tv In Other News MSNBC October 30, 2016 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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of "dateline extra" i am tamron hall, thanks for watching. stories you were about to see were reported in the news. it was a stunning things to see, tanks rolling down of streets in los angeles. beatings and riots and flames consumed the headlines and eclipsed other national news. >> 15 human bodies preserved in refrigerators. it happens all the time. there are a lot of other really big deal stories. >> reso headed to work and disappeared.
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>> a gunman is holding more than 30 hostages at the high school. >> eight people had been shot and including at least four students. there is been enough already. an all wide jury acquitted the four white officers of assault of the beating of king. >> i was scared for my life. >> across the nation, people were paying attention to this. >> officers struck him with baton between 53 and 56 times. >> it was one of the first cases where there was video of a case of an alleged brutality. 13 months, the city of los angeles, has been a pressure cooker, building up to the robbie king tri's trial.
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>> we the jury find the defendant, not guilty. >> after the beating of this video taken, shocked the world, the officer were found not guilty on every count except the one where no decision was reached. among black leaders who gathered to watch the verdict today were tee tae tears. >> my immediate reaction is we are letting it out and back to la and start to have peaceful demonstrations. before i could not make arrangements to go, the place were a blaze. >> terrible, terrible. [ screams ] >> immediately, there was anger manifesting itself across
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southern california. >> while the nation's eyes are glued to los angeles, on the other side of the country, police had been called to a bizarre crime scene. >> fbi agents joining the source of missing cindy reso. his wife patricia says he left early that morning and later he was found hiding at the end of the drive way to his home. >> it seems to strange, where and why. >> they had followed their routine and had breakfast together and she walked him to the door and shade good-bye. she always did around 7:30. >> his car never got beyond the bottom of the drive way and the engine was running. the guy just went poof. >> friends and colleagues say reso is a lot like the home he live in, solid. >> nbc news, new york. if you are a cynical person, you
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are speculating maybe he got something on the side. even that scenario did not fit leaving a car in the driver with the engine on it. >> this case is being handled under foul play. >> robbie king, the verdict were tragic. it actually was some what beneficial to us because it directed the national media eyes away from what was going on in marsh county. >> the anger that hit la after the king's verdict is unfortunately spreading and so is the violence. soon after the police officers are found not guilty, south los angeles erupts. photographer kirk mccoy and two colleagues from the washington post head to the corner of florence and normandy. a huge crowd running at the
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intersection. they looked at dana, especially you, don't go down there. don't go there because that's where it is going to go. >> we continued on. i lose dana and i turned around, she's on the ground and hit on the head with a rock. he said come on, lets get out of here and i looked at him and said, i live here. >> as chaos unfolds, lapd retreats from south la. from the midwest, the story of a notorious serial killer opened another chapter. back to face justice and the family's son he took 14 years a ago. >> jeffery returned to ohio where he stands trial.
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jeffery domer who makes some in criminating statements that he had actually picked up his first victim back in late '70s in ohio. he picked up this young boy on the highway. he was hitchhiking and domer picked him up and brought him to his house. he chopped his body up and put it in a garbage bag. the police for some reason s stopped him. they made a notation that there was a garbage bag and jeffery indicated that he was just taking it to the dump and we turned the car around and went back to his house and buried the
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body in the house of that area. >> in new jersey, what started as a missing person case is now treated as an abduction. >> by mid afternoon, you realize that probably what we had was a kidn kidnapping. we looked at all possible motiv motives. >> at least 16 lawsuits have been filed and accuses exxon. we thought it could be related to environmental terrorist groups reulating to retaliation.
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it was something that did not happen. >> you are about to see some of the most horrible videos coming out of los angeles rioting. >> people are running back and forth and the looting is under way. >> it was like wild fires that were sprouting in different parts of the city. a helicopter reporter spotted a man being dragged from his truck and beaten. i don't think anybody anticipated of what took place at the corner of florence and normandy. the man is alive but badly hurt. >> it is a very ugly situation. >> when denney basically was bricked in that crucible that took place there, i think at that moment we knew that this was going to be different. los angeles is on edge tonight and looting continues. >> the city of los angeles is
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maybe the worse crisis that the city as seen in 27 years. >> that evening, it was clear that there were full scale rioting going on in los angeles. >> another terrible drama has unfolded in california. a gunman is holding more than 30 hostages at a high school and at least eight people have been shot.
