tv MSNBC Live MSNBC October 29, 2016 4:00am-5:01am PDT
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inconvenient for people to vote, they vote. i have a feeling the people who meat it hard and inconvenient to vote, i have a feeling they knew that. msnbc live is next. the director himself has said he doesn't know when the emails referenced in his letter are significant or not. i'm confident whatever they are will not change the conclusion reached in july. >> the investigation is the biggest political scandal since watergate, and it's everybody's hope that happen justice at last can be delivered. >> reaction from hillary clinton and donald trump to the stunning news of the fbi reviewing more emails related to the former secretary of state's personal server. good to be with you on this saturday morning. i'm frances rivera live in new york at msnbc world headquarters. just ten days before the
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presidential election, and a stunning move from fbi director james comey. the big question -- might it change the trajectory of this race? in a letter to congress friday, comey called for more investigative steps in the clinton's private e-mail server. msnbc has learned the fresh look stems from fbi agents investigating form erm congressman anthony weiner and when he sent sexually explicit texts to an underage girl. the fbi says weiner used a laptop his wife, longtime clinton aide huma abedin, used when e-mailing clinton's private server. the latest batch. numbers is in the thousands. the fbi says it now must be reviewed, as well. hillary clinton received word of the latest twist while at a conference in iowa. she held a conference at a rally last night. >> we have not been contacted by anyone. the first we knew about it is i
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assume when you knew about it. when the letter sent to republican members of the house was released. so we don't know the facts which is why we are calling on the fbi to release all the information that it has. even director comey noted that this new information may not be significant let's get it out. >> thank you very much. secretary clinton, there are reports that the emails were found on devices that belonged to your aide, huma abedin, and her husband, anthony weiner. have you spoken to huma? was she able to give you any information about that? >> you know, we've heard these rumors. we don't knowha to believe. i'm sure there will be even more rumors. that's why it is incumbent upon the fbi to tell us what they're talking about, jeff. right now your guess is as good as mine. and i don't think that's good enough. we've made it clear that if
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they're sending this kind of letter that is only going originally to republican members of the house, that they need to share whatever facts they claim to have with the american people. that's what i expect to happen. >> director comey's memo was sent to both republican and democratic leaders. here's donald trump's reaction last night at his rally in iowa. >> in brief remarks tonight, hillary clinton tried to politicize this investigation by attacking and falsely accusing the fbi director of only sending the letter to republicans. another clinton lie. the fbi would never have reopened this case at this point unless it were a most egregious criminal offense. as you know, i've had plenty of words about the fbi lately. i give them great credit for
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having the courage to right this horrible wrong. justice will prevail. [ cheers ] >> i want to bring in nbc news and msnbc politics senior editor beth fooey. bombshell. doub double whammy with the emails and the weiner link. talk about the reaction when you heard the news yesterday. >> reporter: we've heard from clinton aides all this week, what is their first scenario. as polls seem to be giving the impression that hillary clinton was starting to break away, that this was her race, her race to lose. we've heard from clinton aides saying they had various nightmare scenarios most leave about complacency, mostly worrying that the supporters wouldn't show up because polls indicate that she was going to win fairly easily. this is a nightmare scenario they never envigds visioned --
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envisioned. that the investigation is due to anthony weiner, who has embarrassed everybody on the campaign. most recently this summer when he learned he had allegedly been sexting with an underage girl. the two investigations have converged. the weiner investigation evidently by the fbi -- we've not heard that from the fbi, but nbc news reporting this, that this came about because the fbi is looking into what anthony weiner did and the texts he sent. this has converged with the investigation of hillary clinton's e-mail and her private server, this headache and nuisance and real problem for th themo throughout the campaign. >> she was at the rally where she didn't address it, but she did afterwards. we'll listen. >> i think people a long time ago made up their minds about the automakers. i think that's -- the emails. i think that's factored in to what people think.
