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tv   AM Joy  MSNBC  November 13, 2016 7:00am-9:01am PST

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80% of recurrent ischemic, strokes could be prevented. and i'm doing all i can to help prevent another one. a bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. we reject the president-elect. reject the president-elect. >> you are fired. you are fired. >> good morning and welcome to "a.m. joy." thousands of protesters marched up to trump tower in manhattan
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for the fourth consecutive day of nationwide anti-trump protests. and as we knew the end of final vote tallying we're learning secretary of state hillary clinton may not -- may not have only won more votes than trump, a popular vote win on track to be 2 million votes or more. when all is said and done she may have won more votes than any presidential candidate in history besides one, president obama. on a conference call with supporters yesterday, clinton blamed fbi director james comey and his unprecedented letter to congress about what proved to be duplicate e-mails found during the anthony weiner investigation for stopping the momentum of her campaign. meanwhile, with the reality of a trump administration setting in, many americans are angry. many are afraid. democrats want to see their leadership move forward by preparing to fight, but who will lead the charge? just a few days after hillary clinton lost the presidential election and republicans solidified their grip on congress, several democrats are now vying to leave the party.
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in about five months the democratic national committee will gather to elect a successor to the current interim chair donna brazill. so far one-time form er vermont governor has thrown his hat in the ring and two-term governor of maryland martin o'malley is also eyeing the role and tomorrow representative keith ellison of minnesota, the first muslim elected to congress, is expected to announce his run for the chairmanship and who is endorsing ellison? none other than former democratic candidate for president, senator bernie sanders. joining me now joan wohl, of "the nation, karine jean-pierre and e.j. dion of "why the right went wrong" and strategist kr krystal ball. let's start with the fact of the vote total. it's pretty stunning when you think of the fact that hillary clinton not only won more
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general motors than donald trump which we knew the day after the election. >> knew that was coming. >> the margin could be 22 million or more and in fact there wasn't a decrease in the overall turnout. this sort of narrative that people didn't like hillary clinton, didn't like donald trump and no one turned out. it's just not true. she got more votes than anybody but bill clinton and mitt romney who got shellacked in donald trump got more votes than donald trump. what does this say to you? >> this is a dividedcountry, and this is a country that put a lot of resources into a -- a republican party that put a lot of resources into voter suppression, and we know that we're clustered on the coasts and our votes matter to us. all the anti-democratic forces built into our system including the fact that tiny rural states have two senators as well as new york and california. so this is just another one. we're coming up against it again, and it was so bitter and horrible when this happened to al gore. there is so much worse. >> karine, it isn't just a matter of a divided country.
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you're talking about a divided democratic party. a lot of what happened it looks like is that the clinton machine and the democratic party did turn out obama voters, but a lot of those obama voters in states like ohio, pennsylvania and michigan voted for donald trump. >> i think that's right. the other way that i like to say it is more people voted against donald trump than for donald trump, right. that's another to lock at it. >> or didn't talk about it at all. >> look, the democratic party has a lot of soul-searching to do, absolutely. need to look in the mirror and figure out what are we? where are we going here? they need to figure out how do they get the -- those white rural voters in michigan, in wisconsin in, ohio, in pennsylvania while still continuing the gains of, you know, the latino vote, the african-american vote, the millenials, and in order to do that they need to do some deep diving and look into the data, figure out who are we, how do we go back and being to the party
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that we once were before but, you know, not forgetting that rising electorate. >> krystal, is it about white rural voters who have been republican for 50 years and will be republican 50 years from now or working class voters who walked away from the democratic party in the nixon area and white college educated voters voted for donald trump and white college educated women voted for donald trump. this wasn't a loss because rural white voters turned up. a lot turned out, all trump voters, but you had actually people who were in what is seen tonight democratic coalition, college educated white men and women. they voted for donald trump, too. >> yeah. well, we've got a lot of problems i think. that's definitely one of them. we also lost more union members than we've lost in a long time, so i think the issue with blue collar white voters is a problem, too, but, you know, i love the way that karine put it. we've got to figure out a way forward that includes all of these groups, right, and to me, to my mind the future of the
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democratic party looks like a multi-racial coalition including working class black, white and brown voters. so as i'm looking at the future of the party, i'm looking at what leaders can bring that coalition together because cultural issues have been used brilliantly by the republican party to pull those white, rural and blue collar voters away from the democratic party, and we've let it happen because we haven't offered a compelling economic vision that deals with the scale of the problems here. i mean, you know, i wrote in my piece about the fact that we have a massive economic transformation under way. and places like the rustbelt don't look like the past. they look like the future of this country if we don't get our act together. truck driving is the number one job in 29 states, and it's a job that's going to completely go away in the future due to technology and driverless trucks. what are we going to do and what are we going to offer in terms of bold radical thinking that's truly going to address that
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issue? and one last thing. you know, i don't want us to fixate over on the presidential election even though i understand why we're doing that right now, but we need to look at the fact that over the past six to ten years we've been absolutely decimated across the country so that now in most states we are irrelevant to governing. we've lost 900 state legislative seats and we lost control of redistricting and that meant we lost control of the house so rebuilding starts with regaining those statehouses, state senate and being able to control the districting in 2020 so we're not out of power until 2030. >> e.j., you know, you wrote a book that talked about the giant realignment of the republican party after the -- you know, after the lyndon johnson era, after the barry goldwater experiment. democrats are now looking at a situation where to krystal's point, i believe democrats control 13 out of 50 state legislatures at this point and then there are some that are mixed, but 13 is not a great number. >> no. >> so it is true.
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the democrats -- we never thought we'd be talking about the democrats facing an existential crisis. all of the talk going into this election was the republicans facing an existential crisis based on demographics and now it's the reverse. what are your thoughts? >> well, first of all, i'm glad you began with the popular vote because, you know, there was a dusted off all democrats in disarray chyron and under on the screen on the previous show and yet the democrats, hillary by 1.5 million, maybe more. this isn't 1984. this isn't 1988. that complicates things. secondly the obama coalition came through nationally. it came through in a lot of states. what we forgot is that the obama coalition in the white working class, in the midwest and northeast was a cross-racial working classicolition.
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it included latinos, african-americans and a significant number of white voters. there was a decay there, and democrats need to put this back together, and i don't look forward to a simple left-right fight in the democratic party. right out of the box there's going to be big fights with the trump administration, i hate to say those word, over appealing obamacare. left and right may have disagreements over the health care system. they agree we need to keep obamacare. repealing wall street reform. left and right may disagree on where to go forward, but they sure don't want to get rid of those, and we have a whole lot of fights to have where i think it's very important that the center and left of the democratic party understand that they have to fight these fights together and five months of an ideological argument will only make it more tempting to put those dems in disarray kay rons at the bottom of every television screen. >> yeah, absolutely.
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getting shellacked in 2012 and losing white voters in 2008. that was not across the country. there were states where he won a majority of white voters. >> correct. >> and it was some of the same states where hillary clinton just lost a majority of white voters. you cannot say that enough. e.j. makes a good point. i want to play one person who was laughed at for making this prognostication in july of 2014. i want to play what proved to be the most prescient piece of sound from the calendar year 2015. let's play it. >> all i want to say is that anybody from the democratic side of the fence who thinks that -- who is terrified of the possibility of president trump better vote, better get active and better get involved because the this man has some momentum, and we better be red for the fact that he might be leading the republican ticket. >> i know you don't believe that, but i want to go on.
