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tv   Split Second Decision  MSNBC  November 19, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm PST

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live can turn terrifying in an instant. a deadly tornado takes aim at your house. >> we are in it! >> an avalanche of humanity, threatens to bury you alive. even ordinary routines can become struggles to stay alive. survival is not a game. but you do need a game plan. you've got multiple options, but only seconds to choose. what will be your split second
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decision? we have soon the aftermath of tornadoes, cars lifted by winds. schools destroyed. entire neighborhoods wiped out. true or false? the united states records the highest number of tornadoes in the world. the answer is true. an average of more than 1,200 a year for the past 20 years, and nearly 1,700 natures in 2011. no country hosts as many tornadoes as the u.s., especially in tornado alley, an area in the central plains that stretches from texas to south dakota. >> the central plains have all the ingredients you need to breed severe weather. >> and once mother nature
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unleashes her wrath, there are few places to hide, including your own home. >> we are in the tornado! we are in the tornado! we are in the tornado! >> november 17, 2013, in washington, illinois, mark wells is in his home with his daughter. he looks out his door and finds a juggernaut heading straight for his house. >> josey and i went outside and saw where it was coming and sure enough, we saw rotation. >> you're at your porch door, facing down a tornado, what split second tornado should you make. >> a, get in your car and dry to a more open area, b get back inside and open windows to equalize air pressure, or c get
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into an interior room or a baha bathroom. >> in a tornado, most of the deaths are vehicle related. opening the windows won't do any good, if the tornado is impacting your house, it's going to open the windows for you, you don't have to worry about pressure differences from the inside to the outside, the tornadic winds will take out your windows anyway. >> the answer is c, take cover in a low-lying area or in a bathroom. >> mark joins his daughter in their storm shelter. >> oh, my god. >> [ bleep ].
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>> okay my god, josey. that's probably the scariest thing is that sound and not know what's going on, it's just kind of gut wrenching. holy moley. >> when mark emerges from the shelter, the full force of the tornado can be assessed. >> our house is freakin' destroyed, josey. oh, my god. >> what are we going to do? >> i don't know. >> jesus h.! i'm in shock, i can't believe this happened. oh, my god, josey, the neighbors' houses are gone. >> oh, my god! oh, my god! >> you have survived a tornado's direct hit on your home. in the after math, what action should you take? a, stay inside your house until
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help arrives, b evacuate the area as soon as you're sure the tornado has passed, or c, shut off the gas to stop gas leaks. >> josie. holy [ bleep ]! >> we got to get outside before the structure falls. >> staying inside an unstable home is not a good option. how about evacuating the area? >> i see no need to jump in a vehicle and deprive somewhere. the threat is pretty much over. >> plus by leaving your home area, you can block access for emergency personnel. your best action answer is c. >> if you smell gas and the house is still relatively intact and the gas lines aren't broken, turning off the gas is probably a good idea. you don't want leaking gas around your house.
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>> when i first got to washington and started surveying the damage, it's kind of surreal. you realize that this is real life. but it looks like a movie set. you've got stuff literally everywhere. the trees were gone. the homes were gone. there was no electricity. you're kind of just like, wow, these people lived through this when there's nothing anymore. >> mark wells house and belongings were completely leveled by the central illinois twister of 2013, as were 500 other homes. but mark knows it could have been worse if not for his quick decisions. >> and here's the safe room, it's a safe place. >> if you find yourself in a twister's path, the following tips may just help you weather the storm. seek shelter in a basement or low lying bathroom. try not to leiave your home are in a car, shut off the gas, and never try to outrun a tornado,
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they can move up to 60-mile-per-hour. >> mother nature is pretty intense. just within seconds, it can just destroy everything, just like that. >> the road can be an angry place. >> you got a problem? >> and it seems like there's more road rage now than ever. in 2014, aaa says more than 8 million people in the u.s. engaged in road rage by ramming another vehicle or exiting their car to confront another driver. >> you better stop. >> i remember everyone's trying to get to their destination or get home to go see their family members, you never know what type of day that person had or has or what they're going through. don't take someone else's actions to heart. >> good advice but too late for
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ronny gonzalez. he's riding his motorcycle to homestead, florida, he splits lanes which is illegal in the state and seems to enrage a driver. >> when i clutch out and start going forward, he aggressively comes on my side and then passes me. in my head, i'm like, i'm on a motorcycle, i don't understand the necessity for him to do this. as he goes ahead of me, i'm kind of agitated. as that happened, he gets up and he cuts traffic off. at that point, he's like opened the door and has his whole body out and it looks like he's going to come out. and he looks at me with a stern face, and i just smack his mirror. >> tensions are about to boil over.
