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tv   Election Night 2016  MSNBC  November 9, 2016 1:00am-2:01am PST

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live from msnbc headquarters continuing our historic live coverage. donald trump is now the president-elect of the united states. indeed, a short time ago he spoke in the hilton ballroom in mid town manhattan. >> we're going to get to work immediately for the american people. and we're going to be doing a job that hopefully you will be so proud of your president. you'll be so proud. >> close race late into the night and hillary clinton did
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not make a formal concession speech this evening. we've learned she will speak later on this morning and she also made a formal phone call conceding the race to president-elect trump. her supporters completely stunned in a u-turn that defied almost all late polls. good morning to you. this was by all accounts a stunning victory for donald trump. he entered election day as an underdog but racked up an unexpected win in a wide series of battleground states. >> i've just received a call from secretary clinton. she congratulated us.
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it's about us, on our victory, and i congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard fought campaign. i mean, she -- she fought very hard. hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time and we oher a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country. i mean that very sincerely. now it's time for america to bind the wounds of division, have to get together. for all republicans and democrats and independents across this nation i say it is time for us to come together as one united people. >> trump's early morning comments there about clinton, a marked contrast to his closing
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argument that she should be under investigation, if not in jail for her part. hillary clinton conceded that race as i mentioned to donald trump. it was about 2:02. the clinton campaign chairman john podesta came out to a clearly tearful and upset crowd at the new york javits center. he told them it was time to go home. podesta said this. >> we are so proud of her. she's done an amazing job and she is not done yet. so thank you for being with her. she has always been with you. i have to say this tonight. good night. we will be back. we'll have more to say. let's get those votes counted and let's bring this home. >> there will be more to say as clinton's aides say she will speak earlier this morning, later on this morning. i want to bring in our panel,
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josh barrel, katie packer, former deputy campaigner for mitt romney and david koryn, washington bureau chief and mother jones msnbc analyst. we have a lot to unpack on what is an historic and widely unexpected night. our polls said many people were not expecting this decisive victory. david, i want to start with you on the ethics, the morality. it is not every day that you have a major candidate running on discrimination, running on banning types of immigrants or restricting it despite being an immigrant family, an immigrant family himself. he threaded those needles and won over people who previously voted for obama.
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>> and he entered this as a champion of a racist notion. he also admitted to engaging in sexual assault. people accused him of doing what he said he did. so you have to look at the people who voted for him and we've been talking a lot about nontalented educated white guys. not the only block. and obviously none of that made a difference. the fact that he stiffed contractors, not pay taxes, the fact that every fact checker in the world, he lied, outright lied more than any other politician by multiple numbers, even including hillary clinton. they put that aside because of amg ger, resentment and fear resonated with them. maybe because of racism. cultural insecurity over the changing dynamics of america.
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never in the history of america has that been put aside. >> josh, economic insecurity may be a theme but he lost voters who make under $50,000 and he lost all voters making over $100,000. his only band was 50 to 100,000 with people who didn't go to college or were white americans? >> yeah. i'm going to want to see the vote in more details. some of the stuff we saw was he did better with college educated whites.
