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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  October 22, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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it is 1:00 in the east, 10:00 in the west. i'm sheinelle jones at msnbc world headquarters in new york. and here's what's happening. let's get right to some highlights from a speech donald trump wrapped up moments ago to outline his first 100 days in office. he spent the first 20 minutes airing out some of the same grievances we've been hearing in recent days. >> 1.8 million dead people are registered to vote. and some of them are voting. i wonder how that happens. a big part of the rigging of this election is the fact that hillary is being allowed to run, despite having broken so many laws on so many different occasions. why is she allowed to run? the dishonest mainstream media is also part and a major part of this corruption.
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every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign. total fabrication. the events never happened. never. all of these liars will be sued after the election is over. >> trump eventually got around to the policies he'll implement, including many we've heard throughout his campaign. >> a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of congress. a five-year ban on white house and congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service. totally renegotiate nafta, one of the worst deals our country has ever made. signed by bill clinton. i will take the following five actions to restore security and constitutional rule of law. we have to do that. cancel every unconstitutional
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executive action, memorandum and order issued by president obama. >> later today, trump and pence will share the stage at a rally in cleveland. hillary clinton on the trail today. they'll make two stops in pennsylvania. let's bring in kasie hunt, covering the clinton campaign. she's live in white plains, new york. and kasie watched trump's speech, kof course. down these claims will make a difference so late in the game? >> reporter: hey, sheinelle, a windy takeoff here for hillary clinton when she heads to pennsylvania later today. the focus on that speech that you just played parts of, and i think it was billed as an attempt to change donald trump's final message to be positive, to talk about what he was going to do for the country. i think having actually talked to some clinton aides as that speech was going on that the perception is not that that's
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what it was. i think this was more of a pla play to the same voters supporting trump all the way along. it was really kind of a focus on outlining an argument that the system is rigged. he talked in depth about media organizations and how they contribute to that. it came across as, if anything, building a case for potentially contesting the results of this election, especially if it's close. and i think that is something that really appeals to his base of voters. he also made an argument we've heard him make before about hillary clinton, but one that kind of is in that same theme. take a look at a piece of his speech today. >> the system is also rigged, because hillary clinton should have been precluded from running for the presidency of the united states. but the fbi and the justice department covered up her
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crimes, which included lying to the fbi and congress on numerous occasions, and included saying, "i do not recall" to the fbi on 39 separate times. >> reporter: we should say that there is no evidence that hillary clinton lied to the fbi in the course of the investigation into her e-mails. that argument from donald trump aimed at undermining the legitimacy of her candidacy and i think what you're seeing from the clinton campaign as they try to push back against this is an attempt to build a convincing win on november 8th. you've seem them try to expand the map to places like arizona. they're now spending money in georgia, probably less like to win there than they are in arizona. but if the polls hold, she has pretty durable leads in places like pennsylvania. she's maintained smaller, but still leading in places like florida and north carolina.
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if they can build a really convincing electoral college win, the view is this might help make sure that this win is not questioned if, in fact, it goes the way polls are indicating it could. >> so would you say -- i guess i should reiterate hillary clinton and tim kaine are taking on pennsylvania today. would you say that would be their strategy then to try to sow this thing up? >> reporter: i think so. yeah. i mean, pennsylvania is the firewall for them, if donald trump doesn't win in pennsylvania, it is very, very hard for him to get to the 270 electoral college votes that he'll need to win here. there are a couple states that went for obama in 2008, 2012. iowa and ohio, among them. that might be trickier for hillary clinton this time. but she can still afford to lose both of those states if she wins in the newer battle grounds. they feel they have virginia, colorado, basically sewn up. romney won carolina in 2012 and things are looking up for the
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clinton campaign there. you add florida to the mix and there is no way trump can come out on top. >> kasie hunt, thank you. let's go now to ben cam i sar, reporter for the hill. and alex seitz-wald. alex covering the clinton campaign for us. ben, i want to start with your impressions for the speech and did you hear anything new? >> we have seen this before, this long wind-up by the trump campaign, you know, that everyone was sort of teasing this as this big moment for the campaign, this big 100-day speech. and it got a lot of attention. it got people tuning in. but i think what you saw was what we have seen for most of the entire campaign. when we saw a candidate really laying out just the same grieve anlss he's given at a lot of his rallies about -- as kasie was saying earlier, the sewing of the seeds for potential re-election and dramging a approach that mimics a lot of what he has been saying on the stump. and a lot of what he's been seeing during debates and rallies, as well. >> alex, how about you?