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coming up, the road rage begins to spin out of control. >> he's like next to me at 100 miles an hour. >> and later, an expectant parent's harrowing ordeal, you're nowhere near a hospital. and the baby is here. >> oh, my god, it's coming out! liberty mutual stood with me when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. liberty did what? yeah, with liberty mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila! voila! (sigh) i wish my insurance company had that... wait! hold it... hold it boys... there's supposed to be three of you... where's your brother? where's your brother? hey, where's charlie? charlie?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you.
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liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance ...and dale, welllping he loves colleen.nt. they have their differences. but they make it work, most of the time. and at least they agree one thing. new tide purclean it's the first bio-based detergent... with the cleaning power of tide. so you can actually clean your clothes and still... your part. new tide purclean. the first bio-based detergent with the cleaning power of tide. if it's got to be clean, it's got to be tide. ♪ ♪ when you find something worth waiting for, we'll help you invest to protect it for the future.
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financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase, so you can. he wears his army hat, he gets awalks aroundliments. with his army shirt looking all nice. and then people just say, "thank you for serving our country"
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and i'm like, that's my dad. male vo: no one deserves a warmer welcome home. that's why we're hiring 10,000 members of the military community by the end of 2017. i'm very proud of him. male vo: comcast. the anger starts with some lane splitting with motorcyclist ronnie gonzalez, the maneuver involves cutting between two lanes of traffic, which is illegal in florida. >> at that point, he opens his door and has his whole body out and looks like he's going to come out. >> just watch, it soon escalates
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to dangerous actions with the other driver. you're on a motorcycle locked in a confrontation with an irate driver. what's your first move? a, speed up to get away. b, back off and give the other driver space, or c pull over and try to talk things out with the driver. if your instinct is to floor it, your instinct the wrong. >> when people speed up to get away, that creates an adrenaline rush for the person who's chasing. so it's almost like a cat and mouse game now. >> plus speeding up only puts you at greater risk of getting into an accident. so a is not a good option. what about diffusing the situation by pulling over? >> any time you do have an irate driver, you never want to engage with them, that's just going to further increase the problem. >> the answer is b, back off and give the antagonist the space to calm down.
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>> the best thing you can do if someone is near you on the roadway, they're yelling and you're in fear for yourself, the best thing you can do is create distance and time. >> unfortunately, ronnie chooses to flee through oncoming traffic. >> i'm like, oh, my god, this is insane, i can't believe this is happening. i just -- my heart was racing, it was pounding, i had so much adrenaline running through me. >> people really need to step back and think that even though they're feeling angry now, they don't want those actions to lead to something that will ruin their life. >> occasionally erupting in rage due to what should beal recognized -- it's called
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intermittent explosive disorder, and according to the national institute of mental health, as much as 7.3% of the u.s. pop like experiences it. >> we think about intermittent explosive disorder, we're talking about people who major react to small situations and they react with uncontrollable rage. this is a very serious condition, and in the situation of road rage, we don't have the luxury of knowing who has ied or who has just the regular anger or frustration. >> but ronnie gonzalez is still right in the middle of the fight. >> he's like next to me at 100 miles an hour, exchanging words at me, spitting at me. i feel like it's a horror movie, he just keeps coming and coming.
