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tv   MTP Daily  MSNBC  November 7, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

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for this hour. tomorrow, it's finally here. go out and vote and tune in to msnbc. all day coverage of the 2016 day election tonight through 6:00 eastern. full team coverage of election night. you don't want to miss it. mtp daily starts right now. >> if it's monday, tomorrow is election day. welcome to this special election eve edition of "mtp daily" like christmas eve. can you open up packages yet? we have packages to open up, but not all of them. that's tomorrow. i'm here at nbc's election headquarters right here in new york city. 24 hours from now, from this very hour, we will see our first exit poll results in this election. so for one more day, clinton and trump are spending their final
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few days with a combined nine stops and both are making multiple stops in some states. take a look. >> tomorrow is going to be a very historic day. i believe that. it's going to be a brexit plus plus plus. >> this election is basically between division and unity in our country. >> and tonight americans watching network prime time television will see hillary clinton making her closing argument candidate to camera in a two-minute spot. >> i think we can all agree it has been a long campaign. tomorrow you get to pick our next president. here are things i hope you hear about. it's not just my name and my oppone opponent's name on our ballot. it's the kind of country we want for our children and grandchildren. >> an anxiety ridden campaign that aides are searching for any
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remaining path to victory. here's the thing about the map right now. for the most part cycle after cycle in the 21st century, blue states basically stay blue and red states stay in republican hands. one region has changed in the last decade. the east coast from virginia down to florida, a string of states with a history of being flipped before. democrats had a firm hold on this for generations. look at the election results from 56. an are now landslide, but the south and three of those five states from virginia down to florida in democratic hands. then you saw here, this is the 1964 johnson landslide. the first time when republicans got control of the south and didn't let it go for more than a generation except for a single state here or there when democratic southerners like
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carter or clinton were running. it's a pattern that held until the last time a republican won the white house. look at this. this is the bush 04 map. i want to pay attention here when you look at virginia down to florida. red, red, red, red, red. that changed four years later when barack obama showed that he could start to make inroads here. three of the five are blue. he held on to two of the three four years later and ended up losing north carolina. georgia was competitive and south carolina single digits. today there is a real possibility, it's an outside chance here, clinton runs up the score that she could turn four of the five blue and don't be shocked if it takes us a while to call south carolina.
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these trends have been happening and two things happened. number one, you have nonnative whites moving into the region from the north to the south. it's a rising hispanic population coupled with a traditional african-american population that gave democrats a coalition to win three of the states in a semi consistent fashion in the last three cycles and start thinking about putting georgia in play. what i think many people thought that trump could do and we will see if that is, if the northern tier sees a flip. the demographic reverse. republicans if they can turn this wall into being competitive, this is michigan, of course. there is not a lot of latino population up here. some of the college educated whites have migrate and this should be prime territory, but the party arguably may wake up on wednesday and say did we wait
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too soon in michigan and should we have contested wisconsin and even the t here in pennsylvania. should we have spend more time focusing on that? it's something to watch here. the southeast expansion by democrats has not been matched by republicans who need to be working on this northern to make up for lost ground. katie is in manchester covering the campaign and in michigan traveling with the clinton campaign. katie, let me start with you. new hampshire, there are a lot of signs today and over the weekend it was neck and neck and the big poll came out showing a wider than expected clinton lead. how does it feel on the ground? >> a lot of people are excited for the prospect of donald trump coming. there are lines snaking around the verizon center across the road of supporters who are lining up to get in.
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this is a state that republican operatives say could potentially go for donald trump. they are not entirely sure. they showed a very tight race up until a few days ago. donald trump polling alongside kelly ayotte. they are not sure he is going to be able to push it over with independents who were not fans of donald trump earlier on. they said the fbi revival of the investigation certainly helped things and helped get republicans to come home to donald trump. and they are it's not sure about that. the trump campaign sees a real opportunity with their jobs message. they believe or they are telling us this that it cuts across all demographics.
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they spent more time lately in michigan. turning the blue state red. their jobs message will cut through that. we are going to find out and they are in michigan. you have been saying watch out for michigan. michael moore has been talking about it.
