tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC November 10, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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have another incredible story about how trump's data teams made its election day predictions. you can read that story right now on john and i will be back here tomorrow, same bad time, same bad channel. sayonara. >> "hardball with chris matthews" is next. face to face, let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matthews back in washington. over the last 36 hours, president barack obama has clearly displayed his ability to put aside his animosity to president-elect donald trump. he's showcasing to the country and to the world that a core peace of democracy is a peaceful transfer of power. president obama joined with his successor for a photo op in the oval office. a white house spokesman told nbc news the president stet no
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agenda and was focused solely on answering any questions trump had on the responsibilities of the office. and here's the president. >> i have been very encouraged by are the, i think, interest in president-elect trump's wanting to work with my team around many of the issues that this great country faces. and i believe that it is important for all of us, regardless of party and regardless of political preferences, to now come together, work together, to deal with the many challenges that we face. most of all, i want to emphasize to you, mr. president-elect, that w now are going to want to do everything we can to help you
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succeed, because if you succeed, then the country succeeds. >> interesting body language there. anyway, donald trump reciprocated the president's goodwill, praising his accomplishments. he did that in saying that he would continue to consult with the president. let's watch. >> this was a meeting that was going to last for maybe 10 or 15 minutes and we were just going to get to know each orr. we had never met each other. i have great respect. the meeting lasted for almost an hour half. and as far as i'm concerned, it could have gone on for much longer. we discussed a lot of different situations. some wonderful and some difficulties. i very much look forward to dealing with the president in the future, including counsel. he explained some of the difficulties, some of the high-flying assets, and some of the really great things that
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have been achieved. so, mr. president, it was a great honor being with you and i look forward to being with you many, many more times in the future. >> thank you. >> this comes as politico reports that the mood among the white house staff right now is grim. quote, but the freakout has been kept in check, in public, at least. well, people aren't feeling so good, in fact, people are scared. that includes a lot of people in big jobs. the president is also leading by example when it comes to the incoming trump administration, directing his staff, the president's doing that to replicate the seamless transition that president bush put in place eight years ago. so all of this is a set against, obviously, against the backdrop of what we're looking at right now. the reality in the streets and the protests that broke out in major cities across the country, including in new york, amazing. thousands demonstrators out there who have made it clear that they reject donald trump as our next president. they took to the streets to vent their anger over the results of -- look at the crowds! i'm joined right now by nbc's chris jansing from the white house. it's quite a contrast, chris,
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between the rousing crowd last night, they were just -- who owns the streets? we do. who owns the streets? we do. this rejectionism out there, especially by millennials, of what happened on tuesday night. >> i don't know if you can hear in the background, just outside the white house gates, even right now, chris, we're hearing people yelling, all day, there have been crowds out there saying, love trump's hate. that's -- these are the people that the president is aiming at, with that, i thought, stunning image today, sending a message from the president of the united states, this is how democracy works. this is what a peaceful transition looks like. and you're right, a lot of those staff members have been in tears. i've seen how upset they are. he's called them in and talked to them and said, this is what we have to do. and so you have a meeting between these two men, who are incredible political enemies. donald trump, who repeatedly questioned the legitimacy of president obama to even be in office. they didn't talk about birtherism. it was described as less-awkward
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than you might have expected. donald trump thought this meeting was going to go for 10 or 15 minutes. it went for an hour and a half. the president was determined to absolutely answer any questions that he had, whether they were about foreign policy, domestic policy, or just the transition itself. look, one image is not going to change the minds of the people who are out here protesting. and in fact, senior staff have admitted to me that all the things that the president said about donald trump on the campaign trail, that he's not fit for office, those ideas haven't changed. but what has changed is they got a result in this election that they did not expect, and so, he is determined, as the president of the united states, to set an example for himself, for the country, for what this transition should be. and can i just say, finally, chris, because you've been in there, before. when i saw that picture in the oval office, and it set up, in a way, with all the media around it, and these two men in these chairs on either side of the
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fireplace, that's a scene that's reserved for foreign leaders. so this is the first image we've had of donald trump as leader of the free world, for a lot of people, what a stunning image, chris. >> chris jansing, well-reported. thanks so much, as always. at the conclusion of their meeting today, 90-minute meeting today, president obama shared some advice with trump about dealing with the press. a little comic relief right now, we all need that right now, with how you deal with shouted questions from the press. let's watch this. >> thank you, everybody. we're not -- we are not going to be taking any questions. thank you, guys. thank you, guys. that's a good rule. don't answer any questions when they just start yelling. >> it's always the last one. >> come on, guys. come on, guys. let's go. >> very good man. >> appreciate it. >> guys, it's so old school. i'm sure there's some women in that group. joining me right now, matt schlapp, chairman of the american conservative union and