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>> you're still being pursued by an angry road rager, and in fear for your life. you've already called 911, what is your next best action? a, turn into a public place like a police station or a mall, b call friends or family for help. or c dry home and lock yourself inside. your best option is a, driving home or recruiting friends and ro relatives for help, only endangers those close to you. >> you notice they're not leaving, they're continuing to follow you, you want to continue to drive to the closest police star station, if you're not familiar to the area, you want to go to a place that is highly populated. >> after multiple perilous moments, ronnie finds his way to the miami-dade police department and that's how he learns that
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his decisions contributed to the problem. >> they started doing an investigation, i was arrested for reckless driving. >> the other driver is also arrested and the two antagonists run into each other while in temporary custody. the other driver approaches ronnie and apologizes. >> and i told him, i'm sorry too, i felt like we could have handled the situation more maturely. >> ronnie's case is dismissed when the other drive doesn't appear in court. the other driver is convicted of reckless driving and gets two years of probation. if you don't want to become a victim of road rage, remember these key tips. remember aggressive drivers and don't be one yourself. back off and give the other drivers some space. if being followed, drive to a public place and don't escalate disputes with your responses. >> we put a lot of people at
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risk for no apparent reason for nothing. even under the best conditions, giving birth is not without risk. and sometimes the best conditions aren't even an option. according to the centers for disease control, in 2014, roughly 3,000 out of 4 million u.s. births happened outside of a home or a medical facility. >> many things could go wrong, the heart rate of the baby could go down and no one would know and that baby could suffocate or strangulate on the cord or be in another position, like other than head down which could be alarming to another person. >> jonathan and his wife leasha leigh their lake jackson how many to a birth center in texas,
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as leasha begins contractions with her first child. they're 35 minutes away from the birth center when lisa go into labor. >> my wife had asked me to film this birth because she hadn't actually seen the previous two births so she wanted to see this one from camera perspective. so i just set it on my leg and i was paying attention to the road. >> true or false. the best indication that a birth is imminent is when a woman's water breaks. the answer is false. there's actually a more simple signal. >> there's sort of a gutteral noise that women begin to make that instinctively clue that the baby is going to be born
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imminently. it's the moan grown type of grunt that is the trigger. >> i reached around and felt his head and that's when i was like, oh, my word, he's coming out in the car. i lost my mind pretty much at that point. i couldn't believe that that was actually happening, and i was like well his head's out, so i've got to push the rest of him out because he can't stay in. oh, my god, the baby is out. >> true or false, sitting up right is an optimal position for labor, allowing gravity to assist with the birth. that's false. >> when you're sitting, the birth canal is tilted. >> either way, leasha's baby isn't waiting. >> do you want me to stop? do you want me to keep going? >> keep going. >> all right.
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we had a baby. >> oh, my goodness. it's a boy. >> it's a boy. >> the baby has arrived. but there are still miles to go before the family is out of the woods. after deciding to dee ing ting to the medical facility, would you know what to do next? a cut the baby's umbilical cord. b, pat the baby on the buttocks to stimulate the baby's nervous system. >> do not cut the umbilical cord, let the umbilical cord continue to pulse sate and what that does is continues to improve circulation to the baby, it brings oxygen to the baby. if you cut the umbilical cord in a setting where it's not clean or sterile, it can be detriment
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to the baby. >> if you want to deliver safely, option c is your best bet. >> one of the first things when we do with when we birth a baby, we rub the baby pand on its back, you can getly suction cover the baby's nose and mouth what your mouth and suck out the mucous and fluid. >> it's got to be suctioned. >> once you're sure the airway is clear, the next thing should be to bring the baby up to your chest for skin-to-skin contact. >> you remove your top, put the baish right on your chest, that will regulate body temperature, and breathing. >> they arrive at the birthing center 20 minutes after the birth. their new baby boy is perfectly healthy. >> we're kind of glad, you know,
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that people actually get to see a lareal birth and not just whas portrayed on movies. women are strong and god made them to have babies and you can have babies just like that. >> if you ever face an unassisted birth in an emergency situation, immediately call 911, listen for the mother's gutteral moans, once a baby is born, do not cut the umbilical cord, rub the baby's back and suck the mucous from the mouth. follow these tips and ensure the baby's birthday is a happy one. a lot of screaming, a lot of asking for help. no one knew what to do. >> how would you escape a crushing stampede. i have asthma...
