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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  November 12, 2016 11:00am-12:01pm PST

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good day, i'm katy tur live
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from msnbc world headquarters in new york. we are at this hour anti-trump protesters are entering day four. demonstrations under way in new york city after a night of heated and violent protests across the lower 48. most speaking out against the preside president-elect. those calling for donald trump to change tweets to words on camera what appear to be actions of hate carried out by supporters. knows on both sides of the aisle saying it's not his fault, it is his problem to address. >> what happens to the democratic party after trump takes the oath? this hour, a look at their uphill battle to reclaim states and congress and regain the confidence of the american working class. but first to those protests under way in new york city against president-elect donald trump. starting in union square and making their way up to trump tower. morgan radford has been marching
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with them all along. what are you seeing so far? >> we are steps away from trump tower. this is the culmination of this protest. before anything, i want to introduce you to mr. and mrs.ed ason coming from teaneck, new jersey. >> correct. >> why did you decide to come out today? >> this is an important event we need to support what's going on in this world. after the election, we feel as though it was an unfair election. the candidate, the president-elect is not qualified in our view to be president of the united states. >> you say he's not qualified. why do you say that? >> from what he presented in the debates, he doesn't show that he has knowledge of what's going on in the world. we feel as though although tyou can't put it back in, we can voice our protest to let him and
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the world know we can't stand for this any more. >> critics said what's the point? we know he's going to be in office the next four years. there's been a lot of protesters of color out here. why was it so important for you to come out here today? >> i'm a person that really believes in getting out and letting my voice be hed. i want to be out with the grass root to let him hear my voice. when things come down, i could say i did my part. i wish people of color would come out and let their voice be heard. >> i believe the same thing. the people who are not here today may be epithet cal about what's going on. we are all in this together, whether black, white or any color or religion. a lot of people out here are
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representing us. we should be out here representing ourselves, as well. >> this is a lot of what i've been hearing. people are saying i'm standing with my brothers and sisters. many say this is an anti-trump rally, it's a love rally. it's a rally for inclusion. we have a woman who says it is -- >> it is an anti-trump rally. it's an anti-bigotry, anti-racist rally. >> that's also what we are hearing. we've seen this grow from hundreds in union square and now arriving as we speak to trump towers. >> donald trump can see that from his window at trump tower. morgan radford, thank you so much. now on to donald trump's first task, his government, and who will help him make america great. the president-elect is at home in trump tower working to figure out what so many anxious minds in washington and around the country are wondering. who will fill the most critical roles in his cabinet? kelly o'donnell is covering the trump transition and joins me
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from ourashington bureau. so far who is on the list? >> it is a list that goes about three to five names for each of the big jobs, the 15 top cabinet posts and agencies. some of those names might be reassuring to conservatives like we see reporting, my reporting says dr. ben carson is considered for a position like education or health and human services. those would both be in his wheelhouse. there is some reporting that tells me a former congressman from michigan mike rogers could be in line for a i.r.a. post. he had served in the fbi so that's some of his background. and with the change at the transition team, we are now vice presidential candidate elect mike pence has now taken over chairmanship. that is a new piece. what we expect is that because he has the job, there was a lot of sort of expectation of
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jockeying for position among top advisors and a lot of kind of concerned about who had the inside track. making pence in charge of this transition now, he can work without any expectation he's angling for anything. he's got the job. he's got a team in place. he's got a responsibility going forward, regardless, to build this new government. that's a change. chris christie who had previously been running this along with rudy giuliani and general flynn who have been a part of it so much, as you know. so there's a lot to do. they have internal deadlines to make big decisions including chief of staff and the top four cabinet posts within days. at this point, my reporting tells me they are looking at have not been formally contacted though conversations are happening everywhere. no offers have been made. president-elect donald trump has not been presented with a packet
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on each of the potential choices that would include vetting materials, which would be helpful for him to make his call on these top jobs. there's a lot of pressure. only a couple of weeks before the country needs to see at least an outline of those top positions being filled. >> you mentioned mike rogers, the former congressman. some folks are pointing to him as a hopeful sign donald trump will appoint the people that know what they're doing into these very powerful posts. are you hearing that as well? >> i think there is a real sense and especially with the embrace of speaker ryan and mitch mcconnell who my sources told me did make an appeal to donald trump to put reince priebus in the chief of staff job because he has these established relationships with the pence traditional washington experience that, they are looking for subject matter experts. when we talk about mike rogers as one potential choice because he had been chairman of the
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intelligence committee in the house, he had been an fbi agent, he is well thought of broadly in the republican party, that's one area where they are looking not just a loyalist but someone who brings real knowledge to the table. >> kelly o'donnell in our washington newsroom, thank you so much. a newly structured trump transition team doesn't have time to settle into their roles. with 69 days till the inauguration, they need to fill several thousand jobs. joining me is "the washington post" reporter jenna johnson who traveled around the country with me following donald trump, speaking to supporters. she wrote this incredible write-up in "the washington post," something that is amazing that is amazing, trump said. he was right. you did a wonderful job boiling down that 18 months in just a few narratives. were you surprised by this result?
