tv First Look MSNBC November 1, 2016 2:00am-3:01am PDT
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jews, okay? we're run by the jews. jew sa. eight days left, eat more protein. get some sleep. clinton isn't the only person under fbi scrutiny. the agency is conducting an inquiry into donald trump's former campaign manager paul manafort and his foreign business connections. new developments in the orlando nightclub shooting with police releasing new 911 audio recordingings of gunman omar mateen the night of the deadly rampage.
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good morning to you. it is tuesday, november 1st. i'm betty nguyen alongside alex witt. all eyes on the fbi as the country waits for more developments in the investigation of hillary clinton's private e-mail server. in letters responding to complaints from democratic lawmakers yesterday, the justice department promised that it will work closely with the fbi and take appropriate steps as swiftly as possible. investigators made a duplicate of the hard drive from a laptop computer belonging to anthony weiner and are now going through it. an automated process will narrow down the e-mails that are not clinton's, then down to ones that were created while clinton was secretary of state, and then searching for e-mails that were not previously seen by investigators for classified information. that does not answer complaints about director comey revealing these developments on the second to last weekend before the election. white house spokesman john
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earnest said the president would neither criticize nor defend comey's actions but he believes the director is a man of integrity. >> the president doesn't believe that director comey is intentionally trying to influence the outcome of an election. the president doesn't believe he's secretly strategizing to benefit one candidate or one political party. he's in a tough spot. and he's the one who will be in a position to defend his actions in the face of significant criticism. from a variety of legal experts, including individuals who served in senior department of justice positions in administrations that were led by presidents in both parties. >> and comey's also facing criticism from former attorneys general. eric holder criticized the move yesterday. now so is former bush administration ag roberto
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gonzalez saying comey made an error in judgment in releasing the letter which really says nothing. here's what he said about the timing so close to the election. >> of course it's always easy to, in hindsight, to second-guess someone. but certainly in hind sight it appears that did not help the situation at all. quite frankly, it muddled the situation. and obviously it puts at risk this election. some people -- some voters are going to be making a decision on election day and in early voting about which way they're going to go based upon this very incomplete letter that really doesn't say anything other than there is a continuing investigation that may implicate secretary clinton. >> during campaign stops across ohio yesterday, hillary clinton wasted no time in addressing the fbi's latest e-mail investigation. >> i'm sure a lot of you may be asking what this new e-mail story is about. and why in the world the fbi would decide to jump into an election with no evidence of any
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wrongdoing. with just days to go. that's a good question. i'm not making excuses. i've said it was a mistake and i regret it, and now they apparently want to look at e-mails one of my staffers, and by all means, they should look at them. and i am sure they will reach the same conclusion they did when they looked at my e-mails for the last year. there is no case here. i think most people have decided a long time ago what they think about all of this. now what people are focused on is choosing the next president and commander in chief of the united states of america. >> the clinton campaign is seizing on a new report that claims the fbi director didn't want to name the russians as meddling in the u.s. election because it was too close to election day. a former fbi official tells cnbc director james comey agreed with
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the intelligence community that "a foreign power was trying to undermine the election." he believed it to be true but was against putting it out before the election. well, director comey was specifically asked about russia's involvement while testifying before the house judiciary committee in late september. >> i can't comment on that in this forum. as i said in my opening, we are investigating to try to understand exactly what mischief the russians might be up to in connection with our political institutions and the election system more broadly. but i don't want to comment on that at this point. >> comey's position, according to the source, was "if it is said, it shouldn't come from the fbi." on october 7th the u.s. officially blamed russia for the intrusion, but it didn't come from the fbi. rather, the department of homeland security and the director of national intelligence. the clinton campaign is now accusing director comey of a double standard, asking why comey was concerned about the timing of the election pertaining to russia, but not with the new e-mail discovery.