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>> sorry to laugh. >> george, we had jesse ventura in minnesota win the governorship. nobody thought he was going to win. i'm telling you. stranger things have happened. >> the laughter of the elites at keith ellison when he made the most prescient peeves sound in 2015. let's play that same gentleman keith ellison, congressman from minnesota who is up for dnc chair potentially. let's play him on "meet the press" this morning. >> how did this happen? >> well, i think that people have been looking at 40 years of flat wages, you know, the reality is you got folks in diners and hair shops and barber shops all over this country who look at their own lives and think, you know, my parents did better than i'm doing and my kids might not do as well as i'm doing. the truth is that we have got to make america work for working people again. >> round robin. people are laughing, karine, about the idea of keith ellison. thereto was a "new york times" where they said don't pick a
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black muslim. your problem is with white working class person. should people be laughing at the idea that have guy leading the dnc? >> not at all. just to put it out there. moveon actually said -- we put out a statement saying we thout h ellison would be an excellent chair. >> yeah. >> i think the one thing he'll have to worry about is that he's a sitting congressman and people -- >> the time. >> and we do need somebody who is going to be able to focus on this. >> do you think he has had a shot, and should he do it? >> he has had a shot and he should do it. there are other good candidate in there, but i think he would be a great choice. >> e.j. dionne, what do you think? >> one of the things about keith ellison, i agree with what karine said. he's very plausible and they got to think about full-time. those are in contradiction but they are both important. keith ellison understands religious voters. he's muslims but he's worked with christians and jews that's progressive. that's real important for the democratic party after this election. he gets that in a way other politicians don't. >> krystal ball? >> you know what i like about
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keith ellison, he's a dramatic break from the past and he was president bushient and had some of these things right so i do like the idea. one thing would i love to see is back in 2004 we had had a lengthy public campaign for those folks who wanted to be dnc chair, and i think we should have that same thing here so that the party really has a chance to think about who they want to see in leadership going forward, but i do like -- we can't tinker around the edges here, folks. we have to make big changes so we can win in states across the country, and i think he does represent a big change. >> we'll bring all of our guests back later. a public campaign for dnc chain, that may be a good idea. let people talk about it instead of having the establishment pick. that's one of the big fights, establishment versus the base. coming up, tuesday's shocking result follows the gutting of the voter right act. we'll take a look at the impact of that next. can i give it to you straight? that airline credit card you have... it could be better. it's time to shake things up.
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so go to your place and vote and go pick some other place and go sit there with your friends and make sure it's on the up and up because you know what? that's a big, big problem in this country, and nobody wants to talk about it. >> donald trump was right about something being off at the polls, but not the way he meant it. new voting restrictions were in place in 14 states this election year, including key battleground states like ohio and wisconsin. where 300,000 voters did not have the i.d. required to vote, and where turnout was at a 20-year low. trump became the first republican since reagan to win wisconsin. his margin of victory 27,000 votes. joining me is ari berman, author of question give us the ballot"
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and democratic strategist karine jean-pierre and your latest article is called the gop's attack on voting rights was the most undercovered story of 2016. what did we miss? >> the media missed that this was the first presidential election without the full protection of the voting rights act. did you such a fantastic job of covering this, joy, but many of our colleagues on cable and broadcast news totally ignored it. there are 26 presidential debates and not one question about the gutting of the voting rights act. they couldn't have found two minutes somewhere in 26 debates to mention that voters in 14 states were going to go to the polls with new restrictions, and we spent so much time about talking about who people were going to vote for, but we didn't ask the other question which is were people going to vote, be able to vote in the first place? >> yeah. i mean, i'm sitting here holding -- this is a memo put out by the north carolina
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republican party in which they are bragging about how few black people voted early. they are quite proud of what they did in north carolina to reduce the number of african-americans who went to the polls. they are sort of chocking it up to they didn't care, they weren't enthusiastic. what do you chock up that reduction in black early vote, too? >> the numbers show that for the first week of early voting in 40 majority black counties there were 158 fewer polling places. there were cities like greensboro where the county had 16 early voting sites in 2012 and only one early voting site in 2016 and black turnout dropped 16% in that first week of early voting. there's lots of factors that go into voter turnout, but we saw real data in this election that when you make it harder to vote, fewer people cast a ballot. >> core neshlgs as our resident pollster on panel, it's quantifiable that you had smaller turnout but overall more people voting in this election for hillary clinton than voted for anybody except barack obama when he won in 2008 and 2012 so
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we're not talking about overall reducti reductions. we're talking about spot reductions. arizona, texas, louisiana, mississippi, alabama, south carolina, north carolina with fewer voting places. what do most of those states have in common, a whole lot of black people, states in the former confederacy where there's a lot of african-americans or a lot of hispanics. your thoughts, sir? >> well, i think if you look at a place like greensboro, north carolina where they go from 16 early voting locations in 2012 to one in 2016 you get the idea of what's happening and when you look in some of the states like north carolina where the proportion of the electorate there that was african-american did drop off a point or store, a point or so in the polling is not huge. i want to go back to a point you made earlier. this is an electorate overall that should have been conducive
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to a democratic victory if you look at sort of the racial break-up of this electorate. african-americans and hispanics made up a being laer swath and minorities a larger swath than 2012 and young voters were on par to where they were in 2012. i've got to push back on this ideal that we have a massive surge of obama trump voters. if you look at the battleground states. her marginal difference where she was off obama versus his slight uptick they are not equal. in a place like wisconsin, if you just look at where she was off from obama, it is among those younger voters and the marginal difference for her being off obama is almost exactly equal to the number of those younger voters voting third party. this was a bad -- the outcome here was bad, but i don't think this is a dire prediction for democrats. we've just got to do a better job. they still do not have a majority coalition so they will continue to try to block the ballot box because that's the ly way they have to win. >> that's a very good point,
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karine. let's finish up with north carolina and in the end hillary clinton barely lost the state of north carolina, barely close, 2.3 million votes for trump and 2.1 million for her. very close. let's go over to wisconsin where you have that combination, right. the obama coalition turning out but to cornell's point, her margin was lower. he didn't get anymore really of african-americans or hispanics. hillary clinton got less because a lot of younger black and brown folk voted third party so that is a good explanation, but in wisconsin you had something else going on. you had a systematic denial of the i.d.s required to vote. which direction is the democratic party's brain supposed to go, fighting suppression or trying to convince millenials that they have to vote for one of the two people who can actually become president? >> that's a really good point. look, here's the problem that i have with all of this. we knew -- we knew where the voter i.d. laws were going to be, like we knew this a while ago, and this is -- i think democrats have to take some sort of responsibility here because it's not had a shock that this happened, you know, and we
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didn't put it out there. we didn't fight for it hard enough, and what the republicans ended up doing is they had a modern day southern strategy. that's what this was, and it -- it absolutely worked in north carolina, just to go back for a quick second. i know some folks who had their early voting polling site was in their community, a black community, and it was closed. they had to go to a white community in order to vote, and that's what was happening here. they got rid of sunday because they knew in north carolina, souls to the polls. that's what the churches did. went to the congregation and went to vote and got rid of that, and we knew it was coming and we should have fought harder. >> you know, ari. we on that, you had reverend william barber and the naacp and aclu groups in court every week in north carolina fighting just to get people put back on the rolls stricken from the rolls. had them cutting off, active voter suppression. my question to you is in that case and in the case of wisconsin where it feels blatant
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what they were doing on i.d., where was the federal government and the civil rights department? >> i think the federal government was missing in action on wisconsin, and a lot of groups like one wisconsin and the aclu had to pick up the slack but i was there on election day and i saw the impact. trump won wisconsin by 27,000 votes. 300,000 registered voters, according to a federal court, did not have strict forms of government-issued i.d. which is 11 times trump's margin of victory. turnout was down 15% in milwaukee where 70% of black voters in wisconsin live. the head of elections in milwaukee just came out and said voter i.d. depressed turnout here. we saw the largest drops in turnouts in places where we thought voter i.d. would have the biggest impact, where there's more people of color and more low income voters and i have to say did this swing the election? had an impact for sure and even if it had no impact on the election the fact that one party made it deliberately harder to vote is the scandal here and it's so great that you devoted so much attention to it, but
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fact that the media completely missed, as you mentioned, that one party deliberately made it harder for another to vote was one of the biggest ignored scandals of 2016. >> it's one of the great scandals of our time, particularly after a member that have one party who since he was in the reagan administration, the gentleman who runs the supreme court right now, the chief justice of the supreme court, has had a mission to eviscerate the voting rights act for 30 years or his entire adult life. it comes to pass and no one notices it and the party doesn't notice it. it's amazing. ari berman, you covered this issue more than anybody else and you've devoted yourself. don't mean to make this a mutual admiration society but it sickens me where we went through an entire election where the predicted outcome happened and we have to wonder if it was because of e-mails. >> we have to keep fighting. too late now. just have to resist. >>absolutely. hopefully people get it together for the next one. ari berman and cornell belcher and karine jean-pierre will be back in the next hour. millions of americans are
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combating trumpism with more acts of kindness. more "a.m. joy" after the break.
