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tv   Dateline Extra  MSNBC  November 19, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm PST

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decision. and it was just that quick. it was just step on the gas. for a second, it was a slowdown. oh, [ bleep ] and then go. the adrenaline was pumping so much that i wasn't really sensing anything other than the heart beating and the ringing in my ears. the smoke is so thick, that you don't really see anything but the smoke. so i go, i break through the smoke and suddenly there's flames. and then it's like crackling yellow rage, right, like all around and you're like, you know, you just kind of like fall into it. you just kind of keep on going, you have to, you have to push through, you do not stop.
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and so i dove through actual flames for about 100 yards. and bob is on my tail, and i mean i just had my eye, one eye glued on the rear view mirror to see if he made it. because i didn't think he was going to. i really didn't think he was going to. and then he burst through, literally, it's like, you know, a slow motion gunshot through a barrel. he just kind of puff of smoke separated and he burst through it. and i was like, oh, thank god. >> as i come down the driveway, i see my sister coming up and she was on her hands and knees crawling. so i tell ashley, get in the back seat. and as she's jumping into the back seat, allison comes up and opens the door and gets into the passenger seat of the mustang.
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and as soon as she shut the door, i pushed on the gas to my mustang and it tried to stall. i really started to panic and i slammed the gas to force the car to go forward and went screaming up the driveway and i see that -- this car blocking the road. i swerved and we ended up cra crashing head on into one of the trees. >> i kept moving the truck forward, still so smoky you couldn't see 10 feet in front of the truck. and then all of a sudden, we got out of the smoke, i could see the fire station in front of us and i got out of the truck, looking back to see who was coming out of the smoke behind us. i was expecting the car to come out behind us. >> driving through walls of flames in just a few hours, the fire grew from 20 acres to 5,500
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acres. where could anyone go to safety? >> i realized i was in grave danger. >> it was like fire coming over the mountain, it was like seeing something from the hobbit or something, it's like armies are marching and they're coming over the hills. >> the menace grows for every single one of them. >> you don't realize what it feels like to leave someone behind, a living being behind. see ya next year. this season, start a new tradition. experience the power of infiniti now, with leases starting at $319 a month.
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liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. welcome back to "dateline ext extra." i'm tamron hall. >> when it started as a small brush fire at dusk had morphed into a deadly monster by the middle of the night. everyone in itself path was desperate to escape. but the santa ana winds were still feeding the flames. these winds are sometimes called the devil's winds by locals. when whipped by just a small
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spark they can explode. >> i finally got down to my mother-in-law's house, i thought this is the safe zone, we're safe here, i unloaded the five cats and the dogs and our daughter and i turned my daughter over to my sister-in-law and i said i just need to go outside and be by myself for a minute because the enormity of what had happened, it felt like a huge weight was pressing down on me and it was crushing me. so i went outside and i sat on the bumper of my car and i hung my head and i tried to cry. and i prayed for firefighters and i prayed for neighbors and other people in town who i knew were probably running for their lives like we had. i really tried to cry, but i couldn't cry. because there was nothing left in me at this point.
