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tv   MTP Daily  MSNBC  October 21, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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>> important to say we also spoke to the state gop who said, look, they're upholding the law the way it has been since the invention of modern plumbing. both democrats and republicans seem to be coming out in force. the early numbers have them voting in the thousands. we expect a big turnout in november here in north carolina. big battleground state. back to you. >> that's going to do it for this hour. mtp daily starts right now. if it's friday, location, location, location. where donald trump is campaigning tells you a lot about where he thinks the election is going. tonight, the final day. can donald trump end this campaign season without taking other republicans with him? >> early voting is underway, so make sure you send in your ballot. we cannot take a chance of blowing it. we cannot take a chance. plus, how do you get booed at a charity dinner?
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somehow, donald trump managed to do it. what was bill murray doing in the white house briefing room today? this is "mtp daily," and it starts right now. good evening. happy friday. i'm chuck todd in washington. welcome to "mtp daily." the end is near. no more debates where trump and clinton share the stage. 18 days until it is over. now, there are a lot of republicans on the ballot wondering how trump will spend the last 18 days. how does he land the plane? where does he go? what does he say? how does he say it? will he blow up the party or help salvage it? with that said, we saw something we've never seen from trump in the general election. moments ago, he wrapped up a rally in pennsylvania. he seemed to, believe it or not, contemplate the idea that he might lose.
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>> you know what they all say, doesn't matter if you win or lose, what we've done has never been done in this country before. crowds like this. this whole thing, us getting the nomination. really us. but us getting the nomination. and now going on. by the way, polls coming out that are really fantastic. fantastic. >> hours before that, trump held a rally in north carolina where he seemed to talk about regret. >> these are massive rallies, and we're going to do this for another 19 days. right up until the actual vote of november 8th. and then i don't know what kind of shape i'm in, but i'll be happy and at least i will have known, win, lose or draw, and i'm sure if the people come out, we're going to win, but i will be -- i will be happy with myself because i always say, i don't want to think back, if only i did one more rally, i
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would have won north carolina by 500 votes instead of losing it by 200 votes, right? if only i did this. so i never want to ever look back. i never want to say that about myself. >> what trump said in these rallies is just as important as where he is saying it. north carolina and pennsylvania. republicans are trying to hold on to some senate seats. the rnc appears to be attempting to make lemonade with trump's candidacy by focusing his energy in rallies to fire up the base in the battleground state. if you include today's rallies, five in pennsylvania, where pat toomey is fighting for his political life. florida, marco rubio is defending himself. also, colorado and north carolina. colorado has falling off a bit. rallies in new hampshire, ohio, nevada. republicans are in tough senate races there, too. it's the same story in arizona and wisconsin. folks, out of the 25 trump rallies this month, he's held
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one in a state where there isn't a senate race. maine. by the way, no senate candidate appeared with trump at any of the rallies. this appears to be the rnc's game plan through election day. keep trump talking to the base in states where they need the base to show up. the party cannot hold congress if there is a turnout crisis. trump may be getting the message. he didn't talk about a rigged vote today at his rally. instead, he talked about turnout and asked voters to help, voquo, unrig the system. the big question, will it work? can trump avoid demoralizing his own supporters? will he continue this tone? i'm joined by two veteran republican strategists. one is a top republican ad maker and consultant on many senate races this cycle. brian walsh, communications director for the national republican senatorial committee a couple cycles ago. welcome. brad, i'll start with, you know, we know that there is stuff you do to within a presidential
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election and then there is stuff you do when you've got to keep the party in tact. today, i'm guessing donald trump did exactly what richard burr would want him to do in north carolina. >> there certainly are a lot of our lower republican voters who are the most excited about donald trump. i think pat toomey actually may end up being the biggest beneficiary of all. there are rarely recently for r er democrats in the part that is not filly philly or pittsburgh, more excited about trump than any democratic candidate. romney had a problem with low propensity republicans at the end of the campaign. that won't be the problem this year. it is the higher propensity republicans we're focused on. i think most of the people will come out for senate candidates. >> this was in pennsylvania a few minutes ago. it was almost as if the folks running the senate committee, the folks running toomey's
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campaign said, say it this way. take a listen. >> the system is rigged, and i've been saying it for a long time. believe me, i'm right, but with your help, we're going to beat the system and we're going to unrig the system. >> imagine if he said that at the debate. >> look, i think it is great he's going to western pennsylvania, western north carolina. frankly, if he wants to do indiana and missouri, they aren't presidential battleground states but there are tight senate races. i think the rigged system rhetoric, you know, maybe if you're telling your voters the vote doesn't count, they won't come. but it was a good day for him. we have one more rally to go. >> look, if there is a wave, it's not going to be because a bunch of swing voters are going to punish the republican party. it is that a bunch of passive republicans or the 20% that don't like trump enough, maybe not planning to vote for him, decide not to come.
