tv Politics Nation With Al Sharpton MSNBC November 20, 2016 5:00am-6:01am PST
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rowing. on small business saturday, let's shop small for our neighborhood, our town, our home. on november 26th, get up, (all) get together and shop small. so far right, they're wrong. we'll break it down. plus, the truth about what trump can and cannot do to obamacare. we'll hear from health secretary sylvia burwell. also, senator jeff murkily on the fight over the supreme court. and new fears about hate across america, a swastika, the words die and trump was painted on the hood. >> officials say students on a bus on thursday chanted trump, trump, trump. >> from rockefeller center in new york, this is "politicsnation" with al sharpton.
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>> good morning. i'm al sharpton. for americans worried about how donald trump will govern, now we know the answer. despite outreach to establishment republicans like mitt romney, trump has shown his core values, especially with his pick for attorney general, senator jeff sessions. let's review his team. trump's top strategist will be steve bannon, former head of breitbart. it is a site that has been called, quote, a white ethno nationalist propaganda mill. his national security adviser will be general michael flynn, a man who says islam is a cancer. >> islam is a political ideology. it is a political ideology.
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it hides behind this notion of it being a religion. it is like cancer. i've gone through cancer in my own life. it is like cancer. and it is like a malignant cancer, though, in this case. it has metastasized. >> and sessions as attorney general. a pick that threatens all the work done by eric holder and loretta lynch. sessions is against softening mandatory sentences, he backed trump's muslim ban. in the '80s, he was accused of calling the naacp, quote, un-american and communist inspired. referring to an african-american federal prosecutor as boy. and saying the kkk was fine, quote, until i found out they smoked pot. all of that came up during senate hearings in 1986 when
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sessions was up for federal judgeship. sessions has denied making racially prejudiced statements. here's what he said back then about his alleged naacp comments. >> these comments that you could say about a com copy organizatir something, i may have something like that in a general way and it was probably wrong. >> they rejected his nomination, maybe in part because of a story that came up during the hearings. >> the would be judges biggest problem came in a case he prosecuted and lost, a vote fraud case involving black civil rights leaders in perry county, alabama. defendants in the perry county case were albert and evelyn turner, political and civil rights leaders for more than 20 years. albert was an aide to martin luther king. their scrapbook has all the
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marches. >> this is bloody sunday. albert, that's him right there. >> albert turner guided the mules at dr. king's funeral. the federal government charged the turners with doctoring absentee ballots, vote fraud and mail fraud. >> the case was political. i don't think they came in within aounn ounce of evidence. a man like jeff sessions will be there for a period of time and he'll be in the way of progress in this area for quite a while. >> a trump spokesman said sessions is well respected and was a well respected senator whose 1986 rejection was a mistake. joining me now is congressman hank johnson, democrat from georgia, a member of the judiciary committee. thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me,
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reverend al. >> congressman, in light of all of this, what are your concerns about senator sessions as attorney general? >> well, he has a history of being opposed to the enforcement of the civil rights laws that protect vulnerable people from discrimination, from hate, from violence. he will now be, if he's confirmed, the head of the department of justice. and he's not a man of justice. he's a man of injustice and it is quite, frankly, frightening to many of my constituents and i know people around the nation are just upset with this nomination, consistent with the white nationalist bent of the trump campaign, which appealed to those people in america who don't want to see black folks
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with the rights that we have, they don't want to see women, they don't want to see immigrants, they don't want to see muslims with the same rights they want america to be the way that it used to be back during times where the -- nobody had rights other than white males. >> how can democrats, i mean, given these concerns that you raise, others have raised, i've raised some, how can democrats do anything about this nomination? what can they do to pressure trump and the republicans in regard to senator sessions' nomination? >> i think the people have been out in the streets throughout the united states of america, letting it be known that trump won this race without a majority of the votes, he does not have a mandate, he should not be given
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a green light to put anyone who he pleases into these offices without them being subjected to rigorous scrutiny. and when it comes to senate confirmation, we expect our senators to hold this man's feet to the fire. >> so in the confirmation hearings, the senator, the democratic senators need to really use that as a platform to deal with a lot of these issues and more, and i think that's how he was dealt with in 1986, because let me show you something, congressman, one man who hailed trump's nomination of picking steve bannon, mike flynn, and jeff sessions is former kkk leader david duke. listen to what he said. >> he's appointed men who are going to start this process of taking our country back. and i tell you, for the first
