tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC November 10, 2016 9:00pm-10:01pm PST
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thins look a little different in my immediately ambient presce. tonight. the reason i'm in boston tonight is because massachusetts senator elizabeth warren is going be joingg me live right h here shortly for her first tv interview since donald trump was elected to be the n next preside of the united states. elizabeth warren is here for her first tv interview since the election. that's coming up momentito. but first, storytime. and like lots of good fictional stories, this one starts with a song. >> that old beach boys song, bobomb iran. bomb bomb bomb anyway. >> when arizona senator john
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mccain was running for president in 2008, he was asked about the contentious issue of our relationship with iran. he was running for president at the time, but he nevertheless responded to that questiony singing bomb, bomb iran to the tune of bar-bar. bar-barbara ann. people were listening and it wa hilarious. when john mccain ran for president in 2008 and this is years into the war in iraq 2007/2008 and there was anxiety about how the war in iraq was going and how long it had been and how long we were going to stay and why were we there in first place? and john mccain said durg that campaign that as far as he wasas concerned, war in iraq that went on 100 years, that wou be okay
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with himim. hehe was asked a clarifying question on that. he revised that to say actually he'd be okay with a thousand year war in iraq. when john mccain was running for president in 2008, rsisian troops cross the border into a tiny eurasian nation called gegigia. john mccain responded to that little war there by saying that he knew he spoke for every american when he said,bobout that russian war in geora, quote, i know i s speak for ever american when i say today we are all georgians. meaning, we are all at war with russia the way georgia is. every americanhen he said that. a presidential candidate that the united states, in spirit at least, was with war at russia, that we wanted to b be at war wi russia, in that moment we should
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be at war wh r russia because of what russia had done to this country, georgia. and i don't defend what russia did with georgia, but russia is no small thing when it comes to having a war, right? us having a war with russia? that's a big deal. while john mccain was running for president, there were these few instances when he said things that made people a little skittish about how he felt about getting us into wars orr keeping us in wars.. i think particularly people were a little worried about how psyched he seemed to be at the prospect of a war with russia. you might remember, this is a time when george w. bush had fausly s said he looked into vladimir putin's eye and he saw a man he could trust. he had seen vladimir putin's soul by l lking into his eyes. when john mccain was running for president in 2008, he was mostly aligned with grgrge w. bush, right, they were of t same party, sort of of the same marching order, but this is how
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he talked about vladimir putin. >> putin, my friends, i looked into putten's eyes and i saw three letters, a k, a g and a b. that's what i saw. >> that's how john mccain used to talk about russia and putin. that's how he sort of frequently threatened or p promised war wit russia while he was running for president in 2008. in this storytime story, what's truly amazing after all that is what happened next in that 2008 presidential campaign, which is that in in story,n this stytime,e, the russian government freaked out about that. prospect of bomb bomb mccain becoming president of the united states, totally hostile with putin, ready t to go to war with the slightest provocation, even in connection with a country with which we had no connection whatsoever. what the russian government did when they freaked out about john
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mccain becoming president of the united states,s, what they d was they hacked intoo the rnc, they hacked into the john mccain campaign's e-mailervers and they stole and published tense of thousands of internal john mccain campaign documents and published tens off tusands of internal repeplican national committee documents about johoh mccain and about the mccain campaign. expose andnd unnerve and publicl embarrass him. all this stuff that they stole, they hacked it and they stole it and they leaked it, all of it showed infighting. it showed negotiating about what policy positions thisusupposedly principled politician would take in order to get the maximum political benefit out of it. they published some nas personal internal stf, fights and messy decision-making about john mccain's would be vice right, sarah palin. russia stole all those documents by hacking the servers in this story and the american tetelligence community in this
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storor they caught them in the act, the american intelligence community announced publicly that they caught themem russia, former soviet union was playing a huge psychological operation on the american people to influence their election. theyey stolen these delopmenents, they were releasing them durg t the course of the campaign to influence the appearance of the american preferrecandndidate in the election, not john mccain and in this story, even though they got caught, that russi op to try to basically influence our pick of the next president of the united states in this story seems like it worked. at least as far as we can tell it worked. you're never able to tease out all the reasons why any candidate lost one particular ectition in this story. you're not able to perfectly tease out all the reasons why bomb bomb mccain lost in 2008 but in this story this russian op to hurt john mccain definitely hurt him, might have hurt him enough to cost him the presidency. but in this story, that's not the end.
