tv Election Night 2016 MSNBC November 8, 2016 8:30pm-9:01pm PST
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market opening, down nearly 700 points tonight with donald trump having such a better night than people thought he would opinion. >> t >> -- thought he would. >> we have a call , the state o florida. what we are terming the apparent winner, donald trump in the state of florida, 29 electoral votes. here is the electoral math. 216, trump, 209, clinton. the race for 270, here's how it plays out visually. so much talk about the paths to 270. who wanted florida and who
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needed. utah, trump, six electoral votes in utah. 222, 209. back down to the ice we go for the depiction in color. red and blue. >> wow, still connects. >> and the remaining gray. >> in terms of the swing states tonight and how they have gone, we've got hillary clinton, just in terms of swing states in battlegrounds, prevailing in virginia, colorado, new mexico. we've got donald trump prevailing, according to nbc news projections, donald trump prevailing in north carolina, ohio, and florida. >> i need to interrupt with another one. trump wins iowa. the projected winner in iowa, we've had a flurry of projections here. six more votes for donald trump this evening.
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228-209. >> again, the number that you're going for here is 270, that's the number of electoral votes that you need in order to win the presidency. >> steve kornacki has just run over to the map because of michigan. steve? >> we've been telling you, these three states are key. hillary clinton playing catch-up in michigan. where does it stand now it it's tightened. hillary clinton pulling within 17,000 votes of donald trump in michigan. let me show you where the votes are left here, if she's to make that up. first of all, take a look in wayne county. this is where detroit is. there's also suburbs. there's a lot of votes still to come in in wayne county. over 800,000 votes were cast four years ago. we're only really at the halfway point if you use 2012 as the benchmark. there are still votes to come out of macomb county, this was
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an obama county. this is one trump targeted. he has turned it around. he can make up some of the margin there. he's also doing surprisingly well again. this was an obama county. trump appears to have flipped it. we saw it in wisconsin as well. there are trump areas. if you look like we did in wisconsin, look at all the red on this map right now in michigan as the returns come in, go back to 2012. you saw the blue areas, not quite as dramatic as wisconsin, but you're seeing it. so hillary clinton has opportunities and you see the votes have changed again. she's 25,000 behind. there are opportunities really in wayne county and a little bit in ann arbor for her to make that up . if he can get michigan, wisconsin, and nevada, that would stop trump. >> steve kornacki, right now, what's the total amount of the vote in, in michigan? not yet up to 60% of that vote? >> yeah. we're at about 60%. and the big sort of thing that's lagging right here, it's wayne. it's detroit. you've really got about half the vote here in, by far the largest
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county. so this is the biggest thing yet to come in. but it's that, a big democratic county versus a lot of small and medium size, what tonight are red counties where one by one he can chip away at that. >> keeping in mind what's still outstanding in terms of projections, georgia, flump new hampshire, nevada, arizona, there are obvious combinations of those remaining few states that tell us who the next president will be. >> i just got word that pennsylvania looks strong for the democrats. brady saying it's 450 to 460. so i think that state is good for clinton right now. if trump's got to decide what kind of a president he's going to be, we're in a weird situation right now. >> i can confirm that we're in a weird situation right now. >> something made me think of the movies, jeremy lerner's line
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in the candidate. what do we do now? >> what do we do now. >> that might be the situation trump finds himself in. >> robert redford sitting on the edge of the bed. ben ginsburg is here. he's been a lot of things. he's been mr. republican, or at least enjoyed that title about a year ago. he was the former general council to the rnc and now partner with jones day in washington. ben, i want you to free-associate. you've been through this journey. tomorrow morning, an organization bearing the title republican party is going to take an assessment, along with the democrats of what has just happened, which at this hour is not entirely clear. >> absolutely true. i think what it means for the party is that donald trump has over-performed. we didn't think at this hour of the night we'd be talking about donald trump having as many electoral votes as he does, and as many states still outstanding. so the republican party is going
