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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  November 26, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PST

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from president-elect trump, castro leaves a legacy of firing squads and unimaginable suffering. hello, i'm sheinelle jones at msnbc headquarters and we're tracking wide ranging reaction to the death of fidel castro. the top republican in the house says that with fidel castro's death, "the cruelty and oppression of his regime should die with him." house speaker paul ryan says there is much left to do to bring freedom to the cuban people. russian politicians and citizens laid flowers in tribute. president vladimir putin issued a statement offering condolences to the cuban people. putin also called castro a sincere and reliable friend of russia. shouts of long live free cuba fill the streets of miami's little havana community. some cuban-americans waiting a long time for this moment. >> this flag was draped over our grandfather's casket over 46 years ago and my uncle, their
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father, was a great cuban patriot and when they took it off his coffin, he told me, this is not to be unfurled until the day fidel dies. so here we are. >> let's go to nbc's kerry sanders, he's in miami's little havana with more on the reaction. kerry, set the scene for us. >> reporter: well, sheinelle, it's been a party that started last night around 2:00 in the morning in little havana on calle ocho and it's a party that's been going on since. it did die down for a little bit but it's picked up quite a bit since the daylight has hit here. you can see people dancing in the street, literally, has the music is playing here. lydia is here with us. she's one of the people who came out here, felt that she was drawn here, but she also has a powerful stoir to tell. for those who don't understand the cuban diaspora, who don't understand why people would be literally dancing in the streets for the death of a head of state, why don't we start with the story of your father, okay? your father, cuban, comes to the
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united states, but is not happy with what's going on in cuba. why did he leave cuba? >> he left cuba because of the threat of communism that they noticed. fidel castro was bringing to the country. so, we all moved in 1960 to miami. >>nd he decided to actually go back and fight along with others. tell me about what his participation was and as we know, the bay of pigs invasion was a failed invasion. >> yes, it was. my father decided to go to the bay of pigs invasion. he told my mom he was going to deliver arms, never told her where he was going. we found out because my grandfather who was still in cuba saw him on tv. but his ship was bombed. kennedy had withdrawn the back-up support they had and he had to swim to shore, got caught and was in jail for three years. >> so let's talk a little bit about that. your family is in prison, your family is here in the united states, you've eventually made it here, you're wondering about your loved ones. those years in prison, what was
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it like to explain why people would be out here literally dancing on the grave of a head of state? >> castro was a murderer. he separated families, and the things that my father, the stories that my father told us about what he used to do and his people to all these prisoners, i mean, they had trucks full of prisoners that they just enclosed in and they suffocated. they used to shoot them. i mean, they separated families, everything that castro did was backwards. he was a murderer. he set the country back a million years. no prosperity. it was all about him having control. >> reporter: and so lydia, as you stand here today with all these people, and your heart is torn, and you know that perhaps you know that his death is one of more symbolism than anything else, because he has not been leading the country. what do you think is next for cuba and we're about to see a new administration step in here and as you know, president-elect trump has had at least some
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comments that are rather different than the opening of relations that current president barack obama has had. >> well, i'm not going to talk about preferential candidates, but i think trump has a very good position. i think that cuba needs to get rid of raul castro, which actually is even worse than fidel castro. he carried out all of the horrible crimes f him. so, i feel that with persistence and being tough with the country, with cuba, who promises all these things and does nothing, we will get there and it will be a cuba libre. >> reporter: thank you very much, lydia. i know this is a very important day for her and so many that are part of the cuban diaspora and folks that have fled the country. in south florida, oneover every three people that you bump into in miami is a cuban-american, either from the island or born here but of that cuban-american lineage. sheinelle. >> one in three. i didn't realize that. that was a very interesting
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interview. good questions. thank you, kerry. we're also hearing from president obama in the aftermath of fidel castro's death. what is the president saying? >> reporter: well, the president's response to all this, sheinelle, is in keeping with his idea of engaging the cuban people and the cuban government, of normalizing relations and looking to the future and not the past. no harsh words about fidel castro. there's an extension of a hand of friendship. he even extends his condolences to the castro family and says his thoughts and prayers are with the cuban people. here's a segment of what the president said in his statement. i'll read it to you. history will record and judge the enormous impact of this singular figure on the people and the world around him. during my presidency, we have worked hard to put the past behind us, pursuing a future in which the relationship between our two countries is defined not by our differences but by the many things that we share as neighbors and friends. the cuban people must know that they have a friend and partner in the united states of america. and we know that for the past