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if that whole saga thus far is not john le carre on crack for you, whatapappens next in this nuts and more unnerving because in this story the day after that presidential election where russian intervened apparently to try to defeat john mccain, keep him from becoming presiden in this story,he dayay after that election, we were hit with news about the election we had just gone through and the news we were hit with the day after the election was way more unnerving than anything we had learned before. even with w what the intelligenc commmmity had already told us about,right, what we learned the day after the election was way worse. it was an order of magnitude worse. here's the situation. russia didn't want mccain as president. documents, released the to the public to try to make mccain se the election. u.s. intelligence caught them, but they weren't able to stop th. russia really did apparently
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influence that outcome. that's all bad enough, but then, but then, but then in this story, the day after john mccain lost that elelection, thanks, rurussia, the russian government admitted publicly, they bragged publicly that they had been in contact with john mccain's opponent in that election the whole time. in this story, rsiaa admitted the day aer that election that they had been in contact with the barack obama campaign. during the campaign, the whole time they were running that psychological operation on the american people to try to influence ourr election, they'd enen in contact with john mccain's opponent, the russians had, quote, despite repeated denials by the candidate's advisers that any -- excuse me, despite repeated denials by the cacaidate's advisers, russia said it wainin contact with the president-elect's team during the campaign. there were contacts before the election said the russian deputy foreign minister. think about how that story would have blown up if this were a
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true thin iff this were a true story, if the obama campaign had been in cahoots with a f foreign power during the election, they'd been in contact with russia secretly throughout the campaign against john mccain while russia was interfering in our electionon to screw with joh mccain. and think about, i mean, in this story when we learned that on day one president-elect barack obamwe a also learned that it wasn't over, the russian government that day bragged on the extentnt of the context they have, the extent of the contacts between e russian government and the campaign of this barack obama who had just been elected. they talked about quite a few members of the president-elect's campaign staff staying in touch with russian representatives. imagine if that was day one of barack obama being president-elect. imagine if that was how barack obama came to washington. i mean it turns out it's not how
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barack obama came to washington. that never happened in 2008 with john mccain and barack obama. but what i just described is exactlyy how day one went for president-elect donald trump. that exact thing just happened on day one. today's headlines were dominated by this. present obama has been unusually aggressive in planning for the presidential transition, the white house started planning it a year ago because they wanted to make sure to get it right no matter who the next president was going to be. it's interesting. it's going fast, too. when george w. bush invited president-elect obama to the white house x d days after the '08 election, that was seen unusually fast for a first meeting after the election. obama was at the white house meeting georgee w. six days afte that election. six ys. that was seen as very fast. this time obama made it not quite a day and a half,ust a day
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and a half before he had donald trump up to the white house. so it was seen as fast before, it's lhtning now. the transition is startiti. andd protests continue to sing up around the country in response to the shock election results where in particular tonight watching large protests in baltimore and a few other cities around the country, as these basically organic, spontaneous protests continue to erupt, as protesters converge o trump tower where president-elect donald trump still lives in midtown manhattan. his transition team has physical m moved to d.c. and the transition is under way. and one of the things that's really, really important about that, about the transition, perhaps this year above all other years, is that the transition being under way right now means that donald trump is getting his first real access to high level american intelligence infoformation. this is no longer just the generic overview he got in the candidate's briefing ring t the campaign.