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i want to throw in this too. his tone. you know, we talked with one congressman earlier today and he said he felt like trump essentially ran out of steam. other people say we like the calmer trump. what would you say? >> this is a core issue for trump. he won the primary by being this bombastic, over the top, larger than life personality. and that's not exactly the personality you want to have in a general election when you want to appear more sober and presidential. but when he does try to take that more sober tone, it's not the trump that people who love him loved. we've been looking for a pivot to come from trump for months and months and months, when he clinched the nomination and heading into the convention and at the convention and affidavit convention. and it's a pivot that never really came. and i think this is kind of what they were indicating, billing this speech as. but it's two-and-a-half weeks out from the election now. a little bit too late, i think, for a real pivot. and it's -- trump is going to finish this on his terms, even if he does change the tone here and now just a little bit. >> i brought up the issue of
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tone. ben, you and your colleagues reporting on anxiety within the party. i was wondering if perhaps this tone will ease some of their worries, to say he can be -- i don't know, in some way presidential, if necessary. >> yeah, no. i definitely see what you mean. when you look at a speech like this billed with such heavy billing and mostly really stayed in the confines of what he has been saying earlier, one big take-away the headline of the speech is going to be today and tomorrow, the comments of people accusing him of groping them or sexual assault. he emphatically denied it and threatened to sue all of them. that may be one of the big take-aways from this and the headlines that reverberate over the next few days and that's not a headline if you're a mitch mcconnell or paul ryan you want to have dominating the discussion. >> alex, what does he get out of it at this point? the constant argument that the media is against him, the whole thing is rigged?
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>> it keeps playing to his base. that's been donald trump from the beginning, through the general election. he hasn't really found a way to expand beyond that. and i think that's what he's still doing here. it gives him, you know, an excuse if he loses on november 8th, as the polls suggest, to blame not himself, to blame the media, to blame everybody but him. and, you know, it gives his base something to be excited about, certainly, as well. but it may be -- with the shift in tone, he's trying to calm republicans, trying to calm mitch mcconnell and paul ryan, as chris suggested. and talking about policy, talking about issues, will help a little bit with that. but he still keeps talking to his base, and seems uncomfortable, really, stepping much beyond that. >> on that note, ben, still no reaction, though, from house speaker paul ryan or senate majority leader mitch mcconnell, saying he'll only accept the results of the election if he wins. one of your colleagues writing about breitbart. can you explain about what's happening now and what are the implications for trump's
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campaign and for the republican party once the election is over, regardless of who is in the white house? >> yeah, of course. i mean, the trump campaign led in part by steve bannon, one of the executives over at breitbart news, very, you know, sort of hard right, sort of -- a lot of people refer to as the alt-right movement. they have really not liked paul ryan for many, many months. and there is this new article, obviously, out today, this morning on breitbart that really hammers paul ryan, accuses him of being part of this plot to elect hillary clinton. and it's yet another one of these pieces on the mosaic that show a trump campaign being led by in steve bannon anti establishment forces that don't like the gop, the moderate gop, the people who have been, you know, the more popular faces in the party. and as trump continues to go down at the polls, we're seeing a more aggressive tax, someone not -- a candidate not really trying as alex was saying, to
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reach out but shore up that base. and in doing so, he's really just deepening that rift between the trump campaign and the breitbart wing, and people like ryan and mcconnell, as well. >> and alex, we've benefen seei the ra the ra the rate race tightening in georgia, and the clinton campaign adding staff in utah where polls show an even split between clinton, trump, and mcmullen. as much as reince priebus says the rnc behind their candidate, what do you envision this election's rnc autopsy report to look like? will they be honest about their nominee's flaws, and what perhaps maybe the party could have done differently? >> i think the november 9th story, what happens to the republican party is going to be almost as interesting as what happens on november 8th. i imagine that this will go beyond the autopsy report they did in 2012. a much deeper self-diagnosis. maybe a kind of truth and
