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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  November 12, 2016 4:00am-5:01am PST

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that interview will be happening here monday night at 9:00. aren't you curious as to who it is? we'll that does it for us. we'll see you again monday. good morning. i'm dara brown. it's 7:00 a.m. east and 4:00 a.m. out west. sheer what here is what's happening. donald trump says he now may want to keep parts of obamacare. how does it match with what he said while campaigning. what does it tell us about the new administration? hillary clinton holds a farewell meeting. hear what she told them just yesterday. and in the streets another night of protests. today there may be the biggest event yet. details up ahead. we begin with new details
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from president-elect donald trump on his plans for obamacare which he has said will be one of the first initiatives in office. it is part of the first sit-down interview since pulling off a historic win. it will air tomorrow night on 60 minutes. >> let me ask you about obamacare, which you say you're going to repeal and replace. when you replace it, are you going to make sure that people with preconditions are still covered? >> yes because it is one of the strongest assets. also children living with their parents for an extended period. it adds cost but it's very much something we'll try to keep. >> and there's going to to be a peri period when you repeal it -- >> we are going to do it simultaneously. i will do a good job. we'll repeal it and replace it.
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we won't have a two-day period or a two-year period where there's nothing. it will be repealed and replaced and we'll know and it will be great healthcare for muchless money. >> and as the trump transition team begins creating its government protesters will hit the streets. one of them will start later here. about a dozen arrests throughout the country last night. after taking a short break since giving her concession speech hillary clinton was back in brooklyn last night to thank her campaign volunteers and staff. bill clinton and their daughter huma abedin were by her side. here is part of her conference call to volunteers last night. >> you left it all on the field, every single one of you. this is a tough time for our country. i think weave seen how people have been reacting to the events
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of this election and i know that weave got to be reaching out to each other to keep it clear in our own minds that what we did was so important. it looks like we are, you know, on the path to winning the popular vote, and that says involves abo volumes about your work and the lasting impact that it will have. more fallout over harry reid's harsh words during which he called trump a sexual predator who lost the popular vote and filled his campaign with bigotry and hate. joe mansion called his comments an absolute embarrassment to the senate and the nation. his words feed the deviciveness that is tearing this country
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apparent. senator mansion will be up for reelection in 2018. joining me now jonathan allen and author of the hillary clinton biography who has been following the trump campaign. thank you for being here. i'm going to start with you. two things first. the clinton meeting with our staff, what do we know about it and can you characterize how we approach it? >> it isn't the first time. in 2008 there was a party in the backyard. they had a barbecue. bill clinton was grilling. they thanked people for what they were doing. they took pictures. it was a hot, humid miz arable day. hillary clinton basically performed the role of con -- consoler. she sounds a little down but
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basically her message is one of accomplishment for her team. there's not much she can really say. she won't tell people they did a horrible job but the is is -- ty are trying to figure out what their next step is going to be. >> let's take a listen to trump on the call from hillary clinton. >> hillary called you. tell me us about that phone call. >> hillary called and it was a lovely call and it was a tough call for her, i can imagine. tougher for her than it would have been for me and for me it would have been very difficult. she couldn't have been nicer. she just said congratulations, donald, well done. i said i want to thank you very much. you war great competitor. she is very strong and very
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smart. >> how much did they believe they would never have to be in a position to even make it? >> they believed they would win up until 7:00 or 8:00 at night on tuesday. so as soon as they started getting real results they seemed pretty certain they were going to win. she didn't think she was ever going to make that call. she thought she was going to beat donald trump. it is one of many painful moments for her. it is not somebody who had an easy time in the public eye. it is somebody who sort of pushed on despite things that might crush other people. from her husband's infidelity to the 2008 loss to this loss in the general election. so it's not something that's new for hillary clinton but it is something i'm sure is deeply painful. >> definitely a long road there. he elevated mike pence. how do we interpret that? >> sure. that comes at the expense of
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chris christie. christie is made vulnerable in the bridgegate scandal. christie prosecuted his father. christie was beset ton right by parts of the transition team that view him as too moderate, too much of a probusiness republican. so between those two factions they were able to push him aside. it is a real coup because mike pence is more conservative than christie. >> and where president-elect trump is able to keep parts of obamacare, what is different? >> this isn't a rad dl departure for him. he said in august he would keep
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the previsions related to preexisting condition conditions. in terms of tone, it is another sign he is being more con si-- was asked about appointing a special prosecutor to go after hillary clinton. he said it is something he hadn't really thought about. it is an ambiguo big -- am big - ambiguous statement. >> it fell on deaf ears. why didn't the campaign listen? >> they believed they could win without a lot of middle class and working class whites across the rust belt. they felt they could turn out their numbers and they believed
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they could probably hold most of that demographic, that working class, demographic, they thought they could hold it better than they did. you saw a pretty strong movement towards donald trump among some of the lower to middle income brackets. they basically thought they had it in the bag. they knew what their numbers were and thought they were going to hit them. bill clinton wasn't the only one screaming they were abandon states. but the fact that they didn't put more resources and more effort into that is pretty amazing. it's not entirely clear they could have convinced the voters to vote for hillary clinton had they put that energy into it. >> how will president trump -- i know we touched on this before, how will he meet expectations and does donald trump care?