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knowow, the president's daily brief, which includes things typically like covert actions taken in secret by the u.s. government and the the u.s. military. actions designed to never be disclosed to public heher other countries. top secret operations. top secrcret surveillance. unbelievably proprietary close held data that you and i will never know about, that even the vast majority of the upper-most pele i in government will never know abou remember, the whole reasas we got this briefing process in first place is because fdr freaking died right after he got re-elected in 1945 and when vice president harry truman got sworn in ass president thereafter no onon told truman we had the atomic bomb untilftfter he'd been president for a few days. when truman became president, he had no idea that we had that. that's why we started briefing candidates for president and presidents-elect on theheir way into the oval office. so no one would be blindsided
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the way truman was. now there are these top secret briefings that go to the president of the united states and as of today president-elect donana trump gets them, too. and today the rusussian governme said iwass in contact all along with the trump campaign during the time that the u.s. inteigenence agencies say the russian government was interfering with our election and leaking all the documents from the hillary clinton campaign and the democratic party dribbling out this massive a w w that undoubtedly lengthened her odds against donald trump in the u.s. presidential campaign. during the time that u.s. intelligence says that was ppenining. the russian government today said their contacts with the trump campaign not only existed during time of the campaign but they've continued all this time. what was the quote there? quite a few members of the trump mpaigngn. imagine if something like this had been disclosed ever about any other presidential candidate
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or any other president-elect? imagine if something like this was discsed, publiclydmititted by the russianovernmentt when barack obama had just beaten john mccain and barack obama was on his way into the white house. imagine what would have happened had we learned what the russian government says are leaks about that campaign and about that hostile foreign powerhat intervened i in our election to try toick the u.s. president. that is now what has happened with the trump campaign. and now, because he's president-elect, the u.s. intelligence community h to decide what they're going to tell him, what would you do? what would you tell him? for example, would you tell him about any spies that we'e' got woing g for us inside the or inside the russian m military american pilots are making bombing runs in syria these days, we're actively engaged in a part of the syryrn civil war.
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russia is sort of on the other side of that conflict. they've got their one creaky old aircraft carrier over there in the syrian theater and everything. let's say hypothetically that we've got incredible intel on how we're going to outflanknk russia in that militar fight or what russian will do next because we've got a spy high up in the rusan government that has secretly fed us that information unbeknownst to the russian government, let's say that information is rlly important for american natioiona security for military strategy for other things we're doing in the region that a hinge on this one secret that we stole from the russian government and they don't know that we've got it? donald trump tha information? would you tell him the name of the spy that we've got in putin's inne circle? hypotheticcally. do you tell him hypothetcally what the cyber comndnd is going
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to do to nuke his bank account for hacking into our election. can you trust the president-elect with that information? quote, rsia said it was in contact with president-elect donald trump's team during the u.s. election campaign despite repeated denials by the republican candidate's advisese. quote, there were ctacts before the election says russian deputy foreign minister. he says we continue t this work without giving details of what the contacts were. that really happened today. imagine how that would have shot through the p political system i 2008 had this been barack obama in the race against mccain and not donald trump in his race against hillary clinton. there are elements of the u.s. government particularly on the national security side that in oneay orr another they persist through the cings and goings of different administrations, right?
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but even though the agencies of the national security apparatus and military and the intelligence field, they're staffed by mostly career folks who o stay there year in and yea out no matter who the president is, ultimately all those agencies really do in a specific way answer to the president. and in a certain reductive way all of the intelligence agencies in the unite, this multizillion dollar apparatuse've got, it all exists specifically to provide information to one person, to the president, to steal secrets about the world, to steal secrets from other countries in order to help the prident t make high level decisions that no one else is else is trusted to make. sensitive intelligence information it's compartmentalized, the most sensitive isn't just incredibly closely heldld but th most closely held anything, the president can see it. the president gets to see
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everything. would plan to meetith russian president vladimir putin after this election even while president obama is still in office. briefings that this president-elect got during the campaign, both of those reportedly iluded detailed information on the rusussian government hacngng to influence our election after both of those briefings from the intelligence community donald trump said publicly he didn't believe the intelligence, he didn't believe the agencies. it was a bogus claim, just made up, just pububc relations. donald trump's most prominent adviser with intelligence related credentials is retired general micha flynnnn who was forced out of his job and who la year kind -- there h is -- with russian presintnt vladimir putin. trump's last campaign manager before kellyanne conway, paul manafort, he ran an investment fund for a rsian aluminum mag nature. he was fired as trump's cpaign
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manager after his name turned up on secret handwritten ledgers that show that a pro putin despot in ukraine had paid him millions of dollars for political services of some kind. now at a time when the u. intelligence agencies say that russia was running a psy-op, a psychological operation to influence us in who to pick for the next president, russian said itas in contact with the trurump campaign while it ran that op to affect hillary clinton. if you're the director of the cia, the dirtor of national intelligence, today what did you tell him? i i mean, as of today, what do y do? today our best sources, our best methods, our most secret stuff about russia? do you give him our best dirt on putitin? our biggest plans about putin? tell him about our spipies in putin's government?