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in september of 2015, a crowd crush at the religious hajj pilgrimage near mecca, kills 2,400 people. in the u.s., stampedes can explode at sporting events, rock concerts, even black friday sales, and once mob rules takes over, it can be hard to know what to do. >> being in a crowd crush is so terrifying because there's a lack of ability to move or make decisions or do anything for yourself. you are at the mercy of the crowd. >> june, 2010, nearly 200,000 people pile into the los angeles coliseum for the two-day electric daisy carnival. on the second day, hundreds of people try to rush the stadium infield to get closer to the stage, creating a potential deadly bottleneck in the stage's corridors.
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>> we were dancing, we were having fun, and we were completely stuck together. >> with thousands of pounds of combined weight crushing down, time is quickly running out. assuming your arms are free, what action should be your first priority. a, scream and wave for help. b, curl into a fetal position, and protect your head with your arms, or c, use hand signals to get people to back up? >> a lot of screaming, a lot of asking for help. a lot of music, made it really hard to hear the people screaming. >> if you're in the middle of the crowd crush, the last thing you should be yelling is help. we know that you need help. you should be giving direction, that's going to be back up. give us space, everybody move back, take two steps, something that's actionable that everyone can do. >> back up!
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>> you can also use sign language if you can, if you go like this, everyone knows this means move back or stop. >> the answer is c, signal people to back up as your next move should be option b, cover up. >> if you're at the bottom of the pile, you cover yourself, you cover your head, you cover your extremitieextremities, you give yourself room to breathe, don't wiggle, don't scream. >> as the crush intensifies, the scene at the festival is now frantic. >> i was fortunate not to be in this pile. i was fortunate enough to be hurt. one person falls, the other person falls after and then it becomes a whole mound of people on top of each other. it got gruesome, there's blood, that's people passed out. >> true or false, if you're watching a crowd crush, your most helpful action is to pull people from the bottom of the pile, the people who are being
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crushed the hardest. the answer is false, it's better to pull people from the edges of the pile. >> besides everyone trapped in the corridors and being trampled. people were running away from police. >> so if you're caught standing in the middle of a dense crowd and it begins to surge, what is your best split second decision? a, create a circle of safety around yourself by spreading out your arms and legs, b stay in the middle and firmly stand your crowd, or c, go with the flow of the crowd and work your way diagonally to the perimeter. with the mob closing in, you might get in a fight for space. >> when the mob is closing in, you actually have physical force closer in than you do if your arms are extended. that should keep a little bit of
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air, a little bit of space between you and the person next to you. >> a is not a good option. so how about staying put in the middle of the crowd? >> trying to stand your ground in the middle of a crowd is like trying to fight off 100 people coming another you at the same time. it's just not a smart decision. >> there's only one correct action, and that's c, ride the flow of the crowd and move diagonally toward the perimeter. >> if the crowd is moving to the right, you should probably starred moving toward the right in the same direction, if you're in the middle of a held flowing river, you're going to be swept down river, but if you're at the edge of the bank, you're going to get to safety. >> roughly 100 people are taken to hospitals. >> you're there to have the best time of your life, you're jumping up and down and the last thing you expect is this carnage on the floor. >> one of the most important things to be aware of is good,
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strong, situational aawareness. you need to be tuned to what's happening around you. >> for your best chance of surviving the crush, go in the direction of the crowd, and work your way diagonally to the perimeter. use hand signals to get people to move back. there's not always safety in numbers. so remember these crucial split second tips if you want to stand out from the crowd. trapped beneath a burning wreck. only seconds to spare. >> one, two, three. >> can this man be saved? >> the last thing you want to do is stand here and watch this guy not make it. >> and later. >> give me the rope from under the seat. >> it just totally turned into panic and chaos. we had to climb up the mountain to get the injured hiker. he fell from, like, a rock. he's been the one that has been rescued so many times. he said to me, "today, i got to be the hero."