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it sets the data of whose fault was this and it elected him. it is a reflection of great discontent. there's going to be a significant decline and turnout. it looks like he may get as many votes as mitt romney. >> will this be good enough to win because hillary clinton got so many fewer votes than barack obama got. one of the key questions is why is what remains of the democratic base switching to trump. i think democrats were in denial. i think that's one of the leading reasons why it became possible for donald trump. >> that might be an elegant word for a steaming, boiling type of anger, anger over not only the state of the american economy which by and large the exit polls were telling us were not
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the main issue. my question to you as a republican critic of donald trump, did he ultimately understand the republican party far better than it understood him? >> not necessarily the republican party but i do think he understood the american electorate. you shouldn't paint it that donald trump won with uneducated racist white men. donald trump managed to thread a needle with some of those people, certainly some of those people and some of his early supporters, but also with a lot of republicans that really just despised hillary clinton. so they were willing to jump on the trump train even though they don't find him acceptable. they wanted to stop hillary clinton because they think she's just as dangerous. >> two uniquely bad candidate running against him. >> 20 years of republican resentment building up but also another group that he brought in that was just willing to try
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anything to blow up washington, d.c. they're unhappy with health care. they're unhappy with the hikes they're seeing, they're unhappy with the economic situation. they don't know who to blame. they're thinking, let's try something nobody's tried before. he managed to pull all of those groups together. it's not just a small group of angry white racist men. >> katie, one of the things we can update at 1:10 a.m. on the west coast is the margin here between these two candidates in the popular vote is fast shrinking. it is down to about 600,000 and our projections suggest hillary clinton by tomorrow could easily have more votes. the united states will be in a position where the person who won the most votes in the country in a democracy is not president. all is fair in the electoral college because everyone knew
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the rules going into it. does it matter that he did an inside straight flush while losing the popular vote? >> what's most interesting for me, first of all, the fact that donald trump pulled out a victory looking at the polls. looking at how much the pollsters got this wrong. the reason why this is so interesting was, hey, in 2012 barack obama got there and you look at that. take it with a grain of salt. mitt romney only won 23% of the latino vote. in 2016, yes, hillary clinton won 25% but donald trump won more than mitt romney did. he still got 27% of this. >> does it matter if he ultimately comes up second in the popular vote? >> you know, it might matter. this is what everyone is worried
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about. doesn't look like they're saying that. yes, hillary clinton conceded but it does matter because it's showing that there is a disconnect between the electoral college and the popular vote. that's the way our system is designed. >> katie, you're sort of shaking your head. there is something large here with hillary clinton, unpopular as you say she may be. if she did despite all the things you listed off, win more votes than the other person and will have the dubious distinction of being the first female nominee to win more votes without becoming president. >> it is history repeating itself. mitt romney won 27% of the hispanic vote in 2012, i have to correct that, so those numbers are going to be very similar. they're going to sort of defy a lot of the early projections that the latino vote was way up. we also are seeing the african-american vote not producing fwht same kinds of numbers as they did for barack obama. this is a group that has been
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very, very loyal and supportive to the democratic party. you have to wonder after two years of an african-american president and a democratic party, you have to wonder if they'll say they can't produce. >> if he had won that you know what we'd be saying, rigged, rigged, rigged. >> is it rigged? >> hold on a second. this is the second time, the only -- the last two republican presidents have won have not won the majority votes and if you look at the way the house of representatives is jerry manned, you have to have 54% of the democrats in order to win a majority of the votes. at some point we have to look at this and say is this the way a modern democracy should work?
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yes, these are the rules and he won by the existing rules but he can't say his positions are majority positions. they're majority positions in a lot of rural states. they don't have the population that other states have. so the president will come in not representing the desires, dreams, host of most americans. >> josh, you're shaking your head. >> well, this is not the system i would design although every country's voting systems have quirks. it's not usual that you would elect the head of state with a popular vote. how pathetic is it, that the opponent of the candidate that was this bad could not come out by more than 1 million votes ahead of him. hillary will probably end up with the lead of a million
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votes. >> democrats should have been able to put up somebody. >> there's two questions. no one is suggesting anything about the outcome of the results. we have a system that governs this. >> let's call it. donald trump and his fans, i think we're going to be hearing this, we have a mandate. everyone is behind what we want to do. here's why paul ryan, roger ales or anyone should get out of the way. the answer is you did win fair and square but you don't have a majority of numbers. we're going to pause it tlbs because i want to bring in alex wisconsin. i'm not steve kornacki. this board does not talk back to me. also, we have to keep in mind, there are four states that we have yet to hear the final numbers on. that said, what i want to focus on here is donald trump having flipped some significant states.