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it was more likely that he flip this state than pennsylvania and the trump campaign spent a ton of time in pen sfen and less time and money in michigan. the clinton campaign is confident and landed further up the battle ground list for sure. even ahead perhaps of virginia and colorado as far as likelihood that clinton will win it meaning it's more competitive in the two places. i think they seem to be confident across the board that they are going to win here. this was probably today's visit mostly about preventing a surprise and making sure she is out there talking to groups of people in the state other than just the african-american population in the detroit area. they focus heavily on that and here the town where we are is just outside of grand rapids which is one of the more
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conservative places in western michigan. less diverse than if we were to go and do an event with her in detroit. i used to represent upstate new york in the senate and i understand your issues. they feel a need to communicate that in the last day. >> you are in gerald ford republican party country and the ford wing of the party. >> we landed at the gerald ford airport. >> not so into trump and that's another reason why clinton is there. they see better numbers for them in a long time traditional grand rapids. kasie hunt, thank you very much. here's tom brocaw and heather mcghee and steve schmitt. let me start with you, tom. it is interesting to watch when we see the map change overtime.
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it is a gradual change when it does. we have known this. and the democratic party has cracked the code in the new south. >> what's interesting to me and what's going on in michigan, it tells you and i think we are interested to see what steve has to say about this, how unsettled the election is. from week to week and months to months, we are not in love with them and you see the dynamic going on. the republicans have to figure out how they not only do well in the northern states, but how they do well with the next generation. michigan is a dynamic place with ann arbor and michigan state, but it always has that god-awful collapse in detroit and other places. a yin and a yang going on. it's a tough state to figure out. >> it's interesting, heather.
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if you are the democrats, you are happy that where you are potentially making gains are in the growing states. the states where the population is growing. where democrats are starting to see potential fraying of the coalition are in states that are shrinking. that's long-term positive for democrats, but it has to be a concern now. >> there is easy ground to make up there. one of the reasons why donald trump is being successful at all there is because of his message on trade. traditionally it is a democratic message. in so many ways, absent the racism, donald trump's message is carried by a pop lift democrat that could regain the white working class to the democratic party. i don't think this is a long-term realignment and i don't think you will continue to see republican candidates breaking with the orthodoxy. it's not going to happen. >> it's interesting. i want to have that debate
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later. i think we are headed for long-term realignment. that's a separate conversation. what took trump so long to get to michigan. >> they don't have a functioning campaign. they didn't see where the opportunities were. a famous anecdote, karl rove going to see trump and karl rove saying it's crazy, don't campaign in california and new york. you don't have a chance. and going out and saying i can't wait to campaign in california and new york. >> it wasn't reality. >> and you elected him in illinois and iowa. in the presidential years, you made an effort in minnesota and michigan, but it didn't last. >> i think this is the second of four really consequential global
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elections. the next will be the french and the german and we see this play out globally. politics has been defined down the 50 yard line and we debate and increasingly you will see a lateral line. a horizontal line and the people who benefitted from the revolution and benefitted from globalization and below it are the people who are left behind. that's going to be the new fault line in american politics and the voters, the bernie sanders and the trump voter like fish netting. the fish can swing through the netting from left to right very, very easily. >> this is what i was getting at. we were going to realn the party now. can the democratic party -- what's interesting here is the democratic party because you are right. a democrat could have that message, but the democratic party is split on trade now. >> i think that the democratic
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elected fortunateofficials are trade and those who fund the campaigns which is labor unions and the base which is african-americans, young people who said that the trickle down experiment left them to be the first generation not to be better off than their parents and african-americans. the mess in detroit used to be strong middle class manufacturing jobs. if you look at the pocket book issues, the entire democratic base, both yesterday and tomorrow, what is growing has an ideology that is pop lift. >> i was thinking about it in wisconsin, scott walker was going right at the unions and the unions and the northern states that the democrats controlled for a long time. not nearly as potent as they once were. you have to remember that as well. the uaw and the unions that were so prominent in the northern
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tiers for the democrats. they don't have the cloud anymore. they didn't do it. what do you think of this? part of it is the social issues are done in europe. they are not fighting social issues anymore. can the democratic party have the tension that a wealthy wing of the party and a working class that is diverse, i feel like the democratic party is and they clashed. isn't this going to clash soon?