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time in years our side is empowered, our side is enthusiastic, our side is excited, our side is hopeful, but more than hopeful, we are becoming confident. we're on the way, folks, to taking america back. >> we're confident, we're on our way to taking america back. i mean, who are these picks that president elect trump has announced, who is he appealing to here? >> he's appealing to a dying breed in america, a racist element of our society that does not accept diversity, a bunch of old men, and, quite frankly, some misguided young people who believe that this country should not be the melting pot that it has always been. but only now all people within that melting pot have the rights to live freely and prosper and
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have equality in all matters of life here in america. and these folks want to try to take that away and put it back to a situation of white supremacy. that's bottom line, reverend al. >> let me quickly, i have to let you go, but let me show you something that really caught my eye. this is a selfie photo taken of vice president elect pence when he visited the house this week of he and the gop members of the house, house republicans. not a lot of diversity in that picture. i mean, they really don't represent what america looks like right now, do they, congressman? >> no, they sure don't and they don't want it to ever look other than the way that they pose it to be, and this group of white males with a few women in the background, and everybody else is in their place. and we're just not going to have it, reverend al. can't go back. >> have to let it go there.
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congressman johnson, we'll be monitoring and watching and hoping as well as doing other things to show our active right as citizens in this country. thank you for your time. >> thank you. now let's bring in former federal prosecutor paul butler. thank you for being here, first of all. >> good morning, reverend. >> as attorney general, jeff sessions would have influence over civil rights, voting rights, immigration. how will he change the priorities of the justice department? >> reverend, first let's talk about his basic competency to be the chief law enforcement officer. when donald trump made his infamous remark about how he likes to grab women by their private parts, sessions says he didn't see how that was a crime. how can the nation's chief law enforcement officer not know what sexual assault is. it is not about him being a conservative republican. i was privileged to work at the justice department during both clinton and bush
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administrations, but this man is a radical extremist. if he is confirmed, criminal justice reform is dead. this is a man who loves the -- loves mandatory minimum sentences, he loves private prisons, what doesn't he like? black lives matter. trump says if he's president, he's going to investigate that movement that is trying to make things more fair for african-american people. >> he also talks about there is cheating, quote, cheating in elections, cheating in every election. listen to this. >> cheating in every election, and every party goes out in advance of the election and they call on poll watchers and those kind of things to make sure that they're not cheated out of an election and that just really helps create integrity in the system. >> i mean what would attorney general jeff sessions mean to the future of voting rights with that kind of attitude? >> there is no evidence of
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widespread voter fraud. sessions knows that. we have to ask why is he perpetrating this law? this is a man who would be over the voting rights division, over the civil rights division, which under president obama has done more investigations of local police departments than all of the administrations combined. so, again, all of these progressive interventions for civil rights, they would be not only dead on arrival, he would take us back. one thing we have seen with other conservative administrations is not only do they stop bringing the cases, they stop bringing civil rights cases on behalf of white people. they start saying things like affirmative action, like set asides for minority and women owned businesses. they start making the argument those are unconstitutional. if trump gets his way with the supreme court, they'll win those arguments. we're talking about a radical extremist here who would be in charge of protecting everybody's
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civil rights. he hasn't shown any evidence that he's capable of doing that. >> and in your view, how will the fact that he may be the attorney general that succeeds eric holder and loretta lynch, what will this do to their work and their legacies to be succeeded by senator jeff sessions? >> it would undermine it. here is one example. loretta lynch came out against private prisons. she said, you know, when we're thinking about how the federal government takes care of people in its charge if there is a profit motive, that doesn't lead to people having good outcomes. not only is it about fairness to people who are serving their time, it is also about safety. with private prisons lock up people, when they come out, they're more likely to commit more crimes. she said no more private prisons. that's something that almost certainly sessions would reverse. again, if we think about the work that's been done with local police departments, the federal
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government getting rid of their tanks, taking away their bombs, saying stop acting like warriors against people of color, act more like guardians, sessions, he's totally against that. so, again, it is not just stopping progress, it is going backwards. >> paul butler, thank you for your time this morning. >> always a pleasure. still ahead, why republicans may be in for a rude awakening when it comes to repealing obamacare. we'll talk to the woman in charge. hhs secretary sylvia burwell. also, senator jeff murkily on how democrats will fight to protect the supreme court. and a surprising prediction from the historian who foresaw the trump victory. you'll want to hear this one, folks. stay with us. medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms.