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in the wake of such a divisive election there's comfort in seeing the outpouring of unity and support since tuesday. you may have noticed many americans donning safety pins lately which have taken on a special meaning since brexit earlier this year. the pin symbolizes a show solidarity and safety for those who fear discrimination. here in new york commuters have been expressing their feelings through post-it notes all along the subway. over 1,500 messages now adorn station walls and hillary clinton is sure to be feeling a little bit better after notes written by children appeared on the sidewalk outside of her new york headquarters. messages of thank you and i'm always with her. it's a reminder that while clinton will not prevail in the electoral college barring a revolt by about 21 electors next month her history-making campaign and her massive popular vote victory, 2 million vote margin and counting, sill makes her a winner to many. more "a.m. joy" when we return
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he's given a job description as to what he feels the supreme court justice should be and should do. it should be somebody who adheres very closely to the constitution, doesn't make up the law as they go along, doesn't have a political agenda, so the 19 or so men and women that he's put forth certainly fit that description, and we look forward to -- we look forward to filling that supreme court vacancy and probably some experts expert maybe one or two others during his first term. >> donald trump will have at least one supreme court vacancy to fill during his tenure and very likely more. senator lindsey graham just offered his pitch for the highest court in the land, one rafael ted cruz and with potential nominees like senator ted cruz what might one suspect from a trump supreme court? back with me are joan walls, and
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e.j. deion and april ryan author of "at mama's knee," mothers and race in black life. congratulations on the new book. you snuck that by me girlfriend. you've drawn my gaze and i'm going to come to you first on this. some of the names that are popping up on the trump list are people that most americans won't know who they are but sure know who ted cruz is. what do you make of lindsey graham, a never terrorism, who apparently is on trump's enemies list, floating the name of somebody that almost no republican senators can stand for the supreme court? what is that? is that shade? what is it? >> it's shade but it's also something that we've seen in the -- in the obama years, a team of rivals basically. you know, this president-elect is reaching out to everyone. i mean, just this morning we've heard from the transition pool that he reached out to carly fiorina as well as jeb bush, so we have to wait and see what's actually going on. i believe there is an effort
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possibly for something that we have not seen really before in this modern era when it comes to republican presidential president-elect persons, a team of rivals of sorts, so we'll see. i mean, if that name is floating for a reason, if ted cruz is on the supreme court you may as well bet that we'll not see issues of civil rights make it through at all. it's going to be a very conservative court, we know this, and we know whatever happens with donald trump, whether it's this one person, this one vacancy that's open or two or three that we're expecting, it will be reverberating for the next 20 to 30 years. whoever donald trump picks. it's 20 to 30 years down the road and civil rights is not expected to be on the table with this president or his supreme court. >> yeah. if trump were to pick ted cruz he's in his 40s, a young man and could be on the court for 40 years, and we do know one thing, e.j., among the promises that have been made for decades by
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republicans has been the repeal of "roe v. wade." adding -- even if it's ted cruz or mike lee or whoever they add on the court would just put it back to when the scalia 5-4 court reigned but let's listen to donald trump talking about his promise on "roe v. wade." >> i'm asking you specifically would you -- >> if they overturn it had, it will go back to the states. >> what i'm asking you, sir, is do you want to see the court overturn you? want to see the court protect the second amendment. do you want to see the court overturn "roe v. wade." >>? >> well, if we put another two or perhaps three justices on, that's -- that will happen, and that will happen automatically, in my opinion, because i am putting pro-life justices on the court. i will say this. it will go back to the states and the states will then make a determination. >> you know, first, e.j. and then joan on that question. this has always been another one of those things that republicans were free to promise their conservative christian base because they never were going to be able to do it and they weren't going to have to have
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the 50 wars going in the states over abortion rights. do you think it is likely that trump will actually follow through on this and that there will be a push to really repeal roe? >> the answer if he gets three appointees there very well could be the overturning of "roe v. wade." by the way on lindsey graham, he'll do anything to get ted cruz out of the senate, including putting him on the supreme court, and that's what that is all about. >> yes. >> but i think that this is really frightening not only for supporters of "roe v. wade" but you have had over the last ten years a degree of conservative judicial activism that threw out and gutted the voting rights act and threw out years of restrictions on big money in political campaigns that tried to restrict the ability of government to regulate. justice ginsberg is 38 and justice breyer is 78 and justice kennedy, who is the most moderate of the comfort difficulties, is 80. in this campaign conservatives
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were far more focused on the importance of the court than liberals were, and the liberals may reap the will wind here if trump gets three supreme court appointees. >> you know, joan, i think about, you know what, we were just talking about cornell belcher making the point, you know, hillary clinton got a lot of votes. she got a lot more votes than donald trump did. >> right. >> but the difference was is that her margin among democrats was lower because you had so many younger voters, including voters of color, white, black and indifferent, white, black, hispanic, everything, voting third party. i think about those young voters 20 years from now. if not only "roe" goes, voe voe goes and you have something you have to fight for but have donald trump top policy adviser, a guy named ken blackwell, used to be the secretary of state of ohio, who has said that being gay is a lifestyle that can be changed. you have the vice president of the united states upcoming
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virulently, you know, strict on gay rights, against them, right? >> right. >> so i wonder about that, that whether or not a supreme court that can radify religious freedom amendments and overturn "roe," what are those voters going to say to themselves and the rest of us 20 years from now? >> like a lot of 2000 ralph nader voters who felt terrible except for susan sarandon who never learned her lesson. you know, there's so much at risk i can't say i wish this on anyone, but i -- if "roe v. wade" is gone, i will really want to talk to my sisters, the 53% of white women who voted for donald trump and put their daughter's abortion rights to risk and want to talk to the black millenials who obviously were not going to see any action on what you and ari and the panel were talking about on voting rights. i mean, she tried so hard to make that case and her surrogates did and bernie sanders did a great job going after his voters, but there was -- there was a stubbornness
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and lack of focus on the supreme court that it always hits our voters. our voters don't care as much about the supreme court as theirs do and that's why i think april is right. you're going to see a coming back together of the tribe. the never trump people will mostly go away and he'll try to pull the republican coalition back together and hold firm on the supreme court and the notion that the democrats are going to find ways to compromise with him i think is ludicrous because i think the paul ryans, whatever -- whatever impulse trump may have to compromise, he may, we don't know anything about what he really feels, he'll be blocked by the paul ryan and mitch mcconnell faction that feels like we run the table, we run the world. >> they do. at the moment they run the country. go ahead, e.j. >> amen to what joan just said. i hope democrats have the guts to say that republicans did
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something unprecedented in blocking-maker garland. president obama is the president and has a right to name a supreme court justice and we don't even have to give the guy a hearing. i think they have to say that there is something wrong with filling that vacancy now when the president who legitimately had an opportunity to fill it was denied that right, and i don't think they are going to stand up the way they should, but i sure would like to see them do it because there's something outrageous that the maker -- that the merrick garland nomination just sat there. >> with the democrats and their nominee having won the popular vote overwhelmingly, to e.j.'s point, the power in power having denied even a hearing to the sitting president of the united states' nominee will attempt to do their hone blocking knowing that the voting rights act being completely finished, i mean, it's already gutted and being finished on the table.