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florida he did it, ohio he did it, iowa they did it. together they were 53 electoral votes. a significant number right there. let's look at also the first time voters. look at these numbers. 56% went for clinton, 40 for trump, two for johnson, one for stein but we should note for the first-time voters, that was about 10% of all of the votes that we got with our nbc exit polling. full 10%. you'd think it might have been gre greater given where trump is. also, you look at the millennial vote. see if we can do it this way. this one? there we go? it listened to me. the millennial vote, 55% clinton, 25% tradition. >> so, again, surprising given
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that we're seen -- able to appear the older voters, that didn't vote in the last election. i'll be back with a cleaner map for you. >> alex, i think it's great. the millennial numbers are fascinating because that was a key point in this race. we'll come back to you at this hour. what we're going to do up next is take you live to some of the swing states around the nation. hear the latest nations from the ground as everyone is processing. also, we're going to like at several news. massachusetts and california have legalized marijuana.
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for those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people, i'm reaching out to you for your guidance and help so we can unify our great country. >> that was donald trump in his victory speech. according to his campaign manager, kellyanne conway, one
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of them called him. president obama called president-elect trump. what they discussed, we don't know yet. people will soon wake up to trump press-elect. here's "usa today", trump's strength leads to election stunner. how is the news playing out in the field? we have nbc news correspondents in several battleground states that matter. maria in florida, and steve patterson in wayne, pennsylvania, one be of the biggest shockers. i want to bring with you mariana. there was a lot of talk about the role of latinos and immigrant populations. what are you finding? >> ari, good morning to you. i'm here at the tale end of a watch party in miami. latino families have not slept.
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donald trump is the new president-elect. yesterday it was the surge by latinos in early voting across several battleground states. that headline quickly changed. the conversation here quickly changed to what now? will donald trump deliver on his immigration. kaye, you are 15 years old. your parents were deported. what do you want donald trump supporters and donald trump himself to know about people like you and your family. >> well, i'm an american citizen so i want donald trump himself and his supporters to know that i have every right like them. i have a right to have my mom. i have a right to go to the bark and play ball. the american citizens should know that foundations are there
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to help. >> thank you, kaye. that foundation at the watch party. one of the people who take care of children like him. raymond, you voted for secretary clinton. you've been fighting for immigration reform for decades. the outcome was not the one you wanted. your reaction this morning, sir? >> well, i can't wrap my mind around what happened tonight because we had a promise from mrs. clinton that was clear. she wanted to have these families united. now that mr. trump has won, we need to tell him we need to open up a dialogue. he has a family. he has children. he has a wife that is from another country. she's an immigrant, you know? we really like to -- when he said that he wanted to work with, you know, everybody, he's open to an open dialogue, and we
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need to talk to him about these children. we need to tell him that these children are suffering and we need to fix this. >> thank you so much. thank you, everyone, for hosting us today. some of the concerns by the latino community. we talked about the record latino turnout. it wasn't enough. this is a new reality they are grappling with this morning. >> thank you, marianna. i want to go to morgan wrathford in charlotte, north carolina. what are you hearing? >> reporter: ari, there's mixed reaction. we're at a diner. trump took the stage just after 11:00 p.m. last night. it was called. he won 51% of the vote. hillary clinton gaining 47% of the vote. ari, here in north carolina the numbers we're seeing reflecting sort of what we're seeing nationally in terms of demographics. for example, trump polled higher
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among white men, americans, those without a college degree. hillary clinton, she pulled higher younger people, minorities. there are local politics here and especially when the bathroom bill became such a hot bed issue. take a listen to what both of those governor possibly elect had to say. take a listen. >> first of all, i need to congratulate donald trump for winning north carolina and my good friend mike pence who just called me. >> confident that these results will be certified and that they will confirm victory! thank you very much. >> reporter: well, given how divisive the political climate
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has been here in north carolina, the people i've spoken with say they're not entirely confident the state can come together because both sides are feeling so strong after today's argument. >> i wanted to go to steve patterson, we saved the most unexpected for the last. this was a shock wave across the country. they all thought it was just talk when the trump folks said that was one of their paths. it was their path. what are you hearing? >> absolutely shocking, ari. we're in a diner. all people including republican strategists, clinton's ground game was so much stronger than donald trump's in the ground game. particularly in areas where she was supposed to do so well. these are the four counties that surround suburban. dell care county, montgomery county, bucks county, chester county. she wanted those counties.