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we're back with a look at the progressive strategy for dealing with trump. some democrats in congress think there are areas where they can work with him. senator jeff merkley, a leading progressive voice in congress, says he's open to finding common ground with trump on infrastructure. i caught up with senator merkley this week, and i asked what he would tell progressives who want democrats to be totally noncooperative with trump. >> we have been working day and night to have an infrastructure bill that would put americans to work and provide a foundation for families to thrive. and if donald trump wants to partner with us, and basically bring over the republicans who have been blocking these living wage jobs, that's a positive. but let me tell you what we first heard about the plan is
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the strategy of bringing in big wall street firms who would build infrastructure at a much higher price than it would be built through our normal system. and it would be funded by a tall tax on working americans. and that's incredibly wrong. so the devil will be in the details. but if it is a smart infrastructure strategy to build a foundation for future economy, if it is modeled on the strategy we put fort thward, then certai let's talk. >> let's go there, if the infrastructure bill that donald trump proposes as president, and the democrats are sitting at the table, and we're going through this bill between president trump and the senate and congress, and he's saying the big manufacturers, big business is going to finance it, the working class is going to pay the tolls on this, and the tax
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therefore are going to pay for it, but i'll negotiate with it, i'll give you some of what you want, but i want you to also vote for my supreme court nominee. that's part of my negotiation. donald trump is a negotiator. he's a business man. if he puts the supreme court on the table, you've said that the supreme court nomination of justice garland was stolen. and that you want at any cost to make sure there is a vote on that. how do you deal if he puts on the table, negotiating that we may have some levels of common ground, maybe, maybe not, like a filibuster, how do you deal with the supreme court? >> i think donald trump is in for a very big surprise. the way he's negotiated with the subcontractors is to make a deal, a deal which is going to pay them and they go out and they raise the money to buy extra personnel and build all
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the bathrooms in one of his towers and says to them i'm not going to pay you and i'm going to cheat you. i'm going to pay you 60 cents on a dollar and you have to sign a nondisclose contract or you won't get paid for six years and you'll go bankrupt. we're not going to strike a deal in which we mortgage the judicial future of america on an infrastructure bill. so i guess the proposal you're putting forward is no deal at all. >> let me ask you a direct question, we're out of time, will you filibuster a donald trump nominee for the supreme court, if they do not give you a vote on mr. garland who is the nominee of president obama. >> you've seen the list of the potential nominees, all from the far right, they don't believe in our constitutional vision of we the people and i'll do everything i can to block someone who wants to turn the constitution on its head and shred it. >> and that includes the possibility of a filibuster?
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>> yes, it does. >> senator jeff merkley, thank you for your time this morning. >> you're welcome. thank you. next, the woman in charge of obamacare talks about republican roadblocks on the path to repeal. plus, what's new behind the new wave of hate? and intolerance in post election america. i'll talk about that ahead.