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>> why, then, if those protocols are so important, if you understand them, if you are following them in late september and october, would you violate both of them in a letter delivered to congress on october 28th? that letter discussed a matter that was a pending investigation, and it discussed it in a way that he absolutely knew members of congress would release and talk about. donald trump within minutes was using that on the campaign trail. the letter also released sensitive information 11 days, not a month, 11 days before a presidential election. so there is a very clear and extremely troubling double standard. >> we're talking about the fbi against justice department policy, against every -- everything that we all know, getting involved in a presidential laelks. if you want to defend that, you defend it but i'm not. i think this is outrage. i think the fact that the kgb is involved in this election is an outrage. i'll take the american people ought to take their democracy
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back regardless of what the press wants to do and the excuses they want to make for comey. >> nbc news was first to report the fbi has a preliminary inquiry into donald trump's former campaign manager and his business ties with russia. paul manafort tried to bring stability to donald trump's campaign but ultimately departed in august of this year. law enforcement and intelligence sources tell nbc news his foreign business ties are under scrutiny. the fbi did not respond to nbc's request for comment. the "new york times" though reported on august 14th that secret ledgers showed manna tort was paid $12.7 million in cash, representing a pro-russian politician in the ukraine. manafort's lawyer denied the lobbyist had received any such cash payments. the money reportedly came from former president viktor yanukovych's political party between 2007 and 2012. manafort resigned five days later. nbc news can also report what some call disturbing ties to two
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oe oeligarchs. american officials say both have ties to the russian mafia. the revelation comes a day after senate minority leader harry reid wrote a letter to director comey saying in part, "in my communications with you and other top official in the national security community it has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between donald trump, his top advisers and the russian government." manafort told nbc news in part, none of it is true, there's no investigation going on by the fbi that i am aware are, he said he never had ties about russian president vladimir putin or had dealings with putin and his government. he said any suggestion of such ties was democratic propaganda intended to deflect. election day is finally just one week away. with not much time left a new poll shows the race looks steady for now. the nbc news survey monkey online poll shows circumstance leading donald trump by 6 points, 47% to 41%, a 1-point
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gain for clinton from last week. gary johnson and jill stein taking 6% and 3% each. the poll shows no change from before fbi director james comey's announcement and afterward. clinton 47%, trump 41% before and after, saturday and sunday. in new hampshire there is an 8-point swing toward trump. that poll was taken wednesday through sunday. clinton is down to 46%. trump climbing to 39% with a week to close a 7-point gap in a very important state for him. in indiana trump has rebounded to a significant lead in the monmouth university poll ahead by 11 points. 50% to clinton's 39%. this in a poll conducted thursday through sunday. donald trump will be in the philadelphia suburbs later this morning where he will deliver a policy speech focused on obamacare. and he spent much of yesterday in michigan where a poll taken sunday flight shows him trailing hillary clinton by 6 points, 47%
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to 41%. but trump said he is confident he will win the state where he has not led in a poll in months and last voted for a republican presidential candidate back in 1988. >> now michigan hasn't been what is it 35 years or something like that. no republican has won since like reagan or something, many years ago. and i said, i love michigan. and i saw numbers. no, no. i also said, look, i'm the one, like i predicted, uma, i predicted take the oil, i predicted a lot of things. you've been seeing it. hillary has bad judgment and bad instinct. so i thought i'd come here and they all say, oh, don't do that. 32 years, 35. i said, i'm going to win michigan, i'm telling you. >> there's a showdown setting up in arizona of all places with less than a week before the 2016 election. donald trump's running mate mike
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pence heads there tomorrow. the historically red state has emerged as a 2016 battleground. pence is scheduled to hold a campaign rally in mesa this morning but hillary clinton is also targeting the state. she will be in tempe tomorrow for a rally at arizona state university. her running mate tim kaine will hold two events in the the state thursday, phoenix and tucson. and donald trump meanwhile was just in phoenix over the weekend. michelle obama, bernie sanders, and chelsea clinton all held events in arizona last week. former presidential candidate and ohio governor john kasich has officially broken his pledge to support the republican nominee. a spokesman said that kasich voted yesterday and wrote in the name of 2008 gop nominee senator john mccain. while voting the republican ticket the rest of the way. the "plain dealer" reports because mccain is not among the 18 certified write-in candidates in ohio, kasich's vote for president will not count. in response, mccain told nbc news, "i appreciate that my old friend and ohio's outstanding governor john kasich would pay
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me the compliment." mccain has also said he is not voting for trump. the "new york times" is out with a sweeping new piece giving readers a crash course in tax law, particularly the way donald trump reportedly gamed the system and potentially avoided tens of millions of dollars in personal income tax. the article says the future republican nominee used a "mathematical sleight of hand" that his own lawyers found so questionable the irs would almost certainly declare it improper if he would audited. drawing by documents by tax experts in essence trump, who was facing financial collapse in the 1990s, eliminated a massive tax bill in canceled debt by swapping equity in a partnership. it was the same kind of "tax wizardry" that corporations use to swap tax wills with stocks even if those stocks weren't worth the paper they were printed on. the "times" says it's not clear who suggested trump use the maneuver. the "times" reports trumps spokeswoman hope hicks is claiming the paper either
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misunderstood or misread the law. many tax experts consulted engage in pure speculation, there's no news here." the "times" notes that corporate maneuver was eventually banned by congress, as was the technique trump reportedly used. one of the lawmakers voting to eliminate the loophole, senator hillary clinton of new york. still ahead, we are hearing for the first time newly released 911 calls made the night of the orlando nightclub shooting. donna brazile is in the spotlight after the latest batch of wikileaks reports. that and weather when we come right back.