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so as i was praying, the went suddenly stopped and i thought, were my prayers answered? and i sat there and i looked around and i realized that it was snowing. and a giant, giant flakes like in utah, giant flakes. and i held out my hand and i caught one and touched the ash and suddenly i knew i was in terrible danger. because the wind had stopped. and it was not a miracle. it meant that the fire had created its own weather and it was right on top of us. so i ran inside the house, and i said to my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law, it's coming, we have to get out of here, it's coming. >> nobody's moving. and so i get out the car and i
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go around to the side to try and get the door open for my sisters, and the -- as i get to the door, i get hit in the face with embers and soot and heat and i can't see where i'm going. all i know is that my sisters are here, they're in trouble, i need to get help. i need to get out. even though it's smoky, even though it's hot, i know where that fire station is, i know which direction it's at, and i know where to go. so i'm running down the street, not realizing that i don't even have any shoes on, the air that you're breathing is several hundred degrees, and you're going to take a breath and you're burning your lungs. >> we waited and jason walked out of the smoke and i yelled at jason, where are your sisters? >> and the only thing i can get
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out is they're back there. and i see my sister allison walking out of the smoke staggering, and i'm thinking to myself. she's got soot all over her. and it's not registering that that's not soot, that's fourth-degree burns. >> i had always prided myself in being prepared. i was not prepared for this. i see allison and i'm not even really processing that she's that hurt. i'm looking at my daughter, i'm a registered nurse and i still don't see how bad this is. >> the next thing is me and her getting stuffed in the back of an ambulance. >> somebody asked me if i wanted to go with them to the hospital and i side no, i need to wait because i knew i had to bite for a -- wait for ashley. i watched john run toward the smoke. >> so i started moving toward
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the fire and the sheriff grabbed my arm. >> my husband raised his first toward the sheriff like he was going to hit him. >> i was just trying to raise his grasp so i could get to where ashley might be. i went into the smoke, and i couldn't breathe, it was black. it felt like there was no oxygen going in. i just remember him pushing me back in the other direction. and we got crawling back out of the smoke. >> where's ashley? she'll be coming out. she'll be coming with somebody. ashley was going to be coming out. >> i drove to my mom's house crying, thinking, you know, i let everybody down. i knew the house was gone, i knew the horses were gone, i knew anything that was left there was gone.
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and, you know, i pulled in and i said, it's gone, everything's gone. >> and i looked at his face and he had been crying, i could tell he had tears. his cheeks were wet and he said we lost everything. >> i was the one that was saying, it's going to be good, it's going to be fine, i have lived through 20 of these, i'm the man of the house. and what decision did i take that was the wrong decision? i should have started sooner trying to get the horses out. and i left. you don't realize what it's like to leave something behind, a living being behind. >> at that point, all i cared about was that he was okay. but then the next thought was, we have to get out of here now. it was not safe. >> it was this glow coming over the mountain, it was like something something from the hobbit or something, it's like the armies are marching over the
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hills, and my mom, when i told her we got to go, she said okay and i threw here in the car and we just bolted out of there. >> everywhere they turn, there was fire. jackie, lloyd and thomas levin went to a place they thought was safe it wasn't. >> coming up -- >> we're stuck in the middle of this firestorm, just sitting in the truck. >> the flames start licking up over the engine, under the hood, up the front windshield, this truck is going to blow up. we have to get out of here. what do we do? when "dateline extra" continues. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece
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one family was clinging to their faith, and the back country that they loved. >> i remember my mom grabbing my dad's shoulder at that point and at the wall of flames and saying, the pond, lonnie, we have to go to the pond. so my dad popped in reverse and he got us going in the direction, back into the fire, granted, but back in the direction of the pongd. pond. >> on one side of the dirt road is a hill, and on the other side is like a cliff. if you go off of that, it's like a canyon and you're gone. then we just stopped, the truck stopped moving and then panic again, fear.
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we're stuck in the middle of the firestorm, just sitting in the truck, what do we do? >> we said, okay, i guess we're going to have to get out of the truck and walk down to the pond or run down to the pond. >> we get out and run, we follow our parents, we put our shirts up over our mouths to try to filter out the smoke a bit. the heat of that night was like when you open your oven and that gust of heat that comes out. the fire was surrounding us. >> after five or ten more feet, we told our dad, look, we can't do this, it's too hot, there's too much smoke. >> so we're like, well get back in the truck. so lonnie said, well i'll try to see if it will start. >> my dad's trying to get the truck going and starting the ignition and turning it over and turning it over and finally it
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started. we're not stuck, we're not out of options, we can keep going and maybe we'll make it out of here alive. but then after we get going, we hit another plateau and the truck stops again. >> then all of a sudden, the tires caught on fire, and we have flames coming up higher than the hood of the truck, i'm not sure of the cab of the truck, but higher than the hood of the truck. and i'm thinking, just like you see in the movies, that the truck is going to explode. >> the truck is going do blow up. we have to get out of here, and if we get out, then what? we're going to be stuck in this choking heat and smoke. >> then the flames start liking up over the engine, over the hood, up the front windshield and my mom said we have to get out. the truck's going to explode. we need to get out of the truck now.