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the trump election has not stopped people from signing up for obamacare. enrollment began earlier this month. and americans are already signing up at a faster pace than last year. more than a million have picked plans, with nearly 250,000 new signups. repealing and replacing obamacare is going to be harder than many on the right thought. including apparently president
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elect trump. >> are you going to make sure that people with preconditions are still covered? >> yes, because it happens to be one of the strongest assets. >> you're going to keep that? >> also with the children living with their parents for an extended period. >> you're going to keep that? >> we're very much going to try to keep that. >> republicans in congress say repealing obamacare is their top priority. and vow to have a bill on president elect trump's desk by the time he is sworn in. joining me now is secretary of health and human services, sylvia burwell. thank you for being here, madam secretary. >> thank you for having me, reverend sharpton. >> let me ask you this, trump wants to keep pre-existing conditions, but scrap most of the rest of the law. as i read the law, you can't do that. explain why that may not work. >> for people who have pre-existing conditions to be a
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part of getting insurance, what you need to be able to do is to make sure that there are subsidies or tax credits to help people financially afford that care. and so you really can't have one piece without the other. i kind of think of it all as a three legged stool and if you take away one of the legs, the stool isn't going to stand up. and so-so glad that folks are committed to keeping pre-existing conditions, but that means keeping other parts of the affordable care act as well. i think there are -- >> you can't support the health care for those with pre-existing conditions without what they call the mandates. you just can't -- it doesn't work. it can't happen. >> the mandates as well as the financial assistance are both parts of what makes the entire system work. and that's part of what will allow us to make sure that people who have pre-existing conditions, things like asthma and diabetes, allergies, anything like that, can still be able to be ensured, that they can get care.
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>> now, the uninsured rate is at a 9-point low, a nine-year low. it is 10.9%. that's just down over six points since the individual mandate took effect. what will happen to the millions of people who got health care if this law is repealed? >> so there are 20 million folks out there who have gotten insurance, health insurance since the affordable care act. and repeal of the law would mean that those folks would lose their insurance. and so not only that, it would mean for all of those people who have insurance through their jobs, they also will suffer because pre-existing conditions could keep them off, their children might not be able to stay on their plan until 26, and also all the preventive care people are getting without additional fees or co-pays, when they go in to get it, whether that's a flu shot or precancer screening, would now be things that would be charged.
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and so things would be costlier for folks who even have employer-based care. >> now, republicans say they have their own plan. i'm sure you looked at them. have they come up with some magic formula that no one else has been able to figure out? i mean, what is it that they have that will deal with these millions of people that many we know have needs that will work more effectively than the affordable care act? >> right now, we actually haven't seen a plan that could be measured or that one could tell exactly what it would mean for the uninsured or what it would mean in terms of affordability or quality in terms of what kinds of things would be preserved. would you still be able to get preventative things. it has been six years and we haven't seen a plan or a proposal that is more than an outline of ideas, and i think now what we're going to see as a nation, it is time to move from
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slowingens a slogans and rhetoric to what health care means in people's lives. i'm hoping that's what the conversation will turn to. the things that matter around people's kitchen tables in terms of the benefits they have received. for instance, 11 million seniors who have medicare have received benefits from the affordable care act by something called the closing of the doughnut hole, which meant their drug prices were on average less $2,000 over that period of time. >> bottom line, 10, 20 years from now, will some form of the affordable care act still be in effect in your judgment? >> this is part of the fabric of the nation's health care at this point. americans don't want to go back to a place where if their child has a very serious illness over a period of time, that there are lifetime limits that get hit by the time the kid is 15 years old or a place where you might have to delay your chemotherapy treatment because there are annual limits that wouldn't pay for it in the year, or perhaps
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you have a pre-existing condition and you could be kept out. those are all things that i think are a part of the fabric of our health care now. >> secretary burwell, thank you for your time this morning. have a wonderful holiday. >> thank you so much. you too. >> up next, does donald trump care about losing the popular vote? and how much of his transition talk should we take seriously. the man who literally wrote the book on trump is next. when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. (sighs sadly) try this. only aleve can stop pain for 12 hours. plus, aleve is recommended by more doctors than any other brand for minor arthritis pain. aleve. live whole. not part.
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president elect trump is going through the motions of outreach to gop critics like mitt romney and nikki haley. but if you want to know what he's actually thinking, look at the concrete decisions he's made so far. the top selections for his administration are all diehard trump loyalists, with long histories of extremism and controversial views.