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now that fedex has helped us simplify our e-commerce, we could focus on bigger issues, like our passive aggressive environment. we're not passive aggressive. hey, hey, hey, there are no bad suggestions here... no matter how lame they are. well said, ann. i've always admired how you just say what's in your head, without thinking. very brave. good point ted. you're living proof that looks aren't everything. thank you. welcome. so, fedex helped simplify our e-commerce business and this is not a passive aggressive environment. i just wanted to say, you guys are doing a great job. what's that supposed to mean? fedex. helping small business simplify e-commerce.
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intercom: the library [ kis now closing.] ok kid, closing up. goodnight. the hardest part about homework shouldn't be figuring out where to do it. through internet essentials, comcast has connected over 3 million people in need to low-cost internet at home. welcome to a brighter future. comcast. for the first time we are hearing the voice of the man who carried out the largest mass shooting in u.s. history. orlando police have released the 911 calls of omar mateen and their standoff with him during the pulse nightclub shooting and
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msnbc's gabe gutierrez has more. >> 911. >> reporter: the chilling 911 call came in at 2:35 a.m. >> i want to let you know i'm in orlando. and i did the shootings. >> reporter: by then omar mateen's rampage was under way and hundreds of people were scrambling to escape the pulse nightclub in orlando on june 12th. >> i pledge my allegiance to abu bakr al baghdadi on behalf of the islamic state. >> reporter: the killer speaking with an emergency dispatcher, then a crisis negotiator. >> can you tell me where you are right now so i can get you some help? >> no. because you have to tell america to stop bombing syria and iraq. they're killing a lot of innocent people. >> reporter: he falsely claims there are cars outside rigged with bombs. >> i'm going to ignite it if they try to do anything stupid. >> reporter: mateen then praises the boston marathon bomber. >> my homeboy tamerlan tsarnaev
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did his thing on the boston marathon. now it's my turn. >> reporter: the negotiator keeps him on the line on and off about an hour. a s.w.a.t. team swarms in around 5:30, killing mateen. 49 people are dead. 53 wounded. among those killed, 30-year-old eddie justice. his best friend demetrius survived. >> he opened fire. and just killed innocent people. people begged for their lives and cried out, please don't do this. >> reporter: a judge will now decide whether to release more than 200 other calls during the carnage. the deadliest moose shooting in u.s. history. >> that was gabe gutierrez reporting. >> >> some residents in philadelphia will face a tough morning commute after transit workers officially went on strike at the stroke of midnight. roughly 4,700 workers that hit the picket line after their union was unable to strike a deal with the southeastern pennsylvania transportation
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authority, septa toshlgts coup them on the job. the strike will impact bus, trolley, and subway services for 400,000 people, including more than 60,000 school students. some officials fear that if the strike drags on into next week, it could wreak havoc on relevance debts trying to vote on tuesday. let get a check on weather with nbc meteorologist bill karins. i'm just curious, do you think mother nature knows it's november? we're talking 70s? >> no clue. people in the south are starting to complain, i want to turn my ac off, they want the natural air conditioning. it's not happening. at least another week of this. the jet stream is well to the north. the jet stream dips to the south and allows the coal air to come to the south, with a pattern like this, the high pressure in the southeast, almost like a summer-like bermuda high pumping warm air. we have numerous cities not only seeing record highs but consecutive record highs. four days in a row in montgomery and birmingham we've had record highs set. two parts. one obviously we've got the warm air in place. and they're in a drought situation. so the two of those are