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"roe v. wade" is on the table. everything democrats fought for for 50 years is on the table. what is the likelihood that democrats filibuster? >> democrats will try to do everything that they can. the voting rights issue is huge. the first time as weave talked about. the first time in 50 years that you have not had the full protection of the voting rhts act and the voting rights act was set in place because of voter suppression and not just voter suppression and not allowing blacks to go to the polls in the south and now we're seeing it all across the nation, but the democrats will have to fight, not only will the people in the streets have to fight but the democrats have to fight to keep what they want to go through. civil rights and all other rights. >> we shall see. joan, april and e.j. with all be back. still to come, the battle of the soul of the democratic party. what comedy will look like from trumperica. more "a.m. joy" after the break.
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critics might want to watch out once he's in the white house. trump surrogate omarosa said, quote, it's so great our enemies are making themselves clear so that when we get into the white house we know where we stand. she called out senator lindsey graham after the senator tweeted he voted for independent presidential candidate evan mcmullin because he, quote, appreciates his views on a strong america and the need to rebuild our military, unquote. omarosa says, quote, graham felt his interest was with that candidate. god bless him, but let me just tell you mr. trump has a long memory, and we're keeping a list. so if a so-called trump enemy's list does exist, who else can we expect to be on it? well, if you remember last month during trump's gettysburg speech, he vowed to sue the women who accused him of sexual misconduct. hillary clinton could also be on the hit list after numerous lock her up chants at trump rallies and trump's declaration during the second presidential debate that he would seek a special
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prosecutor to look into her use of a private e-mail server. and trump could go after the media which he has harshly and repeatedly criticized at his rallies and in his first tweet of the week accused of inciting the protests against the election results. well, we'll be ready, donald. we'll be ready. up next, the group of americans who are already feeling the ugly side of the trump win. stay with us. ♪ ♪ when you find something worth waiting for, we'll help you invest to protect it for the future. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase, so you can. daddy! lets play! sorry kids. feeling dead on your feet?
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here in minnesota, you've seen firsthand the problems caused with faulty refugee vetting, with large numbers. somali refugees comingo your state without your knowledge, without your support or approval, and if you want people to just pour into minnesota, all you have to do is vote for hillary clinton because that's what she's going to do. just vote for her. >> and they actually did. minnesota voted for hillary clinton. donald trump spent his campaign
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blaming muslim migrants for a phantom crime rave and claiming refugees are quote a trojan horse which isis will use to infiltrate the u.s. anti-muslim hostility and hate crimes are spiking while trump does absolutely nothing to stop it. joining me now is dean obeidallah and nageen farsad co-directors of the film "the muslims are coming?" you should have had it twice because it's sayrier when you said the first time. i'll start with you, new friend. dean gave a pep talk. i'll ask you the question. he has a great dealey beast column out that everyone should read and it's a muslim pep talk for fellowgressiprogressives. let's not move to canada. how do you feel, afraid, hopeful? what is your thought? >> i actually went through a lot of tears. a few days of that so i'm not going to tree tend like that didn't happen and there's a lot
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of things we can't sugar coat about the coming administration, but i am really hopeful about, you know, changing the rules of the -- you know, of the game when it comes to the electoral college. i'm really hopeful about, you know, the amount of passion that we're seeing right now because i think that might mean that we're going to go from beingike indifferent and kindf lazy citizens to really mobilized, motivated sit sense, and i think that would be really exciting. >> i mean, on the policy level, you had for a while the donald trump campaign took down their muslim ban proposal from their website. it's back up. >> they add it had back up. donald trump asked by "the wall street journal" on friday about his rhetoric says i want a country that loves each other. i want to stress that, but asked whether or not he thought his rhetoric went too far in the campaign and including the muslims and he said no, i won. >> if donald trump thinks that winning the election absolves him from all the sexist bigoted rates of stuff that he's said. he's kidding himself. we're not forgiving, forgetting.
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in the whole point of my article, i love white liberals hugging me, non-stop hugging. >> with safety pins on, throwing their arms around him. >> saying we're going to build an underground railroad and mexico it's warmer, we fit in better but the idea that somehow we're going to -- we have a thick skin. we're not use to this. it won't be easy as negin said. we lost but we're not defeated. we're not going to hide in the shadow. we're going to fight more than ever and martin luther king's great quote we can accept finite setbacks but never lose infinite hope. liberals will fight and in the end we'll prevail because the history of the nation tells us that we will. >> we want to have hope. it's sunday. we don't want everybody depressed but we've had women had that hijabs for thefully snatched off and one woman threatened at knife point to
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take it off. you've had violent actions, targeting particularly muslim women who choose to wear the hijab but you also have a looming threat out thereto that once trump is in, the first time there's any kind of terrorism where the perpetrator is found to be or thought to be muslim, if you've got rudy giuliani out there who believes in racial profiling, if you've got an attorney general that believes in racial profiling, you're going to see profiling of mosques. you're going to see raids of religious institutions. i mean, the prospects are actually daunting and scarey. >> yeah. i think you're absolutely right, and -- and it's not just limited to muslim women who are kind of symbolically, you know, the face of a lot of this stuff. you know, i have a white woman friend who was told -- a man said to her on the street the other day i'm going to grab your "p" word on msnbc. >> well, the next president can grab them all kinds of ways and it's all fine and she's a white woman and the language that we're seeing out there. it's like -- it's being mandated
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by this win, and so -- but i think what's really exciting is right now we're seeing something of a coalition building among unlikely partners. i'm going to say iranian-american muslims, when we're not busy enriching uranium we're going to be out there -- >> not always enriching uranm. >> when we ear not out there doing that, we'll be out there marching with black lives matter and marching with thep d.r.e.a.m.ers because we need coalition building and muslims can't just fight and defend themselves alone. we're so few in number, we real need for these other groups to join in the fight. >> i want to go really quickly because you answered her back on twitter but there was a muslim woman who voted for trump who says she has absolutely no fears of being a muslim in trump america and put it down to obamacare, that she doesn't like it. >> people can vote for whoever they want and for whatever reason. there is a concern in our community that's real. i'm optimistic because i think
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things will get better. it's coalition building, standing with latinos and lbgtq and african-americans and native americans. >> and even the "new york times" deputy washington editor sort of rather. >> reporter:ly said don't consider keith ellison to be -- this is on the democrat side. he's muslim and he's black. >> keith ellison as dnc chair would be great. what a strong progressive voice. he makes me proud as a liberal, also as a muslim he makes me proud. i think that's going to take a lot of work. i can't sugar coat it. it will be a challenging time and i think we'll see alliances and 2018 will be here before we know it. we have to take the senate and do our best to take the house and empower voices in our communities. >> do you think that's going to happen? do you think the muslim community will come out more energized or be more afraid and retreat? >> i think it's absolutely going to happen. this is the time. we won the popular vote. the numbers just don't support this type of administration, and in the future it will especially
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not support this type of administration. this is the last gasp of like white supremacy. >> yeah. >> let them have the dance and they will dance really badly. >> great to meet you negin and thanks. a history lesson all democrats need to pay attention to after the break. consider liberty mutual stood with me
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the search for relief often leads here.s, introducing drug-free aleve direct therapy. a high intensity tens device that uses technology once only in doctors' offices. for deep penetrating relief at the source. new aleve direct therapy. welcome back to "a.m. joy." it has now been five days since the election and this is what a shellshocked democratic party is looking at. a monumental upset, check. continued republican control of congress, check. a supreme court that could roll back the social progress of the last eight years, check. no obvious party leader once