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los angeles indianapolis shrouded in smoke and arson fires. >> television helicopters needed to turn their cameras off. >> i see this guy pushing a shopping cart. >> i am looking and thinking is that pammepers. >> i remember doing a story for "nightly news" we went to south central and filming people going in and out of storestores. >> nothing is left. >> we are going shopping. >> it was not just the americans, it was a lot of latinos and white people and a
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lot of them. there were poor people and then this story was not a racial story, it was an economic story. >> looters of every race, just like their victims. >> by late morning, it was clear that the law was increasing. >> fbi agents joining the search for reso of the president of the corporation, disappeared yesterday morning >> exxon receiver ad a phone ca. the message was a letter that could be found at a lamp post. >> federal authorities say they prefer to not speculate on the conditions or whereabouts of reso, they hope to find him alive.
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mass murder jeffery dom domer -- they drove me to thim prison and he was in a cell of a suicide watch cell. guards behind glass on a little balcony that watched his every move. we had to do all the paper work that would take weeks and months and less than 24 hours. >> i spent that evening trying to figure out what i was going say. it was very difficult. i had no warm feeling for this guy. he had no compassion. he had no emotion. >> why canabelism?
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>> it made me feel they are apart of me. >> residents of los angeles have seen their city caught up in a kind of free floating. >> gangs of thugs continue at the core area of la >> disturbance was moving west towards the city and the city's elites were starting to panic. >> other west side areas were protected and neighbors closer to the turmoil are left to fend for themselves. >> the owners of korea town were arming themselves and making out post at the top of their stores. >> shopkeepers say all of this happened because police ignored neighborhoods and businesses built over a lifetime. >> 40 years down the drain. can people realize what they are doing is wrong. this is not the way to over come racism.
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the exxon valdez that occurred a few years prior to that. they threatened to kidnap the exxon's executive. >> they said a ransom demand which was the highsest demand of the history of the united states, $18.5 million >> you call other environmental organizations, have you heard such a thing and the answer was no. >> another terrible drama is unfolded in california, a gunman is holding more than 30 hostages at high school. >> a horrific story in a small town in northern california is about to play out on live television. 1992 is a rare media ecvent. today is all too common.
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this is been the first night of violence in los angeles since the 1965 watch riot. >> burning and looting. >> i don't believe this stuff. >> the death tolls have passed two dozen as and the number of arrests have risen to 2,000. >> as a third day of rioting. the mayor and police are slowly securing. >> we have got to make the commitment to have a sufficient show of force. that we can gain control of all the situation out in the field. >> 4,000 additional guard troops will be sent to los angeles today to beef you have the 2,000 troops which are already here. federal troops and regular army had been put on alert. city
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officials of a massive show forced of the looting and burning which has rocked the city for the last two days. >> bringing in the national guards mean some difference in terms of enabling the existing law enforcement resources who did not have enough officers to be everywhere they needed to be and try to hold more territory. >> what exactly have they been asked to do? >> we are reenforcing law enforcement and we are in areas that are already clear and yet to be damaged. >> in the short term, it had a useful effect. however, it added to the perception of low income neighborhoods among some people that they were like an occupied territory that was welcomed by some people and resented by others. >> while shoauthorities in soutn california are bringing orders to the streets, spectators are lining up to catch a glimpse of
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jeffery dahmer arriving to stand trial for the murder that he committed >> prosecutors say he hikilled s first victim in ohio. >> part of what made him such a monster was his ordinaries. he looked like you and me and that's pretty scary because his deeds were unspeakable. >> the trial began ten months after the nation was exposed to the gruesome discovery from his apartment. while they discovered on their arrival was unspeakable. numerous pieces from as many as 15 human bodies including three heads preserved in a refrigerator. it has been two and a half months since he was convicted of 15 murders in milwaukee. >> jeffery dahmer, canablism.
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>> gruesome as his crimes were, many showed up at the county courthouse as early as 9:00 to be allowed to see the proceeding firsthand. >> it is not often that somebody famous -- i want to see what goes on and how it is handled and everything. >> he got letters from women proposing to him. he had a male like he was a rock star. i have never seen anything like it or since that. >> while the trial unfolds in akron, it is been three days exx exxon executive reso is kidnapped. no one has heard from him. >> it is enormously frustrating. >> i remember so many more
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details. so dramatic was the footage and here we had no footage. >> that night, investigators got a new lead. >> we received a call that directed me to morris park. they said that a second letter could be found under a white rock near a fence. we did in fact found the letter and they wanted a plain and the money put in bags and obviously our concern is we want to make sure that reso is alive. we had a lot concerns of his well-being. this is an nbc news special report. president bush addresses the nation regarding the la riots. i want to talk to you about violence in our cities and
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justice for our citizens. two big issues collided on the streets of los angeles. >> george h.w. bush appeared on television. >> what we saw last night and the night before los angeles is not about civil rights. it is not about the great cause of equality that all americans must uphold. it is not a message of protest. it is been the brutality of a mob, pure and simple. >> the violence will end. justice will be served and hope will return. the president's words echoes in households across the country. what is your plea to the charge of aggravated murder of count one of the indictment. >> guilty as charge.