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also my friend -- you are my friend, too, republican strategist, john fieri. you know, i want to start with something human. i may not be emotional like most people, i have so many family members. women, not just women, emotional about this, fieri, you know, your side won -- i don't know if it's your side or not. >> definitely not -- >> the fear, the freakout you hear a lot. the cosmos has shifted into this perhaps brave new world, but it is scary. because of the stuff trump said, and i know i'm -- i have a little mixture, because i've interviewed the guy 20, 30 times over the year. i went to his wedding. i know him a little bit personally, a little bit. and i have a mixed view of him a little bit. but if you just go by what he has said, it's horrendous. horrific! and so people are acting on the public trump. i'm watching him there. i know president obama got a look at the real guy or the personal guy, much different. >> much deferent. >> so maybe there's some hope there that he will be reasonable. your thoughts? i mean, reasonable, meaning, he
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has to govern this country. it's a job. >> look, i think he is a reasonable guy. i think the reason that meeting went longer than expected is because donald trump is inquisitive, charming, i think he was respectful to the president. i think the president wanted to see his respect. and i think donald trump feels he has deserves some respect. and a lot of what happens is his reactions to things, when people are dissing him. and he realized in the last month of that campaign, he found his voice. it was a little bit more mellow, it was disciplined, and it worked. and if he acts as president as he did in the last month of this campaign, i think he'll be pretty successful. >> you're on the republican side, but you know about governance. as church would say, keep calm and carry on. what did you think about how the president handled this? this guy as inferiority complexes. the president addressed that concern. >> the best transition of all time was the bush transition to the obama administration, which
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was very difficult for both people. >> what was the worst transition ever? >> probably hoover being replaced by fdr. >> i didn't have a w. on my keyboard and my office was clashed from clinton to bush. and that's why -- >> you say you've been to a job in the white house in 2001, and you noticed all the ws were -- >> i didn't have a w on my keyboard, all the furniture had been broken, the arms had been broken off of it, the voice mail system has been destroyed. and the white house working guy with the name on his shirt, this is what he said, he was crawling around looking at the wires and everywhere else, and he said, and they say they're for the working man. i've had to work the last 24 hours right to fix all of this stuff. >> and you saw this personally. >> that's why george w. bush didn't want to have that kind of transition. >> and bush did it well. andy care rick spent a lot of time making sure it went well. josh bolten. and this was a very important image for the country. very important for the president
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to come in and say, this is a guy who's going to replace me. and i'm okay with that and by saying i'm okay with that, hopefully he can send a message to all these young people and they are young people, who are devastated, who voted for hillary clinton, that, you know, what, we have to move on. because a lot of these young people have never understand a presidency without barack obama as president. they were probably 12 when he got elected. so i think for -- he's trying to teach them how this democracy works, because a lot of them don't understand how it works. >> there are a lot of people my age who are worried they'll never have another shot for a woman president. there's a lot of heartbreak out there. nbc news reports tonights that donald trump's transition team has a working -- i'm sorry, i'm burping here. a working list of three to five names for each cabinet level position. and i want to share with you my skepticism about any of these names. the senior staff would review their options with the trump family. that's interesting, he wants his family to approve this. while they have not officially presented anything to the president-elect, several people are under consideration, including rudy giuliani for attorney general. we've heard these -- i think
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these names were put up as scarecrows, anyway. but they're now they're, i guess. newt gingrich as secretary of state. general michael flynn for secretary of defense. michael mccaul for homeland security. "the new york times" is also reporting today that former campaign manager, ceo, steve bannon, is a contender to become trump's chief of staff. bannon who previously ran the hard-right website, breitbart news, has been a nasty critic of house speaker paul ryan, as a defender of the alt-right movement. do you think this is real? this stuff? these factions are so -- >> in these transitions, usually the names you see first get printed are almost always like you said, from a faction, from somebody who has an interest in pushing one name over another. it usually has nothing to do with what the candidate seriously -- >> the breitbart guy, how would bannon -- i don't even know the guy. how would he help mr. trump come into washington, having no government experience, and help him deal with the united states congress and everybody else? how would he help him do that? >> i think it would be pretty
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difficult. and breitbart having been a fierce critic of any establishment in the republican. it's a very difficult sell, not only for the house republicans, but for anybody inside the beltway. but it's his decision. i think the better decision would be someone like a rines reince priebus. >> and reagan picked the guy who ran against him. and put that guy -- because he knew he would be the best chief of staff. >> but he also had the troika. reagan had -- and i think that was important. and i think you could see something like that here. those names that you -- mike flynn will have a big role in this administration. newt gingrich, rudy giuliani, i just don't know if it's -- >> let me ask you this. will that clash with the nice mood today. you shake hands with the president and talk nice for 90 minutes and bring in steve bannon? >> i think donald trump has to expect anyone he puts forward will be criticized by somebody and probably democrats who most fiercely criticize. i think bannon would be a bad step in the wrong direction. >> let me give you another name that's going to cause some smell.