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combining. just the soil heating up in a hurry. atlanta three days in a row, and new orleans. will we do it again today? birmingham, yes. montgomery, yes. atlanta, yes. mobile will be close. there's fog down here right along the gulf. that may keep temperatures down a little bit. be a close call if we keep those streaks going in new orleans. we're going to start a new streak. nashville should have a record high, memphis a record high, louisville close, cincinnati may be short of it. warm air's going all the way up into the ohio valley and it's all the way back here through kansas, near-record highs today. wichita, amarillo, near record high. roswell will be just short of it. warm all the way from southern california through the southeast into the ohio valley. and then the northeast is still chilly but beautiful. temperatures 63 d.c. today. in new york at 59. no problem whatsoever. and then tomorrow, the warmth stays with us. we start to watch coolish-type air coming down from the north. that's why we have thunderstorms in chicago tomorrow.
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of course, depending on what happens tonight in the world series game, we may have some weather issues for game seven toward the end of the game. for tonight it is perfect in cleveland. this is going to be a party in the stands and in the streets. 68 degrees. that's win or lose by the way. then if that does go to a game seven, there will be a chance of some rain at the very end of the game. so what a scene that's going to be in cleveland. >> gorgeous weather. >> 68 degrees in the beginning of november, that's crazy. >> that is. >> good for those people attending the game, though. still ahead, the minnesota vikings suffer a brutal loss to the chicago bears in monday night football. plus game six of the world series. we've got a preview coming up next in sports. beyond is a natural pet food that goes beyond assuming ingredients are safe... to knowing they are. going beyond expectations... because our pets deserve it. beyond. natural pet food.
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to knowing they are. going beyond expectations... because our pets deserve it. beyond. natural pet food. welcome back. time for sports. bears, one win on the season, hosting the vikings, only one loss on the season. monday night football. to chicago. jay cutler back under center for the bears after missing five games with that thumb injury. cutler was on target. that's 11-yard touchdown pass caught by alshon jeffery, his first of the year. how about rookie running back jordan howard. he rushed for a career high 153 yards. that's an easy two-yard scamper. the bears upset the vikings 20-10 at soldier field. the nba, last night's action on the hardwood. in los angeles, the clippers' paul pierce, he's in the halloween spirit. who's that? who's he dressed as? that's rick james. taking on the suns.
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pierce sitting out last night with ankle injury, channeling his inner funk. as for the game the clippers rely on their big three. chris paul finishing a game high 24 points. blake griffin 21. deandre jordan 19. they're called lob city for a reason. they take down the suns 116-98. the cleveland cavaliers, smart move, moved up tonight's tip-off against the rockets one hour. instead of a 7:00 p.m. start they're starting at 6:00 p.m. so their fans won't miss much of the world series games in cleveland. the cavs will keep their arenas open to watch on the team's video board. owner dan gilbert tweeting the cavs game should be over by the second inning of game six, leaving plenty of time to soak in the potentially historic night for the indians. cleveland will look to wrap up its first world series championship since 1948 with right-hander josh tomlin on just three days' rest. taking the mound for the indians. chicago, they have their ace on
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the mound. that's jake arrieta for the cubs. and arrieta's pretty tough. there's a good chance this could go game seven, which would be entertaining for everyone. >> i'm thinking game seven. >> really? >> it just seems right. both fan bases have waited so long. >> seven, mike? >> he said the cubs in six. >> he just changed. i got from it him, he just said seven. >> we'll see. still ahead, why senator richard burr is offering an apology for comments he made about hillary clinton. a bulls eye joke goes way off the mark. donald trump weighs in on the fbi investigation into clinton's e-mails. he was also joined on the trail yesterday by former indiana basketball coach bobby knight. >> you've listened to him. you've heard him talk. he's got a couple more things to say. i'm running out of things but i'm going to tell you one thing. in a donald trump administration, there will be no bull [ bleep ]. thank you very much.