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today bernie sanders said he would not rule out running again in 2020. four years is a long time from now. has a huge role to play in the next iteration of liberal politics in this country b also a truth that in 2020 senator sanders will be 79 years old. donald trump is already the oldest person ever elected to the presidency.
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he'll be even older than ronald reagan was when h he was sworn i in january he'll be 70 years old. alady 75 years old. sinc donald trump was elected tohe presidency this week we've heard a little bit from senator sanders who released a statement in response to the electiti results. interview that he endorses minnesota congressman keith ellison to be the new chair of the democratic rtrty, which is interesting. so since trump's election we've heard from senator sanders. we've heard from hilry c clinton in her concession speech, we've heard from president obama and his gracious remarks from the white house wishing all the best of luck to his successor, but whwhen i think about what's abou to happen next in the democratic party, what happens next in politics for all of us in a way but specifically for democrats and liberalsn this new era we're now in, the newew era of i really, really, really want to hear from yetet who i've not hea from yet is massachusetts
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senator elizabeth warren. luckily she's here tonight. >> thank you, good to be here. >> on aersosonal level, as a humann being, as a citizen, how are you feeling about this election? > well, it happened. and there was a time to be really despondent about it, but the way i see it now is that we pick ourselves up and we fight back. about. particular are despondent, people talki aboutut moving to canadada i'm running into peoe on the subway. literally today twice on the subway in new york city and once in the a airport as i was coming here to meet with you, people who looked at me and started to say something to me recognizi me from tv and broke down in tear. to canada, you can't go into your shell, you can't be despondent, you have to fight. but fight how? >> look, let's start with the fact because you really do have
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tocknowledge this. this really and truly hurts. and we have to remember how donald trump started this whole campaign. he started it with an attack on mexican ameririns and then he took the escalator down. and his entire campaign was fuel onn racism and bigotry, attacks on women, attacks on african-americans, attacks on latinonos, attacks the on muslim attacks on peoplplwho were disabled. it was one attack after another. and that means we have to think about what this means for america and where we go forward right now. an s so the first part i start wiwith, on any part of this is that donald trump brought a kind of bigotry to the fore that we've never seen so publicly in our politics or at least not in a very, very, very long me.
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so what are we going to do about that? that means for me what we're going to do is we're going to stand up and say there's a lot we'll try to work with you on, there are a lot off places where there are goingo haveve to be compromises, there are things wewe're going to end up losing because we don't have the white house, we don't have the senate, we don't have t the house of representative. but on those core issues about treating every single human being in this country with dignity, o that we stand up and we fight back. we do not back down. not tomorrow, not ever. for me, that's the starting ple on how too understand what's happened to us. one o of things i've been thinking a lot about is the number of people, pararticularly young people, young adults who because of president obama's policies, because of what he did, they came out as h having been brought to this country as kids uncumentnted. >> yes. >> they cameouout, made themselves known pupuicly, made themes known to the government as being here without
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documentation. those people are wondering if dointhat means they're going to be subject to what trump has described as a nationwide deportation force that will come round them up. what do you think about that? what do you say to those people? >> what i say is to the whole rest of us, too, is what happen next in this coury is partly aboutt donald trump, partly abou a republican senate, partly a rerepublican house. but it is more about the rest of us and what the rest of us say and what the rest of us permit. you know, donond trump did not get the majorityy of americans they did not. that's not how it worked in this election. that means he will have certain tools. but we are the american people. and we speak for the american people, and we hav the values that have made us a strong country. soso here's how i see this. you can either lie down, you can whwhimper, you can pull up in a
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ball, you can decide to m move t canada, or youou can stand your ground and fight back. and that's what it's about. we do fight back. we will stand with those who are here who were told, come out of the shadows, we w welcome you. weill ststand with them. and we will stand with them every day. that's w what we have to do. >> when you say that, i'm going to push you on that. people are thinking about what they can do inn their personal lives, like even pplee who have been politically involved and now feel like they have to do something they haven't yet done before. politically involved, people maybe who haven't voted who want to do something to protect their country. do people plan to shield their neighbors from deportation? they should be doing? >> let me put it this way. i think wetart with two things that we can do. one is we can volunteer and the second is we can stay connected to eachother. the first part about volunteering is get out there