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chris christie from bridgegate who's heading up trump's transition team apparently, still, was asked today if trump would follow through on his campaign's promise to prosecute hillary clinton if they won? this is serious business. and here's what christie said. >> donald trump praised hillary clinton in his speech, but in the previous weeks, he said he was going to lock her up and appoint a special prosecutor. has he dropped that? >> listen, i haven't spoken to him about that, but what i'll tell you is, they had an enormously gracious conversation with each other on tuesday night. the secretary was very gracious to donald, to the president-elect, and the president-elect has been incredibly gracious to her. again, politics are over now, people have spoken, time to move to uniting the country. >> what about him at the convention? christie in cleveland. it was unbelievable, he says, guilty as charged! like the french revolution. hillary clinton, guilty of everything! and he was acting like it was a real courtroom. >> he prosecuted the case. >> now he says it's just politics? what is it? he either believed what he was saying at the time or he didn't.
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did he believe that she should have been prosecuted? >> yes. >> and now he's dropped that? >> and the voters have, too. >> no, she lost. should she be prosecuted in the mind and heart of chris christie? >> i would skbrjust say this. it would be terrible for them to act like they want to go after -- >> they said they wanted to do this. >> they won. >> this was a very difficult campaign on both sides. the accusations were on both sides. >> you ever heard "lock her up" or "lock him up" in a campaign? >> yeah. >> no, you haven't. >> we need to move the country forward by getting some good stuff done for the american people and i think trump can do that and he's going to do that working with congress and hopefully chuck schumer. that would be great. >> don't bring up the name cheney. >> it does go both way. >> he took us into a war we never should have gone into and a lot of people are dead. rudy giuliani was asked if he
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agrees with christie if this thing's over, no more prosecution talk of hillary clinton. now watch giuliani. >> i think it's a tough decision. i think it's a tough decision, because you have to weigh what chris is saying, which is, it's been a tradition in our politics to out things behind us. toer on the other hand, you have to look at, how bad was it? because suppose somebody comes along a year from now and is allege to have had stolen $50,000 from a charity and she was never investigated for hundreds of millions. i don't know what the right answer to that is. i think it's a tough one that should be given a lot of thought and it shouldn't be an off-the-cuff answer. the equal administration of justice is one of our most important principles. >> so he's saying that hillary clinton can't be let off the cuff for stealing hundreds of millions -- did anybody say she stole hundreds of millions of dollars from a charity? did anybody ever say that? >> that she benefited from the charity, but i don't know if he stole -- >> these charges keep coming.
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>> if hillary clinton broke the law, she should be charged. but i don't think she did and we have to move on. >> look -- >> well, rudy won't let it go. the mayor thinks it's still -- >> we brought this up earlier. it's almost like people are trying to show -- >> okay, okay. we're trying to be nice here. it's a nice day. we're all being nice. but i think we ought to stop -- but, it is a cache-22, if christie really believes that she was, you know, a criminal, that she deserved to be prosecuted, the way he talked in the campaign, he ought to stick to that, if he really believed it. but if he did think it was a joke and just politics, he should just say so. it is cache-22. >> i thought i was going to get a window there. >> do you believe she's a criminal? >> i do. >> you do? >> i do. and i think if there's an investigation going on, they ought to let the investigators handle it, not the people who just won the investigation. >> thank you, matt schlapp and john fieri. anti-trump protesters are in the street for the second straight night. this is going to go on.