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and so we didn't even grab any of the stuff we had packed. everyone just immediately first got out of the truck. i run toward the back of the truck, kind of back towards the fire, because i didn't want to run back towards the burning tire and the canyon is on the other side. >> and i said linda, you have to go around to is front. and i held my hands up like this to get her attention. >> we were yelling as loud as we could because the wind was just howling and blowing so hard. >> and what happened at that moment, the radiant heat burned my arms and i don't remember feeling anything. lonnie went down ahead of us, went down to the pond, and he came back and said we can't go
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to the pond, all of the brush around the pond is on fire, we can't do that. >> an engine went by us towards our house, and i thought, okay, they're going to find ashley. so we got back in my truck and the deputies got us across the street to the field. >> we were sitting in the truck and it seems like it was an absolute eternity. and in a while, a friend of ours, he was a deputy sheriff at valley center station, is walking toward the truck. and there's another man with him that we don't know at the time. and he is the one that had to let us know that ashley had actually died in the car. and that they found her. so the man that was with him was the sheriff chaplain, and there
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was more confusion and they said that, you know, he started asking us questions, how many children do we have, we have three, where are the other two? they're in an ambulance. and it was like he kept repeating it over and over again. and he finally told us that there were two bodies in the car. >> i didn't understand what the meaning was behind them finding two bodies in the beginning, it didn't make sense. later, we found out that of course there was only, you know, ashley in the car alone and it wasn't until we met with our pastors that we understood the significance of that for our faith. which to us, ashley was not alone in that car. >> we believe that there was two, it was my sister and her angel and we believe that in her last moments, she wasn't left
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alone in the back of my car, she didn't pass away in fear, in pain, that she had that angel with her to guide her to where she now lives. for whatever reason, ashley just didn't get out. that will never been explained. >> because ashley did die in my car, there's always going to be that sense of could i have done more? could i have done things dimply? but at the same time, if i allow myself to constantly relive that moment and constantly wonder, then i'm not helping anybody. >> we're homeless, we have nothing. we have lost a daughter. allison is in critical condition. the doctors are not giving us any hope. our entire existence was being without allison and jason and
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just holding ourselves together. >> with one daughter gone and the other two children on the w way to the hospital, lori and john roach weren't about to give in to emotion. it was their uncommon resolve and the kindness of a community they say allowed a miracle to rise from the ashes. and for another family, when all hope seemed lost, that's just when help came from the most unexpected source. coming up, a daring ride down the mountain. >> i did not want to drive off that edge. so i started yelling, i can't see the road. >> and a mad dash back into the flames. >> i was transported into a we're zone. this can't be real. ♪ ♪
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san diego county california was under siege. the fast moving wildfire was burning everything in its path, leaving scorched earth in its wake. the roach family had just lost one daughter and the other
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children were on their way to the hospital. and there were so many other people still running for cover. they may have been running out of options, but they with respect giving up hope. let's continue with the great california fire. >> we couldn't find a place that was safe. first of all, we were safe at home, it was going to be okay. then that was dashed away from us. then we go to my mom's. because of course if we're not safe, the other place will be safe. and that was dashed away from us. and then we didn't know where to go. >> it felt very much like there was something coming on top of you at any moment, and you had to keep moving, keep moving. >> it was like quick sand, every time we got on something that seemed like it was solid, we got swallowed up again. >> i had a friend that lived way north of town and maybe she was safe. and she said, well come on over.
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it was like 3:30, 4:00 when i got there, and i came in there, and i think we cried for a little while. >> and i said, i hear oregon's nice, it rains there. >> and up the driveway and pause just for a second at the top of the driveway to shift gears. >> and the road was essentially, the dark spot in between flames on both sides of the road. >> when i first got that glimpse of this huge swathe of flames on the mountain, with curling, dancing orange and red waves, i just thought how extraordinary that i get to see this. this is really nature at her rawest, at her most real, at her most powerful. >> we were both working 120% just to get one vehicle out. >> there's only one way out.