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>> well -- i was surprised. i think all of us were surprised. i was stunned by what happened. i wasn't that surprised. this is what we were seeing on the trail every day you and i were both out there. you were at even more rallies than i was at. as you were talking with people, there was a passion for donald trump that just wasn't matched at hillary clinton's rallies. and there was also a hatred of hillary clinton that fueled a lot of people, even those who had concerns about donald trump, fueled them to get to the polls and cast their ballot for him. the big issues were not the scandals that were all over the news. it was jobs, the economy, people who are really worried about national security. we saw this coming. it's just our experience didn't match the poll numbers we were seeing being reported. >> you're tote le right about that. i will note this. you were banned from his rallies
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at one point for reporting donald trump didn't agree. with you spend time standing in long lines waiting with the general public to get into those rallies. that offered you a more insider look at what was going on because the rest of the press was kept in this pen. my question to you is this, if donald trump gets into office and doesn't keep his promises, doesn't build a wall, he doesn't enable companies like carrier to stop going overseas, keeping the jobs in this country, do his supporters give him a pass like they gave him a pass for his rhetoric on the trail or will they hold his feet to the fire on this stuff? >> this is the big question. i think it comes down to will there be enough changes? if the wall doesn't go up, they could maybe get over that if they see a new factory open in their town. if a massive ban on muslims
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coming from overseas doesn't go in, they might be okay with that as long as they feel like the country is doing more than it is now to fight the islamic state overseas. but if people don't feel their lives are changing within a year or two, they're going to hold him accountable for that. they're going to want to see some sort of massive change really quickly because he has told them, he has made sweeping, very simplistic promises that their lives are instantly going to get better the minute he takes office. definitely within 100 days, a year, half a term. >> one day he did say, i will give you everything. looking at what happened this week, he did sit down with president obama. after that meeting he did amend his position on obamacare despite saying he is going to repeal and replace it repeatedly on the campaign trail.
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what do you think happened to make him change his position on that? >>ond just that meeting, i think the are a lot of his policy proposals that he put forward that he had no details on. when it comes to the affordable care act, on the campaign trail he would say it's terrible and list off dozens of reasons why it was terrible. he would say he would repeal and replace it what would he replace it with? something so much better. something so much more affordable. something that's terrific. something that's really great. but that was pretty much the length of his detail. now that he is the president-elect, he has to have a replacement plan. he's learning what the affordable care act is. i believe he's learning how congress works. and he's realizing to get done what he wants to get done, it might be better to amend the current legislation than to replace it. so i think behind the scenes they're having to answer all
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these questions. how do we get done what he said could get done. >> starting to understand not only the scope of washington, but the restraints of washington. jana johnson, if you don't read her work already, you really should. she does a beautiful job capturing donald trump and the move and everything that goes on day-to-day. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me, katy. your bottom line. how will donald trump's plans affect your pocketbook? anything meant to stand needs a stable foundation. a body without proper foot support can mean pain. the dr. scholl's kiosk maps your feet and recommends our custom fit orthotic to stabilize your foundation and relieve lower-back, knee or foot pain from being on your feet. find your nearest kiosk at also available from dr. scholl's: heavy duty support for lower back pain, lightens the impact of every step.