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obviously, they have classes during the day. looking at a live picture from baltimore, where demonstrators are on the march. it's a lot of cities now. and here's a protest going on right now in minneapolis. so far, things have been peaceful. we will keep an eye on them throughout this hour. coming up, both president obama and donald trump put aside their issues, as i said, their bitter history, today for the good of the country and for appearances, let's be honest. and let's face it, these two have had a history of contempt for one another. we'll go into that tonight. plus, how the clintons were defeated by the very people who got them elected back in '92, the working class voters out there who believe they've been discarded by the democrats. they supported bill clinton, but tupp turned away from hillary clinton. what happened? and michelle and melania. the current and future first ladies met for the first time after a campaign that saw michelle obama emerge as a great surrogate. and finally, let me finish tonight with a proposal for the president-elect. this is "hardball," the place for politics.
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...medicine. well i've been focusing a bit on the human side of what's been going on over the past week. look at that picture. isn't that something? that's hillary clinton out there for a walk with her dog this morning near her home in chappaqua, new york. the woman that posted it, said she was hiking with her daughter when she ran into secretary clinton along with bill clinton. a young mom from white plains, new york, said she told new york that her proudest moment as a mother was taking her young daughter to the polling place to vote for her, secretary clinton. keep your eye on that. that's hillary looking good there. anyway, "hardball" returns after this.
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president obama smiled, shook hands. let's be clear about this, donald trump's path to power was greased by his birther nonsense, president obama mocked him, donald trump in front of the world at that 2011 white house correspondents' dinner, and the two spent the past 18 months accusing each other of being unfit to lead. let's watch some of that history now. >> why doesn't he show his birth certificate? and you know what? i wish he would. because i think it's a terrible pale that's hanging over him. >> he's not offering any real policies or plans. he's just offering division and offering fear. and he's bet fg he scares enough people, he might just scare up enough votes to win this election. >> he's probably the worst president in the history of our country. he's a very divisive person. he has just been a disaster for our country. >> donald trump is uniquely unqualified to be president. i'm not joking. he is temperamentally unfit to be commander in chief. anybody who is upset about a
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"saturday night live" skit, you don't want in charge of nuclear weapons. >> he's down here, campaigning for crooked hillary. this guy ought to be back in the office working. he's not going to be there very long, thank goodness, but he ought to be back in the office working. >> well, now donald trump is set to take office, promising to dismantle the legacy of president obama. how will their history shape the political argument going forward? i'm joined by steve cortez, a trump supporter, and corrine jean pierre, a former adviser to president obama. let me start with steve, because i like trouble. steve, what did you make of that make-nice thing today by both sides? >> you know, listen, here's what i made of it. i mean this, not as a partisan, but as an american. we have bruising campaigns. and this was maybe the most bruising of my lifetime. but when the campaign is over, it's time to come together, because the office of the presidency and america itself is bigger than either of these
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individuals, even though they're the president and the president-elect. as important as they are, they're not as important as the office. they're not as important as america. and i was really proud of both of them. they said incredibly disparage g ing things, as you played for us, about each other over the years. and yet they put that aside. the election's been decided, we don't need to relitigate the election. what we need to do now is make sure we can succeed going forward -- >> can we just get rid of that word, "relitigate." when you call a guy an illegal immigrant who's president of the united states, you know, when you say the person you're running against ought to be in jail, you can't just say, oh, that was just campaign bs. >> well, hold on. and i've told you before, though, i think the birther thing was bs. and i wish he never went down that path. but thankfully, he did put that issue to bed just a couple of months ago. so that is no -- he said that is no longer -- >> he let the issue stay up pretty late before he put it to bed, didn't he? >> longer than i think he should have, but he came to the right