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>> it already has been. our primary in the democratic party was one where you did begin to see that fortunately and this is where there is a silver line for democrats is that the basic framework of slightly higher taxes on the wealthy a wealthy and climate change and paid family leave. they all agree on it. it's not quite as ideological. >> be clear about the partisan nature of all of these companies. the number one job is driving something somewhere. we talk about an hour of driverless trucks and cars.
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this is about minimum wage. we are not having the political discussion about automation and the profound displacements that come to what's left on the blue collar jobs in the country. as you look at the class coming down from new york to horry county, south carolina and we are at a moment where you see the cracks begin to open up. and that's a good coalition. >> this election is about fracturing the country
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politically. i was out in ohio where they try to work in the new digical age. the 27-year-old electrician in housing construction and that job went south when the recession. he can handle it. i saw two guys who had been forklift operators and they were sweating bullets as they were trying to learn and it was clear they were never going to get there. now we have a mass coming up across lines of young people who don't believe in the institutions that we have grown up with. they have a different attitude. this has been an unusual election in a lot of ways, but the make up of what we have grown up with. >> i think we are all in agreement that this feels like one of the elections that we
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will look back on and say that's when the red-blue map began to change again. it feels like we are doing that and the coalitions in both parties started to change again if it is two parties. let me put a pause here. we are looking ahead to tuesday night still. not just 20 years from now. we will preview what to watch for as results roll in hour by hour. we will have the final tally of the early vote. o cover almost anything. even a rodent ride-along. [dad] alright, buddy, don't forget anything! [kid] i won't, dad... [captain rod] happy tuesday morning! captain rod here. it's pretty hairy out on the interstate.traffic is literally crawling, but there is some movement on the eastside overpass. getting word of another collision. [burke] it happened. december 14th, 2015. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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the best returns aren't just measured in dollars. i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you're totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit >> we showed you how the southeast votes differently now than 15 years ago. these changes are not just on regional lines. the fault lines are along racial and income lines. as tomorrow night is coming in, we will watch the results in particular counties to answer
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critical questions. can trump win educated and wealthy republicans? number two, will african-american voters turn out at numbers near to obama levels? number three, how big is the surge in hispanic voters? number four, will college students show up? number five, will trump's blue collar appeal bring out hitten voters dante has been studying demographics and gathering data. he is a columnist with the "wall street journal" and we have fellowship coming up. you are mr. county and you want to start here with your first question. the republican margins and me about delaware county.
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>> it is a reliably republican county. >> this is going to be a clinton county, but we don't know by how much. i was told the trump signs were in the back. >> if clinton wins ohio they get down to single digits. that's trouble for donald trump. >> let's talk about the african-american vote. let's go with philadelphia county, pennsylvania. that's in philadelphia. there are a lot more votes coming out of philadelphia. >> it is a growing city. even the growth doesn't account for the increase that comes out for democrats.
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they are closer. >> barack obama almost won by an unbelievable number. what is a winning number for clinton and what is an oh, no number? 350? is that the charge in here? >> if it dips below 350, it's time to get worried. miami-dade county is a county that is my hometown in florida. we know clinton is going to carry it. this is another one of the margin test counties for hispanic voters. >> this is one of the counties that obama had a great 2008. it was better for obama in 2012.
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that is going to be true again. if you are above that in terms of numbers, you are probably going to be up above margin and that's a concern for republicans. >> dade county as good as any. i can remember if you are a democrat and you would like to hold a rally for 30,000 people, bernie sanders did very well there. she needs to get, i think, the numbers that obama got in terms of raw numbers. it got bigger and she needs to hold on to the numbers and the margins that obama got and that will help her a lot. >> more than 300,000 voters in
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2012. >> the best test for the new trump voter that is a so-called reagan democrat. >> this is a county that obama won in 2012. trump is winning here by double-digits. he needs to win here and it needs to be above double-digits for him to have a shot. >> the sister county is next door to oakland county.