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when you replace it, are you going to make sure people with preconditions are still covered? >> yes. it happens to be one of the strongest assets. >> you're going to keep that.
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>> children living with their parents for an extended period. >> you're going to keep that. >> very much try to keep that in. >> the president-elect in his first post election tv interview taking a much softer stance on obamacare and expressing support for the most popular conditions. for the 22 million people with insurance under obamacare, many details of what their future coverage will look like next year remains in question. joining me, obamacare architect dr. ezekiel memanuel at the university of pennsylvania. thank you for being here. >> good to be with you. >> the obama debate in congress, one of the questions was if republicans got their way and repealed obamacare, what would happen when it was actually replaced? what happened to those who would lose their health care?
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>> will the answer to that is we don't know until we have a replacement bill. they make clear what they are going to put in its place. if you just repeal it without replacing it, those people will lose their coverage, and maybe some of them will get coverage through other mechanisms, but the whole point of repealing it is to take away the exchanges, take away the mandate and take away the medicaid expansion. even if it's not all 22 million people losing their coverage, it's probably going to be 15 million, 16 million, 17 million people and that is a lot of people. you may remember in the midst of obamacare debate about implementation, the republicans wither screaming about 500,000 people who lost their insurance and would have to shift to a different insurance plan. 500,000 is nothing compared to 15 million, 20 million people. >> donald trump talked about health care savings account, talked about bloc grants. are either feasible amendments
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to the health care law as it stands? >> we have health care savings accounts that expanded broadly in the business community and xhrgs market through employer-sponsored insurance. they are not really that powerful in terms of changing the dynamics. you're still going to have to subsidize people who don't make enough money to buy insurance on their own. it's unclear how you're going to do that. block granting medicaid, the whole point is to reduce the federal financial spending on medicaid. that just makes the states pick up more of the bill as the bill expands. it's not a solution, just a cost shift. make someone else pay for it. if you are going to have a real solution here, especially with the pre-existing condition, exclusion intact with donald trump viscerally seems to understand the importance of, you have to have a mandate. there's no two ways about it. the republicans don't like the
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mandate, but they like the pre-existing condition exclusion because the public likes it. you can't have a system that guarantees people, regardless of their health status, ability to buy insurance without a mandate. how he is going to thread that needle, lord knows. it's not like the republicans have come up with an alternative health plan that makes it clear what they would want to do. >> what does it say to you that donald trump has softened his position? after meeting with president obama? >> lots of people think medicare -- health care is simple, we can just salve it with the stroke of a pen. it's complicated. it is a $3 trillion industry with a lot of different mechanisms, medicare, medicaid, doctor part, pharmaceutical part, it's much harder to reform than you think. while obamacare is far from perfect, we all acknowledge that it certainly is a good platform to start.
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there are some things he might do. he might give states more of the authority, more of the money to organize their exchanges and let them decide with federal money. that certainly has been floated. that's hardly a repeal of obamacare. it might say it's a repeal of the federal role giving more power back to the states, something republicans like to do. that just means we are going to have 50 different systems around the country. we've had that before with welfare and families with dependent children. people don't like different access in different states. they think that's fundamentally unfair. all americans ought to be treated in some similar way. there are ideas using the premium support mr. ryan has, maybe you give premium support to people in the exchanges and allow them to buy private insurance and other mechanisms. in any case, i think what mr. trump is learning, it's not
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simple. he hasn't had a lot of advisors who understand the complexity of the system and how to reform it. whether he gets those advisors, i think is one of the big issues going forward. as you point out, he's got 69 days to put at least the rudiments of a team in place. >> not a lot of his advisors have, a, been to the white house before, or b, worked in government before. >> or c, i would add, katy, have a lot of health care experience, which is again it's complicated and doesn't come overnight. otherwise you tend to make serious mistakes. >> dr. ezekiel emanuel, thank you for that reality check. >> thank you for having me. >> i didn't take long for the world to weigh in on the news of donald trump's election night victory. one paper in germany going so far as saying it's the beginning of the end. >> why will the world welcome
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our new commander in chief and will donald trump turn the tide?