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to wake up tomorrow feeling good about itself. what appears to be a strong showing in senate races, keeping the house will also perhaps put aside some of the guns in the circular firing squad, that look to be forming. whether donald trump pulls it out or not, or hillary clinton's the president. >> i guess a question that comes out of the organic conversation we've been having, is it a republican party in title only? what is this new organization? >> well, one of the things that donald trump has done for the party is shown that the three-legged stool, the reagan administration, the republicans had run on for the last third years no longer exists. that you can win without that. so what's interesting is that the donald trump administration, his platform, what he'll stand for, and what he'll put in legislatively, is still very much an unformed act. so it does at least present the
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opportunity to create the sort of small government, conservative philosophy, in solving the problems of the people who have come out to vote for him in ways that most didn't see coming. >> ben, thank you. i know you'll be watching all of this, along with us. steve schmidt has joined us out here in the studio once again. a veteran of republican politics, and a lot of battles. your thoughts? >> it's an extraordinary night. one thing we already know is that no matter the outcome in the presidential race, the party of reagan no longer exists. and what we saw in this election cycle was really the gop was an empty vessel and it was filled up by trumpism. and so what exists tomorrow is something that's wholly and fundamentally different. to ben's point, we really don't know on a policy perspective should trump win, the policy
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proposals offered in the campaign were fairly incoherent. we do know, you know, at this hour, should he become president elect some of the issues the country will be dealing with tomorrow. you see the dow futures down 600 points. you will see panic in nato allies, in the baltic republics. where he has been permissive with regard to putin's maybe regional expansion aspirations there. the turkish president has said he would deny the u.s. ability to launch air strikes into iraq against isis from the inser lick base. there are issues with mexico, the tpp treaty hangs in the balance. our asian relationships would be flat-out dead in both a lame-duck congress and a new congress. so there are enormous issues,
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geopolitically, that will be dealing with this. this is the seismic event of our political lifetime, just by him getting this close and tapping on the glass. and he may well break it before the night is over. >> on that point, steve, i think one of the things we haven't talked about tonight is muslim americans and what the feeling may be in the muslim american community in this country. the muslim american community is not a small community in this country. there are about as many jewish americans as there are muslim americans. they're a lower profile community. they don't have political power in a way that's often recognized. but they have been targeted in this election by trump in particular, early and loudly and repeatedly, in a way that has to be making them feel bad tonight. and i think probably in a lot of cases, feel worried. donald trump never rescinded his pledge that all muslims should be banned from the united states. and if you're a muslim american right now, i think that tonight
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has to feel not just like a seismic political event, but a seismic event about what america means. so people who disagree with trump about that, who would plan to block a maybe president trump about that, are going to have to do some work with our muslim american friends to try to prove that what he says about muslims in our midst and what it means to be muslim american isn't the only thing that our country has to say on that subject. >> yeah, i think they'll feel fear. >> steve kornacki is at the board with some new information on wisconsin, and we have a potential guest who may join us live. steve, go ahead. >> let's take a look. we know the importance of this state. there's votes still coming in. the gap here for hillary clinton in wisconsin right now is about 72,000 votes. but let's just do some math here to show you what she's up against as the vote comes in. what you see, you don't see a lot of blue on this map. so she needs blue counties where
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there's still vote outstanding to make it up. she has two, one is milwaukee, the other is dane. if you go by 2012 turn-out, if you look at the turn-out in each one of these counties in 2012 and basically i'll show you what i mean. basically, if you take the vote that would be left, if you add the vote that's up right now, the toltal turn-out and the vot that's left, and you give clinton 64% of it. you say it's the same pace and the same turn out as '12, if you did that in milwaukee and dane, clinton would be at the 71,000 level. turn-out looks higher. so she might be able to get past the 71,000 level. here's the problem. if she does, it's going to be by a small amount. then you look at what's left on this map and we can show you what i mean. if clinton gets ahead, look what's left. la crosse just starting to come in. this is a sea of red here. brown county, this is now -- most of this is in, but, again,