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its official, i work for ge!! what? wow... yeah! okay... guys, i'll be writing a new language for machines so planes, trains, even hospitals can work better. oh! sorry, i was trying to put it away... got it on the cake. so you're going to work on a train? not on a train...on "trains"! you're not gonna develop stuff anymore? no i am... do you know what ge is?
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with exactly one week to election day, hillary clinton and her campaign are hitting back hard against the fbi director's late moves in the e-mail scandal. why her team is calling it a "double standard." did the interim chair of the dnc give clinton a heads-up on a debate question during the primary? the latest information from wikileaks. an nbc news investigation. the fbi launches a preliminary inquiry into donald trump's former campaign manager. what officials want to know about his business ties to russia.
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good morning. it is tuesday, november 1st. i'm alex witt alongside betty nguyen. much more on the fbi investigation into the latest trove of clinton e-mails in just a moment. now just one week to election day, first nbc news has learned that there's an ongoing fbi inquiry into former trump campaign manager paul manafort and his ties to russia. nbc's cynthia mcfadden investigates. >> reporter: into the gasoline, democratic leader senator harry reid threw a match. in a letter to fbi director james comey criticizing his decision to notify congress of the newly discovered huma abedin e-mails, perhaps relevant to the clinton investigation, he drops this bomb. "in my communications with you and other top officials in the national security community, it has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and
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coordination between donald trump, his top advisers, and the russian government." what is senator reid talking about? law enforcement and intelligence sources tell nbc news the fbi has been conducting a preliminary inquiry of donald trump's former campaign manager, paul manafort. and his foreign business connections. when nbc news asked the fbi to comment on the inquiry, the fbi did not respond. >> americans have every right to be concerned about what they see in terms of trump advisers and their closeness with the kremlin, trump's policies vis-a-vis russia, trump's potential financial interests in russia. >> reporter: paul manafort was reportedly paid $12.7 million in cash by pro-russian politicians in the ukraine, and nbc news can also report what some call disturbing ties to two oligarchs -- one ukrainian, one russian, both billionaires. american officials say both have
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ties to the russian mafia. >> i think it does raise serious concerns about the policies that trump would pursue if he were president. >> reporter: while an inquiry is a preliminary look and falls short of a criminal investigation, in this highly charged atmosphere, it has some arguing that comey is using a double standard. >> here where the director has discussed an investigation involving one candidate, it opens the director up to claims of bias if he doesn't discuss other potential investigations. >> our thanks to nbc's cynthia mcfadden for that report. all eyes on the fbi as the country waits for more developments in the investigation of hillary clinton's private e-mail server. in letters responding to complaints from democratic lawmakers yesterday, the justice department promised that it will work closely with the fbi and take appropriate steps as swiftly as possible. investigators made a duplicate of the hard drive from a laptop belonging to anthony weiner. they are now going through it. an automated process will narrow down the e-mails that are not
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clinton's, then down to ones created while clinton was secretary of state, then searching for e-mails that were not previously seen by investigators for classified information. but that does not answer complaints about director comey revealing these developments on the second to last weekend before election day. white house spokesman josh earnest said the president would neither criticize nor defend comey's actions but that he believes the director is a man of integrity. >> the president doesn't believe that director comey is intentionally trying to influence the outcome of an election. the president doesn't believe he's secretly strategizing to benefit one candidate or one political party. he's in a tough spot. and he's the one who will be in a position to defend his actions in the face of significant criticism. from a variety of legal experts, including individuals who served in senior department of justice
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positions in administrations that were led by presidents in both parties. >> donald trump forcefully defended fbi director james comey yesterday saying he had restored the nation's respect for the bureau after losing it when he recommended against an indictment of hillary clinton in july. >> i have to give the fbi credit, that was so bad what happened originally. and it took guts for director comey to make the move that he made in light of the kind of opposition he had where they're trying to protect her from criminal prosecution. you know that. it took a lot of guts. i really disagreed with him. i was not his fan. but i'll tell you what, what he did, he brought back his reputation. he brought it back. he's got to hang tough because there's a lot of people want him to do the wrong thing. what he did was the right thing. hillary is not the victim.