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>> you know, this is the most intense interest in election ever. you can't escape it in the barbershop, the water cooler, anywhere. every american has a strong opinion on the election. i can't think people are going to talk about this all year and then quit on the one day they can act on how they've talked about it. i just can't believe that. >> but if you go to brian's point, if you tell people your vote doesn't count because the system is rigged, does that have -- >> it's long been a democratic turnout in major cities, to say there is -- they're trying to stop you from voting. they rush to court at 10:00 a.m. on election day -- >> you're saying they're trying to stop you from voting. that is a, you bet -- >> undermine the confidence in the electoral system. the democrats do it every single year, every single cycle. especially on election day, they file a bogus lawsuit they never pursue. >> there is a way to talk about it and a way to get you to vote. unrig the system. go vote. >> talking about hillary clinton being the establishment
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candidate. he should be the change candidate. one problem trump hasn't had is he has a core base of motivated supporters. we need every one of them to come out on election day. not just voting for him but voting for down ballot, as well. >> the problem has always been, he showed discipline today. there's one more rally today. that one takes place after dark. trump after dark has been -- has given heart burn in the past. can he keep it up for 18 days? >> i think the trick is to keep the election about hillary. if you're the trump campaign, you want people focusing on hillary. he is the least popular democrat to ever run for president. they need an election for the least popular democrat. if the race is about her, this is going to be a tight race on election day. >> what does richard burr and pat toomey need? >> you're hearing to be a check and balance on a hillary presidency. brad made a good point. you know, hillary may win this race, but she is not well-liked and not popular and not trusted.
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to the extent senate candidates can make the case they're going to be there to be a check and balance, independent voice for their state, it is an effective message. >> some voters hear check on a president hillary clinton and think capitulation. >> it is trickier. most republicans, last presidential election was the cycle itself deportation, this is the cycle of dissoassociatio. voters see trump different than the republicans in congress. that's why he won the election. primary voters wanted to check on the congressional majority. they understand the congressional majority is a check on whoever the president is. >> i thought one of the odd developments earlier this week, brian, is when trump started talking about term limits. i thought, okay, that was a great message in '94 because democrats controlled the house and the senate. republicans were part of the whole thing. republicans control the house and the senate. term limits would be essentially trump's way of saying, i don't
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trust those guys either. >> we've been into reforms as well. i read it as an anti-washington message. look, republican, democrat, independent voters are angry right now. i think something like that can tap into -- >> what happened if the people said, that's right, good-bye, you know. does that -- >> it gets eye rolls in the 202 area code. if they can have term limits for news anchors and political consultants, they'd pass those, too. i think it is an accurate expression of the trump voter frustration. independents are equally fras tra -- frustrated. >> you know who is not term limited? lobbyists. i think term limits -- i bought into it until i saw it happen as a voter. anyway, good stuff, guys. >> good to be with you. if you want to see a
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political crash landing, look back to 1996 when bob dole lost the election by 200 plus electoral votes but republicans gained seats in the senate. here is how dole handled things. he was at a rally nearly 20 years ago to the day after the rnc said every republican for themselves. he decided to keep the base excited by talking about, wait for it, the same stuff trump talks about. media, immigration, health care. >> albert gore, going out to the buddhist temple in l.a. where they take a vow of poverty and walked out with $122,000. how do they get the money? nobody knows and nobody seems to care. nobody really cares because al gore has already said that's it. the media said, that's the end of that one. what am i hearing just the past couple of weeks? maybe 10% of the people are being naturalized, have criminal records because they rush in
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before the november election? outrage. he and ted kennedy will decide whether to give you the health plan back, spending $1.5 trillion. and imposes 17 new taxes and 50 new bureaucracies and price controls. >> let's bring in the panel. msnbc political analyst, and vice president for strategy. haven't seen e-mails yet. >> wow. >> sorry. president of the latino principles and the former chief of the office of citizenship under bush 43. i have to go there because your former boss was john podesta. i'll leave it there. i'll start with you. that's bob dole's rallying cry when he knew the rest of the party -- he knew his job was keep the basin tense. >> right. >> sounded like donald trump