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she swept those counties. not only that, pittsburgh and philadelphia solidly blue. i think she didn't account for the revolution that was happening across the country and particularly here in the middle of the state. we're at a diner. we have emmy, a clinton supporter. how are you feeling this morning? >> i'm very scared. i was sick when i found out trump won. i'm scared. i'm scared that the u.n.'s going to drop us out. i am scared about nuclear war. i'm scared about warfare within our own country and i'm not sure that he's particularly ready for the political position. >> reporter: do you think there is a chance to rally around? he is our president-elect at this point now. do you give your support to him? >> bernie sanders. >> you were a bernie voter? >> yes. >> were you disappointed when clinton was the nominee? >> it was okay. it's one of those things where it's one or the other.
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actually, i was very disappointed because i chose bernie. i feel that us as voters are being lisened to with the electoral college. we need to be back in tune to match. >> not being listened to is a big part of this. pat toomey, the republican senator held the seat. that's another win for republicans in pennsylvania. back to you. >> steve patterson, thank you very much. donald trump has been named the president-elect. some exit polls tell a key story. in florida, for example, look at this. 88% went for clinton over trump. hispanics, 63% went for clinton. 29% did vote for trump. why didn't more minority voters makes a difference? how does this victory affect
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people who feel donald trump explicitly ran against him. ben gellis, thanks for being here. >> good to be here. for a lot of people they're scared. hate crimes have gone up because of this campaign. if he governs the way he ran, it will continue to go up. we saw a black church burn. it's basic instability. white basketball teams chanting build the wall. i think for many of us, the resistance begins now. the organizing begins now. 2018 gichks now. 2020 begins now. in fighting back against a president who has made it clear he doesn't respect much of the
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country. muslims, latinos, black voters and then you throw in women. >> there's no response from any particular community, but what do you think it says to people who are in the civil rights community or in the african-american community in the united states. people say, well, it's time to unite or appeal to unity because you have a candidate who by his own estimation and his own words wasn't running on unity. he was running on restoring america. make america great again to a certain time period and very clearly saying he was going to stand up against latinos, stand up against what he called certain elements of urban america. >> i think it's clear, the black community was monolithically against him. i think probably more than 90% nationally.
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the reality is that most of america is -- falls into the categories that he's insulted in this campaign. while apparently many did vote for him, i think that he will find it hard -- he will find it increasingly hard to govern -- to win a second presidency without relying, quite frankly, on voter suppression. every trend in our country is against what he represents. this will go down in history, whether it's 10 years from now or 50 years from now as one of the death throws of frankly the old white majority approach to governing in our country. >> what does it say to you that barack obama's presidency will be followed up by a birder in chief. >> they're saying other
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republicans who were afraid to grab it, i am the one who will bring the berther issue to the fore. obvious racial dog whistle. what does that say to you about the historical arc we're on? >> it says for every action, there is a equal and opposite reaction. we will go through a dark period. like i said, the resistance becomes now and a better future for our children. we will have to remove donald trump from the presidency in order to get to that better future for our kids. >> last question before we go. you look at your former group, the membership will go up, nation wagon magazine subscriptions will go up.
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msnbc viewership will go up. this is the most overtly racist president. most evertly xenophobic presidents. >> in any -- none of us can remember him. so the realities is they're looking for the naacp to provide it. again, the resistance against now. >> ben jealous, former president of the naacp thank you for being here. >> appreciate it. >> the latest exit poll and seeing how it breaks down, how women turned out and what they might be thinking about a trump presidency. our live coverage continues straight ahead.