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>> that is maybe the hundred trillion dollars question. no one knows. it's likely that the president-elect doesn't fully know. one hint from his campaign is that they often signalled that they viewed some of their positions as the starting bids in negotiations. i think we can expect that he won't fouully push to implement everything he would do on the trail and his supporters won't hold that against him in many cases. >> we have interesting days ahead for sure. thanks so much for being here. >> have a great day. >> you too. let's bring in kelly. what can be accomplished in the first hyundaundred days how lo
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congress be? will they be on the same page? >> there is a lot there to unpack. we can say we will have three major power sources all run by republicans. we have had a republican-lead congress. with the democrat in the white house there has been friction there. republicans who know they have an opportunity and really in some words a mandate to try to get some things done. you will see them choosing some of the top issues where they can agree. the meetings with mcconnel were important. to sort of have the social part of it but to talk about the specific things they need to do toond encourage president trump to have the kind of liason and how can they do that? mike pence has the long
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relationships but can someone like the current chair of the republican national committee be put into a position like chief of staff where there would be an easy way for leaders to try to be on the same page. so they will try to formulate in the coming days. key issues they think they can move quickly. >> before that happens it is known as the lame duck congress. those members who are still in office, some have lost and some yet toome in in january and of course the current president. there is work to try to get done to prepare for this change, clean up the deck, so to speak, get rid of some of the things that must be accomplished, get that done so they have a chance to work on things whether it's immigration, obamacare changes, the repeal and replace donald trump has been talking about. can they start off running with that? it's not about numbers with bills. it's can they get some of their
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top priorities moved quickly? part of the time pressure there is there's a bit of a honey moon for donald trump and this is a chance for them to put points on the board and start showing the country that government could be functioning in this new administration partnered with this congress. it will be an interesting time. both ends of pennsylvania avenue will have a lot on the line. that puts them closer to having the same agenda than you might think. >> thanks so much. still ahead, the future of the iran deal. president trump was an outspoken critic, what he will do once he is in office. a remarkable holiday party. just serve classy snacks and be a gracious host, no matter who shows up. [cricket sound]
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president-elect donald trump is beginning to provide hints of what the future holds in store and more cautious comments on his campaign promises of repealing obamacare and locking up hillary clinton. joining me now is robert costa and an msnbc political analyst. this will be different than trump the campaigner, correct? >> there will be aspects in this campaign that i think will continue in the white house. this is a candidate, a president-elect who really enjoyed rallies. she a political outsider. so parts of campaign will continue in terms of the political feeder. he has to bring in insiders to really build those relationships with congress which he doesn't have. >> and trump -- president-elect trump announced a number of changes to his transition team
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names pence as his chair but also identifying an executive committee that includes his son-in-law, son and daughter. are there limits to the access and their influence? >> i think the family is already highly involved. they were highly involved in the campaign and will be highly involved in the white house and perhaps in an informal way because they will be running the business through a blind trust. there is a lot to read with this transition shake-up. it shows mike pence will be someone who will be a key player especially with legislation. it also shows kushener is a real confidant who is able to connect with him. you mentioned the shake-up because christie was replaced as
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leader of the transition team. are his dreams effectively over now? >> no. i wouldn't go that far. talking to christie allies their sense is that christie may not be the head of transition anymore but it is more about trump wanting to take control with his key people rather than demotion of christie. christie is still vice chair and in line for can cabinet post or in the white house. is so it may not be the way he thought. >> and with pence considering his conservative roots could he influence a return for more traditional approach in certain areas of this administration? >> yes. i think you have to look for pence's influence when it comes
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to this supreme court seat. he talked about having a justice who is in the mold of scalia. with mike pence someone who is anti-abortion who has been part of the movement that defined the republican party, that's the kind of person that will be in the oval office helping him think through a key decision and she bringing a streak to those discussions. >> and here is a question that a lot of g.o.p.s are thinking about. where do they fit into this transition team's agenda? >> they may not have a spot at the president's side in the white house but president-elect trump has to have some of those people come in. those are the conversations i'm having with my sources in washington. a lot of people that were with mitt romney or even george h.w. bush, they don't know donald