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reconciliation committee for people who are involved in the primary for people who supported donald trump to understand what happened here. what went wrong and how they can go forward. but, you have deep, deep divisions inside the party. deep regret in things that are not going to be as papered over, moving forward as they were after 2012. and, you know, there are many republicans who are not sure if the republican party is going to survive in its current form. >> and that is what's going to, you know, be the amazing conversation happening after the election. >> i think you're right. ben cam i sar and alex seitz-wald, thank you for talking with me today. still ahead, "r" word, placing became on the media. up next, what does trump hope to accomplish with his line of attacks on the media? >> they lie and fabricate stories to make a candidate that is not their preferred choice look as bad and even dangerous
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♪ donald trump's gettysburg speech billed as a look at his first 100 days in office included many familiar-sounding statements like this one. >> we will drain the swamp in washington, d.c. [ cheers and applause ] and replace it with a new government of, by and for the people. >> but did he do enough to apiece his supporters and lock in new voters? joining me now, charmaine yost from american values and a conservative political analyst. good afternoon to you. >> hi, sheinelle, thanks for having me. >> absolutely. as a trump supporter, what were your big take-aways from his speech?
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>> well, you know, it's interesting, sheinelle, listening to everyone talk this morning and reading things online. it's almost as if people are ready to swear her in tomorrow. and i think -- i keep thinking of the old joke that rumors of his death are premature. polling is not the same as voting. we need to wait until everybody has a chance to have their say before we decide that hillary clinton is the next president. that's really, really essential. in fact, at the same time that he was giving his speech this morning, we saw new polls coming out from ibd tip and from the l.a. times, both show that donald trump actually was leading hillary clinton. so, you know, i'm not going to, you know -- you can't sugar coat the fact there are some negative polls, but we have to look at the whole picture here. hillary clinton also is up against the fact that rasmussen this morning came out and said that the majority of americans think she should have been indicted over the e-mail scandal. so, you know, the fact that donald trump is still really hitting it hard up in gettysburg right now, giving a good speech, talking about his first 100 days
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i think is a great sign he has promised to dig it out to the very end. showing real energy, real enthusiasm. and going after a very vigorous campaign. >> i have to say, there was a lot -- i was taking notes as he was talking. a lot of content in this speech, and then at the same time, though, he goes into accusations against the media or hillary clinton. and i think sometimes that gets people a little bit off track, if you know what i mean. in fact, the part about, you know, insisting the vote will be rigged. i want to play a clip of what he said moments ago and then get your take. take a listen. >> the rigging of the system is designed for one reason. to keep the corrupt establishment and special interests in power at your expense, and everybody's expense. i have no special interests, but you. >> charmane, republican leaders have slammed trump, calling these claims irresponsible, but he continues to repeat them. is he putting personal pride
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before country? a lot of people are saying why is he defying the governor leadership here? >> you know, sheinelle, what i hear, when i hear him say things like that is i harken back to the convention where his single most powerful statement was when he hollered out to that packed arena "i'm with you." as a contrast with her saying "i'm with her." it's such a big difference between these campaigns in terms of that theme. and he really has to hit that theme hard over the next two weeks. sheinelle, i'm always interested in the fact that the data shows over the long-term in elections the last two weeks are when people make up their minds. now i'm not entirely certain that's going to hold true exactly the same in this campaign, because there's been such a saturation coverage of it, unlike some of the other elections we've had. a whole lot more drama this time around. but i don't think you can discount the fact that not everybody pays 24/7 attention the way that we do. so there are still voters out there who are making up their minds, and he has to give them a