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(avo) the subaru share the love event has helped grant the wishes of over twelve hundred kids so far. get a new subaru, and we'll donate two hundred and fifty dollars more to help those in need. ♪put a little love in your heart.♪ more of the old lady. i'd like to see her go back to her more you know social side. (vo) pro plan bright mind adult 7+ promotes alertness and mental sharpness in dogs 7 and older. (ray) it was shocking. she's much more aware. (jan) she loves the food. (ray) she wants to learn things. the difference has been incredible. (vo) purina pro plan bright mind. nutrition that performs. well this here's a load-bearing wall. we'll go ahead and rip that out. that'll cause a lot of problems. hmm. totally unnecessary and it triples the budget. we'll be totally behind schedule, right? (laughschedules. schedules. great, okay. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi® double cash card does.
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and get the power back on. it's an amazing feeling turning those lights back on. be informed about outages in your area. sign up for outage alerts at together, we're building a better california. president-elect donald trump is suggesting more cabinet announcements could be coming tomorrow. he wrapped up a day of meetings
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in new jersey including mitt romney who's believed to be under consideration for secretary of state. rudy giuliani is among several others who is expected to meet with trump tomorrow. for now back to "split second decision decision." >> 911. >> i just saw an accident and the car looks like it might be on fire. >> it's one of the most terrifying things you can experience on the road, vehicles burning out of control. on the verge of exploding. the stakes are higher if someone is trapped inside. experts say these dangerous fires happen at a rate of 200,000 vehicles a year on u.s. highways alone and tragically those fires kill an average of around 300 people. experts always advise waiting for firefighters in situations like these, but sometimes when lives are on the line, you just
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can't wait. in an anchorage, alaska. >> we get about halfway there and it's even worse than he thought. the man's arm is pinned beneath the burning wreck. he can't budge and with the flames growing, there's no time to waste. >> you can't sit around all day and draw up the perfect plan. >> true or false, it takes roughly 7 to 10 minutes for a burning car to explode. the answer is false. experts say a burning car can explode at any second. so if you're counting the clock, you're wasting your time. >> please help me! >> the last thing you want to do is stand here and watch this guy not make it. that's not an option, you got to get him out. >> and it's not just the searing
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flames you have to worry about. >> it gets very hot. but that's not the of course issue, when all the materials of the car let off gas, it's very toxic. >> firefighters call the toxic fumes like from the interiors of car fires. >> how would you rescue a man trapped between a burning car, a, drive your own vehicle into the car to flip it right side up. use your fire extinguisher to douse the flames. >> maybe i can get my car and try to push it, but there really wasn't enough of an embankment or a ditch where i could push it where it could tip down where he would move. >> at worst, you risk catching your own car on fire. as the toxic smoke fills the air and the fire grows, instinct may
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say to extinguish the flames. but is that even possible? >> we don't have fire extingu h extinguishers in all the vehicles. in this case, the people standing by had already tried a fire extinguisher on the engines. >> when rubber burns, it can reach as much as 1,700 degrees, as much as molten lava. situations like these require specific fire retard don't looses. >> all right, we're going to try to lift it up. >> we're going to try to lift this vehicle, maybe we can pick it up just enough, that he can get his arm out from wherever it's stuck and we can get him out of the vehicle. >> the officer finds his answer, lift the car. >> one, two, three, lift. >> at first the car just slides
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along the ground and they're running out of time. >> there's not a segment of an academy, bystanders 101, what to do when there's bystanders nearby and you need their help. >> the officer needs more people. a fourth person decides to help, and literally becomes the tipping point. look closely as the trapped driver just barely breaks free. >> he's out of the vehicle. >> back up. back up. >> good god. >> let's get back from the vehicle. >> but the danger isn't over yet. >> we want to get everybody as far away as possible. >>relieves, the victim collapses in front of the officer's car just as the fire truck arrives on scene. even though approaching a burning car should always be your last resort, if you do have to take matters into your own
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hands, here are some split second tips to remember, watch out for toxic smoke and flames dorkts waste time trying to extinguish a fire that's do lar large. look for bystanders to assist. >> once i got there and asked them to help me, they jumped to assist. i couldn't have gotten him out of the vehicle without their help. if they hadn't been there, it would have turned out a lot different than it did. >> next, an escalator malfunctions and panic takes over. how would you escape the danger? i love you so much. that's why i bought six of you... for when you stretch out. i want you to stay this bright blue forever...