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donald trump, one word. >> a mess. >> amazing. you're the first person we heard saying that. why is he amazing? >> terrible. >> i love when keer simmons says "amazing." those sentiments of shock were splashed all over newspapers around the globe the next morning. world leaders are responding more diplomatically. british prime minister congratulated trump over the phone thursday, saying that he invited her over for a visit.
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canadian prime minister justin trudeau said he's opening to renegotiating nafta, a key talking point for trump throughout this campaign, potentially something that might have put him over in the upper midwest. german chains lchancellor angel merkel. joining me senior fellow of the council foreign relations. we've seen newspaper covers -- >> everyone is tongue tied this week. >> we've seen covers what the public is thinking from around the world. what is going on behind the scenes in the offices of these foreign leaders? >> i think you see dumb struck people with huge question marks about what comes next. the truth is that even when the german government wanted to reach out to trump, they didn't
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know how to do it. they had to go to the german chancellor, the american embassy in germany to find how to reach him. this is a question mark about what he means for the world. that is as some in the trump camp would like it to be. he talked about value in uncertainty in terms of global alliances. people who have been part of america's global alliances do see those question marks loud and clear. >> he trashed angela merkel's policies in germany. he called her angelo repeatedly on the campaign trail. germany could be one of our most important foreign allies. how does he plan on smoothing over the relationship with germany or is he planning on having a contentious relationship? can you tell? >> stay tuned. there is so much that we will see. obama will be in germany this week. i think it will be bittersweet probably for both leaders. the truth is that angela merkel
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is a lone island of liberalism against a rising tide of populism all along the european union. she is really facing a lot of questions as to whether she runs again, how she positions germany in a world in which liberalism is really under fire against growing anger and populations that want to turn inward. i think we'll see a whole lot of discussion coming up about what exactly a trump presidency means for u.s./eu relations and u.s./nato relations. >> a little while ago, france tweeting trump's campaign reached out saying they will work closely together. that does fuel this idea there is a rising anti-immigration, populist segment in europe. i want to talk about iran. iranian president told his cabinet the iran nuclear deal
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cannot be overturned by one of the government's decisions. what is the fate of the nuclear deal on the campaign trail we heard donald trump talking about ripping it up on day one. >> we have to see when rhetoric meets reality. the iranian government, many people within it, are counting on american institutions to keep that deal intact. what you do see though is donald trump already is talking to breaking up the iran deal. one of his first phone calls was to the government in israel. this is the first time netanyahu has a republican president to work with. egypt was one of the first phone calls that donald trump had post win. you see a realignmt coming in terms of who america talks to and when. >> the readouts from these
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conversations are coming from the foreign leaders. so far not coming from donald trump's team. they are figuring out how to get up to speed with how they communicate not only with the press but the american people on these matters. a lot to watch out for. gail lemmond, my college hometown. breaking news to talk about in afghanistan. a blast claiming the life of several americans, what we know on the other side of this break. ♪
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responsibility. we are told the attacker was dressed as a worker to blend in. on capitol hill this week, a sight many republicans didn't think they'd see. house speaker paul ryan with president-elect donald trump and vice president-elect mike pence. ryan's relationship is no secret that has been strained during much of the campaign. joining me to break it down, the former south carolina gop chair and ryan williams, republican strategist who was mitt romney's 2012 deputy national secretary. thank you for being here. i want to start with this question. if you look at the boston globe over the weekend, it said the headline was for conservative true believers like in the gop is going to get harder. "he connected in ways with people no one else did. he turned politics on its head. this is what paul ryan told people. "now he will lead a unified republican party. only weeks earlier appalled by