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reason to pull the lever. so when, again, you're hearing all this coverage, this acting as if the election is over, he's out there saying, no, i'm still fighting and i'm fighting for you. and he's got to give the people a reason to come out and vote. and by telling them their vote matters, that there are some headwinds that he's facing, which, let's be honest, that is true. that's what this is all about. as he's making his closing argument in front of the american people. >> so let's say i'm an undecided voter. frankly, charmane, you're probably talking to undivided voters right now. telling me the media is rigged or in favor of hillary clinton, is that supposed to make me go out and vote for him? is he laying the ground work them for shifting the blame? or what does he get out of telling everybody that the media is rigged? >> well, i think what he's trying to point out is that there really hasn't been as much coverage of some of the damaging material that has come out about her. over the last couple weeks, she's had a terrible couple of weeks with wikileaks coming out
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and showing kinds of, you know, the pay for play with the clinton foundation. and, you know, all kinds of things like this. >> >> what does he get out of that? so does that make me want to run and vote for him? or what's the point? >> it reminds people that it is really, really essential to come out and vote. one of the most essential differences between these two campaigns has been the enthusiasm gap. the fact that he's been playing to sold-out arenas, where she's been having a hard time to get people to come out. he has to make sure that continues, that the enthusiasm, the people understand it's fortunate important for them to vote at the end of the day. and it isn't over yet. he is coming up against, you know -- even just listening this morning as we were waiting to go on-air, person after person after person, giving this message that somehow hillary clinton has already sewn this thing up. he has to be sure his people are hearing the message there is still a skpras it's going to go all the way down to the wire and i believe that is true. >> i want to look forward, really quickly.
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do you feel like sometimes, especially because you're a supporter, you hear him and then just feel like he's stepping on his own feet? i feel like in this speech, for example, there is so much content there. do we have to veer off to the left with the negativity? >> well, you know, that's what's going on here, is you're seeing him really work to bring it back to the positive, you know. he does have this instinct to want to respond to the accusations. he did a much better job at this last debate. and that's what they're trying to build on at this point. is to pursue the case that he's the ainlt of change. and here's the problem for hillary, sheinelle. is that, you know, the american people typically after eight years of one party, they do want to make a change. he is the agent of change. this is partly why people are feeling so unsettled about his campaign. is that he is -- he has a lot of substance that he's talking about. of making a difference once he gets to washington, d.c. and so that's what he wants to be talking about over the next two weeks of making that case, and talking about the differences between their two
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campaigns from an issue perspective. >> i only have about a few seconds left. so i hate to do this to you but i'm curious. what do you say to someone watching still on the fence but say you know what, i like some of the things he says, but i'm so worried if he becomes president of the united states, he'll do exactly what we've been talking about, turn to the left and talk about some world leader or do something to get this country in trouble? >> you know, i have those conversations a lot, sheinelle. my first job in washington, d.c., was working for president reagan and i learned from him personnel is policy. the next president who comes into office is going to appoint over 3,000 people in their administration. you're not just voting for president. you're voting for an entire executive administrative branch. and so you have to look at the people you have around him. you're not just voting for donald trump. you're also voting for mike pence. you're voting for ben carson. you're voting for all of the people who are going to make a difference, who are going to bring change to washington, d.c. that's why this new hash tag, drain the swamp, is really
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resonating with people and it is an effective closing argument, because people do want to see change. >> charmaine yost, thank you for talking with me. i hope we can walk away from this conversation and say, i was fair. >> thank you, sheinelle. >> thank you, charmane. donald trump on what prompted him to run for president. all those months ago. more analysis of what he said, coming up. hey, it's the phillips' lady! there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try these delicious phillips' fiber good gummies, a good source of fiber to help support regularity. mmmm. these are great. my work here is done. phillips'. the tasty side of fiber.