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trump. the federal government is a beast. there are thousands of jobs to fill. it has to get running within the next 70 days. what i'm hearing is that the trump campaign, the transition, they are reaching out to some people and others who have been against trump are knowing if this republican government is going to function it has to be a team of rivals. >> and robert, trump campaign today drain the swamp. are there any signs of this being considered so far? >> trump -- to kind of bounce off of what i just said trump need to feel the government. he also wants to roll back much of the obama legacy. so lobbyists will have some role in the behind the scenes negotiations of what a government will look like simply because a lot of lobbiests have
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experience and have the kind of agenda trump has when it comes to replacing it with something new on different fronts, getting rid of different regulations. lobbiests are not going to be running the government and you're going to have this p populist outsider. >> a lot of pieces to put together. one last question. you have been following the trump campaign far while now. did he think he was going to win and what did it appear like when it appeared he was going to win? >> it has ban shockor the country, a shock for the world this week. i think everyone is still processing what has happened. i think donald trump it has been something for him to adjust to as well. he was part of this pop yulist
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movement. he thought it would be enough if everything went well to get a path to the white house. he had low expectations. he knew he was not a favorite. he clashed with the media. and data coming into trump tower showed him with a path but not necessarily a sure fire win. so he has really been adjusting. i think what you'll see from trump is a president-elect who wants to shake up the constitution but is also a very combative personality. he may be unpredictable. he could sound like a moderate republican. others like the supreme court pick he will seem like a -- he is a different kind of leader we have and everyone is adjusting on all sides. >> and a leader we have not seen been. thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. trump campaign on the ledge to repeal and replace obamacare.
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are we already seeing a shift in that stance? what the president-elect just said coming up. imy moderate to severeng crohn's disease. i didn't think there was anything else to talk about. but then i realized there was.
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can help prepare you for growth at >> still ahead, hate crimes in the wake of the presidential election. and only gaviscon helps keep acid down for hours. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief, try doctor-recommended gaviscon.
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according to the southern poverty law center. sarah, can you tell us what's been happening? >> reporter: hi there. the southern law center says they have seen spikes similar to this in the past and when south carolina removed the flag from state house grounds. they say this is outright threats and intimidation. this morning officials across the in addition are looking into a rash of alleged hate crimes and bullying in the wake of presidential election. graffiti and threats are surfacing across the country directed at political, racial, ethnic and religious groups. >> it is very worrysome about what it will hold for us. >> this building vandalized. in virginia this statue tagged with spray paint.
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three students were suspended after chanting white power in school hallways. in another school in michigan kids caught on camera chanting build the wall. online expressions of fear with one woman treating my eight-year-old sister told me she is scared to be muslim. that break my heart. >> it is really quite ugly out there. >> they tracked an unusual spike. more than 200 reports of hate crimes and intimidation since the election. >> people walk around with fear in their hearts. they look at their neighbors not as their friends but with suspicion when things like this happen. it's not good for us. >> many are speaking out about this alarming trend. >> it is just an act against human decency. it doesn't really matter which side of the political spectrum you're ochbn. it's just not right. >> some calling for direct
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action who pledged to be a leader for all americans. >> i would like to see him come forward and put people at ease. >> reporter: and fbi tracks hate crimes there will be characters
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was that it sort of had -- i -- look, i think that some of this, there will be people that will act out. on the other side you have a lot of protesters. there are a lot of people that will the president-elect should provide leadership and calm everybody down. >> and sarah, let's turn to you. one of the biggest things in the trump campaign is the aspect that he was bullying a lot. what's your impression of how this is going to go forward? >> reporte >> i think he will try to unify this. i think a lot of americans are ready to move forward. i do think that's up to him to make that message stick. what we saw in his acceptance speech and what we have seen now
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with him meeting with president obama and his comments since then i think he is ready to make the changes he talked about. i think a lot of people are very afraid right now. this is the challenge of leadership. the president-elect won a campaign and half the country is afraid. a lot of people are wondering what does it mean for me? as reverend watkins i have gotten a lot of e-mails from friends saying what does it mean for african american churches and african american men and women and what does it mean for the lbgt community and for others who supported hillary clinton for the most part. a lot of people are just very afraid. this is the challenge for the president-elect to bring people