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and now they're choosing a president. i would urge everybody to get out and vote early in all the states that have early voting. >> how much confidence does the camp and hillary clinton have in that, the voter already factored in the emails in their decision? if so, why is she in the same breath saying, get out there, get on there for early vote? >> reporter: they've had a strong strategy around early voting. something like 20 million people have voted early in this cup. she's saying -- in this country. she's saying vote because no republicans have come down about a huge ad buy in battleground states to direct attention to this newly raised e-mail issue. hillary clinton is basically saying get out now before donald trump who wired $10 million inner into his campaign or his super pacs or rnc does the work to get information about the emails out there in the most negative way to those battleground states. you know, the trajectory
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probably doesn't change in respect to the fact that most people probably have made up their minds about the emails. yet, it is something republicans will be pounding her with for the next ten days. >> i want to bring in nbc's justice korcorrespondent, pete williams. we're talking about the unrelated investigation leading to a new look, not a reopening. the new look into the emails. >> reporter: yes. unrelated case is the term james comey used in his letter to congress. he didn't say what the case was but officials familiar withment development say it's the investigation of former congressman anthony weiner. the is looking at when he sent sexually explicit texts and other materials to an underage girl. they say he used a laptop computer. agent discovered that his wife, longtime clinton aide huma abedin, had used the same computer to e-mail hillary clinton's private server address. in the e-mail case that was pretty well wrapped up in july,
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investigators wanted to examine everything sent to the private server to see if it included classified information. now that the new bunch of emails has been found which they say numbers in the thousands, the fbi says it has to be reviewed, too. officials say the agents have not yet examined these new emails. they have no idea what's in them. and it's possible many of them could be duplicates of what the fbi has already seen. but in any event, there's no way that review can be done by election day and no way yet to say when the new emails have any legal significant or not. >> what struck me in the fbi director's statement regarding this is there appears to be pertinent, as far as emails, pertient to the investigation. when it comes to the degree of emails, that's what's up in the air. >> why did he say pertinent? simply because the fbi had to look at all the emails that were sent to that server. they thought they had them all. they thought they had seen them
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all. now they find a new stash of -- not stash, but a new quantity of emails on that laptop computer. it's possible, as i say, that they've all right seen these, that they're duplicates. but they say they have to look at these emails. that's why they're pertinent. as to when they're significant, that's a legal question. does it shed light on the fundamental legal question which is was the law violated. and comey concluded in july that no prosecutor would bring such a case. if the end of this is to say we found x number more emails depending, i suppose, on the size of x, if it's not huge, that probably wouldn't change the legal thinking about when there should be a prosecution here. if it's aep's simply a matter o numbers. >> the last investigation, we remember how long it took. what is the likelihood if at all that information, when emails or more details about what was found will be released
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especially when you have increased calls saying, give us something, or something on both sides that they agree on. >> as of last night, the thinking was there wouldn't be anything more. quite a bit has come out in terms of what officials are telling us that wasn't in the letter. as to when comey would say more we don't know. he e-mailed members of the fbi staff yesterday, after saying the letter. he says that given that the fbi doesn't know the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails, he didn't want to create a misleading impression. and he says in trying to strike a balance in a brief letter to congress, and in the middle of at election season, there's a significant risk, he says, of being misunderstood. when he will think that he has to say more, i don't know. didn't seem like they would. >> reporter: that doubled edge and sword. damned if you do or --
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>> that's what i say. and remember, this is a time when there are all these complaints, all these statements especially from donald trump that the system is rigged. if you have fbi sitting on this information, would that be just add to the feeling of trutstratitrut frustration after the election? >> we've hfrd that turnaround from donald trump praising the fbi saying it's good to look into it again. pete williams, thank you. kristen welker is following the clinton campaign and is at the airport in white plains, new york, where clinton takes off for florida this afternoon. and chris, interesting when they found this, i understand what we did, when members of the media found out, apparently she found out about it at the same time. what it was the mood on the plane before the news and after it broke? >> reporter: i will take you back. the mood prior to this news breaking was optimistic,