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the american people are the victims of this corrupt and rigged system. and on november 8th that's your chance. we are going to change it. i want to tell you something. her biggest problem right now is not obamacare. do you agree? she's got other problems. >> the clinton campaign is seizing on a new report that claims the fbi director did not want to name the russians as meddling in the u.s. election because it was too close to election day. it's raising questions into why james comey was concerned about the timing of the election pertaining to russia, but not with the discovery of the new e-mails in the investigation. nancy, the clinton campaign is calling this a double standard. >> that's right, betty. those claims of a double start stem from this report coming from cnbc in which a former fbi official told our network that privately fbi director james comey argued that it was too
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close to the election to blame russia for meddling in the election. when you talk about the allegations of cyber attacks coming from russia. in fact this source said the fbi director agreed with the statement coming from the director of national intelligence and the department of homeland security that there was meddling from russia but he did not want the fbi's name on that statement. in fact, he made sure the fbi was left out of that one. so this, of course, is why we're now hearing criticism toward the fbi once again as to why they were so concerned about time sensitivities with russia but not when it comes to new evidence surrounding hillary clinton's e mays. the clinton campaign manager expressed those frustrations last night. >> director comey ensures that the fbi would not be part of letting the american people know that the kremlin was behind a direct effort to undermine our democracy. and this is shocking and disturbing. it's impossible to view this as anything less than a blatant double standard.
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that director comey would show more discretion in a matter concerning a foreign state actor than one involving the democratic nominee for president is nothing short of jaw-dropping. >> so that is the official line coming from the clinton campaign. we should point out that in response to the cnbc report, the fbi has declined to comment on exactly what was behind comey and the fbi's decision-making process when we referred to that october 7th statement in which they decided to stay out of comments pointing to russia and accusations of the cyber attack. back to you. >> a lot of questions. nancy hungerford live from london, thank you. republicans are hoping the latest raft of bad press for hillary clinton and her e-mails could indirectly help down-ballot candidates. a number of key races are tightening. kelly ayot, republican incumbent in new hampshire, has cut the lead to just 2.
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a new hampshire poll showed the race at a margin of 9 earlier this month. in indiana todd young has slowly eroded former senator evan bayh's lead from 6, now deadlocked at 45 in a monmouth poll. bayh has faced questions over his indiana residency and a report exposed his private schedule from 2009, full of lobbying meetings, fund-raisers and donors, some reportedly in his official senate office. bayh told cnn nothing untoward happened. in the midwest yesterday hillary clinton campaigned in cincinnati with former governor ted strickland. incumbent republican rob portman has a nearly 15-point advantage in the real clear politics average and strickland faces the longest of shots. in wisconsin the polls have tight right-hand side there but democrat russ feingold is still holding on to a nearly 7-point advantage in the rcp average. a super pac ad backing incumbent republican ron johnson all but acknowledges hillary clinton will be the next president. they're warning this has some colorful language.