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which was the case for many communities in the back country that were affected by the fire, which is why so many people right around us in wildcat canyon were trapped. so i was concerned from the beginning when i realized that there was fire on both sides of the road, that we wouldn't make it out to the main road. and i knew i had to get there to get out of the canyon. that was it, there was no plan b. >> there's a fence made out of wire and i recall looking at the wire and thinking it looked like the elements in a toaster. the wire was just glowing red. because it was so hot. and when we could see the road, we could see it primarily because it was the only thing that wasn't burning. >> we hit a bank of smoke. and it was impenetrable. it was just like looking out the window of an airplane into a
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thunder head. just completely opaque. and i couldn't see the road. >> when we hit the wall of smoke, and sandra couldn't see anything, i did not know how to sol t solve the problem. >> you have to keep in mind, we were coming down the side of a mountain. to the right of me, it completely falls away. i did not want to drive off that edge. and i kept yelling, i can't see the road. and bob kept yelling back at me, you're just going to have to remember where it is. and at that second, a bob cat jumped out of the brush right to my headlight. >> i sat there and there was no sleep coming. you know, i was coming, i was kind of relaxing, but i was kind of itching to do something. i was like okay, now what? now what are we going to do? so as i was sitting there,
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trying to sleep, we got a message that our house was still there and we couldn't believe that it was still there. >> it wasn't time for a victory dance yet. because we couldn't believe that anything could have survived. >> i wasn't 100% sure that the fire had gone through and it wasn't going to come back, or what it was going to do. mainly it wasn't really the house, it was the animals, it was the horses, go and find out if they're okay. and lend support to the horses and help them. that was really the reason to go back. >> so i said to thomas, why don't you just go and see if you can get to it and see what's left. >> and i get in the car and, you know, i just make my way back there and as i'm driving through this development, i was transported into a war zone. i was like this can't be real. you know, i wasn't seeing any people, i was just seeing houses on fire, trees on fire, nobody around putting anything out, it was just burning.
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as i dry up to my house, and through my teary eyes because they're still watering, i see my house still there. i'm like -- it was unbelievable. it felt like i could take a breath for the first time in 12 hours. >> you called me as you were pulling in the driveway and you were hysterically crying with joy, saying, the house is fine. i see it. it's fine. and then the next thing you said, oh, it's on fire, i got to call you back. and you hung up. >> from joy to terror in a matter of seconds, and if nature was driving this disaster, could nature save some of the people trapped? coming up, a life-or-death decision. >> i just heard this high pitched loud, just sounded like somebody was screaming for their life. we watched the mountain that we grew up under just completely burn up. >> a lifeline from the wild.
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>> something in told me to tom it. >> and the life threatening mission. >> this was a bomb that was getting ready to explode. stupidest thing i could have done. what time is it? it's go time. come on. let's go, let's go, let's go. woooo hoooo!! yeah!! i feel like i went to bed an hour ago. i'll make the cocoa. get a great offer on the car of your grown-up dreams at the mercedes-benz winter event. it's the look on their faces that make it all worthwhile. thank you santa!!! now lease the 2017 c300 for $389 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. yea, that's my daughter, my son, and that's my... hey, kool-aid man! ...husband. oh yeah!!! [ crashing ] [ electricity crackles ] hey at least you got your homeowners insurance through progressive. by bundling it with your car insurance you saved a ton! yeah.
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a long day of meetings in new jersey as president-elect donald trump continues to work towards shaping his cabinet. among the sit downs today, mitt romney, a fierce critic of trump now in the running for secretary of state. and the cast of hamilton read a statement to vice president-elect mike pence. donald trump tweeted that their actions were rude and insulting. now back to "dateline extra." welcome back to "dateline extra." i'm tamron hall. thomas levin and his family escaped the flames, but only
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barely. but then he decided to return home to see what if anything remained. instead, he stepped right back into danger. not only was his house on fire, but his life once again was in jeopardy. here again is the great california fire. >> i get up my driveway, and there's a fire truck and a crew, they're trying to put out the pool house. they're like your house is on fire, and we can't put it out. the gas line is broken, and it's feeding gas into the attic, we're almost out of water. if we can't get it out in the next 15 minutes, we need to go and help somebody else. so i said why don't you turn off the gas. it seemed logical to me, but we had a 1,000 gallon tank. the fireman wouldn't go near the propane tank because it was still so dangerous. it was getting ready to explode. it's because i was so full of adrenaline and not thinking, i
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just ran over to the superheated propane tank and i turned it off. stupidest thing i could have done. this was a bomb that i walked over to and just turned off. and then i ran back to the firemen and i said i got the gas off. they said off? i go, yeah, but it's still on fire. >> the pool house was on fire. the firefighters were doing whatever they could, but i was worried if they didn't get the pool house out, then it would get to the main house. the main house was connected to the pool house by a 20-foot common wall. if the pool house was contained, it would get to the house. i got my bulldozer and the firefighters turn their hoses,
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almost knocked me out of my seat and covering me with water. and i said hit it again, and they're covering me with water and started knocking this building down. they started putting the fire out and i backed out and was able to breathe. >> i knew that the bob cat was on the road, it was running flat out, it wasn't running up the side of the mountain. and something in me told me to follow it. so i followed this bobcat. >> when the bobcat landed in front of her and she followed it, that was really fortunate. and i'm not certain that had i been driving i would have followed the bobcat. >> and that's how we found our way out, just inch by inch, finding asphalt under the tires all the way down. the bobcat saved our lives.