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today without the talk of trashing other republicans. if trump keeps this up, is this a recipe to save the house? >> i don't know if he's going to keep it up. bob dole is bob dole and donald trump is his own brand of politician. until now, he was saying that the system is rigged. i think that suppresses voter turnout from his supporters who may think, why vote if the system is rigged? is he changing? we have to see if he's going to continue with this tone. i have no idea. look, at this point, it really doesn't look good. republicans are starting to be concerned not only about the senate but the house, as well. states like texas, arizona, are now leaning republican. they should be solidly red. >> is there a point of overconfidence for the democrats? >> always. i think that is not going to be the case this time. if you talk to people on the campaign and other folks out in the states, they are worried about people becoming
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overconfident. they're hitting the ground. they're putting that message out there. does it matter what the polls say right now? you have to go vote and get all your friends and family out to vote. >> president obama, by the way, in miami yesterday, that was almost the whole message, which is, you know, progress is on the ballot. you know, the don't think that this thing is won. democrats have done this in the past. don't do it this time. >> they're going for the kill. i mean, they are -- it is this idea, they're suddenly, you know, barack obama wasn't thinking about senate seats in 2012. she is now. >> and barack obama is -- >> never had -- >> i mean -- >> never -- >> you and i -- if you spend time covering senate campaigns, you know this. in years past, senate democrats, incumbents and challengers begged barack obama to do more for them, or the white house to do more. he was focused on his own election.
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i think it is fascinating he is super aggressive out there. in 2010 and 2014, he was not nearly as popular as he is today. >> right. >> they want him to be out there more. >> this is his legacy, right? he wants to make sure not just hillary clinton wins but she has tail winds coming in behind her. >> to echo what you said, i think democrats are concerned about minority turnout. you see it with hispanic voters. they're not enthused about hillary clinton. some of the polling that nbc has done shows that. >> i'm curious, if latino voters who were fired up but concerned about trump, if they -- if that concern has been, the polls show, he's not going to win, does that keep the hispanic turnout lower? >> i think so. >> i don't know. i think people heard bad hombres the other day and were like, oh, okay. >> every four years, i want latinos to come out in record in your opinions. we say, this is the year. romney talked about self-deportation and they don't come out.
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>> this doesn't mean turnout, but the reason that arizona and texas especially are close in polling -- i think trump certainly in texas probably wins, arizona, closer -- but the reason they're close is because of the hispanic vote. he is losing suburban women in both of those areas, both big cities, and the hispanic vote is hugely against him. at least in the run up to it, there is a suggestion that the hispanic vote remains sort of energized by the prospect of donald trump. i mean, look, if ever the hispanic vote was going to realize its potential, you would think it would be with someone to vote against someone who is saying, we're going to build a wall with mexico. someone who said mexico is sending rapists and criminals. if it is not now, i wonder when. if it is now, arizona is not add competitive as you think. >> immigration is not the most important issue for them. as much as they dislike trump and his comments about mexican immigrants, it's not enough to
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bring them out. florida, for example, i-4 corridor, puerto rican. immigration is not a concern for them. >> they're breaking heavily for hillary clinton. >> the reality is none of them, trump or hillary, really connected with that community. talking about issues that are important to them. >> i would say, i think -- i still am convinced that for the non-white community in this country, asian-americans who we don't talk as much about, hispanic americans, african-americans, trump, it's not necessarily immigration or civil -- it's not any one issue. this is someone who has said and done things that many people in those communities view as a direct threat to them. in a way that it -- >> you're 100% correct. >> i actually had a democratic strategist say to me, they think trump's most die hard supporters, not regular voters, if it looks like trump can't win, they don't come out. do any of you believe that? >> i mean, it's possible.