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440,000 escalators every day. but does this modern convenience come at a price? a mother and daughter in china get their hands caught in the moving teeth of a moving stairway. here a man gets his foot stuck during a malfunction. a run away escalator causes a pileup after a philadelphia flyers hockey game. they may seem like freak mishaps, but every year in the u.s., there are more than 12,000 serious injuries due to escalator accidents and payton robinson along with his wife and two young children can't forget how their trip on a moving stairway turn into a roller coaster, but not the fun kind. in 2003, they step on to an escalator and into an ordeal.
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without warning, the conveyor suddenly speeds up. >> the most significant sensory input was a sound, like a thunking sound, i still remember very clearly after that sound the escalator started to speed up and a realization of horror that it was suddenly accelerating. >> you're a father with young kids on a run away escalator, what split second decision should you make? a a, grab your kids and jump over the side railing, grab your kids and run back up the us cescalato the top. in this case, going against the flow is a no go, as run away escalators follow gravity down. >> the speed is great enough in a run away situation, that you really can't run up the stairs, you might grab a child and hold the child to reduce the impact
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or the affect on them when you hit the bottom. >> option c is out, standing near the top of the escalator with no time to think, payton picks option a. >> it was pretty much a bolt, in terms of holding the handrail and jumping feet up on the space between the escalator units and my son came after that. >> but experts say you shouldn't pick payton's path, payton's son injures his knee and it could have been much worse. of all options, b is the safest. >> the best option is to hold on to the handrails and ride it to the bottom, because for most people, all but maybe an olympic athlete, they cannot begin to get off this equipment while it's moving, it's simply moving too fast. >> payton's wife and daughter do ride the escalator to the bottom but his wife doesn't let go of the handrail in time.
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>> when she was gripping the handrail and it ran through her hand and basically burned some of the skin on her hand. >> four other passengers are treated for minor injuries. but could these accidents have been stopped sooner? true or false, pushing the emergency stop button is the best way to halt a run away escalator. the answer is false. the problem is a sudden a acceleratining escalator is happens when the stairs detaches from the conveyor belt. >> there's a stop at each end which stops the motor, but if the escalator equipment has become disconnected from the dpoo drive, the button is not going to do anything. >> you see escalators are more than just moving stairs, they're
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machines that should be treated with the same respect as an automobile. to avoid injury or even death, remember these tips, hold children closely, keep a firm grip on the handrail and ride run away escalators to the bottom and then exit quickly. >> it sort of registered into something that was a wild and crazy experience that we hope doesn't ever happen again. and ice covered lake may look like a winter wonder land, but perils exist just me low the surface. it happens in the u.s. every year, unsuspecting people falling through the ice. christmas day 2012, a great opportunity for mickey her man, his wife and two daughters -- >> the guys are taking the tubes a lot higher on the hill, which
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resulted them going out much further on the lake that was frozen and getting very close to the part that wasn't froesz on. >> look at that big crack, is that a big crack next to them right there? >> yes. >> then a sledder skids out too far. the man plunges into the freezing water. plunges into th freezing water. >> that's seriously not even funny. >> no, it's not. >> it's a life and death struggle and every second counts. a frozen lake is transformed into havoc. >> it just totally turned into chaos and panic. >> could you save others and yourself? i don't do blood. but now, thanks to cigna, i can do more than just look the part. is that a foot? we are the tv doctors of america. and we're partnering with cigna to help save lives. by getting you to a real doctor for an annual check-up. so go, know, and take control of your health. doctor poses. cigntogether, all the way.
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it's a fine winter's day for sledding at jackson lake on the mountains of southern california. >> we noticed that the guys taking the tubes were going up a lot higher in the hill which resulted them going out much further onto the lake that was frozen and getting very close to
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the part that wasn't frozen. >> look at that crack. >> then a sledder overshoots the ice and lands in frigid water. if you're a bystander and see people fall through lake ice, first call 911. what should be your next split second decision? a, slowly walk out onto the ice to pull them out. b, stay as close to the shore as possible and throw out some sort of lifeline. or c, form a human chain from land to pull the person out. >> if you happen to see the people fall into the ice, you absolutely shouldn't walk out onto the ice. find out what resources you have available, ropes, extension cords, ladders, long tree limbs, but you don't want to put yourself at risk to get those items to the person in the lake.