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i think of the bobcat as this grace that dropped into our lives at the moment when we least expected it, but most needed it. >> somewhere down the road, we pulled into a gas station, and opened up the trunk to look at chelsea. and chelsea was pretty featherless at that point in time. she had lost all of her feathers and she was a bald cockatiel. and yes, bald cockatiels are as funny looking as you can imagine. >> we get out of the car, i walk my sister past the tire and i go, i catch up with my dad, because i'm a daddy's girl and i walk with him. my sister's a mama's girl so she walks with mom. and we just keep going in the direction towards the pond where we think we're going to end up
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and we actually end up at a very large dirt clearing. so we decide at that point, we're going to stay here, we're going to lay down, we're going to be sif here. and that's what we did, we laid down in the dirt clearing for hours. watched the mountain that we grew up under just completely burn up. >> what i remember laying there, i thought it was somebody screaming, i just heard this high pitched loud, it just sounded like somebody was screaming for their life and possibly dying. it's possible that it was a propane tank exploding. it's possible that it was a mountain lion, because they can sound like that as well. and i mean that was really hard to hear. so imagine that you're safe in a dirt clearing but someone is possibly stuck in their house. >> heart breaking. i can still understood that
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somebody was dying. >> we pretty much laid there and watched it die down. >> watched it all pass. >> watched it all pass over, it started to clear up eventually, eventually we could see the stars in the sky, which at no point during the night could we even see the light from them. >> some neighbors that were walking down the road, they saw us, and i just remember the look of shock and surprise and joy on their faces to see us. and one of the first things they said was oh, my gosh, we saw your truck and we thought that you had probably died in it. we're so glad to see you. >> it was an ene earrrie feelin. at some point someone said i think your horses are at the
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neighbor's house. when i saw them, i can't even explain how, like, relieved i felt. if i could have screamed loud enough to tell her they were okay, i would have. i got on the phone and i tried and tried and tried. when we did finally talk on the phone, that's the first thing i said, the horses are okay, we brought them back. >> i think that's when i started to finally to let go enough and started to cry. when i found out that they were okay, completely unscathed, not even a singed hair. >> then i heard this grunting sound. and here come two pigs. again, unscathed. i mean they're only, what, two feet tall, their bellies touch the ground and they're completely okay. >> here they come up the hill. and looking for food.
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>> finally, after what felt like an endless night, a sigh of relief. but not everyone had escaped the flames. the roach family had lost one daughter, the other was in the hospital fighting for her life. in their grief, none of them could have expected what was in store. >> coming up -- >> my prayers had been answered. >> perhaps the most powerful story of all, the miracle that emerged from the flames. >> we have been blessed, what more can you really ask for?