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spot. >> corrine, let's talk about nice. i'm all for it. but the thing about it, it begins to find a way of excusing all that went before it. you can say anything you want, as long as you plan to drop it the day of the transition. >> i'm going to say this. in i think, personally, it had to have been incredibly difficult for president obama to be in this position -- >> like revenge shaking hands with yasser arafat? that was distasteful. you could tell, he did not want to put his hand on the man who had been approving terrorism for years. >> but i think what the president did is stepped into his constitutional role. that wasn't hard, right? he put the country before his personal feelings about donald trump. which i think should be applauded. which is not an easy thing to do. as we know, this country is incredibly divided. the race has showed us that. so i think, you know, the hope is that donald trump learns from what president obama did. >> let me go back to steven and
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back to you, karine. a little bit of the point today was these two gentleman, big shot, one president, one a billionaire, both elected for president, they never met each other. to me, that's a gareat example f this country. i think 99.9% of the trump voters have never really met obama -- they vernal haven't hung out with the hillary people. and there are hillary people who say, i don't know any trump people. that's why maybe i can excuse the pollsters. how do you poll a country where nobody knows each other. you can go around and smell. smells like huey kari is going to win the governorship. it's all so balkanized. two words that have never met before, going into the same room. maybe having a cup of coffee together and talking for 90
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minutes. >> listen, i think you are right, sadly, that we are very balkanized, perhaps the most we've been since the 1960s. i think a big reason why, by the way, is slow growth. that creates all kinds of stress and anxiety and problems. and one of the main reasons, if not the main reason that i think donald trump won this election is he properly diagnosed that problem, that slow growth. this economy is not working for the vast majority of americans. it's only working for the top tier, who have already made it and own assets. the rest of us, the strivers out there, the wage earners are having a very, very tough slog and he offered solutions. >> i'm always open -- >> solutions going forward. >> i'm always open to the economic argument. i do experespect the trition. who do you think of the protesters? most in their 20s. i think they're in school during the day. i think they come out of nyu last night up from downtown. in the village. >> yep. >> and they march all the way past trump tower to paycheck their statement.
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what kind of a statement is it really there to make? they lost. >> look, it's their first amendment right, right? i think they're exercising that right and good for them. look, the country is grieving. something happened on tuesday night that people were not anticipating. donald trump -- let's not forget, yes, they were cordial to each other, which is wonderful and great, it's part of our democracy, but they -- he ran a hateful campaign. he talked about women, he talked about getting rid of muslims, the way he launched his campaign attacked mexicans and called them rapists and criminals. so that is not going to go away. but i want to say one thing that you said, steve, which is -- it's not like president obama started a fight with donald trump and they've been at it for years. donald trump, five years ago, stepped into the political arena going after president obama, leading the birther movement, essentially. and so that is the reality. and that's why i say, we should applaud president obama because
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that was incredibly personal. >> i think that was a mistake and a mistake that he created. >> it was a mistake he corrected. >> i don't like this -- you mean, you made a wrong turn at the stoplight? what do you mean, mistake? he chose to say that the president of the united states, without any evidence, was an illegal immigrant, basically, who came into the country, never been naturalized as an american, and somehow assumed the office. and he also said things like, no one knew him in school. like he was some sort of manchurian candidate, some spooky character who wasn't who he said he was. >> and he corrected it. >> but he never apologized. >> at his convenience, he withdrew it. >> regarding these protesters, by the way, these protesters are not exercising their first amendment rights. they have every right to speak. they don't have a right to stop traffic. they don't have a right to get in the way of commerce. that's not the first amendment. that's being a spoiled brat. and by the way, what are they protesting? democracy itself? when they block traffic? >> steve, get out there.
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they'll be on fifth avenue and you can be a one-man army against them. fisticuffs are in order! i'm just kidding. you can go yell at them from the side of the road, that's your right, but they have the right to yell from the street. >> thank you, karine jean pierre. up next, hillary clinton's undoing came at the hands of the same kind of people that helped bill clinton. the people that backed bill clinton back in '92 when he was bubba, the good old boy, did not come out for hillary. we'll find out what happened from an expert. he's going to talk about his story from the front page of today's "washington post," which explains it all, what went on for the clintons and what went down for the clintons. this is "hardball," the place for politics. gary, gary, gary... i am proud of you, my man. making simple, smart cash back choices... with quicksilver from capital one. you're earning unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. like on that new laptop.