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together to exercise. his language so far has been good. he has got to reach out to the folks that are protesting and reach out to all of the folks that are afraid and unsure and he has got to give them a sense of reassure rans. >> you mentioned these dmunties are frightened. what do you think he could do to make it right? >> i think you have to reach out. i worked a few cycles ago. when i worked in the white house for then president george h.w. bush we reached out to all of the different groups in america including the groups that didn't support the president that may have been angry or afraid or against him. being president of the united states means you're president of all of the people. you really have an obligation to reach out to the folks who are most afraid and most frightened to want to protest against you
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to talk to them, to assure you you're the president of the all of the people. it has to be the president-reachipresident-reacet reaching out to them. they have to begin the process now of reaching out to all of the different groups and starting to have meetings with them and at least begin the process of saying you know what? we'll have an ongoing dialogue with you as to how we make america a better place for everybody to live. >> there was also a problem with how the clinton campaign ran the race. they ran a race that was meant to drive up fear on their side to create turnout of their voters. she lost but the residual effect is a lot of people are afraid because of hillary clinton's rhetoric. they have a chance to say we need to come together now. we are sorry that we told you that you needed to be scared of
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a new president. that's not what our politics is about. >> on the left there seems to be if you supported trump you're a racist. it can't be if we disagree with you or the future of the country or how policy can be shaped. you can't be a racist because we have a disagreement. we'll have to have a con vir sa conversation about that. these people have been issued. these are people brought here by their parents illegally but were born in the country. they have a legitimate concern. in effect their government issued them a promise. that promise has been made. they have now registered with the government and people know who their parents are. they are still here illegally. >> and obviously it is a topic we'll continue speaking about. stay with me.
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right now we'll take a quick turn over to foreign policy expectations as leezly as he made them. with that i will bring in steve clemens. i want to ask you, the biggest foreign policy question is this iran nuclear deal. he vowed to renegotiate the terms. could he derail this completely? >> reporter: well, i think what he can do is he can tell the iranians, we would be immediately isolating ourselves. it is in the a treaty. it is an international arrangeme arrangement. just like president obama didn't need congress to proceed with the iran deal donald trump doesn't need congress to basically pull out of it. it is an international arrangement for europe, other
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key parties and there were international sanctions that were lifted. should he take us out of that treaty and not proceed in anyway the united states would find itself operated. sit a global arrangement. >> one of the first foreign leaders to reach out was. they met at trump tower in december. do we know about trump's policy on israel yet? >> reporter: no. just like many things -- i mean i was fascinated about trump's comments about obamacare and now he is seelking -- seeking to amend it. many are interpreting his election as a chance to proceed with settlements and thinking that he will turn a blind eye to it and not make it u.s. policy to make it a two-state solution
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any longer. you may recall his comments he thought there were imbalances that he was going to come at it from a fresh and fair and balanced perspective. interestingly one of the largest political contributors and a very very big israel only and israel component is a very big supporter of trump. we don't know which direction he will come. >> donald trump said he will give his generals 30 days to come up with a plan to defeat isis once and for all. is that a realistic plan and what does he think he can accomplish that hasn't already been accomplished within the last five years? >> reporter: i think in the last couple of months we have seen extraordinary rollback in places
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where it is being rolled out bay combined force support an involvement. i think we'll be seeing the same thing. there is less of isis to go after now than previously. the part that donald trump was always talking about was a much more robust injection of u.s. forces and u.s. military power. i think that's also am bbiguous. i think we may see an attempt by him to coordinate more with what had been uncomfortable players in this mess and try to combine forces to basically take on the remnants of isis. that means possibly a new, you you know, a partnership, oddly with the syrian regime given comments donald trump made in
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the past. >> where does russia fit in? has it been over stated? where does it look like going forward? >> this is one of the things that's been most consistent is that our stance have been wrong headed, that he thinks there's an opportunity with russia that we haven't seen. he worked hard to remove criticism regarding ukraine. we'll have to see if putin and russia will be in the front end where we'll see a pivot towards coordinating on many issues. i can't find a single time in which donald trump basically stepped back and had any criticism. i think it's something we are all waiting to see unfold. i think it's likely to unfold. what's interesting is he is to some of the things we are doing around the world. some of them probably have to do with us spying on putin and
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spying in russia. that will be an interesting moment. >> thank you. we appreciate it, steve. >> reporter: thank you. donald trump won the presidency. donald trump has vowed to undo president obama's executive actions once he enters the white house. what does it mean for the dreamers who hoped to stay in this country? rel hear fr we'll hear from an immigration attorney. [ piercing sound ]