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joining me now, michael dan tonio and a pulitzer prize winning author. he wrote the truth about trump. and careen jean pierre, senior adviser for thank you for being here. >> thank you, reverend. >> michael, is this classic trump a classic trump ploy, get headlines for moderation while pursuing something else entirely? >> it absolutely is. this is a guy who faints three or four times before he makes his ultimate move, but he's also headed in the same direction. so in this case, if you look at his appointments, he's headed in a certain direction. he's rewarding these people with extreme views who supported him in the beginning, steve bannon is perhaps the worst example of this, alt-right guy who is a real flame thrower and dangerous, and yet this is the person who is going to be -- >> these people are governed. you're not talking about campaign appointments now. >> no, they're governing.
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and this is the administration that we're going to be confronted by and i think these are the hints that the policies he's going to pursue. now, he's responsive. so if he takes a beating in any of these confrontations with congress or with the public, you know, he is aware that people are in the streets. >> so, careen, votes from the election still being counted, but hillary clinton's lead over trump is in the popular rote is growing. hillary at this point is 62.1 million votes to donald trump's 61 million. shouldn't that embolden democrats to stand up to the trump agenda, knowing the public voted -- more of the public voted for his opponent? >> i completely agree, yes. it should, to answer your question. look, he didn't win with a mandate, right? he didn't -- he won because of the electoral college clearly. he got to 270 and above. but he -- more people voted against him than for him, so it
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is a little troubling to me that democrats on the hill are saying we're going to work with him when he is sending a very clear message that he's not going to work with the democrats just by the people that he is choosing. and we should be listening to that. and not be deaf on that. >> let me follow careen's point and go back to something you said, michael, a washington post poll looked at whether voters think trump has a mandate. just 29% of people said that. so let me go back to your point about the public and the congress. does trump care about what the public thinks at all? will he just do his own thing? >> i think to a degree he does. this guy has been about ratings. he's going to watch the polls. he's going to see if he's going down the tubes, he doesn't want to be a disgrace or a president who is humiliated by the worst defeat any president sought upon going for the re-election.
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so he is aware. and i think that it may be that the public has more to say in opposition to him than anyone in congress or anyone else in washington. >> you know, careen, many of us in the civil rights community expressed concerns, expressed things that we are concerned about. your group posted a challenge to democratic leaders calling for, quote, no collaboration with trump's hate. do you think democrats who support trump on some issues are, quote, collaborators? >> i think it is a dangerous thing to normalize -- to normalize trump's presidency, because of the hate that he espoused for the last 18 months. we have to -- look what they did -- look what the republicans did to obama for president obama for eight years. at every turn they made sure that he couldn't move forward, he couldn't move further. i can't understand why we as democrats would want to even try to normalize him and i think
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that's the problem. and here's the thing. we understand people who have been in politics for a long time understand that the person that we need to worry about is the person that is whispering in donald trump's ear. and that is steve bannon, who is a white supremacist. forget the alt-right, that language we use, he's a white supremacist. period, end of story. >> you know, ohio, i want to ask you this while i have you, i know we're out of time. ohio congressman tim ryan is challenging nancy pelosi's leadership for speaker of the house. what does that say about the state of the democratic party? >> nancy pelosi, if she says she has the votes, she has the votes. one thing that i would say about that is you need someone who knows how to do the counting, who knows how to -- who knows how to leverage the congress in order to move things forward. and nancy pelosi and chuck schumer have that experience. we were talking about george bush or george w. bush. they were, you know, they were
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pretty strategic in putting together, developing and executing strategy to really oppose george w. bush. >> given he's dealing with people in various levels of the legislature, senate, congress and all, who are in the opposition party, opposing policy, those that have public influence, many of us that oppose his policies, how does he deal with people that are skillful and that have a track record, not our first rodeo, that he may find themselves in fights that he is not totally familiar with how to deal with these kind of opponents. because it is not a business deal. >> this is not the game that he's used to playing. and i think what we have seen so far is that he's trying to apply the old trump rules to a new game. and there may be people in congress who wiare very skilledt working him and working the public and i think donald's going to have some rude
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awakenings come the spring. >> michael dan tonio, and careen jean pierre, thank you both for your time. >> thank you. >> still ahead, the obama legacy, why trump and the republicans won't be able to wipe the last eight years off the history books. ♪ ♪ when you find something worth waiting for, we'll help you invest to protect it for the future. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase, so you can.