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welcome back to "hardball." well, hillary clinton suffered a stunning defeat by donald trump who rode a wave of support from working class white voters to win the presidency. he carried them by 40 points, marginally 40 point. clinton biographer mareiness writes, one explanation for the stunning political demids of the clintons might be the extent of which they moved away from a middle america sensibility to the roam of the coastal elite. to put it in symbolic terms, making it harder for hillary to bridge the nation's yawning social divide. well-written. "the new york times's" amy choseick today reports the same thing. that it was bill clinton who,
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quote, insisted that his campaign aides do more to try to cut into donald trump's support with these voters. saying she was better off targeting college suburban voters than hitting mr. trump on his temperament. early on, mr. trump pleaded with robby mook to do more outreach with working class white and rural voters, but his advice fell on dead -- actually, deaf ears. practically dead. joining me now is david mariusz himself, associate editor of "the washington post," and best book ever written about clinton, positive book, first in his class, and the great katherine rampell. so you're both with the post. tell us, in your own words, why bill clinton, bubba, elvis, whatever we call him, was country enough, regular enough, mcdonalds enough to capture voters that hillary seems elitist to. >> well, the simple biographical reason is, he grew up with those
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people, in southwest arkansas. his grandfather was one of them, his mother was one of them. he was around them all the time. poor white working class people, and he understood how to talk their language. hillary did not know how to talk their language from the beginning. so you said, it's an explanation for why they lost. it's only one of many explanations, but it is part of the reason. she just wasn't as good at it and. and for different reasons, her consultants and advisers haven't even tried. >> did they stay with the middle class catholic voter, did they look down on them? i think they did. your thoughts? >> i don't know if they looked down on them, but certainly took them for granted. >> why would you that? >> i think they just figured, well, white women, for example, will be so turned off by donald trump, by his treatment of women, that they're going to vote for us. the white working class union members, they're going to be loyal to the democratic party. they will vote for us. i think that they really
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concentrated their efforts on a lot of other demographics that they thought they needed to work a little bit harder on, which they also didn't do. >> i get the feeling that a lot of it's cultural, not just economical. you see the clintons, basking in celebrity for 35 years, basking in hollywood friendships, carole king, good people, barbra streisand, and get the sense, that's a nice party. i want to be invited to it, but i never will. i have an attitude about that. what do you think? >> i don't really know whafts going through their minds. i can't say that. i can say that bill clinton, he's a preternaturally talented politician. >> does he seem elitist to you? not to me. >> i don't think he does, but i think that's partly because he knows how to be a man of the people. >> he is! >> but even when he became successful -- >> i'm just asking, is he a man of the people or not? >> he has millions of dollars. i don't know how you define elite. >> joe biden is not an elitist that way. >> and it depend on how we're defining elite, right?
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but hillary clinton, even before they made millions of dollars, rankled a lot of these same voters with her, should i stay home and bake cookies comments? i don't think she had the same touch that bill clinton had, despite the fact that she grew up middle class. >> it's so great to walk this political parade that has gone by and see guys born to incredible privilege. nelson rockefeller, he's a rockefeller. he'll say, how you feeling, nice to see you? and that ability to just connect like joe biden does really well. i think hillary does it in a back room situation, but out in the stand, not so much. >> i think you were trying to simplify it a little bit. bill clinton is just more fluid. he's able to get into all of these different realms and connect with you. whether it's with the bubbas of the south or the mccomb county people, that he studied so heavily in 1992, trying to figure out why those democrats existed. he figured out how to connect with them. and the other aspect is the world has changed since then and
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the democratic party has changed. and some of the issues that bill clinton used to connect with them, hillary wasn't -- there's no way she could have done that on gay marriage or so many other issues. >> or welfare. >> you know, there's a great scene i talked about on "snl" a couple of weeks ago where they had tom hanks playing a big trump guy, playing "black jeopardy" which was a joke. and keenan morgan kept saying, you're talking like a black guy, with a point of view towards the government, suspicious of power, yet, that's not working politically. why don't white working people and black working people vote together? >> um, i could give the flip answer, which would be, racial tensions. and the feeling that if we expand government transfers, for example, they might go to the wrong kinds of people. they should go to people who look like me and not people who look like somebody else. and i think that there are a lot of democrats who would think that way. >> and the other thing is,
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nobody has figure out how to do that since bobby kennedy. >> thank you. and even he was criticized for going too far to the minorities. up next, besides today's meeting between president obama and president-elect trump. you like that phrase? it's something else. first lady michelle obama welcomed melania trump to the white house today. we'll talk about that interesting meeting. and it comes after a campaign with a first lady who was a powerful, ebullient critic of donald trump out there on the campaign trail. you're watching "hardball," the place for politics. found a bettl on prescriptions. we found lower co-pays... ...and a free wellness visit. new plan...same doctor. i'm happy. it's medicare open enrollment. have you compared plans yet? it's easy at or you can call 1-800-medicare. medicare open enrollment. you'll never know unless you go. i did it. you can too. ♪