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couple of years since december of 2014, president obama has tried to normalize relations, and he even visited the island, a historic visit, back in march of this year. the president's view is that decades of sanctioned isolation, confrontation, did not change the regime so it's time to try something else. now, this policy's been in place for just a short period of time so it's difficult to determine how successful it has or has not been. there are critics who say it is not working, they're still a very harsh rule there in cuba, that they are still opposition figures who are being rounded up and jailed. the president's view, however, is that in time, there will be a build-up of people to people relationships that will change the society there, and of course remains to be seen exactly what donald trump will do. he has done a number of things suggesting that he will turn back a lot of the executive orders that president obama has started, regulatory changes that allow people to travel more freely to cuba and bring more things back from cuba but it
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remains to be seen exactly what donald trump will do. >> all right. nbc's ron allen. let's pick up on that. let's bring in nbc's kristen welker, covering the president-elect during his holiday weekend in palm beach florida. what are elected officials saying? >> sheinelle, before we get to them, the president-elect put out that tweet at 8:00 a.m. this morning saying, fidel castro is dead, then a couple hours later, he had a broader statement. it says, fidel castro's legacy is one of firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty and the denial of fundamental human rights. though the tragedies cannot be erasesed r our administration will do all it can to ensure the cuban people can finally begin their journey toward prosperity and liberty. and you're absolutely right. the cuban-american community speaking out as well today. this was a press conference led by congresswoman ros-lehtinen and she was born in cuba. she's a cuban exile. take a listen to what she and
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some of her colleagues had to say. >> he was a sadistic murderer who brought great suffering to the 11 million people of cuba. he should not be revered. he should be reviled. >> i'm also here in representation of people like my grandfather who was in political prison for 12 years and who was tortured, people like his brother, who was executed without trial. >> ultimately, there will be that final day when the dictatorship of the castro brothers is no longer reality. when it will be put in the dust heap of history. and when the cuban people will enjoy the ultimate freedom, freedom and democracy. >> reporter: as a candidate, president-elect trump vowed to undo the executive actions that president obama took to try to normalize relations with cuba. the reality is, he can undo those. those are executive actions. they are not bound by an act of congress. however, it gets a little bit trickier when you look at the details of it. the fact that you do have some
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trade that is going on between these two countries, the fact that some restrictions have been lifted on imports and the fact that some flights have begun between the two countries. the question is, though, will donald trump moderate on this issue, sheinelle, because as you know, he's moderated on some other issues. will this be yet another one? that remains to be seen. >> more questions than answers at this moment. kristen welker, thank you. i want to bring in the dean of the fletcher school at tufts university. thank you for talking with me this afternoon. >> great to see you, sheinelle. >> admiral, you were commander of the u.s. southern command from 2006 to 2009 and people should know you were vocal in hour opposition to many of castro's policies. did he ever voice a response to your criticism? >> yeah, during that period of time, and i'm also a native of south orida, i was living in miami, my headquarters was located there. he actually singled me out for specific criticism in granma,
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which is their newspaper, because we created the fourth fleet, which is something he saw as directed against cuba. it obviously was much more of a regional effort but he was definitely on the radar screen with me in those years. >> tell us a little bit more about that. how did that feel? >> well, first of all, any time you're in opposition to someone like fidel castro, you actually feel pretty good about yourself, because of his track record of repression and all the terrible things he did in the island of cuba. holding 11 million people back from an opportunity to progress. over time, i felt as though you could feel his grip on power slipping away and by the time i left in 2009, his brother, raul, was firmly in control. >> you were in the thick of it for so long. what was your reaction when you first heard that fidel castro was dead. we talked 20 one reporter this morning who frankly didn't believe it at first. >> indeed. there have been so many reports like mark twain, the reports of my death greatly exaggerated.