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>> attorney robert spoke for dahmer and his family. >> jeffery dahmer is a human being. >> he's a tortured and sick human being. >> i thought of every redemption and mercy. i wanted to say he was sorry for his conduct, i don't believe he was. >> for the first time, dahmer faced steven's parents. >> he spoke with a horror. >> we saw pieces of our son on tv, every night some smaller than a toothpick. >> since the state did not have any -- i will not be able to pull the switch on the electric chair but i know i can do it to this animal >> he's given 16 life sentence and returned to wisconsin to serve in his time. >> jeffery dahmer staying in akron may have been briefed. one spectator puts it, it maybe gruesome but it is history. >> pamela dennis, news day at
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the county courthouse. >> we got words that rodney was going to make a statement. >> you know can we all get along? >> released 11 but he had shot nine people. >> parents rushed to find out if their child is released. we are going live here. ♪ hey, is this our tur honey.our turn? yeah, we go left rig here. oman vo) gre adventures are honestilouturn? 'll nd tm inur yeah, we go left rig subaru outback. (avo) love. it's if y he moderatearuto seve, a su♪u. isn't it time to let the real you sne tgh? ezla is t an introdinjection or aream.ilast).
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it's a pill thatreats plue psoriasis differentl thz, % clearer skin is hievab after st 4 months, wi reducedss thicess, d scalinesoflaques. and the otezla escribg inatn d scalinesoflaques. has no requiment froe lab. dot take otezla you are ac to any oits ingredi. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your door if you have hiory of pressi or suicidal thoughts, or if the feelings dev. or suicidal me people taking otezla thoughts, ur doctor shouldloss monir your weight and may stop tatment. sideffects minclude di, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, thmedicineu take,ll your dl d if you're pregnant o pl. ask your dermatogist out show morof you. now w fedex has hped usmplify , we cou focusn bi issues, like our passi aggressive environmt. we're nhey, hey, hey,ressive. there e no bad no matr w lame they ... ll sd,nn. i've always admired how yo there e no bad st say what's in your head, out thking. good pointed.
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so, fedex help simify our e-cs lookthanwelcome.g. d this is not a paive aggressive envonment. just wanted to say, you ys are doinga t wh's ttn x. lpinsmall bune simplify. teachers, nurses and firefightes support prop 51. prop 51 will upgrade libraries, science labs, and classroom technology and relieve school overcrowding creating more opportunity . . . and better learning for students help students succeed vote yes on 51. keeping the power lines clear,my job to protect public safety, while also protecting the environment. the natural world is a beautiful thing, the work that we do helps us protect it. public education is definitely a big part of our job, to teach our customers about the best type of trees to plant around the power lines. we want to keep the power on for our customers. we want to keep our community safe. this is our community, this is where we live. we need to make sure that we have a beautiful place for our children to live. together, we're building a better california. teachers, firefighters and nurss support prop 51.
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prop 51 repairs older schools and removes dangerous lead paint and pipes ensuring classrooms are safe for all students. for safe schools vote yes on 51. i am betty nguyen with top stories of james comey may have broken the law by announcing the news of hillary clinton's e-mails. now, lets back to other news. a hazardous team confiscated
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of items. reso disappeared yesterday. this case is handled under the assumption of foul play. >> the s.w.a.t. team is still in place and parents are waiting to get words. >> murder, kidnapping. hostages. major stories playing out of america while all eyes are raging in la. >> at least 27 people are now dead since it all began following the acquittal of four police officer of the rodney king beating trial. >> there were still a lot of hot spots but the authorities were better organizati better organized and my assignment was we got word that rodney was going to make a statement. enormous media gathered around this podium because we have not heard from him. >> i want to say, can we all get along?