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thinking back of who we survived is pure miracle, pure luck, pure chance, it was split second decisions and basically miracles that got us here today
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and we're lucky that we survived. >> long lonny and the girls were able to go back. we had a total of five people living in three cabins and out of the five people, there was only one who made it out of the fire allow. -- alive, it has made me realize just how precious life is and how fortunate we are to have made it through and for our daughters to have found safety. >> in the end, the devastation was staggering. california's biggest wildfire to date devoured more than 270,000 acres, destroyed more than 2,200 homes and took 15 lives. but what was it that sparked the flames? the helicopter pilot who answered the urgent call about a
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hunter missing in cleveland national forest had the answer. >> so the hunter was sitting right there on those rocks. and the fire was about 15 feet away from him. when we first looked down at him, there's nothing around except the fire and this hunter right there. who we later identified as surgei martinez, he started the fire. he admitted to starting the fire in order to signal for help. he told me that he had been lost for several hours and he knew darkness was approaching and he was scared. it appeared it was a bick lighter that lit the fire.
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one bick lighter. >> surgio martinez was arrested and did plead guilty and in the end was sentenced to probation and a fine. he did not go to jail. which many people felt was a miscarriage of justice. i went to most of the court proceedings. so i went over to him and said, i lost my house in the fire and i forgive you. and he started talking about his involvement and his remorse. i don't know if it helped sergio martinez they for gave him, but i know it helped me.
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>> this fire changed the way i looked at the community, looked at my everyday life. when the chips are down and the community is facing adversity, this community still comes together. and that's what changed for me. i got to see it. and it was amazing. >> i think in some ways i really did die. i died to the old ways of thinking about life. and in some ways i let go of amount of things in this life that no longer meant anything to me. >> the constant criticism that we heard immediately after the fire was that firefighters weren't there, they were abandoned. i understand that frustration, communities were left, but not by abandonment, but by inability to get to resources, we just didn't have them.
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that was some of the finest hours of our troops, they never gave up. i have always looked to help people, to be able to keep them safe and we did everything we could do. it wasn't enough. and lives were lost. >> the funeral of your child is the worst experience that a parent could go through. it is against nature, really. so one thing that was really inkre incredible that our friend helped to organize for ashley was one last ride on a fire truck. >> we didn't want to put ashley
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in a hearse. >> i remember seeing police lights on both sides of the street and the street was empty, except for people that were standing along the street. >> and then all the firefighters were the honor guard and it was really special for us. >> the fig physicians told us t allison had less than a 15% chance of sure vivivsurvival. the physician told our pastor
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that there was no hope. >> my name is allison roach and i survived. i was burned second and third-degree burns over 80% of my body. i didn't think about having a family or falling in love at that point because i felt in my own head that no one was going to want to marry someone who looks like me. i very much felt like a franken stein for a very long time. i was very lost for what i wanted to do for a career. and i ran into an old friend of mine, and she said san diego zoo safari park is hiring photographers. i interviewed and i was actually hired on the spot. i would say about three or four months into the job, the strangest thing happened. i was photographing at the front gate and this young man comes up to me and, you know, he says hi, how are you? i knew he worked there, i had
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seen him every once in a while. and i smiled and said hi back and he got kind of shy and his face got quickly white. he said i would really like to talk to you but i have to get going, so i guess i'll see you later, bye. so we were engaged in april of 2008 and then we were married in january of 2009. and it's been a very beautiful marriage. >> on her wedding day, my prayers had been answered and her dreams had been fulfilled. >> another miracle from god is now i'm also a mother. so not only was i given the miracle of life, but i've also been able to give the miracle of life. >> we have been graced with an incredible life.
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we have been blessed with, you know, three incredible children. we have two incredible children that are still with us. so far, four absolutely delightful grandchildren. so what more can you really ask for? and how can you be angry and bitter over that? >> lori roach and her family were able to show uncommon grace, questions about the fire remain. investigators determined sergio martinez the hunter who pleaded guilty to setting the fire in the national forest, did not set the fire that trapped the roach family. they were caught in a smaller blaze known as the paradise fire. and while officials believe it was a case of arson, the culprit was never identified. san diego county now has an early warning system to alert people to encroaching wildfires
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and officials say the system has already saved lives. that's it for this edition of "date line extra." thanks for watching. is it a force of nature? or a sales event? the season of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. (bing)
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my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locafor pg&e.rk fieldman most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california.
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live can turn terrifying in an instant. a deadly tornado takes aim at your house. >> we are in it! >> an avalanche of humanity, threatens to bury you alive. even ordinary routines can become struggles to stay alive. survival is not a game. but you do need a game plan. you've got multiple options, but only seconds to choose.


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