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i think she will win oakland and lose mccomb. blue collar whites have left the party. this is the ultimate culmination. western side of the state. trump is not doing as well there as a republican should. there are counties that will be interesting to watch. >> i name dropped you earlier. all on us about michigan. you have been proven, we think. still ahead, this is also been known as the post truth election. this is the biggest from both
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candidates. the score is not really even. stay tuned. simulation initiated. ♪ [beeping] take on any galaxy with a car that could stop for you. simulation complete. the new nissan rogue. rogue one: a star wars story. in theaters december 16th. i'm not a customer, but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. give it. sure! it's free for everyone. oh! well that's nice! and checking your score won't hurt your credit. oh! i'm so proud of you. well thank you. free at at, even if you're not a customer.
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welcome back. yesterday's announcement from the fbi director that the bureau could not change conclusions on the e-mail case did move one poll, the stock market. dow futures were up on sunday following the announcement and then today the market snapped an eight-day losing streak recovering the losses it
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suffered starting on october 28th. why does that day matter? that's the day that comey made the original announcement that he was looking at new e-mails that may be pertinent to the e-mail case. what's more, the volatility index that experts use to measure fear in the markets have dropped 17%, a sign of stability. in other words, the markets reacted negatively to bad news and positively to good news for her. for the rest of today's financial headlines, here's josh lipton with the market wrap. >> that's right, chuck. they are calling it the hilla rally. it's more than 2%. gaining background and the nasdaq finishes up 119. crude closed higher following sunday's earthquake near the oklahoma oil storage hub. oil rose about 2% after six
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straight losing sessions and shares surging after hours and reporting revenue and earnings that beat estimates. that's it from cnbc first in business worldwide.
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hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. vo: in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. donald trump: "knock the crap out of them, would you? seriously..."vo: clear thinking... donald trump: "i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me." vo: and calm judgment. donald trump: "and you can tell them to go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move. donald trump audio only: "i would bomb the sh_t out of them." vo: just one.
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he wears his army he hat, walks aroundpliments. with his army shirt looking all nice. and then people just say, "thank you for serving our country" and i'm like, that's my dad. male vo: no one deserves a warmer welcome home. that's why we're hiring 10,000 members of the military cnity. i'm very proud of him. male vo: welcome to new beginnings. comcast.
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>> almost every day on the trail, we were greeted with some absurd and ridiculous claims. glen kessler is one of the fact checkers and compiled his biggest pinnocchios of the cycle. they use pinnocchios to point out when candidates are lying. four is the highest. hillary clinton racked up seven times ago and most had to do
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with the private e-mail server. >> let's start from the beginning. everything i did was permitted. there was no law or eggulation. >> i'm confident that this process will prove that i never sent nor received any e-mail that was marked classified. >> director comey said my answers were truthful and what i said is consistent with what i told the american people. >> you can see those evolvings there. donald trump picked up four ratings 59 times. that's more than all the candidates in the last three years. here's an example. >> i watched in jersey city where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. >> if we competitively bid drugs in the united states, we could
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save as much as $300 billion a year. >> you know who started it and who questioned his birth certificate? hillary clinton. she is the one who started it. >> 92 million americans are on the sideline outside of the workforce. they are not a part of our economy. >> "the washington post's" glen kessler joins me now and hopes that maybe by being here he doesn't have to hear another stump speech and write up another fact check. we called and a bunch of us had been labeling this the post truth election and yet at the same time the yearns for fact checkers has never been higher among the populous. what explains this? we have more and more demand for fact checking and on the other hand it seems they are not being punished by voters for lying. >> let's see what happens with the election results tomorrow.