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>> are you sick of all the political bs in this election? ready for it to be over? enough of the crap. when democrats controlled everything in washington, it was, well, ghetto. career politician russ feingold was there. terrorism. job losses. and premiums 25% higher with obamacare. feingold just votes the party line. that's why we need ron johnson. to cut the crap and keep hillary clinton and the washington politicians from running wild. >> locked in a tight re-election bid, senator richard burr of north carolina is apologizing after these comments were revealed by cnn. >> nothing made me feel any better than i walked into a gun shop i think yesterday, there was a copy of "rifleman" on the counter. it's got a picture of hillary clinton on the front of it. got a little bit shocked at that. didn't have a bulls eye on it though. >> those comments were reportedly made saturday. in a statement to nbc news,
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senator burr said, "the comment i made was inappropriate and i apologize for it." hillary clinton was allegedly given a heads-up over questioning at one of the democratic debates by interim dnc chair donna brazile, according to the latest batch of e-mailed reportedly hacked from the personal account of clinton's campaign manager john podes podesta. the e-mails have not been independently awe thing dated or verified but one e-mail supposedly shows brazile, a contributor at the time, tipped clinton off to at least one question a day before that network sponsored a primary debate in flint, michigan. brazile allegedly sent a message to the campaign, "one of the questions directed to hrc tomorrow is from a woman with a rash." she went on to explain the woman's family has lead poison and she will ask what, if anything, will hillary do as president to help the people of flint. this is the response clinton gave to that question. >> i want us to have an absolute
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commitment to getting rid of lead wherever it is. because it's not only in water systems. it's also in soil and it's in lead paint that is found mostly in older homes. that's why 500,000 children today have lead, lead in their bodies. so i want to do exactly what you said. we will commit to a priority to change the water systems and we will commit within five years to remove lead from everywhere. we were making progress on this in the 1990s. i worked with then-senator obama to get more money, more support, to do more to remove lead. >> thank you. >> that has unfortunately been in many ways moved to a lower priority. i will elevate it and i will do everything i can. water, soil, and paint. >> thank you. >> we're going to get rid of it. >> this latest revelation follows the release of another exchange allegedly involving
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brazile and clinton communications director palmieri. from time to time i get the questions in advance, and focused on clinton's stance on the death penalty. cnn announced in a statement brazile had actually resigned from the network on october 14th and said it never gave her access to questions in advance of town hall or debate but added they are "completely uncomfortable" with the new revelations. for her part brazile thanked the network and now-former colleagues in the a tweet. donald trump seized on this latest wikileaks release at a rally in michigan yesterday. >> you see donna brazile was fired from the network. for giving crooked hillary the answers and the questions to a debate. i have a son named baron. and i want to tell you, she is a
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terrible example for my son and for the children of this country. getting the questions to the debate, that's a big deal. that's a big deal. and not turning yourself in. and if they fired donna brazile, why aren't they firing hillary clinton? why is she allowed to run? >> secretary of state john kerry is not holding back about the 2016 election cycle. following a meeting in london with that city's mayor sidique khan, the former presidential candidate said this election season isn't doing us any favors abroad. >> i don't think i'm stepping out of line. i'm not allowed to be partisan. but i can certainly comment on my job as secretary of state and what i've been finding. and i must tell you bluntly, this election has been difficult for our country's perception abroad. there are moments when it is downright embarrassing. and the way it's made it difficult for me is that when you sit down with some foreign
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minister in another country or with the president or prime minister of another country and you say, we really want you to move more authoritatively towards democracy, they look at you. they're polite but you can see the question in their head and in their eyes and in their expression. it's hard. pope francis is wrapping his trip up to sweden where he marked the 500th anniversary of the protestant reformation. francis and leaders of the luth rap church presided over a prayer service in the cathedral commemorating the anniversary of martin luther's revolt. pope francis encouraged catholics and lutherans to forgive errors of the past and forge greater unity, including sharing in the outcome chris. an iraqi general says his troops have entered the outskirts of mosul. we are live in iraq with the latest. on a enough lighter note the president and first lady are
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because our pets deserve it. beyond. natural pet food. this year i'm going as a witch. >> that's not a witch costume. >> i'm a woman on television, and i'm over 40. so i'm already in costume. where's yours? >> i'm dressed up as what happens when young people vote. >> someone gets really old really fast? >> that's -- not it. >> is that like white spray paint? or fun halloween cobwebs up there? >> i'm still president for about three months. careful. >> go, samantha. the president with samantha b. last night. he and the first lady held their final white house halloween yesterday and the two witnessed some pretty on the nose costumes. the president met his mini me when one trick-or-treater dressed in a suit with silver hair. not quite sure if the president's that gray yet. another boy dressed as a soldier bringing the president to a full salute.