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>> can we get along? >> initially, that was not what he was supposed to say. he was given a script to read. he felt it was necessary to speak from his heart >> please, we can all get along here. we are all stuck here for a while, lets try to work it out >> i have always been very proud of him, very much. >> that's something that still brought up to this day, it made an impact. >> king pleased for calm. people are still reportedly being held hostage by an armed gunman in the library building. officers arrived on the scene and briefed. >> he pointed to this building, they call it building c. there is a suspect half armed with a machine gun, he was last seen
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entered that building and did not have time to talk about plan of action. when this door opened, kids started running out. >> at least one teacher seemed to have to escape what is now a dangerous situation there. >> the first room i went in there were two victims there, a teacher and a student. that would set a tone for that we have a person that committed homicide. >> eight people had been shot including four students. >> medical authorities calling this a disaster, the highest level of medical alert. on the east coast, authorities are hunting for reso. investigators are still investigating the randsom lette. >> that's when we learned of the
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kidnapping. >> exxon's plant -- >> there is no word in argentina today of victor samuelson was kidnapped. >> 18 years to the day, reso disappeared. >> we need to know that there is a group that's holding mr. reso. >> the fbi group became suspicious of the group's national claims. >> i think we had one call from new york and one call late in the investigation from georgia. all of the phone calls that we were able to capture were all within maybe a five to ten miles radius. >> kidnap seems to have intimate knowledge of morris county.
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>> kidnappers are locals. >> she says she has failed >> he's courageous and he's honest and he's good and so if anybody can survive, any set of circumstances like that, they could do it. eric houston. >> oliver, california, the local community is facing a terrifying hostage situation. >> are we getting closer to understanding what it is that he wants >> no, we still do not know anything. i just remember him mumbling about the teacher that failed him and the girlfriend that broke up with him and he lost his job so basically his entire life that's unraveling or falling apart so to speak, all came back to the one teacher. >> school authorities and peace officers are trying to establish
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some sort of contact with the gunman. i don't know if they have been able to achieve that yet. >> at this time werks a are tryo gather intelligence of the exact location. >> he's over head, on top of us. he had a place to look out on the stairwells. >> at that point, we started to communicate with the student on the stairs. >> i had probably anywhere of four or six shots with pistols pointed at me. i had two different sets of people pointing their guns at me. it was pretty intense. >> it is a tense situation here and we'll just wait for more news and more people coming out of that building. lavorf. delicious. only one egg with better nuitio ke me vitamins wd, e, and omega 3s. an25% lessatated fat.
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the national guards are out in full force in los angeles. >> while the camera is following the la unrests. elsewhere, other issues intensified. >> reso has disappeared. he's a president of exxon. california national guard troops on the streets of los angeles. their weapons will be loaded and they have ordered to return fire. >> by 3:00 p.m. on may 1st. unless you have been in the surface, you never get that sense of power in guys on
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uniforms and heavy machinery comes with the army showing up. >> there are weapons and physical presence. >> the tank kind of rolling in and dropping in of los angeles. that pretty much brought -- you don't argue too much with the tank >> there was an interesting move change in some los angeles neighborhoods as firefighters arrived and given another stores and looted and fired. there were no rocks or bottles but a lot of helping hands. >> a lot of those people wanted to undo the damage and were extremely helpful to the fire department and police department would go on television and they would cry violence and say "this is not us." >> i want people to stop this and think of what you are doing.
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>> a school shootings in northern california. >> eric houston maybe holding 35 or 40 students hostage. he shot at least nine people as we understand including student and a teacher. >> i saw a student coming out. he actually was shot in the leg and immediately the other student outlidown below is you students bleeding down the floor. the other students grabbed and start hearing him out and i opened the door and the cops grabbed me and the other students and they took us out and would not let us go back in. >> parents rushed to find out if their child have been released. it was a scene of great fear and anxiety. also, of great joy. >> i remember my mom, it was good to see her. >> the gunman has said this could be a long night and of course, a long night for parents
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waiting to hear if one of their children is inside. >> authorities say soon after sidney reso disappeared, a ransom letter was delivered. >> they wanted the money put in eddie bower's bag and divided in certain currencies. this was their game plan. >> the fbi set up a massive sting operation and leads the media in the dark. we were being spoon fed, a false narrative, in order to help the assureties lure the kidnappers in a false sense of security and make a mistake and they did make a mistake. >> june 18th. the night of the schedule ransom drop. the fbi plans over 250 agents in the
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morris county vicinity. we had all these agents out and i was a wire. the command hose can hear the exact conversation, one of the female agents who was sitting in the car, saw a guy, she saw this individual on the phone. >> the agent observes the man hanging up the phone at the same time the call was terminated the fbi traced the man's license plate to a local company. the suspect also arrives to return his car not long after. >> they foupd in tnd in the tru the vehicle, the eddie bauer bags and all kind of pertinent information that was related to reso. >> after weeks of investigation, sidney reso's kidnappers were
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arrested. >> the situation is still very tense, you may imagine at this hour as s.w.a.t. teams are still in place. >> houston told negotiators that he's afraid that the s.w.a.t. team may break him and kill him. >> he did not want to see any cops in black clothing. he did not want to hear helicopter. the helicopter issue became a problem for a while because the media was flying over head. >> some comments were made and he did get a little bit agitated. we heard the radio broadcast that he heard and listed numbers of people injured and shot which enraged him. we made a request of the news media to not do the reports again because it is making it difficult for us to keep a peaceful situation to apiece him.