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overall. campaign officials touting strong e-- strong early voting turn r turnout. talking about secretary clinton going to arizona, a red state. they were feeling confident. the internet on the plane was spotty. we just got the first inklings that this might be happening. a lot of us in the press were confused, her staff confused. the mood changed quickly once it became what was happening, more somber. they went into damage control mode dealing with this october surprise that could up end the entire race. >> it is incumbent upon the fbi to tell us what they're talking aboutment. >> reporter: hillary clinton trying to reclaim the narrative after the bombshell news. fbi director james comey looking into more emails. >> the director himself said he doesn't know when the emails referenced in his letter are significant or not. >> reporter: at a hastily
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arranged press conference in iowa last night, clinton was asked if she thought the news would fuel voters' lack of trust. >> i think voters made up their minds a lock time ago mentioning the emails. >> reporter: donald trump cap tarized on the issue -- capitalized on the inner. >> bigger than watergate -- >> reporter: seizing a chance to put the focus back on clinton. >> the fbi never would have reopened this case at this time unless it were a most egregious criminal office. >> reporter: now sounding a different note -- >> give them great for having the courage to right this horrible wrong. >> reporter: republicans who are close to giving up on trump now piling on. heater pushing for the director of national intelligence to suspend all classified briefings
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for secretary clinton until this matter is fully resolved. the "new york post" "making once of its signature headlines out of the revelation it may be related to anthony weiner's sexting scandal. the fbi found emails they believe may have been pertinent. the news couldn't come at a worse time for secretary clinton with ten days until election day. most pooem e peeles showed her inhe likely. the camp announcing it going to a traditionally red state. >> we are excited for arizona. >> reporter: moments after that, the news broke mid flight. a campaign and candidate caught offguard. >> secretary clinton, how did you find out? >> the same way you did. >> reporter: vice president joe biden was asked about the fact that former congressman anthony weiner is at the center of this probe. his response, "i should not comment on anthony weiner.
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i'm not a big fan." trump is still looking in many polls. yand we lrpd that he is loading i his -- loping his campaign $300 million. >> we'll see if it clearsum. thank you. donald trump and hillary clinton says this changes everything. and a bigger claim some might see as an overreach. [ cough ] i have a cd with this annoying runny nose. better take something.
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dayquil liquid gels doesn't treat a runny nose. it doesn't? alka-seltzer ps cold and coh liquid gels fight your worst cold symptoms including your runny nos oh, what a relief its! now that fedex haselped us we could focus on biggerues, ke our passive aggressive nment. we're not passive aggressive. hey, hey, there e noad suggesesons here... noatter how lame they are. well sd, ann. ve always admired how you njuswitht very brave.r head, od point ted. you' living proof that lookarenverythg. thank you. welce. so, fedex lped simplify our e-commerce business d thiss not a passive aggressive environment. i just wanted toay, you guys a doing d thiss not a passive aggresa great job.ment. what's that supposed to mean? fedex. helping small business mplify eomrce. [ rock music playing ] have fun withour replaced windows.
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>> that was hillary clinton reacting to the e-mails in iowa. after that donald trump compared the investigation to watergate. nbc's jacob rascon is golden, colorado, where trump is rallying. i want to hear what the trump camp is doing, how they're going to take the information and development and use it to their advantage especially with ten days out. >> reporter: trump says this changes everything, this is watergate. they're saying what was already a good week, they believe, got even better. that's in fact the first reaction from the campaign manager. say that with the obamacare foundation wikileaks -- they say that was good for them and then got better. that's how the campaign is framing it. that's how donald trump framed it last night. take a listen. >> we've pulled ahead nationally in numerous polls. and this was all before this
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recent disaster for her but justice for the country occurred. we had gaps, but we are really moved. and i wanted to say that because i don't know what's going to happen now. >> reporter: they haven't moved ahead in many national polls. but there was a tightening in polls where hillary clinton instead of leading by nine or ten in polls was leading by five or six. now, the trump campaign seems really excited about this but the trump base is even more excited. as you may know, the most favorite chant is always "lock her up." that is getting even -- we'll see more and more of that, in fact, he was interrupted by that very chant when he made the announcement at his rallies yesterday. >> we'll see how that changes especially with the base of