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ident obama leads office, check, check and check. so what we can certainly expect over the next several months is the democrats will be doing a lot of soul searching trying to work out what went wrong for hillary clinton and for the party as a whole and how to make a comeback, and if the past is prologue the next chamter of the democratic reinvention will include trying to appease the right and make the party more centrist. it's kind of a democratic party tick. make sweeping change, lose a big election, shift to the right. that's exactly what happened after lyndon johnson and the major civil rights victories of the 1960s, plus the vietnam war triggered an epic backlash that caused the party to lose the presidential elections in 1968 and 1972 to law and order president richard nixon. the democratic party responded by maginalizeding george mcgovern and other liberals along with voters of color and chased conservative white voters instead, a reflex that resulted in the nomination of jimmy carter who ran on restoring a particular kind of southern christian values to the party
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and the country in 1976. later came the rise of the democratic leadership council, a centrist vehicle that took bill clinton to the white house by pulling the party even further to the right. by 2008 after eight years of george w. bush the democratic coalition grown by liberal white voters, union members and particularly voters of color won back the white house, but liberal gains of the obama years triggered yet another backlash and soon they will have to give the white house back to a president who could be poised to roll back major parts of the obama legacy, erasing some of the most sweeping and hard fought progressive reforms since lbj. so what went wrong? joining me now is whitney downs, director and producer of "the whiteness project" and rick waite former senior adviser to the obama campaign and back with us is krystal ball. i'm going to start with whitney here at the table. there was an interesting nugget in the "new york times" piece on wednesday that talked about the
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internal wranglings inside the clinton campaign and said the following. early on mr. bill clinton had pleaded with robbie mook, mrs. clinton's campaign manager, to do more outreach with working class white and rural voters, but his advice fell on deaf ears. having gone out around the country and talked to these very working class white vote efforts, would it have mattered if hillary clinton had done more outreach to them? >> i really think -- we're having two conversations and pretending they are one conversation. it wasn't just talking to white working class voters. the idea that white working class voters and people who aren't white who are working class voters had a set of different agenda, they do, but they also have a lot that they meet on. i actually think that the conversation around race that sort of like being driven towards this thing of what does the democratic party have to do, the democratic party has to do the fundamental restructuring on
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how it relates to -- on who it is and who it's going to be as a country, but i think that the conversation on race is much, much more complicated and it's not the democratic party's problem. it's everybody's problem, and you know what it is? it's white people's problem. it's white people's problem. this election has revealed something that we all knew existed. we all knew existed and electing hillary clinton in some ways would have absolved of this responsibility and dealing with this hand now you can't hide from it. >> it is interesting, you know, crisco finis as we roll out the numbers and start to take the narrative from it, there wasn't a huge diminution in the overall electorate, that a lot of white voters who voted for barack obama in 2012 and 2008 voted for donald trump in 2016 and a lot of black and brown voters who would have been obama coalition voters voted third party if they were young or under 30, so it is a bit of a different narrative,
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so have you changed your mind, chris, about what you think went wrong with the party this year? >> well, we need to figure out what went wrong in terms of the numbers n.2008 obama got about 69 million, hillary clinton got a little over 60 million and that's not including during the time we add millions to the rolls, so the numbers about when people talk about hey we lost wisconsin birks you know, 12,000 or 20,000 votes, lost, you know, michigan by 15,000 or 20,000 votes and pennsylvania by 100,000 votes. it's actually a lot worse. we lost voters who voted democrat, who voted for barack obama twice, who voted for trump and then or we lost voters who decided not to vote at all and that to me is a failure of our message. the one thing i will say that i consistently saw around the country when i would do these focus groups and there would be, have african-americans in the
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groups and hispanics in the group and women in the groups, people who voted for obama. clinton's message never resonated. they were offended by donald trump's rhetoric. they found it disgusting, but his emphasis on the economy, on this kind of populism, angry populism appealed to them because they were so desperate, and i think democrats to be really brutally frank, we have fooled ourselves over the last eight years talking to people who live around this country, it's not just rural -- the rustbelt america. it's all around the country, people who are struggling to make ends meet. when you have 75% of the country who e one check away from economic oblivion, that is not a good thing, and instead of focusing on that, instead of articulating a clear economic message and mission for the democratic party that talked to those voters regardless of their race, we didn't, and that is why we are now facing this nightmare scenario that we now see, and to me the part that i will tell you
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makes me incredibly angry is that that -- those were our voters. we lost this election. that's the part that makes me really upset. we can blame comey all we want. that's going to make us feel really good, but the reality is it was a failure of the campaign. it was a fail ufrt message. it was a failure of the central artery. and we need to be hon west that if we want to structure ourselves to avoid one simple thing. in 1980 when ronald reagan won, four years later he won, again. in 2000 in a very similar kind of disputed election, when george bush won, four years later he won again, so this notion that somehow we can just keep doing what we're doing and in four years from now we're going to win back the white house, not unless we figure out how to speak not just to white voters, to speak to voters out thereto who are really struggling and come up with an economic message that appeals to them. >> 2020 is a census year which locks in whatever gains for ten
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years. let me listen to keith ellison real quick. listen to keith ellison because he sounds a lot of what you just said, chris, and he what is speak on "this week" with george stephanopoulos this morning. >> trump picked on people's fears and their anxieties and he gave them somebody to blame and some folks just really turned out for him for that. at the same time our message of strengthening the middle class, working people, we just didn't penetrate well enough and we didn't have the kind of turnout that we really need or expected. >> rick, you also have been going around to focus groups and that issue of strengthening the middle class is something you talked about a lot. did you feel that that was missing in this election on the democratic side? >> absolutely. i totally agree with chris. i traveled over a lot of battleground states and people are hurting regardless of black and white and i understand the racism and sexism and other
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dynamics of this campaign but at the end of the day it was about economy. >> that's right. >> people are living paycheck to paycheck. they can't pay their bills. they can't pay for their child care and what -- the iron of this is that secretary clinton had a very comprehensive economic revitalization plan. the problem was it never was translated into common speak, and i think that is the commonality. that's a unifying message as we move to rebuild the democratic party in the months and days to come. >> yeah. and krystal, every time the democrats lose is they turn on each other and beat up on one another, but one of the real fissures that emerged out of the primary was the sanders versus clinton fissure that did obviously demonstrably result in some particular younger sanders voters voting third party and not voting hillary clinton which could have provided the margin in some of the states like pennsylvania and some of the states like michigan. i want you to listen -- listen to a -- an article, i'll just read it to you, about a guy who
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confronted donna brazill who who is brought in to bring the party back together, brought in to run the dnc and apparently had this meeting with democratic party staff on thursday when somebody yelled you are part of the problem blaming her for clearing the path for trump's victory by siding with clinton early on. you and your friends will die of old age and i'm going to die from climate clank. und your friends let this happen which is going to cut 40 years off my life expectancy. is it productive in your view, krystal, to have that particular fight over the dnc, bernie sanders and hillary clinton? >> no, and, look, as i said before, i'm not looking to pile on hillary clinton and her campaign even in particular because i see the problems as much bigger and much deeper than that. i want to cosign everything just said here. it's not just about this campaign. democrats have relied on the republican party being terrible and doing nothing to appeal to the kind of people who are
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terrified about their future and their children's future no matter where they live or what racial makeup they have. i mean, we have offered nothing that is up to the task of the challenges that confront us, so while it's not helpful to, you know, to yell at particular people, we do have to say we've got to make big, radical, wholesale change, and i'm not talking about moving to the right here. i'm talking about radical, populist, progressive economic ideas and messaging that are actually up to the job, and by the way, we do have to restore credibility with the american people, and we do need new leaders who can start to rebuild that trust because we have for too long said out of one side of our mouth we need to get money out of politics and the influence of big special interests and out of the other side of our mouths thrown ourselves at silicon valley and wall street and the american people know it. so we do need new leadership. we need new ideas and we've got to move in a different direction as a party. >> and, you know, whitney,