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certainly there has been a huge demand for fact checking. traffic through "the washington post" and fact checker website is five times higher than in 2012. i think readers want and are demanding information to find out if the candidates are saying the truth. you were just talking recently, a few minutes ago about how donald trump was doing poorly with college-educated voters. that might be a consequence of the fact that he is not doing well with the fact checkers. college-educated voters respond to these fact checks and are quite interested to see how the candidate is doing in terms of the truth. >> the biggest challenge going forward to candidates when they speak and for all of us in the media and certainly for you as one of the leading fact checkers
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is the fact that there are so many fake news sites now and even some of them are not necessarily fake, but blogging sites or facebook posts that look like they are somehow a news article or factually correct. this is being passed on as factual information. how much of an extra challenge -- let me ask it this way. how many times did you say where the fact they got wrong, particularly in trump had the source from one of the untruthful blog posts that looked like a news article? >> it happened a fair amount. there were times when trump would cite internet websites as the source of his information and i have to say other politicians have done it as well. you didn't see it from the professional politicians, the real professionals like hillary clinton or jeb bush or john
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kasich. they relied on reliable sources. certainly the candidates like trump or ben carson who were not professional politicians, they got information from pretty sketchy websites. >> do you think your job should evolve to fact checking some of these sources? >> when a politician cites them, we go and look into it and examine where they got their information. there is a good website that has been around for a long time callcall called snopes and they change the internet rumors and do a good job. >> is this something that will be a virus or is a virus and snopes can't keep up? >> it's possible and facebook is going to have to look very hard after this election to see what they can do to try to make it
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more difficult for those things to easily populate. google recently has started to elevate fact checks as part of the web searches. that's a step in the right direction. >> glen kessler, i have a feeling after a successful year for you and a lot of fact checkers, it is only going to mean demand is more and sadly i think the misstatements will come at you fast and furious after the campaign. glen, congrats on a great year. >> thank you. >> if you have been watching msnbc, you are familiar with the election and very, very familiar. up next, why i'm obsessed with election night sound tracks. mary buys a little lamb. one of millions of orders on this company's servers. accessible by thousands of suppliers and employees globally. but with cyber threats on the rise, mary's data could be under attack. with the help of at&t, and security that senses and mitigates cyber threats,
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i liked his way. cha-ching! talking about getting that moneeeey! talking about getting that moneeeey! savings worth the hype. now that's progressive. welcome back. i'm obsessed with election music. i'm always obsessed with election music. i'm hoping to sneak election music into the show. nbc's election music is better than the ramones. they started using music in the opens for the 76-carter-ford elections. ever since, grand or castro works have set the stage for the biggest nights in politics. tonight we are queueing up our election music time capsule.
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tomorrow. we kind of feel like we host the big election night party every four years, but this time the two candidates will be hosting election night parties. we will be back after this. for the holidays. before his mom earned 1% cash back everywhere, every time. [ dinosaur growls ] and his dad earned 2% back at grocery stores and wholesale clubs. yeah! even before they earned 3% back on gas. danny's parents used their bankamericard cash rewards credit card to give him the best day ever. that's the joy of rewarding connections. learn more at safety doesn't come in a box. it's not a banner that goes on a wall. it's not something you do now and then. or when it's convenient. it's using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepare for any situation. it's giving offshore teams onshore support. and it's empowering anyone to stop a job
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smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. before we get to election day, i wanted to share with you some head snapping numbers. froms the nat likes to call itself the world -- now, the most expensive. tv ad spending has reached a whopping 652 million for just nine senate races. running from campaigns and su r superpacs. three have topped over $100 million. we're edging towards a billion dollar total now for this battle for control of the senate.
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a record and now maybe i don't know if it's one to be proud of. both bush and gore in 200 actually had tv ad buckets less than $100 million each. that was only 16 years ago. panel is back. it's not surprising there's being money, but $100 million senate race sns. >> when john was the senator from montana, 400,000 people were in the voting age and i said to him the day after he was sworn in, i said congratulations, go back, raise $6,000 a day for the next six years to run in montana. he looked at me and it was true, i had done the numbers. i think the it's drives a lot of the anger in this country with what's going on because it separates them from where real people live in a lot of ways and they're spending more time. congressmen used to go home, walk the streets and show up to the barbershop. they're now at country clubs raising money.