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transition to the white house replacing chris christie. let's bring in joe watkins. thanks for being with us. let's talk about the transition team and what is the significance of pence being given this expanded role? >> i think it absolutely is. mike pence was in leadership when he served as a congressman from indiana. he has executive experience. he is very close to speaker ryan and he knows how to take policy. i suspect that the cabinet and the senior people that get appointed will be people that work well with mike pence to donald trump's credit i think that's a very smart move. >> and sarah, we are now talking
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about president-elect trump. when we had spoken before you were very confident hillary clinton would win. where did you go wrong and what is it that we missed? >> first of all, let's give credit to the trump team for pulling out an amazing victory and a real mandate coming out of this. i think that what we actually need to look back at is that we were wrong about why obama won in 2008 and 2012. we credited their data team and ground game with turning out their voters. it was the same data and ground team hillary clinton was supposed to have this time and it didn't work. it only counts if you predict when you're wrong. the clinton team thought they were going to win. they were over confident moving into states like arizona and georgia. they didn't realize the problem they had in their backyard coming in late. their schedule was a little
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wonky it turns out. late-breaking voters, those who decided in the last week really wanted change. so the polls didn't quite midwest, really wanted change. >> sarah, you call this a mandate. is it a mandate because clinton won the most popular vote? >> the popular vote argument makes my eyes roll back in my head, and if we were in the baseball game, and the indians had more hits, and they were trying to win electoral votes and the clinton team failed to do that, popular vote terribly unimportant when it comes to this. >> what do the never trump republicans do now? do they fall in line? >> i think that there were lots of people, including republicans, establishment
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republicans who did not support donald trump during the campaign, and i think that going forward you will find lots of people looking forward to working with donald trump with the new administration in one capacity or the other. past presidents have used different kinds of tactics, and abe lincoln, of course, that's going way back, and it got the most out of the people who were his political enemies, and he made a lot of those people part of his cabinet. at the end of the day, when you are present of the united states and not in campaign mode, and in governing mode, and that means you have to work with everybody including those that did not work with you in past. >> politico suggests trump and his team will seek revenge. >> speaking of anonymous voices,
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somebody said kelly ayacht was being considered, and i think joe is right on what they should do and i think in the end they will, and putting mike pence at the head of transition, and so if that's the case and if thas what we are about to see, i think that's a good sign for all republicans and conservatives that will be able to come together around this. what you are seeing from a lot of never trump folks, they are willing to give it a shot. he has won and they are wanting to give him the benefit of the doubt and wish him the best. >> and on friday, lindsay graham floated the idea of putting ted cruz on the supreme court, and do you think there's a place in the trump administration for him somewhere? >> absolutely.
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i would love to see ted cruz serve in the supreme court and i am told he doesn't want to, and he could serve a number of roles, he is incredibly talented and smart. >> the hillary clinton turnout was actually -- her ground game was good. she got all of her voters to vote early, and the problem was on election day, as sarah pointed out, she was left with the people less likely to point and trump was left with the people who was likely to voted and that's what made the difference on election day. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line.
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we are back and rick, joe and sarah, thank you for sticking around with me. i do have a question. you were all anti-trump republicans and however the gop has won and where does it stand now. rick, are you happy with this election? >> i was not a trump supporter
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but now that he was elected i think he deserves the benefit of the doubt and it's the obligation of the republicans to help trump be successful and i think the president set the tone and said if he is successful, then he is successful. >> i absolutely agree, and i think all americans owe him the benefit of the doubt. this is what elections are for and now we move forward and try to improve our country and make it the best we can. republicans are going to stand by him. >> joe, you get the last word. >> i am an american and i want to see the country be everybody everything it can be, and i want to s a country great for my kids and grandkids and i hope trump reached out to the people most afraid and frightend and he reaches out to them and let them know that he cares. >> thank you for your time and always appreciate you being here. thanks for watching.
4:58 am
betty nguyen picks up at the top of the hour. and what happens now that donald trump is president? ♪ ♪ when you find something worth waiting for, we'll help you invest to protect it for the future. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase, so you can. here you go.picking up for kyle. you wouldn't put up with part of a pizza. um. something wrong? so when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day?
4:59 am
you want the whole thing? yes, yes! live whole. not part. aleve.
5:00 am


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