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it depends on what does his ground game look like? he's relying on the rnc. this is when you need as a candidate to get the folks who normally don't vote, you need to be able to knock on their doors and get them out to vote. i don't know. >> in any campaign, the most likely predictor that you will vote in this campaign is what? that you voted in the past. >> exactly. >> it is a habit. >> right. >> i would agree. i think, look, if you have one or two offices open in the state of florida, and the one you have is in sarasota, that's problematic. these are not regular voters. voting is not a habit. you need to say, go here. there may be a thing you have to fill out. it is not something you do. it's not going to starbucks and ordering a coffee. it is a different process, particularly if you don't do it. >> to echo that, if you haven't voted before, why are you doing it again? >> never had a candidate like trump before. >> if you look at the polling and think he's going to lose, why vote?
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>> that's what we're going to find out. you guys are sticking around. coming up, a telling look at donald trump's down ballot impact. how trump's campaign could put republican senate candidates in a no-win situation. one of them admitted it on camera. what president obama is doing this year. we gave you a little preview. he is doing something we have never seen him do as president. stay tuned. transitions® signature adaptive lenses now have chromea7 technology. making them more responsive than ever to changing light. so life can look more vivid and vibrant. why settle for a lens with just one mode? experience life well lit®. upgrade your lenses to transitions® signature. visit your vision source doctor and start living a life well lit® with transitions lenses. the image on the surface book, transports you into the world which is our main goal as animators and you can actually touch the screen... you can't do that on a mac.
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i'm terhe golf. but i'd like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. new patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. for the strength and energy to do what you love. new ensure enlive. teachers, firefighters and nurss support prop 51. al prop 51 repairs older schools and removes dangerous lead paint and pipes ensuring classrooms are safe for all students. for safe schools vote yes on 51.
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teachers, nurses and firefightes support prop 51. prop 51 will upgrade libraries, science labs, and classroom technology and relieve school overcrowding creating more opportunity . . . and better learning for students help students succeed vote yes on 51. if you live in some battleground campaign areas, do you feel you've seen a lot of president obama lately? in recent days, president obama not only hit the trail in miami, cleveland, greensboro, philadelphia, but it is just scratching the surface. the airways are flooded with tv ads the president cut for down ballot democrats, hoping to turn this election into a mini wave. >> this year, the voters have an
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opportunity to elect a public servant who always put the people first. tammy duckworth is the right person to fill my seat. kate brown is getting things down. she knows you have to be fearless. reach for what we know is possible. support brad schneider and the democrats. >> he cut all those in the same day. but democrats down play an association with president obama in the past. now, they can't get enough. he popped up on a campaign mailer for republican congressman. here, he is praising the president. if you know isa, he's one of the president's biggest critics. never know where you might see the president pop up next. perhaps right here. more "mtp daily" coming up. uniquely designed for the driven.