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i think there's a little bit more here. trump picks up ground. all of this red in here, when there's still vote coming in, trump picks up ground, even by small numbers. you just don't have that many blue counties where clinton is going to get votes. she needs big numbers out of where milwaukee is. she needs big numbers out of dane. and there is a chance when you look at this map, you'd have to say there's a good chance that donald trump is able to offset that with all of this red. >> bringing in rudy guiliani, the former mayor of new york. are you on right now? >> i am. i'm right here. >> tell me, there's judy nathan, your wife. this is the first time we've seen you two together. so you must be more optimistic than you've been in the past. >> well, we're both very good friends of donald and melania, personal friends as well as good friends. so we're very happy for them on a personal basis and we're very happy for the country. i think this was a -- and i hope
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it works out. we still have a little ways to go. but if it does happen as it looks that it will, this is a real victory for the people. and chris, i know you're a historian. this is like andrew jackson's victory. this is the people beating the establishment. and that's how he posited right from the beginning, the people are rising up against a government they find to be dysfunctional. and yes, it's a defeat for the democrats, but this is a defeat for some republicans too. >> okay, it's 1824 again. so how does the new president, if it's your guy, donald trump, how does he reunite this country, all ethnic groups that have felt abused and i think rightfully so, hispanic people, islamic people, all kinds of people out there feel they've been excluded from the trump future. what would he do about that, to heal that? >> i do think if you listen to his speeches over the last few months, i don't think a speech went by where he doesn't talk
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about his dedication to truly improving conditions for african americans, for hispanics, and for poor people. and for returning the ladder of success that you and i had when we were young. which means a good education and ia good job, rather than dependency. that was a jack kemp candidacy there, or a rudy guiliani candidacy. and i truly believe that a good education and a good job is a lot better than giving somebody welfare. >> would you like to be part of it? >> i like what i'm doing right now, chris. it's too early for me to think about anything like that. >> we got a call to make, excuse me, mr. mayor. >> in the state of georgia, one of the earliest to close, one of the latest to be called, donald trump the projected victor there. 16 electoral votes. lot of talk that the democrats would be able to convert that.
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244-209. and down on the board, it is a continued march of republican red, sweeping the american south. >> thank you. mr. mayor, are you still on? okay, we lost him. well, there you go. that map of red is continuous. it's contiguous. it's crossing the country. i still think this election is up in the air. i think pennsylvania is going to decide this thing. >> this is a change in status for us. wisconsin, arizona, too close to call, too close to call. >> they had both been too early before. >> note the percentage of official vote in and note the difference. this is not yet decided. >> and we haven't heard really from the usual voices you hear when you're about to -- when you're in a very tough situation from a candidate. we're not hearing their people coming out saying, we still got a good shot, we still have a
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plan. they hadn't had a plan for this time of the evening where they'd have to explain that they could still win. >> the clinton side, you mean? >> yeah. they don't seem to have a secondary, something behind the front line to say, not what we wanted, but we got a plan to win here. >> what we're down to with the last calls, new hampshire, pennsylvania, arizona, michigan, nevada, and maine. >> well -- >> yeah. >> that's where we're at. i just think this is one of of the most amazing nights in political history. it just is. >> steve, are you camera ready? can you show some of your homework? i see you over there working on combinations. >> yeah, take a look. we had a thing set up here -- i'll do it the old-fashioned way because it's not working here. take a look at what's still outstanding and what the paths are right now. if you see trump sitting at 244, okay, arizona, too close too call there. if trump wins that, he picks up 11 there. 244 becomes 255. then you look up here, maine is
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one of those states that splits their electoral vote by congressional district. realistically, the best trump's getting out of that maine, bangor, auburn, all of that, he can get one out of maine, 256. if he wins new hampshire, you get four, he'd be there at 260. then, again, you take a look at what's left on this map and you would need -- excuse me -- you would need wisconsin. wisconsin would put him over. wisconsin would put him at 270 at that point. >> jeez. >> the math is getting easier to do, i will say that. >> katy tur is just up the block from us after a 510-day trump campaign tonight, finds her in the ballroom of the new york hilton hotel. katy, we were just saying the clinton communication shop has all but shut down. this is a dark side of the moon period for them.