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live election coverage, one group that came out in fofrs was college voters. >> big time. michigan, let's take a look at that. tremendous difference between the last couple of elections. michigan. we haven't called it completely. we don't know if it's in the red or blue column. at this point the rural voters, 37% for trump, 38 for clinton. wayne county, detroit, has yet to be fully counted. it still looks like trump will take michigan. 2012, let's hope this is that.
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there we go. again there was a discrepancy. this time we have trump taking far more. people out in the burbs have come back into it. that was for 20 electoral votes. we're waiting on those specifically. we hope this is pennsylvania. it is, indeed. the big cities. this is where hillary clinton has been ahead, harrisburg, pittsbur pittsburgh, philadelphia. she has taken that area. look at the rural voters. came out en masse. 71% to 26%. as we take a look at the last go round in 2012, again, mitt romney won. the discrepancy between the two, melania was there as well in the burbs. that's the latest with those two states. >> absolutely. that's clearly what made the difference in some of these states, thank you very much. you now that the american voters
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have spoken and selected president-elect donald trump to take over the white house, there are many questions percolating including but not of course may make it. he released a special list of conservative judges. what bearing will that have on roe v. wade. we have two guests back with us. victoria, there is a theory that among the other things that happened at the end of this race, the unusual insertion of the fbi, clearly some turnout models started to shift as boast campaigns hustled to places like pennsylvania and michigan. conservatives talking about the supreme court whether they like donald trump or not. the import of that. your view on whether that was a
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key factor. >> i think you had a number of republicans living in texas, i talk to many of these republicans who were bush style candidates. i'm going to put a dozen clothespins on and i'm going to go into the ballot box. the other big factor is we need to have a come to jesus method about the polling. all of our polling was wrong. we need to figure out what are we missing with our samples? what are we missing with our technology? i think that together with what we underestimated as the strength of republican voters who don't like trump. >> let me push you on that. you raise an interesting point but i think your premise is that we need accurate polling so we can predict the outcome in
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advance. a counter argument would be for most of history we didn't have such a big complex. maybe what we've learned over the last two days, you should throw the polls out the window, pay less attention to them and see what the voters decide. >> i'll admit it. i came up with the golden age of polling. i think that is a valid point, ari. i was going to say i'm going to go to bed with that. i'm going to stay up the rest of the morning thinking about that because at the end of the day it's not about the polls, it's what the american people want. the american people spoke very clearly tonight, whether you like it or not. >> david? >> well, i think when it comes to polling, that's not a problem the democrats had. they got out there and organized their vote. the polls show us where we came
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up short. now with the supreme court, what are the ramifications? how is donald trump going to govern? liberals didn't like it when he became president in 1980. he brought in don regan and james baker. these were establishment type of republicans. liberals didn't like the policies but they realized they were experts in the field. donald trump doesn't have a long attention span, doesn't care about details with policies. he's talking about having rudy giuliani and newt gingrich making up the core of his cabinet. they are not great counters to the deficits that donald trump has. >> david, you're raising the question will he form a cabinet and bureaucracy in his own image. >> or will he work with the existing public establishment in washington and actually accept some of their recommendations on
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who knows something about policy matters. this is an establishment that he has been at odds with. one thing we know about donald trump, he's a very vengeful guy. i screw people who screw me, i screw them ten times over. will he be able to make amends? it takes a lot to run the federal government. you can't do it with the people on his small team. >> victoria, let me come back to you. doesn't this come to the question of which donald trump are we going to get? is it the donald trump that ran on the muslim band? then he said i'm going to build a new wall but then had his aides saying, maybe it's a cyber wall. for a guy who denounces politically correct speech, he has moved around. which one do we get? >> which donald trump is going to move into the white house?