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>> the plan should be b. unfortunately, a would-be rescuer makes the wrong decision. >> somebody has a branch. >> and becomes the lake's next victim. another friend does the same. >> hey! >> give me the rope from under the seat. under the seat. now. there. >> grab that rope. >> he's got it. >> and soon several more would-be rescuers are flailing for their lives in the icy cold water. >> despite the fact that it is human nature to go help your fellow person, stay back. you have the override that instinct. >> the situation is getting worse by the second.
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five people are fighting for survival. >> when the other guys began falling in the water, it just totally turned into chaos and panic. >> now if you're the one breaking through the ice, what's the first action you should take? a, kick your legs and move your arms to improve circulation and stay warm. b, take off heavy winter clothing to stay afloat. or c, swim to the edge of the ice and pull yourself up. >> if you're frantically kicking your legs and moving your arms, all you're doing is wasting energy. >> how about ditching heavy clothing? >> don't worry about removing your clothing. focus your energy on trying to rescue yourself. >> your best option is, c, swim to the edge of the ice and get your upper body out of the water. many of the people in this video are able to do just that. >> you want to head to the ice where you fell through because
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ice was obviously supporting you before you fell in, so it's thicker ice beyond that edge where you fell in. once you approach the edge of the ice, get your arms up on the ice. more of your body you have out of the water, the longer it's going to take for that cold effect to happen. >> and it will happen and that's your next big challenge. some of the jackson lake victims have been in the water for nearly eight minutes. true or false? it takes about half an hour in frigid water to incapacitate a person's muscular coordination. the statement is false. it's way more dire than that. in fact, you may only have a matter of minutes before paralysis sets in. >> you have roughly five to ten minutes before you start losing strength. your body, your limbs, start going numb. then you're not going to be able to hold onto anything. you don't have dexterity.
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you lose all motor control. >> with time running out, bystanders and relatives throw out everything they can. inner tubes and rope. >> when they're throwing the rope out there, it was landing within two to three feet of where they were, but i think the cold weather and the hypothermia was affecting their body movement. >> you're out of the water on the lip of the ice. what now? a, stand up and walk slowly to the shore. b, lie flat and roll away from the ice hole before standing up. or c, get on all fours and crawl your way to shore. >> once you've got yourself up onto the ice, don't stand up. you want to stay prone on the ice, just start rolling away from the edge, get as far from that as you can. if it feels unstable, keep rolling. you'll slowly get to where it's thicker and thicker to where you
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can stand up and walk off the ice. >> the answer is, b, lie flat and roll away for a safe distance before standing and walking to shore. finally, the last survivors catch the rope and they're dragged to safety. >> they need to take his clothes off. >> but once on land their troubles aren't over. >> the first thing they did that was great was getting all the wet clothes off the guy. removing that, wrapping him in the blankets, and the gentleman presses his body up against him. he is just like a generator. he's just putting heat into this guy. >> if you ever see someone taking an accidental plunge into freezing water, remember these survival tips. if rescuing someone stuck in ice water, get emergency help immediately. stay back and throw them a long object. if you're in the water, swim back to the edge and pull yourself up. once on the lip of the ice, roll
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away before standing up. >> i think about how lucky we were to get all those people out alive. i didn't want my girls to see somebody drown on christmas day. that's what really drove me to try and help them. life can turn terrifying in an instant. you're trapped in a raging wildfire. >> hopefully she makes it out. >> your day cruise turns deadly. you're caught in the crosshairs of a man with a gun. even ordinary routines can become struggles to stay alive. >> oh, my god. oh, my god. >> oh, no. oh, no. >> survival is not a game, but you do need a game plan. you have multiple options but only seconds to choose. what will be your split second decision? 's


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