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voters and others out there who still have not decided. nbc's jacob rascon, thank you very much. i want to bring in's james tim and jonathan allen, contributor to "roll call" and co-author of hrc. as we've heard from hillary clinton she made it clear, when it comes to the people out there, the voters have made up their minds about the emails. jonathan, here's more of what she had to say through her campaign spokesman, brian fallon, on msnbc shortly after the news broke. we'll listen. >> the director himself refers to the possibility that these materials, whatever they are, may not be significant at all. and so given that possibility and that likelihood from our vantage point, it boggles the mind why this step was taken 11 days to go. >> you have both sides saying release more information, give more details. you have that. does it boggle the mind that the fbi director released this information, but you think about where he's backed into a corner, didly have no other choice --
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did he have no other choice, backed into a corner, feeling heat both ways? >> both are true. had boggles the minds, and he had no other great option. that is to say had he been looked at as underlings as not receiving information -- we've seen people leaking to reporters about what they thought the investigation should have done in the first place. comey has been fairly easily manipulated by people within his department and by members of congress over the course of time. we've seen from him an unusual kind of breathtaking condemnation of a political candidate while he was saying she wouldn't be prosecuted. the release of the fbi's notes of interviews and investigation that they are reviving. so basically what could have been seen as a live investigation that he told congress was closed, and now coming back and saying, well, wait a second, we've got more to do. i can't believe that most fbi directors would put those kinds of notes out there, you know, with the possibility that there might be more evidence to be gathered. so yeah, i think it's
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mind-boggling that this is going on. but somewhat explainable, if you're jim comey, you've got to cover your backside. that's what he's trying to do. >> the other side, hillary clinton and the campaign, can you imagine being on that plane when they found out. and kristin welker shouting, "when did you find out?" she said "right when you did." is the clinton camp saying, you know, we're fine, is the spin saying people made up their minds about the emails months ago? >> i think a lot of people made up their minds about the emails months ago. the question is, are there people who are still persuadable that would go over to donald trump's side or perhaps just say to heck with it all, and either stay home or vote for a third party candidate, and you know, the clinton people have to be very worried about that. so i -- you know, i think on a basic level, they're right, that most people are settled on the e-mail issue. and of course we don't know what will come out in the next ten days. it would be odd if the fbi director cast aspersions on a political candidate 10, 11 days
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before the election, didn't clarify it, and let voters go to the polls with this mysterious thing. >> with that, jane, is there any way to assess what lifeline this provides to the trump camp and how much they can use this to their advantage in the short amount of time we've got left? >> you know, it gives them a lot of fodder. they have been saying she is crooked. they've been saying she's untrustworthy. and this sort of vague announcement kind of feeds into it. it gives them something to talk about if they believe it. it gives trump supporters a lot of energy. and when we talked about the polls, secretary of days ago, in the segment we said, you know, it looks like she's got a good lead. she's got strong numbers across the board. and when i dug into those numbers, what i saw the most was that democratic. that was growing. and republican enthusiasm was largely staying the same. i think this has the potential to flip that. it can give republicans something to get excited about. something to feel like they have potential to move and do well in this race where it looked like they really didn't have that. and i think it has the potential to leave a lot of democrats feeling like why am i going to stand in line for this, i don't
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even know what this announcement means, but it doesn't sound good. >> is there a chance given that, jane, that there's a possibility that you have these republicans, you're taking this and running with it, but then, you know, down the road, could they be overplaying their hand? >> absolutely. as a fact-checker, i see that donald trump has taken this too far, he said it proved some criminal activity. we don't know that. all we know is there are new emails, and and they're going to review them. it is confusing as an announcement. but it isn't saying anything specifically. and i think that beth made a great point in the segment before that you really need to see someone push this information out there. not everyone watches as much news as we do. but i think if you see some big ads going in states like ohio and florida, that's when you see this maybe get traction. but until we see that, we just don't know how far it's going to go. >> especially with the money involved. you have hillary clinton with her huge amount, stash of money. then donald trump dumping in his $ten million. we'll see where this goes. wish we had more time. unfortunately we don't.