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then this is one of the most hilarious costumes of the night, a child dressed as a lame duck, head to toe. the night concluded with a dance performance on the south lawn of michael jackson's "thriller." that was awesome. i just want to see the president and michelle. >> they were doing a little bit of the dance earlier, pretty good i must say. >> think about the pressure for the parents if you know your kids are going to the white house to show off their costumes. that's a lot of -- >> got to up the game. the lame duck. thumbs up on that, that was really good. let's get into the forecast. i'll show you what we're going to check. this is the next storm. it will be causing some rain. it starts late tonight. today's dry, today's not a problem. record heat. unbelievably warm. so the rain starts tonight in iowa. then tomorrow morning it will move towards chicago tomorrow afternoon. then move through michigan as we go through the evening. we're watching cleveland closely. looks like rain will arrive 10:00 p.m. tomorrow in case there is a game seven. then by the time we get to thursday, when we get rain coming on the cold front through the east, it will be another
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warm day, maybe thunderstorms ahead of that too. so just keep that in mind if you have your plans. great lakes wednesday, northeast thursday afternoon. here's how much rain could fall. .5 to 1 inches. nothing that could cause flooding concerns and it would be welcome rain for many areas still in relative drought conditions. so the forecast today looking really warm again. these temperatures in the 80s throughout much of the country. it's incredible. november 1st. >> go figure. >> gorgeous day, thank you bill. still ahead, iraqi forces are moving in on mosul. when it comes to retaking the islamic state's self-declared capital of raqqah in syria, officials are already talking about problems. we'll have the latest. e-commerc, e-commerc, and now we're getting all kinds of new customers. i know. can you believe we're getting orders from canada, ireland... this one's going to new zealand. new zealand? psst. ah, false alarm. hey! you guys are gonna scare away the deer!
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senior white house officials are acknowledging there are serious hurdles that could halt or delay a planned offensive against isis in raqqah, syria, including the need to gather and train more syrian forces. and they have to work with the vast differences between turkish and syrian kurdish fight hoarse make up the majority of the existing force. defense secretary ash carter told nbc just days ago the operation of raqqah will begin in weeks. in iraq the troops have reportedly entered the outskirts of mosul. let's get to matt bradley joining us before from erbil. what can you tell us? >> reporter: it is a very windy day in erbil. we're about an hour east of mosul where the battle is still raging. as you mentioned, alex, we have
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news this morning that iraqi forces have just gotten into what you could consider to be the outer limits of mosul itself, mosul being iraq's second-largest city that's been occupied by isis the past two years. this is a symbolic but still-important move. they've managed to kind of permeate just the outer defenses of that city. but what we have to look forward to, what the iraqi security forces are going to be seeing now in the next couple of weeks, is street by street fighting. very, very difficult. coming up against all the tricks in isis' arsenal. suicide bombings, defensive tunnel works, booby-trapped homes. one thing that's the most lethal is the 1.2 million civilians that islamic state to state holds in mosul itself. they're going to be using them as human shields in the coming weeks, alex. >> couldn't be more dangerous from all sides. thank you so much, matt, appreciate that. up next, a look at the stories happening in the day ahead. they are.
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there dismissed. the judge will decide whether the prosecution can bring up the accounts of 13 women who accuse cosby of similar assaults in other cases. he is slated to go to trial next june. the fate of one of governor christie's allies are in the hands of the jury in the bridgegate trial yesterday. the defense slammed governor christie and his inner circle, calling them cowards for not testifying. on the campaign trail, democrats shifting into high gear with exactly one week to election day. hillary clinton and husband former president bill clinton of course each holding three events across florida today. tim kaine will hold two events in wisconsin. president obama will be in ohio. vice president biden makes a stop in north carolina. senator bernie sanders holding two events in new hampshire before heading to maine. wow, take a breath. on the republican side donald trump will be crisscrossing the country today attending events in pennsylvania, iowa, wisconsin. his running mate mike pence will also be in pennsylvania. he's going to make two stops there. >> can you tell it's the final push? >> i know, final push. >> that is going to do it for us on this tuesday.
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i'm betty nguyen alongside alex witt. "morning joe" starts right now. i have to give the fbi credit. that was so bad what happened originally. and it took guts for director comey to make the move that he made in light of the kind of opposition light of the kind of opposition he had where they are trying to protect her from criminal prosecution, you know that. it took a lot of guts. i really disagreed with him. i was not his fan. i will tell you what, what he did he brought back his reputation. he brought it back. he's got to hang tough because there's a lot of people want him to do the wrong thing and what he did was the right thing. i'm sure a lot of you may be asking what this new e-mail story is about and why in the world the fbi would decide to jump into an election with no evidence of any wrong doing with just days to go. that's
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