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but you know, i think it's a tale of two reactions. we focused a lot on miami, appropriately, where it's kind of via con diablo, go to the devil, but frankly in cuba itself, it's a sincere -- they really care for fidel, strange as that sounds to us so we're going to have to square these two perceptions for u.s. policy going forward. >> we're going to talk to you a little later this hour and i want to hear what you have to say about that. admiral, thank you for talking with me. >> you bet, sheinelle. >> how the death of fidel castro was the first big diplomatic challenge for donald trump. how is he doing? we'll take a look. >> it's a historic moment that we're living now. castro's died. castro died. it's important to us. it's opportunity to be free! to really free. ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪
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new reaction from president-elect donald trump to the death of the long-time cuban leader fidel castro. trump released this statement that reads, in part, fidel castro's legacy is one of firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty and the denial of fundamental hiuman rights. it is my hope that today marks a move away from the horrors endured for too long and toward a future where the wonderful cuban people live in the freedom they deserve. let's bring in former adviser and an msnbc contributor and a writer and huffington post contributor who's worked on every democratic presidential campaign since 1972. good afternoon to both of you, gentlemen. let's start with this. castro's death is really trump's first diplomatic test. robert, how's he doing?
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the first tweet just said, you know, fidel castro is dead with an exclamation point and then i guess he realized a longer statement was needed. what do you think? >> i think the first tweet was a bit unpresidential but i think his second statement was very presidential. here's what we know about donald trump. we know that his twitter account is very important to him. we know that he believes that that's the best way to communicate with his followers but we also know that twitter sometimes is not the most professional or presidential way to communicate with your constituency. so i think he's learning on the job. i think his temperament is such that he wants to react almost immediately but what he's also learning too is as president or president-elect, you have to be thoughtful and measured and with respect to what you say, especially in the context of a death of a foreign leader. >> peter, what's your take? >> i think there's real room now for negotiations that have gone further for the new trump administration in that fidel castro was such a symbolic and powerful global figure for so many decades that his death now,
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you know, presents trump with some real opportunities to either slow down the process or speed it up, but whatever, to really have some negotiations to achieve what he tweeted about earlier. >> i told you we were talking about this on "the today show" earlier this morning. there's so much concern that trump will undo president obama's work on cuba. what are you hearing? >> i'm hearing that with the death of fidel castro, things can slow down now. because again, the symbol of fidel castro now being cremated, he's out of the picture entirely, although his brother remains in power, suggests now that that looming symbol of communism, one of the last in the world, is now gone. >> robert i want -- >> very quickly. i think the real question is whether or not the obama policy through executive order over the last year and a half have made a difference with respect to normalizing relations with cuba.
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is this a pift point for the trump administration to be able to roll back some of those executive orders or to keep them in place. we'll see. >> did upts to say something, peter? >> i did. the u.s. now has substantial commercial interests in cuba. hotels, airlines. you can be certain that those industries that have long been noncompetitive, even though the europeans have been actively evolved in developing cuba the years are going to make a very strong case to the trump administration to continue to allow them to expand their businesses. >> a lot of investment opportunities. the business community. we'll talk about that. robert, there's another hot topic i want to ask you about. here at home, wisconsin confirmed yesterday it will conduct a recount of the presidential votes, prompted by a petition from gre pty candidate jill stein. in your opinion, what is the point? will this really change anything? >> it may. i think the point is just to double check, to make sure that the election results are just authentic and true. there's this whispering campaign out there, if you will, that russia actually did, in fact, hack a couple of states,
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specifically michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin. so, i think by ms. stein doing this, with the blessing of the clinton campaign, it kind of ends that stuff to rest. remember back in 2000 when george w. bush won the presidency in florida, there was this lingering whispering campaign that he was not a legitimate president during his first term because of that recount or because of the narrow margins there. i think the real question is, whether or not mrs. clinton and also ms. stein can put this to bed if in fact the wisconsin recount reconfirms that donald trump won that state. now, if it doesn't, that's another story. >> go ahead. >> and may i reinforce robert. it's not been a whisper campaign. it's been donald trump's screaming for months that this election was going to be stolen. >> or rigged. >> fixed or rigged. so, i see no other way for donald trump to legitimize his win than to be fully supportive of not only recounts in wisconsin, possibly in
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pennsylvania, possibly in michigan when the results come in. >> no shortage of news today, guys. thank you for talking to me today. while cuba begins nine days of mourning, that's not the case in little havana. we're following the emotional reactions in miami on this day many have waited decades to witness. (sfx: park rides, music and crowd sounds) oooh! when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. (sighs sadly) try this. only aleve can stop pain for 12 hours. plus, aleve is recommended by more doctors than any other brand for minor arthritis pain. aleve. live whole. not part.