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>> there's -- they feel it's too much of their time. but there doesn't seem to be any effort to actually figure out how to accept. >> donald trump. ran on tweets. and we're going to see whether there's a lasting impact on that. running on social media. >> also had $2 billion worth of his own advertising back during the apprentice. not everybody gets -- >> but a loft what he did was on social media. and a lot of, the big attention he got was when he was tweeting. 3:00 in the morning. >> tweet's free. >> i think the it's a corrupting pernicious effect on the system, but political parties have always been moderating influences in american political life until recently, but the campaign finance regimes have essentially taken air in a balloon, squeezed it to another part, which is to all these outside groups, so we're look at
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an amount of money, even before we debate whether it's effective. most of it doesn't have think impact, but for sure, you have all these outside groups that are armed to the tee. they spend more than the candidates, more than the parties, they enforce a single issue discipline, which has collapsed the ability to compromise, which is essential to the functioning of american government. >> and it's no matter what, right or left, warped our policymaking upwards and that's where you start to see this loop preen political equality. >> so, pat toomey and katie mcginnty have had more outside money, they've combined i think of only spent about 25, about a quarter. came from the candidates. it's outside money that decides what to talk about. >> it's citizens united and that's something that gets citizens united because opposition to the big money
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system, to that supreme court u case in general, donald trump has been talking about drain the swamp, but it's this idea of he's going put hillary clinton in jail. donald trump populous are saying pretty much the same thing about the campaign finance system as the bernie sanders population. >> there are only two things do that affects this. take all of the limits off. take all of the restrictions off to the parties and to the actual candidates. with instantaneous disclosure. but nothing, it shuts down. >> only people, it shuts down the outside groups. >> you have to add in a nascar thing like where you, anybody that gives you more than 100 grand, you have to name them in a tv ad. you have create a market, says i hear what steve's saying. >> but half of american families couldn't pay a $400 bill without going in debt of selling something, to 100 grand is
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exactly why we have that problem. >> tom, the first amendment issue. >> i believe in transparency. what i like to see is instantaneous electronic ways that you can see at every moment during the day, who's writing the checks. the superpac. his pac was financed by and you get the names and addresses and who they are. >> actually be in the advertising. >> california, it doesn't do anything. it's not just about disclosure. it's about who it's a say. and the fact is that a working class person is never going to be able to compete. if we just have the swrm the person with the most money gets the loudest voice. >> the it's the fact we have citizens united and there's no indication it's going to be overturned. >> you can still have small doe nar matched public financing. >> i'm going to stop this conversation here because we can't solve it. good news is there is sort of public outcry about this, that does cross partisan, but nobody
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seems to have a solution that the court can muster or somehow, passes political muster. >> you know what i think it drif drives a lot of people out of the system because they don't want to be involved. >> i have to stop. tom, heather and steve, appreciate you guys, a a terrific show. terrific panel. we'll be right back. our mission is to produce programs and online content
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for african women as they try to build their businesses and careers. my name is yasmin belo-osagie and i'm a co-founder at she leads africa. i definitely could not do my job without technology. this lenovo yoga, you can configure it in so many different ways, it feels like a much more robust computer than the old mac that i used to use. i actually, i do yoga like off my computer and it works really well. and there's something about it that feels really cool. i feel like i'm in the future.
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that's all for tonight. stay with msnbc for all day coverage of this historic election started tomorrow
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morning at 6:00 a.m. full team coverage of the results begins at 6:00 p.m. eastern. "hardball" starts right now. election eve. it's really happening. it's over. let's play "hardball." good evening, i'm chris matthews in philadelphia. the u.s. institution center along independence mall where tonight, hillary clinton will join her husband and daughter, chelsea, along with president obama and first lady, michelle obama, to make a final push in the keystone state. and with just 25 hours to go until the first poll closing, hillary clinton is here to guard what most people see as her firewall state aga


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