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>> we can only make an appeal to the gunman. please put it down, stop, there is been enough already. >> the negotiation process begin with houston asking for food at 6:00 p.m. >> he wanted pizzas. we asked him to give us a count. >> when the could want came back it was 86 hostages which was astounding. it was wow. >> dennis moore telling reporters. >> they have delivered the pizza and the food that's requested. conversations have been minimal on the telephone. >> he sent down a couple of stu students two or three and come back with the pizzas and if you don't, i am going to kill your friends. >> do you let the kids go backup and keep them safe. >> we ultimately decided to let them back up. that's the toughest decision i have been involved. >> deputies had contacted with
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the man by phone, right? >> yes, first he was agitated and upset but they say he's calming down which is a good sign. >> the students we have seen walking out were badly shaken. many were wheepieep zing and lo stunned. i remember seeing my family and being relieved just to hug my mom. when they called the kids' names as they were being released from the school. we would go over and see if our kids were there. and my heart i knew something was wrong. but i just kept standing and waiting. l
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. i don't believe this stuff. hostages crisis and the kidnap case. she says she and his four grown children wanted their father home for father's day. >> we can only make an appeal to the gunman. please put it down. stop. >> los angeles, 6,000 looters and arsonist had been rounded up. >> it broken out of the slumber that it had been in for many, many years. >> there were reforms that began in the los angeles police department. that was a good thing. los angeles begins the long road to normalcy. >> it will take weeks for investigators to find sidney reso. >> fbi biggest kidnapping
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investigation here has become a murder case. >> it was too late to save the victim. >> reso's body was found in the heavily wooded area. law enforcement officers were taken there by irene seal and author. >> they were bunglers. they were stupid enough to think a kidnapping at gunpoint is going to be easy. >> during the abduction, reso, attempted to break free and he was shot in the arm and bound and gagged. the died from paid and exhaustion. eye seirene sea released in 2009. and arthur
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pleaded guilty to kidnapping murder with no parole. the hostage taker is eric houston. he appears to get calmer and quieter. >> eric houston negotiated with police. >> we did feel a little hopeful seeing him being more willing to let people go. >> you could see that he was a little more mellow and calm. >> there was a lot of conversations between our negotiation team about you got to be the last person coming down. you are not going to come down surrounded by hostages. >> moments ago, students shaken and emotional loaded to buses and taken to the debriefed and counse counsels. >> the final group of students is released. i remember seeing my mother and sister-in-law and
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just kind of bearing myself. sorry. they were releasing the last bunch of kids and announ announcing them over the intercom and they stopped. me and my husband turned and looked at each other and put our arms around each other and when i got home, i saw a yard full of kids and we stood out for another couple hours holding hands and singing and just being together because they all knew, too. three students and teacher died in the seize that day. eric houston received death penalty and awaits execution. >> in 1992, there were no play
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book for this. what we now call the after shooters which is common language. that was not part of our vocabulary. it was not something that we were trained for. >> the teenager killed 12 students at the littleton, colorado school before committed suicide. >> 34 people have been killed at virginia tech university. >> sandy hook middle school. the scare and tragedies already unfolding. a school shooting happens almost every week in the united states. in 1993, officers stacey kuehn and lawrence powell was convicted in federal court in the rodney king beating. >> he was our hero, my sister and myself >> the city realized that it had
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to make stronger connections and the police department had to make stronger connection with the community. the fact that one of these instances occur that it is a good chance that somebody will take videos of it and it will go viral. >> that is only making the question of police brutality and a different one that people have the able to do something. >> all of los angeles is under curfews tonight as violence continues in the streets. >> the murders and destruction. the streets of los angeles must be stopped. >> when something happens everything else gets shook off in the radar. >> for us, dahmer was the headline for the day. he was killed in prison. and it happens all the time. there are a lot of other really big deal stories that's get nothing attention at all >> the hostage situation is over. eric houston has been
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