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♪ wishes do come true. the lincoln wish list sales event is on. get exceptional offers on the lincoln family of luxury vehicles. sign and drive off in a new 2017 lincoln mkc with zero down and a complimentary first month's payment. little havana in miami at this hour, the celebration continues. we are following the event there, and we will check in with our reporters at the scene in just a few minutes now, though, to a quick check on the weather this holiday weekend. joining me now, bonnie snider. any trouble spots in. >> unfortunately, we are. it's going to get a lot worse tomorrow. notice the airport delays in san francisco and in los angeles. 30 minutes, it was up to an hour before in san francisco. it's all due to this vigorous storm system coming and bringing heavy rain to the san francisco bay area. so, we're anticipating certainly those airport delays, not just for today but for tomorrow in
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los angeles as that system pushes southward, and in new england, look at that, delays in boston due to rain and gusty winds. the busiest travel day of the year is tomorrow. if you're driving and many people are, there's a lot to keep in mind, especially if you're off to the west because this is a really vigorous storm system that's likely to produce not only heavy rain but snow as well. rain threat with possible mud slides all the way down through southern california and in the northeast, lake effect snow in new york state could bring about icy bridges and overpasses in the morning or late night hours. looking at this winter storm, we're expecting snow out to the west into colorado, good news for the skiers but if you're driving and you have to head up through the mountains and the sierra, it's going to be dangerous. we're expecting at least two feet of snow in many of these locations, that's why you see the pink on the map. so big storm for the sierra and for the cascades and utah and so it's going to be a vigorous day for storms, lot of snow, strong
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winds, if you're driving in this area, please use extra caution, wins are going to be fierce as well so if you're in a larger vehicle, that may slow you down. the forecast for today looks a lot calmer, the center to have the country, temperatures are comfortable, looking good at 63 in oklahoma city and by the time we get to sunday, look for that wet weather and we'll be watching for the storm i mentioned out west. sheinelle >> have to be careful. thank you. fidel castro visits harlem. congressman charles rangel recalls those historic moments and will talk to us about that and his trip to cuba next. if you're searching other travel sites to find a better price...
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...stop clicking around... the lowest prices on our hotels are always at so pay less and get more only at welcome back. i'm sheinelle jones here at msnbc world headquarters in new york. at the half hour, here's what we're monitoring. with the passing of fidel castro, president obama says we're extending a hand of friendship to the cuban people. meanwhile, predentlect tmp hopes this will lead to a briger d of freedom for the island nation.
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let's gets reaction on the ground in miami. nbc's mariana atencio is covering this. i can see what it's like on your end. >> reporter: sheinelle, i just want to walk you through this crowd. look at the folks behind me. they are singing, they are dancing, emotions are flying high. cuban and american flags running high as well. at some point, they even cited the names of all the countries that have lived under communism and then when they got to cuba, everyone here shouted, free, and for cubans, you know, their culture, their heritage is so important. 63% of cubans label themselves -- name themselves cuban when asked what their heritage is. so, for them, this is their way to vent, this is their way to celebrate in a way, the passing of this figure that has determined their lives for so long. i want us to talk to some of the folks here. come over here. i want you to hear some of the
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singing. over here, sheinelle. let's walk through the crowd. it's very crowded here as you can tell. can i just ask you quickly, why are you here today? why was that important for you to be here? >> i'm celebrating something on behalf of my parents. my parents left cuba when we were very little girls, my sister and i. and they came looking for liberty. they came to give us the liberty that we would never have had in cuba. my mother-in-law, she died, she passed away three years ago, and this was her dream, so i'm here on her behalf. >> reporter: i want to communicate to our anchor, sheinelle jones, just the experience of being here, you're holding your maracas, but at the same time, this is something very emotional for you. explain to us this way of, you know, remembering this moment. >> it's very emotional. when i woke up this morning, i had a text from one of my venezuelan friends, and she was the one that told me this had happened, so i turned on the news, and it was a lot of emotions. i know you shouldn't be happy
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because somebody passed away but really, i can't lie, i was happy, because this is the end of something very bad. maybe the country won't change, but the person that initiated all this separation of families, he did a lot of killings, a lot of families have suffered so much, so this is why i'm so happy. my parents are in the '80s, they're still alive, and they're home in a wheelchair celebrating this day. >> reporter: can you hear with your maracas, sheinelle, i don't know if you recognize the song, this is cel celia cruz, "guantanamera." it's such an emotional way to vent. today, this is symbolic. the long-time policy for this community, that's not a conversation people are having. today is about living in this moment and what the passing of fidel castro means for cubans in
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miami. >> let's go to kerry sanders. you also had some very interesting and revealing interviews today. >> reporter: sheinelle, it's really been an amazing gathering here today. you have to understand that this cuban diaspora right now gathered out here, singing, are really celebrating not so much the death of fidel castro as the death of the symbol of the man who took control of the island and so for them, since 1959 on, his revolution, remember, these are thpeople who left because they were held as political prisoners. they were folks who were held in prison. they are folks who really felt that they could not live under communism. and then, of course, you have their children who have been born in other parts of the world or here in the united states. but she has been in this country for 54 years. she left cuba. so, you have a very deep understanding of what fidel castro meant. what does this mean to you today? >> oh, it means a lot of things because i have been here in this country for 54 years.