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never wanted to be a politician. believe me. but when i saw the trouble our country was in, i knew i couldn't stand by and watch any longer. our country has been so good to me, i love our country, and i felt i had to act. >> donald trump a short time ago in his so-called first 100 day speech. explaining why he decided to run
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for president. >> but can he salvage his flailing campaign with a couple weeks to go? we'll be taking a further look at that, in just a few minutes. despite the bitterly partisan campaign, a new pew research poll finds relative political harmony at home where significant others share presidential preferences. nearly 238 in 10 supporters wil vote for the same candidate as they will. most voters or 825% say they haven't argued with their spouse or partner about the election. arguments are more common among the 11% with so-called mixed political marriages. among those folks, just over 40% say they have had their arguments. whereas just 13% of those voting for the same candidate have had a little political marital discord, if you will. in a moment, will donald trump's speech today make any real difference among those undecided voters. >> we'll take a look. >> do we repeat the mistakes of
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the past, or do we choose to believe that a great future, yet unwritten, still lies ahead for us and for our wonderful, beloved country. >> also ahead, moving on mosul. the risks and rewards and the fight to drive out isis. i love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here. people rely on that first cup and i wouldn't want to mess with that. but when (my) back pain got bad, i couldn't sleep. i had trouble getting there on time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. for pain relief that can last into the morning. ♪ look up at a new day... hey guys! now i'm back. aleve pm for a better am.
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mary's data could be under attack. with the help of at&t, and security that senses and mitigates cyber threats, their critical data is safer than ever. giving them the agility to be open & secure. because no one knows & like at&t. if they can fight somebody like me, who has unlimited resources to fight back, just look at what they can do to you, your jobs, your security, your education, your health care, the violation of religious liberty. the theft of your second amendment. the loss of your factories, your homes. >> welcome back. i'm sheinelle jones here at msnbc world headquarters in new york. at the half hour, here's what we're monitoring. and what was billed as a major policy speech, donald trump took the stage last hour in pennsylvania, doubling down on
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claims that the 2016 race is rigged. >> i've seen the system up close and personal for many years. i've been a major part of it. i know how the game works in washington, and on wall street. and i know how they have rigged the rules of the game against everyday americans. >> so what impact will this have on the 2016 election? let's bring in our political strategist, peter emerson, "huffing ton post" contributor. and founder of susan del percent ostrategies. good morning to both of you. i'm excited. let's start with you, susan. what was your reaction to the speech? >> well, the reaction was it's almost like a debate performance with donald trump. the first 20 minutes he was -- he was reliving the past, but then the second portion of the speech, he really dug deep, and gave a really good solid performance. if that's the message he uses for the next 17 days, i think he will be at least not embarrass
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himself in a really bad loss. i don't know if it's enough to get him through. but at least he is back on track with something. now, as we always say about donald trump, how long will it last? >> what do you think? >> very true. >> what do you think? >> i thought it was very much the abuser who had gotten the ultimatum to stop the abuse. >> what do you mean? >> meaning in most cases of abuse, the abuser is told, you've got to stop, or i'm leaving. and the first part of the speech was the abuser. this constant reputation, this frequency about, it's rigged. the american public is being screwed. and then the second part was the ultimatum. and suddenly a wake-up call. maybe if i'm more serious and substantive, as susan said, it may have some traction and people may listen and take me more seriously. >> can you take the argument -- obviously surrounded by supporters. but the content of his speech, all the way to education and school choice.
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there are things he talked about that no doubt people agree. it seems like -- i don't know if people behind the scenes are thinking -- just stick to that. >> absolutely. especially trade. we have heard this throughout the campaign. there is also one other message he threw in there. and if he needed a lit of rhetoric, thing is the one. he said hillary clinton is not just running against me, she's running against change. and in a change election, that is a really effective line, and his base will like it, moderates -- everyone will kind of open up to that kind of thought process. that could help him. if he could stick to that, not talk about the other women -- you know, just move forward with a strong message for the country. it's also a lead up that i think he doesn't want to be blamed for the senate or the house going the wrong way. that he wants to say, i will be serious and thoughtful for the next 17 days. so i can at least not do too much harm to the folks below me. >> so before we move on here, do you think it will resonate with voters, at least maybe outside of the republican party?