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introducing the first-ever infiniti qx30 crossover. visit your local infiniti retailer today. infiniti. empower the drive. i'm not a customer, but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. (to dog)give it. sure! it's free for everyone. oh! well that's nice! and checking your score won't hurt your credit. oh! (to dog)i'm so proud of you. well thank you. get your free credit scorecard at even if you're not a customer. welcome back. to see the impact of donald trump on down ballot races in a
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nutshell, take a closer look at a republican's race, kelly ayotte. the republican field was picked off one by one, before that, ayotte held an eight-point lead over her democratic challenger, the governor. ayotte first said she supported trump without endorsing him. later, ayotte said she'd stand up for hto trump but vote for h. days before the tape, promising to be a check on either trump or clinton. >> let's be honest, both donald trump and hillary clinton are far from perfect. i'm not perfect either. but when part san politics shut down the government, i led the fight to reopen it. i'd kelly ayotte and i approve this message. whether i'm working with republicans, democrats or independents, i'm standing up
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for new hampshire. >> closest to the check on hillary clinton ad. other down ballot republicans resisted going that route because they don't want to take a hit from trump's supporters for accepting a clinton presidency as a fore goe forego conclusion. now, ayotte is hit for her past support of trump. >> would you tell a child to aspire to be like donald trump? would you point to him as a role model? >> absolutely, i'd do that. >> now, she's running away. trying to save her political career. kelly ayotte is all politics, no principles. >> now this new wmur poll has ayotte down to hassan. it is not just new hampshire. a potential democratic mini wave against trump puts as many as eight republican senate sheets -- seats in jeopardy. democrats need to net four to tip control of the chamber. joining me now is the guru
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around here. charlie cook, editor and publisher of the cook political report. who knew we'd be in senate races this close to the presidential. >> i'm glad we have something else to talk about other than the presidential. it's fitting. >> you mince no words today. you wrote, republicans will have four years to think about what they did to themselves this year. plenty of time to contemplate handing over the car keys to the tea party movement and watching as donald trump drove the car over a cliff. i don't want to get into the debate of whether trump was the tea partier, but he is driving the car, is your point here. >> it is a cliff. >> it's off a cliff. you think it's over? you're done? >> yeah. >> baked, done. >> if it was two, three or four, it'd be different. we're talking six, seven, eight. your poll had 11. you know, this is -- the well is poison. >> i guess the question now, is
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there going to be a wave or not? the ingredients for a wave are what? >> i think a wave is when you have candidates that voters know very little about. they're suddenly competitive or even winning. i mean, it is weird. there is a partisan tide. i don't see that there. i mean, to me, if republicans lose the senate majority, it'll be because they had 24 seats up to only 10 for democrats. seven seats up. it's exposure for republicans. >> short of winning the house, when would you say it was a wave? can you -- because of the gerrymand gerrymandering, is there a way you'd say, yeah, it turned into a wave? >> if it got to the seven, it'd be a wave. six -- if it was six -- first of all, in the house, i would say if it's in the high teens, sure,
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that starts a little bit of a wave. >> let's start going into individual ones. i think it's been interesting. you saw what ayotte is doing. she's against trump. pat toomey has tried to stay away. here was the most honest answer i've heard any senate republican give when it comes to trump. take a listen. >> i've been very open in public about my criticisms of him. i also acknowledge that, you know, he might just sign legislation that would be constructive, like repeal of obamacare and restoring sanctions on iran. i am still in the same mode i was monday night, which is feeling stuck. >> feeling stuck. he's also stuck because the voters that fill up his suburbs loathe trump. the voters in the tee love him. >> yeah. the thing is, for the republicans running in democratic states, like ron
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johnson, illinois and wisconsin, they're gone. pennsylvania is cued up next. i think toomey has run a great campaign, better than mcginty, he's a better candidate but had some head winds. i think he pulled it up to even. i think it is an even money race. that's better than toomey was a few months ago. >> i'll see if the graphics people can keep up. we'll show these. north carolina, we have clinton plus four. senate race tied. what's the margin in the presidential to survive? >> four or five. >> that's at the line there. >> got off to a horrible start. >> nevada, clinton plus seven. heck, plus three. he pulled support from trump and may lose trump supporters. >> yeah. the thing is, heck looked like he had a better chance of winning than a lot of the other republicans in tight races.