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welcome back to "hardball." donald trump and barack obama were meeting in the oval office today, melania trump, america's next first lady, get that figured out in your head, was meeting with michelle obama for tea and a tour. mrs. trump is already make stre history, of course. she'll be the first foreign-born first ladies in 109 years. i think it was john quincy adams' wife. and much like her husband, a lot
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of unknown about what kind of first lady she'll be. but last week she gave us a preview. >> we have to find a better way to talk to each other, to disagree with each other, to respect each other. we must find better ways to honor and support the basic goodness of our children, especially in social media. it will be one of the main focuses of my work, if i'm privileged enough to become your first lady. >> well, first lady michelle obama was a frequent and powerful surrogate, of course, an ebullient critic of donald trump. on the campaign trail, and often took mr. trump to task. let's watch. >> we also need someone who is steady and measured, because when making life-or-death war-or-peace decisions, a president cannot just pop off or
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lash out irrationally. we need a grown-up in the white house. >> talking about authenticity, and you can't beat that. for more on what kind of legacy plany trump could bring and what kind of legacy michelle obama will bring, i'm joined by some experts. we get the experts here. ruth marcus, whoan write about anything brilliantly. she's deputy editorial page editor of "washington post," and clarence paige, my old pal, columnist with the "chicago tribune." i'll let the two ladies here go first. >> ladies first. >> is there a role for the fist lady, besides, she's going to be beautiful and she's well turned out and she'll not embarrass anybody. she'll do everything right. but is there a job that goes with it? >> i think there's an incredible job that goes with it. you're the figurehead of american democracy. and you are, you know, a wife
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and a mother. and i think it's an incredible responsibility. and the first ladies i've interviewed expressed kind of frustration with the fact that no matter what they did, they'd be criticized. rosalynn carter said i sat in on cabinet members, because i knew people would dislike me for one thing or another. hillary clinton was very active as first lady, eleanor roosevelt. but i do not think we'll see that from melania trump. >> jackie kennedy would say awful things when she first got the job. it's so hard to find help in washington. yet she stopped doing that and became a popular figure and certainly michelle obama wasn't too happy with the job in the beginning and becomes now a hero. >> there are so many things to say about the first lady, but you have to disagree a little bit. i hate this job. i think it is totally archaic. and one of the reasons i was looking forward to having bill clinton be the first gentleman was to try to get us away from this wife and mother deal,
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because, you know, women -- it's 2016, for goodness' sake! >> when are we getting rid of the white house? the whole idea of the white house is to show where they live, to show -- we pay for the money, don't just give them, a per diem to get an apartment. the white house is supposed to showcase the first family of america. >> you're just trying to get them to live in trump tower. but let's get back to these -- michelle obama has had a remarkable transformation from this woman who when she came on to the scene, based on a few things that she said, was portrayed, i think, unfairly, as this angry black woman -- >> first time i've ever been proud of america. >> that kind of angela davis stance. she has transformed herself just being a sort of plain speaking, work on things -- like her vegetable garden, her getting kids to move. and now, just with this campaign, has transformed
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herself beautifully. >> you like the idea, are you ready for bill clinton, first gent or whatever? >> hillary clinton went through this same thing, you remember, back with baking cookies and all of that. and this is a sad thing, that men have done to their spouses by running for president. because they do, what was it richard nixon said, to pat, she also ran, pat nixon. and they do also run. and they do learn on the job. you're absolutely right. and the obamas have made no secret out of the fact that michelle obama did not want barack obama to run for president. didn't want him to stay in politics. their kids were very young. and she agreed one more run, when he ran for the senate. and he won. and then they were off to the races. but it's very -- she was very angrybout the birtherism thing, for one thing. which is so remarkable how she carried on so well today. i wonder if the conversation
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between her and barack was like the conversation that my wife would have with me, if i asked her to come and be real nice to the trumps this evening, just one more time, honey, right? not an easy thing to do. >> i think those conversations would be treasures. i would like the 90 minutes they had, the two guys they had today in the oval office. we'll be right back. the roundtable is sticking with us, and up next, these two will tell me something i don't know. this is "hardball," the place for politics. yeah, with liberty mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila! voila! (sigh) i wish my insurance company had that... wait! hold it... hold it boys... there's supposed to be three of you... where's your brother? where's your brother? hey, where's charlie? charlie?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance so dad slayed the problemt with puffs plus lotion, instead.