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they've shut down on social media, in person, surrogates, you name it. what are you learning from there? >> well, the trump campaign is feeling really good. as quiet as the clinton campaign is, the trump campaign is jubilant. sources tell us that inside trump tower right now, headquarters, the war room, if you want to call it that, is described as, quote, crazy. donald trump is no longer in that room. he had been there with his top aides, his family, and also his running mate, governor mike pence. but now he's upstairs spending time with his family. as the prospect of him becoming the president of the united states becomes suddenly a little more real than it was even earlier today. i can tell you from having criss-crossed this country with him for now 17 or 18 months, what i've seen in almost every city or every city that we have been to, and even some of the bluest states are people that come out and say, not are they frustrated with washington, and not only do they like the fact that donald trump is somebody who will tell it like it is, but
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they want someone to go in and just change things up. somebody who will throw a bomb in the water, if you will. somebody who promises that they are going to fix things. somebody who promises they are going to get things done. and donald trump has done that on the campaign trail almost unequivocally, making grand promises that frankly would be very hard to get enacted in a congress. we'll see if that still remains if he wins tonight in a decisive way. of course that is still up in the air, and whether or not the republicans maintain control of the senate. we already know they're going to maintain control of the house. but what i can tell you is, the trump campaign is feeling vindicated. they feel like they've been talking about a movement, one that most people have overlooked or discredited. and now they're seeing that movement come to fruition. these under-represented voters that we were not seeing in the polls. these low-propensity voters,
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coming out and voting for donald trump. >> in big, big numbers across this country. katy tur, thanks. lawrence o'donnell is with former rnc head michael steele. and a certain james carville who we've been listening to this evening. little that's right. and the conversation never stops here at this table. and james, wisconsin is looking shaky for secretary clinton. >> shaky is about as optimistic a word as i can see right now. i think this is, if this thing goes where it looks like, where i hope it doesn't go, people gotta understand, this election is gonna have consequences like you can't believe. i was looking with steve smith's presentation and i think steve was, if anything, optimistic. donald trump now has the authority of an election behind him. it's the biggest thing that you can have in a democracy. you can't -- this is not an ant
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septic event. he has the validation of the people. he said what he was running on. it was pretty clear what he was offering. you know, obviously i'm -- you can imagine, i'm distraught about the entire thing. i feel terrible for a lot of my friends. but what is here tonight is hard to put into perspective. we're going to have one party ruling this country, and obamacare is done. dodd/frank is done. the diplomatic and financial consequences, i'm looking at the futures, they're going to go further. it's hard to imagine what this means. it's no sense and sugar-coating it to people. i think wisconsin is very problematic. and if you just look at what it is, i hate to say it, but i hope, please god let me be wrong. >> michael?
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>> well, look, i have to tell you, that donald trump set out on a mission. he laid out a vision that connected with a lot of people. a lot of folks around the country, and what was fascinating was, it didn't matter the state. as the map showed. they used this campaign as a sledge hammer against the established political order in this country. top to bottom. you're right, james, this is a new order here. this is a brand-new space for the country and for the american people. elections have consequences. we all know that. and we're all in this together now. so what is going to be important? if the numbers, if the states bear out the way they seem to be, and he hits with the next two or three states, hits 270, this is the moment where donald trump is, if he's never done it throughout this campaign, this is the moment when he shows the country he's president. and he makes the kind of -- i'm just saying, i'm just putting it out there. because no matter how you cut this, this is a huge step
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forward now. everybody who gave the talk about donald trump wanting to come together around hillary clinton and make it work are now going to have to swallow those words and come to donald trump and make it work. >> donald trump didn't run to unify the country. that was the last thing he did. the country did not vote to be unified. this was not like a unity and all americans coming together to be one common people with a vision. this was, there are some people that are gonna do this and other people do that. very clear what we voted for. he did not mince words. and i cannot emphasize that enough. this is not -- he was not a unity candidate. it wasn't what he ran on. he didn't run on a typical republican agenda. >> what is your expectations of governing then? >> obamacare is done. dodd/frank is done. trade agreements are done. [ all speak at once ] >> that's what the american people want. >> as we hand it back -- >> not complicated. >> as we hand it back to brian,
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let me inject one note here. chuck schumer has just become, or will at the end of this night, probably become the most important player in legislative outcomes in washington now, because he alone in the senate, with parliamentary tactics can tie up or try to tie up anything that this republican congress tries to do from repealing obamacare, to repealing dodd/frank and all of those things. so there is still chuck schumer and the democrats' filibuster power in the face of what we're seeing tonight. we're getting a little bit ahead of the election results. so we're going back to brian for more of that. >> well, very true. if this goes trump's way, chuck schumer of new york will be the senior elected democrat. >> right. and it is without having control of one of the two houses which is obviously what your party would prefer to have. if you had to only have -- if you had to be one minority party figure in a washington completely controlled by the
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other party, what you would want to be is the senate minority leader. you'd want to be chuck schumer in terms of being able to use the procedures of the senate to try to belong things as they go. they don't really know what the composition of the senate is going to be we don't have a call in new hampshire, or the pennsylvania senate races. still four outstanding. those numbers will become very, very important. but we do know that the house will go to the republicans. that paul ryan will at least start this next congress as speaker of the house. we haven't yet seen what revenge donald trump, if he is elected president, he will take on paul ryan. but democrats right now, looking ahead to a potential donald trump presidency, are trying to figure out what levers of power might exist full stop. >> and i'm also thinking of john roberts, does he look around and say, how few justices, how many do we need to do this? >> let's go to andrea mitchell at clinton headquarters at the javits center.