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what he said today? >> no. >> that was too quick. >> i don't, simply because the pattern has been established. it's very clear, as susan said. it's always "what if he only did this, if he only talked about substance." so i don't think there is really any room for maneuvering here. i do think susan is absolutely right. donald trump has to be deciding how does he win when he loses. because that's what he always does. >> either one of you here. i talked to some of the journalists earlier today about this whole thing that the race is rigged. what is he getting out of that? if you have your base and they're going to vote for you, and you're trying to get independent voters, i'm trying to think, if i'm an independent voter and you're telling me it's rigged, i just don't know how that will -- >> there's a difference in messaging that he's had. the idea that the election is being rigged should be discounted. but to talk about the system being rigged, and in that clip you showed leading into the segment, that if i -- someone like me can afford to fight and get a good education for my children, can fight to get lobbyists to make business work for me.
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the system is rigged against you, and people do feel that way. to peter's point, as far as who does this sway? what's important now is that donald trump only has about 80% of republicans. he needs to get back to 90, 92% or hillary clinton is with democrats. but he also needs to get that enthusiasm gap closed. because now hillary clinton is outpacing him. >> i want to play a clip for you. earlier my colleague spoke to republican election lawyer, chris ashby. here's what he had to say about the impact donald trump's claims could have on the election system. >> when one candidate claims in advance ever the election the entire election is rigged, that it has been -- the outcome of that election has been predetermined by someone else, it has -- a debilitating effect on the legitimacy of the entire government. those of us who have worked in the system, who understand our election laws, and who understand the way that elections are conducted in the united states, i think have an obligation to speak out and to tell americans who are willing to listen and who are
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fair-minded and reasonable, the system is just not rigged. >> our republican leaders like reince priebus, are they doing enough to counter these claims? should they be more vocal? >> donald trump has changed his position on that a bit in the last couple days. he's gone from saying there is universal -- the whole system is rigged to i'm just going to not say i give up if there is a close election. which is -- are two totally different things. except he's not probably not aware in states like florida and ohio, there is an automatic recount. so all he has to do is say i'll stand by a certified election. >> there is a negative impact. marco rubio tied with his opponent in florida. kelly now behind her democratic opponent in new hampshire. pat toomey, my former state, a close race in pennsylvania. is this the result of them clearly not separating themselves from the top of the ticket? i mean, or -- people will ask that question. >> the big challenge is for the republican party, is to find a way to get particularly suburban
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white female voters to not vote for trump, but to vote for the republican candidate in the senate and house. that's a really difficult challenge. and if i might say, the reality -- on voter fraud and voter suppression, there was a study done of 1 billion votes in 2000 and 2014. only 31 cases of voter fraud. >> i want to ask you in the new bloomberg poll, republican voters asked who they saw as the future of the party. so they picked mike pence with 27%. donald trump trailing with 24%. so donald trump is voted president of the united states, what's his future? with the party? >> it's anyone's guess. he never had a relationship with the party prior to running for president. so i'm not sure if he's going to have one after. i mean, his positions, everything, were definitely not in line with the republican party. if he decides he wants to build the donald trump network -- >> heard that more times today. >> that's a different story and that will be more he wants to be
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in the news/entertainment business. but i actually don't think he'll have any real relationship with the republican party, except for trash the people, if he does go that route in the news route to trash certain establishment republicans. >> he's not going away, that's for sure. >> no. this week, i've been talking to people in the trump campaign, and even in the clinton campaign, and there seems to be evenly divided. some people feel trump will go back to the golf links and a lifestyle he has created for himse himself. others feel strongly the relationship he has with 30, 40 -- he could get 60 million votes, by the way. romney got 61 million out of obama's 66 million. i think the question is what's the relationship with those people. what does he want to do with those people. and what do they want to have him do on their behalf. >> i'm curious. you don't just have this -- >> it's -- it's also a much smaller group than that, when you think about it. because more people voted not for donald trump to be the nominee than be -- >> you have all these people in the palm of your handled. >> that's 14 million.