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i am going to be an optomist. i want the donald trump that gave the speech tonight. that is my hope. but i'm not going to hold my breath on that. >> well, look, i'll be interested to watch. donald trump who is disagreeing in essence with what he ran on which was lock her up. that's what they ran on. we should jail our political opponen opponents. one speech doesn't unwind a year campaign. we will find out. sometimes governing is different than campaigning. thank you for joining us tonight and this morning i should say. up next, after a closely fought election, how will the next president govern in our divided country? >> two years ago president obama made a little noticed comment.
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he was talking about 2016 and who might succeed him and he said, you know, it may be impossible for me to pass along this job to a democratic successor, he said. the people may want that new car smell. that was the term being used. i don't think he was thinking about this, but if you look through america that has gone back through 200 years, it is extremely rare that one political party controls the house.
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good morning. welcome back. i want to bring in our panel. we have chris and katie. she's a trump critic along the way. we have something brand new. this is kellyanne conway, trump's third and victorious campaign manager. she spoke to our katie tur about this concession call that hillary clinton made. it must have been painful and
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personal as well as hillary clinton's plan to speak later today. take a listen. >> very gracious phone call. huma called me. i handed the phone to mr. trump. i commend her. >> you took a lot of heat for the idea that donald trump wasn't going to concede graciously. premature. do you feel like hillary clinton needs to come out and address the american public and do what she said donald trump should have done. >> that's something i do find the irony delicious. >> should we expect to see donald trump -- >> does he have something to say? >> did they have a phone conversation. >> he called while mr. trump was on the stage. >> should we expect to see the same donald trump on the stage tonight. >> that's the donald trump that apparently a million plus voters saw. >> what about those who didn't vote for him though, how is he going to reach out to latinos, african-american, those that might have been offended by -- those that were offended, still
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bothered by birtherism. >> he said tonight he's going to be president for all-americans including those who didn't vote for him. he said as a funny aside. we don't put people in monolithic boxes the way you did. you got a fair number of african-american votes tonight. he'll be the president of all people. that's what his message was all night. that's the message i heard during his campaign. we hope we can work with president obama and secretary clinton and we know we can. >> kellyanne conway speaking now. you look at that and you look at their stance, what comes to mind? >> this is a campaign that's clearly relishing the moment that they're living in. i think part of the reason why i think everyone is stunned is to some extent i think they didn't think based on the public polling that they had a path. clearly i think everyone missed it. i think that to me is the big take away is tonight.
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the democratic party, what did we miss so badly, particularly the pollsters in some of these key states that are traditionally locked down blue democratic states, michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin? and i think that is, i think, the key thing. whatever is going to happen over the next few weeks, i get it. my focus is what did we learn so this doesn't happen again four years down the road. i think we've got to be really honest about the mistakes that were made and the changes that have to be made. >> are you speaking as a democrat and a member of the professional political class? >> both. i think as consultants we have to be honest about when things go wrong, and clearly there is something fundamentally wrong in polling. and i've seen this too long and too often in too many races where too many pollsters make excuses why their models were wrong. they're not honest or straightforward that there are
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assumptions that go into the models. when those assumptions are off, you can have a very different outcome. >> katie, when people wake up this morning, they look at this. they say, well, in the primary he ran a different kind of campaign, cheaper, unconventional, that the establishment didn't see coming and he won and he shocked the world. then in the general everyone said, well, he'll lose, it looks like, because of the way traditional campaigns work. here he did it over. they really are having the last laugh. >> the trump campaign certainly has a lot to be proud of tonight. donald trump has a lot to be proud of because he, you know, sort of ran his own race and put the blinders on and was off. i would sort of argue with the notion that the pollsters didn't see it coming in the primary. the pollsters mostly did anticipate that he was going to win. >> sure. >> he led very early on. >> but republicans didn't know how to counter him. >> absolutely. there are a lot of reasons why he won the primary that we don't need to go back into now.
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this is clearly a race that has seen hillary clinton under perform. and seen donald trump blow her out of the water. >> and see him rise. >> you've been watching our special good morning election coverage. i'm ari melburg. that does it for our show. i want you to keep it locked right here. up next alex whit and alli velshi. you're watching msnbc.
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