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and my husband, he was wishing to see this day and he passed away about two years ago. he didn't have a chance to see it. i came to celebrate for him and for all my family. the death of fidel castro. he is a monster. >> reporter: take me back 54 years when you left cuba. how did you leave and why? >> oh, i leave because castro took my husband to jail and for a few months, i'm glad that not for years. so i came right away when he got out of jail, and i came here with four children. >> reporter: you came here with four children. >> and i used to work in downtown, this and that. >> reporter: tell me about, so i understand why you would celebrate, the difficult aspects of leaving a country that was your country, not knowinghe english language, having to make a new life here. >> that was okay for me. i was sad and bad in cuba, this
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was like heaven here in the united states. i love this country. and i do -- sometimes i work voluntary in the hospital to bring something back to this country that took care of all of us. >> reporter: thank you very much. you know, that's so nice to hear. and actually it's something that you will hear from so many cuban-americans, people who left their country, that they were welcomed in this country, allowed to thrive in this country, to give you an idea of how the cuban-american population is thrived here, the mayor of miami, cuban-american. the mayor of miami dade, cuban-american. there is a tremendous amount of success of those who came from cuba to this country and sheinelle, as you may know, the population here of cuban-americans just here in the greater miami area, about 1.2 million. so, it is a huge population, and as you can see behind me, hundreds upon hundreds of them out here tonight or today celebrating. >> thank you.
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>> 1.2 million. nbc's kerry sanders. thank you. let's bring in congressman charles rangel who joins me on the phone. thank you for calling in. >> good to be with you. >> you met fidel castro when he visited your district back in 1995. who was your impression? >> and also in 1960 >> you were in law school at that time? when he first came to new york in 1960. >> yes, but i was working at the hotel where he was a guest, and also, i met with him a half a dozen times in cuba. >> talk to me about your impression of him. >> well, it depends on whether you're in cuba or in little havana. i'm quite certain that they're not celebrating his death in cuba, as he brought health care and he got rid of batista a he was able to make literacy a part
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of the cuban government. and let's face it. a lot of people fled cuba to get to the united states, they weren't fleeing castro. they wanted to get to the united states of america. and many of them were fleeing batista when he led. and so today, there are a lot of young people that hope that they can return to cuba under raul castro, who certainly had far more reform ideas than his brother, fidel. but you know, now that we are supporting -- relaxing the embargo, now that cuba is now a member of the organization of american states, now that we have -- the only country out of the 50 in this hemisphere that's not a democracy, and we should really be helping them become a democracy with free trade and culture and exchange programs.
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>> congressman, i want to pick up on something because i talked to a lot of people over the day. you're the only person that i've talked to that really had the opportunity to be around him. we're looking at pictures of him but you were in his presence. what was it like to be around him? what was he like? >> well, hardly ever see him when hisouth wasn't moving and telling a story. you couldn't have a conversation with him that didn't last two or three hours. he was humorous but he was serious, and it's true that people paid a hard price for their independence from batista, but it was no question that he brought a sense of equality with all the people in cuba. you know, the interesting thing that i have found, and i visited miami a lot, is that the younger people don't have the same feeling of bitterness towards fidel. and they really want to improve our relationship, and they would
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like to go back to cuba to visit. but everyone wants to get to america. when i hear some of you people say, oh, they fled with everything they had. well, a whole lot of people from all over the world flee whatever they got because america gives better hopes and dreams and aspirations. but you know, fidel castro was -- when he overthrew batista and of course -- but embargoes don't work. the people in cuba love us, and we love the people of cuba. and this is a perfect time to forget what happened 60 years ago and join with the rest of the hemisphere and welcome cuba into the conference of democracies that we have here. >> you did mention this past march you travelled to cuba with president obama. looking forward, what do you
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expect from president-elect trump in terms of cuban policy. >> unfortunately, donald doesn't have any thoughts of his own that are helpful. the amount of exports that we would have if we move all of the embargoes, the fact that we would have a hospitality people investing in hotels, as europeans are. that's a great opportunity to improve the quality of life for the cuban people as well as for american exporters. so, i hope someone talks with him beyond little havana older people and it's a great opportunity for america to solidify the democracies we have in this hemisphere. >> we've had quite a variety of opinions on the show today. congressman charles rangel, thank you for calling in today. >> have a great today. >> you too. the way forward in u.s./cuba relss, is this a new beginning and what will it mean for cubans here and there? ♪
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what will it mean for cubans here and there? els, is this a n and what will it mean for cubans here and there? as, is this a ne and what will it mean for cubans here and there? tions, is this a beginning and what will it mean for cubans here and there? see ya next year. this season, start a new tradition. experience the power of infiniti now, with leases starting at $319 a month. infiniti. empower the drive.