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and volunteer for planned parenthood, give a couple hours a week or to any other organization that really matters to you, an environmental organization, an immigrants right organization, somebody who is working on economic justice, someone who is working on financial reform, get out there and volunteer because volunteering is a way to say we're making these groups stronger. this is one way our voice will be heard. it's not all going toe heard in washgtgton. this is how we're going to have our voice heard. and the second part is we've got to stay connected to each other. this is what we can now do through the internet. this is how we can now do it. i have elizabeth we stay connected by e-mails every four or five days where we talk about substtive issues. we talk about the fights that are coming up. because we have to be ready to mobilize on specific issues when th time comes. we're not going to fight every
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issue every minute of every day. we're going to be smart, we're going to be organized, we're going to use our time and our talents in a stregic and fight back. over to whahat donald trump has sold. >> we're now seeing, including tonight, big, v vocal protestsnd they're pretty spontaneous. >> yep. trump being presint anywhere in the ideological number line but people who were upset about it by the thousands turned out last night and by the thohoands are turning outtonight. we're seeing huge numbersrs of people in baltimore tonight and some other cities. do you think tha is healthy. do you support those protests? do you encourage people to protest? rit t to be upset. this is our country, and people have a right to have tir voices heard.
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what happened on tuesday, we could let our country head in that directn, inn the direction that donald trump offered in his campaign to lead us or we can say we are a betr people than that. we also have an obligatio too listen. you know, part of what happened on tuesday is what donald trump toxic stew of bigotry, but there were milons of people across this country who v voted for him not because of that bigotry but in spite of that bigotry. there are millions of people across this country whooted for him because they are angry about what's happening i this country, because they are this country and because they are hopeful
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that he is someone who will come in and break a system that is not wororking for them. economically. it is not working for them politically. you know, the way i uerstand this election i that the american people voted for significant change. this economy is working for a slice at the top and it's leavg g everybody else in the dirt. people hanging on byy their fingernails. and this political system is woing fofor a slice of those at the top and shutting everybody else out. the american people want to see change. our job now is to try to giv some direction to that change, to force that change in a way that not oy opens up for more and more famililies, but that
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i was just talking to the control room for a second in the break. donald trump has tweeted tonight about the protests in the street that have erupted i i response t him being leektsed that these are professional protesters who are being paid to be in the streets. incited by the media -- excuse me. how are they incitedy the media. that was me. it wouldn't be happening there. to me is itppppears that donald trump is tweeting again which y be a hallmark of his presidency. and in very specific terms. he has -- even omonday night he called you pocahontas again mang fun of her american heritage. he called you a terrible human being the target that you have been for him, i wonder if that actually gives you any sort of opening for some sort of contact.
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you've nevever met him, have you >> i've never met him. you know, actually what i would like to be the opening? donald trump said that h he want to adopt glass steagall. he has said he wants to raise donaldld trump has talked about family leave. donald trump has said he will protect social security. man, weot some places there where we could overlap, and i really do want to sa heck, you want to do thing thahat really wi h help build a little more economic security in this country? count me in. i'm ready. i'm ready to put aside all that. we don't have to tweet at each other about it. let's do this things and mak now, on the other hand, if you
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build economic security in america is we're g going to turn loose wall street to do whatever they want to do and run up whatever risks they want to run up, then crash the enomy again, no. we will fight t that one every step of the way. and if you think the way we're going to help this economy along is we're going to get rid of health care for 20 million americans, we're goingo kick people with cancer to the curb on pre-existing conditions, we're going to tell 24-year-olds that they're taken off their parents' insurance policies, then the answer is no. and we'll fight you every step but really is important. you got to stay listening in this. if donald trump will advance the kinds of policies, the kinds of measures thatt can be helpful, work with him. let's make that happen. because these are things not just that democrats want. these are things that americans want. things, like dedebt-free college and raising the minimum wage and expanding the sial l security
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and reining in wall street, those are the kinds of things that two-thirds to three-quarters of all americans support. that's republicans, independents, libertarians, democrats, all of us are in on that. if donald trump will go in that direction, we'll help him, we'll help him on ththat. but that's what it's got too be about. affordable care act. a lot of people are trying to decipher whether or not the affordable care act is at as much risk as republicans say it is. as far as i can see it the republicans in congress have already proven they can repeal the affordable care act and land it in a bil on the prident't's desk because p president obama h had to say no to that. president-elect trump has said he would sign it. i see thehe affordable care act being at very grave risk. i see row versus wade at grave protection bureau at grave risk.