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jonathan and jane, as always, thank you. >> thanks. >> take care. the legal perspective on move to clinton emails. what happens if she is indicted, and what are her options before and after the election? ♪ isn't it time to let these, real you shi through? introding otez (apmila). otezla is not injection a cre. it's a pthat treats aqueue p. thzla, it's a pthat treats aqueue p. 75% clreskin is acevab afte, with reducededness, thickness, anscaliness of pques. witand e otladness, presininformion has no re. don't ta otezla ifou arellergic to any of its gredients. otezla may increethe risk of. tell your doctor ifou hav history of depression or suidal thoughts, some peotang ozla or if these feelin develop. ported weight loss. your docshould nitoyoght and may stop trement. sideects may spiratoract inction,usea, upper
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still to come, the early vote and how it could be affected by the fbi review of another batch of hillary clinton emails. i would not vote for hillary or trump unless there was a gun to my kids' head. that's about the only way. searching and saying this doesn't feel right. there's nothing that makes me want to go vote. [ crowd nois] whoa. ars stopping ] when your pain reliever stops working, your wholeay sps has e strength t stopain fo12ou try this. but ju one lenol and advil n quit aft. so live your whole day, not part...
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♪ g 60,000 points om my chase ink card i bought all the framework... wire... i bought all the framework... and plants a face... ne wl forget. see what the power of pointscs learn more at welcome back. i'm frances rivera in new york. here's what we're monitoring -- hillary clinton calling on the fbi to release more information about the e-mail investigation related to her private server
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saying the american people deserve to have as much information as possible before they vote. the fbi announced it was reviewing newly discovered emails to see if they were relevant. it was discovered during an investigation of thoib weiner, soon to be ex-husband of longtime aide huma abedin. more from ari melber, chief analyst. good to have y here to break it down, especially the legal side. james comey here 11 days before the election saying, hey, we've got a new look into the emails here. when it comes to the level of significance, uses the word "pertine "pertinent," but the level of significance is what's in question. if somebody says, does this imply because he's doing it before the election that it is serious, not necessarily, though? >> not at all. i mean, he explicitly says in his brief and confusing letter that he's doing two things -- reading the e-mail to see if it contains classified information, and reading the e-mail to see if
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it has "importance to the case." those are questions neither of which they've been able to answer. another interesting part of this that hasn't gotten as much attention as everyone is volted by the new information is all of this is coming, according to fbi director comey, from lower level agents new york stock exchange his story-- agents. in his storyline thursday, agents came to him with a recommendation -- what he put not in a letter but a separate e-mail to fbi employees released later yesterday -- he says, they came to him thursday saying, we found this stuff, we want to look at it, that's our recommendation. there's the possibility that he felt jammed up by lower level agents saying we should do. this what he told congress is, okay, i "agreed," quote, with them, and that's why they're looking at the e-mail. not that there has importance, but rather they don't know what's in it, that's why they want to read it. reading it takes time if it's thousands of emails. many of which may ultimately be duplicates that they've already read once. >> and ultimately you see, he said in july this is not a
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prosecutable case. there's not nothing that they'll push for charges. as they go through, this technically, leamy speak i-- legally speaking, what does that entail? this is not a reopening. it's having the investigation before but a new look with new information. >> what it is is what could happen in other cases, it's relatively unremarkable when there's less political heat attached. you have a matter. you close it without charges. something else arises, and rather than close your eyes to it, you take a look. but if you did a months' long investigation with subpoenas and interviews and federal agents and all of the things that go into that to reach a conclusion, it would be fairly hard for a paper record, for e-mail documentation to change the outcome. it's possible in any case, if you found sigmoidoscopy gun evidence. if someone wrote let's commit a crime and that's the one e-mail you never found and you found it, that's unlikely. let's not forget -- the reason that jim comeystead conclusion of the investigation -- comey said at the conclusion of the investigation that they didn't
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have charges is there was no intent that they found to leak or mishandle classified information. however sloppy it was and however stupid the original idea to set up the server was, which i've said on air many times was a dumb idea, but it's not a crime to be dumb. however, you think of those -- however you think of those issues, comey said they found no evidence of an intent to mishandle or leak classified information. having reviewed tens of thousands of emails and found, had will new emails that are not primarily by hillary clinton but are more from an aide change that and suddenly in a smoking gun way find intent? that's unlikely h. not impossible. but what would show intent? i guess you could have an aide say hillary told me she wants to release classified information or an e-mail from hillary saying that. is that likely? absolutely not. again, this letter is trying to do something that may be legally appropriate, which is carefully update congress on facts as they