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have a real treat, especially for loyal democrats. i recently interviewed jean kennedy smith. in the exclusive conversation, she'll tell us what it was like to grow up in that incredible kennedy family, also about a very personal new book, she hasn't talked to anyone else about this "the nine of us." it's a great interview. we just did it a few days ago. we'll be right back. but then i realized there was. so, i finally broke the silence with my doctor about what i was experiencing. he said humira is for people like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure.
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we're continuing to monitor the anti-trump protests. they are glowirowing across the country, going to smaller cities. people on the streets of at least five cities including milwaukee now. that's on your screen. milwaukee. we'll be back with the "hardball" roundtable. in fact, we are. kate, tell me something i don't know. that was fast. >> well, from my first book "the resonance" i sbhinterviewed mai and butlers at the white house. i've gone back to them and asked them about trump and their concerns. former staffers in touch with
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current staffers, there are many his pain hispanic stafferses. >> is there an etic piece to this? >> african-american butlers. >> they heard what the guy said. >> they want to give him a chance do be snnice to them. >> movies are america's biggest export, guess what, our deal with china about how many american movies they'll allow this is expiring next year. president trump, big trade war. >> so we can have all we -- >> speaking of president-elect trump, he's running into a collision with silicon valley because when you look at the values in silicon valley nowadays, pro-immigration -- >> they want immigrants. >> day want immigrants. every piece of your computer is made in a different country, you know, and maybe he'll bring in peter, his buddy up from that industry -- >> that is going to be a confli conflict. there will be some conflicts with this new president. kate anderson brouwer, ruth marcus, good things -- thinks like i do. clarence page, thank you. when we return, let me finish with a proposal i got for
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the president-elect. i got it from a bunch of smart people. you're watching "hardball," the place for politics. as after a dvt blood clot,ital i sure had a lot to think about. what about the people i care about? ...including this little girl. and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me? so i asked my doctor. and he recommended eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. yes, eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding
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let me finish tonight with a proposal for the president-elect, let's get this country moving again, that's one way to unite all the forces that elected you, mr. trump. the reagan democrats, the working people, people disgusted with the political elites. the whole basket of trump voters. jobs, rebuilding america, especially when it comes to transportation. it's a practical way to reunite this country that's now divided
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with the democrats on the coast, republicans in the country's wide center. put together a coalition of republicans and democrats in congress behind a massive building effort from penn state in manhattan, to l.a.x. airport in california, just do it. interest rates are historically low, use your salesmanship to sell capital construction bonds to get this country moving again. add to that the trillions corporations tucked away overseas. you go get that none out there. don't wait for the establishment republicans or establishment democrats. just do it. you. and that's it. you know how to sell. you know how to cut deals, mr. trump. the most important thing is to put the target where it belongs. not on stuff that divides us but on what unites us especially for the working people looking for real jobs and the real pride that comes with building up this country again. go do it. replace the smell of decay with the smell of construction, the smell of dirt being moved. of engines at work. freshly tarred highways. the sights and sounds of workers at work. mr. trump, you've been on job
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sites. america, itself, is now your job site. and that's "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us. "all in with chris hayes" starts right now. tonight on "all in." >> i just had the opportunity to have an excellent conversation with president-elect trump. >> the trump era begins. >> mr. president, it was a great honor being with you. >> tonight, america gets its first view of presidential trump, the effects of his victory reverberate across the country. plus, new reporting on who will fill out the trump administration. get ready for rudy, christie, and the breitbart news ceo as chief of staff. then, the james comey effect. new evidence that the fbi intrusion into the election was a deciding factor. as trump takes d.c., reeling democrats search for a new champion. >> we will stand up to bigotry. no compromises ever on this one.
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