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i think also, the latino wave. that's a latino wave. >> quickly, new hampshire. >> i can't tell if the bottom has fallen out. >> up 15, clinton. the second poll that had her up double digits. >> i want to see another one that has the governor up by more than three or four points. >> all right. i want to do florida fast. rubio plus two. palestinian t clinton, plus four. rubio can't put them away. >> i think the state is incapable of rubio winning big because it is too split. i think rubio is unlikely he'll lose. i think it's wider. >> missouri and indiana are in a separate category. same rate, didn't pfferent part. blunt has the wrong resume in the wrong year. can either win? >> i think fye is more likely to win than blunt. blunt is probably most in danger
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after ron johnson. >> no kidding. >> that's in a toomey -- i mean a trump state. but it's anti-washington. it's a lot coming in. >> we just did all that. i think the range is four to seven. >> yeah. >> that's where it was. >> the thing is, the path for republicans to win a majority is just getting narrower and narrower, now that we know democrats only need four. the recipe has always been for republicans, minus four, plus one. they can't lose more than four of their own seats. they've got to win nevada. this path is narrower. >> charlie, more races to talk about. see, there is plenty to talk about. we'll have more on donald trump's impact on the republican party this sunday on "meet the press." still ahead, why this year's decisive election could become the norm. making a governing nightmare. stay tuned.
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just how bipartisan is distrust in government? i'll have the result ahead with more "mtp daily." first, the cnbc market wrap. >> stocks ended the week flat. the dow fell 16 points. the nasdaq joined 16 points. dyn is hit by another cyber attack. web sites and services shut down earlier in the day. twitter, netflix and sony playstation network are among the sites affected. the wall street journal
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welcome back to "mtp daily." no matter who win or loses in 18 days, this country will remain divided along partisan and cultural fault lines. there was a troubling analysis about the media consumption in this country. let's examine hyperpartisan facebook posts. the pages frequently publish false and misleading information. their conclusion, quote, people who frequent these hyperpartisan pages on the right and the left exist in completely different segments of the online world. rarely interacting with or seeing what the other side is seeing. never mind most of the posts are factually incorrect. folks, this is just one symptom of a greater disease. a survey conducted by gallop for the university of virginia looked at why this election is
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addivisiv divisive. based on education levels, geography and cynicism act washington. the authors write, quote, many americans are even more set in their view that government cannot be trusted. its leaders and the leadership class more broadly are incompetent, craven and self-interested and as citizens, they have little meaningful influence over the powerful institutions or circumstances that shape their lives. another take away, what we're seeing this year could become the norm. we can expect more campaigns and candidates like donald trump and bernie sanders in the future. i want to dive a little bit deeper into this with my next guest. co-author of the university of virginia study. the vanishing center of american democracy, james davidson hunter. welcome to the show. i have to say, i'm a little disconcerted by the fact that there is a -- that this is so etched in stone that we have a center to study this missing
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piece of american democracy. how bad is it? >> well, i think these conditions that bring us to the point we are in today have been developing for about a half a century. so the kind of conditions that generate populous discontent have been developing, they've been intensifying and, quite frankly, they've been hardening. >> look, i think challenge number one for the next president is restoring confidence in government. forget the debate about whether government should be large or small. we don't have the basic confidence in government. of course, we actually do every day, by simply living our lives, we are expressing more confidence perhaps in government than we realize, right? when it comes to food, safety and things like that. >> right. >> but when asked, we have no confidence. how does that -- how do you restore confidence in one of the le -- none of the leaders are trusted? >> there is a distinction between the local government.
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as a general rule, citizens like their local government a lot more than they do the federal government. but the -- there is this way in which the federal government, the government in washington, d.c., is just distrusted. the presidency, the congress, the senate and so on. these are trends that have been developing for, again, about a half century. in our research, we have found that they're getting hardened. these are trends that are across the board. they are democrat, republican, independent. vast majorities of the american electorate are distrustful of washington and when it claims to make -- it's going to solve problems, it just doesn't believe it's going to do that. it's one of the ways that disaffection shows up. >> all right.