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change but was written so poorly or criyptically that it is distorting the story. ten days from the election, that's not a good thing. that's why everyone from mike pence on "hardball" to hillary clinton are asking for more information. >> and same, members of congress saying director comey, give us information or make a statement. over the weekend is what they're calling. nbc's chief legal correspondent, thank you. to the latest polling numbers. with ten days to go, donald trump's path to victory hinges on locking the battleground states of north carolina, florida, pennsylvania, also ohio, and retaining a hold on reliably red states. tall order. joining me, patrick university, director of the monmouth university polling institute. good to have you with me. i want to run through the numbers. before that, any other day we would have gone right into it. given the news that we heard about yesterday, is there any way at this point to measure how much the hillary clinton e-mail
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news could affect crucial battlegrounds? >> yeah, it usually takes a few days for this to start sinking in. i'm polling battlegrounds this weekend, so i'm not sure where they're going to catch it. although we added a question about this to see if we can figure it out. in polling that i've done prior, when the whole e-mail thing was going on in the summer, is that most people felt that they knew enough about the emails then that they'd already -- they had already calculated it into their decision. >> okay, so i will be curious to see what numbers you gather over the weekend. for now, the numbers that you have, i want to talk about that starting with the crucial state of north carolina. that's where hillary clinton has a four-point advantage or donald trump. our nbc news political desk is calling north carolina a must-win for trump. so can he close that four-point lead in the next ten days? >> yes, he can. i think that was the widest lead we've seen in north carolina from any poll. and part of this is that these emails are coming out -- we're seeing an increased enthusiasm
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among white male voters without a college education. there's enough in north carolina that could move this. the one thing that helps hillary clinton in north carolina, one of the things that you mentioned before, is the early vote. about 15% of voters nationwide have already cast their ballots. and we -- in north carolina, that number is higher. >> uh-huh. >> so you know, hillary clinton has banked a lot of support already before this broke. the real question is can she keep her base excited about this race with this news hanging over her head. that's where north carolina -- it is definitely a must win for donald trump. >> also want to look at new hampshire. we had trump fighting from four points behind, according to your monmouth university poll. when you look at the numbers and factor in the demographics, what shifts did you see and specifics, in specific groups, from your previous poll? where do you see that factoring with the latest emails? >> we had a wider lead last time we polled new hampshire. it closed because of white male voters without a college degree. donald trump has always been leading among that group, that
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lead increased. new hampshire could be pivotal. it is a must-win for donald trump. if you look back in 2000, we all talk about florida as being the race that we were paying attention to. remember, al gore lost new hampshire by a small margin. if he had won new hampshire, he would have been the president. >> then arizona throwing that in here. your poll shong that as a statistical tie right now. look at those numbers right there. >> right. and this is why hillary clinton is spending some time in arizona campaigning. part of this is -- with these emails coming out in particular, that nearly half the vote in arizona has already been cast. >> uh-huh. >> that's a big early voting state. and we had hillary clinton with almost a double-digit lead among the early voters in the race. she thinks -- regardless of what's happening with the emails, she's already banked enough vote that this could be a race that she could pick up the state the first time since 1968. >> yeah. we talk about iowa. same situation when it comes to that being a tie, according to a
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quinnipiac poll. now again, given ten days, all that we're hearing now and dissecting and how strategies both sides might change accordingly, you know, what are we expecting to see the next ten days? >> iowa's interesting because this is what we thought it was going to look like at the beginning of this campaign. and all the early polls showed a big lead for donald trump in iowa and also, remember, charles grassley is running for re-election there. double-digit lead. they figured, okay, the hillary clinton campaign had written iowa off. and it looks like that there's a potential there now to get back into iowa, although i'm not sure they'll have the resources to go there. >> all right. patrick murray, good to have you with me. curious to see all the work that you're pounding away this weekend, what numbers you bring back. i'm sure we'll be hearing from you then. thank you very much. >> my pleasure. the political impact of the fbi's announcement with the election ten days away. we'll have more reaction next. also, in the next hour, we'll talk to the former executive assistant to the fbi about when james comey had any choice about this probe and how he's going about it and when he
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believes this could be politically motivated. i thought i married an italian. my lineage was the vecchios and zuccolis. through ancestry, through dna i found t at was only 1 italian. he was 34% eastern european. so i went onto ancestry, on learned that e of our ancestors thought was itali waern european. this is my ancestor who i di't know about. he looks aittle bit like me, yes. ancestry h many paths to diovering your story.