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trump's coarse remarks about grabbing women, ryan had refused to campaign with the republican nominee. but after trump's stunning election triumph, ryan brushed off such intraparty issues as unimportant. how easily will trump forgive paul ryan? he's not quite the type to let things go. >> there are people with their hair on fire or look like they just put it into an electrical socket. he won a race we didn't think we could win. a really difficult race. if you look at the numbers, it's closer than people think, but he won. we're not sure whether any of our other 16 or 18 candidates could have pulled this off against the clinton machine. i think what the comfort is with movement conservatives is what trump surrounds himself with. go and analyze newt gingrich, rudy giuliani, chris christie,
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folks working on other campaigns like kellyanne conway. mike pence. if you look at the conservatives he surrounded himself with, we are comfortable. it's like getting a christmas present and you didn't know you were getting it and you open it up and the first thing you saw was a supreme court nominee. the rest you have to figure out. >> i was talking to a friend last night. i likened it to a plane that is taking a nose dive. suddenly everybody on the plane is telling the truth, saying things they shouldn't say, admitting things they shouldn't admit, then the plane levels out and they have to forget what they just heard. that's my analogy, at least. i want to ask about mitt romney. romney and trump had a ton of animosity over this past 1 1/2 years. mitt romney giving that very
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frank and at sometimes cutting speech about donald trump earlier this year. we heard mitt romney did speak to donald trump wednesday morning. do you know anything about that conversation? >> i haven't talked to governor romney. he made his views clear during the campaign. these issues were litigated. trump won. he's president-elect now. now as republicans, we have a chance to move forward with a republican white house, republican senate, republican house. we have a lot of opportunity here. we've got an appointment to the court coming up. there is a real chance despite issues with trump at the party, differences on trade, differences on other issues, to move forward with the conservative agenda to get tax reform done, repealing obamacare finished. that is something that will motivate a lot of conservatives who may have had issues with trump during the campaign. look at mike pence, a trusted conservative. he's going to play a huge role in this administration. there is hope for conservatives moving forward that finally with
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everything read, we have a real opportunity to enact positive and conservative change for the country. >> donald trump starting to walk obamacare back. does he make recrimination from republicans in the house and senate? >> no. i think everybody will get on the same page with this. this is an issue republicans and congress and trump team agree on repealing obamacare. it can't be done in one fell swoop. >> he's not talking about repealing it. he's talking about amending it and keeping some aspects of it. >> that's true. he wants to keep some of the aspects of it. his supporters are going to give trump slack on this. they are not going to abandon him because he changed his position on how to deal with obamacare. they want to give him time to do way said he's going to do and look at the results in about a year or two. trump gets because of the campaign trump was in it was
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brash, took the fight to the establishment, his supporters will cut him slack as to how he proceeds to meet the campaign promises. >>e bets the benefit of the doubt certainly more than anyone else does. >> does donald trump lead the republican party? does he hold all the cars or do folks like paul ryan and mitch mcconnell? >> when you win the primary, you rent the republican party. when you win you move to own. donald trump needs the republican party. he's going to keep prins rebori
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to him. what will frustrate donald trump is how slow washington moves. >> the reality. thank you so much. coming up next, what happens within the democratic party once donald trump does take the oath? right now optimism is hard to come by as bill clinton's former deputy assistant told msnbc earlier today. >> i can tell you the mood among democrats generally is horrible, the worst i've seen in 30 years in politics. the next hour richard lui with the history made tuesday in congress. the largest number of asian americans in history heading to the hill. thanks for the ride around norfolk! and i just wanted to say, geico is proud to have served the military for over 75 year roger that. captain's waiting to give you a tour of the wisconsin now.
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could've parked a little bit closer... it's gonna be dark by the time i get there. geico. proudly serving the military for over 75 years.