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but the problem is, okay, so there's not any leaders elected or unelected that are trusted in government. outside of the military. there are generals, i think, you can make an argument that would have credibility. >> right. >> the press doesn't have credibility right now to tell the electorate, hey, we know you hate this institution but you know what? they do x pretty much. let's say we reported that. universall universally, it was reported. there would be a majority that didn't believe it. >> that's right. >> so i guess my question is, we've got to search for, it's not just restoring credibility in action, you also have to be able to find the right spokespeople to convince them that maybe things are getting fixed. >> well, i think that's part of the story. but there is a way in which the political establishment itself, leaders in both parties, just have lost credibility. there is a high level of cynicism among the american electorate toward anything that
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political leaders say. again, i think it's intensified by the dynamics you mentioned at the beginning of the segment. >> my frustration is, we've all diagnosed the problem. >> right. >> nobody seems to be able to figure out -- come up with a remedy. >> that's right. i think the problem is massive. because we're talking about political culture, these things don't change overnight. >> no, they don't, and it'll require a lot of leaders, maybe sticking their neck out in ways they've never done before. anyway, this is a conversation we should keep having. james davison hunter, enlightening survey and keep doing it. >> thanks. up next, you have problems? there is an easy thing to blame. blame it all on the campaign. everyone else seems to be doing it. just ahead. i spent many years as a nuclear missile launch officer.
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if the president gave the order, we had to launch the missiles. that would be it. i prayed that call would never come. self control may be all that keeps these missiles from firing. i would bomb the [ beep ] out of 'em. i want to be unpredictable. i love war. the thought of donald trump with nuclear weapons scares me to death. it should scare everyone. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. ♪
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using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the framework... wire... and plants needed to give my shop... a face... no one will forget. see what the power of points can do for your business. learn more at tonight, i'm obsessed with the election blame game. no, not trump pointing fingers at everyone. other than himself or some of the recent struggles. i'm obsessed with how it seems the election is now the ultimate scapegoat for everyone else's troubles. even ceos are blaming the election for falling sales. restaurants, wendy's not selling enough burgers. where is the beef? blame the campaign. americans are not running on
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dunkin, at least not buying as many donuts. must be the campaign's fault. there is a little less finger licking at kfc. why? apparently, the campaign. retailers are also blaming the campaign. the gap dancers are less peppy. oh, how about the dip in ratings for the nfl games? commissioner roger goodell held a press conference and said, blame the presidential debates. even the american psychological association says that a majority of americans can blame their high stress levels on this campaign. i know everyone here can relate to that one. it brings me to this, it's time to start blaming everything on this race for the white house. for things that haven't gone our way. i'm saying it's the campaign's fault that the hurricanes lost 3 games in 12 days. the dodgers are facing elimination. i was going to blame kershaw for not pitching game five. no, i'll blame the campaign. felt like summer, heat wave in october, campaign's fault. the oil change light is on in my
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car and has been blinking for three months. campaign. no one on my staff has been able to make a doctor's appointment since last year. campaign. see, blame the election. works for everything. get in a fight with your spouse? blame trump and clinton. we'll be back with something i didn't know was possible. you can lose the al smith dinner. ♪
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now has 30 brands in over 110 countries. so no matter where you go, you are here. join or link accounts at the al smith dinner, benefiting catholic charities, is as much a part of modern presidential campaigns as the debates themselves. candidates come together to crack a few jokes for a good cause. one thing i've never seen happen, a candidate can actually lose the al smith dinner. >> hillary is so corrupt, she got kicked off the watergate commission. [ booing ] how corrupt do you have to be to get kicked off the watergate commission? pretty corrupt. >> time for "the lid." the panel is back. chris cillizza, chris, i didn't know you could lose the al smith dipper.