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what's interesting, there's been a proxy fight taking place in the higher levels of the democratic party, harry reid came out and gave a breathtaking and strong statement about the hate fueled by the donald trump campaign calling him a sexual predator who lost the popular vote and fueled his campaign with bigotry and hate. winning the electoral college does not absolve trump of the grave sins. that's harry reid who went blue this year and meanwhile joe manchin of west virginia, a state that goes red pretty much every time and sort of represents that democrat on the brink, that white democrat who is teetering into becoming a white republican came out and called that an embarrassment to the senate as an institution, our democratic party and the nation. i want to be very clear does not speak for me. the question of whether or not the thing that we focus on, the race aspect of donald trump, the sort of bigotry aspect, whether that goes right over the heads of white voters that democrats want back and would that conversation is even productive
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to have with those voters. >> i think that we have to have that conversation with those voters, and i think that, again, as i said earlier, i think the responsibility is on white progressives who believe in social justice to have those conversations, and those are the people who sort of like -- this is not, again, it's not a brown people's problem. it's a white people's problem, and i think that if -- that f that, you know, this -- everybody sort of has this -- has this idea. they say oh, we're so much alike and we are and i go around the country and i talk to people. we agree on 95% of the same things. that's absolutely true. i think that, you know, one of the things that we sort of have to deal with is this idea that everybody says we're better than this. we're better than this, and the reality is we're not better than this. the reality is we've never been better than this. but what brings together is we want to be better than this, and i think there's a huge chunk of voters that i think if you have those conversations and if you make the connection with them
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they will come to the table on it. >> all right. i wish we had more time. we'll have to reconvene this panel and do more talk about this. thank you all for coming. krystal ball is sticking around. much more after the break.
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i we worked with pg&eof to save energy because wenie. wanted to help the school. they would put these signs on the door to let the teacher know you didn't cut off the light. the teachers, they would call us the energy patrol. so they would be like, here they come, turn off your lights! those three young ladies were teaching the whole school about energy efficiency. we actually saved $50,000. and that's just one school, two semesters, three girls. together, we're building a better california.
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our job is to make sure that people know that the democratic party is the party that is going to deliver that for them and that means strengthening the grass roots. that means strengthening the local precinct county level and making sure that we're all channeled on massive turnout for that program. >> we're discussing the democratic party and the struggle to regain footing in a new world order with no real leader and bob franken, i'm
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going to start with you. i don't know if you were able to hear the previous panel but the discussion essentially we were having is whether or not it's productive for democrats to have the race conversation with red america which is now bigger, right, thanks to the number of formerly purple and blue states that donald trump won or whether the conversation has to be about economics and the bottom line and pushing away from wall street. where do you come down on that? >> the answer is yes. obviously -- you have to have both conversations, and they are not separate conversations. they are obviously overlapping conversations, and i think that what the democrats have to do is to say that, number one, they have the better way of taking care of all americans and seeing to it that americans are equipped to take care of themselves in a better way than the republicans are, and secondly what the democrats have to be able to do is to sell the fact that in fact we have a lot of common ground. this is not an either/or situation but a we as a united
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states problem >> you know, and that sounds -- i want that to be true, bob, but i think about even, joan, inside the democratic party whether or not it's one party. you had bernie sanders come out. he did an op-ed in the "new york times" in which are he talked about keeping an open mind to see what donald trump offers and when and how we can work together if the collect is serious about pursuing policies that improve the lives of working families i'm going to continue to offer my support and a lot of clinton supporters said wow, that was fast. >> faster than he endorsed her. >> and that's what i'm hearing from a lot of clinton supporters that bernie sanders seemed more enthusiastic about combining with and working with donald trump than he did with working with hillary clinton, so if the democrats are that disunited. >> right. >> i'm not sure that the country is more united than the democratic party is. >> i don't think there is anything new. i think that this is something that certainly dating back to will rogers. he said he didn't belong to an organized political party. he was a democrat, and i think that's characteristic of the
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party. >> joan? >> i want to say, in this post-election conversation, women and people of color are being scapegoated. it's like we tried your way. bernie sanders is basically saying, okay, we tried your way, now i'm going to legitimize donald trump immediately and look for ways to work with him and support him, and it's once again recentering the white working class at the middle of our conversation. now we've got to look for why we failed to reach them, but i also take issue with this notion that hillary clinton had no message. if you hated her, she had no message. if you liked her or you were open to her, she had a message. it just -- i went to 25 speeches. it just didn't get through because the media never showed her speeches, you know, ad nauseum every time she spoke and when she did speak, she didn't get attention for talking about -- you just played a clip, i forget who was speaking, one of my friends, we're all friends, was saying she didn't have a message. her mouth is saying wall street,
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bankers, hedge funds. she was making a populist pitch. people didn't hear it. we can blame her, but we also have to blame the media and some of our lefty friends who chose to depict her as evil incarnate. >> we're going to go in on ourselves as members of the media a little bit later on. this is a tease. we are going to talk about the media's role and i think they played a huge role and not a very positive one and to this point, you had elizabeth warren, the other populist hero of the wing of the democratic party come out quickly and make overtures to donald trump as well and to joan's point about the centering of the white working class again in this conversation, this is elizabeth warren talking with our good friend rachel maddow on thursday. >> there are a lot of places where there will have to be compromises. there's things we're going to end up losing because we don't have the white house. we don't have the senate or the house of representatives, but on these core issues about treating every single human being in this countrying with dignity, on that
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we stand up and we fight back. we do not back down. we do not compromise, not today, not tomorrow, not ever. >> well, that sounds good. that sounds like elizabeth warren is willing to double down and fight, but what about, you know, democrats who don't see this as a fighting party, who see this as a -- as a capitulating party, a party that always seeks compromise, that wants to be liked by the other side and doesn't have the numbers and doesn't necessarily have the backbone to fight donald trump? >> look, i totally agree with you, joy. here's the thing. here's what people need to understand. we are going from barack obama to donald trump. we are going from having attorney generals like eric holder, loretta lynch to potentially attorney general mayor giuliani. >> you just sold about 1 billion prescriptions for xanax. >> and i think that's the thing that people don't understand the fear that brown and black people have and including the muslim community. we are -- we are completely afraid of a steve bannon coming
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into the white house, right, who basically created a space for white nationalists and gave rebirth to the kkk. this is who is supposed to be a senior adviser to donald trump. of course we're very afraid and fearful, so, yes, i understand that these elected officials want to say, hey, we're going to find a place to work for them, that's their job, but us the people who have to be vigilant, even more vigilant than we were before, because we were always gilant. we always had to be vigilant but now it's because we have after obama where we felt, okay, we have a black president, now we have donald trump. >> krystal, you know, that's one of the things that people are going to be concerned about in terms of the coming fight. is that you're going to have on the one hand a group of democrats who say we've got to fight to reorient ourselves towards the working class, the white working class to win back the voters in ohio and kentucky and pennsylvania and michigan, and on the other hand what you just heard from karine, which is what i'm hearing from people, which is fear. you know, rudy giuliani's name strikes fear into the hearts of black people who have experienced living under him. the idea of a muslim ban or
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deporting, you know, little -- you know, mexican-american children's moms and grandmas, people are afraid, so -- >> yeah. >> is there a risk that the democratic party goes back on the hunt for white working class voters and completely forgets vote who are afraid in this moment? >> of course there is a risk but i reject the idea that we have to accept this frame that's really been set up by the republican party that white working class voters and black and brown working class voters can exist in the same party, and that's why keith ellison's words that you've been playing are so powerful. i mean, here he is african-american, muslim representing i believe a majority white district who has found a way to appeal to voters across, you know, it's a mixed race class-based coalition and i've got another name to throw at you, joy, i've been speaking to members of congress and hearing from sources that tim ryan, congressman from