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the aisle trying to find somewhere solid to stand post election. after a phone call to supporters which hillary clinton reminded democrats their ticket won the popular vote, the party still faces the harsh reality that after trump is sworn in, they'll have zero control over the white house and little control over capitol hill. bernie sanders outlining the harsh reality of why trump won on friday in an op-ed in "the new york times." over the last 30 years, he wrote, too many americans were sold out by their corporate bosses. they work longer hours for lower wages as they see decent paying jobs go to china, mexico or some other low-wage country. they are tired of having chief executives make 300 times what they do while a 52% of all new income goes to the top 1%. many of their once beautiful rural towns have depopulated. their downtown stores are shuttered and their kids are leaving home because there are no jobs.
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all while corporations suck the wealth out of their communities and stuff them into their offshore accounts. former senate aide to hillary clinton. basel, talk about that bernie sanders op-ed. it is harsh, striking, but from being on the campaign trail, it's true. >> there is real concern. i think a lot of the problems bernie sanders outlined have been going on since the nixon years. that's why pop culture, that's why the "snl" black jeopardy skit with the trump supporter is so on point. what it says from an economic standpoint what working class african-americans and whites are experiencing, they are very similar. some of the divide is on cultural issues. where i would draw the line is what republicans did after the election of barack obama. what they did was complete
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improvement on social and cultural issues, improvement on civil rights with decreasing economic opportunity. those things are not simple. you can have economic growth and make advances in other areas. i think the future of the party is going to rely on our ability to communicate both. >> how are they going to find a way to reach out to rural parts of the america, white working man that went en masse to donald trump but appealing to the minority community? they struggled on both fronts during this election. >> i think bernie sanders and hillary clinton did talk a lot about these issues during the campaign. unfortunately it got tied up in conversations about e-mails. if you think about what hillary was talking about in terms of economic opportunity, seeing manufacturing jobs go, but doing what germany did which was improve apprenticeship programs, taxing corporations with an exit tax saying if you leave the country, we are going to impose this tax on you to keep jobs here. we've been talking about these
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things. i do think there is room for more of that conversation. i do think there is an opportunity, as what is saying before, to say there are communities of color and working class whites, as well, that share an economic -- some of the economic situation that is shared. we can move forward without pitting the two communities against each other. >> who does the country look to lead this effort in the democratic party? mother jones talked abo corey booker, kristin gillibrand. tammy duckworth. >> she is incredibly inspirational. kamala harris has a future. a lot of folks are talking about congress meb keith ellison from minnesota they are looking at her being the next dnc chair, the only muslim. really charismatic guy. he predicted the trump victory months before a lot of us
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started talking about it. martin o'malley from maryland, obviously. howard dean. there are a lot of people thinking those are the names -- elizabeth warren -- who might bring the party together to take us through the next election. the executive director of the new york state democratic party and former senate aide to hillary clinton. thank you for being here. >> thanks. the 2016 election left pollsters scratching their heads and political strategists reexamining their game. will this election cycle change how campaigns are covered and predicted? joining me now with answers, university of texas presidential historian h.w. brands and jason johnson, journalism professor at morgan state university and politics editor at the what do you say to those who say donald trump's business conflicts are not without precedent in american
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presidential history? i'm going to toss that one to you. >> they are not without precedent. we saw this with bush. we've seen this with previous presidents. i think the issue that people have with donald trump is because he never released his taxes, and it's a privately-held company. we don't know what kinds of conflicts of interest he may have and how the government would be able to insulate the people from those conflicts of interest having an impact on policy. that's one of the real questions. by him being a nontraditional candidate who refused to follow the basic norms of transparency, it leads the country to wonder and worry about what his presidency might mean for his business and other businesses. >> h.w., secretary clinton like al gore won the popular vote but lost where it matters with the electoral college. there's buzz about potentially getting rid of the electoral college that. would require a constitutional amendment. republicans hold control over
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the house and senate. could this potentially happen down the line, and is it something you want to see happen? >> it's not going to happen for a very long time. the smaller states that have an inordinate role will resist it. would it be a good idea? the up side is it would be a straight forward manifestation of democracy. you get the most votes, you win. in a really close election there might be a national recount. bad enough if you have state bide recounts. there would be no end to it. >> initially was enacted or put in place so people could vote against potentially the rural communities who may be didn't make the right choice. there is a movement to get the folks in the electoral college, this group of people nobody knows to change their vote.