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am i overstating it? or do you als s see those things as being on the precipice. >> i see all those things at risk. more at risk. but t that's why i say volunteer just to stay in the game right now and stay connected to each other because we're going to have to have these fights. we're going to have to be organized in these fights. we're going to haveo drivive these fights. prove that he can listen to the american people. he proved that. he listened to all of them. he didn't get the majority of votes. but he listened on t t economic pain that a lot of americans are feeling. a lot of americans feel. our job is to make sure our voices get heard. he said he would be president of
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all the people. then let's hold him to it and let's help him do it. that doesn't include and where it is we will fight him every step of the way. >> can i ask you three very quick lightning round questions. >> okay, i'm ready. clinton since the election? >> yes. >> how was it? >> good. look, it's hard. it's really hard. sh worked hard. she has had 25 years of plic service, longer. she's been out there. she has fought for women. she has fghght for children.
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she has fought for health n. she has fought for human rights. that has been the defining feature of her life, and this is hard. in i is hard. i respect what she has done and tried to do for this country and for people around the world. >> do you want to be the chair of the dememratic party? >> no. being a senator. >> i know. but look, i've made this here. i'm into this fight, but i'm also into constctctively what we can build. i want a lot of voices in here. i want a lot of people helping make this happen. that's what matters to me. i don't need a title. believe me. i will be in this. >> the democratic party needs a new chair,though. do you have a favitite -- i mention this in part because congressman ellison was endorsed by senator sanders today. will you be involved in that at all or do you see that external of your responsibilities? no, no, i talked with congressman ellison. i really, really like keith. i think he's terrific and i think he wouldake a terrific dnc chair.
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i just recently heard that howard dean, literally just a few minutes ago, that harard dean. >> i talked to him. fine. is. engaged and ready to go. >> who are you going to pick as your running mate in 2020?? you see what i did there? >> no, no, no. that is a long way off. whatat we've got to do right now is we don't have energy to waste on that. what we have is we've got t line up our fights, where it is that we're willing to say we'e' with you and we'll help you and we'll put wind in your sails president-elect trump and where it is that we say o o bigotry, o prejudice, on turning loose wall stet, , on saddling our kids with too much debt on student loans, on canlingng health insurance, whe we sasay, no, we'll fight you every step of e way. you start every fight by being
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clear so that the people on the other side understand these are the places i'll help you, these are the places i will do everything i canoo block you. we need t be clear on thats democrats, we need t be clear on that as progressives. we need to be clear on that as americans. to donald trump tonight and tomorrow and a whole lot of days into the fututu. >> senator elizazabeth warren of massachusetts, thank you. you're the only person i chase around the country. you ly let me knoww i can interview the day of. then i'm constantly buying toothpaste at an airport and chasing you down. thank you. we are in a heightened moment in our politics for a
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want him to be presiden for a h lot of oer p people in t country, it is a freak-out moment. i had a lonong conversation with elizabeth warren. she had what i thought was a surprising suggestion on whahat all the to do. straight ahead, stay with us. on these core issues about 200-degree range of sight...