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th fbi added a new 2015 an already chaotic election season when it announced friday it discovered a new batch of emails related to hillary clinton. it can't determine the importance of the documents. hillary clinton's opponent was quick to play up the news. >> the investigation is the biggest political scandal since watergate, and it's everybody's hope that justice at last can be delivered. the fbi would never have reopened this case at this time unless it were a most egregious criminal offense. >> with me here in studio is beth phouy, and rick tyler,
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national spokesman. issa florez, deputy campaign manager for carly fiorina, and jaw watkins, former white house aide to president george h.w. bush, the only one not with me here at 30 rock. we'll get more from all of you. we think this is a -- did we think this would be a conversation we'd be having ten days out? rick, when you talk about the terminology being used, game changer, watergate. is it? >> it has yet to be seen. director comey updated his congressional testimony. he said under oath that he was not looking into any more emails. and now he is. so he had to update congress. i don't know if he -- i think the letter was written in such a sort of cryptic way. i'm not sure they anticipated the blow back from this. but everything about the case is just extraordinary. anthony weiner is the new plot twist in the presidential campaign. >> joe, i want you to bring you in. if you think about it, yes,
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bombshell, whammy. the double whammy, the emails and the weiner factor in there. >> you know, i don't think this moves the needle much. this is certainly interesting news and everybody's kind of glued now to the televisions to see what will happen. i don't see how this changes the significant 3d hillary clinton has in the electoral college -- lead hillary clinton has in the electoral college map. donald trump hasn't raised nearly as much money as hillary clinton has raised and doesn't have the organization to capitalize on this. there may be some -- he may get some -- some, a little boost from the hurt base in terms of turning out to vote, but i don't see how this changes the map or moves the needle. >> you agree with that, sarah? would that change at all, voters' minds, when it comes to those saying you know what, i -- i don't trust climpt thatnton. >> if this were "house of cards," we would say and it
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jumps the shark. we're done. i don't think in the swing states that voters aren't away of this issue and that it's going to change minds. i think you could see some red states that had been moving in her direction and were becoming lean r instead of solid r, texas, georgia, i think you could see those pull away from her a little. you had voters who were going to hold their nose and vote for hillary clinton who are like, i can't -- this woman can't get her stuff together on this e-mail server. and if she had just released all the emails, i mean, she has to be regretting this decision right now. it feeds so much into her narrative of being evasive and secretive. and that there's always another shoe to drop with the clintons. >> that was the point six months ago. now we're talking ten days, beth. what is the damage control here? how can the clinton camp minimize this given the time that's left? >> i agree that this won't fundamentally change the direction of the race. however, it gives republicans a huge talking point going into the final ten days that they didn't have before.
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up until we learned the news yesterday, hillary clinton was breaking away, there was very little evidence that donald trump could close the gap. that the clinton campaign was clearly feeling ebulient. she was looking past the campaign and thinking about the transition. this gives the republicans another rhetorical tool to go back at her. honestly, it's a confusing situation. we've seen republicans and democrats come together, and. they can't come together about much on. this they have. james comey, we need to know about what you're talking about so we can fashion arguments either to promote what's going on or to rebut it. there's a whole lot of uncharted territory here. but it is certainly advantage republicans at least in terms of having a rhetorical tool to push back. >> is the director the big loser either way? and say hillary clinton does win, what happens then? how will this continue to follow her if at all? we'll continue that
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conversation. we'll also turn to the trump campaign and a question about the polling data. is it underestimating trump support? there's a new report on that and the effects of the clinton e-mail and how it could have on trump supporters. my panel will stay with us. me we'll be right back to talk more. and enouotaled him. you two had throu evythi together. u' like o nothing careplace brad... then liberty mutuaca.. and you break to your hpy dance. if you sigup for better car replacement™, wel pay for a car that's a model year newer and you break to your hpy dance. lirty stands with you™. than your old one. libertmutual ins. youthat's why you drink ensure. silined. with 9 gf protn and 26 vitamins ainerals. for the strength and energy to get back tdoing... ...wt you love. enre alwayse you. only new aa-seltzer plus st wfree of artificial dyes