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and that's a lot. i don't think he's going to have 60 million people who vote for him necessarily want to follow him to that alt-right world. >> we'll see. thank you. great discussion. happening now in iraq, the united nations, fights executed 284 men and boys in and around the city of mosul on the sixth day of battle. let's go to matt bradley for the very latest. can you tell us what the situation is there right now? >> reporter: well, sheinelle, what we're seeing with this investigation, we haven't gotten confirmation this happened, the killing of 284 civilians, almost all men, and there are some reports that some of them were even children. this is kind of typical isis behavior. as the pressure builds in an isis position like in mosul, they start to act erratically. we're waiting for united nations investigation to confirm whether or not this actually occurred.
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but when isis starts to feel the pressure, they start to lash out. and we saw that in the u freightees valley. mass killings of tribel leaders and fighters as isis started to feel pressure. why would they do this? if you're a group like isis and feel as though your entire victory is based on a divine order nation, you have to explain to your followers why you're losing. and one thing you can do is punish people and accuse them of being spies. that's something isis has done time and time again, and islamic state-watchers have shown this is something that a tactic they use in order to just explain to their followers, who really believe in the divine goodness of their mission as to why they're losing this battle. and, again, with the civilian population, this 284 people killed, we're talking about 1.2 million civilians who are still in mosul. and so while we're seeing some shaping operations working around mosul, when they actually start to pierce the outer
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perimeter of mosul and move in, they're going to run into a huge civilian population and a terrorist organization that is no stranger to using civilians as human shields, sheinelle. >> scary to think about. nbc's matt bradley, thank you. i want to bring in medal of honor recipient and msnbc military analyst, colonel jack jaco jacobs. thank you for talking with us this afternoon. >> thank you. >> how does iraq and its allies avoid the mass killings we're hearing about, 284 men and boys? that is heart-breaking and then just yesterday, 67 killed in attacks in kerr kuk. >> we saw it in 19868 in sriet ma'am, stalingrad. it's extremely difficult to fight. there is a lot of rebel. the attack is at a disadvantage. the defense is at an advantage. and so it's going to be very
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carefully done. the way to do this properly, and i think what we have advised the iraqis to do is to permit a corridor to open up so that civilians and isis can leave. we don't want to fight these guys toe-to-toe, neither do the iraqis and in the end the objective is to make sure they don't have to fight door-to-door and instead just fight detachments left in contact, small groups and let isis go to syria. >> can you discuss defense secretary's ash carter's visit today? what does he hope to accomplish? >> it sounds pejorative, but it's mostly public relations. there's no doubt that we have been talking to the iraqis for a long, long time. we have been intimately involved in planning all of this. it's not to go there and do anything than to demonstrate that the united states is behind what the iraqis are doing and at the highest levels of the food chain, we're supportive. all the planning and all that
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stuff has already taken place. there was no really no reason for them to go over there than just to show the flag, sheinelle. >> so we have seen reports from our very own richard engel in the field, revealing these abandoned tunnels and makeshift hideouts and isis militaries are. are there any fears they reorganize somewhere else? >> yes, there is worry they are. and there are small groups of isis who will be left in various circumstances, various positions into the city and then in other cities. these are called detachments left in contact. they're there to slow down the advance, make it extremely costly for the attackers, that is the iraqis, and the kurds, and to make it easier for the main body of isis to get out and i think to go to syria. so we're -- but we're going to see this sort of stuff, ieds, tunnels, booby traps in various types and varieties along the entire route and egress, but other cities, as well.
