done it in europe and we have never seen it on the scale here in the united states of the best of my knowledge. why would they want to do it in the same way. >> in this case, espionage and p publicizing the information and also to release it to influence public's opinion and they have been known to do this in the past. >> we know that podesta's e-mails was hacked. they have authencities of these e-mails. if everyone feels that this election is being influenced by
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russia, and now we have these ro right tu reports out that russia offered to monitor and wants to be involved in several states. do you think that was to get themselves in headlines? >> they are highly problematic and creating insecurity and fear and of the election insecurities and all reulati . you are election system is decentralized. there is been one or two minor incident where authorities have seen data. this is not really spoken about it as much or maybe to get information where they have not release or may want to have about the next president who ever that maybe. we don't know all the information that happens in their position, it is being released in sort of a trickle.
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they maybe holding onto it themselves. what's interesting here is more about public perception, i don't think the election system itself on election day is really actually at risk from any sort of large scale hacking. >> we know as you point out and there is this drip, drip fashion of 14 days now and running. we'll see what it brings to tomorrow. tara mullen,thank you. >> one last look at our pulse, here are the results, 91% of you say yes and 9% of you say no. the pulse is live, check it out.
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holding their campaigns going on today. we have tim kaine on your left and mike pence on your right. pence is in new hampshire and tim kaine, kate says is in pennsylvania and my producer said he's in florida. i am going to say he's in one of those places. >> i saw a pool report thomas that says he landed at state college. i paid attention because my parents live in state college. they are so busy. >> i am going to go where your parents are. >> thomas, thank you very much. >> have a great show and happy friday. >> i am kate snow picking things up from here and now. lets talk about a busy friday afternoon and lets talk about last night, the day after an
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awkward charity dinner. back on the trail telling you everything that's happening for the race of the president. two and a half weeks if you can believe it. major development from the story that could affect -- >> i am joining now is katy tur. >> what are you going to say when it comes election day. katy tur is her name. we were joking about pence and tim kaine being all over the map. i am wondering why he picks pennsylvania over north carolina. what is he thinking? north carolina, he's statistically tied with hillary clinton. he needs pennsylvania to win in
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