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youngstown, ohio, is being urged to run against nancy pelosi to become house minority leader, and, you know, the thing -- and i have a lot of respect for nancy pelosi. i think she's an incredibly tough woman and was good when she was speaker and did a lot there, but she also to your average american is completely unrelatable and feels like washington insider. the thing that i like about tim ryan, he's a new face. he's a young guy and youngstown, ohio is not a monolithic white city. it's about 50-50 white and black, so he's another guy who can speak to this cross-race working classicolition, so i think he might be a good pick for the job. i don't know if he'll go for it, but i'm hearing he's really frustrated and might be frustrated enough to jump in because he sees -- youngstown is ground zero for the economic transformations that we're seeing across the country and he sees that the democratic party has not been offering an economic message that can relate
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to all kinds of people, so that's a fight to watch, and i think it could be really important to determine the future direction of the democratic party. >> very quickly, joan and i want to let have bob have the last word. >> i just think that knocking off the female minority leader after we just killed the hopes of the first female president would be a really bad message to send and i love tim rink, the kind of guy we need for the future. >> but joan, we're lose across the country. put the presidential election aside. we have nothing across the country. we've got to restore credibility with the american people and they have rejected. >> nancy pelosi is not why we have nothing across the country. she was an excellent speaker and ran that place -- >> but the role is different now. i hear you, joan, but role is different now because we're not just looking at someone who can maneuver legislatively. we're looking for the top leadership and faces of the party going forward. who are we going to say to the american people we heard your concerns and this is what we're doing to move forward and i just
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don't think she's the write messenger for that. >> i'm going to get bob franken back in because we're actually out of time. box this is the fight you're seeing here. the most effective speaker in 50 years in the party who -- >> told to go home. >> who is seen as the face of failure when the populist wing of the party to be very frank lost the primary because african-americans and women essentially chose hillary clinton. this seems like the fight that we're having and i guess that's the fight we'll keep having. >> the argument that we're seeing right now proves that will rogers was right. i think that the party needs to focus much less on infighting and much more on outfighting. >> yeah. >> that is to say to in fact resist donald trump and all the things that he is probably going to want to do with this country and come up with messages that get the popular support. >> look across the country. we've lost everything. we're irrelevant in most of the country. we've got do more than tinker around the edges here. >> good luck with more outfighting than infighting. this is the democratic party that we're talking about, guys.
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bob franken will be back, joan walsh will be back and thank you karine jean-pierre and krystal ball. coming up, comedy, there is going to be comedy in the trump era. we promise. ♪ ♪ style lets you stand out from the herd. what's inside sets you apart. the cadillac escalade. enjoy our best offers of the year. g new cars. you're smart. you already knew that. but it's also great for finding the perfect used car. you'll see what a fair price is, and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. now you're even smarter. this is truecar.
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i would like two, please. my mouth feels dry. >> dave chapel gave an epic performance on "saturday night live's" first post-election show last night that was tyrone bigiams and a lot of other great characters back on the show last night. it was amazing, but question is how aggressive, how funny, how out there will comedians, including late night comedians be in the donald trump era? back with me is dean obeidallah and the comedy duo making their "a.m. joy" debut frangela is here. this is the question. chapel was obviously hilarious. really funny and brought back a lot of characters that we love, but the big thing that i was watching for in the cold open which was poignant and in his comedy is how aggressive are comedians going to be against a president who is known to be incredibly vindictive and is going to have control of the fbi, the cia, the nsa, et
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cetera? what do you think? >> comedy is about to go full force on trump. >> this is our chance, you know what i mean. like i've been trying to get an fbi file since i was like 2. >> yes. >> so i say full force, full frontal from now on. >> yes. >> i would like to make him afraid to leave the white house. >> the question is, you know, you had this sort of tension during the campaign between the sort of stephen colbert's and dan olivers who were tough on trump on the hair mussing side. what happens? >> yes, yes. >> do we end up with comedians to normalize trump if they have a big audience that goes around the country? >> i performed all this past week and did five shows, a lot of trump supporters in the audience, but i didn't -- i didn't hold back. i said what i felt. i said that i think, you know, trump voters are going to find out what trump university people bought which was a raw deal.
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they won't get what they expected, but, you know, we are going to continue to speak truth to power. think back to what jon stewart and "the daly show" did and when "countdown with keith olbermann" was on msnbc, not that george w. bush is a comedian, and we'll continue to hit very, very hard, speaking through the power and pointing out the hypocrisy and it will give us a trem doubts amount of material every day. we would rather not have a tremendous amount of amount, we would like someone like president obama, someone who doesn't curse and respects women but we'll take them everywhere we can and it will go viral and we'll respond to it. >> donald trump cannot resist the twitter, and he also can't resist any jokes about himself. he hates it, and he's actually tweeted about "snl" and alec baldwin's great portrayal. time to retire the boring unfunny show. media rigging election. so you have a guy who really is
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easy to troll. >> here's the first thing with chappell. what more of a perfect host after trump wins but an african-american muslim guy like dave chappell. >> true. >> if he was hispanic and a woman it would be everything that donald trump demonizes. jon stewart lashed out again against -- people joke about, are we really worried? i might be in an internment camp, i'm muslim and i'm going still going to do the jokes. 1968 and 1969 the smother brothers were cancelled for mocking nixon so much, and anybody nixonian it's donald trump, and what he did was use his power with the cbs executives to get him thrown off the air so i can see him and more his supporters going online and trying to attack us. i keep saying they lost the popular vote and they are freak out. >> let me play stephen colbert. when he did his former
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incarnation on comedy central. >> i worked there. >> it was brilliant. >> and now you have him being himself and this is the stephen colbert show on thursday. take a listen. >> already put up a new transition website with the name he's got a dot govs. one of the most disturbing things i've seen on the internet, and i've been on the internet. and shows how seriously trump is taking the new gig starting with a page that says help wanted which is how a lot of people feel right now. >> i mean, that is great, but, pete, my next question is when do they end up having trump on because this is where a lot of voters who find normalizing donald trump to be an outrage, even to a great xheed yak like colbert, if trump is on the couch and laughing with him. >> depends on how they handle
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it. there's a lot of speculation whether or not he's going to have a daily briefing much less go on with stephen colbert which how does that serve him in the only reason obama necessarily went on these shows because it served his purposes. he was able to reach out to a certain demogrhic. does donald trump ever go on these shows. i believe liberals like dean obeidallah not taking the name. >> i didn't think he would win. >> he is going to speak truth directly to power. he will not hold back. we will not hold back. that -- you can cancel all of our shows. you can turn off all the networks. >> i need my show. >> cancel pete's show. i'll take his slot. >> talking about making america great and keep dean going. we still have the internet and the streets and the clubs and still have phones with cameras. we're not going to sleep any
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time soon. >> one of the big feature of donald trump's sort of run that freaked people out the moment most is the vulgarity and things that he said and the anti-women speech and the speech that was anti-color. do you neutralize and neutralize the real feelings that people have on the fear that have? >> what you do is speak to that. comedy and social political satire gets in there and when you can make funch it you can make sure that people are getting the message, true message. >> if you can get somebody to laugh, that first laugh gets them in and then you can get on to the information in a way that they weren't expecting. >> yes. >> so we believe as comedians it's actually our duty to point out the by pocksy and the lies and the problems in this country and in the society so we're going to do that, and i will give anything to interview donald trump. >> anything. >> anything. >> well, just have to be careful because he might grab you. >> oh, i would like to see that.