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miami's little havana neighborhood has been scene of celebration since news broke late last night about fidel castro's death. the paper chronicling reaction in miami and providing perspective on what his death means. joining me now is molly hooper, congressional reporter for the hill and politics reporteder for the "los angeles times." molly, let's start with you. several cuban-americans lawmakers today backing trump's vow to roll back obama's kpoef orders. what would that process even look like? >> apparently it's fairly easy. essentially, he just had to check the box and undo what president obama has done. right now, there's commercial flights that are taking place going from the united states to cuba for, you know, not necessarily for tourism but for official family visits and things like that. president-elect trump can come in and say, we're no longer doing that. he can rescind a lot of the
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regulations that the regulatory agreements that president obama has made with the cubans until and unless -- and this is what mike pence said during the election, toward the end of the election, until and unless real political and religious freedom takes place. >> what's your take on this? do you think castro's death will motivate trump to follow through on that campaign promise, especially as he starts to learn about the impact obama's orders are having. >> he certainly -- this was a major point of difference during the campaign. donald trump pointed to normalizing relss with cuba as another example o of president obama's foreign policy but he gave away the store and didn't get anything in return so i'd be surprised if we didn't see him continue down this path. the one question i do have, a lot of american corporations have started building infrastructure for tourism, that kind of thing, how do you unravel that and i wonder if he'll be under pressure from the business community to say we've already made investments here. >> that's a great point. i was just reading articles today. there's so in investment opportunities and they've already started. they're thinking the businessman
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in you, please don't do this. we'll have to see. molly, turning now to the trump transition team, fighting over romney versus trump for secretary of state. what are you hearing about the chances mitt romney will apologize to donald trump? there are so many people who are saying that he needs to apologize for some of the things they said during the campaign, and is there any precedent for such an apology? >> actually, i haven't heard a lot about -- a lot of whether or not trump will actually demand this apology or whether romney will take him up on the offer -- or the offer, the only thing i know is that it will be very difficult to move giuliani through the confirmation process up on capitol hill given that you've already had a republican in rand paul say that he would oppose such a nomination. so, trump really needs to decide what he wanted -- which battles he wants to pick early in his administration, and you know, if mitt romney is a, you know, a statesman who could sail through, then perhaps it's worth it to appoint him and have
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somebody, you know, who was previously an enemy under his wing and very close by. >> versus giuliani. i heard myself say trump, by the way. before we let you go, i want your reaction to the post by the clinton campaign council, saying the campaign will participate in recount efforts in wisconsin now that jill stein essentially got the ball rolling. what does that signal to you? >> i mean, i don't think that they expect the results of the election to change. i mean, if they really thought they had a chance, they would have taken the lead on this. seems like more they're going along with it because they feel like if this recount is going to happen, they should have people on the ground to make sure their interests are represented but i don't think anybody in the campaign truly believes that they're going to flip and she's going to be president next week or whatever. >> molly, would you agree? >> yes, i would. it's unrealistic to think it's going to flip quickly like that. and you know, there's been a lot of questions about why jill stein is doing this and raising all this money that might not necessarily go towards the recount.