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with just ten days left before the election could the discovery of new e-mails represented to the fbi's investigation of hillary clinton derail her idea for the white house. i want to bring back our panel and, joe, i want to get you in here as we talk about that. we left it, the dot, dot, dot before, talk about james comey, talking about his corner that he is in, saying do we release it now, wait until after? either way there's going to be a fire storm in there. did he have no choice? >> well, you know, why the fbi director sought to do this now is probably the big question and i would guess that he did it to cover himself more than anything else. i don't think there's anything new here. certainly there's nothing
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criminal. doesn't sound like there's any sudden criminal intent here. so at the end of the day it ends up being just an exercise to cover himself and to make sure that he doesn't get burned in the end by this new round of e-mails made available from the anthony weiner's discourse with his wife. >> well, i know that this is -- what we're talk at ten days, sarah, but let's say after november 8th, election is done. it is called. >> yep. >> how will this follow hillary clinton? how will donald trump continue to keep this alive? what will we expect to see? >> this isn't going away on november 9th for a few reasons. one, obviously the e-mails are going to have to be reviewed and comey has made clear they haven't started reviewing them yet. duplicates, new e-mails in this batch? we're going to find that out probably after t election at this point. two, hillary clinton has never had a good answer on the e-mails. it's something that has plagued her campaign. they never came up with that
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tight answer that put it to bed that made everyone satisfied that she understood what she had done, took responsibility for it. i just wonder whether even after she's elected she's going to keep trying to defend this and make these legalistic arguments, the definition of is is that the clintons are so fond of. >> are they scrambling for this answer? is there one right now? >> well, at this point they just need to keep their heads down. they need to just get everybody -- they've got a very robust early voting program, a great gotb effort going on in the battleground states and little evidence that donald trump has much of anything going on. she's still functionally far ahead of them. as sarah says, deal with the fall out. we've heard from congressional republican, planning investigations into what they learned through the wikileak's hack through the john po december a e-mails. this is another piece of fodder to commit investigations. we have that to look forward to. at this point there's got to be a part of that camp preparing
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for how they face this post-election. but they still have ten days to go and they're going to try to just make minimize the impact of this. >> you mentioned trump and trump supporters. rick, is there any indication at this point there may be a responsibility an undereimation enit comes to donald trump supporters? >> of his turnout? >> the outcome. >> yeah, sure, there is. no pollster has found it yet. this thing is two outcomes. one is what beth had said earlier, except in addition to having something to talk about they have something to protect themselves from. remember, the republicans are now spending money in house races, senate races, to distance themselves from their own republican nominee. so instead the democrat trying to tie them to donald trump they get to say, but hillary clinton has this thing and they've got to defend themselves. that's one thing. it's a great thing for republicans down ticket. and then it's going to make a clinton administration
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impossible. it also make the house very hard to govern whoever the speaker is because they will want investigation after investigation, there are others who are not going to want to go down that path. >> that polling point, i do think there's a feeling that no one here could possibly admit they were a trump supporter when in fact in a lot of the country there would be pressure not to admit you were a hillary supporter. i don't think the polling has any secret trump supporters in there. for that reason entirely. if you're a red state you're not raising your hand that you're a hillary supporter. >> early on, let's not talk about it, now it's full on, it's out there, you know. >> absolutely. >> also, there's so much legitimate polling out there both nationally and state by state by state and hillary clinton is essentially ahead everywhere she needs to be ahead. if it's by three points or 12 points, she's still ahead. and that's the overall message. >> as we heard from patrick murray, doing polling this weekend, we'll see if that has any indication.
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curious to see those numbers. thank you so much. time will tell. short amount of time. short amount of time. >> joe -- >> i know, i hear your chuckle, joe. i'll take that. i'll take that as we say good-bye. thank y'all for being with me. at the top of the hour, new reaction to the fbi bombshell and mare from the former executive assistant to the fbi about whether james comey had any choice to release this information now. something new has arrive ♪ uniquely designed for the driven. introducing the firsever visit yourocal infinitir. retaer today.
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