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andrea, i imagine that is the biggest shift in mood that you've ever seen in a large ballroom. >> you could say that again. it is just palpable. when those states started turning and they began to see these numbers, people just standing shell-shocked. and there's no live entertainment here. they've got the network projections up. they've been piping in speeches like andrew cuomo's from outside. chuck schumer also when he declared victory in his own senate race. there's been radio silence except for a few communications that were received without any quotations possible on what they still believe their path to victory would be to my colleague and our other colleagues here. other than that, we've heard nothing from the clinton family. earlier in the night, they were so optimistic. they were giving us color details of little charlotte, the
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older grandchild was wearing. at that point, they were talking about a victory speech, very frankly. so this is putting an enormous damper obviously on this. and it's a very narrow path now. she has to draw a straight on the remaining states. >> andrea mitchell, thanks. nicole wallace has rejoined us with some reporting from inside what has been going on in trump tower. >> yeah, chris, you put it to kellyanne at the beginning of the night about whether he was prepared to speak to both outcomes. i'm told he headed back to the residence to work on a victory speech. >> he had the other one ready? >> i don't know that he did. i'll let her speak to that. but he had a transition, a traditional transition run by chris christie and some folks with knowledge of how the government works. and he was so superstitious about his own long odds that he's really not paid much
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attention at all. i think the transition period is 78 days. >> yeah. >> mitt romney, as you might expect as a business guy, had a really well executed transition plan. donald trump also has had a team that's been working in vetting potential nominees for many, many months for transitions. so all these things that no one talked about, because we accepted the polls, when someone's ahead by 3.5 points, maybe you should be asking more questions, but the work of a transition has been under way and i imagine we'll start hearing information tomorrow. he'll probably get briefed on that for the first time, i would guess, tomorrow. >> let me ask you this, and include your circle of friends, you and steve. if it were drawn from the usual folks, you would say, what a strong bench they have. but we can't assume anything. >> well, listen, three years ago, he was a democrat. so i wouldn't assume that you can't assume anything. i mean, who knows. who knows who he'll pick from. and the guy without 15 minutes
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in government, i think, is on his way to waning tonight. so who knows what he values in an appointee? i have no idea. but i know that the transition was done by people from inside the gop establishment. and the people were vetted in a very traditional way. so i think when you start hearing names, they won't be the kind of names that have been floated on the campaign side. that information in the last 48 hours has come from the campaign. there was a separate entity, with a transition staff that was doing the vetting of potential nominees. >> steve schmidt, someone getting off a transcontinental flight and walking through the airport and pausing to listen to us right now would see that our talking points don't match up with the known knowns of the gr graphics. no one's been elected here. what's your view as to what's happening here? >> well, look, i think the body language at the clinton campaign victory party says it all, that donald trump is on the precipice of becoming the president-elect
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of the united states. of being the commander in chief of the world's most powerful military, with its most potent nuclear arsenal. i do think we should spend just a second talking about one of the history-making aspects of tonight, which would be the execution of probably the most successful intelligence operation, since the code-breaking in the second world war. where you have a hostile foreign power intervening in an american election, trying to influence its outcome, with the wikileaks attacks, and the hacking of the democratic party and the clinton e-mails. certainly it's had an impact on the election, on her reputation. maybe an obvious question is, why are the russians so keen on having a candidate of their preference be elected? we're just in uncharted territory. i think every intelligence agency in
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