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>> yeah. >> the thing is that you did have a lot of backlash against some comedians who appeared to be normalizing him, people like oprah for saying anything nice. i was waiting for the backlash against dave chappell last night when he said he would give trump a chance. >> but he said give him a chance, but he said we demand, that's his word, demand that you give disenfranchised communities a chaps. dave chappell's monologue, first he mocked and called them internet trolls and he reminded us all through comedy of donald trump bragging about grab being the genitals by doing a joke. i was in a trump hotel and a house keeper game and i grabbed the genitals and the boss said it's okay and i love that. he's president. we're never going to forget the sexism, bigot ry. >> we won't have to. it will continue to role model his behavior. >> what do you think he'll still have his twitter? >> good for comedians. >> that's an interesting thing to speculate about. i can't imagine he's going to be doing what he did during the
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campaign, but we couldn't imagine anything and one of the things we have to do as comedians, satirists and artists is imagine anything we possibly can and prepare for it. you know, liberal media doesn't cut through, the quote liberal media doesn't cut through. conservative media does cut through, certainly on congressional -- everybody that's in power, i don't have to explain this to you but comedians are often obviously liberal. "the daly show" cuts through and "the colbert report" cut through and so are we on sirius xm with what dean and i do. it does make a huge impact, and that's what frangela just said. we bring in with the comedy and keep you for the truth and we'll continue to do that. >> it's cathartic and powering. mock donald trump, laugh at him, make him a punch line. donald trump will make america laugh again. >> i'll give you the last word, frangela because red america is rappelled by that because they constantly feel mocked by comedy because it is also liberal so do we end up increase the divide because comedy spends all its
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time mock donald trump? >> i think the divide is a champ th -- is a chasm and the idea that we can make a bunch of rates of bigots feel better about their racism, it's not going to happen. it's not for us to do that. it's our job to speak for the people who can't speak. >> that's right. >> it's our job to speak out the lies and hypocrisy and we'll do it 24/7. >> i'll be doing it in my sleep. >> i hope he keeps his twitter. i hope deep in my soul he keeps his twitter. >> hopefully we'll have you guys back and we'll redo this panel and form panel again and again. dean obeidallah, pete dominic and fr ha ngela, thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> coming up at noon, donald trump and his promise to drain the swamp. is he following through on his pledge to avoid washington insiders, but first on "a.m. joy" are we in the media to blame? that's next. with the right steps,
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this dishonest media, the world's most dishonest people. terrible people. you can have 100% home run and they will make it look bad. they make it look bad. they are bad people. >> donald trump may think the media is his worst enemy, many voters and critics think it's the opposite. the media blew the election. now they're blowing the transition to trump. joan, i want to start with a
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quote from john podesta who -- most people don't know who he is. he was used as one of the story lines in this election which gave this vague sense that hillary clinton had some pall over her. >> because his e-mails were rack hacked. >> this is john podesta talking. because we in the media didn't think he would win. it's about, let's focus on her e-mail. >> i think it was partly that people didn't think he would win. but i think there were a lot of people who knew he could win and didn't care. in the media that hated her so much that have hated her for 20 or 30 years and that could not let her get out from under the cloud of her e-mail issues. but this woman, her campaign manager, his e-mail was hacked. the dnc, whatever you want to
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say about them, their e-mails were hacked. the campaign was laid bare to the world. we didn't find anything shocking in it. this was the message over and over. even when it wasn't bad, sometimes the headlines were like, nothing really in podesta's e-mail. it was still, more e-mail. it blended into the server story in a way i think in voters' minds. the worst thing was the coverage of the comey letter. i don't know what the worst thing is yet. >> comey doing the letter. >> we're focusing on media. the lack of context for what he said and acting it was the news. it was not true. we shamed ourselves this election cycle. we have a lot to be sorry for. >> the two things that still stand out to me in terms of the way that the media framed this election. one was the ap story. the way there was an entire piece about the clinton
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foundation that didn't find any actual thing wrong done at the clinton foundation but was framed as this sort of ominous link between donors and the state department, but even in the article concluding there wasn't. that was one. the second was the commander in chief forum where hillary clinton was asked at least eight times about her e-mails but donald trump who is the commander in chief forum was not asked once. he is the first candidate for president of his generation who was not asked one time, not just that forum, but in this campaign about his lack of service in vietnam, about his deferments in vietnam. i can't think of another person who run for president of his generation who was not asked about his vietnam service. what did you make of that and the way that the race was covered? >> well, first of all, i think that it's a much larger issue than just focusing on some significant lapses in the coverage. for instance, his not being asked about at the commander in chief forum about his lack of vietnam service.
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however, i would have to respectfully disagree with those who say that hillary was -- hillary and her flaws were over covered while donald trump's were not. i think there was massive coverage about donald trump and the various problems that he has that, of course, are now being taken into the presidency. i think that we should all be skeptical reporters and look at anybody we cover as somebody who we have to question everything that they say and everything that they don't say. i think that hillary clinton was a flawed candidate. we covered those flaws. donald trump was certainly a hugely flawed candidate. and we covered those flaws. >> there's a piece that says the same thing that says don't blame the media. trump land is a place where truth doesn't matter. it doesn't matter what you said about donald trump. you could cover every flaw, his five deferments in vietnam, his voters didn't care. covering the flaws wouldn't have helped and didn't help. >> what i worry about in this
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discussion is you can't use the clinton campaign can't use these problems in the media to sort of cover over their own mistakes. we can now say, they should have spent more time in pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin. conditi candidate and money. she should never have had the server. but the i don't think the media, russians s or the fbi can be l off the hook. the server issue were treated as if it was watergate and iran contra into one big piece. there was a false equivalence here and the media does have to answer for that. >> i would disagree. to the extent that i think that you also have to blame the way that hillary clinton has for the last couple of decades handled controversy. >> april, we are going into the pageantry of succession coverage. what advice would you give to
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our colleagues about a way to cover this that doesn't normalize the indecent things about the trump campaign? >> i would say facts matter. it's not about sensationalism. it's part of the reason why he's here. from the time he announced, he was calling in to television sta stations or networks. now it's the facts. this is a president-elect who coming into the oval office and being number 45 is someone who really doesn't have a clue as to how government works and he needs to have people with him to help him. >> absolutely. the seductive quality of donald trump in terms of what he does for ratings and the entertainment value of him should never overshadow some of the outrageous things. >> that's huge about this. >> thank you to our panel. thank you for being here. that's our show for today. we will see you next saturday at
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