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so, i've heard democrats say, why doesn't she -- why don't they use their money to ask for these recounts instead, move it toward the senate race in louisiana where they could see an -- a real outcome in winning one more seat for the democrats in the senate. >> have to leave it there. thank you for talking with me today. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> presidential reaction, the clear difference on how barack obama and donald trump responded to the death of fidel castro. attention: are you eligible for medicare? the medicare enrollment deadline is just a few days away. changes to medicare plans could impact your healthcare costs. are you getting all the benefits available to you? new plans are now available that could increase your benefits and lower how much you pay out of pocket. to update your coverage- or enroll for the first time -- call healthmarkets. we'll help you make sure you have the right medicare plan. hi, i'm doctor martin gizzi. it's a new medicare year. that means more changes... and more confusion. here's what i tell my patients... start by asking ...
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little havana in miami this hour, the celebration as you see here continues. we are following events there all day long here on msnbc. for reaction, i want to bring in raul raez. i want to get your reaction by the current president and president-elect. president obama says, during our
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presidency, we have worked hard to put the past behind us, pursuing a future in which the relationship between our two countries is not defined not by our differences but the many things we share as neighbors and friends. the cuban people must know they have a friend and patter in in the united states of america." donald trump initially releasing a tweet then this statement, "fidel castro's legacy is one of firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty and the deniable of fundamental human rights. he goes on to say, our administration will do all it can to ensure the cuban people can finally begin their journey toward prosperity and liberty." admiral, a different tone here. does the president-elect statement signal he plans to make good on his plan to roll back executive actions? >> certainly seems like it. as i said earlier, it's a tale of two reactions. in miami it's certainly "go with
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the devil." in havana, we have to square that as we go forward. you are seeing two policies in real opposition here. only one person is president at a time. i'd say look for pretty harsh reaction out of the trump administration. >> weren't we just talking about that? what is your take on this way forward? >> i found it interesting in president obama's statement, his reaction, he did not condemn the castro administration or regime, nor dide approve it. it seemed very measured and neutral, maybe to give the trump administration as much room to do what they want to do. i thought as we were talking earlier, it was so interesting some of the cuban american law makers long considered the hardliners, senator marco rubio, they have not yet called for a reversal of the obama administration's cuban policy.
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we are seeing calls for the u.s. government to be tougher on the regime, to push for givebacks on human rights, freedom of the press, freedom of religion. i think it's significant they haven't called for undoing it. part is because of the immense commercial pressure the incoming administration will face. the airlines, the travel industry, the hotel industries, they want to be in cuba. it's so close. many americans are fascinated by it. there is a big demand for travel. so the corporations are starting to weigh in. they want us to stay there. when we see all these people in havana literally celebrating, i know a lot of the correspondents have been asking why are you out on the street? i want to let your viewers know, we have a cuban american contributor who wrote an essay called "in the united states, we rebuild what fidel destroyed." she talks about how in the cuban american community, the outpouring of emotion is not
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just the celebration of someone's death, it's the end of the era, expression of all the hopes of their grandparents, people who did not live to see this day. >> if you go to nbc, it's right there? >> nbc and i retweeted it out. >> what is your take? can this be a new beginning with castro's brother still if power until 2018 when he promised to step down? >> i think raul is making a nice distinction between the economic side of this piece and the geopolitical human rights side of it. i think unfortunately as long as raul is in power -- this is a long-lived family, the older brother passed away at 91 earlier this year. i think raul has a few more years left in him. i don't see big geopolitical changes. what is interesting to note, as you look around the region, this does pose a challenge for
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regimes like venezuela, nicaragua, bolivia, other countries in the region that staked themselves on the revolutionary spirit. over time, the best way to achieve what we all want is to open up cuba, open up its economy. i'm hopeful over time that's what's going to happen. >> i was interested in what you had to say about that. >> that is a flip side we haven't been thinking about. the last few decades, the castro regime, he's been the godfather in latin america or the mentor to this new generation of leaders across south america. hugo chavez in venezuela, in boliva. he has nurtured them. he's been a counterweight against these countries. we'll see a shifting there. >> admiral, you were both in opposition to fidel castro, i'm going to leave with you the last word. talk about that and your
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thoughts going forward. >> certainly, we have been in direct opposition to fidel castro for decades, but it's time in my view, to crack this thing open. we ought to try to use the death of castro as an opportunity to get more engaged with cuba. >> i've got to wrap. >> that's tough for the cuban americans. >> thanks. that wraps up our live coverage now. we'll keep an eye on the celebration in miami. i'm sheinelle jones, have a good day. so when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day? aleve, live whole not part. painter: you want this color over the whole house?
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