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is that something that is just completely ludicrous? if so, why not just get rid of it? >> it is completely ludicrous in any real political sense. it's not constitutionally out of the question. if donald trump is talking about a rigged election before tuesday, if this actually happened, then he would have a very good case to make that the election was rigged against him. the thing is, the electoral college was designed for the 18th century. because our constitution is so hard to change, no one would think to invent it today. because it's stuck there, we are stuck with it for a long time. >> let's talk about social media. people are pointing the finger at facebook saying they are catering to what each user wants to hear, using fake news at time. what role do you think social media played in this election and do you believe it should change? >> i think social media played a huge role in this election. most of us were following the tweets of donald trump. he basically used social media
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as his own bully pulpit to directly communicate with the people. we had google bubbles for a long time. a google bubble is the fact if you google enough on your particular smart phone or laptop, it starts to influence what kind of search results you get. that happens with everybody. we're all controlling our social media and our internet for the information we want. that's not new. i don't think that's going to change. that's like arguing we need to watch less television. television is part of how americans communicate. this is something else i agree with h.w. about. it won't ever change. it wouldn't be a bad idea if we finally argue that in the event of a split between the electorl college and popular vote. >> it's possible and some states are going this way. without a constitutional amendment, states themselves can decide they want to apportion the electors by congressional
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district rather than winner takes all across the ste. >> thank you, guys, so much for joining us. next a look back at the wild ride covering the trump campaign. my producer, you see him there in flannel -- he wears flannel every day. will join us to talk about what he saw and what he thinks happens next. stay with us. time, but i really need a... ...sick day tomorrow. moms don't take sick days. moms take nyquil severe: the... ...nighttime sniffling,sneezing, coughing, aching, fever best... ...sleep with a cold, medicine.
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the rallies are over, debates are done and now that america has chosen donald trump, i want to take a look back at the many, many months i've been covering the road and every twist and turn of the campaign trail, and who better to do that than my producer anthony terrell. he's in flannel. when did you know this was going to happen? >> december 7th on the "uss
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yorktown." muslim ban day when he called you out. we walked the line and everyone was supporting it. when we first got together in october 2015, waterloo, iowa, afternoon rally, the electric park ballroom, that place was packed. people were there lined up six hours early. this is a year ahead of the election. that's when i knew. everywhere we went, we were freezing cold, minus 10 degrees in new hampshire. people were lined up six or eight hours early freezing cold waiting for trump. >> what did people miss then? >> there was a great quote, something in "the atlantic" supporters took trump seriously while the media took him literally. the things he said like we're going to make the wall 10 feet higher, we know he's not going to make a wall 40 feet high across the border for 22,000 miles. his supporters knew he was talking about immigration and they knew he would talk about policy changes. when he said the muslim ban, they wanted to ban the bad guys. they weren't thinking their
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friends were muslim or the khan family. >> we did run into supporters who were very aggressively against certain groups of people. do you think they got painted with too broad a brush? >> that is so true. people we talked to were moms or dads that didn't have any animosity toward any group. there was a couple. we were in san diego and talked to latinos for trump while there were protests from latinos outside. we talked about the women and the billy bush tape. people didn't care about the scandals. >> what color flannel are you wearing tomorrow? >> you'll have to tune in and check it out. i don't know. >> we're to the working tomorrow. i'm not going to see. a very huge thank you, anthony, for everything this hast year and a half. >> bye. >> don't say bye. we're not done. a big thank you to you for watching. i'm katy tur at nbc world
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headquarters in new york. my colleague richard lui picks up things after the break. have a great one. \ s


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