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>> we don't have time to go into the long game, but finally, what would be considered a success? >> well, getting isis just out of the area, but more significantly, it's always easier to take the objective than it is to hold on to it. the iraqis have trained 25,000 policemen to go in there and establish order once the -- once isis is gone. it will be a success if iraq is able to hold on to mosul and to establish a viable government and people who can defend it against any future possible attacks, sheinelle. >> if you look into your crystal ball, are we saying a year, two-year, ten years? >> well, this battle itself is liable to be over relatively quickly, but -- >> as far as the long game? what would you say? >> yeah. i mean, decades. if you listen to stan mcchrystal, some years ago, said if you want to really establish order here, you have to be there for decades. >> colonel jack jacobs, thank
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you for talking with us today. >> you're very welcome. up next, chicago hope. windy city faithful chase history. and next hour, refuse to lose. the difference between donald trump and al gore. happening
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world, the chicago cubs have been on a winning streak this season. they are hoping that streak takes them right to the world series. no one can be more fired up about their good fortune than their devoted fans who waited well over half a century to get another shot at the championship. ron mott is there today ahead all the pent-up excitement and nervousness. what can you tell us? >> hey, sheinelle. this is a big weekend in chicago. they waited a long time to get back to the world series. it was 1945 when they were last in the series. they did not win that series. the last time chicago cubs were world champions 108 years ago.
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look up here, that flagpole, they would like nothing better than to see a big "w" hanging from there tonight. if they don't win tonight, is there a chance they could do it tomorrow night in game seven. take a look at the scene earlier this morning. the ticket booths were open at about 9:00 this morning. there was a mad dash to get in line for just the chance to get tickets. that's how hot the tickets are in this town. these folks have stayed around the ballpark round the clock since thursday. talk about passionate fans. none better than here in chicago. the game is 7:00 local time, 8:00 eastern. folks don't want to jinx their chances here, but they think their number has come in. this is going to be the year the cubs erase the curse that was started in '45 with that billy goat. we won't get into that. >> talk quickly about the significance of the number 108. >> 108, that was 108 years ago
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when the cubs last won the world series. they have a new ownership group here. their headquarters on 108 avenue in omaha the willis tower where the cubs' games are broadcast, on top of that big building, 108 stories high. they are putting all this together and think it means this is the year 2016 the cubs can finally say they're champs. >> my husband puts his jersey on at the top of the fourth inning and he believes if he puts it on the at right time the cubs will win. he woke me up at 4:00 the other day very happy. >> tell him don't do it before the third is over. >> exactly. the top of the fourth. ron mott, thank you so much. still ahead, there is new information how early voting is going. we'll talk about which party's leading in the battle for turnout. coaching means making tough choices. jim! you're in! but when you have high blood pressure and need cold medicine that works fast,
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i never wanted to be a politician. believe me. but when i saw the trouble our country was in, i knew i couldn't stand by and watch any longer. our country has been so good to me. i love our country, and i felt i had to act. >> that was donald trump just moments ago speaking in gettysburg, pennsylvania, giving us a first hand look what his first 100 days in office will look like. policy proposals include suspending immigration from terror-prone regions, withdrawing the u.s. from tpp, ending common core and fully repeal obamacare. early voting shows women are turning out in greater numbers than men. latest reports show women account 59% of early voters in north carolina. 55% in florida where the turnout by party is equal so far.
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according to the analytics firm, target smart, democrats are outnumbering republicans. katy tur comes from virginia beach, virginia. does donald trump have any hope winning the key battleground states? i'm sheinelle jones, have a great day. [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] ♪ on the road again ♪ like a band of gypsies we go down the highway ♪ [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. hurry in and lease the 2017 passat s for just $199 a month. g new cars. you're smart. you already knew that. but it's also great for finding the perfect used car.
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the search for relief often leads to this. introducing drug-free aleve direct therapy. a high intensity tens device that uses technology once only in doctors' offices. for deep penetrating relief at the source. new aleve direct therapy. good saturday, i'm katy tur live in virginia beach at regent university where donald trump will hold a rally in just about an hour. guys, this is live drone footage showing you just what it takes to do this show outside and in the field. we have now only 17 days until election day. the republican nominee is visiting three battleground states today including virginia


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