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>> elizabeth warren speaking with mow live moments ago in a stud that's like nine feet from where i am right now. joining us now is the host of "all in", the great chrisayes who stayed lat witith me to talk about at interview and watched it live as it happened. thank you, mfriend. >> absolutely, anytime. >> first, let me ask you if you think elizabeth warren is one of the de facto leaders of the democratic party now more than she was before. >> frankly, she and bernie sanders are, i think, in some ways the kind of leaders of the paparty at this point. and they strtrk, it's interesting, the struck some more notes. basically, they said look, on anything whereee agree, on issues that we believe will help working americans, whether it's breaking up the banks or increaseinimum wage or a jobs bill perhaps, details to be
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seen, we can work with you. and on anything of these core values in bigotry and targeting americans, we will fight you, bernrn sanders said we will be yo wororst nightmare. i think that's a a good opening line, but -- >> mm-hm. >> here's the probm. i said this to jeff merkley on my show. i said let's say the first two items are numbe one, an infrastructure bill that would provide macro economic stimulus, and democrats say we want to work with you on that. a victory on that builds political capitalor the new president trump. force. w you have, maybe help the economy but given political pital l to someone who is using that political capital to pursue one of the things that you hate and are going to fight against, of those in that senate caucus who are essentialally the last bulwark of democratic party at the federal level. >> and what are the mechanisms that they've got? whwhen sanders and warren talk
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you saw how fierce elizabeth warren was in expressing how hard she would fight and how uncompromising she would be. bernie sanders said we'll be their worse nightmare. jeff merkley soundedery muchch like the supreme court is somewhere where he will lay his body down in terms of doing the right thing bit supreme court. what are their options? >> a lot of it has to do with the norms of the senate, mitch mcconnell. a dermined groupup of 40-plus senators can really slow things to a crawl, not just with a filibuster with all kinds of proced gimmicks, i remember talking to harry reid and they talked about the way they extended t t fight. even if they thought they couldn't win, they talked about extending the fight, make them eat up the clock, eat up the clock. mechanisms and parliamentary moves. does mitch mcconnell move to destroy any of those.
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do they get rid of the filistster, craradown on the been used so successfully in many respects by mcconnell and his caucus back in 2009 particularly. >> and when that happens, and there are no procedural options within electoral polits for stopping thgs,, that's when things get really, really, really radical. >> people need to understand what you said last night, that there are institutional checks throughout, and everybody needs to do their part in playing a rorole in those checks. >> yeah.
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we live in a republic, and our democracy is part of our republic, but we've got other stuff, too, that we need to be aware of. chris hayes, my stalwart friend. i miss usalking like this to each other, even iff it is thugh aa camera. we should do this more on each other's shows. >> i totally agree. >> thanks, ma lots more ahead with us, stay wiwith us.
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still di not have a presidential election result for the state of arizona, but late tonight, nbc news has now made a call in the state of arizona. tonight they've cled ththe state for donald trump. and not by any conderablble margin. call in the great state of michigan. they are still actually counting the voteses in michigan. you cananee how close it is
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there, less than 12,000 votes out of many millions cast. donald trump's lead right now is still too close to o call. in new hampshire, they are still counting votes. they've got 2% left to count. right now hillary clintons in the lead in new hampshire, but it's a slim lead, only about 2500 votes after, out of about 700,000 cast. for ththose of you who are feeli either elated or saddened by tuday night's's results and the statistics say more of you are saddened since hillary clinton won the popular vote, this kind, these kindsff results as they come in, they'll probably not be of interest to the party-affiliated section of your brain, but if you are a cynic, it's furth proof that your votereally, really, really does mamatter. party. 2500 votes difference in new hampshire?e?
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dunnbarton. now it's time for the last word with lawrencee o'donnell. >> last night i suggested that elizabeth warren could be busy four years from now, running for president,ndnd i'm glad you narrowed tt t down and got her to admit that she's running for president. she didn't say ,, i'm not running for president. in politics, that means you're running for president. >> that meansns yes, with an exclamation point. >> she may not be the only woman in the senate running four years from now. we'll see. >> thank you. >> for a second night in a row, people are peacefully demonstrating against the elecection of donald trump in cities acrosshe country, including his hometown, new york city. milwaukee, baltimore, and just moments ago, the president-elect returned to twitter in c cssic protests.
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