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millions of americans are worried about the fate of the obama legacy under president trump. but it's worth remembering there are some obama achievements trump can't touch. because they're already enshrined in history. like presiding over an economy that added 11 million private sector jobs. saving the auto industry or eliminating osama bin laden. trump also faces challenges on other core obama policies. we have seen how he's backing
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away from total repeal of obamacare. now, president obama's planning to use the next two months to lock in other policies, making it harder for trump to cancel the iran nuclear deal, and harder to undo progress on climate change. the president is also reminding trump he'll face some political head winds. >> the federal government and our democracy is not a speedboat. it is an ocean liner. as i discovered when i came into office. it took a lot of really hard work for us to make significant policy changes. even if our first two years when we had larger majorities than mr. trump will enjoy when he comes into office. >> joining me now is professor alan lichtman from american university. he made headlines for predicting trump's win. thank you for being here, professor.
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>> my pleasure. >> let me ask you, no matter what comes next, aren't some of president obama's achievements already written in history? >> that's right. a lot of what obama has done is already sealed in the laminate of history. look, he will go down in history as the president who saved us from a potentially catastrophic plunge into a great depression. it doesn't seem right now that that was a reality, but it really was when obama first took office. critically important. let us also not forget that he really has reversed a lot of the very militaristic unilateral policies of the bush administration. that is not going to be so easy to change. >> let me stop you right there, because the president said that it is not -- it is more easily said than done to reverse or roll back some of the things
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that has been achieved. what does history tell us? >> history tells us it is incredibly difficult to roll back accomplishments, particularly when they are supported, like the climate change initiatives. the overwhelming percentage of the american people support vigorous action on climate change. let me give you an example. franklin roosevelt, of course, was the great builder of the liberal state. heically new deal programs including social security. the republicans came in under eisenhower and eisenhower said it would be madness to try to roll back or torpedo the programs because i would lose my support among the american people. trump recognized that. >> tell me, professor, what is in jeopardy. what is something that we must be aware could be rolled back or more easily reversed. >> well, i am very worried about climate change for a couple of
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reasons. number one, if he does repudiate or doesn't enforce the paris agreements, it will be very, very difficult to bring the nations back together again. that was a singular extraordinary accomplishment of barack obama. but, if he listens to the will of the people, he will not do that. obviously he has talked about scrapping some of the trade agreements, scrapping the iran nuclear treaty. i think those are going to be very, very difficult. trump is going to learn that bluster is not policy. >> now, in 2009, after president bush's second term, a survey of u.s. historians ranked him 36 out of 43 presidents. at the end of president obama's second term, how will historians view him? >> well, i think a lot is going to depend on how sturdy some of
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his initiatives like those on climate change, regulations on the environment, prove to be. if in fact those critically important accomplishments cannot be torpedoed, then i think obama will go down not as a great president, but perhaps as a well above average near great president. the one deficiency i saw, the biggest deficiency i saw with the obama administration was the failure to build the democratic party. democratic party has taken a pasting in three elections in a row. a singular accomplishment of fdr was not just the in deal, but rebuilding the democratic party virtually from ground zero. that's where he fell short. >> eisenhower came behind and took the democratic party down. but let me ask you this, you predicted as i said earlier the win for donald trump and you ended up being right. but you also have predicted that he's going to be impeached. what do you -- how do you support that prediction? >> right. that's a gut level prediction, not a scientific prediction like
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my prediction of his victory. two things. a lichtman rule of politics is what you see is what you get. people don't change. and trump has played fast and loose with the law throughout his life and that could extend in his presidency. just today he spent $25 million to settle a suit he said he would never settle, racketeering civil suit against trump university. he has set up a huge train wreck by putting his business in the hands of his children and still all in the family and he's asked for top security clearances. that could be a tremendous clash between the private trump economic interests and the national security that could precipitate impeachment, plus, the republicans know that he's a loose cannon. he's not controllable. they may well perform mike pence a totally predictable down the pike christian conservative republican. >> professor lichtman, thank you for your time this morning. >> anytime. coming up after the break,
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hate speech, free speech, and what's at stake in the coming days? stay with us. ♪ ♪ i want a hippopotamus for christmas ♪ ♪ only a hippopotamus will do at the united states postal service, we deliver more online purchases to homes than anyone else in the country. and more hippopotamuses, too. ♪ so whatever your holiday priority, our priority is you. the medicare enrollment deadline is just a few weeks away. changes to medicare plans could impact your healthcare costs. are you getting all the benefits available to you? call healthmarkets and we'll help you find the medicare plan that's right for you. hi, i'm doctor martin gizzi. it's a new medicare year. that means more changes ... and more confusion.