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>> yeah, me neither! like, yeah! >> everybody's there to clap. >> and what do people love more than anything else in humor, someone who's willing to make fun of themselves. that's the key, right? i said this to you when you were playing that clip. like, was that -- did he think that that line was like humorous? like, had he practiced that line? because there's no joke in there. >> let me give you an example. this is how romney -- romney and obama were pretty intense at this point. especially at this point. >> i remember the al smith dinner four years ago and they were good. >> let he play you romney and obama. again, they were barely -- the campaigns were really ticked off at each other. here's what they did. >> ultimately, though, tonight's not about the disagreements governor romney and i may have. it's what we have in common, beginning with our unusual names. actually, mitt is his middle name. i wish i could use my middle name. >> when, suddenly, i pulled ahead in some of the major
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polls, what was the headline? polls show obama leading from behind. and i've already seen early reports from tonight's dinner. headline, obama embraced by catholics. romney dines with rich people. >> look the -- >> they were tonally correct. >> yes, absolutely. it's always been a fun dinner. this one was certainly nasty, but to be fair. he was very nasty, he was typical donald trump, but she was nasty, too. she had a couple of lines that were -- >> she had a couple of zingers. >> let me play -- let's play one of those clinton ones, because i agree. and order was everything here. and trump went before her. and it gave her more leeway. but take a listen. >> the good news is that the debates finally allowed republicans to unite around their candidate. the bad news is, it's mike
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pence. >> yeah, that was a groan too. >> that didn't exactly -- >> there was just uncomfortable moment after uncomfortable moment. >> there were. but she had the benefit of going second, but also, she was self-deprecating, and i felt that was completely missing from what trump did. she told a joke or two at her own expense. and that's what you need to do at the al smith dinner. >> trump made fun of melania. >> right, he threw his own wife under the bus. >> this feels like a metaphor for the entire campaign. like, she's not great, but he's so much worse, it drowns out her not being great. and the whole story line is him and how do you bomb at a dinner like this, when, in fact, she said things that didn't go over terribly well. but it doesn't even matter, because he literally just blocks the sun out every time. >> by the way, what if she had gone first, imagine how he would have reacted to her. >> that would have been amazing to watch. >> in a weird way, i think he was actually enjoying himself, even when she was speaking, he
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was smiling, rudy giuliani didn't seem very happy. but i think he was enjoying himself. i think what was revealing is what cardinal dolan said afterwards. that apparently he told she was very talented and she told him after the election that she wanted to work with him. >> do you think that was a confession in front of cardinal dolan, or a, let's say the nicest possible thing i'm going to say because cardinal dolan is here. >> i think it's that. >> cardinal dolan is going to be on the "today" show the next day, and someone's going to say, what were they like in private? he's not -- he's a savvy consumer -- >> cardinal dolan is one of the savviest pauls out there, domestically. >> he can teach donald trump a thing or two. >> no doubt. by the way, before we go, i know it's 45 seconds, i've got to play you this joe biden bite just for fun. listen. >> the press always ask me, don't i wish i were debating him? no, i wish we were in high school and i could take him
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behind the gym. that's what i wish. >> yeah -- >> ohh. >> that's the best. >> i do think, though, that the does make a real point, which is, you see this with michelle obama, and joe biden. these people are more willing to do things for hillary clinton because they personally dislike donald trump. it's not necessarily about party, i think president obama's the same way. they feel personally affronted by him. and as a result, you see them moving around and doing more. >> if this were clinton/romney, i don't know how enthusiastic michelle obama or joe biden would be. >> i don't know. >> we don't know. can't have that race, can we? >> well, we could! >> you guys can do that on a podcast. after the break, the unexpected guest that caused mass hysteria in the white house briefing room today. stay tuned.
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last night in case you missed it, bill murray was at the white house today. it surprised the press corps in the briefing room. >> does standing here make you feel like you might want to run for president one day? >> no, i would -- i could get -- i think i somehow got into maybe the cabinet and then there would be like a bad bus accident or something and i would be evaluate evaluated. but there would be lives saved. ask me again in four years. >> so why was he there? when reporters asked him first, the white house press staff didn't seem to know. was he there to use the white house pool or maybe the white house pond? pool or pond, pond's probably
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good for him. he's in d.c. to receive the mark twain prize for humor. and president obama had him come by to congratulate him. by the way, bill, go, dodgers. that's all for tonight. "with all due respect" starts right now. i'm donny deutsch. >> and i'm john heilemann. and with all due respect to donald trump, hillary clinton, gary johnson, ed mcmullen, and jill stein, i think we found our winner. >> mr. president, do you think the cubs will win? >> i feel very confident that clayton kershaw is a great pitcher, but they've got too many sticks. they've got too many sticks. oh, yeah, they've got too many sticks all right. we've got a couple of big sticks here, including donny deutsch in new york city. after today, folks, there are only two fridays left before the finale of this presidential contest. and yet again,


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