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should there be a database that tracks muslims in our country. >> i would implement that, absolutely. >> donald trump just over a year ago talking about registering muslims. now he's president elect and one trump ally says trump is still flirting with some version of that idea, though officially they denied that. another supporter went on national tv to say a registry would be legal, because of the internment of japanese americans during world war ii. >> perfectly honest, it is legal, they say it will hold constitutional muster. i think it will pass and we have done it with iran back a while
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ago, did it during world war ii with japanese, which, you know, call what -- >> come on. >> this kind of intolerance is spreading and in the past week we have seen reports of even more hate crimes. >> officials say students on a bus on thursday chanted trump, trump, trump, and when african-american students boarded, they told them to sit in the back. >> this is the fifth racially charged incident that occurred with my daughter since the beginning of the school year. >> i will not be mistreated and i will not let my friends or anybody else be mistreated, white, black, anybody. >> police are trying to figure out who spray painted a swastika and the word trump on the campus friday night. >> new tonight at 6:00, vile words of hate sprayed on an suv in denver. >> swastika, words die and trump was painted on the hood. >> we don't know who is doing this, we do know trump has told people to, quote, stop it.
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but even the fundamental right of marching peacefully in the street is under assault. a republican state lawmaker has proposed a bill that would charge protesters with, quote, economic terrorism if protests got in the way of roads or businesses. free speech and hate speech, both now at the center of our national debate. we need vigorous support from all sides, all leaders, all of us that advocate, say we will not tolerate hate speech, we will not tolerate coming down on free speech, president elect trump needs to say not only stop it, but that he would not tolerate it, and would track down those that do it. we can disagree and have a vigorous debate, and fight for the future of the country. but the ugliness and the violence and the hate, both sides should say we will not
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tolerate. that does it for me. thanks for watching. i'll see you back here next sunday. there is no typical day. there's nothing typical about making movies. i'm victoria alonso and i'm an executive producer at marvel studios. we are very much hands on producers. if my office becomes a plane or an airport the surface pro is perfect, fast and portable but also light. you don't do 14 hours a day 7 days a week for decades if you don't feel it in your heart. listen i know my super power is to not ever sleep. that's it, that's the only super power i have. hei don't want one that's haded a big wreck just say, show me cars with no accidents reported find the cars you want, avoid the ones you don't plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing i like it start your used car search at
6:00 am
good morning, everyone. i'm betty nguyen in new york at msnbc world headquarters. it is 9:00 a.m. in the east. 6:00 a.m. out west. here's what's happening. a big announcement could be coming from the trump camp today, after what appeared to be a cordial meeting with one of his biggest critics. staying in the game, a new report suggests president obama's plans to keep out of politics may be changing. dramatically. the flint water crisis still a crisis. i'll talk to a congressman who wonders what will happen to the people of that city after donald trump becomes president. and a wintry blast parts of the northeast now getting hit with an early snowfall. the latest on the forecast ahead.
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